HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 15-15 Call 00 Report to i Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: ENG 15-15 Date: July 6, 2015 From: Richard Holborn . Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek - File: A-1440 Recommendation: - 1. That Report ENG 15-15 of.the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek be received; 2. That Council approve the hiring of The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. for consulting and professional services in accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.05, as the assignment is more than $30,000.00; 3. That the fee proposal submitted by The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd:for Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek in the amount of$281,537.24 (HST included) be accepted; 4. That the total gross project cost of$344,625.00 (HST,included) including the quoted amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $310,345.00.(net of HST rebate) for Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek be accepted; 5. That Council authorize the Division Head, Finance &Treasurer to finance the total net project cost of$310,345.00 as follows: • a. the sum of$225,873.00 to be funded from the Development Charges-City's Share Reserve; b. the sum of$84,472.00 to be funded from the Development Charges- Stormwater Management Reserve Fund; • 6. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give thereto. • 131 Report ENG 15-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek Page 2 hired The Municipal Infrastructure Executive Summary: The City of Pickering p Group Ltd. in November 2012 to undertake the Krosno Creek Flood Reduction Study, formerly called the Kronso Creek Diversion Study, which was a priority project identified in the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan (Master Plan) to reduce flood risk to properties located with the Krosno Creek watershed. The Krosno Creek Flood Reduction Study determined that the preferred solution to mitigate the flooding in Krosno Creek is to replace the existing culverts at Alyssum Street, Reytan Boulevard and Morden Lane with twin 3.0 m wide x 1.8 m high concrete box culverts. The recommended culvert improvements will reduce the number of potentially flood prone buildings in a 100 year return period storm from 64 to 8. The erosion control of Krosno Creek was also listed as a project in the Master Plan. The remaining natural reaches of Krosno Creek, south of Reytan Boulevard to Sandy Beach Road, are experiencing significant erosion of the valley walls due to the large flows that have resulted from urbanization of the watershed and from the more intense storms that have been occurring over the last few years. The channel has shown signs of planform movement and downcutting over time, and may threaten private properties through the erosion processes in the near future. Engineering & Public Works staff requested a fee proposal from The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. for this assignment due to their project history with the Krosno Creek Flood Reduction Study, their knowledge and expertise, and on the basis that good value would be achieved since they have all the background information from the previous assignment. In accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.05 where the project or annual cost of a consulting or professional service assignment is expected to be more than $30,000.00 and the initiating Director intends to acquire the services without obtaining written proposals, the Director shall submit a Report to Council to obtain approval to engage the services of a particular consultant. Staff are recommending Council approval of the fee proposal submitted by The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. for Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for. Krosno Creek in the amount$281,537.24 (HST included). Financial Implications: 1. Quoted Amount The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. Quotation $ 249,148.00 HST (13%) 32.389.24 Total Gross Quoted Amount $281,537.24 CORP0227-07/01 revised 132 Report ENG 15-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek Page 3 2. Estimated Project Costing Summary The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. fee proposal for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek $249,148.00 Associated Costs Miscellaneous Costs 5,000.00 Contingency (20% ) 50,830.00 Sub Total — Costs $304,978.00 HST (13%) 39,647.00 Total Gross Project Costs $344,625.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (34,280.00) Total Net Project Costs $310,345.00 3. Approved Source of Funds Account Source of Funds Budget Required 5321.1205.6253 Development Charges • Reserve— City's Share $156,240.00 $156,240.00 Reserve Fund DC — Stormwater Management 29,760.00 29,760.00 5321.1406.6253 Development Charges. Reserve— City's Share 36,400.00 36,400.00 Reserve Fund DC— Stormwater Management 28,600.00 28,600.00 5321.1502.6253 Development Charges Reserve— City's Share 140,000.00 33,233.00 - Reserve Fund DC — Stormwater Management 110,000.00 26,112.00 Total: $501,000.00 $310,345.00 Net project costs (over) under approved funds $190,655.00 The 2012 Development Projects (DC Funded) Capital Budget included $186,000.00 for the design of the erosion control for Krosno Creek. Additional design funds in the amount of$65,000.00 were also approved in the 2014 Development Projects (DC Funded) Capital Budget as the project scope was increased to the entire length of the natural channel of Krosno Creek from Reytan Boulevard to Sandy Beach Road. The 2015 Development Projects (DC Funded) Capital Budget included $250,000.00 for the design of the three culverts to be replaced along Krosno Creek at Alyssum Street, Reytan Boulevard and Morden Lane. The remainder of the funds not required for the • CORP0227-07/01 revised 133 Report ENG 15-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek Page 4 design is to