HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 06-15 • Cali Report to Planning & Development Committee PICKERING G Report Number: PLN 06-15 Date: June 8, 2015 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 4/12 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession (760 & 770 Kingston Road) Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 4/12, submitted by 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) on lands being Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, to permit a commercial development, be endorsed as outlined in Appendix Ito Report Number PLN 0.6-15, and that staff be authorized to finalize and forward the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The subject lands are located on the north side of Kingston Road, east of Delta Boulevard (see Location Map, Attachment#1). 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) initially submitted a rezoning application to facilitate the development of a commercial plaza containing two single storey buildings on the subject lands (see Original Submitted Plan, Attachment#2). Subsequently, an application for an Official Plan Amendment was submitted by the a pp licant to exempt the development p ment from policies requiring all buildings to be a minimum of two storeys in height and that commercial development provide second storey functional floor space. The Official Plan Amendment Application was withdrawn by the applicant. In response to concerns identified by City staff, agencies and comments from the public, the applicant made a number of improvements to the proposal. These included underground piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary, a shared vehicular site access, a functional second storey, buildings close to Kingston Road, a third commercial building, and a landscaped buffer along the north property line. The applicant proposes a Zoning By-law Amendment Application to permit the development of a commercial development with a total gross leasable area of 2,542 square metres containing two single-storey buildings and a two-storey building including 558 square metres of functional second storey gross leasable floor area (see Revised Submitted Plan, Attachment#3). Report PLN 06-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) Page 2 The proposal is consistent with the intent of the design and transportation objectives of the Woodlands Neighbourhood policies. Staff supports the proposed commercial development as it is consistent with the commercial development to both the east and the west, promotes the objective of transforming Kingston Road into a `mainstreet', utilizes shared access from Kingston Road, and will complete an east-west connection through the Northeast Quadrant allowing vehicles to access the signalized intersection at Delta Boulevard and Kingston Road. The recommended zoning provisions will provide for appropriate site specific performance standards and will be subject to an "(H) Holding provision to address the need for agreements to be entered into prior to development of the subject lands. Site plan approval will address detailed design and technical matters. Staff recommend that the application be approved, and the implementing zoning by-law be finalized and forwarded to Council for adoption. Financial Implications: The Woodlands Neighbourhood policies of the City's Official Plan require vehicular access from Delta Boulevard easterly across the Mixed Corridor lands through lands owned by the City. Cost sharing between the applicant and the City will be required for the construction of this public road which is a Development Charge project. 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject lands comprise two properties located on the north side of Kingston Road, east of Delta Boulevard (see Location Map, Attachment#1). The lands have a combined area of approximately 0.7 of a hectare with approximately 88 metres of frontage along Kingston Road. A tributary of Amberlea Creek traverses through the properties. A detached dwelling is situated on each property, both of which will be demolished to facilitate the proposed commercial development. Surrounding land uses include established low density residential development consisting of detached dwellings to the north, existing commercial development to the east and west, and a vehicle sales and service establishment to the south across Kingston Road. 1.2 Applicant's Original and Revised Proposals In 2012, the applicant requested to rezone the subject lands to facilitate the development of two, single-storey commercial buildings with an approximate total gross floor area of 1,160 square metres (see Original Submitted Plan, Attachment#2). Report PLN 06-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) Page 3 In support of their proposal, in 2013, the applicant submitted an Official Plan Amendment application requesting exemption from the City's Official Plan policies requiring all buildings to be a minimum of two storeys in height and that commercial development provide second storey functional floor space. Following the statutory public meeting held in October 2013, the Official Plan Amendment application was withdrawn. Based on comments from City staff, agencies and area residents, the applicant has submitted a revised concept plan proposing a redesigned site plan (see Revised Submitted Plan, Attachment#3). City and agency staff have worked with the applicant to achieve an improved