HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLK 02-15 Cal 00 =T Report to Executive Committee Pá4ir_ Report Number: CLK 02-15 Date: April 13, 2015 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: Terms of Reference for Boards &Advisory Committees of Council Recommendation: That the Terms of Reference for all Boards and Advisory Committees noted in Attachment No. 1 to this Report, be approved. Executive Summary: Under the Municipal Act, municipalities can authorize the creation of various advisory committees to assist Council on specific matters. The Boards and Advisory Committees have completed their review of the Terms of Reference and submit them to Council for approval. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications. Discussion: At the beginning of each term of office, Council reviews the Boards and Advisory Committees for the City and appoints residents to the Committees. Once Committee Members have been appointed, they review their Terms of Reference and begin working on their yearly work plans. The attached Terms of Reference noted as Attachment No. 1 to this Report are submitted to Council for final approval for the 2014 —2018 Term of Office. Attachments: 1. Advisory Committees—Terms of Reference 35 • CLK 02-15 April 13, 2015 Subject: Terms of Reference for Boards &Advisory Committees Page 2 Prepared By: App ov-d/Endorsed By: Debbie Shields Paul City Clerk Direct.r, corp. ate Services & City S. icitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council dC,• 30, LOI S Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised 36 • Attachment# 1 Boards &Advisory Committees Terms of Reference Accessibility Advisory Committee Animal Services Committee Committee of Adjustment Heritage Pickering Committee Library Board Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Property Review Committee Site Plan Advisory Committee • 37 Terms of Reference Accessibility Advisory Committee 1.0 Mandate As directed by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, the Council of every municipality in Ontario having a population of not less than 10,000 shall establish an accessibility advisory committee. The mandate of the Accessibility Advisory Committee is to fulfill the duties as outlined in the Act and to provide advice to Council on programs, policies and services provided to persons with disabilities. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Accessibility Advisory Committee will accomplish its mandate by: - Providing advice to staff and Council on the development, implementation and effectiveness of the City of Pickering's Accessibility Plan. - Acting as a commenting body to the Corporation to address accessibility to a building, structure or premises, or part of a building, structure or premises, that Council purchases, constructs, renovates, leases or which is provided to the Municipality as a capital facility. - Preparing an annual report to Council outlining the Committee's achievements during the year. - Consulting with City Development staff on applicable site plans and drawings described in Section 41 of the Planning Act. The Accessibility Advisory Committee will not be responsible for the following: - Accessibility issues relating to regulation of private facilities or corporations except where requested to comment by such agencies. - Administration issues relating to the implementation of the Accessibility Plan. 3.0 Composition The Committee shall have a membership of not more than 9 Citizen appointment's, with the majority being persons with a disability,appo 1 tY 9 p tY, will be given to a caregiver of a person with a disability. Committee representation will include: • A maximum of 9 Citizen appointment's, with the majority being persons with a disability. • 1 City of Pickering staff member on a rotating basis that is involved in the City's Accessibility Plan/Programs/Services— no voting rights Staff representatives will be selected by the Director, staff will rotate as required during the term in order to utilize the experience/knowledge of the staff person in the area that the Committee is discussing at the time. 38 Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference • Service Agency Representative with a mandate/responsibility for people with disabilities — no voting rights • 1 representative from the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade to support accessibility issues of private businesses— no voting rights Invitations will be sent to Service Agencies with a mandate/responsibility for people with disabilities and to the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade requesting interest in attending Accessibility Advisory Committee Meetings in order to utilize the experience/knowledge of the organizations. 4.0 Member Qualifications - Qualifications include the skills, knowledge, and experience committee members need to contribute effectively to the accomplishment of the committee's objectives. Awareness and knowledge of potential barriers to public access of facilities, programs and services would be an asset. - The majority of the Committee must be individuals with a disability, consideration will be given to a caregiver of an individual with a disability. 5.0 Meeting Schedule Meetings shall be held monthly on a set week and day to be determined by the Committee at its first meeting of the term. The meetings shall commence at 7:00 pm. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. During a Municipal election year, meetings shall not be held after September 30th unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. 