HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 19, 1998fi.ti �N�� � MINUTES of the IIIh meeting of the Comm(ttee ot Adjuatment deld in t6e Cororotttee Room otihe Pickering Civic Comple: on Wedneadoy, Auguat 19,1998. PRBSENT: Mr. P. W6ite (Actiag C6afrpenon) Mr. K. Ashe Mr. M. Holland Mr. R Johnson ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, AssWtnnt Secretary-Treasurer Mro. F. Niro, Secretary-Treasurer (Actiag) The meeting convened at 7:00 p,m. in t6e Main Commiftee Room ot the Civic Camplex. 1. MA7"fERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES There were no mattero ert�ing trom the minute�. 2. OTHER BUSINF.SS Mr. Jo6nson etwted t6at he attended the swearing in ot Cheirper�on Cerl Young as Justicc ot the Peace. Mr. Johnsan a�ked l6a1 all membero jotn him in estending their congnlulalloo� on 6t� appointment. 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOTION: Moved by Mr. liollAnd, aeconded by Mr. A�hc and carrfed unanimously - T6at lhe minutes o( the 101h meeting ot the Committee of Adjuatment held July 29,1998, be adopted. 4. P/CA 5T/96 - Peg Perego Canada Inc. Part ot Lob 29 & 30, Range 3, B.F.C. eWo known a� 600 Granife Court Towo of Pickeriag T6e Applicaot requeeW reltet from the following provWiona of By-law 2511, es amcoded: Section 5.21.1J to permit a totai ot 37 parking apaces to be pravided on t6e aubject property, aupportiog a propoeed 4037 equare metre industrtwl warehoune building with ofticea, w6ereaa t6e Zooing By-taw require� a minimum of 73 parWng apaces be provided on the aubject property Section 5.21.2(A) to permit 67.5% of the total required parking epoces to be localcd ln the front yard ot Ihe aubJect praperty, whereas the Zoning ByIpw Itmita front yard parking ta A mAiimam ot20% ot Ide total requlred pprWng preA. 68 The �ppliant requeata approvd at theee vAdrncea Ia order to obtoln �ite plan rpproval � rnd bulldinQ permlu to conetruct � propo�ed induetri�l wArehouee building with of(icea, providing 4037 �qu�re metrca of gro�e Ooor area, oo t6e �uhject propt►!;. The Aaatsf�nt Secretary-Treuurer outlined commenW received from t6e Tow� of P;ckering Piwnuing Department And the Mintatry ot Traneportation, etAting no obJe�!:on to the wppUcallon. Mr. Mptt6ew Maiorana ot Dineeo Construcfion waa preaent to repreaent t6e application. No turt6er repreaentatton wu praent in fAVOUr of or in objection to Ihe appiicalion. Mr. Maiomnp atpted that the propoaed wsrehouse will accommodafe appro:imately 6 employees. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Jo6nson, xeconded by Mr. Hnlland and carried unanimously thot- th�i appllcation P/CA 57/98, by Peg Perego Canada Inc., a� outllned, be APPROVED on Ihe grounds ihat the propoeed minimum 37 total parking epaces and ma:imum 67.5% front yord parWng variaocea are minor in uature, deairable for the appropriate development ot the land, aod in keepiug wilh the geoeral lntent aod purpose of the Of(icial Plan and t6c Zoning Bylaw, nubject to the followiog conditiona: 1. ThAt theae parkiog variances apply only the aubject property supporting an iodustrial ware6ouse building wi16 of(ices, provldtag a mazimum gross iloor arca of 4037 aquare metres io aize, aa generally outlined on thc applicanNs aubmitted plans with thts appllcation. 2. T6at 16e appl(cant obtoin aite plan approval for Ihc propoaed park(ng areA rcvisions and additional development withtn two ycaro of the datc ot t6i� decision, or the approval of Iheae variance� �hall became null and votd. 5. P/CA 58/98 - K. & K. Fnngeakou Lot Sl, Pinn 40M-1512 al�o known as 2351 Siralhmore Crescent Town otPickerfag T6e ppplicante requeat retlet fram Secfion 5.