HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 01-15 i't's 00. Report to Executive Committee PICKERIN Report Number: CR 01-15 Date: March 2, 2015 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation Subject: Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant - Endorsement of City of Pickering Application - File: A-1440 Recommendation: - 1. That Report CR 01-15 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Age- Friendly Community Planning Grant be received; 2. That.Council authorize staff to initiate the Age Friendly Community Planning Grant program as outlined in the City of Pickering application attached, subject to the receipt of provincial funds under Ontario Seniors' Secretariat Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant; and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: An Age Friendly Community is one where policies, services, and structures related to the physical and social environments, are designed to support and enable older people to live in a secure environment, enjoy good health, and continue to participate fully in their communities. . Through Ontario's Action Plan for Seniors, Ontario is launching the Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant which will support innovative local planning initiatives across the Province. The purpose of this funding is to help communities become age-friendly . by ensuring that the needs of seniors are considered at every stage of community planning and development. • The Age Friendly Community Planning Grant will support local governments and their community partners to undertake planning activities that will result in local age friendly action plans, implementation, and evaluation of activities and services. Priority will be given to communities that have not yet started age friendly community planning work, and who have not yet completed a local age friendly action plan. The City of Pickering has prepared and submitted an Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant application. As outlined within the application, key outcomes of the grant ' program are to develop a senior's steering committee to inform the project, conduct an environmental scan of municipal services, define local principles for our community and Report CR 01-15 March 2, 2015 Subject: Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Page 2 develop a community needs assessment in order to identify opportunities for improving Pickering's age-friendliness. The purpose of this Executive Committee Report is to receive an approved Council resolution expressing commitment to Pickering's Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant application and program therein. This Council resolution is required to be submitted to the Province by March 31, 2015 in order to complete the application process. Financial Implications: Funding for the Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant is available up to $35,000 for medium sized municipalities with a population between 20,000 to 99,999 residents. As such, the City of Pickering's grant application is in the amount of$35,000 and will cover the cost of a contract staff person to help facilitate the program over a nine month period from January 2016 to September 2016. The City will utilize existing staff resources to complete the grant program at no additional cost to the City of Pickering. The grant project will not proceed without funding from the province through this grant program. The creation of an action plan with potential financial implications will not be considered until this 2 year grant program has been completed. Discussion: In 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) undertook the Global Age Friendly Cities Project which included the creation of a guidebook highlighting eight key dimensions of age friendly communities. These dimensions include outdoor spaces and public buildings; transportation; housing; social participation; respect and social inclusion; civic participation and employment; communication and information; and community support and health services. In January 2013, the Ontario Seniors Secretariat released "Independence, Activity and Good Health: Ontario Action Plan for Seniors"which identifies provincial programs, services and legislation to support three main priorities being healthy seniors; senior friendly communities; and safety and security. As part of their Action Plan for Seniors, Ontario is launching the Age-Friendly. Community Planning Grant which will support innovative local planning initiatives across the Province. The purpose of this funding is to help communities become age-friendly by ensuring that the needs of seniors are considered at every stage of community planning and development. The City of Pickering's application will be primarily led by Culture & Recreation staff and as such will focus on two dimensions of age friendly communities which are Social Participation and Respect & Social Inclusion. That said, Culture & Recreation staff will include staff from other departments and other community stakeholders to provide input on other dimensions including Outdoor Spaces and Public Buildings and Civic CORP0227-07/01 revised 2 Report CR 01-15 March 