be made available for the construction component of the project, which is expected to commence in 2016, subject to budget approval. Discussion: • Council endorsed the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan On April 19, 2010, Council endorsed the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan (Master Plan) and authorized City staff to implement the recommendations of the Master Plan subject to budget and further Council approval for individual projects (Resolution #72/10). The overall goal of the Master Plan is as follows: "To address long-standing concerns regarding the ongoing decline in the quality of the Frenchman's Bay ecosystem by seeking means to control the quantity and quality of storm runoff entering the local creeks and the Bay itself." The recommended Master Plan consists of a suite of projects, programs and policies designed to address issues related to flooding, erosion and poor water quality in Frenchman's Bay and its' tributary watersheds. The Master Plan addressed Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process and more detailed investigations are required • at the project-specific level in order to fulfill the Municipal Class EA documentation requirements for the specific Schedule B and C projects identified within the Master Plan. The Krosno Creek Flood Reduction Study, was a priority, project identified in the Master Plan to reduce flood, risk to properties located with the Krosno Creek watershed. Krosno Creek Erosion Control was also a project that was listed in the Master Plan as a required erosion control project, as the remaining natural reaches of Kronso Creek are experiencing significant erosion of the valley walls due to the large flows that have resulted from urbanization of the watershed from the more intense storms that have been occurring over the last few years. The channel has shown signs of planform movement and downcutting over time, and may threaten private properties through the erosion processes in the near future. Staff have had to perform emergency erosion works within the last five years, due to the public safety concerns. Recently, a resident who borders the creek has contacted staff with their concern of losing vegetation and land due to the erosion and are worried about the length of time to get the permanent erosion control works in place. The Krosno Creek Flood Reduction Study Environmental Assessment was completed in February 2015 . In November 2012, Council authorized the hiring of The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. through a competitive process, to undertake the Krosno Creek Flood Reduction which was completed February 2015, in Study Class EA (Resolution #140/12 , wh p ry , Y ( ) CORP0227-07/01 revised 134 Report ENG 15-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek Page 5 accordance with the Schedule B process as outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) (October 2000, as amended.in 2007 and 2011) and received Ministry of Environment and Climate Change approval in March 2015. This study was undertaken to establish the most effective means.of protecting people and property from flooding in the Krosno Creek watershed. As part of the study, the. • existing natural, cultural, socio-economic and engineering environments were inventoried. The Krosno Creek Flood Reduction Study Class EA determined that the preferred solution to mitigate the flooding in Krosno Creek is to replace the existing culverts at Alyssum Street, Reytan Boulevard and Morden Lane with twin 3.0 m wide x 1.8 m high concrete box culverts.The recommended culvert improvements will reduce the number of potentially flood prone buildings in a 100 year return period storm from 64 to 8. Detailed field investigations were completed and preliminary designs were prepared for the recommended culvert replacements at Alyssum Street, Reytan Boulevard and Morden Lane by The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. as part of the study. The preliminary design exercise confirmed that the recommended twin 3 m wide x 1.8 m high concrete box culverts are feasible at all three locations and can be installed within the existing road right-of ways and City owned channel lands. The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. is recommended to complete the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek In accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.05 where the project or annual cost of a consulting or professional service assignment is expected to be more than $30,000.00 and the initiating Director intends to acquire the services without obtaining written proposals, the Director shall submit a Report to Council to obtain approval to engage the services of a particular consultant. The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. and it's team of sub-consultants were previously hired by the City to undertake the Krosno Creek Flood Reduction Study Class EA, which included preliminary design of the culvert replacements. Staff had an excellent experience with The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. throughout the Class EA Study, which was completed within the expected timelines and under budget. The hiring of The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. and it's team of sub-consultants, represents good value as they have the necessary project history, specifically with the, new hydrologic/hydraulic model, to ensure that the detailed design of the culverts has been done in accordance with the preliminary design and detailed investigations. It is essential that the design of the erosion control of Krosno Creek be completed at the same time as the design of the culverts, as the culverts wing wall design and the overlapping erosion protection for the approaches and transitions between the culverts is key to a successful and seamless design. CORP0227-07/01 revised • 135 Report ENG 15-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek Page 6 Staff are