(1)(b)(vi) of amending by-law 1975/85 to Zoning By-law 3036 to permit the eafablbhmeot u! a minimum rear yard depih uf 6,0 metres to be provided by a propoaed aunroom addiHon attached to ihe rear of thc eiLiting dwelling, whereas the zooiag by-law requtrea a minimum rcar yard depth of 7.5 mctrea. The applicaofa requeat approval of ihis vArfance in order to obtatn a building permit to conafruct a propoaed 16.6 equare metre aunroom addifioo to the rear of the ezisting dwelling. The Aaabtant Secretary-Treaeurer outlined comments received from the Town ot Plckertng Planniog Department. Mr. Steven Hunt, agcnt, was present to repreaeot the appticafioo. No further repreaentafion waa preaent in favour ot or in obJcction to fhe epplicetton. Mr. Hunt advieed Ihe Committee that Ihe AddiHon b oaly 16 aquare metrea ond to rcduce the aize, thc Additlon will become ueeleae. 69 DECISION: Moved by Mr. Jo6naoa. aecoaded by Mr. Hoilrad and cwrried unwnimowly t6�t- thb application P/CA 58/98, by K. & K. Fr�nge�kou, aa oullined, be APPROVED on the grounda Ihrt the propoud 6.0 metre minimum rear yprd depth provided by the propoeed aunroom rddiHon i� minor in nwture, deairpble for the appropriate developmeot ot the Irnd, rnd in kecptng wlth the general intent and purpuae ot the Official Plan and Ihe Zooing By-Irw, aubject to Ihe following condittone: 1. Thrt thU varlance applia only to the propoaed one-atorey, ma:imum 16.6 equarc metre aunroom addition providing a minimum rear yard deptd of 6.0 metrea aa genenlly outllned io t6e applicants' aubmitted plans. 2. That the applicant� obtain a building permit and consfruct the propoaed onc-atorey aunroom odditlon wlthin hvo yearo ot the dafe of thi� decision, or the approval of thU variance ahqll became nuli and void. 6. PiCA 59/98 - Mercedca-Benz CreJit of Caooda Inc. Put Lot 20, Conceasion 1 (40R-9292, Part 1 an� 3) a4�o known as 1555 Sandy Besch Road Town ot P(ckering The applicant ha� �ubroitted a site plan applicAtion to construct a 165 square metrc addiNon to t6e rear of the e:tating indu�lrial building on the �ubject praperty, and redesign the parking layout aver the entire site. In order to facilitate ihe propo�ed devclopment, the applicaot is reque�Hng relfef irom Section 5.21.2(w) of Bylaw 2511, as amcnded, fo permit 45% otthe total requlreJ parking epacea for the aubject site to be located in the front yard, whereas the Zoning By-law restricts front yarJ parking to a e�o:imum of 20% of Ihe tolal required parking arca. The A�si�tant Secretary-Treaaurer outllned comments reccivcd fram the Town of Pickering Plonning DepaHrocnt. Mr. Uri Salmona, agent, wa� present to represent fhc applicalion. No fuHher repreaeofotion wA� preaent in favour ot or in objecHon lo the applfcation. Mr. Salmone approached t6e Committce wil6 an illusiralion of the aife and proposed addition. Mr. Johnaon a�ked Mr. Salmona it the addition would encroach onto ihc existing parking sppcea in ihe rear portton of the subject property. Mr. Saimona reepondcd that the addltton would not interfere with the e:isting parWng spaces and that there is a 12 metre tuming radius w6ich he feel� is aufficient to accommodale tractor trailero. DECISION: Moved by Afr. A�he, aeconded by Mr. Iiollond and carricd uoanimously that- thi� applicANon P/CA 59/98, by Mercedea-Benz Credit ot Caonda Inc., as autlined, be APPROVED on the ground� ihat 16e proposed variance to allow a mn:imum of 45% ot the required parking on eite to be located in t6e tront yard of the aubject property ia minor in nAture, desinble for the eppropriate development ot ihe laod, and In keeping with ihe general Intent end purpoee of the Offlcial Plaa and thc Znning By-law, subject to thc followtog condition: 1. Thet the appl(cant obfAtn tinal elte plao approval and building permita tor the propoaed developweat, and conatruct t6e propaed additlon wit6in two ye�n ot fhc d�te of thb decielon, or the ppprovol of th� vpri�oce e6dl become null and vaid. 70 P/CA 60M. 8& P/CA 62/98 - E�tate o( E. Ger�ld Allm�o Part of Lot 18, Concaelon 9 ��o Icnown a� 5269 Old Drock Rad Hamlet of l:lorcmont Town of Pickering T6we mioor variam�e applicatione 6ave beeo aubmitted in order fo rllow Laad DivGion Applicatlone LD 