HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 10-02 '014 Ciú¡ o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll . Director, Planning & Development DATE: January 25,2002 - REPORT NUMBER: PD 10-02 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/01 Request for Council's Authorization to Develop Lands by Land Severance Norvalley Homes Ltd. Part of Lot 5, Plan 282 Rear Portion of 1827 Pine Grove Avenue (Rockwood Drive, north of Pro hill Street) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/01, submitted by Norvalley Homes Ltd., on lands being Part of Lot 5, Plan 282 (known as the rear portion of 1827 Pine Grove Avenue, fronting the future extension of Rockwood Drive), to amend the zoning provisions of the R4 - Residential Detached Dwelling - Fourth Density zone to pennit minimum side yard widths of 1.2 metres, maximum building height of 9.0 metres, minimum front yard depth (to the vehicular entrance) of 6.0 metres and maximum lot coverage of 38 percent, be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix No. I to Planning Report Number PD 10-02; and - 2. That the request made by Norvalley Homes Ltd., to pennit the division of the subject lands, being Part of Lot 5, Plan 282 (known as the rear portion of 1827 Pine Grove Avenue, fronting the future extension of Rockwood Drive), to create five new residential building lots through Land Severance Applications LD 10/02 to LD 13/02, rather than by plan of subdivision, be APPROVED. ORIGIN: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20101 submitted to the City of Pickering. . Land Severance Applications LD 10/02 to 13/02 inclusive, submitted to the Durham Region Land Division Committee and circulated to the City of Pickering for comment, and a written request made by the owner to the City of Pickering requesting that Council authorize the development of the subject lands by land severance rather than by plan of subdivision. AUTHORITY: - The Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter P.B and Section 15.25(b) of the Pickering Official Plan. Report to Council PD 10-02 Date: January 25,2002 0,15 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/01 Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The subject property is located on the west side of the future extension of Rockwood Drive (see Location Map -Attachment #1). The subject lands are currently zoned "R4" which requires a minimum lot frontage of 15 metres and minimum lot area of 460 square metres. The applicant proposes to maintain the minimum lot frontage and lot area requirements and is requesting amendment to the zoning provisions respecting front yard depth, side yard widths, lot coverage and building height. Proposed development will be consistent with the development that is currently occurring in the neighbourhood. The requested yard, height and coverage provisions are identical to the zoning provisions recently approved by City Council in the immediate area through draft plan 18T-98007, (now registered as Plan 40M-2068) immediately south of the subject lands (see Attachment #1). It is recommended that Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application A 20/01 be approved, subject to the conditions in Appendix No. I to Report Number PD 10-02. Associated land severance applications LD 10/02 to LD13/02, proposing the creation of five new residential building lots fronting Rockwood Drive, were tabled by the Land Division Committee at their January 14, 2002 meeting at the request of the Pickering Planning & Development Department. This action was taken to allow the applicant time to obtain permission from City Council to develop the subject lands through the land severance process rather than by plan of subdivision. - The subject property is zoned to permit the lot sizes proposed by the applicant and Rockwood Drive will be built to full urban standards. All requirements of the City can be appropriately addressed as conditions of severance approval and a required development agreement. It is considered appropriate to allow five new lots to be created from the subject property through the land severance process. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Information Meeting A Public Information Meeting was held on January 17, 2002, to discuss the applicant's proposal. Information Report No. 01-02, which summarizes the applicant's proposal and outlines issues identified through circulation of the application was prepared for the meeting. The text of the Information Report is provided for reference (see Attachment #3). At the Public Information Meeting, Planning Staff gave an explanation ofthe application. - Jim Morrison, representing the WoodviewlPinegrove Resident Association indicated that consideration of the application should be delayed until a proper assessment of the area traffic and traffic-calming measures on Woodview Avenue were addressed. Minutes of the meeting are included as Attachment # 4. 