HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 22, 1998�N w E � MINUTES of the 17th meetlng of the Committee ot Adjuatment held in the Committee Room ot the Pickering Civic Comple: oo Tueaday, December 22,1998. PRESENT: Mr. C. Young (Chairperaon) Mr. K. Aede Mr. M. Holland Mr. R Johnson Mr. White ALSOPRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, A�si�tant Secretary-Treaeurer Mn. E. Niro, Secretary-Trea�urer (Acting) The meeling convened at 7:00 p.ro. in the Main Commtttee Room of the Civic Camplex. 1. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE M1i1NUTF.S There were oo mAttero ar(�ing from the minule�. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTF.S MOTION: Moved by Mr. Hollaad, seconded by Mr. Johnson and carrted unanlmously - T6at the minute� of 16e 16th meeNng of ihc Committee of Adjustment hcld December 2,1998, be adopted. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Hollend, aecondcd by Mr. Jo6oeon Ihat the reading of minor vartance application P/CA 65/98 by M. van der Kuur & S. Nadeau bc diepensed wtih. MOTION CARRIED (Defened jrom December 2,1998 meelln� 3. P/CA 65l98 - M, van dcr Kuur & S. Nadeau Part of Lot 8, Plan 65, also Part of Lot 23, Range 3, B.F.C. al�o known as 690 Front Strect Town of Plckering (Deralls ojlhe above oppllcaflon ure erplatned be%w jor rejerence) The appliceote request relief from the followtng pro�i�tona of Zoning By-law 2511, as amended: Section 10.2.1 to permit the conttnuance of n minimum Iot froofege of 10.3 metrca provtded by the e:i�Nng property, whereaa Ihe zonfng byIAw requirca a minimum lot frontagc at 15.0 metrea; Section 10.2.3 fo permit the eatabllshment of a minlmum tront yard depth of 5.4 mctres to be provided by a propoaed porch, and � minimum front yard depth of 6,22 metrca to be provided to ita propoaed roof, wherea� the zonlnQ by-Iaw rcquirc� a mtn(mum front yard deptd of 7.5 metrea; 101 SecNon 10.2.3 to permif the eahbUshment ot � minimum aorth eide yrrd width ot 0.5 of a metrc aad a minimum aouth eide yord width of 0.9 of a melre to be provided by Ihe proposed one-and•onrhrlf etorey dwelling on the eubject property, whereae thc mniag by-Irw require+ minimum eide yard widthe ot 1.5 mefres where an attached gorage e:tate oa a lof. The Applicaot� requeat approvol ot ihae variancca in orJer to recognize the e:lating lot frontoge provided by the aubf ect laf, and to obtaln a buiiding permit to construct a praposed ono-and-onahaltatorey detached dwelling oo the eubject property. The Asst�tant Secretary-Treasurer oullined commenta received from ihe Towo of Pfckering Plaaofng Department, Toronto & Region Conaervatlon Aut6orily and the Public Worlca Depertment. Mr. Sim Posen, agent wa� present to repreeent the applicatinn. 1Vo further represenintion waa present in favour ot or in objection to t6e applicallon. Mr. Cole made the Commiltee aware that atter speaWng with Toronto & Region Coneervation Authortty Staft, ihet they anfictpate approving ihe applicatton. Also, Ihe owner 6aa submitted a letter stating thet they are prepercd to enter inta negotiattons with the TRCA tor the purpose of an easement, if it ie deemed nccessary. DECISION: Moved by Mr. A�he, seconded o� AMENDEU by Mr. Holland anJ carried uoentmously thab th(s application P/CA 65/98, by M von der Kuur and S. NAdcau, es outllncd, bc APPROVED on Ihe grouada that ihe propo�ed 10.3 metre minimum lot frontagc, prnposed 5.4 metre and 6.22 metre minimum front yard depths, and REVISED 0,6 of n metre north side yard width and 0.8 of a metre south �ide ynrd width variance� are minor in nafure, and in kceping with thc general intent and purpose of the Officiai Plan and Zoning By-law, subject to Ihc tollowing conditton: 1. That these variances do not come into cftect unNl the owncn obtatn all necessary approvals and permits trom the Toronlo and Region Conscrvetion Authority. 