HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 24-02 (Addendum) - - - .. Ciú¡ o~ ()g- '. ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: May 31,2002 ADDENDUM TO REPORT NUMBER: PD 24-02 SUBJECT: Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan (Application OPA 01-002/P) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Marion Hill Development Corporation Part Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.c. (now Part 1, Plan 14431 & Part 1, Plan 40R-2767) (South-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Addendum to Report Number PD 24-02 be received; 2. That the Recommendations contained in Report Number PD 24-02 be adopted, with the further provision that "transitional" design strategies between the proposed townhome dwellings and the existing low density homes be implemented prior to rezoning of the Phase 2 lands. ORIGIN: City of Pickering Planning Committee, at its meeting held on May 13, 2002 approved Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-002/P to redesignate lands on the south side of Sheppard Avenue to an Urban Residential Areas: Medium Density Areas designation, and add policies to the Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies. Council referred the recommendations respecting amendments to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 back to staff for further information. City Council adopted Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan at its meeting held May 21, 2002. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter P. 13. FINANCIAL IMPLICA nONS: No direct cost to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. The City will be responsible for the cost of the construction of a sidewalk along the south side of Sheppard Avenue, adj acent to the development. This sidewalk is identified as a development charge proj ect. Addendum to Report Number: PD 24-02 tJ86 Date: May 31, 2002 Subject: Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan (Application OP A 01-002/P) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: - In response to the issues raised at Planning Committee, an Addendum to Report Number PD 24-02 has been prepared. In addition, the Addendum to Report Number PD 23-02, respecting the Northeast Quadrant Review is also presented to Planning Committee for consideration at this same meeting. Council's resolution adopting Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan is attached to this report (see Attachment #1). In this Report, staff have clarified those matters raised by residents at the Planning Committee and Council meetings respecting piping of the creek, buffering/compatibility with existing low density development; and the proposed access to Sheppard A venue for the Marion Hill application. An "Issues/Options" Chart was prepared (originally as part of Addendum to Report PD 23-02 on the Northeast Quadrant Study), and is provided as Appendix I to this Marion Hill Addendum Report. This Report only highlights the options addressed in the Chart that apply to the Marion Hill proposal (see Appendix I). - While this report presents options for treatment of the Amberlea creek, buffering/compatibility and access to Sheppard Avenue, staff continue to support the recommendations of Report No. PD 24-02 which provide for vehicular access to Sheppard Avenue and piping of the creek. Further, staff now consider that determination of the best means of buffering the proposed townhouses from existing detached homes on Sheppard Avenue should await the decision respecting retention or sale of the City owned lands. Any option selected by Council for each of the three issues can be incorporated by staff through technical changes to the conditions of zoning approval when the by-law is brought forward for Council adoption, and through appropriate changes to the site-specific amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines when it is simultaneously brought before Council. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Planning Committee On May 13, 2002, Planning Committee considered the recommendations of Report to Council PD 24-02 on the Marion Hill applications. The recommendations on the applications were made in light of recommendations made on the results of the Review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines. The results of that review were also considered earlier the same evening. The Report to Council on the Marion Hill proposal recommended that: 1. an Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan be approved to change the designation for the portion of the subject lands that fronts Sheppard A venue from Residential Low Density to Residential Medium Density, and add various site-specific neighbourhood policies to control development of the subject lands; - 2. a site-specific amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines be adopted; and, 3. the zoning by-law amendment application be approved subject to numerous conditions. Addendum to Report Number: PD 24-02 Date: May 31, 2002 Subject: Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan (Application OPA 01-002/P) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 (") 8.. r'1 . .' , Page 3 - On May 13th, Planning Committee approved recommendation #1, but referred recommendations #2 & #3 back to staff in light of Committee's earlier decision to only receive and refer back to staff the Report on the Northeast Quadrant. On May 21st, Council adopted the recommendations of Planning Committee and passed a by-law adopting Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan. In response to Planning Committee's request, staff has prepared this Addendum Report to Council providing additional information on the issues raised at the Planning Committee meeting. The Addendum Report provides options to address the issues raised, and provides staff comments on those options. The purpose ofthis addendum report is therefore twofold: . to provide options pertaining to the issues raised, and staff comments and recommendations on those options; and, . to discuss issues pertaining to access to Sheppard Avenue, piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary and buffering/compatibility of the proposed Marion Hill development from existing detached dwellings on Sheppard Avenue. 2.0 IssueslOptions for the Marion Hill Proposal 2.1 "Issues/Options" Chart -. As directed by Planning Committee, staff has considered the issues raised at the May 13th Committee Meeting and at the May 21 st Council Meeting. To assist Committee, a Chart has been prepared listing the issues raised, the options to address these issues, and the pros and cons of each option for the Northeast Quadrant Review and the Marion Hill proposal. The Chart is provided as Appendix I to this Report. Please note that for all issues raised (numbers 1 through 8) on the Chart, Option Number 1 is supported by staff, with the exception of issue 8, treatment the of Amberlea Creek tributary. There are three options proposed for the tributary of the Amberlea Creek: piping the watercourse; relocating it to the edge of the affected properties; and protecting the watercourse in its current location as an open space corridor. Staff initally supported the piping of the watercourse provided a net environmental benefit to Amberlea Creek and Frenchman's Bay was achieved downstream. While staff continues to support this option, staff is also able to support both other options that would relocate or retain all or part of the watercourse through the Quadrant as an open space feature. Those issues that only pertain to the Marion Hill proposal are shown in BOLD on the Chart. 2.2 The Three Issues Access to Sheppard Avenue (Issue 1 on the Chart) - The Chart sets out a full set of pros and cons for two optional ways of addressing this issue. Staff supports Option 1 - Permit full moves vehicular access from the Marion Hill development to Sheppard Avenue and does not support Option 2 - No vehicular access to Sheppard Avenue. Buffering/Compatibility with the Marion Hill property (Issue 3 in the Chart) The chart presents a full set of pros and cons for Option 1 - landscaped buffer of 6.5m, Option 2 - retention of open creek corridor with 10m buffer, Option 3 - provide planting buffer on abutting detached dwelling lot to east. The approach to buffering the Marion Hill townhouses from the detached dwellings on the south side of Sheppard Avenue is directly linked to the treatment of the watercourse erRS Addendum to Report Number: PD 24-02 Date: May 31, 2002 Subject: Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan (Application OPA 01-002/P) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Page 4 - through City owned lands. However, any solution should provide specific means of ensuring a suitable transitional design strategy between the proposed townhouses and existing detached dwelling development. Specific details respecting buffering will be brought forward with the development details for Phase 2 lands of the Marion Hill proposal (which include City owned lands). Therefore, a minor change to the staff recommendation of Report to Council PD 24-02 is proposed to add the requirement for "transitional" design strategies to be detailed later in the process. Treatment of the Amberlea Creek tributary (Issue 8 on Chart) The Chart again presents a full set of pros and cons for Option 1 - Pipe the tributary, Option 2 - Relocate it to the edge of each property, and Option 3 - Protect the tributary as an open stream. While staff continue to support piping of the creek as the preferred option, there are various factors that have brought staff support for other options. The watercourse, if left in its natural state or relocated to a new channel bed, could buffer the Marion Hilll townhouses from existing detached dwellings on the south side of Sheppard Avenue. Further, the costs associated with piping the creek, and the uncertainty and timing of construction of a stormwater pond north of Highway 401, lend support to Options 2 and 3. Consequently staff can support all three options. - Phase 1 of the Marion Hill development is not dependent on a decision respecting creek treatment. Phase 2 (including City owned lands), will be delayed pending a decision by Council on creek treatment through its lands. .till' Addendum to Report Number: PD 24-02 Date: May 31, 2002 Subject: Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan (Application OP A 01-002/P) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 089 Page 5 APPENDICES: I: "Issues/Options" Chart - ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Resolution #79102 Prepared By: Approved 1 Endorsed ) / /. ~~- Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II ~~ Catherine Rose Manager, Policy SG/:td Attachments -- Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council . A: "I' ..-... 090 -- /"" .;... APPENDIX I TO ADDENDUM TO REPORT NUMBER PD 24-02 ISSUES, OPTIONS & COMMENTS RESPECTING THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT Appendix I to Addendum Report to Council PD 24-02 091 NO ... (JPTION"S ISSUES. RAISED ....CO~N1'S.. 1. Access to Option 1 * Sheppard Avenue .,- Permit full moves vehicular access from Marion Hill development to Sheppard Avenue as one of three vehicular access points. The other two proposed access points are the right- in/right-out at Whites Road and the gated access at the end of Delta Blvd. Option 2 ?" No vehicular access to Sheppard Avenue (permit emergency vehicle access by knock-down/key operated facility). ,;.. Pros . best access to Sheppard, Whites and Highway 401 for future townhouse residents, visitors and delivery personnel; . best emergency services access to townhouse development; . minimal traffic impact on the area disperses traffic impacts; . Sheppard Avenue has sufficient capacity to support nominal increase in traffic at peak hours; . less impact on traffic flow on Sheppard Avenue than individual driveways to detached houses; . connects the new residential development with the Sheppard Avenue community - fosters improved neighbourhood cohesion; Cons . nominal increased delay for left turns from Sheppard Avenue to Whites Road south at peak hours; . concern expressed by residents that access to their driveways on Sheppard Avenue will be made more difficult; . concern expressed by residents that traffic from Delta Boulevard will infiltrate to Sheppard Avenue despite the proposed gated entrance to the Marion Hill property; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported by Staff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pros . no change to real or perceived traffic operations, turning movements on Sheppard Avenue; . Marion Hill is willing to implement this option if required; Cons . circuitous travel patterns forced on future resideuts, visitors and delivery personuel to access Whites Road southbound, Kingston Road westbound or Hwy 401; will result in additional traffic on Delta Boulevard and at Delta/Kingston Road intersection; . provides a residential 'address' that is accessed only through a commercial area; . may result in more traffic using Sheppard Avenue to gain access to Kingston Road via Fairport Road, which may result in some unsafe and illegal turns to avoid such travel/turn restrictions; . confusing for visitors, delivery people and emergency services to access the proposed townhouse development; . proposed development will be less integrated into residential community to north and east; ------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------- Not supported by staff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix I to Addendum Report to Council PD 24-02 .---D R 2 NO . ISSUES RAISED OPTIONS .. 2. New Collector Road - ,..... - Option 1 * Require a 10 metre wide public road across the north edge of McConachie and Hayes Line (Wood/Carroll) property to connect Delta Boulevard to new public road proposed for old Dunbarton school property . Option 2 Require public road across rear of McConachie and Dunbarton school properties ending at two cul-de-sacs outside of Wood/Carroll property. Option 3 Require private. easement. access across all properties. Pros . approval of access to signalized intersection at 40 I westbound on/off ramp may be denied by MTO because private easement access cannot guarantee same operational control as a 'public' road; . . provides for internal east-west connections from the rear of the commercial properties between the school property and Delta Boulevard at such time as the Region of Durham restricts left turn access from Kingston Road; . provides alternate public road access most likely to encourage mixed use/higher density development in rear portions of commercial properties fronting Kingston Road and residential properties fronting Sheppard Avenue; thereby reducing access and traffic impact of such redevelopment on Sheppard Avenue should such higher intensity redevelopment occur in the future; Cons . modestly reduced development areas and modestly increased costs to private developers for higher standards required of a public road; . Hayes Line noted that it would appeal any policy which introduces a new public road requirement across rear of their property; . justification for need for a connection across rear of commercial properties as a 'public' road denied by OMB in recent appeal decision for Hayes Line applications - this decision may influence the OMB's position respecting the need for a 'public' road across the middle of the quadrant; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported by Staff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pros . builds on road block in City's ownership at rear of Delta Boulevard development; . allows City to guarantee efficiency, safe standards and maintenance across public portions of the access; . site specific policy would be added to recognize OMB decision on Hayes Line property; Cons . does not satisfy MTO requirements for a public road access across rear of all these properties necessary to justify access to Kingston Road/Highway 401 ramp intersection for old Dunbarton school property; . degrades efficiency of access across rear of properties; . only allows public road access for future intensified development for the rear portions of only those commercial or residential properties that abut the public portions ofthe road access; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not Supported by Staff ----------------------------------------------------------_..:_---------------------- Pros least regulated access arrangement across rear of commercial properties; . somewhat less costly to private owners; . least impact on commercial properties fronting Kingston Road; Appendix I to Addendum Report to Council PD 24-02 093 NO ISSUES RAISED COMMENTS .. . OPTIQNS . - 3. Buffering / Compatibility with Marion Hill property. - - Option 1 * Along the eastern boundary of the property, a 6.5 metre setback is required. Option 2 Require the retention of the existing stream corridor within the City owned lands and provide a minimum 10 metre setback on each side. Cons . allows least chance of MTO approval Dunbarton school site property at RoadlHighway 401 ramp intersection; . may require return of road block behind Delta Boulevard to abutting landowner and replaced, if possible, by an access easement arrangement to provide rear access to McConachie and WoodiCarroll properties; . requires high degree of landowner coordination and good will to achieve easements across all properties; one uncooperative landowner can prejudice achievement of internal coordinated access; . least amount of municipal control of efficient traffic movement, safety, maintenance and speed regulation; . does not guarantee a logical/functional alignment of access across precinct; . limits long tenn redevelopment opportunities for residential properties fronting Sheppard Avenue by removing future access to intemal public road. of any access to old signalized Kingston ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not Supported by Staff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pros . this landscape strip would allow the Marion Hill development to be both visually and physically separated from the existing development in an attractive manner; . ability for City to control form of development on it's own lands should it decide to sell them; City can require transitional design strategies such as housing form, buffing, fencing ect.; Cons . the buffer area would be dimensionally smaller than the existing open space feature, which includes mature vegetation; Pros . a great majority of the existing mature vegetation could be preserved; . this feature could continue to provide an aesthetic quality to the neighbourhood and allow for some limited passive recreational space; . it would increase the percentage of "open space" within the developed lands and therefore reduce the overall perceived density. Cons . limits the financial return to the City for the sale of its lands; . limits the financial return to the developer of these lands by decreasing the number of units the land can accommodate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported by Staff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ap~f~d}ì I to Addendum Report to Council PD 24-02 OPTIONS NO ISSUES RAISED - 4. Consideration of properties east of Dunbarton school property - 5. Retain low density designation for existing residential lots in Precinct B. - Option 3 Develop a requirement to plant significant vegetation on the private property to the east, in a layout designed by a landscape architect. Option 1 * No requirement for consolidation of lots within Precinct E. Option 2 Require consolidation of properties within precinct prior to redevelopment Option 1 * Designate the entire Precinct to medium density residential (restricting maximum density to 55 units per net hectacre and permit development below 30 units per net hectacre). '. .COMMENTS Pros . would provide a strong buffer for the home most effected by the new medium density development; Cons . does not effect the perceived density nor the proximity of the new development to the existing neighbourhood; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not supported by Staff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pros . permits the redevelopment of each lot in the Precinct on a site specific basis subject to criteria; . consolidation not precluded; Cons . integration of lots more difficult after redevelopment has occurred; . minimal recognition of the area evolving into a more dense community; . smaller parcels have more limited redevelopment opportunities; . may result in some residential uses remaining for longer tern in closer proximity to commercially redeveloped properties; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported by Staff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pros . provides the opportunity for a comprehensive design of the entire Precinct including higher densities or a range of uses; . provides the opportunity to access impacts holistically; Cons . essentially 'freezes' individual properties from redevelopment opportunities; lot assembly considered long-term; . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not Supported by Staff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pros . consistent with the Official Plan encouraging higher densities in selected locations, usually close to Mixed Areas; simplifies the designation on the entire Precinct; provides opportunities for redevelopment in a manner that is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood; density increase would not exacerbate the existing traffic problems with respect the traffic flow on Sheppard Avenue; access to Sheppard Avenue trom medium density development would be minimized; provides an appropriate transition between new commercial development along Kingston Road and the character of the existing neighbourhood along Sheppard Avenue; proposed policy would cap maximum density at 55 units per net hectacre, also permit residential development below the minimum net density of 30 units per net hectacre; . . . . . Appendix I to Addendum Report to Council PD 24-02 095 NO ISSUES RAISED ... OptI()N~ - -. 6. Gas bar/car wash within the Quadrant. -- Option 2 Retain the existing designation of low density residential and medium density residential for the nine lots in the Precinct; Option 1 * Prohibit the development of any new gas bars, automobile service stations or car washes within the Quadrant. Option 2 permit gas bars/car washes within the Quadrant. Cons . potential introduction of additional medium density residential development into an existing area with low densities; . potential increase in traffic and noise associated with medium density development; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported by Staff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pros . resident concern that medium density development would be introduced along the frontage of Sheppard Avenue; . resident concern about increased traffic and density resulting from medium density development would no longer be an issue; Cons . no recognition of the area evolving into a more dense and mixed community; . reduces redevelopment options for residents on south side of Sheppard Avenue; . existing medium density designation applicable to rear of properties is not practical ITom a development perspective. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not Supported by Staff -------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------- Pros . screening and buffering may not be sufficient on the school property to protect the residential development along Sheppard Avenue ITom adverse impacts; . public and staff concerned with noise and traffic and lighting ITom proposed gas barlcar wash facilities; Cons . restricts the range of uses currently permitted under Mixed CoITidor; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported by Staff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pros . provides the opportunity for automobile related services; . would take advantage of the auto-oriented area of Kingston Road and the Highway 401 on/off ramp; Cons . proliferation of additional gas bar/car wa~h facilities along Kingston Road; . built form contradicts the City's 'mainstreet' objective for the Quadrant; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not supported by Staff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix I to Addendum Report to Council PD 24-02 096 NO. ISSUES. RAISED . .:eo:M:Nì.ENTs 7. 2nd story functional space and minimum building frontage requirements - -- 8. Piping Amberlea tributary Creek - Option 1 * Require commercial development to provide second storey functional floor space and buildings closer to the street edge. Option 2 No second floor and no requirement for . buildings close to the street. Three proposed: enclosing (piping) the watercourse, relocating it to the edge of the prope~y or protecting the stream in its current location as an open stream corridor. options Option 1 * Pipe the tributary- for the watercourse located south of Sheppard Avenue to the Highway 401 ramp intersection; Pros . consistent with the 'mainstreet' objective for the Quadrant regarding higher intensity; . provides opportunities for a greater variety of uses within buildings; . buildings brought close to the street edge would Improve pedestrian access to buildings; . improve the visual appeal of the Quadrant; Cons . owners claim that market demand for second storey functional floor space limited; . contrary to conventional market driven single storey development along Kingston Road. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported by Staff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pros provides developers with the simplest fonn of development to lease; Cons . less opportunity to accommodate a mix of uses; ensures that the view from Kingston Road is that of large parking areas with buildings located behind; discourages a high quality pedestrian environment within the Quadrant; contributes to an outdated fonn of low intensity, single purpose development; supports auto-oriented retailing and services. . . . . Pros . maximizes land areafland value for development, including City owned lands forming the east part of the Marion Hill application; . maximizes assessment base for this area of the City of Pickering (ie: with net long-term benefit to all City taxpayers); . will produce net environmental benefit to Amberlea Creek and Frenchman's Bay provided the stormwater pond is constructed east of Bayfair Church; Appendix I to Addendum Report to Council PD 24-02 097 NO ISSUES .. RAISED ... OPTIONS. -- -- - Option 2 Relocate watercourse to eastern edge of Marion Hill! McConnachie and Pickering Holdings properties with reduced buffer on each side. Option 3 Allow for protection of watercourse in City owned property as an open stream channel with 10 metre buffer each side. . will reduce long-term erosion/rehabilitation costs to City and landowners south of Hwy 401; . already a somewhat degraded natural setting; Cons . reduces 'green/natural' area in this part of the City; . removes a natural bufferlvegetation between existing low density residential dwellings and commercial uses on Delta Boulevard; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported by Staff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pros . retains buffered 'green/natural' area; . increases developable areaJIand valueslassessment base for City and/or private landowners; . retains green buffer between existing low density dwellings and commercial uses on Delta Boulevard; . simpler more efficient approval process to satisfy TRCA requirements; Cons . no improvement to downstream erosion; . costly endeavour with limited increase to developable area/land values/assessment base; . retention of open stream significantly restricts development on two private properties; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported by Staff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pros . provides opportunity for natural buffer between existing residents on Sheppard Avenue and the proposed Marion Hill development; . retains present meander belt and pathway of watercourse with least impact on existing open creek reaches and vegetation; . provides opportunities to use stream corridor as pedestrian pathway; . least short-term cost to City; . allows City to retain watercourse over its lands in present natural condition, while enabling other landowners to pursue piping; . introduces a significant open space/natural feature into this are of the city and provides for passive recreational uses; Cons . produces least amount of developable land/land value and assessment value for City and private landowners; . provides no opportunity to address stormwater/erosion issues for downstream reaches of Amberlea Creek and Frenchman's Bay; . if a stormwater pond is not constructed to mitigate and improve impacts of piping, then erosion rehabilitation costs will continue for downstream properties; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported by Staff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachment #1 09-8 if"")ì¡ 1""" ,;""1;, If";, ~;:~ \t~, ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT CLERK'S DIVISION v ,) n ?1)'07 j ,{, ',' ("t, ", C!TYOF P¡Ci<EF\iN(:) PU,NN:""O iV.!D OEVElOPUEi\iT t)EP/,""W:SNT MEMORANDUM - May 27, 2002 TO: Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development FROM: Bruce Taylor, Clerk SUBJECT: Referrals from the Council Meeting of May 21,2002 Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #79/02, Item #2 at the Council Meeting of May 21,2002, as follows: 1. (a) That Official Plan Amendment Application OrA OI-O02/P, submitted by I\tIarion Hill Development Corporation on lands being Part of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. in the City of Pickering, to replace the Urban Residential Areas: Low Density Areas, designation on lands on the south side of Sheppard Avenue with a Urban Residential Areas: Medium Density Areas designation on Schedule I - Land Use Structure be APPROVED AS REVISED, to also add various site-specific policies to section 11.8, Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies, for the subject lands, including a cap in the maximum residential density of 55 units per net hectare, as set out in Appendix I to Report Number PD 24-02; and - (b) That the draft by-law to adopt Anlendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan be FORWARDED TO COUNCIL for enactment, as set out in Appendix I to Report Number PD 24-02. /,/) / ;' ,,;;¿ ,/ '/ ,/ /;,> // ,;l;:::>7- j~. Taylor ;/ ( --'----", BT:dk Copy: T.J. Quitm., Chief Administrative Officer -- Ciú¡ o~ 099 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: -- . . Neil Carroll Director; Planning & Development DATE: May 2, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: PD 24-02 SUBJECT: Pickering Official Pl~ Amendment OP A 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Marion Hill Development Corporation Part Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.c. (now Part 1, Plan 14431 & Part 1, Plan 40R-2767) (South-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. -- (a) That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-002/P, submitted by Marion Hill Development Corporation on lands being Part of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. in the City of Pickering, to replace the Urban Residential Areas: Low Density Areas designation on lands on the south side of Sheppard Avenue with a Urban Residential Areas: Medium Density Areas designation on Schedule I - . Land Use Structure be APPROYED. AS REVISED, to also add various site-spècific policies to section 11.8/Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies, for the subject lands, including a cap in the maximum residential density of 55 units pet net hectare, as set out in Appendix I to Report ,Numbèr PD 24-02; .. . (b) That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan be FORWARDED TO COUNCIL for enactment, as set out in Appendix I to . Report Number PD 24-02; That site-specific Amendment 2 to the Northeast Quadmnt Development Guidelines, be ADOPTED as the City's detailed strategy for transportation, stonnwater 1 creek, land use, urban design and pedestrian access within the subject lands, as set out in Appendix n to Report Number PD 24-02; 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01, on lands being Part of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C., at the south-east comer of Sheppard Avenue and Whites Road in the City of Pickering, to permit 97 stacked and street townhomes, be APPROVED, AS REVISED by the Applicap.t to permit a maximum of 89 stacked and street townhomes, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix ill to Report Number PD 24-02; 3. ORIGIN: -- Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-002/Pand Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 submitted to the City of Pickering. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter P.13. Report to Council PD 24-02 Date: May 2, 2002 100 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: - No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. The City will be responsible for the cost of the construction of a sidewalk along the south side of Sheppard Avenue, adjacent to the development. This sidewalk is identified as a development charge proj ect. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Marion Hill proposal is one of four applications that triggered a need for a review of the Development Guidelines that affect lands generally known as the Northeast Quadrant. A map showing the Northeast Quadrant Area is provided as Attachment #1. The Marion Hill lands are generally located south and east of Sheppard Avenue and Whites Road (see Attachment #2). Marion Hill's proposal to develop all townhouses at a medium density (see Attachment #3) instead of offices, townhouses and single detached dwellings, a portion of a ring road and a linear park as originally contemplated by the current Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (see Attachment #4), is recommended for approval, subject to conditions, in light of the findings of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Review. Readers of this Report to Council should refer to Report to Council PD 23-02 for recommendations respecting the Review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines. -- The applicant's revisions to reduce the number of dwelling units, decrease the proposed building height, and break up the form and massing of the proposed development along Sheppard Avenue were made in response to resident and staff concerns for improved compatibility and are supported by Staff (see Attachment #5). Having carefully considered objections expressed by some residents living on Sheppard Avenue, staff recommends that the proposed Sheppard Avenue access be retained as the primary vehicular access to this development. This access provides for unrestricted vehicle movements, superior vehicular egress and access opportunities for the development's new residents, visitors, delivery services, and Fire and other emergency services. Since a decision cannot yet be made on the issue of piping Amberlea creek through the Quadrant, the zoning of the Phase 2 lands, located at the east end of the subject lands, will have to be considered at a later date. Accordingly, the value of the City's lands cannot yet be determined and these lands should not yet be declared surplus and sold. In order to provide timely guidance to the site plan review of the Marion Hill development proposal, it is recommended that a separate site-specific amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines be approved at this time. The final Council adoption of the comprehensive replacement Guidelines for the Northeast Quadrant will occur later, co-incident with Council's adoption of the comprehensive official plan amendment for the Northeast Quadrant Area (see Report to Council PD 23-02). - Staff recommends that Council adopt site-specific amendments to the Pickering Official Plan and the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines along with specific conditions for rezoning of the subject lands, as set out in the Appendices to this Report. Report to Council PD 24-02 Date: May 2, 2002 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 101 Page 3 BACKGROUND: 1.0 Relationship With Northeast Ouadrant Development Guideline Review ~ The Marion Hill application is one of four applications received within the Northeast Quadrant that triggered the study of the area. As the results of the Northeast Quadrant Review are now available with respect to land use, urban design, environmental and transportation issues are now available, it is appropriate to consider this site-specific application within the study area. The conclusions reached for the Marion Hill applications rely on the results and discussion in the Northeast Quadrant Review, which is contained in the Planning & Development Report to Council'PD 23-02. 