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MINi1TES of t6e 16th meeNng of the Commtttee of AdJwtment held la the Comm(ttee
Room of t6e Plckering Civic Comple: on Wedoesdry, November 19,1997.
PRESENT.• Mr. C. Young, C6airman
Mr. N. DlLecce
Mr. S. Smith
Mr. P. White
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, Assistant Secretpry-Treaaurer
Mn. F. Niro, Secretaty-Treaaurer (Acting)
The meeting conveoed at 7:05 p.m. ln the Main Committee Room of t6e Civic Comple:.
There were no m9tters prising trom t6e minutea.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. White, eeconded by Mr. D1Lecce and carried unaoimously -
That Ihe minuta ot t6e ISth meeiing of t6e Commitfee ot Adjuatment held
October 29,1997, be adopted.
3. P/CA 34/97 - Council otlslamic Guidauce
South Part ot Lat 30, Concesaion 3
rL�o kuowo 510 Concesalon 3 RoAd
Town of Plckering
The ppplicant requesta relief trom Sectton 5(5)(b)(iz) ot amending Bylaw 2675/88, turther
ameuded by By-law 4354/93, to By-law 3037 to permit the establi�hment ot p masimum
groae ftoor area ot 549.8 equare metra to be provided by t6e eitattng building aod a
proposed additloo on t6e aubject property, w6ereaa t6e zontog by-lew permita a ma:imum
groas Iioor area ot500 aquAre metres.
T6e appllcant requeeta approvwl of thW vartaoce lo order ta obtain p building permit to
convert an exi�Hng attached garoge etructure to eupport a propoaed kitchen aod propoeed
tuneral eervices area.
The AeaGtent Secretary-Treaaurer outitned commenta received from the Town of Pickeriog
Plaoning Department rnd the Durham Region Healfh Department.
Mr. Zrheer Heg, ageot, wae preaent !o reprenent the �ppllcrNon. Al�o present was
Mr. Hanm Bae6eer in (rvour otthe rpplicetlon.
� �.
Mr. Beg advbed t6e Committeo thwf pn enQineen report wan forwarded to t6e Dur6om
Region Health Department. Mr. BeQ �toted Ihqt 16e engineen repart eubmilted to
Mr, Krrl K1protY indicpfed that the eilitin� iepHc tank would be iuHicient to
accommodpte the nJdittooal uae. Mr. BeQ feeb that according to 1he Durhwm Reg(on
Hed16 Depprlmente origiaol letter dwted May 8, 1997, they have eatiatied all requlremeab
A�ked by 16e Healfh Depertment and he a�kcd that the Committee make a Jeciafop thla
evening mt6er than to table the applleptton for 6 month�.
Mr. Youag rdvieed Mr. Deg that tabline t6e ppplicatton Ii oaly tde Planning Departmenta
recommendatioa and not a deciaion. Mr. Cole advLed Ihe Committee that lhe Heallh
Deportment did receive an eaginecn repor: but did oot hnve Amplc time to rcview t6c
report prior to thi� cvenings meeting and tdey abo iadicated that they had aome concerna,
Mr. fiaaheer aaked tor clerificatton ai to the num6er of qmca an application is permttled lo
go before ihe Comroittee.
Mr. DiLecce alated that they have not received approval from the llealih DepeHment and
that it would be premature to make a decUlon without their comments.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Smitb, aeconded by Mr. DlLeccc and carrlcd unanimously the!-
ihat Mlnor Variance ApplicaHon P/CA 34/97 be TAULED for six mont6s.
4. P/CA 54/97 - Albis Crnada Inc.
Part of Lot 30, Plan M-10a0
al�o known as 8S0 McKay Road
Town of Pickering
The opplicant requcsta rcitet from the followfng provistona of Dy-lew 2511, as amended by
Bylaw 61/74:
Sec!ton to permit the eatabli�hment of a minimum ot 46 parking spaccs to be
provided on Ihe aubject afte, wherea� the zoning bylaw requires a minimum of 125 parking
speces be provided fo accommodate t6e esi�lin� 6951.5 aquere metre induslriel building
(based on a parking rolio of I apace per 56 �quare melrea at building gross iloor arca);
Secltoo 5.:1.2(a) to permit a ma:imum of 52.1% (24) of the minimum 46 proposed parking
epace� to be located in the tront yard ot the �ubject property, whercas the zoning by-law
permita a ma:imum of 20% of the total required parklog apaces to be located in the front
yard of the aubject property.