site design, vehicular site access and circulation, pedestrian connectivity, and compatibility with adjacent residential uses. Specifically, the revisions to the proposal include the following key changes: • underground piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary • a shared vehicular site access with the neighbouring property to the east • siting buildings close to Kingston Road providing a well defined street wall • 3 commercial buildings with a total gross floor area of 2,542 square metres, including 558 square metres of functional second storey space, and • a landscaped buffer along the north property line abutting the residential lots to the north 2. Comments Received 2.1 At the Public Information Meetings held in September 2012, and October 2013, and in written submissions A number of residents/landowners attended the two Public Information Meetings held on September 4, 2012, and on October 7, 2013, and voiced their concerns and comments regarding the proposed commercial development. Specifically, the concerns identified are as follows: • concern for pedestrian safety on the site • compatibility with adjacent residential properties to the north with respect to privacy, noise, loitering and lighting • increased security concerns • loss of existing trees and erosion concerns • potential flooding impacts on upstream properties due to creek re-alignment/ channelization • additional traffic on Delta Boulevard • opposition to the east/west vehicular access easement across rear of property • requested additional details of appropriate buffering (landscaping and fencing) adjacent to residential lots • support of single storey commercial buildings • negative impact on property values of adjacent residential properties to the north; and • opposition to any outdoor patio uses Report PLN 06-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) Page 4 The owner of the adjacent commercial development to the east, 780 Kingston Road, submitted written comments requesting the preservation of existing mature evergreens and other existing trees that are located along the easterly property line of the subject property to provide a buffer between the two commercial properties. The Planning & Development Committee requested staff to look into the possibility of expropriation to facilitate shared vehicular access with the adjacent property to the east, and the timelines for the installation of a median along Kingston Road. 2.2 City Departments & Agency Comments Region of Durham • the Region of Durham Planning Department has advised that the City is required to demonstrate that the Corridor densities required by the Regional Official Plan can be achieved along this corridor • the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), dated November 2014, indicated that the condition of the property is considered to be satisfactory subject to completion of the Region's Reliance Letter and Certificate of Insurance, and to an updated letter concluding a Phase Two ESA is not required • the Region has received a clearance letter from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport indicating that the fieldwork and reporting for the archaeological assessment are consistent with the Ministry's standards • the shared vehicular access with the lands to the east is supported by the Region • the proposed 1.6 metre wide road widening across the Kingston Road frontage is acceptable • technical and engineering matters will be addressed through site plan approval Toronto and Region • prior to the lifting of an "(H)" - Holding Conservation Authority provision, the owner is required to enter into a (TRCA) site plan/development agreement with the City and the Region of Durham, satisfy all technical and engineering requirements for stormwater management and the piping of the Amberlea Creek to the satisfaction of the City and TRCA Report PLN 06-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) Page 5 • provide payment to the TRCA of$220,000 plus HST, indexed to the cost of living as of August 5, 2014, to be used by the City and/or the TRCA for habitat improvements elsewhere in the Frenchman's Bay Watershed • a TRCA permit is required prior to any works on-site and before obtaining building permits Engineering & Public Works • a revised flood plain impact study, geotechnical report, and detailed drawings regarding the piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary, landscaping, stormwater management and grading will be reviewed through the site plan approval process • a development agreement will be required to address any off-site works including the construction of the public road to Delta Boulevard, road restoration, land transfer, easements, utility relocation, cost sharing, grading, drainage, and securities, as well as, cost recovery for the Northeast Quadrant study and may be required for the Delta Boulevard and Kingston Road downstream storm sewer over sizing 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 The South Pickering Intensification Study will recommend appropriate densities for the Kingston Road Corridor The subject lands were included within an intensification area identified through the City of Pickering's preliminary Growth Plan conformity work undertaken in 2010. This conformity work has now resumed in 2015 as the South Pickering Intensification Study. Intensification identified by the Study will address the long-term density targets to be achieved throughout