2, 2015 • • Subject: Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Page 3 Participation. Pickering's program will involve seniors and organizations which represent seniors.to ensure our outcomes include the views of seniors within the Pickering community. The key outcomes of the Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant program will be completed in 2015 and 2016 and includes the following: • developing a seniors steering committee • conducting an environmental scan of Pickering's services • defining local principles • developing a needs assessment The creation of an action plan in 2017 will be subject to available funds through government grants or through the city's budget process. The Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant program is supported by the principles of various Pickering strategic plans including the Accessibility Plan, Community Engagement Plan and the Cultural Strategic Plan. Since one quarter of Pickering's population consists of seniors age 55 and older (as per 2011 Statistics Canada), a strategic review of Pickering's age friendliness is timely and important to our future development and growth. Clearly, the Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant program will allow the City of Pickering to continue to work towards becoming a community which promotes healthy and active aging. An aging population provides City staff with a great opportunity for new and innovative planning, service delivery, and public engagement so that seniors can participate more fully in the civic and social life of Pickering. At this time, staff seek an approved Council resolution expressing commitment to Pickering's Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant application and program therein. This Council resolution is required to be submitted to the Province by March 31, 2015 in order to complete the application process. Attachments: 1. City of Pickering's Age-Friendly Community Grant Application. , 2. Ontario Seniors' Secretariat Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant (2014-2015 Program Guidelines). CORP0227-07/01 revised 3 Report CR 01-15 March 2, 2015 Subject: Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Page 4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: 4 Sharon Milto Marisa Care o - Supervisor, Recreation Services Director, Culture & Recreation MC:sm Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ier / ;• f33 2AlS Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • • • CORP0227-07/01 revised 4 ATTACHI`IENT# TO REPORT# 0 ( — i 5 Grants Ontario r ri rI O Application Form Age-Friendly Community ty Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 Instructions This section provides information on how to complete and submit your application. Users of this application may also hover their cursor over any heading to learn more about the requirements. • How To Complete Application Before filling out the application,please read the entire AFC Planning Grant Program Guidelines and the Application Guide. It may be useful to print a copy of the Program Guidelines and Application Guide so that you can easily refer to them while completing the application. There may be some questions on this application that you are NOT required to complete;these will be noted in the Application Guide. Information about eligible organizations,eligible projects and expenses are detailed in the Program Guidelines and the Application Guide. ' • Some fields in your application will already have the information you supplied during enrolment or from previous applications. Answer each question fully or indicate"not-applicable°if the question is not relevant or does not apply to your project.Answers may vary in length depending on the nature of your project. Provide reasons and supporting data where applicable to support your application.Demonstrate how your project addresses the grant program priorities. Prepare necessary support materials.Ensure you have all of the necessary support materials electronically(either scanned,pdf or attachment).The required attachments are listed below. Note that consideration of an application by the Ontario Seniors Secretariat does not guarantee funding. Applications will be screened for eligibility.Refer to the Program Guidelines and Application Guidelines for information on eligibility. Applications that are deemed ineligible will not be evaluated. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the information provided by the applicant within the completed application forms and for their ability to achieve the objectives of the program. The secretariat does not guarantee funding to all applicants,nor can the ministry ensure that the total amount requested by successful applicants will be granted.The ministry reserves the right,in its sole discretion,to fund or not fund any particular project or program for which an application is submitted.The decision to fund all or part of an applicant request will depend on its fit to the program priorities,assessment criteria and the overall demand of funds in the program. You may contact a ministry advisor if you have any questions about completing the application form. Attachment,Requirements Checklist • Board