The A�siatnnt Sccretcry-Tr_asurer outl(ncd commeats received Gom the Town of Pickcring
Pienning Depertment.
Mr. Darry Shama, General Mana�,er of Albi� Canada Inc. and Ms. Sonya Sermetiuk werc
praeot to repreacnt the application. No furt6er representotion waa present in fevour of or
in obfecfton to the Application. Mr. Shama afAted 16At he concurred with lhe Planning
Department'e recommendnHon.
Mr. Whtte peked tor claritication regarding tde propo�ed future parking epocca indicwted
0o the appl(cant'e eubmitted plao. Me. Sarm�Huk responded thel Ihere will not be any
future parking epacea aa indicated on the plane.
�. ,
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Smith, eecouded by Mr. Whlle �od corried unanimouily that-
thu rpplicallon P/CA 54/97, by AIb� Canada Inc., �s outlined, be APPROVF.D on the
grounde 16ot t6e propoaed varirncc to permit o minimum ot 46 porking epacet on Ihe
property and t6e propoaed vpriAnce lo perroit a ma:lmum ot 52.2% of lhe lotal requfrcd
pArking epacn to be located in the tront yard ot the iubject propeHy are minor in nature,
de�inblc tor the apprapriate development of t6e IAnd and in kecpiog wit6 !he genernl
intcnt and purpose of the Official Plan and Section and 5.21.2(a) ot Dy-law 2511, ae
amended by By-Isw 61/74, eubject to the followinQ condiflonr
l. ThAt lhese variances apply only to t6e �ubJect propeHy supporting the eiisting
6951.5 square metre buildia� and miaimum �t6 parWng spece� as generally
illustratad on fhe plane aubmitted wtth thi� applicafion;
2. T6at a ma:imum of 24 perking apacei bc permitted in the front yard of the aubject
3. That the applicant obtain atte plan approval and a buildtng permit for the proposed
developmcnt as gcncrally outlined on ihe plpni aubmitled wilh fhis applicaUon,
wit6in hvo yeara ot l6e datc oCihii decblon, or ihe approvel of Ihcse variances shall
become aul) and void.
5. P/CA 85/97 - Invar DuflJing Corporation
Part Lot 18, Renge 3
also known ae 1840 Clements Road
Town ot Pickering
The applicant requcel� rellet from Section 3.21.f.3 of Uy�irw 2511, a� amendcd, to permit a
total of 200 parWng �pacee to be providcd on Ihe iubjcct aite, whereaa the bylew requires a
minimum ot 324 parking apacci to be provideJ on the iubject silc to accommodatc tMc
existing building and propo�ed additional iloor �pacc.
The applicant has requestcJ ihi� vartance to bring Ihc exiating and praposed parking spacc
oumben into compliancc wilh ihc zoning by-lew.
The A�sistant Secrctary-Trcasurer ouqincJ commenb received from the Town of Pickering
Planding Departmenf.
Mr. Nugh Magennis, Vice Preatdent ot Invar Buflding Corporation, was prescnt to
represent the eppl[ceUon. No (urther rcpresentation was �iresent in favour ot or in
objeclion to the application. Mr. Magennie outlined rensons for ihe reduccd parl�ing
apaces. He alao ataled ihat he telt ihet lhe two year Omt trnme recommendcd by the
Planaing Department wa� not aufticlent time in ordcr to obtain sile pian approval and a
building permit. He s�ked ihat lhe Committee consider changing thc Hme period to givc
him addittonel Nme to meet theae requirementa.
Mr. Smit6 esked Mr. Cole to clarity for him the Planning Departmcnl's rationale for
imposing a time frame on a variancc applicallon. Mr. Cole oulilned reasooa for imposing e
time irame end advieed 16e Committee thAt the two yearo is only a recommendation and
may be changed to ellow additioaal time for the applicnut.