4. P/CA 78/98 - Mandev Devclopmenle Ltd. Lot 6, Plao 40M-1774 aleo knawn as 702 Sendcustle Court Town otPickering The applicant requests relief trom Secfian b.6(a) of By-Inw 2511, aa amended, to permit the conHnuance of a minimum Oenkage aide yard width of 3.39 melres provided by a proposed covered and unenclosed porch attached to the enst side ot the eiieting dwelling on the subject property, w6ereas ihe zoning by-law requires a minimum Oenkage s(de yard width ot4.5 mefres. Thc applicant requests Approval of thts variance in order ta recognize the locatton ot Ihc e:i�ting covered ::ad unenclosed porch attached to the ea�t s(de ot the exl�ting detached dweliing on the subject property. The Ae�ietant Secretary-Treaaurer outl(ned commenta rereived from the Town of Ptckering Planninq Department. Mr. Frank DlAdemo, wa� preaent to reprcacnf the application. No furihcr representation wa� preaent in tavour otor in objecHon to the applicalion. Mr. DiAdamo atated that duc to the porch being ao octAgon ehape, a variance Is neceaeary. Ile teels that the variance ts mioor in nature. 102 DECI3ION: Moved by Mr. Holland, aeconded by Mr. White ond crrried unonimowly that- thie pppllallon P/CA 78/98, by Mrndev Developmeata Ltd., ae outlined, be APPROVED on the groundg ihat the propa�ed 3.39 metre Ilaakage iide yard width provided by the e:�itlng covered and unencloscd porch on the eubject property ie minor in nwture, deairable for t6e appropriAte development ot t6e land, and in keeping with t6e general purpoae and iotent of Ihe Officiol Piao and t6e zoning by-IAw, aubJect fo the following condition: 1. T6at thie varisuce opply only to ihe eiiafiag covered and unencloeed porc6 ae generally outUneJ in t6e applicant'e plans eubmitted wlt6 this applicalion. .� ._� i 5. P/CA 79/98 - R& E. C6odhs �`•,� Part Lot 12, Plan 505 also known aa 1822 Rosebank Road � Town otPickering �, The applicanta requcat relief from the followtng provi�ioos of By-law 4285/93 to Zoning �,, Bylaw 3036, ae amended: '� , Section 5.(2)(Q to permit the coutinuance a minimum rear yard deplh of 6.19 melres � provided by e one-alorey, 5.95 �quare metre additton to ihe rear ot the subject dwelling, wherea� the zoning by-law requires a miniroum rear yard depth of ^.� �netres; Secfton 5,(2)(g) to permit ihe cantiouance of s maitmum lot coverage of 39.35 perccnt provided by the aubject dwelling and the ad�ilton to the rear of ihc dwciling, whcrea� ihe zoning by-law requires a ma:imum lot covcrage of38 percent. Tde applicanis requeat approval of theae variance� in order to bring thc �ubjcct property into compl(ence with the provi�ione of the zoning by-law, and to allow Ihe applicant� to obtafo a building permlt for the nlresdy conatructed additlon to the rear of the subject dwelliog. The Ass�itant Secretary-Trea�urer outlined cnmmenls receivcd from ihe Town ot Pickcring Plenning Department. Mr. Chodhw, owner, was present to represent ihe appticat(on. No fuHher repreaentallon was present in favour otor in objection to ihe appltcation. M1ir. Chodha statcd that he was unaware of the zoning by-law aod was given fhe architecla approval. DECISION: MoveJ by Mr. Jo6nson, aeconded by Mr. HollanJ and carricd unanimoualy thet- thi� appitcaliao P/CA 79/9&, by R. & E. Chod6a, as outlined, be APPROVED on the ground� t6at t6e proposed 6.19 metre rear yard depth and 39.35 percent lot coverage variancca are minor in nature, desimble for the appropriate development of iBe land, and io kceping wtth t6e generai intent and purpoae ot thc Officiel Plan, and Zaning By-law, aubject to fhe fallowiag conditions: 1. That theae variance� apply oply to the eiisling dwelling and Ihe existing one-elorey,l.7 metre:3.5 metre addltton on ihe north aide of thc rcar of Ihc dwelling; 2. That the owner obtein a building permit for lhe addition wilhin unc year ot the date of thi� decf�lon, or the approval ef thcee varianca ahall bccome null , . AOfI VOIfI. 