of Directors or Council members • Budget • Council Resolution • Insurance • Letter of Incorporation • • • Letter of support from municipality • Other • Prior year financial statements • Workplan ' Readec11.009 Page 1 I 20 5 • Grants Ontario Application Form " Ontario Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 Section A - Organization Information • This section displays general information about your organization submitted during the Grants Ontario enrolment process.To make a change to this information,please submit an Assistance Request through the Grants Ontario System.Once the change has been made, all future reports will include the updated information. • 1.Organization Name: 2. Organization Legal Name: City of Pickering The City of Pickering 3.Web Site URL: www.cityofpickering.com • 4.Type of Legal Entity: 5.Year Established: 6. Date Incorporated: Municipality 1811 02/21/2012 7. Corporation Registration Number: 8. Date of last AGM: 9. Date of Next AGM: NA '02/21/2012 02/21/2012 10. Organization Mandate: municpal services • • • • • • zoz.00.ozoo Reader.11.00s Page 2 I 20 6 • r‘ Grants Ontario Application Form OntarioAge-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 • Section B -Organization Address Information This section displays address information about your organization submitted during the Grants Ontario enrolment process.To make a change to this information,please submit an Assistance Request through the Grants Ontario System. Once the change has been made,all future applications will include the updated information. Primary Address: 1. Street address 1: One The Esplanade 2. Street address 2: 3. City: 4.-Province: 5. Postal Code Pickering Ontario L1V6K7 Mailing Address: 6. Street address 1: One The Esplanade 7. Street address 2: 8. City: 9. Province: 10. Postal Code Pickering Ontario L1 V6K7. Section C - Organization Contact Information Information about key people in the organization,including whether they have signing authority or not. Note that only the first group of contact fields are mandatory.All other types of contacts are optional. Organization Contact General contact for the organization.The person who should receive general information from the Ministry including notification of grant opportunities,deadlines and news releases. 1. *Salutation: 2.*First Name: 3.*Last Name: 4.*Title: Mrs. Sharon Milton Supervisor, Recreation Services 5. *Phone Number(Work): 6. Phone Number(Mobile): 7.*Email Address: 9054204620 (289)388-6294 smilton @pickering.ca n 8. Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) • - 202.00.0200 Readerl�.00s Page 3 I 20 t Grants Ontario Application Form P- Ontario Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 Most Senior Official This is the most senior elected or appointed official with whom a Minister of the Crown would correspond with(i.e.Mayor, Board Chair,Reeve,Chief, CEO) 9. Salutation: 10. First Name: 11. Last Name: 12.Title: Mr. Dave Ryan Mayor, City of Pickering 13. Phone Number(Work): 14. Phone Number(Mobile): 15. Email Address: (905)420-2222 x2 dryan @pickering.ca 16. Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) Other Senior Staff This is the most senior member of the organization aside from the person listed as Most Senior Official(i.e.CEO, Executive Director). 17. Salutation: 18. First Name: 19. Last Name: 20.Title: Mr. Tony Prevedel CAO, City of Pickering 21. Phone Number(Work): 22. Phone Number(Mobile): 23. Email Address: (905)420-2222 tprevedel @pickering.ca n 24. Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) Other Contact 1 - Any other person with whom the Ministry might wish to contact or additional signing authorities e.g.Treasurer,CFO or Vice Chair 25. Salutation: 26. First Name: 27. Last Name: 28.Title: • Mr. Stan Karwowski Division Head, Finance and Treasurer • 29. Phone Number(Work): 30. Phone Number(Mobile): 31. Email Address: (905)420-2222 skarwowski @pickering.ca ® Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) Other Contact 2 = , _ - , Any other person with whom the Ministry might wish to contact or additional signing authorities e.g.Treasurer,CFO or Vice Chair 33. Salutation: 34. First Name: 35. Last Name: 36.Title: Mrs. Marisa Carpino Director, Culture& Recreation 37. Phone Number(Work): 38. Phone Number(Mobile): 39. Email Address: (905)420-2222 mcarpino @pickering.ca ® 40. Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) Section D - Organization Capacity Reader.11.009 Page 4120 8 Grants Ontario Application Form OntarioAge-Friendly Community Planning Grant - Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 Information about the organization including staffing,volunteers,governance, past performance and skills that will make the project successful. 1.•Number of 2.*Number of 3.