2.0 Subject Lands The subject lands, at the south-east comer of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, are located in the Northeast Quadrant of the Woodlands Neighbourhood (see Attachment #2) for the location map). The subject lands comprise two parts: Part One (1.52 hectares) is owned by Lydia Dobbin (Marion Hill Development Corporation has an option to purchase this property); and Part Two (0.37 hectares), at the eastern end of the subject lands, is owned by the City of Pickering (Marion Hill has expressed an interest in acquiring the City-owned lands). One house is located on the subject lands, adjacent to Whites Road. - 3.0 Original Proposal The original proposal requested changes to the Pickering Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3036 to permit 97 stacked and street townhouse dwellings (on a private road) on the subject lands (see original concept plan, Attachment #6). . Vehicular access was proposed by a driveway onto Whites Road permitting right turns-in and right turns-out, and a driveway permitting a full range of turns onto Sheppard Avenue. The creek was proposed to be enclosed. The proposed amendment to the Official Plan was to redesignate lands along the Sheppard Avenue frontage of the property from Urban Residential Areas - Low Density Areas to an Urban Residential Areas - Medium Density Areas designation (one-quarter of the site) to permit the proposed residential density. The applicant provided a supporting planning analysis. The amendment required to Zoning By-law 3036 was from R3 - One Family Detached-Third Density Zone to a suitable zone to permit townhouse dwellings on the subject lands. The applicant was advised that their proposal would require amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines. - (The revised proposal submitted by the applicant is outlined in Section 6 of this Report. ) 4.0 Information Meeting A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held May 17,2001 to obtain the views of the public. Information Report No. 16-01 outlined the proposal and comments received through circulation of the application (see Attachment # 7). 1 f,) (' ....¿ Report to Council PD 24-02 Date: May 2, 2002 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OP A 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Page 4 -- Concerns expressed by residents included the impact of increased traffic on Sheppard Avenue, property values, school capacity, design of the proposed homes, proposed densities, compatibility with the community and the need for an environmental assessment. The discussion that occurred is recorded in the Meeting Minutes (see Attachment # 8). 5.0 Additional Information 5.1 Further Information from the Applicant The Planning Analysis, submitted after the Statutory Public Information Meeting, indicated that the proposal to redesignate the lands fronting Sheppard A venue meets the general intent, goals, objectives and policies of the City of Pickering Official Plan. The Planning Analysis indicates that the proposed townhouse units will maintain a character that is compatible with the housing to the north of Sheppard Avenue through its ground related nature, articulated building masses, street-facing facades, human scale building heights, possible provision of a pedestrian link between Sheppard Avenue and Delta Boulevard and the function of the buildings. as an acoustical and visual buffer between the houses on the north side of Sheppard Avenue and the commercial development on Delta Boulevard. 5.2 Comments Received from Area Residents and Property Owners - Subsequent to the Statutory Public Information Meeting, the following comments were received: John Overzet, who represents 734 Kingston Road Limited, owner of lands along Delta Boulevard, south of the subject lands, has requested that Marion Hill Development Corporation, and developers of other abutting lands, be required to pay a share of the stormwater control works over-sizing costs, the road construction costs, and other costs (see Attachment #9). Verbal comments from area residents were received about the Marion Hill proposal at Northeast Quadrant Development Guideline Review meetings and design charette. The comments are attached to Planning & Development Report PD 23-02 on the Northeast Quadrant Review. In general, comments included concerns about: . traffic volume and speed, vehicular access and parking on Sheppard Avenue; . proposed townhouse density, design and building height to achieve compatibility with nearby detached homes; . need for greenspace along Sheppard Avenue and along Amberlea Creek; . light shining into houses on the north side of Sheppard Avenue from developments located south of the subject lands; . enclosure of the creek. - 5.3 Agency comments The following agencies provided written comments in addition to those agency comments noted in the earlier Information Report: . CN Rail indicated that offers to purchase the townhouses must include warning clauses that CN Rail is not responsible for noise from its operations. In addition, a noise study must identify noise abatement measures to' be achieved (see Attachment # 10). Report to Council PD 24-02 Date: May 2, 2002 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OP A 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 103 Page 5 - The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) advises that development on the subject lands must satisfy the requirements of the Fill, Construction and Alteration to Waterways Regulation and the Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program (VSCMP) for the Amberlea Creek tributary. Development on the subject lands will have to be set back a minimum of 10 metres from the top of the stream corridor bank, which has not yet been defined. The buffer should be zoned "Open Space - Hazard Land" to prohibit structures, fill, or removal of vegetation and should be conveyed into public ownership. TRCA also notes that a permit will be required to change the stream channel, if desired, and proper stormwater management practices during and after construction will be required to control water quantity and quality. TRCA cannot support the application until the limits of the natural features are defined and appropriately zoned and protected (see Attachment #11). Canada Post and Bell Canada each have no objections but have certain technical requirements (see Attachments #12 and #13). The Region of Durham Planning Department advises that the proposed use meets the policies of the Durham Official Plan. The proposed amendment to the Pickering Official Plan is exempt from Regional approval provided specific policies to protect the stream corridor are included in the amendment. - The Regional Works Department interest in limiting access from these lands to right-in/right-out vehicular turn movements to Whites Road can be satisfied at the site plan approval phase. Since the site is the location of a watercourse, an archaeological assessment will be required and since it is in proximity to the CNR tracks, a noise impact report will be required (see Attachment #14). 5.4 Comments Received From City Departments The Municipal Property & Engineering Division has advised that: - . the proposed right-in 1 right:-out access onto Whites Road is at the discretion of the Region of Durham; . additional on-site parking for residents should be provided; . metered parking on the south side of Sheppard Avenue is not supported; . sidewalks will be required on Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, where none currently exist, with funding available from development charges for the Sheppard Avenue sidewalk; . the need for access for vehicles or pedestrians to Delta Boulevard is questioned; . a caution was raised that public access through this private development, with anticipated high volume of pedestrian traffic between the high school and restaurants, invites complaints from the future residents about loitering, trash and property damage caused by pedestrians; . maintenance responsibility for pedestrian pathways should be clearly identified; . the City-owned parcel of land within the subject lands is not needed for parkland or other municipal purposes and should be sold to the developer; . a private tot lot should be provided by the developer within the proposed townhouse development to serve the needs of residents; . Sheppard Avenue is the prefen-ed primary access for fire service purposes, because it provides full turns access, with the preferred secondary access point at Whites Road; The Development Control Section has advised that a number of matters must be addressed for this proposal: . stormwater management, including the existing downstream storage requirements; 1(ì4 Report to Council PD 24-02 Date: May 2, 2002 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OP A 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Page 6 -- . the proposed elimination of the watercourse; . a permanent turning circle should be constructed at the applicant's cost at the north end of Delta Boulevard (if Delta Boulevard is not extended to the east); . future use of the City-owned blocks of land on the east and west sides at the north end of Delta Boulevard; . sidewalk and boulevard upgrading will be required along Sheppard Avenue; . fencing and/or screening between residential units backing onto adjacent commercial properties will be required. . a development agreement will be required betWeen the City and the developer; 6.0 Revised Development Proposal The applicant submitted a revised conceptual site plan and phasing plan for the proposed development that includes the following changes (see Attachment #3): . reduction in the total number of dwellings from 97 to 89; . develop the subject lands in two phases; . provide additional access for traffic to Delta Boulevard; . greater separation between townhouse blocks; and, . add a focal point at the Whites Road/Sheppard Avenue comer. Phase 1 proposes the development of 67 townhouse units on the westerly 1.3 hectares to include: - . four storey stacked townhouses along Whites Road, two storey units on the Sheppard Avenue frontage and three storey units located on the internal lands; . townhouses to front Sheppard Avenue limited to: 0 two-storeys facing Sheppard Avenue with three-storeys facing southward; (see Attachment #5) and, 0 no more than four units in each townhouse block; . vehicular access by a driveway to Whites Road permitting right-in 1 right-out turn movements, a full-turns access to Sheppard Avenue and an additional driveway providing controlled access to Delta Boulevard. Phase 1 development is designed to proceed immediately, irrespective of future decisions to sell the City-owned parcel relocate, or enclose the Amberlea Creek tributary. Phase 2 proposes the development of 22 units on the easterly 0.6 hectares of land. This Phase is proposed to proceed once the City of Pickering makes a decision on the possible sale of the City-owned lands to Marion Hill Developments, and a decision is reached about relocation or enclosure of the Amberlea Creek tributary. - Although a formal application for site plan approval has not been submitted to date, analysis of the conceptual site plan provided by the applicant permits the City to envision how the site can be developed in order to propose suitable zoning, official plan and development guideline policies. 7.0 Discussion 7.1 Medium Density Land Use The change from a low to a medium density residential designation for the lands fronting Sheppard Avenue (only one-quarter of the site) plus a cap on the maximum allowable residential density across the entire site is supported by staff. Report to Council PD 24-02 Date: May 2, 2002 1 f.) ~ ,;) Subject: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Page 7 - The Official Plan now permits medium density residential uses up to 80 dwelling units per hectare plus a range of commercial uses on the interior lands south of Sheppard Avenue (one-half of the site), and a much broader range of commercial uses and residential uses up to a density of 140 units per hectare on the Whites Road lands (one-quarter of the site). The proposal to develop the whole site with medium density residential uses at a density capped at 55 dwelling units per hectare will result in uses and an intensity of development on the whole site considerably less than the Official Plan now permits. In addition, although the current Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines provide for low density residential buildings on the south side of Sheppard Avenue, the Guidelines identified a City objective to locate residential buildings of four storeys in height on the interior portion of the subject site immediately south of the units fronting Sheppard Avenue. The development of four storey buildings at this location would be more intrusive upon the low density community to the north than the two and three storey townhouses proposed. Medium density residential use of the Sheppard Avenue lands provides a transitional use, and a visual, accoustical and land use buffer between commercial uses on Delta Boulevard to the south and low density residential uses on the north side of Sheppard Avenue. Development of the entire area subject to this application for medium density residential use permits integrated, efficient and orderly development of these lands. Capping the residential density at 55 units per hectare reduces the density on the overall site by almost one-third, adding to the ability to design a development that will be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood. - Accordingly, staff recommends that Council approve the change in designation from low to medium density in the Official Plan for lands fronting Sheppard Avenue and that a policy be introduced to the Woodlands Neighbourhood policies to cap the density throughout the property at 55 dwelling units per hectare (see Appendix I). 7.2 Form of Development on Sheppard Avenue The proposed form of development will create a new community that is compatible with (but not exactly like) the current use, density, form and character of existing development north of Sheppard Avenue and to the east. Height limitations, limits on the number of dwellings in each block, enhanced separation distances between blocks, front doors facing Sheppard Avenue, location of driveways and parking to the rear of the units together assist in achieving this compatibility. The applicant's massing concept of townhomes for the south side of Sheppard Avenue shows the revised view of the proposal from Sheppard Avenue (see Attachment #5). - Staff recommends that Council adopt the recommended site-specific policies in the Official Plan, conditions to the approval of an implementing zoning amendment and an amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines to ensure that the form of the development is compatible with surrounding development. Once adopted, the foregoing policies, guidelines and conditions will govern consideration of the site plan when it is subsequently submitted for approval. 7.3 Access to Sheppard Avenue Provision of vehicular access to Sheppard Avenue will allow the future residents the most convenient means of traveling in all directions from this site, resulting in a lesser increase in traffic impact in the area and will provide the best access to the site for emergency services. Further, the lands are adjacent to an arterial roadway with sufficient capacity to support the traffic anticipated from a medium residential density development. IP6 Report to Council PD 24-02 Date: May 2, 2002 Subj ect: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OP A 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Page 8 Additional peak hour traffic from this development will result in a nominal impact on Sheppard Avenue traffic operations. -- Provision of an access to Sheppard Avenue is essential to permit this residential area to relate to the Sheppard Avenue community and to provide a focus and orientation away from the commercial uses on Delta Boulevard. Removal of an access to Sheppard Avenue from this development would force residents of this development to take much longer and more circuitous routes, or make unsafe and disruptive turn movements in order to get to either Kingston Road or Highway 401, which are the most likely destinations of most residents. It may result in drivers making unsafe and illegal turns or force them to circle the whole Whites Road 1 Sheppard Avenue 1 Fairport Road 1 Kingston Road block. Pickering Fire Services agrees that Sheppard Avenue access provides the best access to this site. In addition, provision of one through-access driveway to Sheppard Avenue for this development would be less disruptive than a large number of individual private driveways that would otherwise be provided if low density detached dwellings were constructed fronting Sheppard Avenue. Staff recommends that Council approve an access to Sheppard Avenue for the proposed development in addition to the proposed right-in/right-out access to Whites Road and the gated secondary access to Delta Boulevard proposed by the applicant. 8.0 Outstanding Matters For Phase 2 Development - The following two matters require resolution before it would be appropriate to approve zoning for Phase 2 of the proposed development. 8.1 Tributary to Amberlea Creek Policies should be adopted to recognize that the stream may be enclosed (piped), relocated to the edge of the property or protected in its current location as an open stream corridor. As discussed in the Report to Council on the Review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, resolution of the piping, relocation or protection options cannot occur until a number of related issues are resolved. Because they remain unresolved at this time, suitable policy must be adopted that allows for any of the options to be implemented at a later time. Until an option is selected, it will remain premature to finalize the detailed arrangement of land uses and precise conditions for zoning of the Phase 2 lands. Accordingly, policies are proposed to be introduced in the Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies in section 11.8 of the Official Plan and in a site-specific amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines that recognize the interests of the different parties and agencies in the stream lands and provide for zoning to be dealt with only once an option for use of the stream corridor is finalized. - 8.2 City Property Staff suggests the sale of the City's surplus land should continue to be deferred until the land use option for the stream corridor (which occupies a major portion of this land) is adopted. It would be premature for the City to make a decision to sell the surplus 0.37 hectare vacant parcel ofland until a land use optíon for the stream corridor (that runs through the middle of the property) is selected, even though this land is not required for parkland or other municipal purposes. Until a land use option is adopted, and an estimate of the costs of any necessary piping, relocation or protection of the stream corridor can be obtained, a realistic value for the City lands cannot easily be determined. Report to Council PD 24-02 Date: May 2, 2002 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 lO~l Page 9 Accordingly, staff recommends that the sale of the City's land be considered following the adoption of the new zoning by-law for Phase 2 ofthe proposed development. - 9.0 Controls 9.1 Official Plan Amendment 8 Official Plan Amendment 8, contained in Appendix I to this Report, is recommended for adoption in order to: . change the land use from low to medium density residential use for the lands fronting Sheppard Avenue; . ensure compatibility with surrounding low density development by capping the maximum residential density at 55 units per hectare and providing policy support for specific design standards; . require buildings to be located close to and facing Sheppard Avenue and Whites Road; . recognize options of piping, relocation or protection of the current stream corridor for the Amberlea Creek tributary; and . adopt appropriate vehicular and pedestrian access to and through the 'Marion Hill' lands. - Since the Region of Durham has exempted this amendment from the requirement for Regional approval, it will come into force following Council adoption and the mandatory notice and appeal period of 20 days, provided there are no appeals. 