HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 21/98. �sa� �NOF� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: May 12, 1996 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 21-98 SU9]ECT: Retirement ofTreasurer•Collector and Appointment ofG,A. Paterson as Treasurer-Collector RECOMMENLATION: That the draft by-law to repeal Bylaw Number 50/74 to appoint James Welis as the Treasurer- Collector be enacted. ORIGIN: Letter indicating retirement ef%ctive May 13, 1998 AUTHORITY: Sections 77(I) and 85(i) of iha Municipal Act F[NANCIAL IMPUCATIONS: Not Applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Treasurer•Coilector has indicated in writing thet he wili be retiring eflective May 13, 1998. A by-law is required to repeal his appointment and appoint Mr. Gil Paterson as the new Treasurer-Collector, BACKGROUND: Please be advised that Mr. ]ames Walls, Treasurer-Collector, has expressed in writing that he wishes to retire from the employment of the Town of Pickering effective May 13, 1998, Since lie is a statutory employee thet was appointed by by-law, thet by-law ahould now be repealed. The Municipal Act requires Council to appoint e Treasurer and a Collector snd it would be appropriete to appoint Mr. Gil Paterson to these positions as part of his duties as tha Director of Financc, A7"fACFQvIENTS: I. Draft by-lew . Prepe�ed : G�— � Brua Taylor, Tcwn Clerk �w �� I y',j ,' ► � !) �' '1'HE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OR PICKERIN • � 1 , ,i,r � . BY-LAW NUMBER 5309/98 Being a bylaw to appoint .Mr. G.A. Palerson as the Director � of Finance and Treasuror-Collector. WE�REAS purouant to Section 77(I) ofthe Municipai Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M,45, as '� amended, the Council shall appoint a Treasurer; end !I WF�REAS pursuant to Section 85(1) of the said Act, the Council of every local municipaliry I shell appoint as many Colicetors for the municipality as it cor.siders necessary; and WF�REAS the Council of the Corporation of the Towa of Pickering enacted By-law SO174 on � May 6, 1974 to appoint Mr. James Walls as the Treasurer-Collector for the Town of Pickering; ( and i WF�REAS Mr. Walis has retired from the employment af the Town of Pickering eflective May � 13, 1998; NOW Tf�REFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKER[NG E�REBY ENACTS A5 FOLLOWS: l. That Gillis A. Paterson be and is hereby appointed as the Director of Financa and ' TreasureaCollector for the Corporatian of the Town of Pickering. � 2. That the duties of the said Treasurer-Collecror shall be those defined in the Assessmc�u Acl and the Munlcipa! Ac►, as amended, logelher with those duties prescribed by Council from timc to timc. 3. By-law Number 50/74 is hereby repealed. 4. This by-law is effective as of May 13, 1998. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19TH DAY OF MAY, 1998. I :� ; i ! Meyor ; � �4 � ; i 1 ,', Clerk �i i� 1 � �� -,i , i �:, ;E i _;:{ . K;: �