HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 29, 1999.1 .
MINUTES of 16e 131d mating of tde Committee of AdJwtment deld In Ihe Commiltee
Room of Ihe Pickcring Civic Complex oo Wedaaday, September 29,1999.
PRBSENT: Mr. Carl Vouog (Chafrpenon)
Mr. K. Aihe
Mr. M. Nollaad
Mr. R. John�on
Mr. P. Wdite
ALSOPRESENT: Mr. R. TAylor, Asaietant Secretary-Trea�urcr
Mty. F. Niro, (Acling) Sccretary-Trea�urer
The meeting coovened at 7:00 p,m. in the Main Committee Room of thc Civic Complex.
There were no malten arL�ing from the minule�.
MOTION: MoveJ by Mr. llolland, �econded by h1r. Whitc and carried unantmoualy -
That the minutea of the 12fh meetlng of thc Commiltee of Adju�lmcnt hcld
September 8,1999, be aJopted.
(Dejerred jrom Seplember 8, /999 meelln�
3. P/CA 66/99 — F. & 1. Molinaro
Lot 4, Plan 282
al�o known as 1812 Woodvicw Avenue
Town of Pickering
T6e applicanis request relief fram Section 5.18(d) of Dy-law 3036, ue amcnded to permit
the c�tebUs6ment ot a minimum aouth aide yard wldlh of 1.2 metre� to he provided to a
t�racar garage atfached to ihe two-�torey detached dwclling proposed to be consiructed on
the subjecf lands, whcrea� the zoning by-law requirc� a minimum south side yard widih of
1.5 metres tu be provided where a garage is erecfed as part of a detachcd dwelllog.
The applicants requeat approval of lhl� variance in arder fo obtain a building permit to
coastr2e! e paNtcular hvo-atorey delached dwclitng, with au atteched garage, on the
aubje;.t prope�ty.
The Asei�tcnt Secretary-Treaaurer outlined commenta received from tha Town of Pickering
Plpn�dng QepaMroent. Revi�ed written cammente wcre pl�o received from G�II Skidmorc
rod Scott nlackburn of 1808 and 1806 Wuodv(ew Avcnuc, in aupport of thc revf�svi
Mr. Carr Molin�ro, �genl, wn� gre�ent lo repreacot t6e .�pu�■noo. No IYiNdir
repraent�Hon wu praeat in t�vour of or in obJect(on fo tde ipplialiaa. Dir. Molfn�ro
�hted t6�t 6e b tde owaer of tde abufUng properly to Ihs north.
.1 .
Mr. .loha�on advUed Ihe rppBcrnt thrt Ontrrio Ilydro hre recommcnded Ihal Ihe arco
uadergo � proJect to repisce �II hydra polee with underground wiriag.
A(Ier nceiving that intormNton Mr. M1lnlinaro elaled Ihat he would prekr ihe grrage on
Ihe aorih aide of the property and aaked if Ihc variance could be changcJ !o re0ecl Ihe
north side.
Mr. Aahe aeked Mr. Taylor it they werc to coneider ihe variance on the north atJe, it that
would allevirte any concems. Mr. Taylor replieJ Ihot it woulJ not change the Plnnntng
Uepartments recommendalion.
M1tr. MolinAro atateJ that Ihe reason tor Ihe greater garoge wiJth is to accommodate a full
sizc van. It i� only the garoge which would require the reduced side yard anJ not ihe
eccond-storey addiNon.
Mr. White asked the applicant why he coulrl not find a dceign that would comply with ihe
requirements ot thc zoning by-law. Flomes prcviously constructed in the arca wcrc built in
full compilancc wilh Ihc zoning by-Iaw and hc fecls that thi� varience is for convenfence
Mr. Johnson stated ihat he ia in support ot the applicalion.
Mr. M1talinaro aaked M1ir. Taylor if he haJ tound infarmallon with respcct to olher home� in
ihe area with a reduceJ 4 fcet �idc yard setack. Mr. Taylor replicd that hc Jfd scnrch as far
back as 5 ycars ago and that he cou1J not find any similar varianccs.
