HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 05-15 Cat/oso Report to "' ; ; = Executive Committee PTA- PICKERING Report Number: CR 05-15 Date: May 11, 2015 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation Subject: Whitevale & District Residents' Association - Request to repurpose the former Whitevale Library - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CR 05-15 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Whitevale & District Residents' Association be received; and • 2. That Council authorize staff to prepare a Lease Agreement pursuant to which the Whitevale & District Residents' Association will be permitted to repurpose the former Whitevale Library into the Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre to operate arts and cultural community programs; such agreement to be brought back to Council for consideration; or 3. If Council does not authorize staff to prepare a Lease Agreement with the Whitevale and District Residents' Association, that Council hereby declares the said property as surplus to the needs of the City and hereby authorizes staff to sell the said property subject to the requirements of the City's Acquisition and Disposal of Land Policy (ADM 130); and 4. That appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.' Executive Summary: The Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre Committee of the Whitevale & District Resident's Association (WDRA) have requested that the municipality approve the repurposing of the former Whitevale Library into the Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre. As per their proposal dated March 31, 2015, this new centre will showcase arts and culture in the,heritage village of Whitevale and will be operated by their committee. The former Whitevale Library is currently not open to the public. Under the authority of the Public Library's Act, the Pickering Public Library Board voted to remove funds for the Whitevale Library in the 2013 Current Budget and terminate service delivery at this branch as of January 1, 2013. Since that time, the facility has remained vacant and is under the authority of the Culture & Recreation Department. 19 CR 05-15 V May 11, 2015 Subject: Whitevale & District Residents' Association Page 2 As per the proposal of the Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre Committee in Attachment 1, the Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre will provide: • meeting space for local and regional residents, arts and cultural groups • display space to showcase local artists and their works • workshop space for arts and cultural education programs • facility space for media borrowing program • focal point to enhance visitor experience to the Hamlet of Whitevale The City of Pickering is already engaged in a verbal agreement with the Whitevale & District Residents' Association with respect to the Whitevale Community Centre. The agreement for the Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre (WACC) would mirror the same partnership model holding the association responsible to manage the facility.and its programs, conduct all facility cleaning, remove snow from walkway, purchase/install any required facility furniture, fixtures and equipment and perform any leasehold improvements required for the operation of said services. In turn, the City of Pickering would be responsible for hydro, general maintenance, pest control, water systems and testing, and capital repairs due to aging facility conditions. The City's annual cost to reopen the former Whitevale Library is estimated to be $6,525 and excludes any ongoing capital repairs the aging facility may require as none are identified at this time. The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval to authorize staff to prepare a written lease agreement with the Whitevale & District Residents' Association that would repurpose the former Whitevale Library into the Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre. Should Council not approve this partnership opportunity, staff recommends that the former Whitevale Library located at 475 Whitevale Road be sold. Financial Implications: The City of Pickering's annual general maintenance and operating costs to reopen the former Whitevale Library is estimated to be $6,525. Hydro $1,475.00 Water testing &supplies $1,350.00 Septic Maintenance $1,100.00 Pest Control $ 500.00 General Maintenance $1,500.00 Contingency $ 600.00 Total $6,525.00 Please note that these costs exclude facility cleaning and leasehold improvements which would be the responsibility of the Whitevale & District Resident's Association. The City's costs also exclude any capital repairs (due to conditions of an aging facility) because none have been identified at this time as an immediate need. CORP0227-07/01 revised 20 CR 05-15 May 11, 2015 . Subject: Whitevale & District Residents' Association Page 3 Discussion: As President of the Whitevale & District Residents' Association, • Scott Finlayson submitted a letter to the City of Pickering dated March 31, 2015 (as per Attachment 2) requesting that the municipality approve the repurposing of the former Whitevale Library into a Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre that their committee will operate. As per the WDRA membership meeting of February 18, 2015, the Whitevale & District Residents' Association unanimously endorses the proposal of the Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre Committee. The former Whitevale Library is located at 475 Whitevale Road and has remained vacant since its closure effective January 1, 2013. Pickering Public Library staff worked with the community to implement programs and collections but the community size could not sustain the service in a manner that was in compliance with the Ontario Public Library Guidelines. Under the authority of