HomeMy WebLinkAboutM 1-99, r �OFp4 1� y�. � � REPORT TO COUNCIL PROM: Mayor Wnync Arihurs DATB: April 12, 1999 RBPORTNUMDGR: MI-99 SUBJECT: Ontario Summcr Games 2000 RGCOMMGNDATION: 'fhat Town Council cndorsc thc selcclion by Ihc Minislry of Citizenship, Culturc and Rccrcation for the municipalitics oP Durham Region lo host thc Ontnrio 5ummer Gamcs in �hc ycnr 2000; and Thnt stafT bc authorizcd lo pnrlicipatc on thc Gamcs Orgunizing Commillcc l0 i155151 1VIIIl (IIC organiwtion and operution of thc Games. OR[GIN: Council Rcsolution #IOU98, Itcm N3, cndnrsing thc furmal submission of thc municip�ditics of Durhnm Rcgion to host thc Ontaria Summcr (inmcs in dic ycar 2000. AUTk10RITY: Thc Municipal Act �INANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Tu�m Council passed resolution NI01/98 autharizing un upset limit expenditurc of 522,000 as the Town of Pickering's finnncinl contribution to the Games Dudget. BXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not opplicnblc DACKdROUND: ror thc Millcnnium Ycar, Ihc Town of Pickcring, along with thc arca municipulitics of Durhnm Region, hovc bccn sclected by thc Ministry of Ciliunship, Cullure and Rccrcation lo joinlly host the 2000 Onlario Summcr Gumcs. • Report to Council Datc: April 12, 1999 Subject: Ontario Summer Gnmes 2000 Puge 2 The Ontario Gnmes program begnn in 1J70 anJ continues to bc n showcasc for thc I'rovince's top athletes. Up to 3000 amatcur alhletes, couchcs, and manngers wili bc participating. Athletes will compete in ninetcen sporls al Ihc Ontnrio Summer Ciames scheJulcd for August i!, 12, and 13,2000. Pickering is scheduled to host the following events: SOPTBALL VOLLEYDALL PIELD LACROSSG In addition, loculions for Athletes' [lnnquet, AwurJs Ccrcmonics nnJ Closing Cercmonics arc requircd. The committee is still in thc process of reviewing facilities cupable of hosting thcsc additionnl events within thc rcE iou. Thc official signiug of thc agrccmcnt is schcdulcd for WcdncsJay, April 21, 1999, nt thc beginning of Durhnm Regiunnl Council Mecting. 'I'he Mayors of arca municipalitics nre being invited to participatc in thc officinl signing ccrcmony. Thc Town of Pickcring is looking fon��ard to jointly hosling thc 2000 Oninrio Summcr Gamcs. Wc arc proud of our yuality fncilitics nnd progrnms. Our profcssiannl s�ull' and community voluntcers havc ycars of cxperiencc in organizing ,md producing quality cecnts. ATTACHMGNTS: - To«n of Pickcring Council Iscsolution NI01/98, hcm N3 - Lcllcr from Ministcr of Citizenship, Culturc nnd Ilccrcation dnicd Junuary 13, 1999 nnd FebnWry 22, 1999. Approvcd / GndorscJ fiy: �^�� ��f SR:fh Atlachmenls Recommended for the considemtion of Pickcring To�tin Council � ' mas J. Quin , Chicf Administrativc h�/ y� � �„�„�, �.., �„�, �., �, �,. �., � � � � � 5 --- -- . �_ _ _ _ ► a_ _._ _. • I L L fi pp rc ATTACFMIEMTM.1._TO REPORT k m F 9q �,1 � � ° �'� D , - �� u � »9a ' ��''� INTER-DEPARTNIENTAL NIENIORANDUM TO'�l�V ���E,?�� KtRIM(3 aTICN °��T�fi-�� y�� CLERK'S DEPARTMENT DATE: June 3,1998 � Steve Reynolds, Director of Culture & Recreation .% • Gil Patersoq Direcror of Finance FROM: Bruce Teylor, Town Clerk Please be advised that the Council of the Town of Pickering passed Resolution #101/98, Item H3 at a Regular Councii Meeting of June i, 1996. That the aubmisstan of Ihe municipalilia of Durhnm Region to host tlie Ontnrio Summer Gnmes in the yenr 2000 be endoned; nnd a) That �talT be authorized to conlinue to part(clpnte in the Gnmes Committee btd eubmi�eton; and b) That Town CouncU aulhorize an uptet limit expenditure of 522,000 ns the Town of P(ckering's financial contributton to the Gnma buJget. This resolution is sent to you for your information. ruce Taylor, Town Ckrk cc ' • T.J, Quinn, General Manager , ' � ' � , e OIr1:+YY—Itl:J4'F.�i-UUSt:�J�f71_"�___ AddS'P:iPICS�.i.