HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 01-15 Cat/ Report to Executive Committee PI KERING Report Number: CAO 01-15 Date: May 11, 2015 From: Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Pan American (Pan Am) and Parapan Am Games • - Potential Impacts to Pickering - File: S-4000 Recommendation: That Report CAO 01-15 of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding potential impacts to Pickering related to the Pan Am and Parapan Am games be received for information. Executive Summary: The Pan Am Games will be the largest event ever hosted in Canada. Although we are not hosting an event in Pickering, we have considered potential impacts, and have provided an update on information we have received to- date; along with Pickering's participation in select programs and activities. Staff will continue to pursue information, and monitor any additional adjustments that may have to be made prior to, or during, the games., Financial Implications: Not applicable • Discussion: The Pan Am and Parapan Am Games are the world's third largest international multi-sports Games. In 2015, Toronto will be the Host City of the Pan Am (July 10-26) and Parapan Am (August 7-15) Games. Athletes from across Latin America, South America, the Caribbean and North America will compete in 36 Pan Am sports, and 15 Parapan Am sports at the TORONTO 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games. It is anticipated that this will draw more than 10,000 athletes and officials, 250,000 visitors and 4,000 media to Toronto and the Greater Golden Horseshoe region. This will be the largest event ever hosted in Canada, including the Olympics. Therefore, it is important to recognize that it will not be business as usual during the games. It is anticipated that these games will draw 160,000 visitors and participants to Durham Region. 147 CAO01-15 May 11, 2015 Subject: Pan Am & Parapan Am Games Page 2 Venues in Durham Region include: Pan Am Games —July 10-26, 2015 Location Sport Anticipated Based on Local Number of Area Traffic Athletes & Plans/Study Visitors provided by PAN Am Transportation (daily estimate) Spectators Auto Trips President's Choice Ajax Pan Am Baseball 125,000 5,600 1,610 Ballpark (July 11-26) Softball 2001 Audley Road North, Ajax Oshawa Sports Centre (July 11- Weight 35,000 2,400 565 15, 18-25) Lifting • 99 Athol Street East, Oshawa Boxing Para Pan Am Games (August 7-15) Abilities Centre Judo 4,800 600 175 55 Gordon Street, Whitby, ON Boccia While the City of Pickering is not hosting any games, we felt it prudent to consider the potential impacts to our community. Particularly as it relates to the influx of people to the Region and potential impacts to transportation, emergency services, programs and services. Transportation To plan and deliver transportation for the Games, the Province is working with partners across the general Pan Am'Games regions which include representatives from the following: • • Toronto 2015 • Metrolinx • the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario • 15 municipalities • 8 regional governments • 12 transit agencies • security planners • CORP0227-07/01 revised 1'48 • CAO 01-15 May 11, 2015 Subject: Pan Am & Parapan Am Games Page 3 Transportation impacts are one of the key issues that are being considered by the organizing agencies. It is understood that not all spectators will travel by car to the games, and that many will carpool or take transit as described in the sections that follow. Pan Am has provided anticipated daily auto trip numbers in their Local Area Plans, which are shown in the previous table. Overall, according to Pan Am's Local Area Plans and Parking Study, a maximum of 3,200 spectators are estimated to be in the Ajax ball park at a time (800 day passes plus 2,400 game tickets). There will be excess seats since adjacent ball diamonds are not always active. In Oshawa, the maximum capacity includes only a portion of the seats in the GM Centre, for a maximum venue capacity of 2,400. This venue regularly holds larger events such as concerts and hockey games that have far greater numbers of spectator trips than they anticipate for the Pan Am Games. Whitby will host the Para Pan Am Boccia and Judo competitions during the period of August 8th - 14th. This event is not anticipated to generate the same traffic as the Ajax or Oshawa competition for the Pan Am Games. It was expressed that the majority of automobile trips through Pickering are expected to be confined to Highway 401 through Pickering for the following reasons: • there are no games venues in Pickering • the games venues in Ajax and Oshawa will very rarely have concurrent start times, resulting in less games traffic on Highway 401 at the same time • few games occur in the morning and afternoon peak hours when commuter traffic is at its heaviest • transit costs for spectators