016 Report to Council PD 10-02 Date: January 25,2002 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/01 Page 3 2.0 Additional Information Since the preparation of Information Report No. 01-02, the following comments have been received: - The City's Municipal Property & Engineering Division advise they have no comment or concerns respecting the proposal on the condition that an agreement is entered into to set conditions for the construction of Rockwood Drive (see Attachment #5). Region of Durham Planning Department has advised that Regional servicing requirements will be covered by an appropriate agreement based on conditions of approval to the related land division (see Attachment #6). . 3.0 Discussion 3.1 Zoning By-law Amendment The subject lands are cUlTently zoned "R4" - Detached Dwelling Zone, by Zoning By-law 3036, as amended. This zoning permits detached dwelling units on lots with minimum frontage of 15 metres and minimum lot area of 460 square metres. The applicant intends to retain the minimum lot frontage and lot area requirements of the zoning by-law. Amendments are requested to the front yard depth, side yard width, lot coverage and building height to reflect recently approved standards, by City Council, in the immediate area through draft plan l8T-98007, (now registered as Plan 40M-2068) immediately south of the subject lands as outlined below: R4 Zoning Provisions Aþplicant's Proposal S 1-13 Zoning Provisions - (40M-2068) min. front yard depth 7.5 metres 6.0 metres to the 6.0 metres vehicular entrance min. side yard width 1.5 metres one side 1.2 metres each side 1.2 metres each side 2.4 metres other side max. building height 18 metres 9.0 metres 9.0 metres max. lot coverage 33% 38% 38% Lots in the immediate area on Rockwood Drive and Prohill Street are zoned "S 1-13" by By-law 3036 as amended by By-law 5770/00. The applicant's proposal is consistent with the "SI-13" requirements and resultant development will be compatible with the development in the area. It is recommended that Council approve the requested zoning provIsIOns, subj ect to the conditions in Appendix No. I to Planning Report Number PD 10-02. - 3.2 Land Severance The applicant submitted Land Severance Applications LD 10/02 to LD13/02 inclusive to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee, proposing the creation of five new residential building lots from the total land holdings. The proposed lots would comply with lot frontage and lot area requirements of the zoning by-law. A site plan illustrating the applicant's proposed severance is included as Attachment #2 to this Report. Report to Council PD 10-02 Date: January 25,2002 017 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/01 Page 4 The Land Severance Applications were tabled by the Durham Region Land Division Committee at their January 14, 2002 meeting at the request of the Planning & Development Department, to allow the applicant time to obtain pennission from City Council to develop the subject lands through the land severance process rather than by plan of subdivision. - Pickering's Official Plan contains policy 15.26 - Land Severance that provides that City Council shall: (b) limit the creation of lots by land severance to a maximum of three, ... except where it is demonstrated to Council's satisfaction that a plan of subdivision is neither appropriate nor necessary, in which case Council may authorize development to proceed by land severance, and, (c) may, when authorizing a development to proceed by land division, require the owner to enter into one or more agreements respecting matters that normally would have been covered by a subdivision agreement. The Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as being within an "Urban Residential- Low Density Area" in the Highbush Neighbourhood. As outlined in specific neighbourhood policies for the Highbush area, Council shall, . in established residential areas, encourage, and where possible, require development to be compatible with the character of existing development; and, . through the review of development proposals and in consultation with landowners and surrounding residents, endeavour to provide a new local road connection between Woodview Avenue and Pine Grove Avenue. The subject property is not a through lot to Pine Grove Ave. Consequently, any new local road connection between Pinegrove Avenue and Woodview Avenue is not possible through this