HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 05-02 Ciú/ {J~ 067 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: January 3,2002 REPORT NUMBER: PD 05-02 - SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/99 E. Mattacchione and M. LaPosta Lots 14 and 15, Plan 489 1210 and 1218 Kingston Road (North side of Kingston Road, east of Walnut Lane) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/99, submitted by Angelo Mattacchione, on behalf of E. Mattacchione and M. LaPosta, on lands being Lots 14 and 15, Plan 489, City of Pickering, to amend the zoning on the subject lands to permit the establishment of 24 townhouse dwelling units be APPROVED AS REVISED, to permit the establishment of a maximum of 20 townhouse dwelling units, subject to a (H) Holding provision to ensure that the development related conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report Number PD 05-02 are met. 2. That City Council direct Planning & Development Staff to commence a City-initiated zoning by-law amendment for lands generally located on the north side of Kingston Road, west of Pine Creek, east of "The Townhomes of Walnut Lane" development, and south of existing dwellings fronting Storrington Street,' to establish compatible residential zoning on those lands generally in keeping with the Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines adopted by Council in June 1994. .- ORIGIN: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/99 submitted to the City of Pickering. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: .- No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Technical environmental reports required in support of the recommended broader City-initiated zoning by-law amendment application would be funded by the City, and have been budgeted (approximately $10,000) in the 2002 Planning & Development proposed Budget (Consulting and Professional). 068 Report to Council PD 05-02 Date: January 3,2002 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/99 Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant originally proposed the establishment of 24 townhouse dwelling units providing minimum unit widths of 4.4 metres. The proposed townhouse units would front onto an internal laneway accessed from Kingston Road, and provide future laneway connections to abutting properties to the east and west. - Through comments received from surrounding residents and Staff, the applicant revised the original plan on numerous occasions. The conceptual development plan now proposes 20 townhouse dwelling units with unit widths ranging from approximately 4.4 metres to 7.4 metres. Staff supports the establishment of a maximum of 20 townhouse dwelling units on the subject lands. The proposed townhouse dwelling Units could be designed in a manner that is compatible with, and sensitive to, existing surrounding development while providing opportunity for the introduction of high-quality design buildings, oriented toward Kingston Road. A Draft Plan of Condominium is anticipated in the future to establish townhouse dwelling units on the subject lands. Typical conditions of development can be established through the condominium application process and appropriate agreements can be entered into with the City to secure required works. Approval of this application may act as an incentive to other landowners to initiate development ofthe area. It is recommended that any implementing zoning by-law forwarded to Council for consideration contain a (H) Holding provision. This (H) would require various technical issues and design matters to be addressed by the applicant, to the City's satisfaction, prior to development proceeding. /"' . Through the review of this application, Staff identified the need to examine abutting properties to facilitate development on lands fronting Kingston Road in a coordinated manner. A broader review of all lands located generally west of Pine Creek, east of "The Townhomes of Walnut Lane", and south of existing residences fronting Storrington Street is necessary to address access limitations, future road connections, servicing issues, grading and drainage, mitigating impacts on abutting residential properties and protection of Pine Creek. The Walnut Lane Area Guidelines, which are applicable to the above-noted lands, provide a foundation from which a comprehensive zoning by-law can be formulated to address development. It is recommended that City Council direct Planning & Development Staff to commence a City-initiated zoning by-law amendment for properties within the Walnut Lane Area. Affected property owners, Ward 2 Councillors and the Liverpool West Community Association have been consulted, and no objections respecting the initiation of a City rezoning have been received. Resultant technical reviews and stakeholder input through the recommended broader zoning by-law amendment will assist in completing a comprehensive zoning by-law for the Walnut Lane Area. 1.0 Information Meeting A Public Information Meeting for this development proposal was held on August 5, 1999. Information Report No. 15-00, which summarizes the applicant's proposal and outlines the issues and comments identified to that date through circulation of the application, was prepared for that meeting. The text of that fuformation Report is provided for reference (see Attachment #6). -- Prior to the fuformation Meeting, one additional comment was received from Teresa Zanata of 1773 Storrington Street, objecting to this proposal. The concerns expressed by Ms. Zanata include loss of privacy; potential noise originating from the proposed development, potential traffic conflicts where vehicles would exit onto Kingston Road and a decrease to her property value (see Attachment #11). At the Public fuformation Meeting, two area residents and a representative of the Liverpool West Community Association expressed concerns with the proposal, including: Report to Council PD 05-02 Date: January 3,2002 069 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/99 Page 3 - . the type of privacy barrier to be installed around the proposed development; . the impact of the proposed development on drainage patterns on the subject lands and adjacent lands, considering current drainage problems within the immediate area; . the increase in traffic originating from the proposed development, the future road pattern and traffic controls for abutting lands, and suitable on-site parking; . the height of the proposed dwelling units; and, . the resultant treatment along Kingston Road (including the establishment of a sidewalk on the north side of Kingston Road and the orientation of dwelling units "flanking" Kingston Road). The applicant representing the owners was present at the Meeting, and provided comments in response to the concerns raised by surrounding landowners. Minutes of that Meeting detailing those comments made by residents and the applicant are provided for reference (see Attachment #7). 