HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 52/97�o'�N oF P�Q� � � R ORT'�O O 1 CI FROM: E3rucc Tuylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk C lN L DATE: Dcccmbcr 8,1997 REPORT NO: CL 52/97 SUBJECf: Appointmcnts to Agcncics, I3oards and Commitices RECOMMENDATION: I. Thut pursunnt lo Scclion 58 of thc Municipal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, ns umcndcd, thc Council of ihe Corpomtion of the To�m of Pickcring hcreby dcclnres lhis Special Mceting of Council Io bc closcJ in ordcr to considcr appoinlments of clecicd and non- ciccicd persons to vurious agcncics, boards ttnd committccs. 2. 'll�nt ihc nppoinlments mude nt Ihis Spcciul Mccting of Council be confirmed by by-law or resolution at Ihc Rcgular Council Mcciing of Dcccmbcr 22, 1997. ORIGIN: Rcquircmcnts und requcsts of vorious stalutcs nnd agcncics. AUTHORITY: Vnriuus stututcs FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Currcnt Ycnr. Not Applicablc BACKGROUND: �ollowing thc regular clections, municipul councils nre in a position to appoint vurious ciccted and non-elecicd persons to a widc vnriety of ngcncics, bonrds and committees for n thrce ycar tcrm to match �hc tcrm of thc ciccted council. In order to advcrtise thc appointment of non•elected persons to committees os widcly ns possible, nn advcrtisemcnt wns publishcd in the Community Page of the News Advertiscr on Novembcr 4, 11, 18 and 25, nnd thc Durhem Sun on Novembcr 19, 1997. A copy of this advertiscment is auuchcd hcreto on Pngc 7 for your information. I hnvc altached for Council's information a summary of tertns of refcrcncc of thc various committccs, u summnry of thc persons wh� have applicd for nppointmcnt nnd havc notcd thc numbcr of elccted nnd/or non•ciccicd persons to be appointcd to cnch committcc, I havc recommendcd that Council dcnl with thc issuc of appo(nlments to committccs in a closcd session bccause applicants have providcd persannl infortnation about thcrosclvcs that must not be discloscd pursuant to thc Municipnl �rcedom of Informalion and Protcction of Privacy Ac6 ..,n , .2- The following urc thc corc :�ittecs to �.c7iich appoinlmcnts arc rcquircd; I. I.nnd Division Committcc Thc Region of Durhum appoints pcaplc ta this Committcc, howcvcr, il docs rcqucst ench municipnliry to nominat� onc ciccteJ or non•ciccted person to sit on this Committec. Although I Jid not advcrtisc for nominations to this Committcc, l hove rcccivcd two Iellers of rcqucst for appoinlment. A copy of Ihe Ietter from the Region requesting that this nomination bc mndc is uttnchcd hcrelo for your information. rominatcd for a tcrm to cxpire on November 30, 2000. ;.. Acling Muvnr In thc past, the Acting Mayor has becn rotatcd amongst the Rcgional Councillors stsuting w�ith thc Wurd 1 Rcgional Councillor. Councillor Drenncr Gom Deccmbcr I, 1997 to Novembcr 30, 1998. Councillor Dickerson from December I, 1997 to Novembcr 30, 1999. Councillor Johnson Gom Dccembcr I, 1997 to Novcmbcr 30, 2000, 3. Aiax/Pickcrin¢ I lospitnl [3oard L'ithcr onc Mcmbcr oP Council or onc-ciccled person can bc appointcd to this Doard. In 1994, Councillor Duvc Ryun was appointed for u thrcc ycnr icmi. Applications for uppointment to this [loarJ ���crc not invilcd in thc advcrtiscmcnt bccausc Council has no nuthoriry ovcr Ihis Doard. from Dccembcr I, 1997 to Novcmbcr 30, 2000. 4. Audit Committcc This Committcc is wmpriscd of thrcc Membcrs of Council. 'I'hc rolc of this Comtnittee is to act as un advisory body, carrying out criticul rcvicw functions on bchulf of Council. Councillor Gom Deccmber I, 1997 lo Novcmber 30, 2000. Councillor " Councillor " 5. Committcc of Adiustmenl The Committce of Adjustment is compriseJ of fivc persons of which any numbcr can bc cicctcd ar non•clectcd persons. Undcr Ihc Planning Act, if n Mcmbcr oPCouncil is appoinicd to the Commiltee of Adjuslment, they can only be appointcd for one year us opposed to n thrcc ycar icrm. Copics of applications from residents to this Committcc arc attachcd hcrcto for your information. Mcmbcrs of thc Committec of Adjustment nrc paid $55 per mecting. Gom December 1,1997 to Novcmber 30, 2000. 