HomeMy WebLinkAboutJan. 21, 1998�
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MINUTES ot t6e lat meetiog of t6e Comm(ttee ot Adjuatmeat 6eld in the Committee Room
of Ihe Pickering Civic Complei on Wedneadey, Januery 21,1996.
PRESENT.• Mr. C. YounQ, Chairman
Mr. M. liolland
Ma R.Jo6naon
Mr. P. White
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, Aeai�tant Secretary•Trea�urer
Mro. F. Nlro, Secretary-Treasurer (Actlng)
T6e meeting convened at 7:00 p,m. in the Main Committee Room of 16e Civic Comple:.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. White aod �econded by Mr. Holland and carried unaoimou�ly
iMAI -
Mr. Cpri Youog be appointeJ C6Alrpenon of Ihe Town of Ptckering Committcc of
Adju�tment, and that Mr. Paul W6ite 6e appotnted Alteroale Chairperoon.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. While and ucoaded by Mr. Jodneon and carried unanimou�ly
the Meetfng Schedule tor 1998, be adopted.
T6ere were no mattero arL�ing from the minuta.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, eeconded by Mr. Wh(te and carrfed unanimoualy -
That the minute� ot the 16th meeting ot the Comroittee ot Adjustmeat held
November 19,1997, be adopted.
S. P/CA 1/98 • D. & J. Vetter
Prrt Lot 35, Pl�n 330
�I�o known �e 543 Plne Ridge Road
Town otPlckcring
T6e rppdcsab rcquest relief from Sectlon 5.19(d) o[ By-law 1511, �e amended by
By-Iqw 2839/88, to permit the eahblbhment of a minimum 1.22 metre eouth eide yrrd
width to 6e provided by A proposed attached grrage oq t6e eubject property, w6ereAa t6e
zon(ng bylaw requires minimum eide yard widl6e ot 1.8 metres to be provided where pn
attAC6ed qprage eiUta on thc lot.
T6e opplicanfa request approval o[ t6is vartance in order to obtain a buildtog permit to
conatruct a detached re�idenNal dwelling with ao attached garage on a future lot aevered
from the eubject property.
The Aeaietant Secretary-Treaaurer oullined commeote received tram the Town ot Plekerfng
PIA��IOQ DepArtmenf, Public Works DepArtment And commenW recelved [rom
R& P. Fosall ot551 Pine Ridge Rood.
Mr. Charlie Owen, waa preaent to represent Ihe appllcation. Also present wae
M.r. Cua Kalamoriaa, to favour of t6e applicaHon.
...r. Owen etpted fhat the reduced eide yard ts required to increase the width of the foyer ot
t6e propoaed dweiling. The dwelling t6ey propoae lo build will be epprozimately
3600 aquere teet.
Mr. KqlAmarlAa etwted that the aubject property h�e a SO toot fronfage and that a larger
home would look more appropripte oo t6e lot. The reduced efde yard would ooly affecf ihe
aouth wall o( the garoge aod oot the enNre dwelliog.
Mr. Whlfe Aeked ihe appllcaot tor reaaoos w!o why he could oot comply with lhe zoning
bylaw requirements. Mr. Owen replied it w�a at the requeet of the purchaser to
Accommodote a wider foyer.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. W6ite, aeconded by Mr. Hollaod and caMed unanimausly
thia applicatton P/CA 1l98, by D. & J. Vefter, aa outlined, be ItEFUSED oo the grounda
t6at t6e prapoaed minimum 1.22 metre eout6 elde yard w(dth vartance is major in nature,
inAppropriate tor the de�iroble development ot tde land, And not in keeping witd the
genenl Intent and purpose of the Zoning By-low. A dwell(ng has not yet 6een con�tructed
on the aevered lot and one may be con�tructed to meet the requirementa of the zoning
6. P/CA 2l98 - S. & P. Lula
Lot 22, Plwo 434
alao known ps 105 Woodvlew Drive
TowootPickedng •
The opplic�nh nquat relief from Section S.18(d) ot By-law 3036 to permit t6e
ptn611ahment of in euat eide yArd width ot 1.2 metrca, w6ereaa ihe zontng byI�w rcquira
minimnm dde yard wldt6� of 1.8 metrea.