103 5. P/CA 80/98 - Metropoitl�n Toroato H�bitat tor Humpnity Inc. Block 24, Pi�n 40M-1366 also known �a Dunn Creaceot Towa of Plckering Habifat for Humooity i� a non-protit orgAniutlon whosc mondate ia to build eimple, decent, aifordoble 6oueing for aeedy frmiUoa, u�ing voluntecr labor and donated materlala. Habitat for Humaatty has aubmitted t61� opglicatton requesting variances from the zoning by-low to Ailow two dwelUnge to be con�tructed aa a patr ot "traditional" aemi-detached dwelling� attached above ground by a common wall, and to delete t6e requirement for an pttAChed garage or carport. The Assbtant Secretary-Treasurer outlined commente received trom fhe Town of Pickcring Planping Department adding thst t6e Planning Department is supporttng this minor varlance due to ihe intense raund of discussions that ha� faken place betrvecn the applicanfs, residenW and t6e Planning Department. Mr. Bruce Freeman, agent, wa� preaent to represent the applicntion. Alao present was Mr. Ken Bloomfield in aupport o[the epplication. Mr. Freeman stated that he concurred with the Plnnning Departmcnis report and that he would answer any queattoo� f6nt t6e Comroittec may hnve. Mr. Bloomfield thanked Couocil and Habitat for Humanity for coming to an agrcement and meefing all the requirements aeked by area resideota. Mr. Ashe asked tor ihe time frome for the Dunn Crcacent ezlenaion and it approval of ihis variance would heve any adveroe affect on (uture development. Mr. Cale atatcd ihat thc Dunn Creacent extenaion t� part of a long range devclopmenf plan for thc ncighbourhood and tBat it woulJ not adveroely offect future Je��elopment. Mr. White commenfed on llabilat for flumanity being a worthwhilc prajcct and asked why thcy are prapo�ing semi-detached unita in that particular ncighbourhood. Mr. Freemen respondcd Ihat zoning permit� two link units. Arcn re�idents had input in Ihe design changcs and thcy rcqutrc thc variance� in ordcr fo seffsfy their requiremcnts. Mr. Holland commented that hc is picnsed that i�auca betwcen the applicants and ihe communtty were resoived. DECISIOIV: Moved by Mr. Hollend, seconded by Mr. Ashe and carried unanimausly that- this applicatioa P/CA 80/98, by Metropolitan Toronto Habitat tor Ilumanity Inc., as outlined, be APPROVED on the grouode thet the proposed vnriancea to allow a pair of �emi-detnched dwellings on Block 24, Plao 40M-1366 to be constructed as "traditional" aemi-detac6ed dwellioga attached above ground by a common wall, and wifh no atfached gerage or carport, are minor in nature, desirable tor Ihe apprapriate development of lhe land, and Iq keeping with the general intent and purpoae ot the Of(icial Plan, and Zaning Bylaw, nubject to thc following conditioo: 1. That Metropol(tan Toronto Habitet for Humanity Inc. finalize all other mattcrs pnrtaining to the develapment ot the sabject lands, enter into e developmc�t agreement wllh and to the satiafactton of the Town to addresa all mattcro ot interest to the Town, and complete consfrucUon ot iMe Jwcll(ng� on thc aubJec: property withio .tivo yearo ot the date ot thia deciston, or the approvnl of fhese verfancca ahail become s rll and void. l04 7. P/CA 81/98 -1271868 Ontrrlo Ltd, Part Lot 46, Plrn 1041 rbo kaown a� 1785 Erelb�nk Rood Town of Plckering T6e applicAnt requesta relief from Sectloo 10.2.3 0[ ByIpw 3036, u amended, to permit ihe continurnce ot a minimum front yard depth of 6.70 metrea prov(dcd by Ihe e:taf(ng dwelitog oa Ihe eubJecf properly, wherea� the Zoning Bylaw requtres a mioimum front yard dept6 ot7.5 metra. The applicant requeats approval at t6is vatiance in order to br(ng the eitsting dwelling into compltaoce with the zoning bylaw. The Assistaot Secretaty-Treasurer autlioed commeafa received from the Town of Pickcrfng Planniag Department. Mr. Gus KalAmeris, agent, was preaent to repreaent the appllcatian. No furiher representation was present io fevour of or in a�;ecNon lo t6e eppUcation. Mr. Kalamaris stated t6at constructton on the dwelltog haa co�menced. Mr. A�he a�ked 11Ir. Cole w6y t6i� i�sue wa� not dealt wit6 during the building permit proceas, Mr. Colr responded that Ihls variance aituaHon re�ulted from a Jog in thc road allowance on the aubjcct lot w61ch we� not noticed on the building permit survey. DECISION: Moved by Mr. A�he, seconded by Mr. White and carried unanimously that- this eppl(cation PlCA 8(/98, by 1271868 Onfario Ltd,, es outlincd, be APPROVED an thc grounds ihat t6e requc�ted 6.7 metre front yard depth variance t� mtnor in nature, deslrable tor tlie approprlatc development of ihc IanJ, and in keeping with the gencral intent and purpo�e of the Of(icial Plan And the Zoning liy-law, subject to ihe tollow(ng