are included in the event ticket price, which includes a bus shuttle service • transit will be more frequent to and from event venues • accessibility enhancements around event venues Note: City staff have expressed their concerns related to the impacts to roads in Pickering in the event that alternative routes through Pickering may be used due to issues on Highway 401. This is of particular concern to us for traffic on Brock Road and along Taunton Road as an alternative route to the Ajax ball diamonds. The Region has assured us that they have measures in place to monitor this (as described further in the report). However, a letter will be sent to the Premiere's Office expressing concerns that potential impacts to Pickering have not been adequately considered. Additional way finding signage to events will be installed There will be signs added on Highway 401 and on select roadways in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa to help spectators find their way to and from events. No additional signage will be placed in Pickering from the Pan Am Transportation team aside from on Highway-401. The use of electronic message boards along Highway 401 will also be used to inform motorists of changing traffic conditions, if necessary. CORP0227-07/01 revised 149 CAO01-15 May 11, 2015 Subject: Pan Am & Parapan Am Games Page 4 Temporary High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes on Highway 401 tO Westney Road The median lane, in each direction on Highway 401 from the Don Valley Parkway to Westney Road will be marked as a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane to allow for easier travel for the athletes and spectators to and from the games, as well as any carpoolers that travel on Highway 401. The HOV lanes will operate from 5 am to 11 pm and will allow for the following vehicles: ' • Games vehicles • emergency vehicles • electric vehicles with gredn license plates • public transit • taxis • any vehicle that has 3 or more occupants from June 29 to July 27 • any vehicle that has 2 or more occupants from July 28 to August 18 The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) has stated that the use of the HOV lanes will be strictly enforced for the duration of the games. The Pan Am Games & the impact on Regional Services in Pickering Regional services such as waste collection will not be impacted by the Pan Am. Games. Also, no road closures or additional restrictions in Pickering have been proposed as a result of the games. There will be a road closure in Ajax on Audley Road north of Rossland Road strictly for the games; however, they believe this closure should not affect Pickering roads: All Regional construction activities that are expected to interfere with the games will be placed on hold for the duration. The Pan Am Games representatives are also aware of the road closures from the construction of the Highway 407 extension, and do not anticipate Highway 407 construction to interfere with traffic from the games. On behalf of the Region of Durham, the MTO will be administering a construction contract on Brock Road between Bayly Street and Pickering Parkway, including works on the bridge structure over Highway 401. Construction is anticipated to commence after Victoria Day and will involve traffic sequencing including.nightly lane closures, and restricted through and turning movements. Some movements that will be restricted include southbound Brock Road to eastbound.Highway 401, and eastbound Highway 401 to northbound Brock Road. At this time it is not known if any restrictions will be at a time of day that would impact travel to and from Pan Am Games venues. • The City is also considering allowing off-peak deliveries for Pickering businesses so that trucks do not have to travel Highway 401 in peak hours. As this may impact the City's noise by-law, additional information is currently being sought. CORP0227-07/01 revised 150 • CAO01-15 May 11, 2015 Subject: Pan Am & Parapan Am Games Page 5 Durham Region staff will be monitoring traffic throughout the Region for the Duration of the games Regional traffic staff will monitor traffic throughout the region at the Durham Regional Traffic Management Centre from 6 am to midnight during the games, and will be able •to respond in real time to any changes in traffic patterns through the modification of signal timings: The Region of Durham has traffic cameras at most major intersections • and will be adding new cameras to many others in time for the games, particularly on Brock Road, Bayly Street, Taunton Road and Kingston Road. To provide for the best possible level of service, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) • will also have access to the Durham Regional Traffic Management Centre cameras and traffic related data. This will allow them to communicate existing and potential traffic impacts and make the