T6e �ppUc�nU requat ppproval a(t61� vorirnce in order to abtpto a building permit for ■
gange and liv[ag �pace addlNon to the e:�ting dwelling o016e property w61ch would be
louted clour to t6e eat dde lot Ilne th�n b permitted by t6e zooing by-law.
The Aeaistont SaretAry-Treaeurer outlined commenta received from Ide Town ot Pickering
Pl�nning DepoHmeot, Public Worke Department, Durham Reglon Health Departroeut Aod
Ihe Metropolitan Toronto �nd Region Coneervrtion Aut6ority. Wrltten commenta were
aLto received by N. & D. Aneneou o[223 Kendalwood Rord.
Mr. Jonrt6rn Sprawson, ageat, was preaent to repreaent t6e epplicaHon. Mr. & Mn. Lula
were Aleo preaent in favour of the application.
Mr. Spmwaon outlined reseons os to w6y the garage addition would 6e located oo t6e alde
of t6e e:�iting dwelling and not in t6e front or rear ot t6e property. He added that t6e
garage on the side would be in keeping wtth the character of the atreet. T6e e:I�ting 6ome
i� conetructed aimilar to a log cabin and removIng parts of t6e 6ome would be dimcult.
Mr. Spnweon approached the Committee with illuatratione of ihe eiisting home and t6e
propoeed additioa. A letter wa� aubmitted with eignatures from nelghbouring reaidenta
indicating t6elr eupport otthe proposed project.
Mr. & Mro. Lula added that t6ey were tryiog to ac6leve a unique appcurance by placing
the garage on the aide otthe home and atill mrintain the conformity oq the sircet.
Mr. W6ite paked t6e appilcanta if t6ere were aqy present dretnege probieme. Mr. Lula
replied t6at they will be counecting to atorm aewero at the Nroe ot construction aud thet
would allevtate any dninage problema.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johoson, eecooded by Mr. Holland aod carried unnnimausly
thie appNcatlon P/CA 2/98, by S. & P. Lula, Aa outUned, be APPROVED on the grounds
t6pt the addition ppptAn ta be a propetiy improvemeot and that ihe propo�ed minimum
1.2 metre eaat aide yard widt6 vrdance L minor in oature, appropriote for the desirable
development of l6e land, ond in ketpiog with t6e general intent and purpose ot the O�c(al
Plan and the Zoning By-Irw eubJect to ihe following conditlon:
1. That any drnlnage and gnding Isauea be addreaaed by the Public Works
DepArtmeot And fultilled to their aafiafactton.
7. P/CA 3/98 - C. & D. PAloter
Part Lot 13 & I5, Plan 43, Port Lot 18, Cooceaalon 8
al�o known aa 1722 VlctoriA Street
(HAmlet of Ciaremont)
Town of Pickeriog
Tha applicants request relief from the following provUiona o[ Section B.2.1 0[ By-IAw 3037,
Aa amended:
a) To permit ihe continuaoce of ao eii�ting lot area ot 1041 aquore metrra, whereAS the
zaning by-law requirea a mtnlmum lot area of 1390 aqupre metrea;
b) To permit ihe continuance of e:inting front and rear yarrl depihs of 8.9 metrea
provided by Ihe exleting dwelling on 16e lot, whereae the zoning by-Irw requirea
miuimum front pnd rar yard dept6e of 9.0 roetree;
c) To permit t6e eatabliehmeot ot an 8.9 metre front yard dept6 fo be provided by a
propoaed �ddition to the e:bHng aoHh aide of the dwelling on Ihc lot.
The �ppllcanu nquest �pproval ot thne varirnca (n ordcr to bring t6e e:ut(ng property
area and 16e front and rcsr yard depthe provlded by tde esGtinQ dwelling into compli�aa
with the zoning byI�w, and to allow a buildlag permlt to be baued for An �ddition to the
e:leHng dwel8ng w6ich providea the ume 8.9 metre front yard depld u the e:uf(ng
The Assbtrnt Secretary-TreA�urcr oull(ned commeota rece[ved from t6e Town o[ Pickedng
Planning Department and t6e Durham Regton Healtd Department.