2.0 Additional Infonnation Since the preparation of Infonnation Report No. 15-99, the following comments have been received: Pickering Hydro (now Veridian Connections) advise that the applicant must increase building setbacks from Kingston Road or pay for the burial of overhead lines, and ensure that grade changes do not impact existing poles and pay for the resetting of these poles, if necessary (see Attachment #8). The City's Supervisor, Development Control, noted that technical matters such as stonnwater management and soils infonnation must be addressed. Further, the frontage of the site requires urbanization, including the installation of a sidewalk along the north side of Kingston Road, and a grading and drainage plan is required (drainage will be contained on the subject lands, and match or improve current drainage patterns). (See Attachment #10.) - The Region of Durham Planning Department noted that the proposal confonns to the Region of Durham Official Plan, and confmned that no provincial interests appeared to be applicable to the proposal. The Region further offered servicing, transportation and additional comments, including recommended sanitary sewer improvements, a restriction of two pennanent access points onto Kingston Road serving the subj ect lands and adj acent lands and noting that a noise impact study should be completed (see Attachment #9). N. and B. Aroukatos, of 1222 Kingston Road, expressed opposition to this application. Reasons cited included that the subject lands and immediately surrounding lands could support better-designed uses and act as a gateway feature for the City's downtown, that the living environment along Kingston Road for children is unsuitable, and that an large increase in people living in such a small area will negatively impact on surrounding properties, including the loss of privacy and an increase in local traffic (see Attachment #12). S. and D. Howard, of 1775 Storrington Street, provided comments respecting this proposal. They noted that the proposal is too dense, not compatible with existing surrounding development, would result in increased activity and noise in the area, would reduce privacy in existing abutting rear yards and could impact surrounding property values. Alternative development recommendations were provided (see Attachment #13). - 3.0 Mattacchione and LaPosta Application (A 13/99) Appropriate Development The current proposal to rezone two properties (see Location Map Attachment # 1) for the development of towTIhomes was reviewed against the policies and principles of the Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines. These guidelines provide appropriate direction respecting building location and design. 070 Report to Council PD 05-02 Date: January 3,2002 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/99 Page 4 The applicatiolJ. initially proposed the establishment of 24 townhouse dwelling units with unit widths of approximately 4.4 metres. A property location is provided for reference (see Attachment #1). The original submitted plan proposed dwellings fronting onto a private, internal laneway north :/Tom Kingston Road, terminating at a "T" - intersection where access could be extended easterly and westerly onto abutting lands (see Attachment #2). - The applicant, in responding to comments and input from both surrounding residents and Staff, completed numerous revisions to the initial plan. The latest revised plan proposes 20 townhouse dwelling units, providing minimum unit widths ranging :/Tom approximately 4.4 metres to 7.4 metres, and providing varying heights ranging :/Tom one to three-storey units (see Attachment # 3). A few proposed townhouse dwelling units appear to be four-stories in height, with garages located at grade and three functional stories (the highest storey being "10ft-type" living space) above. Future access connections to abutting properties are proposed in three locations, and a children's play area is proposed within the northwest comer of the subject lands. Townhouse units may be established on these lands in a manner that is sensitive to, and compatible with, abutting residential uses to the north, while providing the opportunity for significant building massing with appropriate architectural design along Kingston Road. It is recommended that a maximum of 20 townhouse dwelling units be permitted on the subject lands, to ensure that additional land area is available for laneway access connections to abutting properties, to maintain an adequate area on the subject lands for both private and shared amenity areas and to maintain an appropriate maximum residential density (see Appendix I). -- The applicant proposes to establish minimum dwelling unit widths of approximately 4.4 metres for the internal units. This narrow width of unit, when also accommodating a garage, is dominated with doors and provides limited architectural treatment opportunities. However, the dwelling units proposed by the applicant :/Tonting Kingston Road would provide garage access at the rear of dwelling units, allowing the full :/Tont width of units to support appropriate upgraded entrance features. Consequently it is recommended that the proposed minimum unit width of 4.4 metres be permitted only for townhouse units fronting Kingston Road that support garages at the rear of those units. All other townhouse dwelling units should provide a minimum unit width of 5.4 metres. This increased width wi11 allow townhouse dwelling units internal to the. site to maintain appropriate front facades to support upgraded architectural features. Recommended height limitations of two stories (12 metres), at least 26 metres :/Tom the rear lot line for dwelling units internal to the site may result in wider dwelling units (to increase the functional gross floor area ofthose units). . Townhouse dwelling units on the subject lands could be designed in keeping with direction provided in the Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines. Further review is required of the units that appear to provide four functional building stories to determine whether they will conform to the intent of the Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines (limiting heights of buildings located closer to Kingston Road to a maximum of three stories in height and 12 metres, inclusive of the roof). Further discussion is required to determine if applicant's proposed dwelling units are actual four-storey structures or dwelling units providing three functional stories with limited "loft" space within the roof structure and/or only garage space within the ground level of those units. - Although all site matters have not been resolved, enough information is available to detennine that the site may be developed in conformity with the Walnut Lane Area Guìdelines. Initiation of a rezoning on these two properties may be the impetus for other developments. in the area. Co-ordinated development may begin to appear once this rezoning is completed and followed shortly by the recommended City initiated rezoning for the remainder of the area.. Those matters outlined in the Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines not addressed in the implementing zoning by-law would be incorporated into future architectural design plans and/or statements, secured through required agreements with the City. Report to Council PD 05-02 Date: January 3,2002 071 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/99 Page 5 The applicant's rezoning application is supported. It is recommended that the implementing zoning by-law applicable to the subject lands maintain the general building siting, setback and height standards provided in the Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines. It is further recommended that the Zoning By-law contain a holding provision (H) to address matters such as co-ordinated stormwater management, area drainage plan, site servicing, grading, and property access. - Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines / Proposed City-initiated Zoning By-law Amendment The Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines, adopted by Council in June, 1994, provide building location and design standards for development on the subject lands and surrounding properties. A zoning to implement the guidelines is the initial step to begin redevelopment of the area. The existing zoning acts as an impediment to development and encourages "piece~meal" proposals. An overall approach to zoning in the