condition: l. That thia variance apply ooly to the eti�ting dwclling in cxistence an ihc subJect properfy on tde dwte of this deci�lon. 8. P/CA 82/98 - Glenn Baurraw� Haye� Part Lot 19, Concession 8& Plan 40M-1538, Block 22 a4to knowo as 4996 Canao Drive (Hamlet of Claremont) Town ot Pickering The applicant requesb relief from thc folloH�ing provisions of 13y-law 3037, as amended by By-law 2209/86 and 2315/86: Section 5.18(a) to permit fhe establi�6ment of an acce�aory atructure (garagc with IoR) !o be located partially wit6in the norlh aide yard of the aubject property, whereas the zoning by-luw requira all acce�sary atructure� to bc located tnNrely within t6e rear ynrd ot thc aubjectproperty; Sectlon 5.18(c) to permit the e�tablishmcot af an acceaeory atructure (garage with loft) fo provide a ma:irouro building height ot 8,53 metres on the aubject property, whereas thc zoning by-law permits a ma:imum accesaory atructure height of 3.5 metrca in any reaidential zone; Tde applicant requc�te epproval ot t6eac varlances in ordcr lo allow the appltcant to abtnin a buildiqg permit fo conatruct a propoeed detAChed gorage with a IoU on the aubject property. l05 T6e AeaGSrot Scentrry-Treuunr outiioed commeub rcceived from the Town of Plckering Planning DeprHment Wdtten commeate were oleo received trom Me. Celta Dronkhont of 1642 Ceatml Street aod Mr. Bruee aad M�rilyn Brown ot 4994 Cqneo Drive, e:pree�ing couceroe. Mr. Glenn Hayes, owaer, wea preaent to repreaent the application. No fuHher representallon woa preaent lo tavour ot or in obJection fo t6e application. Mr. }loyea approac6ed the Committee with phatographx ot e:iaHng homes in the areA with acceeaory slructurea. fIe informed the membero t6At he hra alreAdy planted 16 to 18 Colorado Spruces 1n tde area ot the acceaaory atructure And tMet 7 to 8 feet ot t6e garage wiil be partially below grade on 3 atdea. Mr. Johoson seked thc applicaot what he fntends to do with ihe accessory structure and if he intends ta pertorm mainteoance on any vehicles tn t6e garage. Mr. Heyes responded ihat 6e propoaea to uae the lott area ae atorage and t6at he has a bay rented off site to repair all his vehicles. The garage i� needed to store �nowmobiles, caro, lawnmowero, etc. Mr. Ashe a�ked Mr. Cole what lhe opHone are if the uae of the garage chenges. Mr. Cole sfrted thet lt the gArage is beiag used a� a homrbased business there is thc Town's by-law entorcement departmeot that would deal with that problem. Mr. Ashe exprea�ed coacern� wild ihe �ize ot the structure and asked Mr. Cole if thcre is a viable slternative. Mr. Cole stated that there b more than adequate room on !he subject properly to conslruct a garege in full compliance wit6 the Uylew and suggcsted Ihat if the applfcant were to reduce the atructure to a one-�torey builJing it would certainiy alleviate ihe conceros from neighboun end Plenning Sta(f. Mr. A�he a�ked the applicant it he is willing to compromi�e on the height of the accessory alructure. Mr. Heyes responded tdat 6e i� not willing to compromiec and if ihc Committee would nat approve the minor varience AppUcallon a� �i, lhcn he would epply for a building permit for an atteched gorogc whicd would tully comply with Ihe zoning by-law. He stafcd that Ihe tree� and berm createJ ie aufficlent in ecreening lhe garage. Mr. Johnaon suggestcd thet ihe epplicaUon be deferred to give the membero additional time to review the afte and talk to ncighboun. Mr. White concurred wilh Mr. Johnson's requcst that the appllcafion be defcrced. Mr. Holland stated that Ihe height ot the gamge is more then double the requirement anJ he i� in support ot Planning Departments recommendation to refu�e the epplication but will accommodafe a deferral. MOTION: Movcd by Mr. Johnson, aeconded by Mr. Ashe and carried unanimausly that- thi� application P/CA 8Z/98, by Glen Bourrows Hayea, as oullined, be DEFERR�D to the ne:t Committee of Adjustment meeting ot January 20, 1999 pending the revicw of ihe aubject property by the Committee members. lu [�I��Ci7►G7:1:1 tl i �T7 9. P/CA 83/98 - P. & L. Chalmero Lot 41, Plan M-20 abo known ea 861 VicW Drive Town af Plckertog The appllcAOts requat