224198, LD 225/98 aad LD 226/98 to aever the aubject properly into four new residenlial lole. P/CA 60/98 hae becn aubmitted lo order to permit the retained parcel re�ulting fram the three laod divi�loo appl(catton� to provide a lof frontage ot 15.0 metres, wderea� the zoning by-law require� a minimum lot frontage of 22.0 metres. P/CA 62/98 6AS been aubmifted in order to permit an e:i�ting dwellipg to remain ou one of the new lot� w6ich the land divi�ion epplications would create with a miuimum front yard dept6 ot 83 metres, whereae t6e zoning by-law requires a minimum tront yard depth ot 9.0 metres. The A�ai�tant Secretary-Treasurer outlined commenta received from ihe Town ot Pickering Planning Department. A letter was also recei��ed Goro Mr. James Coutts of 5262 Old Brock Road eipres�ing aome concerns, but no objectlon to the appUcation. Mr. Karotea Smith ond Mr. Don Bennet, agenb, were pre�eot to represcnt thc applications. AWo preaent were Mr. Donald Tong of 5140 Old Brock Road, Mr. John }iickman of 5267 Old Brock Road, and Mr. Doug Ailman. Mr. Karoteo Smtth oufllneJ the e:Gting and proposcd Iandacaping plens of thc subject properties. He approached the Commiltec wit6 photogropha and illusirations of the aubject londs. Mr. Smith aJvi�ed Ihe memben that in 1965 the zoning by-law was changed tor tde tront ot Ihe subJect prnperty and that the rear portton cnn only accommodalc a aingle dwell(ng. Mr. Joho�on aaked for clarification as !o ihc property owned by Tako Inve�tments and thc watercour�c runn(ng through Ihe nubJect propertic�. M�. Hickman stated that he fcel� that thc applications arc minor in nature and is in favour otboth variencea. Mr. Bennet teel� ihat ihis propoaal allows for a aenaitive development of ihis parcei of land and thst they did not want to upset Ihe current streetscape. fle is aware that hig6 density is no! welcomed in the nrea sod fecl� that ihe number o( irees that he propo�cs !o preaerve is more t6an eu�cteof for acreening. Mr. Bennet alated that in hi� opinion fhc Ofticial Plan Allowa the rear of the lots lo e:fend beyond the Hamlet boundery. Mr. Tong eipresaed concems af aoow removal r.ad draiu�K: ond asked the applicants the totAl number of homea Ihey propoae to conatn:ct. Mr. Kanten S�uith responded thnt aoow removal would be ihe reaponeibility of tue owner eod that L;ind Divi�ion rcqutres a 6ydrogeological atudy and aeptic revicw ot fhe aubject properlie� prtor to severance. He atated that t6e con�irucNon ot ncw horoes would oot have A[I impact on adjacent neighboure. Mr. Hollrnd aaked Mr. Cole Itatormw:�ter mruageaent ie the concern of the Public Work� Qepartment. Mr. Cole atrred t6et thc Plann�ng Department ce000t determine the implications on tulure develcproent or the rea� of the property without nece�aery review� rnd atudies, and therefore, h��•« re�ammended trbling t6e application. Mr. Aehe aaked thc Plpnning Department to cl�rify tor him t6e aevernnce procesa. 71 Mr. Jo6n�oo �pprcci�ted Pl�ontag St�Pfe commeab �nd �bted t6�t Ihe �pplicanf will be reqnired to o6tdn building permib for tde anv doma �nd �ny drria�ge cancero� will be �ddreued af the building permit d�ge. H! i!!I/ lll�� dtClllOp/ OO (bq! iW0 V/�IIOCd Cpp be made tooight wtl6out the wait tor �n e:peneive Hamlet rtudy. He b In �upport ot t6e 8J metre froot yud depth v�riaace �od �eked thit t6e �pprovpl ot � mfotmuro 15 metre lot front�ge be �ubject to the approv�l of uveranca aubmitted Into the Dur6om Regian Land Divisioo Committee wilhin lwo yeara or lde ppproval of t6ia vqrirnce ahall become oull rnd void. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnson, aeconded by Mr. Holland and cnrried uoanimouely t6at- t6u appiicatton P/CA 60l98, by Eetate ot E. Gerald Allman, as outlined, be APPROVED on t6e grounds thrt t6e minimum lot frontage ot 15.0 metra oo t6e proposed retatned parcel i� minor in nature, deeirable for the approprlate develapmeot ot Ihe laod, and ln kecping witd the geoeral intent and purpo�e of thc Of(iciol Piao aad Ihe Zoning Bylaw aubject to the foliowing conditton: That t6t� variance come into effect aubject to the approvel of Laod Severance Appl(cations to create the 15.0 metre frontage lot within hvo yearo or ihis applicattoo shall become null and vold. t6i� appl(cation P/CA 62/98, by Estate ot E. Gernld Allman, as outlined, be APPROVF.D on the grounde that the minimum front yArd depth ot 83 metres provided by an esisling dwelling i� mtoor io nature, deairable for the appropriate development of ihe land, and in keeping with the geoeral purpo�e oaJ intent of the Official Pirn and thc 7.oning Bylaw, aubject to the following condilioa: T6at thi� variance apply nnly lo the 8.3 metre front yarJ deplh provided by lhe dwcll(ng in c:i�leoce on Ihe dAte of this decision. P/CA 61/98 - F. & 1. Molinaro Part of Lot 4, Plan 282 abo kaown As 1812 Woodview Avenue Tawn o( Pickering T6e ppplicanle intend to sever t6e eubject property to crcate two rc�idenHal lot� on Woodview Aveaue. The nort6eriy ot the two lots would be a vacant parcel which complics with all requirementa of the zoning by-law. An eitsting dwelling rnd an accessory atructure would remain on the southerly of ihe two lot�. In order to facilitafe the intended �everancea, the applicanta requesf reliet from Section 10.2.3 of By-law 3036, as varied by P/CA 20/98, to permit the eatALl(s6ment ot a minimum north side yard widlh of 0,6 of a metrc to be provided by the e:isNog dwelling on the tuture retained lot, wherea� the zoqiog by-law r�quira a minimum aide yard widlh of 1.2 metre�. The Aa�istant Secretary-Treaaurer outllned commeate received from thc Town of Pickering Planning Deportment and gave aome backgruund foformatfon on the aubject property. Mr. Cesare Molinaro, ageot, waa preaent to repreaent tde appltcalloo. No furlher repreeeniptlon woa prcaent In Gvour of or in objection to the applicatton. Mr. Moitnaro idvieed t6e memben 16ot they have e8minrted the window on t6e north efde ot Ihe ex(�Nng home �ed would t6ereiore comply with the Ontorio Build(ng Code. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Ae6e, �ecoaded by Nlr. Jo6mon red crrrled unwnimouely that- thi� �pplicatloo P/CA 61/98, by F. & I. Molinaro, �e outiined, be APPROVED on the grouoda thrt the oarth ilde y�rd width variAace ot 0.6 ot a metre provided by the e:Uttog dwelling on a tuture refriaed lot �i minor in nrture, deainbie tor tde appropriate development ot ihe land, anJ in keeping with the genenl Intent and purpoee of the O((icirl Plan and the Zoning By-Irw, aubject to the following coodifiooa: 1. Tdat th�i voriaoce Apply ooly to the dwelling in e:iatence on Ihe eubject property on Ihe dqte of t64� decisioo provlding a minimum north aide yard wldtb ot 0.6 ot a metre to a future north property line. 2. That approval of thi� variance does not come toto et'fect unifl f6e appl(canta alter t6e eiuting dwelling to the. aati�faction ot Ihe Town'a Chtet Buiiding O�cinl, to eo�ure Ihrt the e:ieting dwelling will c�mply with all requiremeota ot the Oatario Building Code a� a reault ot the reduced 0.6 ot a metre north side yArd width to be provided 0o t6e proposed future retataed lot. 3. That t6e applicant obtain approvai of a lend severance application to sever the subJect property into two lots fronting onto Woodview Avenue, and havc the reeultant deeds stamped, within two yearo of the date ot this decfsion, or ihe norlh atde yard widlh vAriaoce aholl become null aoJ void. 9. P/CA 63/98 - 750985 Ontnrio Inc. (INoote�aori Learping Centre of Pickering) Part otLola 17,18, Plan 230 . abo known as 409 - 413 King�ton Road Town of Pickeriog The applicaof requeat� relief from the following provfeions ot By-law 3036, a� amended by By-law 2497/87 and 5150/97: Sectton (5)(2)(a)(il) and Section (5)(2)(a)(i)8 to permit ihe eatobl(�hment of a onc-storey, 2.6 metre 6ig6 modular structure hoving a grose Oaor area