area between "The Townhomes of Walnut Lane" and Pine Creek will remove any uncertainty for future purchasers and may spark an interest in the area for co-ordinated development. Zoning of the broader area is a natural step following Council's adoption of the Guidelines and encourages "smart growth". Consequently Staff recommend that City Council direct Planning & Development Staff to commence a City-initiated Zoning By-law amendment for lands generally located on the north side of Kingston Road, west of Pine Creek, east of "The Walnut Lane Townhomes" and south of existing dwellings fronting Storrington Street (the Walnut Lane Area) to establish compatible zoning on those lands in keeping with the Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines adopted by Council in June, 1994 (see Appendix III). A Map identifying those lands that would be subject to the proposed City-initiated Zoning By-law amendment application is provided (see Attachment #5). . The suggested time frame for the processing of the City initiated application is included in Appendix II of this Report. - In May, 2001, Planning & Development Staff met with property owners within the Walnut Lane Area and a representative of the Liverpool West Community Association (L WCA) to discuss Staffs recommended approach. Ward Councillors were also briefed on Staffs recommended approach. No objections to Staffs recommended approach to a comprehensive zoning by-law amendment application were received. at that time. Technical Matters The Region of Durham has advised that access to the various properties along Kingston Road, in this area of the City, will be controlled through two future access locations. Although the subject property is not intended to provide a permanent access location, there will be an opportunity to discuss temporary arrangements for access to the site. The site may still be developed independently, subject to more detailed site design. Site access and other site design matters will be addressed through the requirement for an executed agreement with the City, prior to the removal of the (H) Holding provision of the implementing zoning by-law. It is recommended that prior to the removal of the (H) that the applicant satisfy the City's Director, Planning & Development respecting the detailed design and architectural treatment of dwelling units, and to address site design matters, including, but not limited to: ",.... . landscaping of individual properties and rear buffer areas between the subject lands and abutting residences to the north (including fencing, sodding, tree plantings and other landscaped features); . adherence to the Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines; .. laneway and access details (both vehicular and pedestrian); . high quality architectural treatment and design of buildings; . the provision of private amenity areas for each dwelling unit, and details respecting shared public amenities (including the proposed children's play area); 072 Report to Council PD 05-02 Date: January 3,2002 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/99 Page 6 - . the intended future use and treatment of that portion of the temporary access to Kingston Road once alternative access to the site is achieved; and, . site lighting and the location and placement of utilities; . the future treatment and/or additional development anticipated on the lands abutting Kingston Road supporting the proposed temporary laneway; . a stormwater management plan that considers abutting properties (and potential future development on those lands), including anticipated impacts on Pine Creek, if any; . a site servicing plan that addresses matters raised by the Region of Durham, and considers abutting properties (and future potential development on those lands); . a comprehensive grading plan (including proposed driveway alignments and utility placements); and, . a noise impact study that recommends appropriate abatement measures for traffic noise originating from Kingston Road. . the provision of any necessary easements for future access to, :trom and across the subject property from abutting properties and/or Kingston Road; . urbanization of Kingston Road. Other matters of development to be addressed include, but are not limited to, the provision of required parkland dedication contributions, a detailed construction management plan and the provision of appropriate. performance and maintenance securities to guarantee certain required works. Rezoning the subject lands at this time provides the necessary step to implement the Walnut Lane Area Design Guidelines, while providing some assurance that development may proceed on the property. Encouragement of development in this area may assist in the remainder of the area being considered for development in an orderly, co-ordinated manner. - - Report to Council PD 05-02 Date: January 3,2002 073 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/99 Page 7 ATTACHMENTS: - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. Property Location Map Applicant's Original Submitted Plan Applicant's Latest Revised Plan Applicant's Proposed Building Elevations Walnut Lane Area Proposed Zoning Standards Infonnation Report No. 15-99 Minutes of August 5, 1999 Statutory Public Meeting Agency Comment - Pickering Hydro (now Veridian Connections) Agency Comment - Region of Durham Planning Department Staff Comment - Supervisor, Development Control Resident Comment - Teresa Zanata, 1773 Storrington Street Resident Comment - M. and B. Aroukatos, 1222 Kingston Road Resident Comment - S. and D. Howard, 1775 Storrington Street Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed by: ~A'Ý{L - l^, Lynda aylor, MCIP P Manager, Current Operations N~ Director, Planning & Development - RST/LDT/jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council / - " 074 -- - - APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 05-02 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 13/99 1. That the implementing zoning by-law: (a) permit townhouse dwelling units to be constructed on the subject lands. (b) include, but not be limited to, the following performance standards and requirements: a maximum of 20 townhouse dwelling units; minimum townhouse dwelling unit widths of 5.4 metres; despite ii) above, minimum unit widths of 4.4 metres only for those townhouse dwelling units fronting onto Kingston Road that support private garages within the rear ofthose units iv) a 6.0 metre build-to-zone established along Kingston Road; v) a minimum of 40% of a building face (or group of related buildings) to be sited within the build-to-zone; vi) building heights, considering functional building stories as defined by both the City's Zoning By-laws and the Ontario Building Code, to a maximum of three stories and 12 metres, inclusive of the roof, and minimum two-storey building heights abutting Kingston Road (building 12 metres in height must be located at least 26 metres from the rear lot line); . vii) a minimum 7.5 metre rear yard depth for buildings, and a minimum 3.0 metre rear yard depth for one-storey accessory structures; viii) building entrances to face Kingston Road; ix) maintaining a minimum 3.0 metre continuous landscape strip along the rear of properties. . i) ii) iii) ( c) provide for a (H) Holding provision, such provision not to be removed until appropriate agreements have been entered into, between the owner and the City (and lor Region of Durham) to address matters, including, but not limited to: i) landscaping of individual properties and rear buffer areas between the subject lands and abutting residences to the north (including fencing, sodding, tree plantings and other landscaped features); adherence to the Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines; laneway and access details (both vehicular and pedestrian); high quality architectural treatment and design of buildings; the provision of private amenity areas for each dwelling umt, and details respecting shared public amenities (including the proposed children's play area); vi) a maximum of six (6) risers (steps) above finished floor elevation at the main front entrance of the dwelling unit, fronting the street vii) the intended future use and treatment of that portion of any temporary access to Kingston Road once alternative access to the site is achieved; and, viii) site lighting and the. location and placement of utilities. ix) the future treatment and/or additional development anticipated on the lands abutting Kingston Road supporting the proposed temporary laneway; ii) iii) iv) v) x) xi) - xiii) xiv) xv) -. - 075 - 2 - xii) a stonnwater management plan that considers abutting properties (and potential future development on those lands), including anticipated impacts on Pine Creek, if any; a site servicing plan that addresses matters raised by the Region of Durham, and considers abutting properties (and future potential development on those lands); a comprehensive grading plan (including proposed driveway alignments and utility placements); and, a noise impact study that recommends appropriate abatement measures for traffic noise originating from Kingston Road. urbanization details for Kingston Road improvements. exchange of easements necessary to provide future access to the subject property from abutting properties. 076 APPENDIX II TO REPORT NUMBER PD 05-02 RECOMMENDED WALNUT LANE AREA CITY-INITIATED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION DRAFT PROCESSING SCHEDULE - TIMING ACTION January, 2002 City Council directs Planning & Development Staff to commence a City-initiated zoning by-law amendment application for the Walnut Lane Area. February, 2002 Notice is sent to landowners, surrounding residents, the L WCA and appropriate agencies for comment on the application. March, 2002 A Statutory Public Infonnation Meeting is held respecting this application. March, 2002 to April 2002 Appropriate technical reviews are carried out and additional Stakeholder Meeting(s) held (if necessary). - May, 2002 to June 2002 A Staff Recommendation Report is drafted and landowners and interested stakeholders are provided an opportunity to review recommendations and comment. August, 2002 to September 2002 Staff Recommendations are considered by the City's Planning Committee, and Council (if forwarded by Planning Committee). October, 2002 Council considers an implementing zoning by-law. Please note that this recommended processing schedule is meant to be a general guideline to anticipated timing of the recommended Walnut Lane Area City-initiated zoning by-law amendment process. Proposed timelines could be subject to change depending on issues raised through the review process and priority of other items to be considered by the City's Planning Committee and/or City ~ 07'7 Appendix III TO REPORT NUMBER PD 05-02 GENERAL BUILDING SITING. SETBACK AND HEIGHT STANDARDS PROVIDED IN THE WALNUT LANE AREA DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES ADOPTED BY PICKERING COUNCIL. JUNE 1994 - . a 6.0 metre build-to-zone established along Kingston Road; . a minimum of 40% of a building face (or group of related buildings) to be sited within the build-to-zone; . building heights to a maximum of three stories and 12 metres, inclusive of the roof, and minimum two-storey building heights abutting Kingston Road (a building 12 metres in height must be located at least 26 metres ITom the rear lot line); . . a minimum 7.5 metre rear yard setback for buildings, and a minimum 3.0 metre rear yard setback for one-storey accessory structures; . building entrances to face Kingston Road and minimize the view of parking areas ITom Kingston Road; . maintaining a minimum 3.0 metre continuous landscape strip along the rear of properties for fencing and tree planting; and, . a residential design theme for buildings. ..... - 078 ATTACHMENT N. I TO REPORT # PO 'IS. 0 i - l--1 \..OLENANNA J I ~ 0 < 0 II: - ..J 0 -- - 0 --- '1 n. =~===~=- < ffi -z-< - a--> -o-::J- ~ :J -oc_o-- ..J- _ID_(J - ð_' a « 0 oc 1\0'\ d\N ~'i r-\\Gí' A-O'\ City of Pickering PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOTS 14 AND 15, PLAN 489 . . OWNER E. MATTACCHIONEj M. LAPOSTA APPLICATION No.' A 13/99 Planning & Development Department DATE NOV 26, 2001 SCALE 1:7500 DRAWN BY AC CHECKED BY AT l' FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-8 PA- ,... ATTACHMENT I .:2 TO REPORT # PO ,/5, û , 079 APPLICANTS ORIGINAL SUBMITTED PLAN A 13/99 - """'31" 'Ii"" ",' "'"" """ G¡een; P¡ntH ----- -- - -- - -- --¡---- --- " / 1 , , 1 " 1 " 1 , I ----- -----¡'---- - - - ----- - - --- ------ -- ------- ------ - -- - ------- 1 " I " I !'! -'" & oil ';;¡ 'i' ~ , ~ I , 1 ' " I , ï ï ,/l/ /~~/' /:/ /</ / /1 ß. ~~'\ ' ,', -', ,,---", u~u~u~:~~tj~~;;rr:ì:TT:,.~ ~ULILd..Ll.lJ.J..L_Ld.LL.U..l..JkJ ~¡lL;..L'--'LI Kingston Rd, - 71 1) THIS U4P HIlS PR{)()Ucm BY THo CITY OF PICKERING, PlANNING .. O£VELOPl./Ðff OEPARTt.tE:NT, /NFrJf/t.tAT/ON .. SUPPORT SERVICES, NO'ÆU8£R 28, 2001. 080 ATTACHMENT #.3 TO REPORT # PO ?/s.. 0 I APPLICANTS LATEST REVISED PLAN A 13/99 - -: ;§ .:¡¡e". -g:':i! - / 0"" ;¡,¡ , ¡J.;>¡ *~~ï j!¡!'!..-;:. ~:;¡:¡. i'ê ~~l .!! "'¡;¡~ .;:;¡ _.~...~.... '~]ii- /3'-"'- , "'-5 " ----------- § "':¡j¡;j¡:r" I:'¡¡ J! 81B e ':~~ "'1il/~ w !~ """"""'~f;"""" æ : I I : / / : / : .,' . .. I " .-....& .~ . . Kingston Rd. /1 ;. 1-- 7J 17-I1S MAP WAS PRODIJC£O BY 17-IE CITY OF PiCKERiNG PlANNiNG d- D£VELOPM£NT OEPARTJ./M INFORMATION d- SUPPORT S£RVIC£5. .. NOlÆU8m 28. 2001. ATTACHMENT # If TO REPORT # PO 'f 5" - 0 I 081 ' APPLICANTS PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS A 13/99 ,.... ..,-!,= === == = = == == 0 == = ===='=,"=d n,-_f" ==~== === = == === =="=L.==~ 1 STOREY SIDE ELEVATION Scale I : 100 2 STOREY SIDE ELEVATION Scale I : 1~0 Grade , FRONT ELEVATION BLOCK A (Block B sim.) Scale I : 100 u_-!,==== == == == == = == === ==1.,,===, 3 STOREY SIDE ELEVATION Scale I : 100 0 0 REAR ELEVATION BLOCK A (Block B sim.) Scale I : 100 I"" '" -"- ,i,:{~...::!:~',~,' ,~ -. 'M iII'W.' ~.- ., '.'-". ..'., ; ~, '~~,:"~ ,. ;..~/i'}9~~~~ r:~:"" '.~~~1 (':~ Grade! - - -- F =M- (-,:¡.~.... 'IF"'." i ...-. -- i : ',:' . -.p:...I,!: -' ... ,. : . FRONT ELEVATION BLOCK C Scale I : 200 Jrd Floor 2nd Floor 1st Floor Grade semen II FRONT ELEVATION BLOCK D Scale I : 100 .-... REAR ELEVATION BLOCK D Scale I : 100 THIS IMP WAS PROD/JCEÐ BY THE: CITY OF PICKERING. PlANNING. .t OE:VE:LOP!.lE:NT OE:PARruoff. INFrJRMATION '" SUPPORT SE:RVlcEd NOVEMBER 28. 2001: CULROSS -L r- 5JI~ :5 L-: ~'y/ a 00 {'.) f' ~> ~~ ::D n -I :J: ....~ ." æ 0 -I .... . . . . . . ...... ::J: z' ...J~ «\ 3:' i ~ V\ i '-"ì \ , C -a ~~o~ ~~G WALNUT LANE AREA PROPOSED ZONING STANDARDS SCAlE 1:750 25 0 25 50 75 J:T etres .... WALNUT LANE AREA LANDS SUBJECT TO PROPOSED CITY-INITIATED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPUCATION -- -_W-atror- -~-- -~-- - ... ærn.. -. ATTACHMENT #_6' TO REPORT # PO Y 5-- D I 083 ~'<!> OF PIC ;O~ ~œ:~ ~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 15-99 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1999 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS . OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/99 E. Mattacchione & M. LaPosta Lots 14 & 15, Plan 489 (North side of Kingston Road; east of Walnut Lane) Town of Pickering -. 