Mr. Er(c Wtotcrotein, egent, waa preaent to repreaent the application. No furlher
repreaentption wat preaent in favour of or in objection to the applicatlon. Mr. Wintentein
tdvieed ihe Committee the! ihe exl�ting 6ome G amali and the ownero require additional
apACe. The addltion would be an eitensfon of an already eii�ting ettuation.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Jo6neoo, aeconded by Mr. Holland and carr(ed unanimouely
thi� applicatton P/CA 3/98, by C. & D. Paioter, aa outliued, be APPROVED oo the grounds
thrt t6e propoaed 1041 equare metre lot aree, 8.9 metre rear yerd depth and 8.9 metre
troot yArd depth varlancea for t6e e:t�itog dwelling And t6e addifion is minor in oafurc,
deairable tor the approprlate development of t6e land, and in keeping w(th t6e geoeral
purpoae and intent of t6e o(ticial plrn and the zoaing bylaw, aubject to thc following
1. That the 8.9 metre tront and reAr yard dcpth variaaces apply only to the dweiling
In c:i�tence on the eubject property on the date of this decision, and to the
addition A� identitied an the plAqa circulatcd with thls application.
2. That the appllcants obtain � buildtog permit and conatruct the addttion on Ihe
north atde of the e:i�ttng dwelling oo Ihe property wlihin hvo yeara of the date of
thfs decLtlon, or the rpprovol of the tront yarJ dept6 vortance for the additlon
ahall become null and vold.
8. P/CA 4/98 • E. & D. Wtotentein
Lot 46, Plan 43
plso known as 1752 Weilingtoo Street
(Hamlet of Claremont)
Towa of P(ckering
T6e appltcanta requeat rellet trom the following provi�tona ot By-law 3037, a� amended:
Section 8.2.1, to permit f6e cantinuonce of an eii�tin� lot area of 930 aquare metres and pn
e:�ting lot frontage ot 18.8 metrea, w6ereas the zoning bylaw requtres n minimum lot area
of 1390 aqupre metrcs and a minimum lot frontage ot22 metres;
Section 8.1.1 to permit the cooHnuance of e:isNng tront yard dept6a ot 2.1 metres
meaeured to the e�Hng dwelling and 0.7 of a metre meaeured to ao e:L�dng porch at the
front of t6e dwelling, and to permit the eetrblt+hment ot a front yard depth ot 5.9 metra
meaaured to p proposed new AddiHon on the west eidc of the e:i�ting dwell(ng, whercas the
zonfng by-law requirea a minimum Gont yard depth of 9.0 metrca;
SecHon 5.2.1 to permtt the conNnuonce of e:i�Hng Ilankage atde yord widtha o[ 0.2 ot �
metn and 1.3 metree mereureJ to t6e e:leting dweliing, whereea the zooiog byIrw
nqulra r minimum fiankage eide yonl widtd ot 4.S metres;
SaHon S.�B�II� i0 p!1'MI� tllE COOiI�IlYOC! 0� i fIl�9CIltli gMl'ig! IOCiild O.4 ot � metre hnm
t6e oorth properly Ilne and 0.3 ot s mefre from the eaet property Iine, whereu the zoning
by-I�w requirta t6ie acceaaory etructure to be loc�ted a mintmum of 1.0 metre Gom all
property lina.
T6e appBcaote rcqueat �pprovrl ot tdeee v�Hrncca In order to bring the esGt(ag property
arca �nd frootrge, and the eileting building location elturtioaa info compliaoce wtth t6e
zoning by-i�w, ond to oliow � building permit to be iaaued for An pddition fo t6e e:leting
T6e A+eistant Secretrry-Trewurer outlined commenb received from the Towa of Plckering
Planoing DepArfinent aod the Durhom Regton Health Depertment
Mr. Er1c Wintentein, owner, waa preaent to repraent tde applicAtlon. No fuHher
representaHon was prcaent in tavour of or in objecHon to t6e Applicatioo. Mr. Winterolein
indlcated the rea�on for the reduced trout yqrd depth i� to provlde additlonal epace to an
old aod very emoll home by adding on addltion to the weat atde of the dwelling.