*Number of 4.Accumulated Deficit 5.Accumulated Surplus Full Time Staff Part-Time Staff Volunteers (At most recent year end) (At most recent year end) 377 66 400 6. Describe your organization's core business or field of activity: (maximum 2,000 characters) The City of Pickering provides resources and opportunities to the residents of our community,creating a vibrant City where everyone can work, live, play, and thrive. Regardless of culture,ethnicity, or socioeconomic background,we provide an opportunity to participate in a variety of sport and cultural activities.The City has committed to implementing several Provincial initiatives reaching children,youth in need, and seniors.The City of Pickering works in cooperation with community services,and various organizations to create partnerships, designed to come together to create vital programs and needed services for the community. In bringing our partners together,we are able to join levels of expertise,share common interests, and reach new,identified projected goals. Community Engagement is one of Pickering's five corporate priorities: 7. How does your strategic plan guide your organization's activities?(maximum 2,000 characters): Strategic plan provides guidelines to City Staff, including the provision of goals and objectives The City of Pickering is guided by a number of strategic plans in order to achieve progressive and sustainable growth and development. Plans include our Accessibility Plan-in order to meet the Accessibility standards under the AODA and meet the requirement to produce an accessibility plan under the ODA,we have prepared a five year plan for the period of 2012-2016.This plan has been a useful tool in assessing and removing barriers within our municipal services,facilities,and roads, and will support our age friendly project. Community Engagement Strategic Plan-a community engagement strategy " has been prepared, outlining priorities which will support the age friendly project. Cultural Services Strategic Plan-this plan. sets a vision for the place of arts,culture and heritage in the city,while identifying direction.for policy, investment, partnerships and programs over the next 10 years.the engagement of seniors is integral to this plan.the plan identified gaps in the support of arts, culture, and heritage, in which staff are directed to focus on and work towards.Youth Business Plan-Since 2001 Pickering has successfully implemented 11 youth business plans, increasing participation, marketing, partnerships,youth volunteers, resulting in various awards and recognition.The City has been designated a Youth Friendly Community since 2005.Work continues with our partners and stakeholders to continue identification of gaps and working towards obtaining Platinum status for the community. 8. Outline your organization's risk management plan for prevention of abuse to clients, members and staff: (maximum,2,000 characters) Workplace Violence Prevention Series-used to evaluate the workplace-attached. 9. How is your Board elected?(maximum 2,000 characters) City of Pickering Council elected during Municipal election.List of Council Members attached. 10. How does the composition of your Board represent the community it serves?(maximum 2000 characters) . Council represents City of Pickering based on representation of various wards throughout the City. Council has equal representation for residents within each ward. 20200.0200 Reader11A09 Page 5 120. 9 • Grants Ontario Application Form Ontario Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 ' 11.What practices/procedures exist to ensure the Board conducts its activities with accountability and transparency? (maximum 2,000 characters) Council Monthly meetings-open to the public, recorded, provision of minutes to City residents. Budgets and all City information available to the public for review. 12. Describe your organization's history of managing similar projects and include past achievements: (maximum 2,000 characters) The City of Pickering is currently working on the Youth Friendly Community Initiative.Application for Youth Friendly renewal of status to be completed in 2015. Currently the City is at Gold level Youth Friendly-working towards Platinum Status. Currently working with various stakeholders and partners, as well as youth within the Community.Project has been ongoing since March 2014 and will conclude December 2015.Program is based on steps and recommendations, similar to Age Friendly. City of Pickering also initiated and completed Healthy Communities program,taking the lead on a new Kick Start program, initiated in the Pickering Soccer Association and Ajax-Pickering Dophin Football Club. The programs in both organization, as well as within the City of Pickering Fitness areas,were very successful,and introduced new programming to over 200 children over two seasons of play. City has also been working on Community Engagement Strategy Report, which through our report, "Together and Towards", identifying a number of community engagement initiatives,continues to work on priorites to move the city forward. • 13. Describe your organization's ability and capacity to successfully undertake this project: (maximum 2,000 characters) ' City of Pickering Staff will use resources to form steering committee, including connecting with the community and related partners.Committee members will comprise of various staff from Departments within the City, as well as seniors centres,_ seniors executives(2), and interested community members.City will use all internal resources and marketing staff to ensure project will be successfully promoted and completed.Seniors will be a major component of this project,and will provide opportunities for seniors to come together and share valuable information and knowledge. City has existing partnerships which will come together to work on the outcomes of the project. Project will support four steps outlined in the Age Friendly Community Planning Guide, and will be directed by staff. 