recommending Council approval of the fee proposal submitted by The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd., in association with GD Jewell Engineering Inc., SPL Consultants Ltd., GEO Morphix, Savanta Inc., T2 Utility Engineers, Retz &Associates Inc. and Strybos Barron King, for Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek in the amount$281,537.24 (HST included). It is also recommended that a net project cost of$310,345.00 (net of. HST rebate) be approved. Staff included the construction of the culvert replacements and the erosion control works in the capital forecast (2016-2019) during the 2015 budget process, with the intent of proceeding to construction in 2016, subject to 2016 Capital Budget approval. The detailed design of the culvert replacements and erosion control will be completed by early 2016, which would allow the City to tender the work in 2016. The fee proposal by The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. included a separate price for contract administration during construction for information only, and will not be awarded at this time, but will be considered with the Tender approval for the project . Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. Fee Proposal Letter dated June 8, 2015 • • • • CORP0227-07/01 revised 136 Report ENG 15-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek Page 7 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: e ii , Marilee Gadzovski, M.Sc.(Eng.), P.Eng: Rich rd Holborn, P.Eng. Division Head, Director, Engineering & Public Works Water Resources & Development Services Caryn Kong, BA, CGA Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Senior Financial Analyst, Division Head, Finance &Treasurer Capital & Debt & Management RH/MG:Ir Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council j„,,, 2? f 2.oLI Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer C0RP0227-07/01 revised 137 • 1 ATTACHMENT#_„',.TO REPORT# �='V 'S`-I S J ;,„.■=1.1.■Of■L. r 7RL cs'Ct'' 1 A' Uy Aro. 24 , ,ap.,o; ak 6.1 °* 117 001 O. I.*... ‘ II o �1I11 Ull el itga#*9°Nlb ',A• -4A . . . i ytAt 11%. r ' -• �, �� �. PROPOSED • .� . -cHEL ,�1 0' ALyc CULVERT NE G s O0 �� `� REPLACEMENTS ,r--'' PARK ', ����,� ,� V „, , ' 0 tlit c- 001 vie . � :; P -0 -rA A, . . r, 0 • fit `,°� � " ��41� •%r: PROPOSED N • ` � 0i, - EROSION > �� 'P��M � 1 CONTROL•PA # G�►15 v,40 �. Oti s= -,�',".44�� MEASURES r �l ♦ ����1GF���11 �,�,,�, crI%.05,--4,4, os vow"1-01,„.". 00 10 1. v 00 Aio, 1.1, iti 410 �1 �110 ' oil" 1 n111 � 1 � � � ���,ouc digk 014 0', F`• -,so, ��' • �, 0, •• 4f ' • as_ 01,,,,,,,,„..„-,sto.RV.. . _... .9 44/ Villk Odd% VIA NNN, _ ENGINEERING&PUBLIC ATTACHMENT FOR ENGINEERING&PUBLIC WORKS Cifq 0 WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT ENG 15-15 _ ! !_ SCALE TIRE CONSULTING SERVICES FOR DETAILED DESIGN OF fair/N CI Ver N.T.S. JUNE 18/2015 CULVERTS AND EROSION CONTROL FOR KROSNO CREEK ilf 138 ATTACHMENT# 2 TO REPOT# 'V fS`l S 11.1 M G The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. June 8,2015 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Engineering and Public Works Department One The Esplanade • Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Attention: Marilee Gadzovski, Division Head,Water Resources&Development Services Re: Request for Proposal Krosno Creek—Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control Dear Marilee: We are pleased to provide you with our response for the detailed design of culverts and erosion control for Krosno Creek. We believe you will find our proposal illustrates an approach and work plan that showcases our thorough understanding of the City's objectives,the needs of this project, and the issues and constraints specific to the area. Thank you for this opportunity and we look forward to your response. Sincerely, The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. Ay/ fti Dav Ashfiel•,P.Eng. Founding Partner PS—Should you have any questions on any aspect of this proposal, do not hesitate to contact me on my cell phone at 647-200-8780. 8800 Dufferin Street Suite 200 I Vaughan,ON L4K 005 p:905.73837001 1.888.449:4430 f:905.738.0065 tmig.c 3 9 ATTACHMENT# 2 TOREPORT# &V , �S"/f 7- of i • REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek • CITY OF PICKERING I June 11,2015 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING 2 3 WORK PLAN 2 3.1 Data Collection and Review of Existing Conditions 2 3.2 Schedule B Municipal Class EA for Restoration Works(Provisional) 4 3.3 Preliminary and Detailed Design-Culverts 4 3.4 Preliminary and Detailed Design—Creek Restoration 6 3.5 Approvals 7 3.6 Tender Preparation and Cost Estimates • 9 3.7 Construction Administration 9 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT MEETINGS 9 4.1 City Technical Working Group(TWG) 9 4.2 Project Management/Schedule 9 4.3 Project Costs 10 APPENDICES Appendix A:Budget Appendix B:Mandatory Forms and Certificates • • • • • 1 4 0 TMIG I THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE i ATTACHMENT# 2 TO REPORT# LIB[ ? cf /9-- • REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek CITY OF PICKERING I June 11,2015 1 INTRODUCTION • The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. (TMIG) is pleased to submit a proposal for the detailed design services and erosion control for Krosno Creek. Our project team collectively possesses all of the qualifications and expertise needed to complete this assignment Brief corporate profiles of the member firms comprising the project team are summarized below. The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. (TMIG) is a privately owned Canadian company, based out of the City of Vaughan, focused on providing high quality personal service to both the public and private sectors. Established in 2003, TMIG has assembled a versatile and dedicated group of over 50 professionals and staff with significant experience in project management,advisory services, class environmental assessments, public consultation, and servicing