of appro:imAtcly 266 squarc metrea at the rerr of an ezi�tiog building on the aubject property, w6erea� ihe zoning by-law requires a minimum building 6eight of 2 atoreys and 7.0 metre�, and furfher requires that aoy new building� occupy a minimum of 60% of the lenglh of e bufld•to-zonc wil6in 6.0 metrea rnd 10.0 metrea of Kingston Road. The appllcant wi�hes ta eetnbluh a one-�torey modular building on the property at t6e rear ot fhe e:isting butldiog on the property to be used as port of Ihe Monta�ori School which operates on t6e aubject property and t6e abutting praperty to fhe weat. The Aesietant Secretary-Trea�urer oullined comment� received from t6e Town of Pickering Planning DeppNment, DurhAm Region Health Department and the Miniatry of Traosportatioo. Written commenfe were al�o received trom Mr. Jo6n McDermott. Mr. John McDermott, agent, wAS preaent to repraent the rpplication. Al�o present woa Me. Nicolp P6illipa in favour otthe application. Mr. McDermott etated that 6e was deeply dteturbed by t6e report prepsred by tde PIAOIIIOg DlpAi'I010I1i. He out8ned reraone As to w6y 6e feel� t6at 16e vArionce mpintatns the inteat of tde O(ficiAl Plan and zontng by-law. The use ot Ihe mobilc atructure will be for an ioterlm t(me perlod, not a permAnent atructure. Mr. McDermott etrted that 6e vrould prefer A len year term for the mobilc atructurc to e:Gt but will accept a tive year lerm. Tde mobile efructure will be pleced io the rc�r of the property and will fotcrconnect to the e:bNng douee on the prcmi�ea. Mr. McDermott wked the Committee to conetder rercovtug the coaditlon thrt w�a rccoromeaded by Ide Pl�noing DepaHmeot thot the Town came In And remove Ihe itructure aRer IAree ye�n. Hu iab lh�t t6e aita plao proceai would be rpproprtate to revietr lde lermy of coadflton of the removei ot the mobile etructure �ad aleo givea the opportunity to revfew. Mr. Holl�nd klt thrt Mn MeDermott'e remorka were Inappropriate pnd commended 16e Planuing Deparlmenta profeealonal and fair manner in which 16ey prcprre t6cir reporte tor the Committa. He can apprecirte ihe Planaiag Departmeat'e etaad to uphold t6e inteat of t6e Officirl Plra aad Kiogaton Road Corridor Review. Mr. Cole atated thrt Mr. McDermotl wa� aware ot the Plapning Deparlmenta coacerna prlor to Ihe aubmi�stoo of Ihb appllcafion. M�. P6illips advl�ed the membero that she will moat likely be back before ihe Coromittee ■fter five yean to ask tar an e:tension of ide mobile atructure use. She will nat be tloaocially capable to build io less t6an 10 yearo. Mr. Hollrod asked the applicant to commeot on t6e well issue. Ms. P6illips eleted that ahe will back-fill the well, or fence it, it neceaaary. Mr. Cole stated that the well is�ue will be looked at t6rough the site plan procesa. Mr. Ashe concurred with Mr. Holland's comm.nt� anJ stated that he i� in support of approving a five year term for the use of thc structure. Mr. A�he saked what ot6er avenuca tdat the Town mey have to correct situationa of non-compliance. Mr. Cole responded that it is etr(ctly a by-law enfurcement f�aue. Mr. Jo6oson asked thnt condltion 3(tii) recammended by thc Planning Iteparlment be subject fo revicw by the membar�. Mr. While commeated on Mr. McDcrmolt'� concerne and recommenJs that condition 3 (iii), be removed. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Aahe, �econded by M11r. ilollanJ and carr(ed unanimously that- Ihl� applicAtion P/CA 63/98, by 750985 Onfario toc. (Montes�ori Lcarning Cenirc of Pickering), a� outlined, be APPROVED on the grounds that the proposed variances to permit the eatablL�hment of a onnstorey modular 6uilding in lhc location at ihc rear of ihc ex�itiog co-werted dwelling on the aubjecl property are minor in naturc, appropriate for ihe deatroble development ot ihe land, and in kccping wilh the gencral Inlent and purpoac of the Zontng By-low ar the Ofticial Plan, subject to Ihe following condilions: That theae vnrlances