2.0 3.0 3.1 - 3.2 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject site is located on the north side of Kingston Road, east of Walnut Lane, and west of Liverpool Road (see Attachment #1 for location map); the site consists of two lots which have a combined frontage of 60.96 metres on Kingston Road, and an area of 0.456 of a hectare; both subject lots are vacant, generally level, grassed, and the westernmost lot is treed, whereas the eastern lot has trees only around the periphery; detached residential development exists to the north, east,.and west of the site; to the south across Kingston Road there is a mixed multi-tenancy plaza. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the owners are proposing to build, on the subject site, 24 - 3 Yz-storey townhouse units with a minimum unit width of 4.42 metres; the applicant's submitted preliminary site plan and building elevations are included as Attachments #2 and #3; a draft plan of condominium application or application for common-element condominium, if appropriate, is anticipated subsequent to the processing of this rezoning request; the proposal includes a 7.3-metre-wide internal road accessing Kingston Road, which provides an opportunity for extension into adjoining properties from a "T" intersection located at the rear of the site; the proposal has a net site density of approximately 53 units per hectare. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan designated "Living Area"; lands so designated are to be used predominantly for housing purposes; the proposal appears to confonn; Pickering Official Plan designates the site "Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridor"; these areas are to have the highest concentration of activity and the broadest diversity of community services and facilities in the Town; 084 ATTACHMENT # tb TO REPORT # PO if 5 - D I Information Report No. 15-99 Page 2 - residential, retailing of goods and services, offices, restaurants, community, cultural, recreational, and special purpose commercial uses are permitted witlún this designation; the Plan establishes a maximum residential density of 55 units per net hectare for these lands and others located on the north side of Kingston Road, abutting existing low density residential development to the north (proposal's net site density is approximately 53 units per hectare); the proposal appears to conform to the Pickering Official Plan; the site is located within a Detailed Review Area in the Town Centre Neighbourhood; the Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines were adopted by Council in 1994 for this area, involving properties along the north side of Kingston Road from Walnut Lane, east to Pine Creek; the site is also located within the Town Centre West Precinct of the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines, adopted by Council in 1998; 3.3 Zoning By-law 3036 the site is zoned Residential Detached Third Density "R3" by By-law 3036; this zoning permits detached dwellings on lots with a minimum frontage of 18 metres; amendment of the zoning by-law is required in order to permit the proposal. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION (see Attachments #5 & #6) - 4.1 Resident Comments one letter was received from the owner of a northerly-abutting property; the concerns expressed can be summarized as follows: . loss of privacy if 1 0 townhouses face her backyard and her rear windows; . numerous kids will play in the private road located near the 'common rear lot line, creating impacts of noise, balls, etc.; . many cars will use this private road, and no traffic signals onto Kingston Road are proposed; . her property will lose a minimum of 30% of its value; . she wants the zoning to stay as it is; 4.2 Agency Comments The Durham Catholic District School Board - indicates that the 5 students generated from the proposal would fall within the catchment area of St Isaac Jogues Catholic Elementary School located on Finch Avenue, and has no objection to the proposal; No Objections or Concerns: - the Durham District School Board; TransCanada Pipelines; ",.. 4.3 Staff Comments 4.3.1 Walnut Lane Area Development Guidelines these guidelines provide direction for future uses and buildings to be compatible with the low density residential area to the north while also presenting a scale and character of development appropriate to the Kingston Road frontage; the Guidelines require that development be limited to a maximum height of three stories and 12 metres; that the maximum height and the setback from the rear property line be limited by the 17 degree angular plane; that at least 40% of the building face next to Kingston Road must be within 6 metres of the front property ATTACHMENT# & TO REPORT # PO I.f S- 0 I 085 Information Report No. 15-99 Page 3 line; and a 3-metre-wide landscaped strip must be provided along the north (rear) property line; the buildings are proposed to flank rather than actually face Kingston Road, and their height is approximately 11 metres and 3Y2 stories (rather than 12 metres and 3 stories); therefore, determination of compliance with the guidelines is required; - 4.3.2 Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines one objective of the Town Centre West Precinct of the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines is to encourage the creation of a neighbourhood which represents a transition between the Whites Road corridor to the west, the Liverpool neighbourhood to the north, and the Downtown Core to the east; residential uses are generally encouraged, with commercial intensification at intersections, and a distinctive character is to be established through appropriate streetscape treatments, such as reduced building setbacks along Kingston Road, and the provision of sidewalks on both sides of Kingston Road to provide direct and convenient access to buildings fronting the street; on-street parking will be encouraged in this specific area of Kingston Road in the future, once buildings are constructed closer to the street; 4.3.3 The Orderly Development of Abutting Lands - the internal "T" roadway proposed has an approximate maximum width of 7.3 metre,s; the width of this proposed road limits it to being developed as a private road, as it is below the minimum 20-metre width of a public local road; staff must determine whether this site and abutting parcels would be better served through the provision of a public roadway, and whether a public roadway width could be accommodated efficiently in this area; the applicant has suggested that the future redevelopment of abutting lots could connect with the private road proposed, as illustrated on the submitted plan included as Attachment #4; discussion with the Region of Durham regarding the number of entrance/egress points along this portion of Kingston Road is required; this site is approximately at the mid-point of the lots located between Walnut Lane and Pine Creek which have redevelopment potential; the applicant's broader-area site plan includes two other eventual access points to Kingston Road - one further east and one further west; staff must determine whether it is appropriate for future redevelopment to connect to a private road network; staff must assess whether the proposal could function independently and in redevelopment schemes with abutting properties; staff must also assess whether the future development of abutting properties would be negatively impacted by this proposal; 4.3.4 Site Design and Function - there may be alternative site designs which would be more efficient or more appropriate; for example, a redesign where the southernmost units would actually front onto Kingston Road may better meet the true intent of both the Guidelines; the northern proposed units located along the top of the "T" intersection have reverse frontage and face the rear of the detached units located