14. Provide details on your staff and relevant staff experience for those involved in the project: (maximum 2,000 characters) City of Pickering will provide staff from various departments,including Culture and Recreation, Operations, Finance,Library Services, Building and Development and Planning. Supervisory staff will lead the project.Additional staff will be hired on short term to assist with the project, bringing experience with research and aging population.The Supervisor, Recreation Services has over 30 years experience with City Programs including,Youth, Seniors, Fitness, and Aquatics.This position also includes overseeing staff in the various program areas.Staff from the Culture and Recreation Division have expertise in planning and developing programs, as well as evaluating services,and determining need within their areas. Staff who will be assigned to this project have direct experience working with seniors, developing programs and services offered by the City of Pickering. Other staff, including building,development, and planning are directly responsible for the services provided by the City, including community design.Staff from our Library Services has expertise on programming in all areas including seniors.Volunteers who currently work with Seniors programming will be engaged for the project. 15. Describe successful strategies used to ensure achievement of program outcomes: (maximum 2,000 characters) Steering Committee will be formed immediately upon receipt of grant funding. Regular meetings will be booked,with agendas provided,and minutes taken and distributed following all meetings. Critical path will be developed for staff on committee,as well as work lists provided to volunteers.Weekly tracking will take place to ensure work is on track and meeting all deadlines. City will follow guidelines in"Finding the Right Fit",Age Friendly Community Planning. City will provide documents to all steering committee for review.Action plans created at each stage of the process, evaluation of all work completed will be ongoing. Interviews will be part of the project, providing valuable insight into individual needs within the community. New partnerships will be formed,and ongoing relationship building will take place. 2.o2.60.0206 Reaaer.tl.009 Page 6120 10 • tte► Grants Ontario Application Form � pp C ntari o Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 • 16. Describe your organization's experience developing,tracking and reporting on outcomes and performance measures successfully: (maximum 2,000 characters) The City of Pickering has successfully developed,tracked,and reported on outcomes for previous grants, including summer staffing opportunities, Pickering Museum Village,and Community engagement projects,developing programs and services with community sports organizations(soccer, and development of programs to encourage healthy lifestyles for children). City of Pickering has many staff who have led community based projects, has the contacts, and knowledge to be successful in the project.The City has formed many partnerships, and has a number of stakeholders we are able to work with and who are able to provide valuable ongoing information, and further contacts. City is very successful at reporting outcomes- through public meetings, available documentation, special events. Performance measures ongoing throughout all steps of critical path, and overall project. Ongoing reporting to Council as part of regular meetings, as well as to the public through City resources. City of Pickering completed MPMP reports yearly to comply with Provincial legislation. • • • 202.66.6zoo Readec11.009 Page 7 I 20 11 • • tr- Onai0 Grants Ontario Application Form Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 • Section E - Grant Payment Information Should your application be successful,this information will be used to make payments. Payment Address: Please select your organization's payment address from the drop-down list below. Once selected,the payment address fields below will be populated with the information related to the selected address. If your organization's payment address does not appear in the drop-down list,please complete the fields below manually. 1. Payment Organization: CITY OF PICKERING I PICKERING CIVIC CENTRE, ONE THE ESPL 2.*Payment Organization Name(maximum 100 characters) CITY OF PICKERING 3.*Street Address 1: PICKERING CIVIC CENTRE . 4.Street Address 2: ONE THE ESPL 5.*City: .6. *Province: 7.*Postal Code PICKERING Ontario • L1V 6K7 Payment Contact: Individual who should be contacted for clarifications about banking information or financial matters 8.*Salutation: 9. *First Name: 10. *Last Name: 11. *Title: Mr. Stan Karowski Division Head, Finance artil 12.* Phone Number(Work): 13. Phone Number(Mobile): 14. Fax Number: (905)420-2222 15. *Email Address: s ka rw ow s k i@ p i cke ri n g.ca 16.