rellef trom SecNoa 7.2.3 ot By-lew 2520, aa amended: 106 To permit Ide eatwbliedmeat ot a minimum (ront yard dcpih ot 4.2 melrea provided to a proposed nddiNon attoc6ed to the froat af ihe e:Uting dwell(ng on Ihe aubject property (ihe noN6 e�de frcing Vicki Drlve), whereae f6e ByIww requirea a minimum front yard depth of 7.5 metrea; To permit 16e contiauAnce ot a minimum rear yard depid of 4.2 roelres to be provideJ fo tde ex�iting dwelling, and covered wAlkway attached to the exiating dwelling (ihe aoutd �ide), on ihe subject property, wderea� ihe By-law requtrea a roinimum rcar yard dcpth ot 7.5 metres; To permit the conHnuance ot a minimum ilaokage atde yerd widlh nf 4,6 metres to be provided to the eiisting dwelling, and covered walkway atteched to the eiisting dwclling, on the subject property (t6e west aide tacing Victoty Drive), whereas ihc Dylaw requfres a minimum ilankage side yard widlh of 7.5 melree when the main entrance to thc dwclling unit taces the flenk uf the lot io an "RMl" zone. The applicants request approval ot these variances io order to bring Ihe subjcct property into compliance with the provisions of Ihe zoning by-law, and la allow ihc applicunt to obtain a building permit to canstruct a one-storey, 3.1 mefre x 6.0 mclrc addition to the front of the e:i�ting dwelling on the �ubjcct property. The Asst�tant Secretary-Treasurer outlined commente reccived from the Tawn af Pickcring Planoiog DepaNment. Mr. Chalmcrs, owoer, was present to represent the application. No furlher represenfutian wa� preaent in favour ot or tn objecHon to the application. M1ir. Chalmcrs stated ihat hc would appreciate t6e Cammittee approving the minor vAriance application anJ that his neighbuuro dave no objections lo the applicallon. Mr. Cole asked the appllcant if he is aware that Ihe Planning Departmcnt rccammended a revi�ion to the tront yard deplh from 4.2 metrc� as applicd tor, to 4.5 metres. Mr. Chelmen stated that he wae not aware of the rev(scJ front yard depih but Is comfortable wlth the revi�ion. DECISION: Moved by Mr. llolland, acconded by M1ir. A�hc and carricd unenimausly that- this applicatton P/CA 83/98, by P. & L. Chalr�ien, as oullincd, bc APPROVED, on thc grounds that thc proposed 4.2 metre minimum rcar yard depth, proposed 4.6 melrc minimum Oankage aide yard width bolh provlded to thc existing dweiling and existing covered walkway on the subject property, and REVISED 4.5 metrc minimum front yard depfh provided to thc propo�cd addiNon to the etiating dwclling on ihe subJect property are mioor in pature, desirable for the appropriale development ot thc land, and in keeping w(th the general intent and purpose af the Ofticial Plan, and Zoning By-law, subject to ihe followiog coodfUons: That these varlancea apply ooly to t6e e:iating 4.2 metre rear yard depth and 4.6 metre Oankage eide yard width provided by t6e eitsting dwclling and covered walkway in extetence an the subject property on the date o[ ihis decision. Thnt this varfaoce apply only to a revi�ed 4.5 metre minimum fronf yard depfh provided by the propo3ed onc-storey, 3.1 metrc:6.0 metre, addition to the front o[ the e:iaHng dwclling on the aubjcct property as generally outlined on the applicant's scbmitted plan wtth this applicaHon. That fhe applicant obtafn a Duilding Pcrmit from thc Tawn'e Duilding Departmeny and coaatruct ihe propoeed aJditiun, wifhin hvo ycara of thc date of ihia deciaion, or the approval ot Ihis variancc ahall become null end void. 107 ��o. . . . . . . � . . . � . 10. OTHRR BI791NES3 Mr. Cole informed the members t6�t An intormwNoa repaN wai provided to make Ihe Committa �w�ro ot the ch�ngee to the Oatario Plwaniog Acf. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, seconded by Mr, Holland Ihat the reporf be reccived. MOTION CARRIED ll. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnson, aeconded by Mr. Holland And cnrrled unanimou�ly t6at- T6c 17th meeting ot the Committee of Adjuatment be adjouroed at 8:30 p.m. and ihe ne:t regular meettag of the Committee of Adjuatmeat be held on Wedneaday, January 20,1999. DA�TE�''1 °`i� �� u!I �„ � : .:� *'`r''i' � �� � � ����' SECRETARY•TREASURER (ACTING) 108