6.0 Budget . The Director, Culture & Recreation shall be responsible for the Accessibility Advisory Committee budget, which shall be submitted annually in accordance with established City budget guidelines. The Staff Facilitator confirms the proposed budget with the Accessibility Advisory Committee based on their following year's work plan. The Director, Culture & Recreation reviews the proposed budget and submits within the Department budget. • 39 Terms of Reference Animal Services Committee 1.0 Mandate To act as a quasi-judicial committee, hearing appeals relating to Orders to Restrain issued under the provisions of the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law, as amended. The Committee has the ability to amend the order, permit a follow up review of the Order, or quash the Order. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Animal Services Committee fulfills the requirements of the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law to provide a review process and hear appeals. 3.0 Composition The Animal Services Committee is comprised of two members of the public appointed by Council, and one member of Council. Appointments shall be for the 4 year term corresponding with the term of City Council. Committee members shall be paid an honorarium of$50.00 per hearing attended. 4.0 Member Qualifications Committee members who have experience as dog owners, dog trainers, or animal behaviour would be an asset. 5.0 Meeting Schedule Meetings are scheduled as required to hear appeals. 6.0 Budget Remuneration for committee members will be paid from the Animal Services Salary Account. 40 Terms of Reference Committee of Adjustment 1.0 Mandate The Committee of Adjustment is a body appointed by City Council to consider requests for minor changes, or variances, to the City's zoning by-laws. The purpose of the Committee is to provide a forum for the expeditious and practical consideration of minor variances. The Committee considers zoning matters which are often of the utmost importance to individual applicants, but which are not of sufficient magnitude to warrant the formal consideration of City Council. Applications to the Committee of Adjustment will be processed in accordance with the requirements of Sections 45 of the Planning Act, applicable regulations (O.Reg. 200/96), the Statutory Powers Procedures Act and Committee of Adjustment Rules of Procedure. The Committee is authorized by the Planning Act to consider applications for: • Minor variances from the provisions of the Zoning By-law; • Extensions, enlargements or variations of existing legal non-conforming uses under the Zoning By-law; and • Determine whether a particular use conforms with the provisions of the Zoning By-law where the uses of land, buildings or structures permitted in the by-law are defined in general terms 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Zoning By-law regulates how land and buildings are used and where buildings and structures can be located. Zoning By-laws also specify lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and other regulations necessary to ensure proper and orderly development. Sometimes it is not possible or desirable to meet all of the requirements of the Zoning By-law. In that case, a property owner may apply for approval of a minor variance. A minor variance provides relief from a specific Zoning By-law requirement. The majority of applications typically dealt with by the Committee are requests for minor variances to the zoning by-law in which an applicant seeks relief from a specific requirement of the zoning by-law, such as a reduction in minimum yard width or an increase in maximum permitted building height. For the Committee to approve this type of application, Section 45(1) of the Planning Act requires that the members must be satisfied that the application: • Is considered to be a "minor" change from the Zoning requirements; • Is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure; • Maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan; and • Maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law. 41 Committee of Adjustment Terms of Reference The Committee of Adjustment will accomplish its mandate by: 1. Reviewing the merits of the application, the documentation and evidence put forward and rendering decisions on the application, in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. 2. Complying with the applicable rules, regulations and policies for the Committee of Adjustment 3.0 Composition The Committee of Adjustment is composed of the following: - 5 Citizen Appointments - City Support Staff— Secretary-Treasurer - City Support Staff—Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 4.0 Member Qualifications It is desired that the Committee develop community-focused outcomes while rendering decisions in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. Individuals should have a demonstrated commitment and interest in the community, and the committee membership should reflect a balanced representation from the areas of planning, construction and lay people. 5.0 . Meeting Schedule The Committee of Adjustment meets every third Wednesday to consider minor variance applications. On average, there are between three to six applications scheduled for each meeting. The Committee Members will be provided with an agenda the Friday before the meeting, which contains a summary of the applications and all comments received through circulation of the application, including the City Development Department's recommendations. The Committee is also to attend a pre-meeting at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the agenda with other Committee Members or if clarification is needed from City Development staff. The Committee meetings are scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m. The Secretary- Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment or designate will attend the meetings to assist the Committee with interpretations or other technical details and the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer will be in attendance to take minutes. Committee of Adjustment meetings are also open to the public, and all applicants and any interested property owners may attend the meetings to present comments or concerns. Committee meetings are intended to be as informal and applicant-friendly as