rezoning application. - The subject property is owned by Norvalley Homes Ltd., the same owners of the recently registered draft plan to the south of the subject lands. The abutting registered plan was designed to accommodate the future extension of Rockwood Drive from Prohill Street to the north limit of the subject site. The original circulation of the draft plan identified the extension of Rockwood adjacent to the subject lands. The applicant's proposal would confonn to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan, and provides for the future northerly extension and servicing of Rockwood Drive. - Conditions of the land severance applications will address the requirement for the owner to enter into an appropriate agreement with the City to address matters typically included in a subdivision agreement, such as: . road dedication and construction . servicing (water, sanitary, stonn) . utility installation . construction of a temporary turning circle . lot grading and drainage . co-ordinated development with adjacent land (40M-2068) . boulevard tree planting and tree preservation . parkland dedication . contribution to the cost of grade control at the Canadian National Railway crossing at Woodview Avenue . siting and architectural design . securities to ensure completion and maintenance of the items listed above. In addition to the above, the owner will be required to submit a reference plan for the identification of the lots for zoning and severances purposes. 0 18 Report to Council PD 10-02 Date: January 25,2002 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/01 Page 5 The interests of the City can be appropriately addressed and protected through conditions of land severance approval imposed through Land Severance Applications LD 10/02 to LD 13/02. It is considered appropriate to allow five new lots to be created from the subject property through the land severance process . - 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant has reviewed and concurs with the recommendations outlined in this report. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Property Location Map Applicant's Proposed Land Severances Information Report No. 01-02 Minutes of January 17, 2002 Statutory Public Information Meeting Staff Comment -Division Head, Municipal Operations & Engineering Agency Comment -Region of Durham Planning Department Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Nci~ Director, Planning & Development - (Jf;lt~tc~~^,- . Lynda T~ylor, MCIP(RPP Manager, Current Operations LDT:pr Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council '" - - 1.0 2.0 - -. 019 APPENDIX 1 TO REPORT NUMBER PD 10-02 RECCOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 20/01 That the Implementing Zoning By-law change the zoning from "R4"-Detached Dwelling Zone to "S1-13"-Residential Detached Dwelling Zone on the subject lands, being Part of Lot 5, Plan 282, to include, but not be limited to, the following provisions: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) minimum lot frontage of 15.0 metres minimum lot area of 460 square metres minimum interior side yard widths of 1.2 metres each side minimum one private garage per lot attached to the main building, any vehicular entrance of which shall be located not less than 6.0 metres from the front lot lines and not less than 6.0 metres from any side lot line immediately adjoining or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street maximum lot coverage of38% maximum dwelling height of9.0 metres That the following condition be applied to Land Division Applications LD 10/02 to LD 13/02. a) that the owner enter into an appropriate agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City to address matters typically contained in a subdivision agreement. Such matters to include, but not necessarily limited to, stonnwater management, grading and engineering, service installation, financial obligations, tree preservation/planting, parkland ded~cation, securities and siting and architectural design. 020 ----r r- g 0 0!8 0 0: 0: 'l 001 If . -~ . - . . . . . . . . . . . @. þ ~. @ o~O @5.. @ ~-{ - Þ' ATTACHMENT I-L.-TO REPORT' PO .1 () .. (¡ 9-.. FINCH TRUNK Q- ð 0:: LINE C~=r g ~- ,.-.J- ~ I .-- ~ 3 --' ~ OO~ ~~\ GO / ~ - iWYN w :> z ~ ð 0: ~ ~ ~ . ,-.. . . I I I I I I ¡wi I I I City of Pickering l' I DATE JAN.30. 2002 ~ : ' ATTACHMENT ,~""Ç2,.:fE;' TO REPORT' PD' /0- ð ~ 021 S: w > 0 0 0 3: AVENUE ; ~ 0 W Z « 0 0:: 0 Z J CRESCENT PINE GROVE W :J Z 1627 PINE ' , ' GROVE AVE. W, > ,« - - - -, EST LAN E ) "\ .) " " r "\ / , ,~ ' r 'W >- W - :J Ct: 0 ' ,z -. ., w r~~ 0 s' ~ O. '0 0:: E --... ,~J, FUTURE ROAD - 5 4 3 2 w > 0 cr (j PROHILL ST. 0 (" ., 0 ' ohU ., S .