9.2 Amendment 2 to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Site-specific Amendment 2, contained in Appendix II to this Report, is recommended for adoption by Council in order to: . adopt transportation objectives for vehicular and pedestrian access to the 'Marion Hill' lands; adopt stormwater 1 creek objectives to permit enclosure of the creek once a net environmental benefit is demonstrated, or relocate the creek, or protect the stream in its current location and control stormwater in a suitable manner; adopt general urban design objectives and guidelines for development of the Marion Hill lands to ensure compatibility with and connection to the surrounding community and achieve a quality development on the subject lands. . . 9.3 Zoning Conditions of Approval Conditions recommended for zoning approval, contained in Appendix III of this Report, include the following: - . payment of a share of the Northeast Quadrant Review study costs and execution and registration on title to the lands of a development agreement between the proponent and the City to secure a public right-of-way between Delta Boulevard and Sheppard Avenue, require the proponent to urbanize Sheppard Avenue, require the proponent to submit a noise impact report and an archaeological assessment, require the proponent to satisfy the City with respect to payment of a cash-in-lieu of parkland contribution; provision of a private toÌlot in Phase 1 of the development; provide for a turning circle for Delta Boulevard if required, and cost-sharing of the oversized stormwater works previously constructed on lands to the south, prior to passage of a zoning amendment; 108 Report to Council PD 24-02 Date: May 2, 2002 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OP A 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Page 10 - . performance standards for Phase I development to permit four-storey stacked townhouse development of the lands fronting Whites Road and two storey street townhouse development of the lands fronting Sheppard Avenue and three storey townhomes to the south in Phase I of the proposed development at this time; and, . performance standards for Phase 2 development to permit two storey street townhouse development of lands fronting Sheppard Avenue and three storey townhouses to the south in Phase 2 of the proposed development, to be adopted by Council following resolution ofthe creek and sale of surplus City lands issues. 10.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant is in substantial agreement with the recommendations of this Report but has raised two particular concerns. The applicant commented that payment of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guideline Review study costs should be required at the time of issuance of building permits, not prior to Council adoption of the zoning amendment, as recommended. The applicant further commented that the easement for public access across the site should be located in Phase 2 of the development on the lands that are now City property, as indicated in the applicant's revised conceptual site plan. - - Report to Council PD 24-02 Date: May 2, 2002 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OP A 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 109 Page 11 APPENDICES: I - IT ill By-law to adopt Amendment No.8 to the Pickering Official Plan (Amendment included as Exhibit "A" to By-law Site Specific Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines for the Marion Hill Lands Conditions of Approval for Zoning Amendment Application A 04/01 ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ~ Northeast Quadrant Area Location Map Applicant's Revised Conceptual Site Plan Current Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Applicant's Massing Concept of Townhomes for the South side of Sheppard Avenue Applicant's Original Concept Plan Information Report 16-01 Statutory Public Meeting Minutes Letters from 734 Kingston Road Comment from CN Rail Comment from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Comment from Canada Post Comment from Bell Canada Comment from Durham Region Planning Department Prepared By: Approved 1 Endorsed By: -.. /~') ~ t/ r' / /,' "'", /. . " //~',((-C. ,.>;J r7/ {Xl' Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner IT Neil Carroll, p, Director, Planning & Development //, ' :/7 ./.~ & /'/s /,. / C t?7}í/,c/l--u {/LA-.. Catherine Rose Manager, Policy SG/td/jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Â8o. Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council /7 //" .',- 1 '...")" " "í ..l. -.. .Þ- """" APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 24-02 BY-LAW TO ADOPT OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 8 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. ... Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 8 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 01-002/P) WHEREAS pursuant to the Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, c.p. 13, subsections 17(22) and 21(1), the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering may by by-law adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 17(10) of the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has by order authorized Regional Council to pass a by-law to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; AND WHEREAS, on February 23, 2000 Regional Council passed By-law 11/2000 which allows the Region to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments fÌ"om its approval; AND WHEREAS the Region has advised that Amendment 8 to the City of Pickering Official Plan is exempt from Regional approval; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: ,;.. 1. That Amendment 8 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby adopted; 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Regional Municipality of Durham the documentation required by Procedure: Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments; 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this - day of , 2002. r MAYOR WAYNE ARTHURS ~ CLERK BRUCE J. T AYLOR 1.12 Exhibit "A" to By-law ... AMEND MENT 8 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN ,;. ,.,ià 113 AMEND MENT 8 TO THE PI CKERIN G 0 FFI CIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment is to change the designation of the lands fronting Sheppard Avenue from a Low to a Medium Density Residential designation on Schedule I - Land Use Structure and add to section 11.8 - Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies provisions to address compatibility with the neighbourhood, recognize optional strategies for the stream corridor and provide . suitable vehicular and pedestrian access for the affected lands. þ. LOCATION: The subject lands are approximately 1.89 hectares in size, and located on the south side of Sheppard Avenue, east of Whites Road. All ofthe lands fall within Part Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.c. BASIS: This amendment to the Pickering Official Plan has been determined to be appropriate following the completion of a review of a preliminary conceptual site plan in light of the findings of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guideline Review for lands generally located between Kingston Road, Sheppard Avenue and Whites Road and abutting lands in 2002. The central issue is land use compatibility between medium density residential uses with commercial uses to the south and low density residential uses to the north and east. /'" The strategy for the Northeast Quadrant is two-fold. Firstly, the vision is, over time, to encourage high quality design and intensity of commercial or residential structures that assist in converting Kingston Road to a pedestrian friendly 'mainstreet' from an auto dominated highway. Secondly, the vision is to encourage medium density residential use in the northern part of the Quadrant to serve as a transition between the mixed commercial/residential use close to Kingston Road and the existing low density residential use to the north. Other major elements of the strategy are to intensify development by piping the tributary to Amberlea Creek, if a net benefit to the environment can be demonstrated and to adopt a transportation strategy to provide vehicular access to the Quadrant and beyond. The land use objective for the subject lands is to ensure building siting, height, massing and orientation that is compatible with the community to the north and integrate by means of suitable vehicular and pedestrian access arrangements and design controls with the community and the Quadrant. In addition, since a final decision cannot yet be reached on piping the creek or protecting it in an open state, the interests of the parties are recognized and the objectives of each option are set out. "fa Since this amendment is to precede the amendment for the whole of the Northeast Quadrant, relevant provisions are incorporated into the comprehensive amendment for the Northeast Quadrant, which will be adopted by Council at a later date. 11.4 Appendix I to Report to Council PD 24-02 Page 2 Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan - Site-Specific Amendment for "Marion Hill" Lands AMENDMENT: The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: Revising Schedule I - Land Use Structure by replacing the "Urban Residential Areas - Low Deltsity Areas" designation for the lands on the south side of Sheppard Avenue with an "Urban Residential Areas - Medium Density Areas" designation, as shown on Schedule 'A' to this amendment. "1. þ 2. Adding new policies to section Neighbourlwod Policies, as follows: 11.8 - Woodlands "11.8 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ;;-. (g) .... City Council shall, for the lands subject to the "Marion Hill" proposal, located at the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, (i) despite Tables 6* and 10* of Chapter Three and section 11.8(c)*, establish a maximum residential density of 55 units per net hectare; require new development to be compatible with respect to building heights, yard setbacks and building massing with low density residential development on the north side of Sheppard Avenue and on the south side of Sheppard Avenue to the east; require new development to establish buildings on Whites Road or Sheppard Avenue close to the street edge, with the front doors facing the street, and with a specified percentage of their front walls required to be located within build-to-zones to be established in the implementing zoning by-law for this site; restrict the height of the Sheppard Avenue elevation of new dwellings fronting Sheppard Avenue to a maximum of two storeys; require a minimum of four functional storeys for the Whites Road elevations of new dwellings fronting Whites Road; .. ., .. ., .. ., .. ., .. ., (f) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) for the lands subject to the "Marion Hill" proposal, located on the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, (i) support the principle of piping or relocating the Amberlea Creek tributary that flows through the lands, while at the same time recognizing the interests of the landowners, on whose lands the Amberlea Creek tributary flows, to pipe or relocate that tributary, and the interests of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to maintain the Amberlea Creek tributary as an open and buffered creek channel; * Tables 6 and 10, and sections 11.8(c) are attached to this Amen~ent for information purposes only; they does not constitute part of the Amendment. ' Appendix I to Report to Council PD 24-02 pagi 315 Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan - Site-Specific Amendment for "Marion Hill" Lands for the lands subject to the "Marion Hill" proposal, located on the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, (i) support vehicular access restrictions preventing left turns from Whites Road into the site, and left turns from the site onto Whites Road; promote the reduction of traffic speeds and improvement of pedestrian safety along Sheppard Avenue by implementing pavement markings and other measures, and considering "traffic-calming" techniques following the adoption of a City policy; and, require pedestrian access, by means of easements, from Delta Boulevard to Sheppard Avenue. (ii) - (iii) (iv) - (h) (ii) (iii) IMPLEMENTATION: require the developer of thé subject lands proposing to pipe or relocate the Amberlea Creek tributary to: (A) submit an environmental! stormwater management report, to the satisfaction of the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, which report must demonstrate a strategy resulting in a significant net environmental benefit to the watershed if justifying piping of the creek; obtain appropriate approvals and permits from public review agencies; and, satisfy any required compensation under the Fisheries Act; ensure that development proposals are undertaken in a manner that does not adversely impact downstream water quality and quantity through the use of on-site controls and/or financial contributions to a downstream stormwater facility if necessary; and through the use of the holding provisions of the Planning Act, require where necessary, the proponents of development having lands with the stream corridor for the tributary to Amberlea Creek to enter into agreements with the City and other agencies, as appropriate, respecting public ownership of the stream corridor lands of the tributary, or its piping or relocation, once approved; (B) (c) - The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall. apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRE T A TI 0 N : The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Officia] Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Cross Reference: CPA OI-OO2IP Related Files: A 4/01 File Name: DobbiolCity of Pickering (Marion Hill) Date: May3,2002 116 Appendix I to Report to Council PD 24-02 Page 4 Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan - Site-Specific Amendment for "Marion Hill" Lands Selected Policy Extracts from the Pickering Official Plan Referred to in the Potential Amendment Provided for Information Purposes Only - Not Part of Potential Amendment - """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""..."................."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'..""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. '. . . 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Maximum ¡ ¡ Areas ¡ Net Residential Density ¡Leasable Floorspace for ¡ Floorspace Index ¡ ¡ Subcategory ¡ (in dwellings per hectare) ¡ the Retailing of Goods ¡ (total building ¡ ¡ ¡ ! and Services ¡ floorspace divided ¡ j ¡ i (in square metres) I by total lot area) I ¡.................................................¡................................................""""""""""""""""""""""'1"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'[""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1 ~ Local Nodes i over 30 and up to and ¡ up to and including 10,000 ¡ up to and including ¡ I.................................................¡....~,~,~.~.~~~~~..~.~......................................................1................................................................""""""""""'..f"'=~'~"~'~'~""""""""""""""""""""""""'¡ ! Community ¡ over 80 and up to and ¡ up to and including 20,000 ¡ up to and including ¡ I....~~~.~~.................. ..... ....~.~.~.~.~:~~..~ ~~........... 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""""""'" """""""" ... .............. .....~... =~. ~.. ~~. ~.................................................I ¡ Downtown ¡ over 80 and up to and i up to and including 300,000 ¡ up to and including ¡ I Core I including 180 ¡ ¡ 3.0 FSI ¡ """............................................:.............................................................................................:...............................................................""""""""""""'.........................................................................: -- r"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'TABLË"'î'Ö"'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'1 ¡-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""T"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'1 ¡ R 'd. ti. I A - r Maximum and Minimum ¡ : est en a .tUea : N R .d . D . : ¡ s b t ! . et . est entIal... enslty ¡ : U ca egory .(' d ill : ¡ ¡ In we ngs per net hectare) ¡ i.......................................................,...........................t........................................................................................................................¡ ¡ Low Density Area I up to and including 30 ¡ r ~ ~ ~ ~.::.. ~ ~:: ~.~.. ~ ~.:......... r: ~:. ~..; ~..::~.. ~~.. ~:..:: ~.: :.~: ~~: ~. ~.~................ ¡ ¡...................................................................................t...................""