HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 09-15 CL 00 =T Report to _; ——== Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: CR 09-15 Date: June 8, 2015 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation Subject: Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program - Endorsement of Proposed Pickering Project - File: A-1440-001-15 Recommendation: 1. That Report CR 09-1,5 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program be approved; 2. That Council approve the participation of the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program: a) through the submission of an online application by the deadline of June 9, 2015; b) that the City's application for the grant consist of the Renovation of the Delaney Rink at a.total estimated cost of$2,900,160 with a net estimated City cost of$1,934,407; 3. That staff be given authority to prepare and submit the necessary documentation for the online application including a resolution of Council; 4. That staff be given the authority to apply for any future grant applications; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: On May 15, 2015, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. The program provides $150 million nationally over two years to support the rehabilitation, renovation and expansion of existing community infrastructure. The purpose of this report is to seek Council endorsement of the renovation of the Delaney Rink as the municipality's project in the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program at a total estimated cost of$2,900,160 and a net estimated City cost of $1,934,407. 175 CR 09-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program Page 2 The renovation of the Delaney Rink is in the City's forecasted 2016 capital budget and includes the replacement of the refrigerated rink slab and piping, replacement of the dasher board system, relocation of the players bench, acoustic treatment, renovation of the public washroom and dressing room to achieve accessibility standards, completion of the seating replacement program, general upgrades to the referees rooms, and finally, the modernization of the Delaney Rink public entrance with the elimination of the dated concrete ramp entrance to the Delaney Rink and the addition of an elevator, and a second floor with multipurpose community meeting rooms in its place. Many of the features of the Delaney Rink are original to the building dating back to 1983 and exceed the expected 25 year life cycle. The project will provide staff with the opportunity to replace end of life systems, realize energy savings by using energy efficient systems, achieve accessibility standard compliance and enhance user experience by modernizing the existing facility infrastructure. Financial Implications: The Renovation of the Delaney Rink is estimated to cost approximately $2,900,160 of which $965,753 (33.3 percent of total project cost) will be requested of the Federal Government through the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. The current financial plan is to have the City's share estimated to be $1,934,407, funded from external debt charges. It is anticipated that when the 2016 budget is submitted to Council, this project's financing strategy will be finalized. • Discussion: In 2017, Canada will mark the 150th anniversary of Confederation. This milestone is a historic opportunity for Canadians to connect with our past, celebrate our achievements and create a lasting legacy. On May 15, 2015, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced $150 million for the new Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program, which will provide significant support for community and cultural infrastructure across the country to celebrate Canada's sesquicentennial. The program will provide support for the renovation, expansion and rehabilitation of existing infrastructure that provides community and cultural benefits for the public. The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) is delivering the program in Southern Ontario with an allocation of$44 million over two years. Eligible recipients may receive a non-repayable contribution of up to 50 percent of total eligible project costs to a maximum of$1,000,000, with recipients providing the remaining balance. However, priority may be given to projects that require a federal contribution of only 33.3 percent. Projects must be completed by the end of 2017 to best support the Canada 150 celebrations. CORP0227-07/01 revised 176 CR 09-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program Page 3 The Delaney Rink renovation project is identified in the 2016 Capital Pickering Recreation Complex Arena Forecast, is approximately $1,800,000, and includes: replacement of the refrigerated rink slap and piping, replacement of the dasher board system, relocation of the players bench, acoustic treatment, renovation of the public washroom and dressing room to achieve accessibility standards, completion of the seating replacement program and general upgrades to the referees rooms. Currently, staff are preparing the project scope and have consulted our ice sport users groups to adjust 2016 ice permits accordingly. In addition, City staff are working to procure the architectural services for the Delaney Rink improvements which is included in the 2015 Pickering Recreation Complex Arena Capital Budget at $200,000. As a result of the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program announcement, City staff will be expanding this renovation project to include the modernization of the Delaney Rink public entrance that includes: a new elevator that will replace a dated and difficult to use concrete ramp entrance to the second floor of the Delaney Rink and the addition of multi-purpose accessible community meeting rooms. The