necessary adjustments. Any concerns received from the City of Pickering related to traffic congestion caused from the Pan Am games will be forwarded to Durham Region staff who are working closely with MTO, Durham Regional Police Services and other related agencies. Traffic planning estimates have been based on the busiest time and day (the 11th day of the games - July 21, 2015 from 5 pm - 6 pm). The Pan Am Games Transportation Team have asked that all residents of the region participate in efforts to reduce travel demands during the duration of the games by 20 percent. If this is successful they anticipate that traffic impacts will be minimal as the traffic reduction will exceed the demand created by the games. There are numerous online resources for residents and businesses which we will assist with re-promoting through our communication channels to our community; however, we are mindful that these impacts are based on a requirement for an overall reduction in travel of 20 per cent, which is a commitment that must be made by all. understand that it won't be business as usual during the games; and we will do our part to alleviate impacts to Pickering. • Emergency Management/Fire Services Fire Services will continue to work with their Regional partners (Fire, Police, EMS and the Durham Emergency Measures Office) to ensure that we can adequately respond to and deal with emergencies that take place during the Pan Am games. Our solid partnerships and existing agreements will ensure seamless service delivery. Response zones can also be adjusted by our Dispatch Centre to accommodate traffic patterns and congestion. • CORP0227-07/01 revised 151 CAO01-15 May 11, 2015 Subject: Pan Am & Parapan Am Games Page 6 Alternative Work Arrangements We will be promoting initiatives through our Smart Commute program to encourage staff to car pool, bike, and take public transit. Alternative work arrangements will be considered for those staff who live outside of Pickering, and whose positions do not require them to be at work during specific core hours, to contribute to lessoning traffic during peak hours. • Smart Commute initiatives for our residents and businesses will also be promoted. MTO has advised that a Trip Planner App will be available in mid-May to keep visitors advised of games schedule and changes, as well as road closures and traffic implications. Businesses Businesses are encouraged to sign up for email updates related to traffic plans and impacts which provide planning tools and resources to lessen any transportation impacts during this time. Our Economic Development staff have shared this with the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade, and to local businesses through our View on Business eNewsletter. The Economic Development Office will continue to use their business eblasts and social media channels to push out reminders of how businesses should plan for changes in transportation network services during the games. Our Customer Care Centre has also registered for the email updates on behalf of the City. Programs & Services Pan Am Path The Pan Am Path is an 84-kilometre continuous trail for walking, running, cycling and wheeling that connects Toronto from east to west. From May 16 to August 15, 2015, the Pan Am Path Art Relay will travel across Toronto, engaging with local community groups to celebrate some of Toronto's greatest assets: diversity, nature, and arts. The series of events will take place along the Path and will feature public art installations, music, performances and family-friendly festivals. On the final day (August 15th), an event is planned at the Rouge Beach from noon — 4:00 pm and 8:30 pm — midnight. The daytime program will take place along the beach promenade consisting of activations and vendors, both events will follow an aboriginal theme. This theme was inspired by the Pickering First Nations Trail. Event organizers are working with the Durham Metis Circle to assist in the operation of the daytime program. The evening program is scheduled to include the largest and most involved temporary art installation of the entire Pan Am Path: including performances by internationally acclaimed aboriginal dancers, a Juno award winning artist, major CORP0227-07/01 revised 152 CAO 01-1.5 May 11, 2015 Subject: Pan Am & Parapan Am Games Page 7 Canadian artist, and a brand new work created by a renowned Canadian composer. These works will be presented in tandem to produce one major work. While none of the actual activities or public participation will take place on Pickering lands, the organizers have requested some logistical support and permissions which impact our portion of the path, and to promote the event through various City marketing channels including social media, Destination Pickering, and notifications to area residents. Durham Festival • Durham Tourism has developed