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'1 ! High Density Area lover 80 and up to and including 140 ! ,..................................................................................................."""""""""""""""""".....................................................................J 11.8 City Council shall, - (a) ...; (b) ...; (c) despite Table 6 of Chapter Three, establish a maximum residential density of 55 units per net hectare for lands located on the north side of Kingston Road that are designated Mixed Use Areas and abut lands developed as low density development; 117 - - - 118 APPENDIX II TO REPORT NUMBER PD 24-02 AMENDMENT 2 TO THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES - FOR THE "MARION HILL" LANDS - - 119 AMENDMENT 2 TO NORTHEAST QUADRANT DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES To implement the conclusions of the Review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, as they affect the Marion HilVCity of Pickering properties, it is recommended that Council adopt the following site specific Amendment to the 1990 Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines: -- Despite any other provisions in these Guidelines, lands known as Part 1, Plan 14431 and Part 1, Plan 40R-2767, subject to Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-0021P (now Amendment 8 to the Pickering Official Plan) and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04101 shall be developed in conformity with the following guidelines: A) Transportation Objectives The three roads providing access to this site are Sheppard Avenue, Whites Road and Delta Boulevard. Vehicular access shall be provided to this site by a full moves access to Sheppard Avenue,a right-in, right-out turns only access to Whites Road, and access to Delta Boulevard controlled by resident-activated gates to prevent free flowing traffic movements between Delta Boulevard and Sheppard Avenue. The City will require these vehicular access arrangements to be implemented for this site through the required Site Plan agreements to the satisfaction of the City and the Region of Durham. - It is anticipated that Whites Road, a Regional Road, may be widened to 6 lanes in the future. In addition, auxiliary turn lanes may be added in the future. Further, at the sole discretion of the 'Region of Durham, a center median may be installed to prevent left turn movements from Whites Road into the site, and from the site onto Whites Road. B) StormwaterlAmberlea Creek Objectives The Amberlea Creek Northeast Quadrant - Assessment of Alternatives study, prepared by Schollen & Company Inc., identifies an option for a storm sewer extension of the existing system south of Sheppard Avenue to the Highway 401 westbound onloff ramp. The City supports the piping of the existing tributary of Amberlea Creek, which traverses the Northeast Quadrant, as an integral component of a storm water management system that includes a storm sewer system and a stormwater management pond. The storm water facility is required to control both quality and quantity storm water. A substantial net benefit to the downstream environment must be demonstrated in order to warrant consideration of piping the tributary. Lands located east of the Bayfair Baptist Church are the preferred location for a stormwater management facility. Detailed siting, engineering and grading plans are required to assess the feasibility of, and design options for, a storm water management pond (reference may be made to the Assessment of Alternatives study for additional stormwater management details available to date). - If the stormwater management facility is approved, the City will be requiring the proponent of this development application within the Northeast Quadrant as its lands currently drain into the reach of the Amberlea Creek tributary, to pay for a proportionate share of the detailed design work and costs of piping the creek, in addition to a share of the total cost of implementation of the proposed Amberlea Creek stormwater management pond. In the event that approvals are not granted for the stormwater pond, or development proceeds ahead of construction of the pond, the developer of the lands will be required to install quality and quantity control devices and to enter into agreements with the City to cost share future stormwater works. Further, in the event approvals from the Toronto Region Conservation Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Department of Fisheries are not granted to pipe the creek, the landowners shall be required to maintain the Creek with appropriate setbacks. ' l~20 Appendix II to Report to Council PD 24-02 Page 2 Amendment 2 to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines - "Marion Hill" Lands C) General Urban Design Objectives - The development of lands affected by these Development Guidelines will strive to achieve the urban design objectives of chapter 9 - "Community Design ", and Chapter 13 - "Detailed Design Considerations ", of the Official Plan. It is the intent of these guidelines to both further those objectives and embellish the ones listed below: . 1. To provide a quality urban image by encouraging the placement of high quality buildings located to define the street edge. 2. To provide a quality urban image by encouraging a harmonized and complementary landscape treatment throughout the Northeast Quadrant. 3. To provide a quality urban image by encouraging a coordinated effort to improving the streetscape that includes pedestrian oriented furnishings and other appropriate improvements. 4. To provide a safe, pleasant, comfortable and convenient environment supporting all modes of travel including bicycle, pedestrian and vehicular traffic. 5. To ensure that new development relates to existing development while allowing appropriate evolution of this area 6. Recognize the need for efficient vehicular movement through and within this area including access to individual properties. - D) Detailed Design Guidelines 1. For the proposed residential development, at the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, buildings shall be located close to the street, with parking provided at the rear. . 2. New residential development shall be integrated into the area in á manner that is both respectful of the character of the existing neighborhood and serves as an interface between this area and the surrounding lands. 3. The south-east corner of Sheppard Avenue and Whites Road shall act as a transition area between the higher buildings on Whites Road and the lower buildings on Sheppard Avenue. This corner should be treated as an important focal point, and include landscape and hardscape treatment to create an identifiable amenity area, preferably including pedestrian connections into the site. 4. New residential development along Sheppard Avenue shall include no more than four units that are attached before providing a break between building masses. - 5. The height of residential units along Sheppard Avenue shall be restricted to two storeys on the front elevation facing Sheppard Avenue, and shall include facades that are mostly brick on all sides facing the public right of way. 6. New residential development along Whites Road shall be a minimum of four functional storeys on the side of the building facing Whites Road, and of mostly brick facades on all sides facing the public right of way. 7. Architectural detailing and stepping the footprint of the front and rear facades shall be utilized to avoid the appearance of long flat walls. 8. A new sidewalk shall be constructed along the south side Qj Sheppard Avenue. Appendix n to Report to Council PD 24-02 Page 3 121 Amendment 2 to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines - "Marion Hill" Lands 9. A vegetative buffer and generous sideyard width will be required along the eastern property line separating any proposed residential development at the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue from the existing neighbourhood. - 10. Attractive and appropriate landscaping will be required both on the perimeters of the development facing the streets and interior to the site. 11. A public pedestrian link which runs north-south from the end of Delta Boulevard connecting to the sidewalk on the south side of Sheppard Avenue, and includes up-graded landscape treatment and a minimum 2.0 metre wide sidewalk, shall be included as an easement for pedestrian access granted to the City. 12. Allowance for comfortable and convenient pedestrian movement from areas north and west of this location to destinations to the south shall be integrated into the site layout. 13. No buildings or structures shall be permitted within 10 metres of the stream corridor of the Amberlea Creek tributary. If possible, this area adjacent to the creek should be landscaped in a manner that is sensitive to the natural processes of the stream, unless the stream is piped. 14. Any building mounted utility boxes including telephone and hydro shall be enclosed within or behind a screening device, which generally matches the materials used in the building façade construction. 15. Any free-standing utility boxes including hydro, telephone, etc. shall be enclosed within screening devices designed to match or complement the buildings. - 16. All stairs, which are required on. building facades, shall be cast in place, and not pre-cast units. 17. The grade of the site along the Whites Road frontage shall be raised so that any proposed dwelling's front entry is at or above the grade of the sidewalk on Whites Road. 18. Garbage and recyclable material shall be handled within each dwelling unit (including its garage), and not within separate buildings or centralized areas. 19. Lighting design should complement the design of the development, shall not spill over into adjacent properties or streets, and shall be downcast to avoid excessive light pollution. 20. For residential development along Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, the front entrance will face the public streets. - APPENDIX III TO REPORT NUMBER PD 24-02 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW, AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 04/01 -. 1.0 That prior to forwarding an amending zoning by-law to Council for either Phase of development, the developer shall meet the following requirements: (a) payment of a proportionate share of the Northeast Quadrant Review study costs; (b) execution and registration on title of a Development Agreement between the developer and the City, addressing such matters as, but not limited to, the following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) -. (v) (vi) convey an easement to the City for public access purposes, and construct a pedestrian pathway across the Phase 1 lands to provide public access between Delta Boulevard and Sheppard Avenue; construct, at the owner's cost, a turning circle at the north end of Delta Boulevard, if required; construct, at the owner's cost, improvements to urbanize the road cross-section of Sheppard Avenue, if required; pay an appropriate share of the costs incurred by the owner of the lands to the south towards the over-sizing to accommodate stormwater flows from the "Marion Hill" lands, of stormwater facilities previously constructed on the southerly lands, prior to issuance of any building permits for the subject lands; satisfy the City with respect to a cash-in-lieu of parkland contribution for each phase of development and provision of a private tot lot in Phase 1 of the development; and, submit a noise impact study and an archaeological assessment to the satisfaction ofthe City. 2.0 That the implementing zoning by-law shall comply with the provisions of Amendment 2 to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines and shall include, for the lands shown as Phase 1 on the applicant's revised conceptual site plan, but not necessarily be limited to the following: (a) buildings to be located within a build-to-zone that generally reflects setbacks as shown on the revised conceptual site plan; (b) buildings required to occupy a build-to-zone generally reflecting the locations shown on the revised conceptual site plan; (c) permit multiple dwellings (stacked townhouses) on the lands fronting Whites Road, and diagonally fronting the Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue intersection in accordance with the following provisions: - (i) (ii) (iii) a maximum number of dwelling units - 67 dwelling units; a minimum of four functional storeys facing Whites Road; parking requirements for each dwelling unit of: (a) one private garage attached to each dwelling unit; (b) one parking space between garage and traffic aisle; and, (c) a minimum of 0.25 visitors parking spaces; and generally, in accordance with maximum building height, lot coverage, minimum landscaped open space and minimum distances between blocks of dwellings shown on the applicant's conceptual site plan; (d) permit single attached dwellings on lands fronting Sheppard Avenue and the interior lands in accordance with the following provisions: Appendix ill to Report to Council PD 24-02 Page 2 123 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application A 4//01 (i) (ii) -- (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) maximum number of dwelling units - 45; maximum number of storeys facing Sheppard Avenue - 2 storeys (and 3 storeys on intemallands); maximum building height - 11 metres measured from grade on the Sheppard Avenue elevation; parking requirements for each dwelling unit of: i. one private garage attached to each dwelling unit; ii. one parking space between garage and traffic aisle; and, iii. a minimum of 0.25 visitors parking space; minimum distance between blocks of dwellings - 2.5 metres; and, provisions for maximum lot coverage, minimum landscaped open area, and minimum gross floor area that generally reflect the applicant's revised conceptual site plan. 3.0 That prior to forwarding an implementing zoning by-law to Council for passage, which shall comply with the provisions contained in Amendment 2 to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines for Phase 2 lands as shown on the applicant's revised conceptual site plan, decisions to be reached respecting enclosure, relocation or protection of the stream corridor in an open state and respecting the sale of the surplus City owned parcel of land. Following those decisions, an implementing zoning by-law be forwarded to Council for the Phase 2 lands including, but not necessarily be limited to the following: (a) buildings required to be located within a building envelope that generally reflects the setbacks shown on the applicant's revised conceptual site plan; (b) buildings required to occupy a minimum proportion of a build-to-zone generally reflecting the setbacks shown on the applicant's revised conceptual site plan; (c) permit attached dwellings on the Phase 2 lands in accordance with the following provisions: - (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) - maximum number of dwelling units - 22 units; maximum number of storeys facing Sheppard Avenue - 2 storeys (and 3 storey on internal lands); maximum building height - 11 metres; parking requirements for each dwelling unit of: i. one private garage attached to each dwelling unit; ii. one parking space between garage and traffic aisle; and, iii. a minimum of 0.25 visitors parking spaces; and, minimum distance between blocks of dwellings - 2.5 metres; provisions for minimum gross floor area for dwelling units, maximum lot coverage and minimum landscaped open area that generally reflect the applicant's revised conceptual site plan. 1'24 ATTACHMENT # ! TO REPORT # PO ;2lf - Ó 2. - .- -~IIlh' èJITITIl) -, '°",", - - ~ I: ~~ ~!EBURN~ I I ~ ~ rRE ~ - -F~"m RTœ Etj n1) . W~BURN - E -~~t::~ . fmw ==== ~ ==== ~ == -. == I!:-I!:-(ß- - - «-W-w- - :J~m_l!:- - g~~-()- - . ~ « ---' - '- SQUARE ~E -- -~ C.N.R. ~ I- :ï: ~ - ~o'\ Planning & Development Department :...~ NORTHEAST QUADRANT R{::VIEW AREA ..... l' ¡DATE MAY 2,2002 ATTACHMENT ,;) TO REPORT' PO ,~I./ - D '2.. 125 - - L-E STREET -- I- - It: -0 -U- ~ ~ - bP" § = ffiffifffiH]BREDA AVENUE :: -It:_== -1-- -~- -gj- Ï 2~~ ~= ~~~; - UlUlTIJIDITIIt:~- - VICKI CI RIVE - ~~ ~ City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 28, RANGE 3, a.F.C.; PART 1, 40R-14431; PART 1, 40R.2767 OWNER MARION HILLS DEVELOPMENT INC. DATE MAY 3, 2002 DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION No. A 04/01; OPA 01-002/P SCALE 1 :7500 CHECKED BY SG FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-6 PA. l' .. , ) APPLICANT'S. REVISED CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN (OPA 01-002/P; A 04/01) I """" I call1IOL &OX I IJ \l; e -ò- T e. T -ò-T e T 0 \ e ~ I L.¡oROPOSED PUBu"è""4Y. i , ACŒ$ EASEMENT I I I I 1 I I 1 '51 1 . I ( ffi I )...------------------1 " <1 ,/ , r--~ ---~ I I w' 1 I ,01 I I -----------______n_-____---------- ) ~ ~~ m CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN WHITES RD & SHEPPARD AVE CITY OF PICKERING MARION HILL DEVELOPMENTS SCALE I: 700 (11.17"'..\) REV 25 ÆB. 2002 (SO-6) CASSlOY a: CO. PROJ NO. 9947 ~ø PART 1 PART 2 PART 1. R. PlAN .ooR-14431 PART 1. R. I'UH --27&7 PART OF LOT 21\; PART OF LOT 28, RANGE 3. em. FR. CON. RANGE 3. 811. FA. CON. TO'll< OF PICKERING TO"" OF l'IaŒRING ADDRESs, 1495 lltilTE'S ROAD SIS SlifPPARD AVE ï:ãTAREA - 1.4111 ha (3.66 AatES) 0.373 ha (0.92 AatES) PlJIIJC R.O.W.- 0.009 ha (- REGION EXPROP) NET LOT AREA - 1.472 h. (3.63 ACRES) D.J73 ha (0.92 ACR£S) PRo.£CT TOTAL NET - 1.845 h. (4.55 ACRES) LOT AREAs- PART 1 PHASEI PARTI PliASE 2 PART 2 PliASE 2 1.279 HA 0.193 HA 0.373 HA PliASE 1 TOTAL 1.279 HA PHASE 2 TOTAL 0.566 HA BIDG COV.- 4277 U2 4416112 1142U2 33.4X 24X 3o.SX PART 1 TOTAL 3:¡X PART 2 TOTAL 30.6X PHASE 1 TOTAL 33.4X PHASE 2 TOTAL 21!.4X . PRO.£CT TOT-'I. - 32X (NET) PART 1 PART 2 PHI PH2 PH2 - 16 0 xa>Ie .~ SITE STAl1snes: LEGAl 1JESCR!P110N: I ,. LOT AREAs- ';:11 Þ n, ......¡ "IJ -1 C' Þ :;¡:¡ C,,"') -1 :::c ~ ::.:': m "'0 Z 0 -I 'tj:, I t;~ W --t. UNIT COUNT: ~.5m CONDO TOWNHOMES 2 STOREY. W/BSIINT 'NO OARAŒ REAR I.AN£ 5.3m CONOO TOYoNHOtoIES 3 STOREY. W/BASEMENT 6.5m CONDO TOYoNHOtoIES 2 STOREY. REAR lANE 6.lm STACKED CONOO TO'MlHONES ~ STOREY. GARAŒ REAR LANE TOT-'I. CONOO UNITS PHASE 1- 67 UNItS PliASE 2 - 22 UNITS PART 1 - 74 UNItS PART 2 . 15 UNITS PROJECT TOT-'I.- 69 UNItS DENSITY - PHASE I - 53 UNItS I HA (NET) PHASE 2 - 39 UNlTS;HA (NET) PART 1 - 51 UNItS I HA (NET) PART 2 - 0\0 UNlTS;HA (NET) PRDJECT TOTAL- 411 UNItS I HA (NET) - 29 - 0 - 22 c f'"d PARKING: CONDO TO'II<HDUSE - 134 14 3D \ISlTOR - 13 7 0 (lNo.. I H/C SPAŒ) (1Na.. I H/C SPAŒ) TOT-'I. PARKING - PHASE 1 - 147 PHASE 2 - 51 - 2.19 F'Ð1 UNIT - 2.31 PER UtlT TOTAL PARKINC - PART 1 - 168 PHASE 2 - 3D - 2.27 PER UNIT - 2.00 PER UtlT PRO.£CT TOTAL - 198 SPAŒS . 2.22 PER UNIT HEIGHT - 18 U ON \\>fITES 11U ON SHEPPARD AND REST OF STE PA\1NG PART 1 PART 2 PHI PH2 PH2 A~\\Œ - 22DJ U2 4'" U2 611 U2 ~G ;;-...,--- 223 U2 124 U2 D M2 DRIVEWAYS - 1206 U2 126 U2 270 M2 TOTAL - J632 M2 698 U2 681 M2 LANDSCAPED OPEN SPAŒ - 3210 U2 522 M2 1051 M2 AllENITY - 1571 U2 251 U2 658 U2 TOTAL - 4681 U2 773 U2 1709 M2 38'< 39X 45X PHASE 1 - 36X PHASE 2 - 43X PART I - JIIJI PART 2 - 45X PROJECT TOTAL - 39¡C NOTE< N..l AREAS "","O"'"A"" AND SUBJECT TO CHANG£ PRELIMINARY - r') !