possible, however Rules of Procedure for the meetings are to be followed. As 42 Committee of Adjustment Terms of Reference per section 44(7) a Committee Member will be appointed to act as Chairperson for the meetings in order to provide a clear structure and process. The Committee of Adjustment must make a decision on each application as it is heard at the meeting, either for approval, refusal, deferral to another meeting or tabled indefinitely. The Committee may impose conditions that must be fulfilled as part of the approval of an application, or may approve an application with revisions, as long as those revisions result in a similar variance than what was originally applied for. In making a decision, the Committee must pass a resolution that clearly sets out the reasons for the decision. The City Development Department will always provide a recommendation on the application for the Committee's assistance. Minutes of the meetings and the mailing of decisions of the Committee are coordinated by the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. Each Committee of Adjustment decision is subject to a twenty-day appeal period during which an individual, including City Council, may lodge an appeal of the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board. The City Development Department keeps City Council informed of all Committee of Adjustment decisions. 6.0 Budget Committee Members are paid in accordance with a City Council Resolution. Honorarium ($80.00 per attended meeting) and mileage (53 cents per kilometre) are paid on a bi-annual basis (January to June and July to December). 43 • Terms of Reference Heritage Pickering Committee 1.0 Mandate Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee is hereby established in order to advise and assist Council on all matters relating to the conservation of property of cultural heritage value or interest and heritage conservation districts, and such other heritage matters as the council may specify by by-law. Enabling Legislation -The Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee is provided for under Part IV, Section 28, of the Ontario Heritage Act. The Committee is deemed to be a statutory committee. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities Undertake research into Pickering properties having cultural heritage value or interest and advise Council on matters related to their conservation; Advise Council on applications pertaining to a heritage property or a heritage district involving: a) designation or de-designation b) alterations, additions, new construction or demolition c) loans, grants or other forms of assistance to heritage property owners; or d) easement agreements. Provide guidance and assistance to owners of heritage properties in meeting their conservation obligations and obtaining heritage approvals; Advise and assist with the development and maintenance of an inventory of the City's heritage resources; and Advise and assist with the development of cultural heritage conservation guidelines, and with cultural heritage policies, plans and programs. • In addressing its responsibilities, the Committee shall comply with the Official Plan and have regard for the heritage policies adopted by Council, including: a) Regional and City Official Plans b) Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Guidelines c) Heritage Permit Application Procedures; and d) Individual heritage by-laws. 44 ' Heritage Pickering Committee Terms of Reference 3.0 Composition The Committee shall be comprised of nine (9) citizen appointments. 4.0 Member Qualifications Committee members shall contribute time, knowledge, skill and expertise to the fulfillment of the committee's mandate; research issues relevant to their committee's mandate as required; work with staff to implement Council's decisions relevant to the Committee's mandate and commit to attending regular meetings during the year. 5.0 Meeting Schedule The Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee shall meet on the fourth Wednesday of every month at the Civic Complex, One the Esplanade, Pickering, at 7:00 pm. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. . During a Municipal election year, meetings shall not be held after September 30th unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. 6.0 Budget The Director, City Development shall be responsible for the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee budget, which shall be submitted annually in accordance with established City budget guidelines. The Director, City Development will present a draft budget for review by the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee on an annual basis, prior to submission to the Chief Administrative Officer for approval. 45 Terms of Reference Library Board 1.0 Mandate The Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s.3 (3) provides the authority, and direction for the establishment of public library boards by municipal Councils. The relevant sections of the Act are as follows. Board 3 (1) A public library shall be under the management and control of a board, which is a corporation known in English as The City of Pickering Public Library Board. Composition of public library board 9 (1) A public library board shall be composed of at least five members appointed by the municipal Council. 2002, c. 18, Sched. F, s. 3 (8). Board Members 10. (1) A person is qualified to be appointed as a member of a board who is a member of the appointing Council or, a) Is at least eighteen years old; b) Is a Canadian citizen; c) Is, i. A resident of the municipality for which the board is established in the case of a public library board, ii. A resident of a municipality that has a contract with the board under section 29, iii. A resident of the board area of a local service board that has the contract with the board under section 29, iv. A member of an Indian band that has a contract with the board under section 29, or v. A member of a second board that has entered into a contract with the board to purchase from it library services for the residents of the second board; and d) Is not employed by the board or by the municipality or county or, in the case of a union board, by any of the affected municipalities. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44.s.10 (1); 2002, c. 18, Sched. F, s. 3 (9). Number of council members on board limited 10. (2) The appointing Council shall not appoint more of its own members to a board than the number that is, a) In the case of a public library board or union board, one less than a majority of the board; 46 Library Board Terms of Reference Term 10. (3) A board member shall hold office for a term concurrent with the term of the appointing council, or until a successor is appointed, and may be reappointed for one or more further terms. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s. 10 (3). Time for making appointments 10. (4) The first appointments of members of a new board shall be made at a regular meeting of council and the member shall take office as soon as possible thereafter, and thereafter appointments shall be made at the first meeting of council in each term, but if the council fails to make the appointments at its first meeting, it shall do so at any regular or special meeting held within 60 days after its first meeting. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s. 10 (4); 2002, c. 18, Sched. F, s. 3 (10). Notice of Vacancies 11. (1) The clerk of the appointing municipality or county or, in the case of a union board, the clerks of the affected municipalities shall give public notice of vacancies on the board by publishing a notice of them, inviting applications, in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s. 11 (1). 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The purpose of the Board is to: • Represent the interests of the moral ownership, defined as the Residents of Pickering • Determine the benefits that the organization will provide, keeping a long term, strategic perspective (the Ends policies) ' • Monitor the operations to ensure that the Executive Limitations policies are being complied with and that the Ends policies are being accomplished according to Board-CEO Delegation policies 3.0 Composition/Member Qualifications The Committee shall be comprised of 8 citizen appointments and 2 members of Council. Committee Chair The position of Chair will be elected by a majority of the Board at the first meeting of each calendar year during the term of the Board. The Chair will serve for a one-year term and until a successor is elected. A Board member may not serve as Chair for more than 5 consecutive (one year) terms. - 2 - 47 Library Board Terms of Reference The Chair, a specially empowered member of the Board, assures the integrity of the Board's process and secondarily, represents the Board, as authorized by the Board, to outside parties. The Chair shall ensure that decorum is maintained at each meeting and that the rules of procedure (as per the Board's By-laws and GP 4, the Board Members code of conduct) are observed. Vice-Chair The position of Vice-Chair will be elected by a majority of the Board at the p Y 1 tY first meeting of each calendar year during the term of the Board. The Vice-Chair will serve for a one-year term and until a successor is elected. A Board member may not serve as Vice-Chair for more than 5 consecutive (one year) terms. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair will preside and will have all of the Chair's powers and responsibilities. Councillors A member of Council is appointed to the Library Board Committee to act as a liaison between Council and the Committee; respond to Committee members' questions; provide updates on Committee activities to Council and to provide updates on Council activities to the Committee. Members of Council are also acting members of the Library's Board and as such have the responsibilities and duties that are assigned to all Board members. Board Members Duties of Board Members - employ a competent and qualified Chief Executive Officer - determine and adopt written policies to govern the Library - determine the 'Ends' for the Library . - understand the Library programmes and needs of the community in relation to the Library - keep abreast of standards and trends in libraries - be aware of local and other laws which affect libraries and play an active role in initiating and supporting beneficial Library legislation - attend all Board and committee meetings as assigned. May attend outside meetings and workshops for Board members - be an effective advocate for the Library in the community - be prepared to interact with provincial library agencies if required. - interest in the Library, the community and their inter-relationship - readiness to dedicate time and effort • - 3 - 48 Library Board Terms of Reference - knowledge of the community's social and economic condition - aptitude for planning — both long and short range - ability to work in a political environment Disqualification of Board Members If a board member, (a) is convicted of an indictable offence; (b) becomes incapacitated; (c) is absent from the meetings of the board for three consecutive months without being authorized by a board resolution; (d) ceases to be qualified for membership under clause 10 (1) (c); or (e) otherwise forfeits his or her seat, the member's seat becomes vacant and the remaining members shall forthwith declare the seat vacant and notify the appointing council accordingly. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s. 13. Vacancies Where a vacancy arises in the membership of a board, the appointing council shall promptly appoint a person to fill the vacancy and to hold office for the unexpired term, except where the unexpired term is less than forty-five days. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s. 12. Library Staff The CEO, is an employee of the Board, is designated as the Secretary of the Board. As Secretary, the CEO shall: • Distribute the agenda • Notify members of upcoming meetings • Address administrative duties including correspondence, reports, presentations etc. • Record and circulate minutes • Follow up on approved Board directions. The Library CEO is an employee of the Board as a whole. Decisions or instructions are not binding unless the Board has specifically authorized such exercise of authority. The CEO is the Board's only link to operational achievements and conduct, and the Board will never give instructions to or evaluate any staff other than the CEO. The Board's relationship with the CEO is defined in Board-CEO delegation policies. -4- 49 Library Board Terms of Reference 4.0 Reporting The Library Board will provide an annual report at year end to Council to communicate its activities in the preceding year. Generally, this annual report follows the release of the Library's audit. The Library Board will present its four-year strategic plan to council in which it prioritizes library services to the community based on community feedback and engagement. 5.0 Meeting Schedule The Library Board shall meet every fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00. pm. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. During a Municipal election year, meetings shall not be held after September 30th unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. 6.0 Budget The CEO shall be responsible for the Library budget, which shall be submitted annually in accordance with established City budget guidelines. The CEO will present a draft budget for review by the Board on an annual basis, prior to submission to City Council for approval. • - 5 - • 50 Terms of Reference Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee 1.0 Mandate The Committee is charged with the responsibility of giving guidance to, and advising the City through City staff with respect to the sustainability, both long and short term, and general operation of the Pickering Museum Village. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities • Development and regular review of the PMV Strategic Plan that aligns all short and long-term goals with the museum's Vision, Mission, Mandate and Statement of Purpose • Prepare an annual work plan for the Committee, linked with the PMV strategic plan, which is submitted to City Council annually • Prepare, submit, and present an annual report that summarizes the Committee's progress on the approved annual work plan which is submitted to City Council annually • On an ongoing basis, review the PMV's plans, policies, procedures and standard operating procedures against the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport's expected Standards for Community Museums, and recommend and support revisions as appropriate • Recommend restoration and capital expenditure projects to the City and the Pickering Museum Village Foundation for funding • Review annually, provide comments and recommendations to the City of Pickering on the proposed current and capital budgets of the PMV in accordance with the future goals and approved Strategic Plan and committee work plans • Receive and approve the reports from designated subcommittees • Receive the report from Chair of Pickering Museum Foundation at each meeting Specific Member Responsibilities • Provide a clear Criminal Reference Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening • On an ongoing basis, act as Ambassadors of the PMV and actively promote its' programs, activities and special events • Prepare for and attend all PMV advisory committee meetings • Attend museum Volunteer Orientation seminar once every two years • Participate in a minimum of five special event days and/or work days thereby assisting and supporting the staff and other volunteers in the operation and presentation of events and activities on site and at other locations, i.e. public presentations • Member attendance at the Committee meetings, training and event/work days will be provided to the Facilitator. At the discretion of the Facilitator, a recommendation on the continuation of the absent member on the Committee will be reported to the Clerk's Office for their consideration 51 Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Terms of Reference • Participate in training and education programs designed to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the member in regard to current trends, processes, standards for prudent and professional management and operation of the museum. Share and disseminate learning to others through presentation of materials/information acquired at the training sessions. Apply learning in the best interests of the museum • Members will participate on sub-committees as required. Standing sub- committees will be facilitated by city staff and will carry out specific functions, which are not limited to: volunteer recognition, collections, large capital projects, special events, and programs. Additional sub-committees may be formed based upon activity and need 3.0 Standing Sub-Committees Responsibilities and Activities Collections Committee • Will be responsible for reviewing and making recommendations regarding the development, management and care of the museum collections • In consultation with the Coordinator, Museum Operations, prepare a work plan for the ongoing inventory of the museum collection • Support initiatives to develop staff and volunteer training programs and processes regarding the use, care, and preservation of artifacts • Support and assist staff with the development and review of plans, policies and procedures related to artifact collection management and development, and conservation • Support and assist staff with collections-related projects that put museum policy and plans into practice • Prepare and present work plan and report on activities to the PMV Advisory Committee at each full Advisory Committee meeting Capital Projects Committee • Support and assist staff to identify