analyses. We have completed Master Plans, Environmental Assessments, preliminary design, detailed design, and construction administration for storm sewers, stormwater management facilities (quality/quantity), sanitary/storm pumping stations, sanitary sewers, watermains water booster stations, reservoirs, elevated tanks, roads, and other municipal infrastructure. Over 90% of our public sector projects have been undertaken with TMIG leading a multi-disciplinary team, with sub-consultants providing specific expertise. The key staff from TMIG that will be working on this project include Steve Hollingworth, P.Eng., as our Project Advisor, Rob Grech, P.Eng., as the Project Manager, Bruce Alexander, CET, as the Lead Designer, and David Wood,CET,RCJI,CISEC,as the Contract Administrator. G.D. Jewell G.D. Jewell Engineering Inc. (GDJE) is a multi-disciplined consulting firm, ENGINEERING Inc providing engineering and environmental services in the civil, structural, building, and municipal and transportation fields. The firm was incorporated in 1998 and has offices in Mississauga, • Belleville, and Kingston with a current staff of over 50 full- and part-time personnel. GDJE provides the following services for bridges and culverts: new and replacement structures, rehabilitation of structures, deck condition surveys, and biennial inspections. Kasey Bartusevicius, P.Eng, Senior Structural Engineer, will be responsible for all structural components of this assignment. SPL Consultants Limited is a specialty geotechnical, hydrogeological, and geo-environmental consultancy whose principal engineers and geo-scientists have more than 180 person-years of experience in Ontario. Incorporated in 2009 and headquartered in Toronto, SPL has branch offices in Markham, Cambridge, Collingwood, Barrie,Vaughan, and Ottawa. Archie Sirati, Ph.D.,will lead the foundations and geotechnical investigations for this assignment GHQ + M O R P H I X GEO Morphix Ltd. is a professional services firm comprised of earth and environmental scientists specializing in geomorphology and process sedimentology. Their primary services include river and shoreline restoration, watercourse and coastal hazard delineation and mitigation, geomorphological characterization of rivers and shorelines, and modelling of dynamic landforms. These services have in common a requirement for in-depth understanding of erosion, sediment transport and sedimentation, which are key elements of geomorphology. For this assignment, Kevin Tabata will lead the development of the designs to restore and stabilize Krosno Creek between Reytan Boulevard and Sandy Beach Road. Savanta Inc. is an environmental consulting firm, founded in 2006, that assists all r\i SAVANTA manner of stakeholders in identifying, characterizing and resolving environmental issues. Their specialists have expertise in both terrestrial and aquatic ecology, ecological restoration and environmental interpretation and environmental assessment Savanta's senior staff have worked on a number of high-profile projects that have involved complex and difficult negotiations with ecological staff at the TRCA and have developed a good working relationship. Savanta, led by Rick Hubbard, will assist in the detailed design for the three culvert replacements through the analysis of the entire reach from Reytan Boulevard to south of the Sandy Beach Road bridge. T2 Utility Engineers owns and operates a wide variety of designating equipment for use in T2utilitY the identification of underground utilities, Designating is a process of using geophysical engineers TMIG I THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 1 141 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# AU i. �r . . ct—j 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek CITY OF PICKERING I June 11,2015 methods to interpret the horizontal location of underground utilities, also referred to as utility locating. T2's technicians undergo extensive training on each instrument, and are highly skilled at designating subsurface utilities. T2 performs a number of tasks including: utility mapping, ground penetration radar, asset management, utility coordination and utility design.Matthew Bourgeois will lead the utility coordination. J� Retz &Associates Inc. is a construction and engineering surveying firm based in Pickering that has been providing topographic survey and construction layout services to our customers in the Southern Ontario District since 1998. Reynold Retz will lead the surveying components of this project. 1 K Strybos Barron King Ltd. Is a landscape architecture firm that provides a full range of B � � services from conceptual design to detailed design and contract administration. They have extensive experience providing landscape architectural services for culvert and watercourse restoration projects in various municipalities throughout the TRCA watershed. Bryn Barron will lead the architectural components of this project. . 2 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan (FBSWMMP), completed in 2009, identified 1 flooding and erosion issues in the Krosno Creek, largely caused by uncontrolled runoff from development occurring before the emergence of stormwater management technologies. Following the Master Plan, a Class Environmental Assessment (EA) was completed in February 2015, which analyzed the most effective means of minimizing'flood risks in the Krosno Creek watershed. It was determined that the limited capacity of three roadway culverts to convey flows during large rainfall events was contributing significantly to the flood issues in the study area. The preliminary design completed as part of the EA recommended that these culverts, located at Morden Lane, Reytan Boulevard, and Alyssum Street, be replaced with 3.0m x 1.8m twin box culverts. The FBSWMMP also identified the presence of erosion in the 'natural' portion of the Krosno Creek between Reytan Boulevard and Sandy Beach Road. The channel has shown signs of planform movement and downcutting over time,and may threaten private properties through the erosion process in the near future. The Krosno Creek Detailed Design Project involves the preparation of detailed design drawings, specifications, and the contract administration for the construction of the three culverts identified in the EA. It also includes the assessment and restoration of severely eroded sections of the creek that were identified in the FBSWMMP. 