modernization of Canada's Infrastructure is a key assessment tool in the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program and these arena upgrades address the much needed modernization of the arena which will also provide long term benefits to the community. . At this time, City staff seeks Council endorsement of the renovation of the Delaney Rink as the municipality's project in the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program as it is a requirement of the application process. • A further report will be submitted to Council once the results of the application are known and the tender costs have been received as costs and debt financing for the City's share must be approved by Council. Recommendation 4 of this report seeks Council's authority to apply for any future grant programs. In many instances, grant programs such as these require a resolution of council to support the municipality's project or application. During summer recess or at other times of the year, there may be situations when Members of Council may not be readily available to attend a special meeting of Council to endorse and approve such grant applications. For this reason, staff seek Council's authority to apply for any future • grant programs. In these instances, staff will inform Council through a memorandum at the earliest opportunity. Attachments: 1. Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program; Program Guidelines. CORP0227-07/01 revised 177 CR 09-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program Page 4 Prepared/Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation :mc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 0 / ///s z(: Zo(S Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised 178 • ATTACHMENT l TO REPORT# � • - r ilS u ,. P P' I {i 4 • • • • Canada 150 . Community Infrastructure • 1 Program • 1• • • PROGRAM GUIDELINES • • • • • • • ® ® Federal Economic Development Agence federate de developpement � ��IIU Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de l'Ontario u 179 { • • • I ►® Federal Economic Development Agency federate de developpement. • Agency for Southern Ontario economi_que pour'le Sud de Ontario • TABLE OF CONTENTS Background • 3 • Eligibility 3 funding 6 .Application Process 6 • Assessment Process 7 Other Requirements 8 • • • • • • • • • • • 2 180 • • 41 Federal Economic Development Agence federale de developpement Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de['Ontario Background Economic Action Plan 2015 announced $150 million nationally over two years for the new Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program (CIP 150).The CIP 150 is part of a coordinated federal approach to celebrating Canada's 150th anniversary. • Under the theme"Giving back to Canada" —shaping the future,leaving a lasting legacy and giving a gift to Canada—this program will support the rehabilitation,renovation and expansion of existing public infrastructure assets such as community centres, recreational facilities,local arenas,cultural centres and other community infrastructure.This commitment is expected to • strengthen public infrastructure and provide economic benefits in communities across Canada. The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario(FedDev Ontario) is delivering the program in southern Ontario with an allocation of$44.4 million over two years. • Eligibility I. Eligible Recipients Eligible recipients under the program include: • a municipal or regional government established by or under provincial statute; • a band council or an Aboriginal government authority established by a Self-Government Agreement or a Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement; • an incorporated not-for-profit organization; • a provincial entity that provides municipal-type infrastructure services to communities, as defined by provincial statute;and • a public-sector body that is established by or under provincial statute or by regulation or is wholly owned by a province, municipal or regional government which provides municipal-type infrastructure services to communities. II. Eligible Projects Funding is for the rehabilitation, renovation and expansion of existing community infrastructure assets that are non-commercial in nature and located in southern Ontario. Please see the Application Process section for a list of eligible communities. Ineligible projects include construction of new infrastructure,temporary installations,or facility expansions that would result in a significant increase of the asset(i.e. more than a 50 percent increase in square footage). 3 181 1. Federal Economic Development Agence federale de developpement Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de 1'Ontario Eligible projects must: • fall under an eligible category and be proposed by an eligible recipient; • be for the rehabilitation,renovation or expansion of existing community infrastructure assets; • be open for use to the public and not limited to a private membership; • leverage a minimum of 50 percent of funding from other sources. Priority may be given to projects that leverage 66.6 percent or more;and • be substantially completed by March 31,2018. - For the purposes of the program,"substantially completed" has the same meaning and shall be determined in accordance with how the term "substantially performed"is defined in subsection 2(1)of the Construction Lien Act,R.S.O.1990,c.C.30,as amended,and "Substantial • Completion"shall have a corresponding meaning. Projects must fall within the following project categories to be eligible for funding under the program: • community centres (including Legion Halls); • cultural centres and museums; • parks, recreational trails,including fitness trails,bike paths and other types of trails; • libraries; _ • recreational facilities including local