DECISION: Moved by M1ir. DlLecce, �econded by Mr. Smit6 and c�rr(ed unanimowly
IhL+ rpplication P/CA 85/97, by InvAr Duilding CorporeHon, ay oullincd, be APPROVED
on the groundi l6at the propoeed variancc to permit a tntal 122 parking epaca to serve lhe
e:Lvftog 9294 aquare metre bulld(oQ And to permit 200 parking apaca to aerve 16e
eipaoded 18135 aquare metre indu�triai build(nQ on the property are minor in nAture,
deairable tor the approprlate development of ihe lopd ond in keeping with Ihe general
inteot and purpoae of the O[licial Plan anJ Section ot By-law 2511, aa amenJeJ,
aubject to the following conditione:
1. That thia variance appiy only to idc e:iiting 9294 square metre buildiog, ead to the
8841 equare metre addiHon A� generally Illu�trafed on t6e plane aubmitted with thi�
2. Thet the epplicant obtain eite plan approval and A building permit for ihc proposed
development a� generally outlined on tde plant �ubmitted with th(a applicatian, and
commence con�trucfion on ihe 8841 �quere mctre additton wifhin four yean of the
date ot thie decision, or the approval ot the varfance to permit 100 parking apacea
aeaoclated with IMe e:panded 18135 equare melre building shall become null and
6. P/CA 86/97 - Pickcring Islamic Cenlre
South PaM of Lot 18, Concc»fon 2
also known Aa 1105 Drock RooJ
'Pown of Plckcring
The applicunt requcata relief from fhe toilowing provl�loni of Dy-law 3036, as amendcd:
Seclion 5.15 to permit the conttnuence of a minimum iouth �ide yard w(dth of 6.1 melrca,
whereaa ihe zoning bylaw requtrci a minlmum cide yard wldih ot 7.5 metres;
SecHon 6.7 to permit the continuence ot o minimum lot area ot 0.38 of a hectare, whercas
the zoning bylaw requirca a minimum lal arca of 0.5 of a hectare for church or place of
religioua asaembly usea.
The appl(cant hea submitted t6t� applicallon for variwncca from the eide yard widlh and lot
area requirementa of the zoning bylaw �o ihet a building permit may be issucd for intemal
reoovrtioee to the buildtng on the properly.
The A�sistaot Secretary-Tressurer outlined commenta received from the Town ot Pickcring
Planoing Department and the Durham Region Flealth Depertment. Mr. Colc adJcd tMet a
Letter of Acknowledgment w�as a!gned anJ entered into on November 18ih, iherefors,
cooditton number 3 as recomn�eoded on ihe report from the Planning Deparlment hns
been aetis0ed.
Mr. Syed, agent, wae present fo represent the appllcaHan. Also present e�ere
Mr. R. Aneori, Mr. J. Salam, iVlr. K. Qureahi and nuroerous residents, ell in favour ol lhe
appllcatioo. Me. Cora T::mino of Calora Investmenfa was present eipreasing eomc
Mr, 5ye�i Ind(cated ihal hu was in agreemcnt with the Planntng DcpAHmenNa
Ma. Tumino repreeent� Crlora Inveatmeab who owaa landi �urrounding Ihe subject
properfy. M�. Tumino outllaed aeveral concera� Including pwrking acceie, concerne ot 16e
rlght-of•way indicated oo Ihc Appllcant'� Subroitted PIAn qnd Ihe propoaed Impact Ih6
miaor vsriancc rosy dove on t6e DuiTin'� Precinct Quldlina.
Mr. W6ite advi�ed Mi. Tumino thAt t6e Committee U lhere to deal witd the minor variadce
only and any concerna regarding rlght•of•way� or poricing accea� might be dfacuaeed in a
more approprirle forum. Ma. Tumino rciponded that Ihe Committec ehould look At all
theae is�ua before meking A dec�lon.