3 WORK PLAN We have thoroughly read the required scope of services identified in the City's Terms of Reference. We understand the project will encompass the following works: • Replacing culverts at Morden Lane, Reytan Street, and Alyssum Avenue with twin box culverts; • Assessing the natural channel portions of the creek(approximately 800m in length);and • Developing a restoration plan of Krosno Creek,from Reytan Boulevard to Sandy Beach Road. The following sections summarize and describe the key elements of our work plan to fulfill the terms of reference for this assignment. 3.1 Data Collection and Review of Existing Conditions 3.1.1 Detailed Topographic Survey We have reviewed the topographic surveys that were completed as part of the preparation of the Environmental Assessment These surveys were completed for preliminary design purposes, and were focused on the culverts and roads.Additional survey is required in order to design the creek restoration portion of the project, and to provide the specific baseline information required to complete the detailed design. This survey will provide more detailed elevation information within the channel and floodplain,which is required to complete the fluvial geomorphic design of the system. We will also survey all inverts of the storm and 1 4 2 TMIG I THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 2 2 1 ATTACH MENT# TO REPORT'# 7 of • REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek CITY OF PICKERING I June 11.2015 sanitary system in close proximity to the culverts to locate these systems in preparation for the construction of the culverts. No detailed legal survey information is currently available for the study area. The GIS-based parcel fabric provided by the City was used as part of the Environmental Assessment, and may not be suitable for the detailed design.The survey price provided includes a legal survey of the study area. • 3.1.2 Utility Co-ordination All utility companies that could potentially have buried and overhead infrastructure in the study area were contacted as part of the EA.T2UE will finalize the utility consultation and coordination process required for the project to inform the creation of the detailed design drawing package. They will provide specifications with respect to protecting and/or relocating utilities if required. Given that the Scope of the project has expanded since the EA was completed, T2UE will also identify any utility conflicts that exist within the portion of the creek to be.restored, beyond the area already investigated. TMIG will consolidate utility information provided by T2UE in the detailed design drawings and tender documents. 3.1.3 Ecological The ecology team will perform the required background studies that are needed to provide design recommendations, comment on constraints related to the ecological system, and oversee the ecological components of the permitting process with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and/or the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) related to the replacement of the culverts and stream restoration works. They will perform the following surveys/assessments required to make recommendations on the timing of construction, erosion and sediment control,fish rescue,dewatering operations,and culvert and creek designs: • Terrestrial Vegetation(Spring/Summer 2015) • Aquatic Habitat(Summer 2015) • Targeted Barn Swallow(Summer 2015) 3.1.4 Geotechnical Investigation A geotechnical review of the existing site conditions is required to inform the design of the foundations of the proposed box culverts and to identify dewatering requirements for the installation of the culverts. We expect that the borehole information that was collected by SPL through the EA process is suitable in providing these recommendations, and as such,we have made no provision for additional data collection works. 3.1.5. Fluvial Geomorphology Field Investigation A Fluvial Geomorphic investigation will be performed to advance previous studies completed by GHD, and collect data between Reytan Boulevard and Sandy Beach Road. This area has been previously identified for repairs, and the updated assessment can be used to substantiate the need for channel restoration: The following works are included: • The valley or channel corridor will be characterized with respect to the degree of confinement, dominant vegetation type,woody vegetation density/cover,and surrounding land use; and • Between Reytan Boulevard and Sandy Beach Road, the cause and extent of bank erosion, as well as associated hazards to private property and infrastructure, will be investigated to help determine the appropriate type of restoration and erosion protection required. Moreover, observations of flow patterns, bank condition (e.g., undercutting, sloughing, etc.), entrenchment, woody debris, in-stream structures, channel armouring and fish passage barriers will be documented. Measurements of bankfull channel width and depth, pool and riffle flow depths, bed substrate, bank materials and vegetation rooting depth will also be recorded.This information will be summarized and included in the design brief to provide a detailed description of existing conditions. A survey consisting of channel cross sections and the bed profile will be conducted for Krosno Creek to determine bankfull channel characteristics. This survey will be completed where the channel is in a relatively /�r� TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 3 1 4 3 h TO REPORT#. 