Mr. Ashe staleJ that he concurreJ wilh M1ir. ,lohnson's motion to support thc applicalion,
Thc propoacd dwclling woulJ proviJc a�rcalcr �idc ysrJ sclback than thc czisling
dwclUng anJ hc fccl� that thc applicant has rcachcJ a cumproinisc by allcring his original
Mr. Johnson urgeJ lhc rppl(cant to verify wilh Ontarto IlyJru befnrc revising his plans.
DECISION: MoveJ by Dir. John�nn, sccondcd by Dtr. A�hc and carricJ lhal-
thb applicatton P/CA 66/99, by F. & 1. hfolinaro, us RF.VISF:D, bc .4PPROVED on thc
grounde that thc pra�osed 1.2 mctre north sidc yarJ Nidlh providcd by lhc attached
gerage to ihe two-atorcy detachcd dwclling proposed to be conslructed an ihe suhject
property is a minor variancc which i� dcsiroblc fnr Ihc appropriatc devclopment of the
lands, and in kceping with thc gencral inlent and purpnsc of ihe OfTicial Plan anJ the
Zoning Dylaw subjcct to thc following conJilion�:
1. That Ihis variance apply only lo a minimum 1.2 metre nort6 eide yarJ widlh
provided by ihe propoaed altached garagc lo ihe Iwo•storey detached dn�elling
proposed to bc conslructcJ on Ihe aubjcct property, as genernlly �ited and
outlined on ihc applicanl's revised plans aubmittcd with th(s applicatton.
2. That ihe applicants obtain a building permil, and conslruct, the proposed
detached dwelHng wilh oltachcd garage wilhin two ycaro ot Ihe datc of thi�
deciaion, or the approvel of this �•ariance shall bccome null anJ void.
3. That rny aecond-storey living epACC construcleJ above Ihe proposeJ atlached
garege provide a minimum aide yard widlh ot 1.5 melree.
4. 'Phat the norlh aide yard width voriance be aubjecl to Ihe movinR of r hydro
pole, and if IhG crnnot be complett�l Ihat Ihe v�riance appiy only to a minimum
1.2 metre eoulh �ide y�rJ widEh.
4. P/CA69N9-962317 0atariolnc.
P�N Lot 19, Range J, B.F.0
P�H 2, 40R-3328
aWo kaown as 956 Dillinghrm Road
Town of Pickeriog
The appBcant requata relief trom Section 17.2.1 ot By-IAw 2511, as amenJed, to permit Ihe
cstabllihment of a minimum 6,5 metre aouth aide yard widlh lo bc provided fo a proposed
gAnge oddition to the rear of an existing induatrial buiiJing on Ihe aubjec! property,
whereas Ihe zoning by-law requirea a minimum eoulh aide yarJ widlh of 7.5 metres.
The applicant rcque�t� approval af ihi� vnrtance in urder tu obtafn aile plan npproval and
buflding permits to con�lruct a proposed garage eddition, appro:imatcly 244 square
metres in aize, to the rcar of the exisling indu�trial building on thc subJcct property.
The As�i�tant Secretary-Treasurer oullincd commenis received from lhc'Pown of Pickering
PlAnning Department. Written comments were received trom Ontario }lydro Services
Company and the Town's Public Works Department, stating no objeclions to ihe
Mr. John McKinnon, wae present to represent the applicatfon. Also presenl was
Councillor poug D(ckenon, Ward 2 Regional Councillor, in favaur otthc application.
Mr. MeKinnon stated that he �ras in far•our of Planning Dcpartmcnts recommcndation.
Mr. Dickcroon advised thc mcmbers tiiat inclement wcalhcr ha� cau�ed demage to Ihc
building and that thc applicnnt now wishcs ro procccJ with an uJJil(on baocJ on Lis
current nced�.