Mr. Cole ndvUed Ms. Tumino t6at the propoicd use b permittcd by the zoning by-law and
t6e Otticiai Plon, lie also etNted U�a! fhe variance i� for a S year period only and t6c
epplicapts will 6ave to enter into a eitc plan agreement and any parking and lendacaping
issues will be addreastd at thwt time.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Smith end carricd unanimously ihat-
ihis appUcatton P/CA 86/97, by Pickcring lalamic Centrc, a� outlincd, bc APPROVED on
the ground� that the propoaed varlance� to permit a �outh aide yerd widlh of 6.1 metres to
be provided by an exleting buildfoe on t6e property, and to permit Ihc existing praperty
arca of 0.38 of a heclare are minor in aeturc, dairoble for the appropriatc devclopment ot
the IenJ and in keeping wilh the general purpoae and intcnt of Ihe Oflicial Plan and
Section� 5.15 and 6.7 ot Dylow 3036, aubJect to ihe following conditlons:
1. That iheee variancea appiy only to the 6.1 mctre soulh atde yard wldth proviJcd by
the exteNng building on Ihc property anJ lo the 0.38 of a hectare arca of thc
property when tlie property ia uaed for a church or placc of rcllgiou� assembly;
2. That thcac veriwnces he approved for o perioJ of live ycan, and thc approval of
thcae variancce ehall become null And voiJ at midnight on Novembcr 19, 2002;
3. Tdat the approval of theae variancci doei not comc into effcct until auch Hme as the
applicanle have entered into the Leltcr of Acknowledgment to ihc satlsfaction of thc
7. P/CA 87/97 - Diamond Swau Vcntures CorporoNon
Lots 24, 25 & Part Lote 21,22,23,26,27,28,
Dlocka E& I, & Part Diock D, Plsn M-1040
aiso known as 1845 Clementa Road
Town ot P(ckering
The applicant requesta re0ef trom Section 18.3.4 of Dy-law 2511, as ameoded by
By-Iawa 3589/90 and 4A07/96, to permit t6e estabitsdment of a maximum aggrcgafe gross
leaaable Ooor z-c: im• All reataurants Type-A on the aubject property of 631 aquare metres,
whereaa the.uning U�•law currenlly restriMa the masimum aggregafe gross leaeablc tloor
area for all re�',aurun': Type-A on the eubJect p,-operty !0 407 aquare metres.
The Aa�iatant Secretaty-Trea�urcr Qutlined commeole reccived from the Town of Plckering
Planning Department.
Mr. Mlc6ael And�Ighetti, agent, waa preaent to reprcecnt the appiication. No Porther
representatlon was praent in fevour of or (n objectlon to the applicaNnn, Mr. Andriqhettl
�tAted Ihat 6e concurred wilh the Planning DepprtmcnNa recommendatlon.
, 90
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DECIS[ON: Moved by Mr. Smith, uconded by Mr. DiLecce and carrtcd un�nimoudy
thG applicalion P/CA 87/97, by Diamond Swan Venture� Corpor�tton, aa outlined, be
APPROVED oo t6e grounde tdat the propoud vrrfonce to permtt w maxiar.um rggregAte
grosi leA�able floor prea for �U re�t�unab TyprA on the �uhJect property b minor la
n�ture, dainble for Ihe appropri�te dcvelopment of Ihe laod and In keeping wlth the
general intent and purpoae of the O(ticiol Plrn and Section 18.3.4 of Dy-law 2511, af
Amended by By-laws 3589/90 aod 4807/96, iubject fo the fuilowinQ cond(Non:
1. That lhi� variance apply ov�v to ide iubject property aupporfing A ma:imuro
rggregate gro�a lea�pble Ooor Area of all reitauranta Type-A ot 631 �quare metrea
located wlthin building un(t� Benerally located at the aouth-west comcr ot
Clementa Road and Squiret Beach Road ai generally tllustrated on the plans
aubmitted wtth thls applicaUon.
M1ir. Young tdanked all Committee momben and Planning Steft for thcir contribution on
l6e Committee during their term.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Smtth, anJ �econded by Mr. DlLecce and carricd unanimously
Tde 16th meeNng otthe Committee af AJju�tment be AdJourned at 8:35 p.m.
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