6, renceviewers Threc persons arc uppointcd and mcet as rcquircd to arbitrnlc fcncc disputcs bct«�ccn ncighbours, Thcsc nppainlces arc pnid S40 per arbitration plus milcngc, Copics of npplicntions from residcnts to Ihis Committcc urc attnched hcrcto for your infomiation, Gom Deccmbcr 1, 1997 to Novembcr 30, 2000. .,.l3 ... _, . . . _ �. � . , ;r- t �: _ _3. 7. He ' n e Pickerin¢ This Commiucc is comprised of cight persons of which nny numbcr cun be cicctcd or non- elected persons, however, �hc Ontario Hcritagc foundotion rccommcnds thnt the majority of the Committcc bc campriscd of non•clected persons who cnn bring a ccrtnin cxpertisc to thc Committcc. Capies of applications from rcsidents to this Commitice nre attached hcreto for your infortnation, from Dcccmbcr I, 1997 to Novcmbcr 30, 2000. `1 8. Livestock Vuluers Thrce persons are appointed anJ attcnd on an individuul basis at n livestock kill to dctcrminc thc vnlue of livcstock killed by dogs or coyotcs. The uppointees are paid S50 per session plus milcngc. Copies of applications from residcnis to this Committcc arc attachcd hcrcto for your informntion. Deccmber I,1997 to Novembcr 30, 2000, 9. Advisorv Committcc on Racc Rclutions and [:cWu' y This Committcr, is compriscd of 19 persons of a�hich Ihrcc non-cicctcd persons are oppointcd by Council, onc clecicJ �xrson is uppointcd by Council nnd ihc balancc of thc Committec is comprised of various persons appointcd by diffcrcnt agcncics such ns thc Donrds of Gducution, thc I'olicc, etc. Capics of a�plicntions fmm residents to this Committee nrc attachcd hcrcto for your infomintion. Councillor Gom Deccmbcr I, 1997 to Novcmber 30, 2000, 10. Muscum Advisorv Cammittce This Committcc is comprised of 12 persons of which eleven ure non•elected nnd one is an electcd Member of Council. Copies of applications from rcsidents to this Commiucc arc attached hereto for your information. Councillor from December t,1997 to Novembcr 30, 2000. �� �� „ �� � : �� � _ ;�' .../4 _q. I 1. Performnncc Appraisal Commillec This CommiRee was estublishcd to cwry out thc annunl perfortnancc apprnisal of Ihc General Manuger. I�i the pnst, this Cammittee wus compriseJ of ihe Mnyor and two Members of CounciL Mayor Arthurs Gom Dccembcr I, 1997 to November 30, 2000. Councillor from Decembcr 1,1997 to Navembcr 30, 200U. Councillor " 12. Pcrsonncl Commiltcc This Committcc was cstablishcd to providc mcmbership on lhe negotiating lcams for CUPE and the Fireftghtcrs anJ to heur Stagc 3 gricvnnces. In lhe pust, this Committee has bcen compriscd of thc Mayor unJ thrcc Membcrs of Council. Mayor Arthurs from Dcccmbcr 1,1997 to Novcmbcr 30, 2000. Councillor Gom Dccembcr l, 1997 to Novcmbcr 30, 2000. Councillor " Councillor " 13. I'ickcriu��-Aiux Citir.ens'foecthcr (PAC'll This group usks thnt onc Mcmbcr of Council bc uppointcd ns Ihc Council's liaison lo PACT, Councillor from Dcccmbcr I,199710 Novcmbcr 30, 2000. 14, f'ickcrinE� Ainx nnd Whil6v loint Animal Comrol Committcc Undcr thc tcrms of un agrccment cmcrcd into Ixh��ccn thc 1'owns of Pickcring, Ajax and Whilby, thc PAW Joint Animal Control Commiltcc is compriscd of thrcc cicctcd representalivcs, one Gom cach of the participating municipulilies. Thcrefore, Council is obligcd to appoint onc of ils Mcmbcrs �o sit on this Commiucc. Undcr thc tcnns of thc agrccmcnt, dic PAW Commiltcc is rcyuircJ ta mcct oncc evcry thrcc months. Councillor from Deccmbcr I, 1997 to Novcmbcr 30, 2000. I5. Cickcrin � Ivdro•f:lcclrir Commission Thc Pickcring Flydro•Gcctric Commission is compriscd of fivc persons of which thc Mayor is appointcd automntically as aq ex-of7icio mcmbcr and onc othcr Membcr of Council may bc nppointed. At Icost Ihrce of thc membcrs of thc Commission must be non•cicctcd persons. Members of the Commission arc paid i3,400 per annum and thc Chnirtnan is paid 54,U00 per annum, Copics of opplications from residenis to this Commission are attnched hercto for your infortnation. Mnyor Arthurs Gom Dccember I,1997 to November 30, 2000. from Deccmbcr I, 1997 to Novcmbcr 30, 2000. 