north of the site' , there could be alternative designs which would allow the units to flank rather than front the rear lot line, while still permitting the depth of the roadway to constitute much of the required distance of setback necessary to conform to the angular plane height limitation for the northernmost units; a redesign which provides bulbing at the ends of the internal roadway to allow for the turn-around space needs of vehicles, and which provides for the parking of visitors may also be desirable; 086 Information Report No. 15-99 ATTACHMENT' & TO REPORT /I PO Sì 5~ 0 I Page 4 alternative designs must be explored by the applicant. - 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Recommendation Report prepared by the Planning Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the Town before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the Town Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix I those whose comments on the proposal were received at time of writing are listed; 6.2 Information Received - a full-scale copy of the applicant's submitted plan is available for viewing at the offices of the Town of Pickering Planning Department. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Valerie R. Rodrigues, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner Lynda D. Taylor Manager - Current Operations Division VRR/ph - - ,.... 6. ,... ATTACHMENT# 7 TO REPORT /I PO '15 -0 I 087 Excerpts from Statutory Public Informatin Meeting Minutes of STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. (I) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 13/99 E. MATTA cern 0 NE AND M. LAPOST A LOTS 14 AND 15, PLAN 489 (NORTH SIDE OF KINGSTON ROAD EAST OF WALNUT LANE 1. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Current Operations Division, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #15-99. 2. Angelo Mattacchione, representing the applicants, commented on various aspects of the Planning Report notwgthat:a)th~proposedtowrihouse units are not 3 1/2 stories but 3 stôrìeš with-a basement; b) a previous application was not approved which would have allowed for 3 lots with frontages each of 20.32 metres and would have been within the requirements of By-law 3036; c) the north property line is heavily treed and privacy for abutting neighbours should not be affected. 3. Lee Morgan, Lot 12 and 13, outlined his concerns regarding: a) the barrier to be placed between Lots 13 and 14 and the property in question, b) a problem presently exists with the water level, if the elevation is raised, further problems will be created, c) water drainage. 4. Mary Aroukatos, outlined her concerns to include water, the placement of a barrier, the number of units - will be far more children than 5 as indicated by the agent, parking, traffic and the design. 5. Joyce Herzog, representing the Liverpool West Community Association, advised that the Association is happy with residential but concerned with the proposed height. The development is not aesthetically pleasing with the homes flanking Kingston Road. They are concerned with the road patterns and their development. There should be a more consistent road pattern and a review of' the optimum placement of traffic signals. How are residents of the proposed development to access the northem area, traveling to school, shopping, etc. with no northern linkage. Sidewalks should be extended along the north side of Kingston Road to Glendale Drive. Angelo Mattacchione, representing the applicants, advised that a barrier will be . placed between the proposed development and present lots. The Works Department will address elevation and water will be self contained. A left hand turn land presently exists on Kingston Road and should alleviate traffic concerns. Sufficient parking has been created within the development with each unit providing for two cars. 1920 Gayly Slreel' Pic¡"'-illg, Ontario L1VV JR6 905-42ì -Oi91 9U5-42ï -4998(Fax) Cmnmissilln: 088 ATTACHMENT # .6 TO REPORT # PO $/$..ô I -'. """'.-1 ,- ». ,Rr:CEIVED ' " j,Ul Z 1'199B Ju)y19; 1999 TOWN Ot:PICKERI'!'1 PLo\NNING DEPART.', ~;¡':T . '.... ...~iJí~Ii!,~n@!~£j Director of Pìånning Town of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickerihg,ON L1V6K7 InJ" refnlfP n,' 11 e ' - ¡D¡:'-~'¡!.¡" tç:,' J ¡ "\W"I.~'.' fñJ in' l' P /JdJUL .2 7 1999 it) j "1?"")"'If\' -~ '", """V"l, 'I.(",r~ "I:1/(':?/"tr;Q,JN' Pff'Ja::"1J'J'" "':-'~"II \" .,'v ',_I, "(.¡,.ONTl\fîlQ Dear Mr. Carroll: Re: Zoning By-Law'AmendmentApplication A 13/9.9. ,E. Mattacchione&ML L~rPosta' Lots 14 & 15, Plan 489, (North side of Kingston Road, east of Walnut Lane) We. are very concerned with this ,applicationJor the following re.a,sons: . I nsuffiCient setback ftom Kingston Road to provide for .adequateclearance from.our overhead 44kVand 13.8kVcircuits. (s.eeletterofApril23, 1999, cPpy of which is attached, which requests 7 m setback from Toad allöwance). InsuffiCient detail ongrade.,changes on Kingston Road (we do not permit our poles to bøburied above the pole: butttreatmentievel)~ . The developer has the choice to: . Increase:thesetback, .or .. Pgyfor the;buriaLoftheoverheadlines; Ifthe developer wants to raisethe grades around our pöles, the developer will be requiredtopay forthe :re'-settingofthese poles. If there are anyqueetionsabout these comments" ple~se;dO, not hesitate to contac:tme;, ¥oursJruly, I. I. Mason, Chair' ,L. A. t-IUllgins, Vice-Chair W; Arthurs, Mayor ' bhn Wiersma,P.,fnQ; R.lohnson, Councillor /J'" Genera'.,Manager R.f. Sullon, Commissioner I " Wicl'Sllla, I'. Eng. General Manager :ahm :dhntS:lGeneral Manager Fllasl1999 FILESIGovirmment\O7199 Carroll Zoning ~y LaW A13 99.doc , The Regional, Municipality of Durham Planning " Department Box 623 1615 Dundas St, E. 4th Floor Lang Tower West Building . Whitby, Ontario ~anada L1N 6A3 , fel: (905) 728-7731 . Fax: (905) 43&-6612 A. L. Georgleft, MCIP, RPP Commissioner' of Planning' '.- ,-' ATIACHMENT#- 9 TO REPORT # PD '5-b { 089 c.e"~brClte the 'tut\¡ret 'JiäL ~f:JJ1 9 .~ " DU'RHAM November22, 1999 REGION ,1974"'1999, Valërie .Rodrigues, Senior Plan'l'er" ' . Town of Pickering Planning Department, ' Pickering Civic'Complex ' " GneThe Esplanade, ' Pickering, ONL1V 6~7 RECE7VËo ~I, ~'N,fJ V ~ 3 ',1999 TO . " ' , PL.AN~~C: rJ;I~:~~~~T , '~ , ' , Dear Ms:, Rodrigues: ,'Re: , ' Zoning By-law Amendf!1ent Application A13/99 Applic~nt ,E, Mattacchione& M,: Lapasta , ' Location: ': North side of Highwày:No. 2 " Part of Lot 23, Còncession1 . MuniCipality: Town of Pickering , , " " 'In accordance with ,your request, we wish to provide t~e following èomments with respect to compliance with the RegiqnalPlan, delegated Provincial plan revièw ' , responsibilities and the proposed method 'of serVicing. ' ," The applicant has proposed a24 ,unit townhouse ,complex on 0.456 hectare' parcel' of larid. The' Regional Plan designates the site "Living Area'; which 'permits a full,' rahge of housing and encou'rages intensification ir(appropriate locations.' , . No Prövinçialinterests wöuld appear to be applicable ,to this application." Servicing , , A sanitary sewer crosses Highway 2, approximatelY 120 metres west of th~ site and in ord~rto provide a gravity connection to, this exi$Ung sewer, substántial, fiU would be required o~ the northerly one-half of the $ubject pröperty.lt is suggested, that in order to avoid this requirement, the site should be serviced by an extension of approxirnately110 ,metres in length' running 'easterly In the' north' boulevard of Highway 2,connecting to the ,existing pOOmmdiametertrunk sanitary sewer crossing Highway No~ 2. " " ' , ' " , , ' ~ . .Municipal ~ater suppy(300mm diameterniainJ is 'avàilabl~ from an existing 300mm ' diameter main on the south