Apply only to ihe modular buiiding in the locatton identificd oa ihe piana �ubmitted with ihia Application; 2. That these varlancea are io effect for a five year period ending August 31, 2003, aftcr which tlme the �ubject modular building ahall be aubject to rcview and possible e:fen�ion. 3. T6at 16e approval ot these variances does not came into effect uatil the owncr entero into a development agreement with and to the aati�fnction of tde Town to addreas, buf not neca�arily be limited to, euch mattero a�: (i) Ihe removal of t6c aubject modular buildlog at lhe end of the term referenced in condition 2; (il) Ihe poating wilh Ihe Town of a bond or letter of credif in an rmount aafi�factory to t6e Towo, to guanotee the removal of the aubf ect mo�tular building. 4. Th�t ihe owner obtain Qn�l aite plrn rpprovql rnd building permita, and completc Inat�llation of Ihe modular building ond �II aeeociated �ite worke witdin ooe ycar of t6e d�te of 16G decbion, or the �pprovol ot thae v�ri�ncea iddl become null �nd void. 74 10. P/CA 64/�8 - M. & A. Holland Lot 53, Plan 324 abo known rs 642 AnolAnd Street Towo of Plckering Mr. Hollpnd deciqred a contltct of intere�t and removed himeelf trom the fable. T6e applicants reque�t reliettrom t6e tallowing prov�ion� otBy-law 2511, n� amended: Sectton 10.2.3 to permit tde conHouance of a minimum front yard depth ot 6.0 metrea provided by the e:vting dwelling on the subject property, whereas thc Zoning Bylaw requirea a miaimum front yard deptd of 7.5 melres; Sectton 10.23 to permit the continuancc of a minimum west side yard width of 0.57 of a metre provided by the e:i�liog dwelling on Ihe eubject property, wherca3 the Zoning By-law requires a minimum weat �ide yarJ rviJth of 1.5 metrea; Section 5.19(b)(a) to permit Ihe cootinuance of n minimum accessory structure sctback of 0.54 of a metre from the east side lot line provided by an c:ist(ng dctached garage on ihe subject property, whereaa the Zoning Bylaw requirc� all scceseary slructures grealcr ihan 10 aquare roetre� in nize anJ/or greater than 1.6 metrca (n height to be locatcd a minimum of 1.0 metre from all lot linea; The applfcants requcat approval of these varianca in orJcr lo rccognize the lacation of Ihc e:i�ting dwelling and Jelachcd garAge on the subject property, so that the applicant can obtaio a building perroit to conelruct a proposrd one-storey living AdJitton to Ihc cast sidc otthe eiiating Jwelling. The Asaistant Secrefary-Treosurer outlincJ camments rcccived Gom Ihc Town af P(ckering Planning Departmenl. Mr. Holland wra preaeat fo repreaent Ihe application. No furthcr rcprescntalion was present in favour of or in objeclion to ihe applicatian. M1ir. flallanJ stalcd lhat !hc adJiNon i� approiimatcly 150 aquare feet in �ize and ihAt hc would like to recognizc the existing situation� and bring Ihem into compliance. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Ashe, secondcd by INr. Johneon nnd cnrricd unanimously ihat- t6is application P/CA 64/98, by M. & A. 1lollend, a� outlined, be APPROVED on the grounds t6at t6e 6.0 metre minimum Goot yard deplh, 0.57 of a metre weat side yard wldt6, And 0.54 of r metre ea�t atde yard �etback provided by the c:isHng dclached gange variaacea are minor in nature, deairable for 16e appropriate development ot the land, and in keeping with the geacral intent and purpose of ihe Ofticial Plan and the Zoning Bylaw, aubject to tde following conditton: 1. Thr! t6eae varianca apply only to t6e c:isting dwelUng pnd detachcd garage in e:(�tence on the aubject property on the date of th�i decieion. 75 : � 1 :�u _►1 MOTION: Moved by Mr. Ai6e, aecanded by Mr. JOIIOIOp �p1I CAITIt1I UO�OIIIIOYtIY IIIA�- T6e ilt6 matlng of t6e Committee of Adjuatmeat be adjourned at 9:10 p.m. aod l6e ae:t regular matlag of the Committee otAdJualmenf be held on WedacsJay, September 9,1998. ��. �,���� DATE � �� CN fAN (AC7'ING) �� � �� '� � SECRETARY-TREASURER (ACTINC) 76