and prioritize large capital projects • Maintain a project, list by priority, prepare work plan and cost benefit analysis • Work with identified City and Foundation representatives to prepare details of project plan • Present list to Advisory Committee and staff members and work with City and Foundation to identify appropriate projects for general capital funding and special projects outside of general operational work to present to the Foundation for funding • Prepare and present project plans and report on activities to the PMV Advisory Committee at each full Advisory Committee meeting 52 Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Volunteer Recognition Committee • Review and prepare volunteer recognition "kudos" for circulation to volunteer team • Maintain a database of volunteer achievements for recognition and award reference purposes • Review requirements for awards nominations, gather supporting documentation, and prepare draft of nomination for staff review, approval and submission • Review and make recommendations regarding the PMV Volunteer Service and Recognition Program • Support and assist staff with the development and review of plans, policies and procedures related to volunteers • Plan, develop, and coordinate annual recognition and awards reception • Assist and support volunteer training seminars and workshops, including the development of training presentations and programs • Prepare and present work plan and report on activities to the PMV Advisory Committee at each full Advisory Committee meeting 4.0 Composition Up to 9 Citizen Appointments 5.0 Member Qualifications Members should have previous experience, knowledge and expertise related to museum operations, marketing, board operation, heritage sites, artefacts, heritage architecture and/or structural engineering, grant writing for culture related initiatives, and/or a relatable skill set that is applicable to the Pickering Museum Village. 6.0 Meeting Schedule The Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee meets monthly. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. During a Municipal election year, meetings shall not be held after September 30th unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. 7.0 Budget The committee has no operating budget, but advises on the Pickering Museum Village current budget, as part of the annual budget process. 53 Terms of Reference Property Review Committee 1.0 Mandate To act as a quasi-judicial tribunal, hearing appeals to Property Standards Orders issued under the authority of the Building Code Act. The Committee may confirm, amend or quash an Order. The Property Review Committee will also review applications for exemptions under the City's Fence By-law and render a decision which becomes final and binding. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Property Review Committee fulfills the legislated requirements of the Building Code to provide a committee to hear appeals. It is also responsible for providing a review process for Fence Exemption applications and rendering a decision that is final and binding. 3.0 Composition The Property Review Committee will be comprised of 5 Citizen Appointees. A hearing conducted by the Property Review Committee shall have 3 members present for quorum purposes. Appointments shall be for a 4-year term corresponding with the term of City Council. Committee members shall be paid an honorarium of$50.00 per appeal or hearing attended. 4.0 Member Qualifications Committee members with experience in building construction or property maintenance would be an asset. 5.0 Meeting Schedule The Property Review Committee shall meet as required. 6.0 Budget Remuneration for committee members will be paid from the By-law Services Salary Account. 54 Terms of Reference Site Plan Advisory Committee 1.0 Mandate Pursuant to Section 41(2) of the Planning Act, the City of Pickering has passed By-law 1079/80 and further amended by By-law 7009/09 identifying the territorial limits of the City of Pickering as being designated as a site plan control area. The following types of development are exempt for site plan control: (i) Residential development of one or two dwelling units per lot, except on properties of historical or architectural value or interest, or on properties situated within a heritage conservation district, as designated pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act; and (ii) Agricultural and farm-related building or structures that are used in farming operation. Site plan control is a form of development control provided to municipalities by Ontario's Planning Act. No one can undertake any development which is subject to site plan control unless the City has reviewed and approved certain plans. Once the plans are approved, a site plan agreement is generally executed. This agreement contractually binds the owner to develop and maintain a site in accordance with the approved plans and the terms of the agreement. The Director, City Development, has been delegated the authority to approve site plans. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Site Plan Advisory Committee is to assist and advise the Director, City Development on applications for sign variances and site plan approval with respect to matters such as architecture, building massing and exterior building materials, site layout, landscaping, accessibility, and sustainable design elements. 3.0 Composition 3 Members of Council— 1 from each Ward Staff support: Chief Planner Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Senior Planner—Site Planning Planner II — Site Planning 55 Site Plan Advisory Committee Terms of Reference 4.0 Member Qualifications Not applicable. 5.0 Meeting Schedule The Site Plan Advisory Committee meets the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 2:00 pm at the Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade, Pickering. 6.0 Budget There is no budget allocated to the Site Plan Advisory Committee. • • • 56