DECISION: MoveJ by Mr. lloilAnd, sccondeJ by M11r.:�shc enJ carricd unanimously thet-
Ihis application P/CA 69/99, by 9b2317 Ontario Inc., ns outlincJ, hc A{'1'ROVF.D on Ihe
grounds that Ihc propoacJ 6,5 mctrc minimum soWh sfdc �•rrd width provfdcJ by ihc
propoaeJ garage add(tian is a minor rarinncc w•hich i� dc�irable tnr Ihc appropriete
development of Ihc land, and in kecpin� eilh the �cneral inlcnt anJ purpnse nf Ihc Ofliciai
Plan and Ihe Zoning liylow, suhjccl lo Ihe falln�ring cundition+:
1. Thrt this vnriance apply nnly In ihc proposcd gara�e addilinn lo Ihe rear of Ihe
existing inJustrial builJing nn Ihe �unje�i �ro��n��, wa gencrally sited nnd
oullincd on Ihc applicant'� submittcJ plAn� wlth thi� applicAtion.
2. That the proposed garaRe adJiUon to thc rcar of the exi�ling huilding on ihc
�ubject propert� not excecd 2J�1 squarc roctres in aizc, and nnl cxcccd 6.8 metres
in hcight.
3. That ihc owner oblAin sile plan appra��nl and building permil� for Ihc proposed
developmenf, anJ cenatruct it, wilhln two yearx of the dale of ihis Jeci�ion, or
ihe approval otlhf� variance ahall become null and void.
S. P/CA70/99-489349Onloriolnc.
NortG Part Lot 19, Range 3, D.F.C.
��u known a� 1675 Bayly Slmt
Town of Pickering
Tde appUt�nb rcqunt rellsf from Secllon 5.21.2(a) of Zoning Bylaw 2Si l, a� ameaded, to
permit � ms:imum of 50 parcenl of Ihe tolal parklaR �psea rcqulreJ for Ihe i:le lo be
la�aled to 16e froal yard of Ibe �ubJett property, whercu the zon(aR b�•-lav� Iimiu froal
y�ni p�rkln` lo a maiimum of 3U percent af Ihe Io1al p�rking �paee� trqnircd for Ihe iile.
The �pplicanh requeet approvel ot lhh v�ri�nce in order tn pureue dte plap �pprovAl, ond
oAtdn builJiag permits, to conatruct an indu�triel buildiug, ApproxlmAlely 23t0 equare
nutrce in aize, on the aubject property.
T6e Asai�twnt S�Yretory•Tre�surer outlincJ commente rcceived from !he Town of Picker(ng
I'lanning Deprrttnent.
Mr. Larry Marcdinrl, owner, wa� preaent to repre�ent the applicallon. No further
representatioo wr� preaent in favour uf or in objeclion to Ihc appllcetton. Mr. Marchfori
stated ihat he i� in need ot hi� faundatlon permifs. Hia lea�e in Af ax will espire (n May and
he wishea to proceed with the development as eoon as possible.
Mr. Taylor stated ttiat thc npplicants are reyuired to submit grading plans and revised site
plans to the Public Works Department. Ta Jatc, the Public Works Department or
Planning Department have not received revi.ved sitc plans.
Mr. Marchtori stated that a revi�ed sitc plan was submitted to ihe Public Warks
Depariment appruxlmatcly 4 wceks ago.
Mr. A9he arlced Mr. Taylor es to when Ihe Planning Department might enviston achicvfng
a conccptual �itc plan. Mr. Taylor replicd that thcy wou1J not bc ablc to achicvc a
conceptual sile plan before thc next mceting dete.
Mr. Johnson eskcd for clarification as to ihe pracess of lifting an itcm from ihc table
shauld ihe applicalian be tabled. Mr. Taylor replied that it wou1J bc thc responsibility of u
Commiltee member to lift thE item from ihc table if thcy wish to havc ihe applicuNon
canaidercd prior to Ihc Novembcr 10 mceting.
Mr. Aahe �tated that he is not convinccd t6at the applicant fully understanda what is
requ(red to complcte ihe �ite plan pracc��. M1ir. Taylor replieJ that until reviscd eitc plans
are received and reviewed, thc Planning DcpaHmcnt cannot offcr their commcnl�.