the entire corridor. There are many considerations that will affect what intensity of development will be achieved on each site. These include such matters as physical site constraints, existing development on the lands, accessibility, transit availability, and compatibility with abutting development. Thus, it is anticipated that density targets will not be achieved on each individual site, but that an average density throughout the corridor will achieve the higher density targets. The proposal intensifies the lands in a modest way, in an area suitable for intensification and complements the existing commercial development immediately to the east, west and south, across Kingston Road. While staff is disappointed with the low level of intensity of this development, the proposal could be considered an interim use, which in the future could redevelop for higher intensity uses. • i Report PLN 06-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) Page 6 3.2 The proposal complies with the urban design and transportation objectives of the Woodlands Neighbourhood policies The Woodlands Neighbourhood policies of the Pickering Official Plan indicate that in order to transform Kingston Road to a "mainstreet", the placement of buildings is to provide a strong identifiable urban edge. Buildings are to be located close to the street edge, with a specific percentage of their fronts required to be located within a build-to-zone. All buildings are required to have a minimum building height of two-storeys, and a minimum percentage of the gross floor area of commercial development is to be second storey functional space. The proposed commercial buildings along Kingston Road will be setback between 2.0 metres and 5.0 metres from Kingston Road, within a 3.0 metre wide build-to-zone. 40 percent of the length of this zone must contain the front walls of buildings. The single-storey buildings will have a minimum two-storey mass, and one building will have a partial functional second storey. The Woodlands Neighbourhood policies provide direction on transportation matters including shared accesses, and easements between properties to provide vehicular access from Delta Boulevard where full turning movements at Kingston Road are available and easterly across the Mixed Corridor lands to the `former' Dunbarton School site. In 2014, the Durham Region Land Division Committee approved a vehicular/pedestrian access easement in favour of the subject lands over the adjacent property to the east, 780 Kingston Road. This easement enables the subject lands to share the Kingston Road access existing at 780 Kingston Road and a connection further east through 780 Kingston Road to the former Dunbarton School site. A reciprocal access easement is required in favour of 780 Kingston Road, over the east/west drive aisle at the rear of the subject lands. This easement will provide a connection west through the subject lands to the northwest corner of the subject site to access Delta Boulevard through City-owned lands. These City-owned lands are to be developed as a public road that will connect to the adjacent Delta Boulevard. Design of this road will be finalized through site plan approval for the subject lands. Cost sharing between the applicant and the City will be required for the road with the City's contribution coming from Development Charges. Report PLN 06-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) Page 7 3.3 TRCA and the City support the principle of piping the Amberlea Creek tributary The Woodlands Neighbourhood policies support the principle of piping the Amberlea Creek tributary. The policies require any proposal to pipe the tributary to be supported by environmental and stormwater management reports, and the appropriate approvals and permits. Based on the preliminary flood plain impact and stormwater management studies, both TRCA and the City can support the piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary, subject to the submission of a geotechnical report and detailed design of the piping. As compensation for the piping of the tributary, the applicant is required to provide a financial payment to the TRCA of$220,000 plus HST, indexed to the cost of living as of August 5, 2014, to be used by the City and/or the TRCA for habitat improvements elsewhere in the Frenchman's Bay Watershed. The implementing zoning by-law will include an "(H)" — Holding provision requiring the applicant to provide the compensation payment and submit the required technical studies and drawings to ensure that there are no adverse impacts upstream as a result of piping the tributary through the subject lands. 3.4 Sufficient parking supply is available on-site to support the commercial development The subject site has attributes that are similar to other developments where parking requirements have been slightly reduced. Specifically, the development will be well served by existing transit (Durham Region Bus Rapid Transit and GO Transit), and well served by existing and planned improvements to the active transportation network (sidewalks and walkways). The City's typical parking requirement for multi-tenant commercial development in recent years is 4.5 spaces per 100 square metres gross leasable floor area. In recognition of the potential for parking to be shared between adjacent sites, and as an incentive to construct the second functional storey, staff agreed that no additional parking be required for the first 550 square