*Method Of Payment Cheque • • • • Reader.11.009 Page 8 120 12 t _ Grants Ontario Application Form ntario Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1 72824221 Section F -Application Contact information This is the person who will be the sole contact responsible for all communication with the Ministry in regard to this application. 1.*Salutation: 2.*First Name: 3.*Last Name: 4.*Title: Mrs. Sharon Milton Supervisor, Recreation if 5.*Phone Number(Work): 6. Phone Number(Mobile): 7. Fax Number: (905)420-4620 (289)388-6294 (905)619-3461 8.*Email Address: smilton @pickering.ca Section G• - Project Information This section contains all the information about the proposed project except for financial,information which is in the next section 1.*Project Name(maximum 250 characters) City of Pickering-Age Friendly Community Planning Project 2.*Project Start Date:(mm/dd/yyyy) 3.*Project End Date:(mm/dd/yyyy) 09/07/2015 03/31/2017 4. Event Start Date:(mm/dd/yyyy) 5. Event End Date:(mm/dd/yyyy) 6 *,Target Sector Primary Target Sector Xk 0 Population20000 to 99999 • 7.*Project Scope: Local 8.-* Ho st Municipality/First Nation Community X Pickering,City Of 9.* Project Priority 0 Age-FriendlyCommunities n Board/Committee Development n Civic Participation n Collaboration and Partnership Communication and Information n Community Engagement n Community Support n Employment - n Health Services 202 00 02.0D Reader 11.009 Page 9 I 20 13 tA-N Grants Ontario Application Form Ontario Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 n Housing Municipality n Outdoor Spaces n Public Buildings 0 Respect and Social Inclusion n Social Participation n Transportation 10. *Project Summary: Provide a brief description of your project. If your application is successful this wording may be used on the Ministry website. (maximum 2,000 characters) The City of Pickering will work with the document"Finding the Right Fit"Age Friendly Community Planning, and will focus on Social Participation,and Respect and Social Inclusion.While this is our main focus,we will include partners who can advise and provide direction on Outdoor Spaces and Public Buildings,Transportation, Housing, and Civic Participation and Employment. In pursuing the goals that fit within Culture and Recreation,we see the value in including our other partners to provide some further direction, and support. Our project will include a number of seniors within the City of Pickering who have expressed interest in supporting our first project,to gain insight into how well we are doing as a City, and establish goals of where we would like to be.The City of Pickering is working towards becoming a community which promotes healthy and active aging.As our population of seniors continues to grow, our goal is to ensure seniors are able to maintain their own independence, and are able to access any community support which is required. 11.*Project Description: Describe your project in detail making sure to address all the specific requirements in the Program Guidelines. (maximum 4,900 characters) Our Age Friendly Community Planning will include the following steps: 1. Defining local principles-developing a vision/values for the City of Pickering,to include the formation of a Steering Committee,to include the following partners,Culture and Recreation,Accessibility, Building and Planning, Transit, Library Services, Health Department, Employment Services, South Pickering and Petticoat Creek Community'Centres, Durham Region School Board, Chartwell,VIVA, as-well as interested Seniors within the community including our diversity community groups.The steering committee will be formed, provided the project outline, proceed with the creation of a critical path with attainable deadlines. 2. Develop and Environmental Scan-this will determine where we are now within the City of Pickering-what seniors believe our community has to offer. In identifying existing conditions,we will have a better understanding of where we would like to move forward-what are the major concerns, and how can we address. 3. Developing a Needs Assessment-identifying the gaps and opportunities available to us.The needs assessment will be tested in small groups, prior to it being made to the overall community. 4. Create an Action Plan-analyzing the information obtained, identifying further strategies and using the strategies to create an action plan-further use the action plan to implement programs and policies. Ongoing evaluation of the action plan, and continue to identify priorities,alternatives, barriers, and successes 12. *Project Objectives: Describe the project objectives making sure to address all the specific requirements in the Program Guidelines. (maximum 2,000 characters) 1. Define Principles-In order to define a vision for the City of Pickering,the formation of a steering committee is required. Interested and invested individuals need to come together to establish this groundwork.This step will include the building of partnerships,to create a profile of what currently exists within the community,with an initial discussion of priorities. Roles and responsibilities will be established.This committee will include the City of Pickering Accessibility Staff in order to assist with