MOTION: MoveJ by Mr. Aahe, secondeJ by Atr. White end carried unenimously Ihat-
this applicatton P/CA 70/99, by A89349 Ontario Inc., as outiincJ, bc TAULED unHl such
Nmc aa thc as�aciated sitc plan applicalion ha� becn revicwcd in Jetail by ihc Town, and all
other tnterested agencies, and a resultant conccptual aite plan is achicved.
7. P/CA 71/99 — W. Maugc
PaH of Dlock 35, Plan 4UM-1535
(Parte 8 to 10, Plan 40R-12180)
Also known as 1489 Major Oalc� Road
Town of Pickcring
The applicant requcsts relief from !hc followfng provtsiona of Bylaw 3036, ae amendcd by
By-law 2015/86:
Secdon 4(b)(vf) to permit the eatablishment of a minimum rear yard depth of 5.0 mclrea to
be provtded by a propa�ed sunroom addiHon ettachcd to thc rear of the exist(ng dwclling
on Ihe aubject property, whereas ihe zoning bylaw rcquirca a minimum rear yard depli� of
7.5 metrca;
5ecHon 4(b)(vil)(B) to permit thc cstablishmcnt ota maximum lot covcrngc of 44 perccut to
bc proviJed by the existing dwclling and propoacd aunraom addition eltached to thc rear
of Ihe exieting dwclling an thc subject property, wherea� thc zoning by-law permits a
masimum lot coverage of 40 percent to bc providcd hy aingle affacheJ dwcllinga.
7'he applicunt requcala approvel ot thcae varlancca in ordcr lo abtain a buliding permit to
con�fruct a propoacd �unroom addition, approxinatcly 6,5 squarc mctrca in ai7c, to Ihc
rear of the eil�ting dwelling on ihc eubJect property.
The A�eistaot Secretory-Treaaurer oullined commenta recefved trom Ihe Town ot Pickering
Plrnning Depprtment. W�tften commenta werc received from The Toronto & Region
Conservwtlon Authortty, OntArio Hydro And the Town'e Public Worke Department, all
e:presaing o0 objectiona to the applicatton.
Mr. Steve Abbey, agent, wa� present to represent the appUcaHon. No fuHher
representAUoa wa� rresent in favour of or in objectlon to the application. Mr. Abbey
etated t6at the ownen wish to obtain extrA Area to enjoy ihe oufdooro.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnson, aeconded by Mr. Ashe and carricd unanimoualy thet-
this application P/CA 71/99, by W. Maugc, a� outlined, bc APPROVED on thc graunds
that lhe propoeed 5.0 metre m(nimum rear yard depth providcd by the proposed sunroom
addition anJ maximum 44 percent lot coverage provlded by the eitsting dwelling and
proposeJ sunroom additian to bc mtnor variances which are dcsirablc for thc appropriatc
development of the land, anJ in I:eeping with ihe general intent and purpose of the Otticial
Plan and the Zoning Uy-law, an�1 therefore recommends the approvai ot the proposed
variances, aubject to thc follow(ng conditio�: :
1. That Iheae varlances apply only to the proposeJ anc-storcy, maximum
6.5 aquare melre sunroom addition, providing a minimum rear yard depth of
5.0 mefres and a maximum lot coverage, cumbincd with the ezisting Jwefling
on the aubject property, of 44 percent, as generally located and outlined in
the applicant's aubmitteJ plans with ihis applicaHon.
2. That thc applicant nbtain a builJing permit anJ conslruct thc propoacJ
one-storcy sunroom addilion within two ycan of Ihc datc of Ihis decision, or
Ihe approval of ihis variencc shal! became null nnd votd.
A Millennium Documentaty �crcening will be taking place an Wednesdey December 1",
which requirea all meetings lo bc rescheduled. An alternalivc mceting detc was di�russed.
The Committce of Adjuatment havc concurred to mcct on Thursday, Dccembcr 2,19v9.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Ashe, seconded by Mr. HoilanJ and carried unanimously tha!-
The 13th meeting ot the Committee of Adjuytment be adJourned at 7:50 p.m. and fhe nexf
regular meeting otthe Commiftee of Adjustment be held on Wcdncaday, October 20,1999.
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