metres of gross leasable floor area within a second storey. Based on the above, the Revised Submitted Plan requires a total of 90 parking spaces, whereas 104 parking spaces are provided. It is further recommended that the floor areas devoted to restaurants and medical offices be capped as these uses can generate higher parking demand than other commercial uses. The proposed maximums of 1,000 square metres gross leasable floor area for all restaurant uses and 1,000 square metres of gross leasable floor area for all medical offices will help ensure sufficient on-site parking is available to serve all of the uses. Report PLN 06-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) Page 8 3.5 Modifications to the proposal address compatibility with the adjacent neighbourhood and concerns raised by area residents A number of concerns by area residents and landowners have been identified at the two Public Information Meetings. Those concerns are noted in Section 2.1 of this Report. To mitigate impact on the abutting residents to the north as a result of this development, the Revised Submitted Plan illustrates a 2.2 metre wide • landscape strip and a row of parking adjacent to the rear property line buffering the existing residential properties from future commercial activities. Details of the acoustical fence along the rear lot line, on-site landscaping and the alignment of the east/west drive aisle that is to provide vehicular access between adjacent properties and a connection with the future public road to the west will be finalized during the site plan approval process. To further minimize any adverse impacts and ensure compatibility with the existing residential properties to the north, the implementing zoning by-law will include the following setbacks and distance separations: • minimum setback for all buildings and structures of 18 metres to the rear lot line • minimum distance separation of 15 metres between a drive-through queuing lane/order board and a residential zone • restricted outdoor patio location to the Kingston Road frontage • all garbage rooms will be located within a fully enclosed structure attached or integrated into the buildings Pedestrian connections between buildings, between neighbouring commercial properties, and to Kingston Road will be determined through the site plan approval process. Also through this process, tree preservation (if possible), exterior lighting details, and drive-through order board equipment will be reviewed to minimize impact on the adjacent residential uses. Furthermore, a provision will be included in the site plan agreement requiring all restaurant operators to install an ecologizer within the cooking hood exhaust system to minimize cooking odours. The applicant will be required to submit a revised traffic impact study in support of the site plan approval application to determine operational requirements and road improvements on Delta Boulevard and Kingston Road. A concern was expressed by the area residents regarding the impact on property values of the existing homes in the area as a result of this development. Property value is influenced by a number of factors such as location, proximity to services and amenities, local economics, home improvements and condition, home and property size, and dwelling style. Impact on property value is not a consideration under the Planning Act in the review of development applications. However, appropriate development that is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood can positively contribute to the immediate area and the community as a whole. Report PLN 06-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) Page 9 3.6 Sustainability Implications The proposed development will support transit, enhance the pedestrian streetscape, utilize existing.services along Kingston Road, and provide for habitat improvements elsewhere in the Frenchman's Bay Watershed. There will be additional opportunities to provide sustainability measures through the site plan approval and building permit processes. 3.7 Technical matters will be addressed as conditions of the site plan review process A site plan application is yet to be submitted. Detailed design and technical matters will be addressed through the site plan approval process. Matters to be addressed through the site plan review process, include, but are not limited to: • refinement of building massing and orientation • review of building elevations and details of materials • pedestrian connections between buildings, neighbouring properties and Kingston Road • landscaping details including tree preservation • height and type of acoustical fence along the north property line adjacent to the existing residential properties to the north • emergency and service vehicle circulation • site grading and servicing • exterior lighting • revised traffic study • geotechnical report • design details of the piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary • payment of cash-in lieu of parkland dedication • dedication of the Kingston Road widening • development agreement with the Region for required off site works including boulevard treatment, connection to existing culvert at Kingston Road, off-site grading, and other required work to facilitate vehicular access from Kingston Road shared with the adjacent property to the east • reciprocal access easements over the east/west drive aisle to facilitate a connection with Delta Road, and • any other City and agency