the Public Library's Act, the Pickering Public Library Board voted on November 22, 2012 to remove funds for the Whitevale Library in the 2013 Current Budget and terminate service delivery at this branch as.of January 1, 2013. At that time, the Culture & Recreation Department assumed responsibility for the Whitevale Library as part of their inventory facilities. As per the proposal of the Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre Committee in Attachment 1, the Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre will provide: • meeting space for local and regional residents, arts and cultural groups • display space to showcase local artists and their works • workshop space for arts and cultural education programs • facility space for media borrowing program • focal point to enhance visitor experience to the Hamlet of Whitevale Since 2013, the Whitevale & District Residents' Association has used the former Whitevale Library to host an art show during their annual Whitevale Spring Festival. The association has perceived this to be a positive experience that is well received by the public and would like to pursue this facility model more permanently. An "operational committee" of local residents would be responsible to manage on site activities, marketing and promotions, maintaining volunteer network and generating revenues to offset the day to day operating costs and/or required leasehold improvements. Although the terms of the lease agreement are yet to be confirmed, it is envisioned that the City of Pickering would be responsible for the general maintenance and operating costs of the facility and capital repairs(related to aging facility conditions). This partnership model mirrors the verbal agreement currently in place between the Whitevale & District Residents'.Association and the City of Pickering regarding the use of the Whitevale Community Centre. In this case, the association is responsible to clean the facility at their expense and coordinate all facility rentals keeping 100% of rental revenue, which totalled $2,005 (from April 2014 to April 2015). The City of Pickering is responsible for all general maintenance and operating costs of the CORP0227-07/01 revised 21 CR 05-15 May 11, 2015 Subject: Whitevale & District Residents' Association Page 4 Whitevale Community Centre which include utilities, water testing, pest control, and capital repairs (due to conditions of an aging facility). The estimated annual cost to the City of Pickering to reopen the former Whitevale Library is $6,525. Capital repairs are dependent on the condition of the facility and, at this time, no capital upgrades have been identified. But as the facility ages, capital repairs will be required to keep the facility operational and suitable for public use. The Whitevale & District Residents' Association will be responsible for day to day operating costs, programming costs, snow removal from walkway, facility fixtures, equipment, furniture deemed necessary to repurpose this facility for their use and capital renovations contemplated for their operation (subject to the approval of the City). As per their proposal, WDRA estimate $18,545 in annual costs to operate WACC of which $2,120 will be offset by general revenues, $9,900 will be offset by in kind services from WDRA, and the balance of$6,525 would be offset by the City of Pickering in annual general operating/maintenance costs. The Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre Committee proposes that the centre operate approximately 12 hours per week from Thursday, Friday and Saturdays annually and provide media borrowing, storefront art displays and teaching/workshop space with member artists and literary activities for the community. As per their proposal, WDRA estimate $2,200 in annual revenues generated by the WACC which include workshop fees, membership fees and benefactors. The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval to authorize staff to prepare a written lease agreement with the Whitevale & District Residents' Association that would repurpose the former Whitevale Library into the Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre that would be brought back to Council for consideration. In principle, staff support the proposal endorsed by WDRA as it addresses the need for more small venues to support cultural activities in Pickering. This need has been identified in the newly adopted City of Pickering's Cultural Strategic Plan (Council _ Resolution #247/14) within strategic direction #2 to "Build a Strong and Collaborative Cultural Sector". ,It also goes further to partner the municipality with a local community organization to showcase and support local artists and engage/educate the next generation of artists and art enthusiasts as per strategic direction # 6 "Cultivate Opportunities for the Creation, Education and Enjoyment of the Arts". Should Council not authorize staff to prepare a written lease agreement with the Whitevale and District Residents' Association for said property, staff recommends that the former Whitevale Library located at 475 Whitevale Road be sold. CORP0227-07/01 revised 22 CR 05-15 May 11, 2015 Subject: Whitevale & District Residents' Association Page 5 • Attachments: 1. Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre Committee proposal dated March 31, 2015 2. ' Whitevale & District Residents' Association letter dated March 31, 2015 • 3. Location Map Prepared/Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation :mc • Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council • • • op,tiveili 2-7. 