> ~o: 00 0 0:.: s w >, '0 0 0 5:' r- ,.._i ,W Z CL I I Planning & Development Department City of Pickering ',' APPLlCANrs PROPOSED LAND., SEVERANCES , LD 10/02 to LD 13/02 ' 1\', N ' , D~TE JAN. 8,2002 022 ATTACHMENT' '3 TO-. REPORT I PO i () ~ (}:2' -'-. Ciú/ o~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 01-02 - FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF JANUARY 17,2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.B SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/01 Request for Council Authorization to Develop Lands by Land Severance Norvalley Homes Ltd. Part of Lot 5, Plan 282 1827 Pine Grove Avenue (rear portion) (Rockwood Drive, north of Pro hill Street) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject lands are located north and west of the recently approved Norvalley Plan of Subdivision 18T -98007 that is currently under construction on Prohill Street and the new portion of Rockwood Drive (see Attachment #1 for the location map); the subject property was recently severed from a property fronting Pine Grove Avenue (1827 Pine Grove Avenue); the subject lands occupy an area of approximately 0.535 hectares; the subject lands are generally level and currently vacant, except for vegetation; the subject lands are situated to the east of deep lots occupied by detached dwellings fronting Pine Grove Avenue and immediately west of a block of land set aside for the northerly extension of Rockwood Drive. 2.0 APPLI CANT'S PROPOSAL .- the applicant proposes to develop the subject lands with detached dwellings on 5 lots with minimum frontages of 15 metres, minimum lot areas of 460 square metres, minimum side yards of 1.2 metres, minimum front yards of 6.0 metres, minimum rear yards of7.5 metres and maximum lot coverage of33% of the lot areas; the proposed lots are to have lot depths of approximately 58 metres; the proposed lots are intended to front a new proposed northerly extension of Rockwood Drive, north of Pro hill Street; the applicant proposes to create the new lots by land severances, rather than a draft plan of subdivision; severance applications were submitted recently to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee to create 5 lots on the subject lands (Applications LD 10/02 to LD 13/02 - see Attachment #2); Planning & Development staff comments on the severance applications will be provided to the Regional Land Division Committee once Pickering Council considers the request to permit creation of the lots by the severance process; new homes would be constructed on all of the proposed lots. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING. 3.1 Durham Re2ional Official Plan designates the site as "Living Area" where lands are to be used predominantly for housing purposes; Information Report No. 01-02 ATTACHMENT' 3 TO REPORT (I PO 10' O::¡ Page2 023 3.2 Pickerin!! Official Plan - designates the site "Urban Residential - Low Density Area", located within the Highbush N eighbourhood; this designation permits residential uses at a net residential density up to and including 30 dwellings per net hectare; this development proposes a net site density of approximately 11.7 units per net hectare, which is within the permitted density range; the Official Plan also contains a policy that development shall maximize the efficiency of existing infrastructure and minimize the consumption of vacant land by adding residential units within the South Pickering Urban Area; the Official Plan contains policy 15.26 - Land Severance that provides that City Council shall: (b) limit the creation of lots by land severance to a maximum of three,... except where it is demonstrated to Council's satisfaction that a plan of subdivision is neither appropriate nor necessary, in which case Council may authorize development to proceed by land severance, and, (c) may, when authorizing a development to proceed by land division, require the owner to enter into one or more agreements respecting matters that normally would have been covered by a subdivision agreement. the site is within the Highbush Neighbourhood, and is subject to neighbourhood policies. Those policies include: -- . a proposed road connection of the northern part of Rockwood Drive to the southern part of Rockwood Drive; . provision of a new local road connection between Woodview and Pine Grove Avenues through the review of development proposals and in consultation with land owners; . that development in this area be compatible with the character of existing development and significant vegetation be preserved. The character to be considered includes low lot coverage, existing lotting pattern, style and siting of dwellings and