requirements A development agreement will be required to address any off-site works including the construction of a public road connecting to Delta Boulevard, road restoration, land transfer, easements, utility relocation, cost sharing, grading, drainage, and securities, as well as cost recovery for the Delta Boulevard and Kingston Road downstream storm sewer over sizing if required, and cost recovery for the Northeast Quadrant Study. Report PLN 06-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) Page 10 3.8 Staff support the final proposal and recommend that a zoning by-law be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment The subject lands are presently zoned "R3" —Third Density Residential Zone by Zoning By-law 3036, as amended. The applicant has submitted a rezoning application to permit a commercial development. To ensure compatibility with the surrounding community and appropriate site and urban design, the zoning by-law will have site specific performance provisions (see Appendix I to Report PLN 06-15) that would permit development in accordance with the recommendations contained in this report, including but not limited to the following: • permitted uses to include bakery, club, commercial club, day nursery, dry cleaning depot, financial institution, office, medical office, personal service uses, place of amusement and entertainment, restaurant, retail store and drive-through facility • prohibited uses to include gas bars, automobile service station and car wash • maximum of one drive-through facility with minimum queuing requirements, minimum setback from a residential zone, and prohibition of queuing lanes located between a building and Kingston Road • buildings permitted no closer than 18 metres to the residential zone to the north • 3.0 metre wide build-to zone adjacent to Kingston Road • maximum gross leasable floor area for restaurants, for medical office uses, and for all uses • minimum building height of 6.5 metres • minimum glazing on Kingston Road • minimum gross leasable floor area required as a second storey • minimum on-site parking requirements (including an exemption for second storey floor area up to a maximum gross leasable floor area) • all garbage rooms to be located within a fully enclosed structure attached or integrated into a building To ensure all technical and engineering requirements are met in accordance with the recommendations contained in this report, the zoning by-law will have an "(H)" - Holding provision that will require the owner to satisfy certain conditions prior to the lifting of the holding provision including, but not limited to, the following: • Site Plan/Development Agreement with the City and the Region of Durham has been entered into • all technical and engineering requirements for the piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary have been met to the satisfaction of the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Report PLN 06-15 June 8, 2015 - Subject: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) Page 11 • financial payment to the TRCA as compensation for the piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary • all technical, engineering and financial requirements for any off-site works including the payment for the design and construction of a public road connecting to Delta Boulevard, road restoration, land transfer, easements, utility relocation, cost sharing, grading, drainage, and securities have been met to the satisfaction of the City and the Region • all financial requirements for the cost recovery for the Delta Boulevard and Kingston Road downstream storm sewer over sizing (if required), cost recovery for the Northeast Quadrant Study, and cash-in-lieu of parkland have been met to the satisfaction of the City Staff supports the rezoning application and recommends that a site specific implementing by-law with an "(H)" — Holding zone provision containing the standards attached as Appendix I to this report be finalized and be brought before Council for enactment. 3.9 Applicant's Comments The applicant has been advised of the recommendations of this report. Appendix Appendix I Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 4/12 Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Original Submitted Plan 3. Revised Submitted Plan Report PLN 06-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) Page 12 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Deborah Wylie, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Principal P anner— Policy Chief Planner 0-s Surt MCIP, RPP Thomas Melym , MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Director, City Development Urban Design DW:Id Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council o‘eld et 25, 2olS Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Minimum Parking Requirements 14. A minimum of 4.5 parking spaces for every 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area be provided on the property. 15. No additional parking shall be required for the first 550 square metres of gross leasable floor area provided on a second floor. Drive-through Requirements 16. A maximum of one drive-through is permitted. 17. A drive-through queuing lane shall not be located between the building and any street (Kingston Road). 