6 f� /5 r,TTAI����IEI�T#�. of REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek CITY OF PICKERING I June 11,2015 natural state, likely from Reytan to the backwatered channel resulting from the lake effect.The survey data will be analyzed with other measured data as well as an estimate of Manning's roughness coefficient to estimate bankfull flow characteristics such as discharge, average velocity, stream power, bed shear stress, and flow competency (i.e. sediment entrainment sensitivity). This information will be used to determine suitable bank restoration/stabilization methods.We note that this analysis is required to provide design rationale. The field investigation will be provided to the City and will allow City Staff to decide whether declaring an emergency is required. There are submission requirements associated with declaring an emergency, both to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) and TRCA. The field investigation will include the necessary time to provide input to the City in completing these applications. The completion of a Schedule. 'B'EA for the creek restoration is included in Section 3.2 as a provisional item. 3.2 Schedule B Municipal Class EA for Restoration Works(Provisional) As suggested in the Terms of Reference,the work plan may need to be supplemented by the completion of a Schedule 'B' Class EA if the channel works cannot be performed under emergency works.. It is our understanding that the emergency works designation would need to be made by the City of Pickering. We would support this determination with our observations and assessments. If necessary, we will provide services to fulfill the requirements of the Schedule B Class EA requirements as set out by the Municipal Engineers Association(2000,as amended 2007 and 2011). The following tasks would be completed in addition to those described in the above work plan: • Prepare the Notice of Study Commencement; • Develop and evaluate alternative solutions, and determine the preferred solution; • Consult with the public;and • Prepare the Project File Report and Notice of Study Completion. Given the relatively small scale of the project and completion of the culvert EA, we have assumed that no public meetings will be required for this project.While public consultation is required for all EAs, we expect that the requirements will be fulfilled through the notices of study commencement and completion, and via information and requests for feedback provided on the City of Pickering's website. TMIG and GEO Morphix will provide the information that will be presented on the City website and local newspapers, and expect that the City will coordinate the technical aspects of uploading and presenting the • information. 3.3 Preliminary and Detailed Design-Culverts 3.3.1 Base Plan Preparation The topographic survey will be combined with field observations and inventories from the TMIG team to create relevant base drawings for an accurate and detailed base plan for the culvert replacements and creek restoration. Information on above- and below-ground utilities from the topographic survey and T2UE investigations will also be clearly indicated on the base plan.The base drawing will conform to the latest City of Pickering standards. We intend to complete the design using AutoCAD Civil 3D and, as such, the topographic survey will be converted to a digital surface model for our design and quantity calculations. All digital files prepared through • this assignment, including AutoCAD drawings,will be provided to the City. 3.3.2 Hydraulics TMIG previously completed a preliminary hydraulic analysis for Krosno Creek as part of the Environmental Assessment, which was used to size the twin box culverts for the purposes of reducing flood damages based on a PCSWMM model of Krosno Creek. The PCSWMM modelling did not include some of the conservative parameterization required by TRCA, but was intended to provide a more realistic risk assessment to inform the decision making process, and was eventually used to size the culverts at Morden Lane,,Reytan Boulevard, and Alyssum Avenue.The EA model is sufficient in determining the size of the culverts required, therefore we do not intend on updating the analysis previously completed. 1 44 TMIG I THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 4 ATTACH M E NT#L.TO REPORT# 2i REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek CITY OF PICKERING I June 11,2015 As part of the permit application,TRCA will require the changes to the culverts to be reflected in their hydraulic models and floodline maps. We will obtain this information from the TRCA and perform the update of the hydraulic mapping and modelling, as per TRCA requirements. No additional hydraulic modelling is required as part of this project. The hydraulic assessment will be summarized in a detailed report with the fluvial geomorphic assessment, if the EA Project File Report is not required. 3.3.3 Culvert Replacement Plans ; The culvert replacement plans for the project will identify the required grading, changes to existing servicing, culvert length and dimensions, location of wingwalls and headwalls, fill and stone treatments within the culverts, replacements details for the concrete channel base and side slopes, and utility protection details.We have assumed that no significant utility relocations are required for this project A preliminary design was completed as part of the EA, and will be advanced to 30% completion and submitted to the City and TRCA for review prior to the completion.of the detailed design drawings. In addition to the design work required to assemble the culvert replacement plans, there is a project management and coordination role required to compile the design information and specifications from the various subject matter experts.This would include: • Drawing culvert foundations and confirming design details with geotechnical engineer, • Meeting with structural engineer to confirm optimal location/constructability and material requirements for headwalls and wingwalls, and including structural details and specifications in the culvert replacement design package; • Coordination of ecological and fluvial designers and input in creating suitable transitions from the culvert inlet and outlet into the channel that meets engineering and environmental requirements; • Identification of disturbance required to construct the project,and coordination with landscape architect in creating tree removal plans;and • CADD work required to input detailed utility information into drawing package and identify utility protection needs on project drawings. Input from technical specialists will be required to complete the culvert restoration plans as summarized in the following sections. 