arenas,gymnasia,swimming pools,sports fields, tennis, basketball,volleyball or other sport-specific courts,golf courses,ski hills or other types of recreational facilities; • tourism facilities; • docks; • cenotaphs;and • other existing community infrastructure assets for public benefit that have a local community impact,such as local roads,drinking water treatment and distribution systems,connectivity and broadband, local airports,solid waste management and wastewater infrastructure. Examples of eligible projects include: • expansions such as new entrances and ramps to improve accessibility to a facility; • replacing windows and doors in a community centre to improve energy efficiency; • upgrading heating,cooling or electrical systems to meet safety standards; • adding a roof or lighting to an outdoor rink;and • extending a trail or bike path by no more than 50 percent of its existing length. • 4 • 182 . 1+M Federal Economic Development Agence federale de developpement Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de('Ontario III. Eligible Project Costs Eligible costs are costs considered to be direct and necessary for the successful implementation of an eligible project and are paid by an eligible recipient under a contract for goods or services, excluding those explicitly identified in section IV below. Eligible project costs can only be reimbursed to the recipient if a contribution agreement is signed by both parties.Costs must first be incurred and paid by the recipient,and if deemed eligible,will then be reimbursed at the prescribed percentage of the federal contribution. Eligible costs for support under the program are as follows: • costs that are incurred between April 1,2016,and March 31,2018; • costs to rehabilitate, renovate or expand fixed capital assets of community infrastructure; • fees paid to professionals,technical personnel,consultants and contractors specifically • engaged for the purpose of the rehabilitation, renovation or expansion work; • costs of environmental assessments, monitoring and follow-up activities as required by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act(CEAA)2012 or equivalent legislation; • costs of any public announcement and official ceremony or of any required temporary or permanent signage that includes the cost of creation and posting of signage; • other Costs that are considered to be direct and necessary for the successful implementation of the project and that are approved in advance;and • Employee salaries and other incremental costs(i.e.materials or equipment) of the recipient may be included in eligible costs under the following conditions: o the recipient is a local, regional or Aboriginal government;and o the.recipient confirms and substantiates that it is not economically feasible to tender a contract;and o costs are employed directly in respect of the work that would have been the subject of the contract;and o the costs are approved in advance and are included in the contribution agreement. FedDev Ontario reserves the right to make the final determination on the value of contributions and to exclude expenditures deemed to be ineligible or outside the scope-of the project. IV. Ineligible Project Costs Costs related to the following items are not eligible costs under the program: • project costs incurred before April 1, 2016,or after March 31,2018; • temporary installations and moveable equipment,including but not limited to, motorized vehicles,furniture,computers and sports equipment; • services or work that is normally provided by the recipient or a related party; 5 • 183 ® ® Federal Economic Development Agence federale de developpement Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de('Ontario • salaries and other employment benefits of any employees of the recipient except as outlined above in Eligible Project Costs; _ • a recipient's overhead costs,its direct or indirect operating or administrative costs,and more specifically its costs related to planning,engineering, architecture,supervision, management and other activities normally carried out by the recipient's staff; • in-kind contributions; • the cost of feasibility and planning studies; • taxes, such as GST and HST,for which the recipient is eligible for a tax rebate and all other costs eligible for rebates; • the cost of land or any interest therein,and related costs; • cost of leasing of equipment by the recipient except for as indicated in eligible costs, above; • legal fees;and • routine maintenance costs. • Funding Eligible recipients may receive a non-repayable contribution of up to 50 percent of total eligible project costs of an infrastructure project,with recipients providing the remaining balance. However, priority may be given to those projects that require a federal contribution of only 33.3 percent. Eligible recipients may receive contributions of up to a maximum of$1,000,000. However, priority may be given to smaller-scoped projects to ensure projects can be completed within the required timeframes and to ensure that the program benefits are shared broadly. The total funding from all federal sources (including the CIP 150 and other sources such as the Gas Tax Fund)will not exceed 50 percent of total eligible project costs. All projects are required to begin and have substantially completed construction prior to March 31, 2018.Should this condition of funding not be met, FedDev Ontario shall have the right to cancel funding in whole or in part,and to be repaid any funding advanced,in whole or in part, for any project that is not completed by the end of the program. Application Process Applications and supporting documentation must be submitted to FedDev Ontario no later than 5:00 p.m.EDT on June 9,2015. • An application form and supporting documentation must be submitted for each project. . Incomplete and late