�U'n�� � w.. ._'�–� – wiuu:.vu.i - � '" • • ATTACHMENTM.c2T0 REPORT knll-qq e F1InlfhyolCilh�mMP� Ginlatli�dnAll�lroelvlauu, Culmra md Reerulien . de ia Cullun d du LaiAu A7�ni11ir Itini7tn 6H Flao� 6' lup� 77Bbo:5treelWoft :7meBMaoaat � TaonioON 41TA:R7 YN (� 6j�l�B;009 Tel.:lat61 ��5•�00 THle. � N181025�G145 c+��(a161325•6195 � 7 � i - umim onlarb� lanu;vy l3, 1999 . htr. Roger Mderson Regional Ctuvr The Regional tvfunicipaliry of Dwh.vn 605 Rossland Rond Eazt F.U. Box 633 \Vhitby, On��rio L1N 6�3 Dear Mr. An�ersun: ( am p(eased tu inform yeu th�[ DurBam Region is �hc successftd candidate for the ?000 Ontario .• Sumnur G�nes. I congr�tidace you, the stxff ol'your Region;utd your cammunity volunteers un the'v e:ccellent preparation and pr:stnta�ion of po�v bid. I am canfident that you will provide a�vonderfu► opportuniry for uur �unateur atliletes tu profite theu skills and talents in the vary special 4liilennium Year. I also kno�v that dx Gvnes �viil otfor, yuur Ro�iun a ehance tu shu�cc�� its qualiry facilities and highly skilled and motivated volunteers. Tha Cr�mes are an imponant cumpunent of sport dzeelopment in Ontuio aud an impurtant opporRinity fot communities tu dovelop new partn:rslilps and incre:ue volunteerism in the support of our �rnateur athietes. ...n_ 1-v�� ���� �. : � � i. ' �. , , , � . � �� 8 Mr. Ruger Ande�son Page 2 I wish you and tha Dudtam cowuunities everysuccess with the orsvtizatiun of tlie Gvnes I hnve asked tlte Chair of thz Site Review Committee (SRC) to contact members of your swEf and ihe G�ne� Org3nizing Cunvninee in the eery neat funva tu begin preparin¢ tor tht 2000 Ontvio 5ununar Oames. Once a5ain, cunacatulauons. , „ Sincerely, fi� ! C��� Isa6e1 Bassett �tinistec Cc: Honourable Janec Ecker, �tYP • Diuham �Vest Hunourable J,unes Fl�lutty, �4PP • Durham Centra John 07oule, b1PP • Durham East ]uli� �t�uiro, MPP • Durham-York Je ,ry Ouellene, �1PP - Oshawa S:evc Parish, Mayor • To��n of Ajs� Keith Shier, Mayor • Townehip of Brock Diane Hamre; MaYur • Town uf Claria�ton Nmuy L. Diamond, Moyor • Ciry of Osh.i�va \Vayne Mhurs, btayor • To�.ro of Yickering _ Doug,Moffatt, Mayor - To��nshi� of_Scugog ° � Gerry Lynn U'Connor, btayor • To��•nship ot Uxbridua , }�(arcel L, Brunellc, h[ayor • To«'n of 1Vhitby • �/Tom Fluod, Chair, OSG 8id Comiuittee . i. �` � ic . � � �� �'. �" . '1 •., • Mtni�try of CIII:�nihiP, nvnl7tln d�� Afhlnf NviyUU� Cutlun �nC R�a�utian d� I� Cultun �t d�e Laldn A�inistu b4N3If� 6NFlccr fi'luge � 77Blocr£7�pWqt 71NeBloprouest Toromo CN M7A 2fi9 ' Taranto ON M7A 2qg Tel.:(�181J35•8200 TII.:�at81725�6200 Fax:(�Id1725•Bt?S Tfl/e.:p181]25•6193 Februarp's2, 1999 �(r. Roger Andarson Resional Chair The Regional �funicipality of Durhwn 605 Rossland Road Easc, P.O. Bo�c 623 ' Nhitby, Ontario , L1N 6A3 ATTACHMENTa3 T�E fQ#n?�'q�1 �_ I��� �' J Ontuw �,� Y- �� � Dear �(r. Anderson: RE: FileYumber99-IEDD•U003 [ am plaased to inform you that a granc in the amount of 5�00,000 to usist witli tha cost of hosting and staging the 2000 Ontazio Summer Gamos has been approved. Ths grant will be fonvazded to you in three payments. The first payment will be in the amount of 5300,000. The secor.d payment of 5190,000 will be sent to you when a satisfactory updated financia! statement has been rcceived by the �(inism• by Mazch 30, 1999. The final paymar.� oCS t0,000 �vill be available within 3U days of the �(inis�ry receiving a satisfacrory final report for tha 2000 Or.tario Sununar Game.;. � The �tinistry is proud to bc a partner aith the Region of Durham. Please extend my best «•ishes to your Games Organizing Committee as they begin preparations for tho ?000 Ontario Summer Gsmzs. Sincerely, ��y� �ss�-(�G [sabel BaSSCtt Minister Cc: Honourable Janat Ecker, �IPP — Durham lVest John 0'Toola, �IPP — Durham East Julia Munro, �IPp — Durham — York Stave Parish, b(aqor —1'otim of Ajae Di:vie Hamrr, �[ayor — Toan of Clarrin;con • �Vayne Anhurs, �fayor—To�cn of Picl;ering Doug �loffatt, N(ayor—To�mship of Scugog bfazcell L. Brunelle, �fayor • Town of \Vhitby �, Tom Flood, Chair, OSG Bid Committee Honourablelames Flaherty �IPP — Durham Centrc lerry Ouellene, �IPP — Osha�ea Keith Shier, �fayor—'Co«•nship of Brock �ancy L, Diamond, �fa��or— City of Oshawa Garry Lynn 0'Connor, Nlayor— To�mship of U:cbridge . c ( , �: �