204.5 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • • CORP0227-07/01 revised 23 AT ACH'i`MENT# RE oaT # C? OE--; 1 s - - — --- +=— f -- - March 31st,2015 • WHITEVALE ARTS AND CULTURE CENTRE Objective To repurpose the former City of Pickering Whitevale Library Branch Building at 475 Whitevale Road in the Hamlet of Whitevale so that it can re-establish its role as an invaluable cultural resource in the heart of our community. Rationale To create a dedicated space and secure facility for activities that cannot take place in the community centre,which is available to be rented to the community and is therefore not suitable for the following activities: • • local book and media exchange,requiring permanent storage and display • art(multimedia) display space for local artists • workshop space for art and culture programs,requiring storage of some supplies and equipment Organization • The WDRA(Whitevale Residents and District Association)will oversee the operation of this facility • Leadership will be provided by the existing working group (Don Anderson, Patricia Lowe, Betty Michaud and Brigitte Sopher) representing the WDRA. • The working group or Whitevale Art and Culture Centre Committee will be responsible for implementing the proposed business plan and providing in-kind interior and exterior maintenance services including security,waste management,shovelling,housekeeping,operating hours,fundraising activities and minor facility upgrades. • A Whitevale Arts and Culture Centre membership program will be initiated giving members access to the facility, programs and resources. Proposed Operations(1st year will be a pilot year and operations may be adjusted to community use/needs) • Open Thursday,Friday(2PM-5PM) and Saturday(10AM-4PM)providing access to media borrowing/art displays. • Operate a storefront art display and space for small group activities (art talks,workshops on knitting,sketching or drawing).Volunteer presenters work pro bono in first year (possibly for% of fee later on,with surplus going to WDRA). • Host literary activities,such as book and film dubs,readings and writing workshops. Budget The facility will operate on a fee for service model to ensure that the day to day operating and program costs are cov- ered at no additional cost to the City above the general building operating costs approximated in this report. 24 Whitevale Arts and Culture Centre 2015 Expenditures Cash($) In-kind Comments ($) Insurance Liability covered under WDRA insurance/art work covered by artists Promotion 150 300 Facebook Page,Web Page,Newsletter,Sign Water Cooler,food service 150 150 Donation of coffee maker,etc... Cleaning Supplies 100 Cleaning Costs 500 Provided by volunteers Furnishing 250 Donations from residents Lighting,displays 400 Program operations/ 7200 Provided by volunteers($12.00 x 12 hrs x 50 weeks) supervision Internet and phone 1320 Note:based on 2011 costs of$1,248 adjusted to inflation -could be run for first year from volunteer home at no cost Media materials 1500 Donations of heritage resources,books and DVD's Building Operations $6525 Operating costs provided by City of Pickering $2120 $16425 Revenue Membership 400 20 family memberships @$20 Workshop Fees. 900 3 workshops given pro bono by volunteers with 6 participants @ $50(as a start for year 1).Goal is to give presenter a percentage of fees in year 2 Benefactors ' 500 Secure$100 from 5 benefactors Financial Donations 100 Donation Box to be used at openings and workshops Seed Money from WDRA 300 To be reimbursed to WDRA when program is well established $2200 • 25 Measurement of Success • use of book and media borrowing program will be 20/week by December 31, 2015 • number of memberships will reach 20 by December 31, 2015 • number of participants in workshops (minimum of 6) and visitors at art shows (75 visitors for each) • financial self-sufficiency • Benefits to Pickering Community • historical building is used, maintained and showcased • book and media exchange • variety of cultural community events offered in Whitevale • • support local community This proposal has been prepared by the Whitevale Arts and Culture Centre Committee (D.Anderson, P.Lowe, B.Michaud and B. Sopher) 26 ATTACHMENT#-,. - TO&PPORT# OS -,1 City ty o f Pickering Marisa Carpino Director, Culture &Recreation I Culture&Recreation Department One The Esplanade Pickering ON L 1 V 6K7 • • March 31, 2015 • Dear Ms. Carpino: Thank you for the opportunity of submitting this business plan proposal on behalf of the Whitevale and District Residents' Association for the re-purposing of the Whitevale Library, located at 475 Whitevale Road. As part of our commitment to - preserving the heritage of our community and providing inclusive activities for res- idents and visitors to our village,we are confident we can work together on this ex- citing initiative. At our residents' meeting on Wednesday February 18th, 2015, the proposal was presented to the members and fully endorsed to be moved forward through this submission. Our Association will also contribute seed funding to assist with the start-up costs and cover the liability insurance needs. We plan to have a book and media borrowing program as well as art workshops and exhibits,run by volunteers. We see an opportunity to provide a secure environment for this type of activity that will draw from artists across Durham Region. We are looking to confirm the commitment and interest from the City in keeping the Whitevale Library at the heart of our village. Please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience to discuss this collaboration with the City of Pickering. Sincerely, Scott Finlayson • President, WDRA(Whitevale&District Resident's Assoc) 27 ATTACHM ENT#.`3 TO REPORT# ('S- 1 S r ITE\ AlE a ice_ • 1 1 IP FZGH�\N till I 1 1111 2 4\ GNV �20v . 1 �cn O) RG pp . (D v PLC 11 �N��E ivy SUB BUILD Cr7O N t )2 C--p j (4 . ENGINEERING&PUBLIC ATTACHMENT FOR CULTURE & �,`_ WORKS DEPARTMENT City°¢ CAPITAL PROJECTS& RECREATION REPORT CR 05-15 �_ _,_i ,_,;__ INFRASTRUCTURE WHITEVALE&DISTRICT RESIDENTS' � : N.T.S April 20/2015 ASSOCIATION M A/4 1 28 i