HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 9, 1998, �,
MINU'!'ES ot tde 12t6 meetlng ot the Committee ot Adjustment held io t6e Committee
Room ott6e Pickering Civlc Comple: on Wedneaday, September 9,1998.
PRESENT: Mr. C. Young (Chsirperoon)
Mr. K. A�6c
Mr. M. Holland
Mr. R Jo6n�on
Mr. White
AL50 PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, A�stetant Secretary-Trea�urer
Mro. F. Nira, Secretary-Treaaurer (Acting)
T6e mceting convened at 7:00 p.m. in ihe Metn Committee Room of the Civic Comple:.
Tdere were no mattero ari�ing from the minute�.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Ilolland, secondeJ by M1fr. Johnson and cerrted unanimously -
Tdat ihe minutea oP the lith meeting of ihe Committcc of Adjusimcnt held
August 19,1999, be adopted.
3. P/CA 65/98 - M. van Jer Kuur & S. Nadeau
Part of Lot 8, Plan 65, also Part of Lot 23, Range 3, B.F.C.
al�o knoNn as 690 Front Street
Town of I'tckcring
The applicants rcquest rellet from the tolloHing provlsioos of Zoniug IIylaw 2511, as
Sectton 10.2.1 to prrmit the continusnce of a roinimum lot frontage of 10.3 metres provided
by the exi�ting property, w6ereas the zoning by-law requires a minimum lot Gontagc of
15.0 metres;
Sectton 10.2,3 to permit the catabli�hment of a minimum front yard depth of 5.4 metres to
be provided by a propo�ed porch, and a r�inimum front yard depth ot 6.21 metrca to bc
provided to it� proposeJ roof, whereaa the xoning by-law requires a minfmum front yard
depth of 7.5 metre�;
Secfion 10.1.3 to pertnit ihe eatabUehment of p minimum north oidc yard widlh of 0.5 of A
metre Aad a minimum aouth eide yard width of 0.9 ot a metre to be provided by thc
propoaed one-and-ona6Alf atorey dwelliag on the eubject property, whereos thc zontng
by-Irw requfrea minimum eide ywrd widf6e of 1.5 roetrea whcre an rttached gangc e:isla
on a lot.
The �pplicanfa reque�t rpprovrl af theae varirncca in order lo recognize 16c esbtlng lot
frootage provided by Ihe aubject lot, and to obtoln a bulldtog perroit to conetruct w
propoaed ono-and-onaholt etorey detached dwelitng on the aubJect properly.
Mr. Sim Po�en, wgent, w�u preaent lo repre�ent t6e appllcpfton. Al�o preeent wcrc
Mr. van Jer Kuur and Mro. S. Nadeau, ownera ot tde aubJecl property.
Mr. White atated t6at it would be approprinte to defer t6e applicntioo until detailed
commeot� are received from the Torooto and Region Conaervallon Aut6ority.
Mr. Posen asked that the Committee conaider the application thie evening rather than
deferring it to 16e ne:t meeting. Mr. Posen advised the membero t6at they 6nve hired
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without t6e Conservatioo Aut6ority'� approval. 7'hey have been fn contect wit6 the TRCA
aod t6ey are aweifing their comments.
Mr. John�on indicated thet due fo t6e flood plain and watero6ed tsaues, he would prefer to
defer the application until coromeote from TRCA are received.
Mr. Hoilaod aeked the opplicant what he feit thc impact would be of having to wait an
addltiooal3 weele� tor a deci�ton. Mr. Po�en replied that the awpero are currently living in
a amall residence and that with another child due it would bc morc favourable to
commence conalrucfion a� soon as poaaible.
Mr. van der Kuur advved ihe Committec thot the rccent Oood aclivity ihat the Town
e:perienced did nat have ony negotive effect on their dwelling.
Mr. Ashe stated that he b fn aupport o( deterring thc opplicallon until TRCA commenta
are received and asked Mr. Colc if the Planning DepeHmcnt was in support of the
Mr. Cole outlined reasons as fo why they are not in full support of the appllcation. Four
test� are required to aatt�fy the Planning Dcpartmcnt. They con�tdcr Ihe application to be
minor in naturc, in kecptng wilh the O�cial Plan and Ihe zoning bylaw, but without a
detailed review and commenl� from the TRCA, thcy orc unablc to detcrminc whethcr or
oot the propoyed varionce� on the �ubject property are appropriete for the dcairable
develapment otthe (and.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Aahe, seconded by Mr. Johneon and carried unanimously thet-
ihi� appl(catton P/CA 65/98, by M. van der Kuur & S. Nadeau, be DEFERRED a+
AMENDED for consideratton to the neit Commftfee of AdJustment mecting bcing
Wedneaday,Septerober30, 1998, pending ihe recetpt and review of detailed commenta
trom the Toroato and Regioo Con�ervation Aut6ority.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Aahe, aeconded by Mr. Hollaad and carried uoanimoualy that-
T6e 1216 meetiag of t6e Coromlttee of AJjuatment be pdJoumed at 7:20 p.m. and the next
regular meetlog ot the Committee of Adjuetment be heid an
Wedne�dry, 3eptember 30,1998.
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