16. pickcring/Onturio Hvdro Liaison Committcc This Commiticc is compriscd af 12 persons to providc an orgnniud forum for thc cxchangc of infortnntion bctwccn Ontnrio HyJro and thc Town and thfa Committcc mccts approximutcly four times per ycar. In uddition to rcprcscnlativcs fnim Ontario Hydro and othcr specinl intcrcst groups, ihc Mayor, an cicctcd rcprcscntativc of Wurd 2 and nnothcr Mcmbcr of Council sits on this Commiltca Copics of opplications from rcsidcnts to this CommiUcc nrc nttached hcrclo for your information. .,,/S _5_ Meyor Arthurs from Dccember I, 1997 to November 30, 2000. from Dccembcr I, 1997 to Novembcr 30, 2000. �� _ 17. Qickering Tmnsit Citizens' Advisorv Commiucc This Commiuee is comprised of ten persons as follows; pvo Members of Council Gcneml Mnnngcr Managcr of'fmnsportation one public rcpresentntive for speciniiud serviccs one public rcprescntutivc for cunventional tmnsit services Opemlions Supervisor • Pickering Transil onc Pickcring Trnnsit Operntor onc swdcnt rcpresentutivc (Durham Region Sccondnry Schoal) one studcnt representativc (Durham Region Romnn Catholic Secondary Schools) The rolc of this Committcc is to represent thc community ut largc to uddrcss lhc public tmnsportalioa necJs and concems of Pickcring rcsidcnts related to conventional and spccialiud scrviccs divisions of thc Pickcring Tmnsit opcmtion. Thc Committee is to monitor the continucd dcvclopment af Ihc full Acccssibility Plan to rculizc its potential goal ofnchicving full Transit acccssibility prior to Ihc ycur 2000 and providc recommcndation and cslablish pulicics for ihc approvul of To���n Council lo impro��c thc operation of lransit services to txnefit ull Pickcring residents. Copics of applications from rcsidents to Ihis Commiticc arc uttached hercto for your informntion. Councillor from Dccembcr I, 1997 to Novcmbcr 30, 2000. Councillor �' 18. Properlv Standards Cammittcc Three persons urc nppointed and mcet as requircd to hcar uppenls Gom residenis who have bcen givcn nn Order to Comply with thc Property Standurds ByInw, These appoi�ilces erc paid S40 per mceting plus milcugc. Copies of upplications from residents to this Committee arc nttached hercto for your infortnation. from December 1,1997 to November 30, 2000. 19. Cublic Librnrv Bourd Undcr the Public Librnries Act, the Town's Public Library Donrd is compriscd of nine mcmbcrs of which two are appointed by the Durhem Board of EducaUon, one is appointcd by lhe Sepamte School Bocvd und the bulance are appointed by Council. Council is entided undcr thc Act to nppoint up to four mcmbers of Council to this Board. Copics of applications from residenls to this 8ourd arc attached hcreto for your infortnntion. ../6 � _6. Susun Kular ur�! Dill Uoycs Durham Boan1 of Fducation eppointees to cxpirc Novembcr 30, 2000, 7'o be detcrmined. 5epumtc School lionrd np�wintcc to expin Novcmber 30, 2000. from lkccmbcr I,1997 to Novcmbcr 30, 2000. 20. Snvc Thc Rouee Vnllcy This agency has nquestcd that one Member of Council be nppointed to its [3onrd ns thc To�m's rcprcscntutivc, Councillor from December 1,1997 to Novembcr 30, 2000. 21. 5itc Plan Commiucc 'I7iis Commiucc is compriscd of h��o Mcmbcrs of Council. In thc past, Ihc urpointmcnts to this Committcc hu��c bcen for onc ycar tcrms only. Councillor from Dccembcr I, 1997 to Novcmbcr 30, 1998. Councillor Gom Dcccmlxr I, 1997 to Novembcr 30, 1998. 