DECIS[ON: Moved by Mr. Jo6nsou, aeconded by Mr. White aod csrr(ed unanimoualy
161e application PlCA 4/98, by E. & D. Wintentetn, ae outlined, be APPROVED on t6e
grounda that t6e propoaed addttion would maintatn the c6aracter ot t6e community of
Ciaremont and thot t6e propoeed 930 aquare metre lot area,18.8 metre lot Gontage, 0.7 ot
a metre, 2.1 metre and 5.9 metre front yard depth, 0.2 ot a metre and 1.3 metre (lankage
aide yard w(dth, and the aetbacics ottde receeaary gorage 0.4 otA metre from the oorth lot
Iine and 0.3 ot A mefre Gom Ihe eaet lot I(ne are minor in nefure, desirable for the
Approprlate development otihe land, and ip keeping wtlh the geoeral purpose and Intent o(
the Otticial Plan And the Zoning HyIrw, aubject to 16e follorving condittons:
1. That All of 16e froot y�rd dept6, (laniuge �iJe yard widih and accesaory afructure
eetback vrriaoces �pply ooly to the dwell(ng ioJ acceaeoty etructure in e:I�teace on
the eubject property on Ihe d�fe of thb decuion, Aod to tde �ddltion aa idenH(icd on
Ihe plrna circulated wit6 thi� applicatloo.
2. That the Appllcanta obipin a buildiog permft and conetruct the add(tion to the weat
aide of the eti�Hng dwelling on ihe properfy wit6ln two yearo of the dete ot Idi�
decieion, or 16e approvpl ot the Gont yard depfh variance for the addiNon ehall
become null pnd void.
9. P/CA 5/98 - C. Pinkney
Part of Lot 12, Plan 407
aL�o known oa l315 Commerce Street
Town ot Plckering
The appltcant requests rellef Gom the following provisiona ot Bylaw 2511, aa amended:
Section 10.2.3 to perm(t ihe atabliehment of a mtnimum tront yArd depth of 6.7 metra to
be provided by a propoaed covered porc6 Attrched to t6e front ot the dwel8ag, and r
minimum front yard depth ot S.6 metrea to be providcd by the asaoci�fed porch ataira,
w6ereae the Zoniag By-law requires a mintmum froot yprd depth ot 7.5 mefrea;
. :�
Satlon 5,19 (b) to permit the cantinuance of s minimum Acceuory �tructure utback ot
0.6 of a mefro trom the �outh (rar) lot Ilne provided by �n e:6ting �6cd on 16e �ubject
property, wherr�e t6e Zoning Bylow requirea �II accaaory itructuree grater th�d
10 equ�n metrca in aizo and/or grepfer 16ro 1.8 metra in helg6t to be locafed a minimum
of 1.0 metre from rll lot Ilaa.
Thc applic�nte nque..t �pprov�l of tdae vort�ncea In order to recogoize tde IocAtion of t6e
eil.iting e6ed on the �uhject properly rnd to allow the Appficant to obtrin a buildiog perm(t
to conetruct A propoaed covered porch with atrire to the front of the esieting dwelling.
T6e Aeai�tant Secretary-Treasurer outlined commenta received from 16e Towu of Pickering
Planoing Department and the Durham Region Healt6 Depertment.
Ma. Glorio Pinkney, owner, wes preaent to repraeot t6e appllcaHon. No further
repreaentatton waa preaent in tovour of or in obJectton to t6e applicntioo.
Ma. Plnkney atated that the e:t�ting attuAtion of the porch i� not in compliance with t6e
by-Iow. T6e e:L�Hng porc6 b made of coocrete and the porch is decaying rApidly. The
esi�ting 6ome ia very plain aod a covered parch would improve the oppearaoce ot the
hame. Ma. Pinkney was nat awAre ot Ihe a6eda not being in rompliAnce until the Plannlog
Deprrtment Informed 6er ot t6e aitupHoo.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Hollrnd, ucooded by Mr. Wdite aud cnrried unanimously
thi� wppl(caHon P/CA S/98, by Glorir Pinkney, ra outlined, be APPROVED on the grounda
that the covered porc6 rddifion wouid be rn (mprovemenf fo Ihe e:i�tlng atructure and
would mointaln ihe c6aracter o( the oeighbour600d. T6e proposed 6.7 metre minimum
front yard depth provided by � propoaed covered porch, the propoeed 5.6 metre front yard
deplh provided by t6e propoeed porc6 etoin �nd the pccesaory atructure locatton variAncea
are mioor In uoture, deafrrble for the appropriAte devclapment ot 16e iAnd, and in keeping
with t6e genenl inteot and purpoae of the Ofiicial Plon and the Zonfog Dy-law, eubject to
t6e fallowing condittone:
1. T6at Ihe front yard depth varirnca opply ooly to the propoaed 71 equare metre
covered porch (approiimofely 2.4 metrea by 3.0 metree in elze) t6nt mainta(ne a
minimum front yArd depth of 6.7 metree with pttached etatro that provide a
minlmum front yard depth of 3.6 metres, aa autlined in t6e appiicanta' aubmitted
plan� with this �pplicatlon.