---J C7 c!J 0 0 [j 0 - Q [J ß O~ ß~ 81 81 C? C? Q¡ C? S õ Q¡ ß C? R Q¡ ~ j 1- CJ [;J Q ATTACHMENT' ~ TO REPORT' PO ~ 'f - <J 2- 127 NORTHEAST QUADRANT DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES (1990) "FINAL URBAN DESIGN CONFIGURATION" e L, ~i i~ n 0 en en a::: I...J CD ~ L.&.J l- e.. L.&.J V') z 0 ~ :J ~ ~ a.. 0 CJ LaJ z t:: <-' en ë.ñ I.&J L5 c ~ ~ a:: >- :;) CI ..J ~ ~ CI1 ¡¡;; þ ) . APPLICANT'S MASSING CONCEPT OF TOWN HOMES PROPOSED FOR THE SOUTH SIDE OF SHEPPARD AVENUE (OPA 01-001/P; A 04/01) ¡...... ~'V co "!] 1-. f" -'1 ---.J --. C' ):;, ::0 Ç) -I ..:r: "t, ~;: m '"'0 -, o:'::¡ -'Ib Ib!~ ~I °1 ¡Vb I I I ~ i ~ i ~ i ¡: " ~ I f I I I i I I I I I~ i~ "' I~ . "¡: !~ II!' I " ~ I ~ . !I !ì I ~ i ~ " ~ I § " 2> II!: - NOTE: ALL GRADES SHOWN ARE EXISTING NOTE: BUILDINGS WILL BE CLAD IN A COMBINATION OF MASONRY AND SIDING I CONCEPTUAL - MASSING ONLY I ~ B ~ 8 0 <C 0 0::: U1 W l- I 5: -.. ATTACHMENT I ~ TO REPORT I PO .;J V -¿) 2. 129 - INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMllTED PLAN MARION HILLS DEVELOPMENT INC. A 4/01; OPA 01-002/P I I I I ¡ L~! i I I C3 I I , , 0:: " I I (J) I I , 'w" I I t:: I I , ,J:' , ! MOre ,J;: I I MIES,-¡ STOOEY . _! ' " I ¡ , I ....... "....... I I , I I I I I I i - l' SUMMARY STATISTICS PROVIDED ON THE NDff PAGE:. A LARGE SCALE: COpy OF THIS PlAN IS AVAILABLE: FOR VIEWING AT THE PlANNING &- DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THIS MAP WAS PROOUCETJ BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING &- DEV£LOPMENT D£:PARTMENT, INFORMATION &- SUPPORT SFJMCES. MAY, 2001. 130 ATTACHMMI ï 10 REPORT' PO ,:) '-! - [\ 2 - INFORMATION REPORT NO. 16-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF MAY 17,2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-002P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Marion Hill Development Corporation Part Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. (now Part 1, Plan 40R-I4431 & Part 1, Plan 40R-2767) (South-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION -. the subject lands are 1.89 hectares in area, and are located on the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue; the subject lands comprise two parcels of land (see location map, Attachment #1): . parcell is a 1.52-hectare 'parcel owned by Lydia Dobbin; Marion Hill Development Corporation has entered into an agreement of purchase and sale for this parcel; it is occupied by a detached dwelling; existing access is from Whites Road; . parcel 2 is a 0.37-hectare parcel owned by the City of Pickering; Marion Hill has approached the City about acquiring this parcel; this vacant parcel appears to be surplus to the City's needs (it was acquired from Veridian Corporation); a tributary of Amberlea Creek crosses from north to south through the parcel; existing access is from Sheppard Avenue; uses surrounding the subject lands are: a medical office and detached dwellings to the north; detached dwellings fronting Sheppard Avenue to the east; the newly constructed commercial development including retail uses, day care, Wendy's 1 Tim Horton's and Swiss Chalet restaurants on Delta Boulevard to the south; vacant lands and residential also to the south fronting Whites Road; and residential and schools to the west. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL -. Marion Hill Development Corporation proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan and the zoning by-law in order to permit development of the subject lands for 97 dwellings; the proposal consists of 22 stacked townhouses adjacent to Whites Road and its corner with Sheppard Avenue, plus 75 street townhouses; 18 of the 75 street townhouses are proposed on the City-owned parcel; a copy of the conceptual site plan and various site statistics are provided for reference (see Attachments #2 and #3); a copy of the proposed official plan amendment is also provided (see Appendix I); the stacked townhomes fronting Whites Road are 4 storeys to create a focal point and frame the intersection; the remaining units are proposed at 2 to 3 storeys; the internal units front onto a linear public amenity space; total landscape space is proposed at about 36% and total building coverage is approximately 35%; Information Report No. 16-01 ATTACHMENT' Î TO REPORT i PO ;;J 'f ~ 0 ;;, . Page 2 131 - a network of walkways through the site is proposed to link it to the surrounding community; a 6.5 metre wide public easement has been proposed as a pedestrian link from Sheppard Avenue into the north end of Delta Boulevard; all vehicular access to the dwellings is proposed from a private internal road; vehicular access to the private road is proposed to be provided by a driveway onto Whites Road permitting right turns in and right turns out, and by a driveway onto Sheppard Avenue; no vehicular access is proposed between Delta Boulevard and the Marion Hill lands; the applicant is also proposing to enclose the watercourse that flows through the eastern portion of the subject lands. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Re!!ionaI Official Plan the subject lands are designated as Living Area in the Durham Regional Official Plan; lands designated Living Area may be used for housing purposes in addition to other compatible uses; the proposal appears to conform; Whites Road is designated as a Type A Arterial Road and as a Transit Spine; Sheppard Avenue is designated as a Type C Arterial Road; 3.2 Pickerin!! Official Plan the subject lands are designated as follows in the Pickering Official Plan: . Mixed Use Areas: Mixed Corridor along the Whites Road frontage; . Urban Residential Areas: Low Density Areas along the Sheppard Avenue frontage; and, . Urban Residential Areas: Medium Density Areas in the interior; - section 14.2 (g) of the Official Plan requires that where a single parcel of land is governed by two or more separate land use designations, the policies of each of the respective designations shall apply; . the Mixed Corridor designation permits residential uses at a net residential density of over 30 and up to and including 140 dwellings per hectare; in addition, retail, office, restaurants, community, cultural and recreational uses at a scale and intensity serving the broader area, and special purpose commercial uses, may be permitted; about 0.3 of a hectare lies within this designation with 22 units proposed; thus, the residential density is calculated at 73 units per net hectare; the residential density lies within the allowable range for this designation; the Low Density Residential designation permits residential uses at a net residential density of up to and including 30 dwelling units per hectare; in addition, home occupations, limited offices serving the area, and limited retailing of goods and services serving the area, community, cultural and recreational uses, compatible employment uses, and compatible special purpose commercial uses serving the area, may be permitted; about 0.4 of a hectare lies within this designation with 28 units proposed; thus, the residential density is calculated at 70 units per net hectare; the residential density exceeds the allowable range for this designation; an amendment to the Official Plan to change the designation from Low to Medium Density Residential is required; a copy of the proposed amendment is provided as Appendix I to this Information Report; - the Medium Density Residential designation permits the same uses as the Low Density Residential, except residential uses are permitted at a net residential density of over 30 and up to and including 80 dwelling units per hectare; about 1.1 of a hectare lies within this designation with 47 -units proposed; thus, the residential density is calculated at 42 units per net hectare; the residential density lies within the allowable range for this designation; 132 Information Report No. 16-01 ATTACHMENT # 7 TO REPORT # PD ;;¡ 'f ~ () J- Page 3 if the Low Density lands are redesignated to Medium Density, about 1.5 of a hectare would lie within the designation, with 75 units proposed; the residential density would be calculated at 38 units per net hectare; this residential density would lie within the allowable range for medium density; - if all lands are included, this application proposes residential uses at an overall residential density of 53 dwelling units per net hectare; Map 16 of the Pickering Official Plan identifies the subject lands as lying within the Woodlands Neighbourhood; further, Map 16 identifies the subject lands as lying within a Detailed Review Area; section 11.2 of the Official Plan indicates that Council may adopt development guidelines for any part of a Detailed Review Area; Council shall endeavour to complete a detailed review prior to approving major development within the area; Council has adopted the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, which affect the subject lands; once Council has adopted development guidelines, development shall comply with them; section 11.8 (a) of the Official Plan indicates that Council shall, in established residential areas along Sheppard Avenue, encourage and where possible, require new development to be compatible with the character of existing development; further, the policies restrict the maximum overall net site density for residential development in the lands governed by the. Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines to 35 units per net hectare; the current residential density within the area covered by the Northeast Quadrant Guidelines is approximately 8.5 units per hectare; with the proposed development, the net density over the entire Northeast Quadrant would be approximately 21.5 units per hectare; - the Woodlands Neighbourhood Map also shows a Proposed Road Connection between Kingston Road and Whites Road; Delta Boulevard is the start of this road; its continuation west would run along the south portion of the subj ect lands; a proposed Neighbourhood Park is identified generally in the interior of the Northeast Quadrant; section 10.5 of the Pickering Official Plan identifies that Council shall promote the retention of watercourses and stream corridors in an open and natural state and require, where appropriate, the recommendations of an Environmental Report to be implemented; however, section 10.6 of the Pickering Plan states that Council shall consider alterations or enclosures of limited portions of watercourses within existing urbanized areas if supported by an approved subwatershed plan or environmental master servicing plan; in addition, section 10.19 of the Official Plan states that Council may permit alterations to watercourses or stream corridors, including the placement of fill, only following the appropriate approvals of the relevant conservation authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources, if necessary; further, Schedule III - Resource Management of the Official Plan designates the valley of the creek tributary as Shoreline and Stream Corridors; among other matters, this designation may permit new development in accordance with the land use designation on Schedule I, (which as noted above is Medium and Low Residential), subject to the recommendations of an Environmental Report; - sections 15.9, 15.11 and Appendix II indicate that Council shall for major development, and may for minor development, require the submission of an Environmental Report, as part of the consideration of an application on lands designated Shoreline and Stream Corridor; Schedule II - Transportation Network designates Whites Road as a Type A Arterial, and a Transit Spine; Type A Arterials are designed to carry large volumes of traffic at moderate and high speeds, within the municipality; they have access restrictions, and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 36 to 50 metres; ATTACHMENT # 7 TO REPORT # PO ;;¡ I..f -D d... Page 4 133 Information Report No. 16-01 .- 3.4 -. 3.3 - 4.0 4.1 Schedule II also designates Sheppard Avenue as a Type C Arterial; Type C Arterials are designed to carry lower volumes of traffic, provide access to properties, and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 26 to 30 metres; however, section 11.8 (e) of the Pickering Plan indicates that Council shall accommodate future improvements to Sheppard Avenue within the existing 20 metre road allowance, except at intersections where additional road allowance width may be needed; Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan as noted above, the subject lands fall within the detailed review area that is subject to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; the Northeast Quadrant is the block of land bounded generally on the south by Kingston Road, on the west by Whites Road, on the north by Sheppard Avenue, and on the east by the main branch of the Amberlea Creek (east of the Dunbarton School site); the small tributary of Amberlea Creek that passes through the eastern part of the subject lands, continues southwards to Kingston Road, and then under Kingston Road and through the Pickering Holdings property (located east of Boyer Pontiac); Council has adopted the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, for these lands; in addition, two parcels on the west side of Whites Road, south of Dunfair Street, are also governed by the same Guidelines; the Northeast Quadrant Guidelines contemplate a high intensity mixed-use development, with substantial underground parking; the vision is centred around an internal residential area fronting on a public 'ring' road with an interior linear park; in addition, commercial and office uses, with office and office-support uses, are permitted along the Kingston Road and Whites Road frontages respectively; for the subject lands, the Northeast Quadrant Guidelines identify: . the intent to ensure that new residential development close to the existing residences has little visual impact from Sheppard Avenue; . the new residential zone provide a buffer and transition between the existing residential community on Sheppard Avenue and the commercial component of new development; and . residential uses in buildings with building heights not to exceed 14 metres were anticipated on the southern part ofthe subject lands; more specifically for the subject lands, the concept plan from the Guidelines shows: . a 2,660 square metre, 2-storey office 1 office-support building on Whites Road; . 33 residential dwellings in the form of 4-storey structures, adjacent to the new internal public road; and . detached dwellings on Sheppard Avenue; an amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines is required; Zonin2 By-law 3036 , the subject lands are currently zoned R3 - One Family Detached-Third Density Zone; the R3 zone permits detached dwellings on lots with minimum street frontages of 18 metres and minimum lot areas of 550 square metres. an amendment to Zoning By-law 3036 is required. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION (see Attachments #4 - #6) Resident Comments Vivian VandenHazel - is opposed to the proposed density increase along the Sheppard Avenue frontage as all other homes fronting on Sheppard are detached homes; she also does not support enclosure of the watercourse as it would be environmentally unfriendly to plants and animals; she would prefer the watercourse to be cleaned up and used as a park (see Attachment #4); , 1:f4 Information Report No. 16-01 ATTACHMENT # 7 TO REPORT I PO ;;) if - D ). Page 5 . Sylvia Spencer (verbal comments) - is concerned with the grades at the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue; would prefer to see no more than 8 houses along the Sheppard Avenue frontage; questions whether home businesses are permitted, and if so, states that adequate parking should be provided; is concerned with the steep. grades along Sheppard Avenue and suggests the access be moved further to the east; - 4.2 Aeencv Comments Durham District School Board - has no objections to the proposal (see Attachment #5); Veridian Connections - advises that the applicant must meet numerous requirements and specifications respecting electrical servicing of this property and pay certain deposits and fees (see Attachment #6); 4.3 Staff Comments 4.3.1 Residential Uses - the proposal to change the use of these lands from a mix of office and residential as originally envisioned by the Northeast Quadrant Guidelines, to only residential, must be reviewed; to-date, there has been little success in achieving the internal residential area as originally envisaged; thus, refocusing of the residential to Sheppard Avenue may be an appropriate alternative to explore; the proposed housing form, layout, design, and intensity of development must be reviewed in light of urban design objectives, traffic and access considerations, environmental considerations, and the community context; specifically, the appropriateness of changing the designation of the lands fronting on Sheppard Avenue from Low to Medium Density residential must be evaluated; the appropriate performance standards, restrictions, and provisio~s for the residential uses must be established; 4.3.2 Amberlea Creek and Stormwater Management the appropriateness of piping the tributary of Amberlea Creek must be reviewed; it is noted that the tributary is piped all upstream of Sheppard Avenue, and portions of the tributary are piped downstream under Highway 401, and the CN Rail; some downstream reaches of the Creek are experiencing stream and valley erosion; the location of the remnant reaches of the open channel on the subject lands, and on the lands to the south, frustrates the land use and urban design objectives contemplated for these lands; accordingly, there appears to be some merit in considering piping of these remnant pieces ofthe watercourse; however, an appropriate Environmental Report is required to support the request; the report must examine the impacts to the tributary both upstream and downstream, and justify the benefit of piping the creek; from an environmental perspective, it is anticipated that any justification would be required to demonstrate how the implementation plan would result in a net benefit to the watershed; to-date, no report has been submitted by the applicant; - ultimately, any application to pipe the creek would be required to receive appropriate approvals and permits, for fill and alteration to a watercourse, from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and the Federal Department of Fisheries, and possibly the Ministry of Natural Resources where required; however, there is also an interest by the owners of lands located to the south of the subject lands, between the subject lands and Kingston Road, and those south of Kingston Road, to pipe the tributary of Amberlea Creek through their lands; accordingly, there is an opportunity for all landowners to undertake a single study; the City is one of these landowners; Information Report No, 16-01 ATTACHMENT # '7. TO REPORT I PO :;? 