a region-wide festival to capitalize on the Parap Am Games and Pan Am Path completion. The four day festival will run August 13 — 16, 2015 and includes cultural events and activities in each municipality. Pickering will host 4 evenings of cultural performances including: Driftwood Theatre on Thursday evening performing Hamlet in Millennium Square, and Dusk dances on Friday through Sunday. Dusk dances brings contemporary dance acts who will perform throughout Alex Robertson park. The dance showcase will include a piece from a local dance school, to be selected by the Dusk Dances, artistic director. Daytime programming will feature Pickering Museum Village and sponsor activations on a small scale. The Nautical Village Business Association has committed to running an apple festival for the four days of the festival featuring arts, music, and local food vendors. Culture & Recreation staff are working with the business association to ensure permits and insurances are in place. Staff are considering securing additional parking at Father Fenelon School during this period. Tourism Spin Offs Our events are promoted in the Provincial and Regional Tourism Campaigns, and therefore we expect an increase in traffic, not only to our events, but to our businesses and restaurants. City events during the Pan Am games include: Event/Attraction Timeline Summer Concert Series Thursdays & Sundays Pickering Museum Village Kids in the Village Thursday mornings History in Action Saturdays General Tours Wednesdays through Sundays CORP0227-07/01 revised 153 CAO01-15 May 11, 2015 Subject: Pan Am & Parapan Am Games Page 8 In order to remediate potential parking issues during the Thursday evening waterfront concerts, event staff will promote off-site parking maps to advise guests of alternate legal parking locations. All other events can easily accommodate an increase in attendance. Summer Camps & Busing Since Brock Road and Taunton Road are anticipated to experience higher than usual traffic volumes due to the Pan Am Games, patrons will be notified with their camp registration confirmation that their camp pick up and drop off times may be impacted by potential traffic delays. Any camp bus trips outside Pickering will be planned with dates/times of the Games in mind to avoid high traffic times where possible. Tennis Courts as Back up to the ParaPan Wheelchair Tennis Event Pickering Recreation Complex will serve as a rain location from August 8 —.14, 2015 for the ParaPan wheelchair tennis event (University of Toronto Tennis Centre is the outdoor venue). Arrangements to use the Pickering Recreation Complex (as weather dictates) is being facilitated through Tennis Canada (national sport governing body). August is a light month for tennis bookings, and our camps use outdoor facilities. The tennis courts will be block booked for the duration of the games. The location of the tennis courts, and multiple exits provide entry for athletes and spectators with convenient access to 350 parking spaces at the rear of the facility. This facility is completely accessible, with a viewing gallery, umpire chairs, qualified first responders and meeting and change room facilities. Our tennis courts have been used for similar purposes for the Annual Children's Games, with no damage anticipated to the surface. The use of the courts is also supported by our Tennis Professional and will not interrupt any current bookings or reserved functions. - This is a great opportunity to be part of the games with minimal impact to our community and patrons. Customer Care Centre & Corporate Communications Recognizing that these games will be bigger than the Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal Olympics, we will use our communication channels to reinforce to our community that it will not be business as usual in Durham. While we are not hosting any games, we want to ensure our residents have access to relevant information which we will be. sharing through our Customer Care Centre, and through our communication channels. We will be promoting that residents should consider alternate travel arrangements, CORP0227-07/01 revised 154 . CAO 01-15 May 11, 2015 Subject: Pan Am & Parapan Am Games Page 9 related to transportation impacts and scheduling. We are preparing a contact and FAQ reference sheet for staff to respond to general enquiries if need be. Our website and social media will also be updated with the appropriate links and contact information. Attachments: Not applicable Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: J zo • /,l I Judy Hodgson Ric-and Holborn Division Head, City Administration Director, Engineering & Public Works Marisa rpino Director, Culture & Recreation • Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council - oj.4.4fix Aid Z7 w(S Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • CORP0227-07/01 revised 155