2. That the applicant obtain a buildiag permit for the propoeed porch additton
within two yearo of the dAte of thi� deci�ion, or the approvol of fhe front yar�
depth varlAncea ahall become null and votd.
10. P/CA 6N8 - Titfany Park Homes (Foreat Creek) Ltd.
Lot 40, Plao 40M-187S
aleo known r� 1914 Wildtlower Drive
Town ot Pickering
The applicaot requeata relief from Section S.(2)(b)(:) ot amendlaq By-law 4508/94 to
Zoaing By-Irw 3036 to permit the estabiGhment of A minimum 5.7 metro vehtculu
entnnce �etback provided by r propoaed �t4ched garage on t6e aubjecf properfy, wdercai
the zonfng by-law nquirce � miaimum ve6lcul�r eotnnce eetbock ot6.0 metrce.
The �ppllcint rcquab rpprov�l ot t6� varl�nce In order to obtofo � building permlt to
cooefruet � epecitic detached rcaideotial dwelling wlt6 an �ttached grnge on t6e iubJect
T6e Ae��itrnf Secntrry-Trc�aurcr outlined commeot� received from the Towo of Pickering
Pl�uning Deprrtment and the Public Works Deportment.
Mr. Steven Hunt, architect, wns preaent to repreaeot the applicatton. Aho present wu
Mr. Davis Bogar in fwvour otthe Application.
Mr. Hunt adv�ied the Committee membere t6at tde propoacd dwelUng waa aold only aRer
the qrc6itecta advi�ed the builder t6at the eubject property would accommodate that
pArticular dwelling. Mr. Hunt teele that t6e vartance � minor in neture because fhe
5.7 metre varlonce only atfects the oorth-eaat corner ot the garnge, and not t6e enNre
garege. He advt�ed ihe Commiftee thwt thtn L� an iaolated caee.
Mr. White ezpressed concern over t6e poasibility ot vehicle overheng onto t6e atreet ae
commented by the Public Worke DepArtment. Mr. Bogar added that t6e purchsaers otthe
6ome prefer to park in the iront o[ the property and he teels that 5.9 metres is eufticient
epace for a parked ve6icle wit6out apilling into t6e rtreet.
Mr. Hunt aaked Ihe Cammittee to recognfze tde fpct thet the builder did not commence
caoatruction even aRer the error wai found And t6at retuatng tdia epplication may
jeopArdize the aale otthe home.
Mr. Johneon espreased concem over refw(og 16ii appllcatton. Mr. llollaod etated that ihe
Committee doa recogoize t6e frct ih�t iherc are atenu�ting circumatancea and prevloue
appl(callona witd eifing erron have beea approved. Ne believea t6ot Ihie ia not s regular
occurcence trom this builder rnd th�t Ihla error waa not iateolional.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Jo6naoo, �ecoaded by Mr. flolland and carrted uoaoimouely
t61s oppltcAtioo P/CA 6/98, by Tiffany Park Homa (Foreat Creek) Ltd., as outlined, be
APPROVED oo the grounds fhat tdb appars to be so bolatod Incideat wnd Ihe frct th�t
t6e appiicant appraached the Town with t6efr error. Tde propoaed min(mum 5.7 metre
garage vehfculrr eotnoce eetback vartance is appropriate for 16e deairable development of
the land, and Io keepiog wil6 the geoenl intent and purpoee ot the zoning by-law.
I1. P/CA 7/98 - D. & K. Shortt
also known sy 1953 Spruce Hlll Road
Town of Pickering
T6e ApplicAOte request reliet trom t6e tollowing provt�iona of By-low 3036, �s amended:
SecNoo 5.18(d) pnd Sectioo 10.2.3 to permit the continuaoce of a north aide yord width �nd
rear yArd dept6 ot 0.01 ot a metre provided by An e:lating gArage attAChed to the dwell(ng
ou the aubJect property, w6ereae t6e zoning byIww requirea a mintmum elde yArd width ot
1.5 metres and A mfn(mum rwr yerd depth of 7.5 metrea;
Scetioo 10.2.3 ta permit the eatpblia6ment of a front yArd depth ot6.85 mclrca meisured to
A prapoaed twaatorey additlon to the dwelitog on t6a eubJect property, rnd to permit the
eetabdehmeot of a front yArd depth of 5.66 metrea meaeurcd lo a propoacd new covered
porch in front of t6e oddittoo to the dwelling, wherc�a Ihe zontng byI�w nquina �
minimnm hont yrrd depfh of 7.5 metree.