'f . 0 ;;. Page i 35 - in addition, the City is currently undertaking a review of the downstream reach of Amberlea Creek which is experiencing the erosion problems; work associated with this mitigation / restoration project appears to duplicate much of the effort required for the piping justification; a collaborative effort between the City and the other affected landowners would appear to be the most strategic approach to completing the required report; further discussion is required on how an appropriate Environmental Report is best completed; opportunities for collaboration are currently being explored through a proposed review of the Northeast Quadrant lands in conjunction with lands south of Kingston Road (see section 4.3.4 below); regardless of whether the tributary is ultimately piped, stormwater management must be addressed for these lands; storm sewers installed under Delta Boulevard have been sized to accommodate flows from the Marion Hill lands; however, it is not clear whether piping of the creek would change any of the earlier assumptions for stormwater management; 4.3.3 Review of the "Northeast Quadrant" Lands in addition to this application, the City has received other development applications for lands within the Northeast Quadrant, requesting revisions to the Guidelines; these changes relate to the arrangement of uses, design matters, provision of the park, provision of the internal ring road, and access to the external road network; in addition, the City is aware of other development interest for lands in the Quadrant; furthermore, the owners of land, through which the tributary of Amberlea Creek flows, are interested in piping the creek; - although the City has had some successes in implementing the vision set out in the Northeast Quadrant Guidelines, there are some on-going challenges; these challenges include the interest in primarily commercial development adjacent to Kingston Road, the cost of and lack of interest in underground parking, the difficulty in implementing the internal public road, and the location ofthe tributary through the block; in an effort to be more proactive in working with development interests, the City is considering a review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; although the process, tasks and funding are still under discussion, preliminary work done to date suggests that the review would look at: . revisions to the arrangement of land uses, while maintaining key urban design objectives and having regard to the community context; . the internal access network through the block, and external access to and from the surrounding streets; and . the potential for piping the Amberlea Creek tributary. based on a preliminary study design, it is anticipated that staff would work closely with landowners on finding common ground between their interests and the City's; but, it is suggested at this time that a new approach, using a consultant who is a facilitator with urban design expertise, or an urban designer with expertise in facilitation, may best accomplish this task in a timely manner; - additional consulting help would also be required in two technical areas not currently available on staff; consultants would be required to complete a trafficlaccess analysis, and the environmental lengineering report for the piping of the tributary; the consultants' work would provide input into, and support, any revisions to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; based on a preliminary study design, it is also anticipated that staff would work closely with the community to understand issues and concerns so that neighbourhood development continues to achieve an appropriate fit; 136 Infonnation Report No. 16-01 ATTACHMENT # .7 TO REPORT # PO ::;; 'f -ò;2 Page 7 the representative for the Marion Hill lands has indicated at a preliminary level that his client is interested in participating in the review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, including the related environmental and trafficlaccess studies; . - should a review of Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines proceed, recommendations on the official plan and zoning by-law amendment applications amendment applications would await the outcome of that process; 4.3.4 Urban Design - discussions have been held between the applicant and Planning & Development staff about the nature of development that may be appropriate on the south-east comer of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue; while staff recognize that there may be merit in the removal of the office commercial uses from the land fronting onto Whites Road, enclosure of the watercourse, surface parking, and provision of traffic access to the subject lands without connection to Delta Boulevard, no commitments were given; a number of design elements of development of the subject lands will require careful consideration; issues fgr review will include; . the proposed stacked and street townhouse forms; . the proposed height for the proposed townhouses fronting onto Sheppard Avenue and Whites Road; . the grade differences between Whites Road and the north-west corner ofthe site; . the proposed intensity of development; . the adequacy, arrangement and number of parking areas for the proposed development; . pedestrian access to, and through, the subject lands; . the location and design of the proposed linear amenity space opposite Delta Boulevard; and . the locations of traffic access points and turning movements between the subject lands and Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue; 4.3.5 Other Matters following approval of any official plan and zoning amendment, site plan approval and a draft plan of condominium application will be required. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 5.1 Official eJan Amendment Approval Authority the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and 1 or Provincial interest; at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional Approval; 5.2 General - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, or passing of any zoning by-law amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; ATTACHMENT #~ 7 . TO REPORì # PO d t.¡ ~ D 'J. Information Report No. 16-01 Page 8 6.0 - 6.1 6.2 6.3 SG/jf la7 if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department. OTHERINFO~ATION Appendix I copy of the proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment; Appendix II those whose comments on the proposal were received at time of writing are listed; Company Principal Mr. Ian Matthews is the President of Marion Hill Development Corporation; Mr. Vincent Santamaura of Cassidy and Co. is representing Marion Hill. .~ ORIGINAL SIGNED BY~ ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner 2 Catherine 1. Rose Manager, Policy -. Copy: Director, Planning & Development - 1 :18 ATTACHMENT' 7 TO REPORT # PO ..:;) '1- (j 2. APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 16-01 - PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN -- - - ATTACHMENT (I Î TO REPORT # PD :J 'I - 0 L 1 ~~9 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: - LOCATION: PROPOSED AMEND MENT: IMPLEMENT A TION: INTERPRETATION: - sxg/dobbiniOpa The purpose of this amendment is to permit an increase in the net residential density permitted on a portion of the subject lands to a maximum of 80 units per hectare. The Plan currently establishes a residential density maximum of 30 units per hectare for lands designated "Urban Residential Area - Low Density Area". The subject lands are approximately 0.3 of a hectare in size, and located on the south side of Sheppard Avenue, east of Whites Road. All of the lands fall within Part Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Replace the "Urban Residential Area - Low Density Area" with an "Urban Residential Area - Medium Density Area" designation on Schedule I - the Land Use Structure map of the Pickering Official Plan, as shown on Schedule 'A' attached hereto. The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 140 - - - ATTACHMENT (I Î TO REPORT # PO ~ '1- () 2- APPENDIX II TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 16-01 CO MMENTIN G RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS 1) 2) Vivian VandenHazel, 1757 Fairport Road, Pickering, ON Ll VITI Sylvia Spencer, 771 Sheppard Avenue, Pickering, ON 11 V 1 G4 COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) (2) The Durham District School Board Veridian Connections COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development - - 4. - 5. 6. 141 Excerpts of Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes of Thursday, May 17, 2001 ;-,:-ì~,cr-¡LDn tt__?___iL ;C\)r1T 1, PO ,;; 7' -ò?. STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, May 17, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The Manager, Policy Division, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration thereat. (III) PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT OP A Ol-OO2P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 04/01 MARION HILL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PART OF LOT 28, RANGE 3,. B.F.C. . (NOW PART 1, PLAN 40R-14431 & PART 1, PLAN 40R-2767) (SOUTH-EAST CO~R OF WHI~OAD AND SHEPPARD AVENUE) 1. Steve Gaunt, Planner IT, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report # 16-0 1. 2. Ian Santamaura, representing the applicant, advised that they have been working with staff for approximately two years on development for this area. An appropriate type of building form for this site could make the transition between Kingston Road and residential to the north. Four storey stacked townhouses are proposed along Whites Road and three storey units in three separate blocks with walkways are proposed along Sheppard Ave. The site includes an internal park, 219 parking spaces and a walkway ftom Sheppard Ave. to Delta Blvd. 3. Irene McNamara, 752 Sheppard Ave., stated her concerns with respect to increased traffic along Sheppard Ave., style of homes, impact on busing and impact on existing residents. She questioned whether or not Sheppard Ave. is to be widened, how this development will impact the prices of the area homes and what school will these children be bused to when all schools in the area are overcrowded. A resident at 738 Sheppard Ave., advised of his opposition to this development and stated his concern with respect to schools, parking and traffic. Gregory Flavell, 734 Sheppard Ave., stated his concern with overcrowding of schools, small children's attraction to the neighbouring train tracks and looking into another community. He questioned why the density is being doubled in the area. Bill Sornberger, 750 Sheppard Ave., commented on his concern that traffic from this development will exit onto Sheppard Ave. which will create incredible traffic increase. He further stated his concern with overcrowding of schools and the negative impact on the present community. 14.. í) .(.., - -. - 7. 8. 9. 11. --2-- ATTACHMENT' <6 TO REPORT' PO ;) 'f -0 2- Sylvia Spencer, 771 Sheppard Ave., advised that she will be forwarding her comments to the City in writing. She questioned what percentage of this development is government required. John McNamara, 752 Sheppard Ave., questioned Councillor Ryan on the actions he will be taking to stop this application. Paul White, 507 Cliffview Road, advised of the difficulty in understanding all the corrections previously advised by staff. He requested that conceptual drawings be provided and that a complete Environmental Assessment be undertaken. He stated his concerns with respect to traffic increase, overcrowding of schools and the increase in density. 10. John Flavell, 734 Sheppard Ave., stated his surprise that the proposed road will be going to Sheppard Ave. rather than Kingston Road. He advised of his interest in speaking with the applicant. . Ian Santamaura, representing the applicant, advised that the OP Amendment deals with only .4 hectare of property, everything else falls under OP requirements. The proposal is for four storey buildings on Whites Road and three storeys on Sheppard Ave. Traffic will have to be reviewed and access onto Whites Road will be looked at in detail. No government housing is required and the quality and architecture of this development will be mirrored to the area. L TO ATTACHMErH #_.- . ...., ,"} ¡J - 0 .t.- ~,,:Y\JRI # PD~L-.--,---_._. 1.43 - RECEIVED MAY 2 4 2001 734 KINGSTON ROAD LIMITED CITY OF PICKERING PLANNINü ð. ut:vt:LOPMENT DEPARTMENT May 19, 2001 RECEIVED MAY 2 4 2001 Catherine L. Rose, Policy Manager Planning and Development Department City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, ON Ll V 6K7 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Dear Catherine Rose: Re: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Marion Hill Development Corp. Part Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. (Now Part 1, Plan 40R-14431 & Part 1, Plan 40R-2767) (South-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard A venue) City of Pickering To confmn our verbal comments at the public meeting on May 17th, 2001, involving the subject applications, we wish to express that various development and design issues must be resolved, prior to the consideration of the approval of the proposed applications. The subject proposal must address two key issues, involving 734 Kingston Road Limited, as follows: Cost Sharing 'Obligations .-. The cost sharing obligations of the applicant in respect to the oversizing of services and the construction of Delta Blvd, must the resolved. As per previous coITespondence involving this matter, the City of Pickering acknowledged that these costs will be addressed during future planning applications. Cost calculations hap been undertaken by Dul111uid Horgan, Candevcon Engineering Limited. We are currently reviewing these costs and will be providing this infonnatÍon in the near future. in order to conclude this matter. 650 Lakeridge Road, ,Ajax, Tel: (416)-410-0778 Ontario, L!8 487 Fax: (416)-410-0778 144 ATTACHMENT' 9 TO REPORT I PO d if -D 2- _. 2 Design Impacts - Street 'B' In accordance to the development agreement executed between the City of Pickering and 734 Kingston Road Limited, the lands transfecred to the City for street 'B' are to be returned to 734 Kingston Road Limited, if street 'B' is not constructed. Based on this proposal, Street 'B' is eliminated. As a result, discussions need to occur regarding the design of the subject proposal to ensure the long tenn planning of the "street B lands". It is suggested that the design be altered to accommodate further residential units, thereby creating the most efficient and practical use of these lands. To address these comments, it is encouraged that meetings be held, in the immediate future, with the applicant, City of Pickering staff and 734 Kingston Road Limited. - Yours truly, , '3 . gs\: Road Limited p~lnet cc. Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP, Planner 2/ - ATTACHMENTIJ _TO REPORT i PC ;;¿ t..f - c 2.- 145 - .., 734 KINGSTON ROAD LIMITED HAND DELIVERED March 21, 2002 fi)~.'. ¡r;:"'." ¿~ ~."."'-..',' f.\ ~"i ~¡:;:, L", ~,';;~. II City of Pickering Planning and Development Department One the Esplanade Pickering, ON LIV 6K7 ¡lfiÚ,C¡' ') n 'i('1'1,? .'1.. ,r <. ',.I 1.. ..t, £, CITY OF F'íCì-(EF{fl\JG PUI,NNINC, B. LiE\lE'LOPMEj'-n DEPf\RTfvlF: 'n -- Attn: Catherine L. Rose, Policy Manager Dear Sirs: Re: Northeast Quadrant Study Area 734 Kingston Road - Recovery of Costs As per our previous discussions we believe that other sulTounding land owners in the Northeast Quadrant Study Area should be contributing towards the costs of the road and services that we had installed, as a result of the City's insistence, through our property. Provision of this road was a significant cost to us in both dollars and .in forgone'revenue as a result of reduced land. Attached is a detailed schedule indicating total cost incUITed and a reasonable apportionment of these costs in order to detennine the amount to be recovered. 73 - cc. Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP, Planner 2 650 Lakeridge Road, Ajax, Tel: (416)-41O-n771l Onta,rio, LiS 4S7 rJ'__u ;'-IT,,"' A-.n n,.,._n 146 .'It''''''.'~''''- CI' ¡;. ¡ "'\"111\'::.:1, ¡ # - ,-.- TO H£FORT # PO ;) 'f - Ò L - 734 KINGSTON ROAD LIMITED HAND DELIVERED March 21, 2002 RECEIVED City of Pickering Planning and Development Department One the Esplanade Pickering, ON LIV 6K7 MAR 2 0 2002 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attn: Catherine L. Rose, Policy Manager -- Dear Sirs: Re: Parts 25 and 30, Plan 40R-18371, Development Agreement Dated February 15, 1999 between 734 Kingston Road Limited and the City of Pickering It is our understanding that the adjoining lands to the north of our property have submitted a plan for development and that said plan does not use Parts 25 and 30 for a road. Parts 25 and 30 were conveyed to the City by us pursuant to the above referenced Development Agreement in order to comply with the Northeast Quadrant Study. As it is apparent that road contemplated by the Study is no longer required we are requesting that the City reconvey these lands to us at your earliest convenience. If you require any additional information please contact the undersigned. - cc. Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP, Planner 2 650 Lakeridge Road, Ajax, Ontario, LIS 4S7 Tel: (416)-410-0778 Fax: (416)-410-0778 - - - ATTACHMENT # C¡. TO REPORT # PO d if -() 2- 14'1 ~.. ¡...., 734 KINGSTON ROAD LIMITED- August 2, 200 I I REëêTvei)'l : AUG 2 2001 I 'L;ITV OF PICKERING I' . I'I.ANNINGANr: . DEV~2.::.P~~fJ.ì~~~~:..... Neil Carrol City of Pickering Planning & Development Dept. One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LlV 6K7 I I '\¡. Dear Sir: Re: 734 Kingston Road - Itemized Costs to Construct Delta Blvd.(inc1uding oversizing). As requested by Cathering Rose the foHowing are the itemized costs for the construction of Delta Boulevard which include oversizino-andservicino- extensions-to accommodate the lands to the I:> I:> north. . Hydro $148,000 Road 326,000 Traffic Lights 56,000 Consultants 40,000 Overruns 45,000 Land 325.000 $940,000 . We are available to attend a meeting with all parties involved to discuss cost sharing in more detail. Yours truly, 734 KINGSTON ROAD LIMITED ~ Per: Larry Macdonell Project Manager óSO Lake,tdge ¡foad" Ajax" Ontario" LiS 4S7 TeL: (4/6)-4/0-0778 Fax: (4/6)-4JO-0778 , 148 ATTACHMENT #.. /1 TO REPORT # PO ?- I.f - 02. - .. 