sideof highway No. 2. The Works Department requires, ' that thewatermainconnectÎon crossing Highway 2 will have t6 be undertaken by tunnelling or bore àhdjac,koperations. ÙjJen cutting of Highway No.2 will not be , permitted: " ," , , , ' , Pieasê refer 'to' Attachment No.1 for the servicingitem~ described above. Transportation , , " , " The Works Department has indicated that their review of the application was.based ' 'on the potemtial for re~development of the site, as w~1I as.' the two properties' containingiesidential units to the east and the ,three proper1ies containing, re~idential units to the, west "They haveindiçatedlhat based onthe total frontage of the total 100% Post Consumer" 090 - - - '" ATTACHMENT II 9 TO REPORT # PO if5" 0 I , ' " , land holdings, ' a maximUm of two access points ,GolJldbe permitted. These two ' points of aCCess would be'offset from the existing commercial access'onJhe ,south , sjde of Highway No.' 2,such that left turn traffic movement conflicts for ,each of-the sites, would be avoided. ,"",' " ' , , , " , " ' , However, the Work~ Department -would be -willing to accept the proposed access point to the~ubject property in the interim, provided that thø entrance beclosed,at , such time, as the 'lands to the" east "and/or west ,are developed, in order th'¡:It connectivity betw~en properties, is achieve,d' and the' desired entrances are established. ',,' ' , " " .. '" , '. Please refer to,Attachme,ntNo. 2 for the transportation items described above. Other Issues It is our understanding that th~ implementation of this proposal is to proceed by means of a plan of condominium. We' suggest that the applicant be ,ç¡dvisedto, submit an application as soon as possible, specifically, prior to site plan approval, , in order.to address the requirement for the åbatement of traffic noise from Highway' , No.2. ,This will require the' sub,mission of a noise impact study for review and, acceptance by the Town andthe Region; 'priorto a Regional q8cision regarding this 'proposaL It is also anticipated 'that :any other Regional.concerns, financial arid otherwise,will be addre~sed through the subdivision/condominium process. ' ~}~ Tom Cadman, Planner, , Current Operations Branch N:\PfM\ T C\DEV APPlZQNf NGIAPPLI CA TlPICKE- xwwi 3-99. WPD .' , " " ." T'O\i 'H'j'7'..L.L'Ÿ ,....¡ 0) ,-.. -. / J n(J ") ( \ --. .., .. ( 1t:J T . '.L I . ~ ~!=J 0 0 ( LêJ~êJ1J IJ Ç :i ~~~. 1-0 za.. UJ ;2'tt. :I: I- ~ê5 5~ 0 f0o- I Z 'oN H")V 1..1. ~ . . '0 -'" ,--....,.. .. . "" . ---., C"~ c::n Co / J ~ ( 8 '¡£J ~(J ') - ( ." ~ =1 - .YJ~.f.':.'.~~,~.';'f,[.1:..,Lot.i~:"/' ;;",,". \: Ð Ð ~- ":'-- .,. -- -,------..,,-.- . , 2 A\1MHQIH ~ . ~(j..L~ <J3£OdOõd ~ '.J ~~Lc;:¡t..Jt~£ ). . . $O"H Y I .l.::>:1'.f:S1~. ~jf c: 0 ffl,A ' '-:1 ^-N i =s- ~~tJC5~ .. -. TO: I?ROM: RE: ATTACHMENT #_1 ¿) TO REPORT tI PD '15"0 L - 093 INTEIUJEPARTMENTALCORRESPONDENCE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Valerie Rodrigues Senior Planner DATE: October 19, 1999 Robert Starr Development Control Supervisor RECEIVED OCT 2 1 1999 Zoning By-Law Amendment Application A 13/99 E. lYlattacchione & M. Laposta Lots 14 & 15, Plan 489 (North Side of Kingston Road, East of Walnut Lane) Town of Pickering TOWN OF PICKERING PLANNING DEPARTMENT We have reviewed the above noted application and provide the following comments. - 3. 4. 1. A Stormwater Management Report is required for the site. The proposed short-term solution of storm sewer discharge to the existing ditch on Kingston Road should be reviewed between the Town and the Region of Durham. A' system to provide an adequate storm sewer discharging directly to Pine Creek that accommodates this and all adjacent properties is the recommended solution. This will also allow for urbanization of the boulevard, as a sidewalk will be required on Kingston Road fronting the site. The proposed development will be required to contain their drainage. 2. The road proposed for access from Kingston Road, if proposed as a Town maintained road, will require a minimum road allowance of 18 metres and a temporary/permanent turning circle at the north limit having an 18 metre radius, depending on whether the roads are anticipated to continue. A report on the existing soil conditions is required. A Subdivision and/or Development Agreement with the Town may be required for works on a future Town maintained road and/or for local services required on Kingston Road. Some works on Kingston Road will be covered by the Town's current Development Charge By-Law. ~.. -------- _.--~ ~::~- -' - , - Robert StalT RS/ch Copy: L. Thompson, Development Approvals Coordinator pwfiles/a 13-99m 094 " AnACHMENT#~11 TO REPORT Ii PO r..¡S~ð , -- Teresa ZANATA 1434 Altona Rd. Pickering. Onto L1V lMl tel. 905 509 6999 J¿J C~ ( Bruce aylor, A.M.C.T. n Clerk he Town of Pickering, Onto to : Mr. - Re Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/99 E. Mattacchione & M. La Posta Lots 14, & 15, Plan 489 (North side of Kinston Rd., east of Walnut Lane) Town of Pickering RECEIVED TOWN OF PICKERING JUL 1 4 1999 CLERK'S DEPARTMENT r- RECEIVED 'JUt 1 5 1999 ~1 ¡OWN 0 PLANNING~ 6E'C}ŒRING ~ Dear Sir, as you can see on the little schematic included in this letter, with the proposed construction of 24 townhouses behind the backyard of my property, located on 1773 Storrington st. I'm going to lose all my privacy because 10 townhouses of the proposed Plan 489 will look directly in my backyard and at the windows of my ~ack house, withouth any protection. _he 24 townhouses of 3 or more bedroom, will be occupied by families with a total of circa 40 children and teenagers. This youngsters, will'inevitably play games on the private road wich serve to enter the houses, specially at the end part of it, facing my backyard's fence. You can imagine the consequences: noise, balls that will pass over the fence and will fall on my property exct...exct.. The private road access on the Kinston Rd , of only 21 ft. wide, jlill provide for the passage of circa 30 and plus cars of the houses' mer and more for the visitors. No segnaletic is provided and the _iildren will be exposed to the danger of the heavy traffic on Kinston Rd. When I did buy my property, I did have a look at the zone By-law. This clearly state that on the back of my property will be permitted only construction of single dwelling and not of 24 townhouses in fact you need to change, to amende, the By-law, to accomodate the demad of Mr. Mattacchione. can understand Mr. Mattacchione's demand to maximize profit aut of his ~and , but what He is doing is at the espense of my property's value. Only for the lost privacy, my house will lose almost 30% of it's value. Sorry, I oppose firmly the Plan 489. Yours trUl) Cè/~ ~~ Pickering.. .} ~. ~4' . ~ y. .~.~ .. . " . ~"v\,vkvl w?t ~ i/~ e-.AM$l: ~ 1.- - l(') 0":: _. --..' if .'~ -- .. ---=- . a 1-- a ........... \/) '--1)-- )'~ - % ;- Q. 20.. I..U â'-' :x: l- e..:> a: ""'0 I- a.. !-- U.I "'" a: ~p,,^, (t '5 t1 ð ~ I... ~ I' ( ',rw ---- 19"¡1W ----- --- --- ---- --- ç;; . .}JW ---....- ??V\'1t "WJ J\\ +- "O~S -- ---- --- --- -- --- --- --- --- l} - L .... i ---- -, -. Gt 't-m: -- grcní\ w () I\.t. "J '" }..\7 'VI'D? '" 'J ]'f p .+ ~ o~ 1 ~ <; '7J r; \A} f + S ~ q c ( 096 / :? TO . ATTACHMENT' l/ 5 -0 I REPORT # PO - '1.1.....- J\/' - .'~~ RECLIVrEO' , rrHE. TOWN OF PICKERING ZONiNG DEPARTMENT /i'í} (1." 1999 TOWN OF p , PLANNING O~CkËAlNG . ~---...,~~AR7MF;Wr' I ."'~~""--., August 3, 1999 RE: ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 13/99 DEAR SIRS, WE ARE THE OWNERS OF 1222 KINGSTON RD. PICKERING, THE ADJACENT PROPERTY TO THE PROPOSED PLAN FOR THE 24 FREEHOLD TOWNHOUSE UNITS. WE ARE OPPOSED TO THE PROPOSED PLAN FOR MANY REASONS. .