T6e �ppllcenta rcqueat �pprov�l of t6ae v�r(rncea in order to br(og t6e c:ut(aQ atl�ched
ganQe Ioc�Hon into compllroce with the zoning bylow and to permit Ide b�u�nce of a
buUding permit for � hvaatorey rddlHon to !he esleting dwelling �nd � frant porc6, bot6 of
w6ich would bo locofed cloeer to the hoot lot Iine t6an b permitted by 16e zoniag by-law.
Tho Aaet�t�nt Secret�ry-Trcaeurer outlined commenb received from t6e Tawn ot Pickering
Planoing Department, he Dur6am Reg(on lierlt6 DepaNment And the Melropolitan
Toronto Aod Regioo Conaervrtion Aut6ority. Commeota were oWo received by
K. & S. Leno of 1957 Spruce Hill Road.
Mr. Shortt, owner, wa� preaent to repreeeot the Appl(cation. No turther representAtion wu
praent in favour ot or in objecHon to the application. Mr. Shortt advised the Commtttee
Ihrt he wisha to keep the eiWltog gange aa is aod add a twaetorey addiNon to the Gont ot
lhc eii�Nng dwelling. By do(ag ao, the home would be in keepfng w(th the residential
choncter in the neighbour600d. He plso indicated t6at 6e wlll be coonecting to aewero At
t6e time ot conetruction.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Whfte, aeconded by Mr. Holland and carried unauimouafy
t6ie Applicalloo P/CA 7/98, by D. &K. Shortt , as outlined, be APPROVED on the grouods
t6ot t6e propoeed 0.01 of a metre oort6 aide yord widt6 and rear yard dept6 variancea, and
the propoeed 6.85 metre ood 5.66 mefre froot yard dept6 variaacee are minor in nature,
dairable for fhe appropriile development ot the lond, pod In keeping witd the general
purpo�e and Intent of the Offici�l Plio �od the Zoning By-Iww, eubject to !he following
1. That the 0.01 of � metre oorlh dde yord wid16 and rwr yard Jeptd variancea
apply only to the ei4+Hng gonge Iocrllon aa Iden110ed on the plana circulated
with t6b rpplicatlon.
2. T6ot the 6.85 metre tront yard depth variance apply only Io t6e two-storey
addltlon to t6e dwell(og, �od the 5.66 metre front yarJ depth epply aniy to
the porch in front of ¢6e dwelling addillon aa IdenNtied on the plans
circul�ted with thb appliatlon.
3. That t6e applfcaote obtain a building permlt and cooetrucf lhe addiHone to
Ihe e:i�ttog d�relling on the property wlthin two yearo of t6e date ot thi�
decGion, or t6e rpproval of the front yard depth vertancea ahall become null
rnd void.
4. T6rt Aoy dninage and gndiug i�auee be addressed by the Pu61ic Wor{cs
Department and tulfllled to t6eir noHsfrctian.
Mr. Jo6naon commeoted on nmuoenHon received by Commfttee membero in eeveral
ot6er municipalitia. The Municipolily of Treoton ofkn their Committee memben �n
additional SI0.00 per �ppllcation per Commitfee member. He �uked fh�t the Plaening
Departmeot review thb.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johoaoa, eeconded by Mr. HollAnd, rnd carr(ed uo�n(moualy
The Punaiag Departmeot review remunentioo rcceived by Committee memben In uvenl
other munictpoltla.
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MOTION; Moved by Mr. JOI10�00 pGd C�fl'I!d UpY�IM0YIIY ibl�-
The let meet(ng ot t6e Committeo of Adjuetmept be �dJoumed At 8:13 p.m. �ud the ne:t
regulwr meeting otthe Committee ofAdjuitment be held oo Wednead�y, Februoty 11,1998.
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