3.3.4 Structural GD Jewell will perform structural engineering duties for the project. TMIG will work closely with the structural engineer to identify the required locations for these works and will compile structural details and specifications on the contract drawings and in the tender package(included in Section 3.3.3). Services for detail design of the culvert replacements shall include, but not be limited to,the following: • Performing detailed structural design, including: o Ensuring the design is in accordance with City of Pickering requirements and the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code(CHBDC); o Preparing detailed structural contract drawings in AutoCAD;and o Ensuring that all drawings be stamped by two professional engineers licensed to practice in the province of Ontario; • Completing quantity calculations and preparing a tender item list with quantities for the culvert replacement work;and • Preparing special provisions in the Tender Document for the items related to the culvert replacement work. All structural design services will be in accordance with the most recent version of the following documents: • Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code(CHBDC) TMIG I THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 5 1 4 5 ATTACHMENT# .c2 TO REPORT# r�► , f S=(X REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek CITY OF PICKERING I June 11,2015 • MTO Structural Manual • MTO Concrete Culvert Design and Detailing Manual • MTO Culvert Planning Guidelines • Ontario Provincial Standards 3.3.5 Erosion and Sediment Control/Construction Management/Removals •TMIG will prepare the required erosion and sediment control plans for the project, which will include details with respect to the following: • Bypass and dewatering details and locations • Creek isolation plans • Construction Access Details • Traffic Management Details • Removals plan • Environmental control notes and specifications required by TRCA 3.3.6 Tree Removals/Restoration Tree removals will be required to facilitate the removal of the culverts. SBK will perform the following tasks, in order to satisfy the City of Pickering and TRCA requirements: .• Detailed inventory and analysis of existing vegetation within the project study area; • Tree Preservation Plan including recommendations for tree preservation and removals, as required,to accommodate the new culverts;. • Naturalized landscaping around the new culverts, including native trees,shrubs, and seed mixes;and • Other landscape features,as required,to satisfy the City of Pickering and TRCA. 3.3.7 Geotechnical The proposed culvert installation will likely require the removal and replacement of portions of the existing concrete channel at Morden Lane, and at the upstream side of Reytan Boulevard. SPL will provide the design recommendations and specifications for the removal and replacement of these sections. As part of the preparation of the EA, SPL completed two boreholes at each culvert crossing, and made recommendations on the foundations for each of the culverts. SPL will review the design drawings to confirm that the recommendations in the geotechnical report already prepared are properly incorporated into design drawings. 3.4 Preliminary and Detailed Design—Creek Restoration 3.4.1 Fluvial Geomorphology GEO Morphix will lead the design process for the creek restoration project.The field data will be analyzed and summarized to ensure that natural channel form and function are maximized to the extent possible in the channel restoration design, and to define the limits of restoration. To ensure that the design provides a long- term solution, the broader watershed condition such as land use, hydrology, and soilgeology will also be considered. Opportunities for local enhancements will also be explored to develop a solution that results in a net increase in fish habitat productive capacity, in consultation with Savanta.At this time,we assume that only the section of Krosno Creek between Reytan Boulevard and Sandy Beach Road will require restoration. We will advise the City of Pickering of any additional restoration required following the collection of detailed field observations. The proposed design will be shown in plan, defining the limits of work.The design will also include the channel profile and sufficient number of cross sections to clearly show existing and proposed conditions. The cross sections will include any overbank (i.e. valley floor and walls) re-grading, and the stabilized banks, while the • profile will show grade controls, if required, and any new bed material. Typical details such as bioengineering and grade controls will also be provided. 1 4 6 TMIG i THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 6 r ATTACHMENT# ` TO REPORT Jr- - 9_L..of.1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek CITY OF PICKERING I June 11.2015 3.6 Tender Preparation and Cost Estimates Upon completion and City approval of the detailed design, we will finalize the Schedule of Items, including quantities, current industry prices, and total construction cost estimate. Engineering and landscape specifications will also be provided,allowing the City to tender the project in 2016. 