significant mature vegetation; . New dwellings and lots fronting new internal streets are to create density and lot frontage gradients with development fronting the existing older roads by use of buffering between the new and existing development, careful establishment of lot lines and siting of new dwellings to reflect existing building setbacks and yard depths and to protect significant vegetation. all new lots created by this application are to have minimum lot frontages of approximately 15 metres, and minimum lot depths of approximately 58 metres; this proposal will permit the further extension of Rockwood Drive to connect to the northerly portion of Rockwood Drive in the future at such time as similar back-lot infill development proceeds in the area to the north; 3.3 Zonio!! By-law 3036 -. the site is zoned "R4" - One-Family Detached Dwelling Fourth Density Zone" in By-law 3036; this zoning permits detached dwellings on lots with minimum frontages of 15 metres and minimum lot areas of 460 square metres; amendment to the standard provisions for front yard depth and side yard width of the "R4" zoning is required in order to permit this proposal. Table 1, at the end of this Information Report, shows the standard "R4" provisions and the applicant's proposal for zoning of these lands. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION ATTACHMENT II 3 TO REPORT # PO I 0 ~ 0 .J-. Page 3 024 Information Report No. 01-02 4.1 4.2 - 4.3 4.3.1 - Resident Comments No written comments have been received to date. Agency Comments No agency comments have been received to date. Staff Comments Council Authorization for the Creation of Five Lots by Land Severance the applicant has requested Pickering Council's authorization of the creation of five lots for detached dwellings on the subject lands through the land severance process; staff will consider the appropriateness of creation of five lots by the severance process rather than through a subdivision for recommendation to Council; consideration will be given to suitable conditions, for Council consideration, to be included in Pickering's comments to the Regional Land Division Committee on the proposed severances; matters to be the subject of such conditions are anticipated to include, among other matters: 0 dedication of lands for the construction of an extension of Rockwood Drive; 0 a temporary cul-de-sac at the northern end of the extension of Rockwood Drive; 0 appropriate set-backs for buildings fronting on the cul-de-sac road bulb addressed through an architectural control statement; and, 0 other such matters that may be appropriate; options for a suitable location for a possible east-west connection between Pine Grove and Woodview Avenues were reviewed through previous severance applications on Pine Grove Avenue; . an east-west road connection will not be pursued through this rezoning application; 4.3.2 Revised Zoning Standards 4.3.3 5.0 - the proposed variations from the "R4" zoning standards for front yards and side yards will be evaluated to consider resultant compatibility with the area; Technical Matters a tree inventory and preliminary preservation plan, along with a preliminary grading plan, will be required prior to preparation of a Planning & Development comments on the severance applications; location of existing buildings and structures on the subject lands must be identified by the applicant prior to preparation of Planning & Development comments on the proposed severance applications; PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; If you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision on the proposed rezoning, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; there are no provisions for appeal of Council's decision to authorize the creation of lots by the severance process rather than as an application for approval of a plan of subdivision; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. ATTACHMENT #? TO REPORT IJ PO I 0 ~ 02- Page 4 025 Information Report No. 01-02 6.0 6.1 - 6.2 6.3 SG/jf OTHER INFORMATION Appendix I lists the comments received on this proposal at the time that this Information Report was written; Information Received full-scale copies of the applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices ofthe City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; Site Landowners the applicant indicates that ownership of the subject lands will be transferred from Mike and Isabella Di Prisco to Norvalley Homes Ltd. shortly; ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Current Operations Copy: Director, Planning & Development - - 026 ATTACHMENT # If TO Excerpts from REPORT # PO I 0 ~ (; ;;ì.. Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes Pursuant to the Planning Act Thursday, January 17,2002 7:00 P.M. - The Manager, Current Operations, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 20/01 REQUEST FOR COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION TO DEVELOP LANDS BY LAND SEVERANCE NORV ALLEY HOMES LTD. PART OF LOT 5, PLAN 282 1827 PINE GROVE AVENUE (REAR PORTION) (ROCKWOOD DRIVE. NORTH OF PROHILL STREET) 1. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Current Operations, on behalf of Steve Gaunt, Planner II, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #01-02. 2. Jim Morrison, Woodview/Pinegrove Assoc., stated their concern with respect to the existing traffic problem on Woodview Ave. and questioned the eventual extension to Pine Grove Ave. 3. The applicant advised that there will not be a connection to streets east or west. - - - - ~,'" - '-' n?'7 ATTACHMENT # 5 TO REPORT # PO /0 -' () ;< "",-,--",--"", """ ""'--"-' OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DNISION MEMORANDUM January 15, 2002 r"~'=~-==='""'---"--=~~"f , ð ~,', '" " """"" '", --, . ¡; 1), 'i "". c f I'r\\~;;::~1i7!-"" ¡ j ~ JAN ? 1 ')"f\~ To: Steve Gaunt Planner IT I T ~ "c=.=""J 0.;' From: Richard Holborn Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A2010l Norvalley Homes Ltd. Part of Lot 5, Plan 282 (West side of Rockwood Drive, north of Pro hill Street) City of Pickering The Municipal Property & Engin~ering Division is in receipt of the above noted application. ,This Division has no comments or concerns with respect' to this proposal, on the condition that a subdivision agreement is entered into to set conditions for the construction of Rockwood Driye, and servicing on lots fronting Fine Grove Avenue. RH:ds Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency I:\SITEPLAN\A20-QINorvalley Homes.docJan-Q2 _~_t?J3 ATTACHMENT # b TO REPORT # PO I {) ., 0 ;;J... ...,_..-----", JRN 25 2002 10:40 FR DURHRMPLRNNING DEPT 905 436 6612 TO PICKE~ING PLNG .P.02/02 , , &~ Ray Davies, Pla 'Jne~ Current Operati~ns Branch nceR:IIraI~n,,\rdIzonIng\¡:ll.::k.¡ nll a2O-O~~' , , ity"" ' .' 100% Posl ~/1I 1 mer - , 'The Reglonsl Munlclpållty or Durham Planning Oep~rtment 1615 Dundas St E. 4th Floor, Lang Tower West Building P.O, Box 623 Whitby, Ç)N L 1,N 6A3 '(90S) 728-7731 ' Fax: (90S) 438-6612, W'liW. reqion. durhalJ1.on.ca A.L'Gøorgi.,ff. MClP, RPP' , Commissioner of P/ar1r1ll"1g , - - Januaty,2~. 2002 . 'Steve, Gaunt. Planner II .. Planning & Development Departr:nent One the 'Esplanade' . , Pickering, Ontario' l1V6K7 , ="-......- ' =-=-===.",=",-= R E«~~ n,~..~:h¿'~à" ~ ," '..' .,- ': ..,= yo , JAN 2 5 2002 Dear Mr. G~unt: ' CITY u,' ,";(,.J{¡;;RING , PLANNING AND : .DEVEtQPMI;:NT DEPARTMËNT H _.~, . , _.. , , Re: " Zoning Amendment Appiicatjon 'A20/01 ' Applicant: " Norvalley Homes limited' , Location:.. ' Part of Lot 5, Plan 28,2 MunicipalitY:' City of Pickering' ' ,.' . , ' , We.. have' revi!3wed this applii:;ation an~'the following ,comments are offered with,. ,',,' 'respect to compliance with t~e Dürham Regional Official PI~~I'the p~oposed :, method of. servicing. and deleg~ted"provi~clal plan review resp~nsi~ tle~. .. ,,' ' , , ' The purpO$e ofth~ application'i~ to amend front yard and side yård'zoning , standards for Øetached dwellings -prôposed to be constructed of! the subject lands, The applicant has ,also 'req'uested Council's ,agreement to permit the creation of five lots for t~e de~aëhed ,d~ellinØs',thr.ough the 'an~ severance, process- " ' .' , "Fhe subject p~o'þerty is ~e~lgliated "Living. Are~" in the Durham Regiona, Official 'PI~n. Land~ within this desìgn~tion shan be use,d predominantly for housing' , purposes' and shall,be d~velopèët to incorporatø the widest possible variety of' , , ' , hous~ng types, sizes arid tenure. The pr:oposed,amelldment is in conformity with t~eDurhamRegion"a.'"Òffiçjal,Pían.",." "",, ,', .' " ' , , , ' ,', . ,';" : , " ',..,,' ' , R~gional water-and sanitary sewer services are nQt available to'the proposed " severed lands. In order to provide for both water and sanitary sewer service: ' extens¡on~ on the' prQposecf Rockwood: Driv~ adjaçent the proposed 58veråd" lands, Regional servicing:requirements will be Covered by an 'appropriat~ " agreement based. on ,conditions of approval'to the related Land Division' application~'lD 10/2qQ2 to lD,13/2002. " , ' ' :,' "' , " ' ' , ',' This äpplieatioh has been screened in accordance ~ith the terms of the , provinCial plan 'review' r~ponSíbiliti~s., . No ,provinci~1 interestS appeå'r to be ,affected., ", ,','. ",' If you have any questions or 'require '~dql,ti~n8:1 ~f!formatlon, please call me. " " , , . . , ** TOTAL PAGE.02 **