established guidelines. Included in this step, is formation and inclusion of partners, bringing various skills and opportunities to the steering committee. Existing data currently within the City includes Accessibility policies and procedures, City Official Plan, and currently working on Culture and Recreation Master Plan.At this stage of the project interviews and meetings will take place,as well as various opportunities for community meetings will be utilized. Ongoing steering committee meetings will take place to evaluate information, and further discuss priorities. Goals will be formulated Readerll.009 Page 10 120 14 • Grants Ontario Application Form x" Ontario Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 and prioritized. Needs Assessment-following the development of defining principles, a customized needs assessment will be developed. In order to further identify information on our community,p-e will be used.Our needs assessment will be based upon priorities established in step one, and what is believed to be the most important issues.This step will include the assistance of a university student with a background in research and interest in aging population. Steps in Finding Right Fit will be followed, including drafting questions,creating a data base,creating person-environment question pairs, evaluation, pre- test, community survey, summarize results. Create an Action Plan-will identify the results of the needs assessment and identify the gaps.This will be completed through assessment of all data collected, create and action plan based upon the goals 13. *Rationale/Need: Describe why your project/event is viable, including steps or measures taken to ensure that your project/event does not overlap with existing projects/events with the same target audience. Be sure to address all the specific requirements in the Program Guidelines(maximum 1,000 characters) Currently,the City of Pickering has not started any planning within the Age Friendly category. No additional projects or events are within this new initiative.While seniors have been an important part of the City of Pickering, and a large part of the Culture and Recreation Division,an overall plan for seniors has not taken place.The inclusion of partners,while has been a part of our programming and events, has not been put together as an entire package for the community.At this time, our partners identified have been working in isolation. In bringing all together,we can create a cohesive plan for the City of Pickering,and create guidelines for everyone to follow and implement. 14. *Project Beneficiaries: Who will benefit from your project or event?Geographic or demographic groups or communities(maximum 2,000 characters) The Seniors of the City of Pickering will benefit from this project. Information will be collected from existing sources, however,the project will then extend to the greater community for not only information, but provision of results.A large number of seniors will be contacted and have the opportunity to provide valuable information,as well as gain contacts for their future use. Short term and long term benefits are expected from this project. City priorities for Council will be identified and supported by documented work provided by community input. Partners and Stakeholders will also benefit from the information gathered and assessed. 15.*Risk Assessment and Management: (maximum 2,000 characters) See Attached 16. *Project Outcomes: (maximum 1,000 characters) Our goal is to start communications with seniors within the community and develop an action plan based upon their input and support,to obtain information to further develop polices, and services,to better support seniors, providing them with a safe and secure living environment,with opportunities to enjoy good health, and continue to participate within the City of Pickering. Seniors will have better understanding of where and who‘to contact for support within the community. 17. *Evaluation Plan/Criteria: (maximum 2,000 characters) Evaluation will include the identified outcomes of the needs assessment. Presentations will be made to City Council, seniors groups, and interested parties.Additional evaluation based upon information gathered will be provided to City of Pickering program providers for ongoing evaluations of existing programs and services. New programs and services may be implemented following the project. Final evaluation will include opportunities for seniors,as well as City of Pickering staff to use on future planning, as well as implementation of policies.This project is based upon sustainability, and will be achieved by further planning for seniors as well as development of long term strategies.As with our youth strategies, evaluation of our business plan,will be repeated with our seniors, and the development of a seniors business plan will take 2.02 00 02 00 Readec11009 Page 11 I 20 15 .