22. Social Devclonmcnt Cou ci This ngency hus nskcd ihat one cicctcJ �rson be appointeJ for n thrcc ycnr Icrm to represent thc Town on ihc Sociul Devclopmcnt Council. Councillor from Dcccmlxr I, 199710 Novcmbcr 30, 2000. Orucc Taylor, AMC±�, CMM ��- 'i . . � . - � �� � � `k _�� _ `tT sJ x x j, d x; CUMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS The Council of the Towa of Pickcring will bc wnsidcring Ihc appointmcnt of residents to various committecs in Dcccmbcr, 1997. All appuintmcnts will bc for a thrcc ycar tcrm to expirc on November 30, 2000. The following is a list of Ihc committees, a bricf description of their function nnd contact person if you havc any questions: Adv�ory Committee on Race Relallons and Committee of AdJuatmenl - Members mcct Equity - Thrcc membcrs arc appointcd to a 19 cvcry three wecks to henr epplications for person Commillee to reprcsent the community minor vnriuncos to the Town's Zoning :lylews at large. This Commitice meets as rcquircd to and arc paid S55 for ench meeting atu•ndcd. rccommend lo Council policy �sith respect to Five members nrc nppaintcd. Contact 1:ffrcy multicultuml and race relations issues, Contuct Colc, Assistnnt Secrelary-Treasurcr at 420- Stcve Reynolds, Director of Culture nnd 4660, Extension 2033.. Rccreatiun at 420•4620. Fencevicwen - Five persons urc appointed and fieritage P(ckering - Gight persons arc mcet as rcquired to arbitrnte fence disputes nppointed nnd mcct monthly to mnke bcbvicen ncighbnurs nnd are paid S40 per rccommendntions to thc Towu Council arbitrntian plus milcagc. Contact John rcgnrding the designation and preservation of Wojnicz, Mnnugcr of ByInw Gnforcement historic ond/or nrchiteclurnlly significnnt Scrviccs a1420•4615. 6uildings. Milcagc will bc paid for sitc visits and seminnrs. Contnct Urucc Teylor, Town Clcrk nt 420•4611. Liveatock Valuers - Threc persons nre P(ckering Nydro Electric Commiselon - appoinicd und aticnd on an individual basis nt a Thrce members nre uppointed to u five person livcslock kill to detcrmine the value of Commission and meet monthly. Thcy urc liveslock killed by dogs or coyotes nnd arc res�wnsible for Ihe operntion of Pickering pnid S50 per invcstigation plus milcagc. Hydro and rcceivc n 53,100 honorarium per Contact John Wojnicz, Munagcr of �ylaw ycur. Conwct John Wicrsma, Gcncrol Gnforccment Scrvices at 420-4615. Mnnagcr, Pickcring Hydro at 427•0791, Gxtcnsion 201. Pickcring Muacum Advisory Cammillrr - PlckcrinpJOnlario HyJro Liefeon Twclve members nrc nppointed nnd mcel Commttlee - One mcmber is nppoinlcd to n 12 formally Ihrcc limcs per ycar to makc person commiltcc to providc nn orgunizcd rccommcnda�ions to thc Director of Culturc forum (nr �hc cxchungc of informalion bctwccn and Recrcnlion rcgarding Ihc operation of Ihc Onturio IIyJro and thc 7'own, This Commiltcc Museum. Mcm6ers respansibililics includc mecls npproximatcly four times per ycur, uuendnncc nt spccial cvcnts to ossist stnff and Contuct Gordon Rcidt, Safcty nnd Training Ca voluntccrs with thc prcsentation of the events, ordinator nt 420-4645. Contnct Shuron Milton, Program Superintcndentat683•8401. Pickering Publtc Library Daard • Six non• Pickeriog Tran�it Cllizena' Adv�ory Council mcmbers nrc uppointed to n ninc Commlltce • Four mcmbcrs ere appointed to person Donrd which mcets ten times ycarly. rcprescnt thc business communiry, disabled They nrc rcsponsible for Ihe govemancc of the persons, scniors and the community at large to librery scrvice in Pickcring and arc pnid address thc public transpoAa!ion needs and mileage for tmvel incurred. Intercsted conccros of rcsidcnts rclated to convcntional residents nrc invited lo attend the Board and spcciulizcd trnnsit services. Contncl Ncil meeting on November 271h nt 730 p.m. in the Killens, Mnneser of Trnnsportntion nt 683- Ccntral Library Doard Room. Contact C.E.O. I 179. Snndy Camcron a1831 •6265, Extension 236. Property Standarda Coms�ttee - Threc members erc appointed and mcet as required to heer appcnls from residenls who h'e bccn given an Order to Comply with the Propetty Standards Uylew and receivc S40 per mo ling plus mileaQ^. Contect lohn Wojnicz, Manegcr of Bylew Enforccment Scrvices at 420-46i 5. IY you wish to bc considcred for nppointmcnt to onc of the abovc commiticcs, plcasc submit n Ictter of interest and a bricP resume to: Hrucc Tnylor, AMCT, CMM Town Cicrk Town of Pickering Onc The Esplanadc Pickcring, Ontario. LIV 6K7 The deudline for rcceivirig Ictters is 4:30 p.m, on friday, Novcmber 28,1997.