18. A drive-through queuing lane shall be setback a minimum of 15.0 metres from a residential zone. 19. Minimum of 8 vehicle queuing spaces before the order board and 4 vehicles queuing spaces between the order board and pick-up window. Holding Provisions An "(H)" — Holding provision to be applied, subject to the Owner satisfying the following conditions: a. The Owner has entered into a Site Plan/Development Agreement with the City and the Region of Durham. b. The Owner has satisfied all technical and engineering requirements for the piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary to the satisfaction of the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. c. The Owner has made a financial payment as compensation for the piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary to the satisfaction of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. d. The Owner has satisfied all technical, engineering and financial requirements to the satisfaction of the City and the Region for any off-site works including the design and construction of a public road connecting to Delta Boulevard, road restoration, land transfer, easements, utility relocation, cost sharing, grading, drainage and securities. e. The Owner has satisfied the City with respect to cost recovery for the Northeast Quadrant Study, and for the Delta Boulevard and Kingston Road downstream storm sewer over sizing if required. Page 2 of 2 Appendix Ito Report PLN 06-15 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 4/12 That the implementing zoning by-law permit a commercial development in accordance with the following provisions: Permitted and Prohibited Uses: 1. Permitted uses include Bakery, Office, Club, Commercial Club, Day Nursery, Dry Cleaning Depot, Financial Institution, Medical Office, Personal Service Shop, Place of Amusement and Entertainment, Restaurant (eat in or off the premises), Retail, Drive-through facility. 2. Prohibited uses include Gas Bar, Automobile Service Station and Car Wash. 3. Outdoor patios restricted to the Kingston Road frontage. Building Restrictions: 4. All buildings and structures shall be located entirely within a building envelope with the following setbacks: a. 2.0 metres from Front Lot Line (Kingston Road) b. 1.5 metres from the most westerly and easterly Side Lot Lines c. 18.0 metres from the Rear Lot Line 5. A 3.0 metre wide build-to-zone adjacent to Kingston Road. 6. No building or portion of a building or structure shall be erected within the building envelope, unless a minimum of 40 percent of the entire length of the build-to-zone is occupied by a continuous portion of the exterior wall of the building or buildings containing the building interior. 7. A minimum of 50 percent of the area of each building face along Kingston Road shall be constructed of unencumbered transparent materials. 8. Minimum building height of 6.5 metres. 9. Garbage to be contained within a fully enclosed structure attached or integrated into the buildings. Minimum and Maximum Floor Areas 10. Maximum gross leasable floor area of 2,600 square metres for all permitted uses. 11. Maximum gross leasable floor area of 1,000 square metres for all Restaurants. 12. Maximum gross leasable floor area of 1,000 square metres for all Medical Offices. 13. Minimum gross leasable floor area of 550 square metres of functional second storey. • Page 1 of 2 • ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT # / -►`I O6,-/5 u --:---- 7 EN 8 COURT z ID \\ ��. TES LANE 411111 o p sH„ ,„aPnkSHADYBR00K D ;, , ,`• TOT LOT 1 SQUARE J • 6141.14. i \ SHEPPARD AVENUE ST. DUNBARTON \ o ti ON ANe HIGH SCHOOL ao T C SUBJECT � ; PROPERTY•►i'i ii•CO ►i'i� i'i'i RQPp ♦�•••• ► ••• t BAYFAIR DUNFAIR STREET a ► ��� , BAPT/ST w ►i'i'ii 3) 1" a �,�i � CHURCH w 0S�oN DP1 1 1 c -s c)4(-< REDEOEMER ` � /O,p��JF 0 CATHOLIC ` ,, % ```,1 DRIVE RCH Ikk `,, �• -•� AV, �∎�,_�♦�- =C •�ioilrt:: Location.Map City 00 -'_ FILE No:A4/12 ' r-•� � APPLICANT: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) W NM N a t'1 l�� PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, City Development (760 & 770 Kingston Road) oarE: May.8,2015 y Department Data Sources: ITeranet Enterap'rieee Inc. and Ite euppllera. All rlghte Reeerved. Not a plan of eurcey. SCALE 1:10000 PN-6 2013 MPAC d its suppliers. All rlghta Reserved. Not a plan of Survey. ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT # ..t■ 06-15 PROPOSED ROAD CONNECTION TO T1II _ L L 1_ i i i . p DELTA BLOULEVARD /7'. — ® — EASEMENT — — — ®, ®®®®, , I *y , BUILDING C it ib 1 STOREY COMMERCIAL V 777 m2 - I', 1 1 1 b. i' a — I\BUILDING A BUILDING B 336m2 871m 2 r MAIN FLOOR L 2 / 01 WITH 558m / 2ND STOREY COMMERCIAUOFFICE / O . USE / ,,..,, CS H /\ Revised Submitted Plan Cifq 00 FILE No: A 04/12 ---= 17:- APPLICANT: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) NCONE4101 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, City Development (760 & 770 Kingston Road) Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: May 18,2015 • ATTACHMENT# 2 TO REPORT # ' N 0(0-1.5 ; I s I jj I L___ •Il � \it EXISTING RESIDEJ"•L . AL-/2-405-L .∎..= u z� I EXISTING COMMERCIAL � T C U 1 \ A / ■ \ f \ \ V II \ \,; \ \a s `ye \ SINGLE STOREY \ �,\ COMMERCIAL BUILDING I ` \ _ ft SINGLE STOREY COMMERCIAL 11 .---- BUILDING {� !ow,m .re mom, � .j. , El r i I / / i I Op0 R i ..:i 7 o� Original Submitted Plan Cifq -'_ FILE No: A 04/12 r i APPLICANT: 2206211 Ontario Inc. (Tristar Management Corp.) liCONat411�I- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, City Development (760 & 770 Kingston Road) Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE. May 1$,2015 • i