- FIRSTLY, AND MOST FOREMOST THE PROPOSAL WILL TOTALLY DESTROY ANY FUTURE DESIGN THE TOWN MAY HAVE FOR THE DOWNTOWN CORRIDOR. AS YOU DRIVE INTO PICKERING FROM WHITES RD. GOING EAST THE TOWN IS BOMBARDED WITH UNSIGHTLY STRIP PLAZAS AND NEW TOWNHOMES. THERE IS NO FORMAL "ENTRANCE" TO OUR TOWN. THE STRIP OF LAND WHICH IS PART OF THIS APPLICATION AND THE ADJOINING 2 PROPERTIES ONE OF WHICH IS OUR OWN COULD PROVIDE AN AESTHETICALLY PLEASING LOOK OF WHICH THIS TOWN IS IN DIRE NEED. SECONDLY, WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE OWNERS HAVE BEEN UNSUCCESSFUL IN SELLING THEIR PROPERTY IN THE PAST IT IS OF NO SURPRISE THAT THEY WOULD ATTEMPT TO "CRAM" AS MUCH LIVING SPACE AS POSSIBLE ON THEIR LAND WITHOUT CONSIDERING THE FUTURE OF THE SITE. WE DO NOT NEED SO MANY PEOPLE LIVING ON HIGHWAY 2 ESPECIALLY CHILDREN. WALNUT LANE IS SUFFICIENT IT HAS A SIDE STREET LEADING TO OTHER RESIDENCES AND PROPER STREET SIGNAL LIGHTS. THIRDLY, THE AREA DIRECTLY BEHIND THE PROPOSED SITE AND BESIDE IS RESIDENTIAL. THE 24 TOWNHOMES WOULD MOST LIKELY HOUSE FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN WHICH WOULD CAUSE NOT ONLY SAFETY CONCERNS BECAUSE OF HWY 2, BUT ALSO TRAFFIC AND PRIVACY FOR THOSE AROUND THE AREA. - OUR PROPOSAL IS THIS. SHOULD THESE OWNERS WISH TO BUILD ON THEIR PROPERTY LET THEM DO SO WHILE CONFORMING TO SOME SORT OF "FUTURE LOOK" THAT THE COUNCIL HAS BEEN ATTEMPTING TO DEVELOP. THE PICKERING VILLAGE SITE, ALTHOUGH AN OLDER VERSION, IS A GOOD EYJlliæLE. IT HAS THE VICTORIAN DESIGN HOUSING SMALL SHOPS AND RESIDENTIAL UNITS. WE PROPOSE THIS TO THE OWNERS KNOWING THAT IT WILL NOT ONLY PROVIDE THE AREA WITH A "CLASSIER" DOWNTOWN LOOK BUT ALSO PROVIDE FOR OFFICE SPACE AND SMALL CAFES, BOUTIQUES " ATTACHMENT I /~ TO REPORT I PO '15"-0 I 097 -. .., - ¿, - ETC., (ALL THESE COMPONENTS BRINGING THEM EVEN MORE FINANCIAL GAIN THEN WHAT THEY ARE PROPOSING). STORES CLOSE AT NINE AND THEREFORE THE ONLY TRAFFIC WOULD BE THAT OF THE PEOPLE LIVING ABOVE THE STORES WHICH WE PROPOSE WOULD BE ADULTS OR SENIORS. YES, PICKERING HAS STORES AND RESIDENCES BUT THE DAYS OF THE STRIP PLAZA ARE SLOWLY FADING AS THE COMMUNITY IS LOOKING FOR A LOOK TO TIE TOGETHER LIVING AND WORKING AS THESE TWO HAVE BECOME INSEPARABLE COMPONENTS OF OUR DAILY LIVES. HAVING BEEN RESIDENTS IN PICKERING FOR OVER 18 YEARS AND HAVING OWNED A BUSINESS IN THE AREA OF THE PROPOSED SITE, WE ARE PLEASED THAT TOWN COUNCIL HAS BEEN PUTTING SO MUCH EFFORT INTO THE FUTURE OF PICKERING DEVELOPMENT. WE HOPE TOWN COUNCIL WILL WORK TOGETHER WITH THE COMMUNITY IN TRYING TO DESIGN THE FUTURE OF PICKERING. . -. REGARDS, /,---- . =:....------ " NANCY-ARQUKAT..Q.ê.-----> IŒ'l"I'rAROUKATOS -. 098 - - .. ATTACHMENT # J 3 TO REPORT # PO t.j 5 0' 0 I Attention: ¡' .';~:':::""\ '--,-..",.",," [Ii'; "-:-"',' ' .. I' '-"-"!~!~' r-~O A'r,"" A,~ "'" Valerie Rodrigues PI ~OI"'Y:~ ;;, :,,"~:'^; , " ~"'I(. 'tf'l; 'JI'dì'lï Pickering-Senior Plannef-~"-',~,,'; LI!c';'.,,',',::.c: '. ". ',IC" ", August 10, 1999 "', Dear Valerie, ~' ,..., , //.~) ;/ l'~ . ¡t,/!, I,..:./"", , /¡,,'/"~",í)\ ( 1)["'" '.II::;.., ,1,// ,I,"i.:'---',') (/" '¡","I? ! U "'¡/I/",', /-, 1>// /Í.":> "- ,to .. ,,' ¡ "- " "f.t., 7, "', ':',:"/lì) -,,>,'/t¡ " j 19, /1/ / , (.:'1', C,,;: "", , " 19.0 " .'! / '/'i' "-:"., 0', / ,I Ive. Ii ì, (Ji ~, n .. r .f', --,.'i -í1-'), '<'I), '1;" 'Iii" 1/0 II(~\ We have received and reviewed the proposal regarding the potential development on Kingston Road on lots 14 & 15, plan 489. As well, we attended the preliminary meeting on August 51b, 1999 at the Town HalL We live at 1775 Storrington Avenue and our entire backyard backs on to the property being considered for development. We would like to offer our support, concerns and recommendations with respect to the proposaL We recognized that when we purchased this home that there was a potential for future development on the above noted property. With that in mind, we investigated the current approved zoning bylaw. We found the zoning to be acceptable and felt that our investment would be safe, so we purchased our home. The proposal to build freehold condominium townhomes, in our opinion, would be an acceptable use for the land. That is assuming the planning and buildings match the existing architecture and blend into the surrounding natural landscape. We have outlined our concerns with the proposal below: The reduction of the minimum allowable width of each home to 4.42 metres will allow too many homes to be constructed on that property. On these 2 lots alone, there could potentially be 24 families, 72 people, 48 vehicles and numerous pets. Weare very concerned about the increased activity and noise levels as well potential parking issues. We have invested in our home and have long term plans to stay here. As well, we are planning on installing an inground pool next year. Weare concerned about the roadway, which will run along our entire fence line. We feel that.it will attract loitering and infringe on our personal privacy. , There is also 2. potential that our home will reduce in value, as it will become less attractive to future owners if we need to selL The current design of the buildings do not blend well into the surrounding space. They will look awkward and out of place, they are not very attractive. Weare concerned that 10 homes and families will be facing directly into our back yard with the current configuration of the lots. . . ~ . . "" - - . ATTACHMENT II / 3 TO REPORT # PO 'IS, () J nQ'l Our recommendations include the following: . Reduce the quantity of homes allowed to be constructed by increasing the size of each lot. This will also encourage a home of greater value and attract homeowners that are interested in a long-tenn purchase. Re-design the property layout so that a roadway does not butt up against our property. Allow for a greenbelt of some sort to separate the traffic from our backyard. With this many kids potentially living in the homes, some sort of park-space shpuld be incorporated into the plan. A similar attractive design as the units located at the comer of Walnut Lane and Kingston Road would be very acceptable. The de~ign of the homes should be changed to biend the architecture to the surrounding space. End units should have softer elements, possibly lower level rooflines and entrances to lessen the harshness of the design. Units that face the existing properties should have a stepped elevation again to soften the look of the homes and eliminate some of the prIvacy concerns. We would like a reduction in the number of floors, the homes should not be more than 2 stories with attached garage. We are very concerned about the current design, as we will lose our privacy completely, they would hover over our property. A combination of an attractive privacy fence and tree line to appropriately block the view of the homes to our bac~yard.(25 ft high trees) Consider relaying out the plan so the ten homes will not face our backyard. . . . . . . We trust that you will consider and accept our concerns and recommendations as you pursue this proposal with the current owners and the Town of Pickering. We understand their need to expect a respectable return on their investment, however, they are potentially asking for it at the detriment of the community and surrounding property values. We would like to recommend that the owner schedule a meeting with the interested neighbors to discuss this project. I am sure we can all work together to develop an acceptable solution for all involved. Please do not hesitate to call us directly if you have any questions. Sincerely, QJa"i ~ /)(J-t'd /-le-wM{ Stacy and Doug Howard 1775 StolTington Street Pickering, Ontario Ll V 2X2 Phone # 905-420-6098 CC: Angelo Mattacchione @ Prosum Engineering -