734 Kingston Road Limited Road Costs to be Recovered Applicable Our To Be Total to Road Share Recovered Land 650,000 650,000 325,000 325,000 Planning 4,462 1,116 558 558 Surveying 9,787 2,447 1,223 1,223 Servicing Engineer 33,225 33,225 16,613 16,613 -- Engineering Admin 19,157 19,157 9,579 9,579 Municipal Engineering 6,951 6,951 3,476 3,476 Soli engineering 5,514 5,514 2,757 2,757 Hydro 125,732 125,732 80,000 45,732 Clearing 80,875 20,219 10,109 10,109 Tree removal 6,170 1,543 771 771 Road Contract Storm Sewers 139,615 139,615 22,400 117,215 Sanitary & Water 67,014 67,014 35,000 32,014 Roads & Curbs 124,657 124,657 62;000 62,657 Sidewalks 40,684 40,684 5,900 34,784 Other 4,293 4,293 2,200 2,093 Traffic Lights 56,818 56,818 28,409 28,409 Kingston Road Median 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 - 1,384.954 1,308,984 610,994 697,989 ATTACHMENT # / Ú TO REPORT if PO ;;¡ If - 0 2- 149 - ¡,,1A"( 1 t: " EI1 0:::: : :3::::AI"l CNRF' T OF.:CII'H 0 F'.1/1 CN 8th Floor 277 Front Street West Toronto, Ontario MSV 2X7 VIA FAX: 905~420-9685 17 May 2001 Mr. Steve Gaunt, Planner 2 Planning and Development Department City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 Your File: OrA 01 ~002/P A 04/01 Our File: TZ-4500-P-02 Dear Mr. Gaunt: Re: Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Pëlirt Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Foot Concession, City of Pickering Southeast corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue -- We have reviewed your letter dated 26 April 2001, regarding the above noted application and have the following comments: 1. The Owner is required to insert the 'following warning c1ause in all development agreements! offers to purchase! agreements of Purchase and Sale or Lease and include in a Noise Impact Statement: "Warning: Canadian National Railway Company or its assigns or successors in interest has or have a right-oF-way within 300 metres from the land the subject hereof. There may be alterations to or expansions of the rail facilities on such right-oF-way in the future including the possibility that the railway or its assigns or successors as aforesaid may expand its operations, which expansion may affect the living environment of the residents in the vicinity, notwithstanding the inclusion of any noise and vibration attenuating measures in the design of the development and individual dwelling(s). CNR will not be responsible for any complaints or claims arising from use of such facilities and/or operations on, over or under the aforesaid right-of-way." 2. The Owner is required to engage a consultant to undertake an analysis of noise and provide abatement measures necess8ty to achieve the maximum level limits set by the Ministry of Environment and Canadian National. - We would appreciate the opportunity to comment on any proposed modification prior to its adoption, and ultimately, we request notice of the Amendment being approved. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (416) 217-6961. Yours truly, -,~ ~5 Development Review Coordinator RECEIVED MAY 1 8 2001 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 150 ATTACHMENT #, II TO REPORT # PO ,;( 'f -0 ')... - c;;c, onservatTon TORONTO AND REGION , ~"'\ r-'-.. ,-" "".. -,r'I¡",',",'i'-;)"-",'ï¡'r",','.. , . ¡'I; ';', ¡ I . I' ",:, I, !1 ,:" - ECE','E,D 1':"'1"::,',',,',',',',:,,','..,",'.'.' l"I,! 1,/ R - II " . "", )" ", ,""'" :' "1")'[ ,...., :,.. JUN 7. 0 'l001 j. ,Î~'U:.? [) ¡ ~;;E:BE/ì'~)\~~~:~ ~ 'r'~¡\Eh~Nr;, ~5Nf A~I\(J May 29,2001 Ms. Celeste Terry Planning Department The Regional Municipality of Durham 1615 Dundas Street East 4th Floor Lang Tower, '!Vest Building P.O. Box 623 Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 -, DearMs. Terry: ' , Re: Zoning By-laY{ Amendment Application A04/01 and Application to Amend the City of Pickering Official Plan OPA01-002/P Part of Lot 28, B F C Range 3 ' " South-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue City of PI~kerlng,' , " ' (Mariòn Hill Development Corporátion) -- , ' , , , , We acknowledge receipt of the above-noted applications and offer the following comments.' , , , ' , , ' , , , It is our understanding that the purpöseófthis application is to permit an increase in the maximum net residential density permitted on the subject lands, with the future intent of constructing 97 stacked and street townhouse dwellings.' " A review of the subject pr~perty re"eal~ thåt a portion of the subject property falls within TRGA , draft fill 'extension lines, and that a tributary of Amberose Creek that flows into Frenchman's Bay traverses the property., Therefore the property is subject to Ontario Regulation 158; the Fill, ' Construction and Alteration to Wáterways Regulátionand the Toremto and Region Conservation Authority Valley and Stream Corridor'Management Program (VSCMP). " " The VSCMP sets oùt development guidelines for properties affected by valley and stream, corridors. Its goal is to prevent development that could caUse an .increase in risk to life and, property through flooding, erosion and slope instability. The limits 01 development are determinedto bè a minimum of 10 metres inland fromthe stable top of bank and/or a minimum of 10 metres inland from the Regional Storm Floodplain, whichever is greater. Note that the limits of the floodplain andvalley corridor have not been defined inthe field for this property, and may be required. " ,,' " ",' - Once the valley corridor/flòodplain boundary is defined, we will require that these lands be formally recognized and protected. The valley corridor lands (including the 10 metre buffer) should be zoned to prohibit development and/or any alterations. They should be placed/remain in an "OpenSpace -Hazard Land" zoning, or equivalent which has the affect of prohibiting structural encroachments, the placement of till, or the removal of vegetation, except for the purposes of flood or erosion control, or resource management. The VSCMP policies also identify valley corridors (including the 10 metre buffer) as lands suitable to be placed in public ownership in order to minimize the associated hazards and ensure the long term protection of the natural feature. As an element of this application, we would like to highlight the opportunity to transfer the valley portion of the subject lands to public ownership to the landowner. ~=>~~ ~e~ivers e Biadi~~rsity and ~enspace e Education far Sustainab!e,Liv~ng_.)2~=- >< 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca,on.ca i~\ ATIACHMENT # 1/ TO REPORT # PO .2 if - Ò 2 151 - Ms. Celeste Terry -2- May29, 2001 In addition note that as the property is regulated under Ontario Regulation 158, a permit is required from the Authority prior to any of the following works taking place: a) construct any building or structure or permit any building or structure to be constructed in a pond or swamp or in any area susceptible to flooding during a regional storm; b) place or dump fill or permit fill to be placed or dumped in the areas described in the schedules whethersuch fill is already located in or upon such area, or brought to or on such area from some other place or places; , c) straighten, change, divert or interfere in any way with the existing channel of a'river, creek, stream or watercourse. - In addition, if development were to take place, staff are concerned that, unless proper stormwater management techniques and erosion and sedimentation control measures are employed on site both during and after construction, negative impacts to downstream areas , could result. Stormwater leaving the site will require 'treatment', both before and after ' development. 'Treatment' refers to providing some form (or forms) of water quantity attenuation . , and quality abatement usually accomplished by allowing stormwater run-off to infiltrate into the. ground or through temporary stormwater detention or retention ,that would allow SOme settling of suspended solids and associated cpntaminants, prior to release. ' In light of the above, we do not support this application at this time~ We require that the limits of the natural feature be defined and appropriately zoned and protected before we could' support this application. ' " , . If you have any questions, please contact Patti Young at extension 5324 or the undersigned. Yours truly, eL--JL ~ussel Whjtß. ". Plans Analyst Development Services Section Ext. 5306 - PY If a cc: Steve Gaunt, City of Pickering 152 ATTACHMENT #- ¡LTO REPORT it PO ;:} t.¡ - 0 ~ '" - ~~~~~:ZA~~A::~~D FL. ,-"~-~~~,~,,~". }r,~_¡,.~:E:A"'" ~:~:~~:~~~~~~~; SCARBOROUGH ON MlP SAl June 1, 2001 , . ~,..~"-~-~ ~-';;;:::::L , REC'Ë::IVe'D' JUN .. 5 '2~~' Steve Gaunt Planning & Development City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering On LIV 6K7 CITY ö.F ,PICKERING .PJ;.A/:ININGAND '-'. DEVE~ÇfMr;:NT DEPARTMENT.." R f2 (fù rc: il ~\ fí/ r:::i ,...~.., U;;; (1Q ~ ¡! j r- ì .".'¡ 'i. . j 1.~ /f ! \oWN - 4 2001 IJIJ CITY OF P1Cf(EHING PICKERING, ONTARIO RE: PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT OPA 01-002P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 04/01 MARION HaL DEVELOPMENT CORP. PART LOT 28, RANGE 3, B.RC. (now PART 1, PLAN 40R-14431 & PART 1, PLAN 40R-2767) (SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF WHITES RD AND SHEPPARD AVE) CITY OF PICKERING -- Dear Mr. Gaunt, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above noted application. Please note our new conditions below. As a condition of draft approval, Canada Post requires that the ownerldeveloper comply with the following conditions: - The owner/developer agrees to include on all offers of purchase and sale, a statement which advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be ftom a designated Community Mailbox. - The owner/developer will be responsible for notifying the purchaser of the exact Community Mailbox locations prior to the closing of any home sale. - - The owner/developer will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine suitable locations for the placement of Community Mailbox and to indicate these locations on the appropriate servicing plans. AT1ACHMEN1 #_.LJ TO REPORT # PO ~ c.¡ - () 2- 153 - -2- The owner/developer will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site and include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: - An appropriately sized sidewalk section (concrete pad) as per municipal standards, to place the Community Mailboxes on. - Any required walkway across the boulevard, as per municipal standards. - Any required curb depressions for wheelchair access. - The ownerldeveloper further agrees to determine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location(s), which may be utilized by Canada Post until the curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed at the permanent Community Mailbox locations. This will enable Canada Post to provide mail delivery to new residence as soon as the homes are occupied. I trust that this information is sufficient, however, should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me the above number or mailing address. Sincerely, l:(}j ~ _° ~ crv-/ Debbie Greenwood Delivery Planner a:utildraw.sam - 154 ATTACHMENT # / 3 TO REPORT I PO ;;¿ If - 0 2.. -- silíí-"" Right of Way. Fl 5 - 100 Borough Drive Scarborough, Ontario M1P 4W2 Tel: 416 296-6291 Fax: 416 296-0520 ReCEIVED JUN 1 5 2001 CITy 0- ¡- f'/CK OE:VE~tp.I.AMNNING AN ËoRING ËNr "'"' '#c:ÞARTMENT June 12, 2001 City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 t - ATTENTION: Steve Gaunt RE: Official Plan Amendment File No: OPA 01-002/P South-east corner of whites Road Part Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. Marion Hill Development Town of Pickering and Sheppard Avenue Thank you for your letter of April 26, 2001 concerning the above official plan. Please be advised: 1 - Bell Canada shall confirm that satisfactory arrangements, financial and otherwise, have been made with Bell Canada for any Bell Canada facilities which are required by the Municipality to be installed underground; a copy of such confirmation shall be forwarded to the Municipality. - 2 - The Owner shall be requested to enter into an agreement (Letter of understanding) with Bell Canada complying with any l¡ndergIotinâ se.l.vicing -conditions imposed by the municipality and if no such conditions àre imposed, the owner shall advise the municipality of the arrangement made for such servicing. If there are any conflicts with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements, the Owner/Developer shall be responsible for re- arrangèments or relocation. If you have any questions, please contact: 905-433-3066. Heather Rivet at Yours truly, . ~~~ Manager - Right of Way ATTACHMENT I ¡- 6f TO REPORT I PO ;2 I.¡ - 0 rL 1ft:!""'" J ;}1~) - April 29, 2002 ..----. ", REC'EIV'ED' MAY 0 2 2002 The ~egional Mu!"icipality . of Durham . Mr. Steve Gaunt Planner' . . . City of Pickering '. Planning and Development Department Pickering Civic Complex. One The Esplanade Pickering pN L 1 V6K7 , CITY OF PIC!<ERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT , ~~.~- , Planning' . Department Re: Dear Mr. Gaunt: Region's Review of an Application to ' . Amend the City of Pickering pfficial Plan' File No. OPA 01-002ip; and, Rezoning Application A-04/01 , Applicant: Mario'n Hill Development Corporation , Location: Part Lot 28; Range 3; ,S.F.C. ' ' , " South-east corner of Whites Rqad and Sheppard Avenue 'Municipality: City of Pickering.' , ' " .. 1615 DUNDAS ST, E. 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER , WEST BUILDING p,o, BOX 623 ..-I/VHITBY, ON L 1 N 6A3 305) 728-7731 FAX: (90S) 436-6612 www,regioh.durham,on,ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP , , Commissioner of Planning , . Thi's application has been reviewed by the Region and the following comments are offered with respect to compliance with the Regional Official Plan, delegated. provinqial plan review responsibilities and the proposed metho.d of servicing. ' ' The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment application is to amend the City of . Pickering Official Plan by re-desighating a portion of the subject lands from, "Urban , Residential Area ~ low Density'Area" to "Urban Resìdential Area-c Medium Density Area": , The applicant also seeks to amend the City òf Pickering ZQning By-law by . rezoning 'the subject lands from "R3 .;One Family Detached Third Density Zone" to . a specific designation., These amendments would facilitate the development òf97 stac,ked townhouse and street townhouse dwellings.' , ' , , , , , , 'The subjectsite is'designated "Living Area" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. , One of the goals of the Living Ar!3a is to establish suitable areas for the provision of a fulf range of housing which will be developed in a cost-effective and efficient ',manner; Living Areas shall be used predominantly for housing purposes. The 'poliCies of the Durham Plan would support the proposed development. ' ' - , , . The application has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibiiities. Th'e subject hinds have been assessed as having a high archaeological potential due the proximity 01a watercourse (Amberlea Creek).' An archaeological assessment will be required. ' ' The subJecflands are ~Iso adjacent to both Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue. Whites Road is designated as'a Type "A" Ar:terialRoad and Sheppard Averiue is , designated as a Type"C" Arterial Road in the Durham Official Plan. There is potential for noise impacts from yehicular traffic. In addition, the subject lands are also inclose proximity to the Canadian National Railway (within 300 metres). A noise report will , need to be submitted by an acoustical consultant which willsunimarise any noise attenuation'requirements in aQco'rdance with the Ministry of the Environment Noise , . .Guidelines.', , ' "SER VICE EXCELLENCE , for our COMMJJNITY" ' 'œ .100% Post Consumer t5R ATTACHMENT I J if TO REPORT # PO ól i - 0;;2. - The Region understands that it IS the applicant's intention 'to enclose the portion of Amber/ee. Creek that flows through the'eastern portion of the subject lands. The ,limit of the floodplain ~nd valley corridor have not been defined for this property, however, onc~, defined the subject lands should be formally recoQnised and protected. . Sorne downstream reaches of the creek are currently experiencing stream and valley 'erosion. The Provincial Policy Statement requires that' the RegiQn have regard for' Natural, Hazards. Properstormwater :managemi3nt teChniques and erosion and sedimentation control m~asures must be employed in order to avoid any negative impaotsthat could result to downstream areas. In addition, any' proposed development should demonstrate that the ecolQgical functions of the creek will not , be adversely affected. ','-, " , - ' , , The Regional Works Department has indicated that full water supply and sanitary sewer servjci~g is available t6 the subjec~ lands. ' " - , , , - " , ' , ' "Comments'regEudihg transportation issues have also been provided by the Regional, Works Department. The Works Department is supportive of the application; however, the Region will only:permit a single controlled direct access to Whites Road for the proposed çfevelopmentU¡:>on submission of a future site plan; the design of , the access, and method of physical control will be determined through a detailed geometric design exercise. :The finaLdesignmust satisfy the Region's requirements,' , and the applicant will be responsible for all costs assOciated' with the 'qesign and con,struction ofthe improvements require,~' " ' .. , ' , ", This application is considered to have no significant Regional orProvincial concerns. Regional, transportation requirements 'will be addrèssed through the she plan' - process. 'The concerns of the Region as they relate to the stream corridor will be , " addressed through specific policies', in the proþosed amendment. Therefore, in accordance with ,i3y-l~w11-2000, this application is' exernptfrom Region'al appro"aL' ' Once again, it is anticipated ,that the previously mentioned Provincial and Regional, ' 'is~ues will be'addr~ssèd as part ofthe amendment application process.. " " " , - , ' ' Please advise the CommissionerÖf Planning of your Council's decision. If Council 'adopts an Amendment,please forward a record to this Department within 15 days of the date of adoption.:' '" -, ' , The record shÒuld include the fqliowing: - '- - , . 'Two,(2) copies' of the 'adopted amendment; , . - A copy of the adopting. by-law;. and , . A copy of the,staff report and any relevant materials , , , .If you have any questions, pieBse call Uno Trombino at this office. Yours trûly, \'lV~ Kai.Yew,4Jan~ger . , Plan Implementation Current Operations Branch , ' - cc. " Steve Mayhew~ Development Approvals Division - Regional Works Department . Russel White , Deve10pment Services Sect jon- TRCA . .