applications will be deemed ineligible. • 6 • 184 • 1+1 Federal Economic Development Agence federale de developpement Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de('Ontario Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply online at www.FedDevOntario.gc.ca/CIP150. If you are unable to access or submit your application online,please call the toll-free line at 1-866-593-5505. In order to apply to the program through FedDev Ontario,the project location must be located in southern Ontario within one of the following 37 Statistics Canada census divisions: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry; Prescott and Russell; Ottawa; Leeds and Grenville; Lanark; Frontenac;Lennox and Addington; Hastings; Prince Edward;Northumberland;Peterborough; Kawartha Lakes; Durham;York;Toronto;Peel; Dufferin;Wellington;Halton; Hamilton; Niagara; Haldimand-Norfolk; Brant;Waterloo; Perth; Oxford; Elgin;Chatham-Kent; Essex; Lambton; Middlesex; Huron;Bruce;Grey;Simcoe; Haliburton;and, Renfrew. A list of the communities that form each census division is available online. Assessment Process FedDev Ontario will review all applications following the application deadline.Applicants will be notified of the results of their application in writing. Projects will be assessed on the eligibility requirements described above, as well as the following priority areas and selection criteria: Project Readiness:Applicants are required to provide information necessary to determine if the project is construction-ready and will be substantially completed by March 31,2018. Priority may be given to projects that can be completed by June 30,2017. Project Scope: In order to ensure that projects can be completed within the program timeframes and that the program benefits are shared broadly,priority may be given to smaller- scoped projects. Extent to which Other Funding is Leveraged:The ability for a given project to leverage 66.6 percent of project funding from other sources may be considered when making project decisions. Link to Canada's 150th Anniversary:Applicants are asked to outline how their infrastructure improvement project is linked to Canada's 150th anniversary. For example,does the project contribute to modernizing Canada's infrastructure,do the upgrades provide long-term benefits to a community,does it have historical significance related to Confederation,or will its improvement contribute to celebrating Canada's 150th anniversary. Incrementality:Applicants are required to attest,in conjunction with their project application, that the work to be undertaken is an incremental construction activity that would not 7 • • 185 ,at„ Federal Economic Development Agence federale de developpement '9� Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de('Ontario otherwise have been constructed or constructed as quickly,were it not for funding from the CIP 150. Other Requirements Endorsement Proposed projects must be duly authorized or endorsed by a resolution of Council, Band or • Board of Directors,as applicable.The resolution is encouraged at the time of the application and must be received before a contribution agreement can be executed. In addition, not-for-profit organizations must provide the following documentation electronically with their application: • Certified copy of their articles of incorporation;and • List of current Board of Directors and contact information. Ownership of Asset -If an applicant does not own the asset for which CIP 150 funding is requested,the applicant must complete an Applicant Declaration and Landlord Authorization form at the time of application. If at any time within six(6)years from the date of completion of the project,the recipient sells, leases,encumbers or otherwise disposes of,directly or indirectly,any asset funded, in whole or • in part,with the financial assistance contributed under the terms of the program,the recipient must repay the federal government, on demand,a proportionate amount of the financial • assistance,as follows: • Repayment of Contribution Amounts Where Project asset is sold,leased, Repayment of contribution; encumbered or disposed of: {in current dollars) Within 2 Years after Project completion 100% !Between 2 and 6 Years after Project completion 55% • 16 Years after Project completion 0% Environmental Assessment Projects that are defined as"designated projects"under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act,2012 and those located on "federal lands" may require an environmental assessment or review."Designated projects" include major projects such as electrical generating stations and transmission Iines,oil and gas mining and processing facilities,metal and mineral mines, major railway lines,and all season highways.Applicants should • 8 • • 186 1+1 Federal Economic Development Agence federale de developpement • Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de('Ontario communicate with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency for more information on "designated projects". For projects carried out on"federal lands" (which are not"designated projects"), FedDev Ontario will have to determine if the project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. Eligible project costs cannot be reimbursed until this review has been completed. Reporting All approved recipients will be required to submit progress reports until project completion. The progress report should detail progress on the implementation of the project,and amounts received through the agreement,amounts expended on approved projects,and an overall update on the project status.Details of this reporting will be provided to recipients in their contribution agreements. Contact Us For more information on the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program, please email or call 1-866-593-5505. • • • • • 9 187