3.7 Construction Administration In order to estimate a lump sum construction administration and inspection budget, we have assumed the project will require a three month (14 week)construction period to be completed. During this time,TMIG will be available for full-time inspections(40 hours/week)and will work closely with the City of Pickering to inspect the construction works and administer the contract We have assumed that 12 hours/week will be required to administer the contract. We have also assumed that during the creek restoration phase of the project, GEO Morphix staff will be available for periodic site visits (approximately one day per week) to provide input to the contractor on field fitting that it typically required as part of creek restoration works.We have estimated that the creek restoration phase will require approximately 6 weeks to complete. Note that the construction period will depend on the components of the final design, and the contractor chosen to complete the works.As such,the time periods are estimates only. It is expected that fish and wildlife rescue may be required to facilitate the construction of these works.We will include the cost of providing ecological support during construction as an item to be included in the construction costs, and as such, have assumed that no further ecological support is required during construction. We currently have not included a price for geotechnical review of the construction works.When more is known, this price can be provided. We estimate half-time inspection plus disbursements will be required during the construction of the culvert foundations. We also recommend that a pre-construction survey of houses in close proximity to the construction works be completed in advance of the construction, to collect formal documentation of the existing conditions. Previous experience in similar works has shown that the small cost of these surveys can save significant costs associated with potential litigation. We would expect that the pre-construction survey costs will be included as a requirement of the construction works, and have not included costs for these works in this proposal. 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT MEETINGS 4.1 City Technical Working Group(TWG) We have assumed that TMIG staff will be available to attend four (4) Technical Working Group (TWG) meetings. We intend to bring select specialists from the subconsultant team to these meetings, based on the subject matter. We have assumed that staff from GEO Morphix will attend two (2) meetings, and SBK and Savanta will attend(1)TWG meeting each. TMIG staff will be in close contact with other subconsultant teams, and will provide representation on behalf of these members at the Technical Working Group.We will provide minutes of the TWG meetings and distribute to the study team. We have assumed that TMIG staff only will attend additional meetings with the Technical Working Group.The cost for additional meetings is $1500, including travel costs, and assumes a half day for two senior staff to attend the meeting at the City of Pickering and provide minutes. 4.2 Project Management/Schedule We have allocated time to project management for the purposes of coordinating the subconsultant and design teams,communications with the City of Pickering's Project Manager, and the TWG meetings. Minutes will be issued within three business days of each meeting, and any issues potentially affecting the project budget and schedule or the construction budget and schedule will be brought to the City's attention as soon as they are discovered. TMIG l THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 9 1 4 9 AT ACHMENT# 2" TO REPORT# CA/67 of --� REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Detailed Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek CITY OF PICKERING I June 11,2015 Given the anticipated start date of late July/early August, we have assumed that terrestrial vegetation surveys will be completed in Summer and Fall of 2015.We expect that this will be acceptable to TRCA, but understand that they have requested that a spring survey is required in the past (as opposed to the fall survey). If this occurs, it would impact the schedule for completion of the project. A detailed time-task matrix is included in Appendix A. Assuming that the Purchase Order will be before the end of July,we anticipate the following milestones to be achieved: Completion of Field Investigations September 4,2015 30%Design Submission November 6,2015 90%Design Submission January 29,2015 Schedule of Items, Specifications and Cost Estimate February 26,2016 Final Submission March 25,2016 This schedule will allow the City to tender the work in early 2016. • 4.3 Project Costs We have summarized the primary tasks to complete the work below: TASK 1:DATA COLLECTION AND EXISTING CONDITIONS REVIEW $32,820 TASK 2:PRELIMINARY AND DETAILED DESIGN•CULVERTS 710 104 $ , TASK 3:PRELIMINARY AND DETAILED DESIGN-CREEK RESTORATION $18,200 TASK 4:TENDER-PREPARATION AND COST ESTIMATES. $12,020 TASK 5:PROJECT MANAGEMENTIAPPROVALSIMEETINGS $22,460 TOTAL LABOUR $190,210 ESTIMATED APPROVAL FEES(TRCAIMOE) $26,520 DISBURSEMENTS $4,146 TOTAL FEES $220,876 PROVISIONAL TASK:ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT $27,240 PROVISIONAL DISBURSEMENTS $1,032 TOTAL PROVISIONAL FEES $28,272 We can complete the above described scope of work, excluding creek restoration EA, for a total fee of $220,876 including TRCA/MOECC permit fees and disbursements but exclusive of HST. The additional cost to complete the EA is $28,272, including disbursements, for a total cost of $249,148, including TRCA/MOECC permit fees and disbursements, but exclusive of HST. We have also included a provisional construction administration budget of$83,440, including disbursements, but exclusive of HST.As per Section 3.7, geotechnical inspection fees have not been included in this budget. 1 5 0 TMIG I THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 10