�� ► Grants Ontario Application Form Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 place in order to ensure the results of the project are reviewed regularly. Participants in ongoing development will be found in order to ensure sustainability of the project.Our expectation is that programs and services created as a result of the project will continue to be monitored, and improved as needed. Section G2 -Additional Questions 1. Does this application and related local age-friendly community planning have the support of the local government?Yes/No (maximum 4,900 characters) Yes-as part of the City of Pickering's ongoing to commitment to the residents,Age Friendly Community Planning is a priority of Council and Staff. Letter of support is requested and will be presented to City of Pickering Council early March 2015, in in order to meet the March 31,2015 deadline. Please find attached a letter from Division Head,Culture and Recreation, Marisa Carpino.The City of Pickering is dedicated to supporting Seniors to ensure they live in a secure environment, have the opportunity for good health, and are fully able to participate in activities,within the City of Pickering. Section G3 - Project Work Plan The work plan is designed to provide the Ministry with a clear idea of how the organization/consortium is going to carry out the project.The work plan should demonstrate a systematic approach as to how you will accomplish all phases of the project.A comprehensive work plan with specific achievable milestones demonstrates strong organizational capacity and is an indicator of likely project success. Key, *Start Date *End Date *Performance Milestones *Activities r,*Responsibility - (mm/dd/yyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy) : Indicator ,_ Initial contact Formation of a Steering Committee 09/09/2015 10/30/2015 City of Pickering Committee of with the Staff, Committee partners formed, community meetings to discuss 'X_ and relevant set agenda items. partners Create an Age Friendly profile of City of Pickering. • Reader.11.009 Page 12 20 16 • - Grants Ontario Application Form Ontario Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 Various Environmental Scan 11/02/2015 03/31/2016 City of Pickering Determine existing meetings and Staff, Committee conditions of where "s presentations! y we are now, gather data on determining where areas we want to be including outdoor spaces, transportation, housing, social . participation, n-• _ and respect and social inclusion- based upon all partners identified in • initial planning stages • Further define Define Local Principles 04/04/2016 06/30/2016 City of Pickering Work with partners local principles Staff, Committee. and define terms of within the reference for X. categories project. Principles identified to include goals for • == our community, -'__ Use of Develop a Needs Assessment 07/11/2016. 12/29/2016 City of Pickering Needs Assessment supporting Staff, Committee created,determine staff to create gaps and a needs opportunities assessment presented. Identify - based upon information local required . principles. Determine method „-- Steering and tools-use of Committee surveys and small and City Staff - focus groups. to assist. Questions to focus on eight _= dimensions of Age, Friendly,review of --- data collected • Reader.11.009 Page 13120 17 -Grants Ontario Application Form • ontario Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 Evaluate data Create an Action Plan 01/09/2017 03/31/2017 City of Pickering Analyzing - collected from Staff, Committee information, identify needs strategies, create assessment, action plan from -,: meetings, and strategies with community measurable targets, engagement. ongoing evaluation Further of plan-adjusting assistance to change. Further required from request financial consultant assistance,to put _ (fees- action plan into $50,000- place,via $75,000) consulting firm assistance. Section H - Project Financial Information Provide information about your revenue sources and expenses. By clicking the check box in each line item, identify whether your revenues are confirmed or anticipated,and whether your expenses are eligible to be funded through this grant program. The form will expand if additional rows are required for line items in a category.Expand a new table for every year required.Be sure to address any program-specific requirements noted in the Program Guidelines. If you do not need to complete additional years in the project financials section and wish to reduce the number of pages displayed, please use the"Collapse/Expand"button in each year listed to hide the table. Revenue Sources Confirmed or Anticipated Amount Requested Amount X 1$2300.00 p Anticipated 2,300.00 • + I Total Requested Amount $2,300.00 Cash Revenues from Other Government Sources XI Q Confirmed ❑ Anticipated 0.00 + Total Cash Revenues from Other Government Sources $0.00 Cash Revenues from the Applicant and Other Sources • X ( p Confirmed ❑Anticipated 0.00 + Total Cash Revenues from the Applicant and Other Sources $0.00 In-Kind Revenues X Supervisor, Recreation Services-10 hours week 110 weeks- p Confirmed ❑Anticipated 17,000.00 + $5000 • Recreation Programmer-20 weeks @10 hours/` - -$6000 Coordinator,Community Recreation Programmer- iS:reeks/10 hours/ It -$6000 Total In-Kind Revenues $17,000.00 Reader11.009 Page 14 120 18 Grants Ontario Application Form Ontario Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 Total Revenue $17,000.00 $2,300.00 $19,300.00 Expenses Eligible Expense? Item Expense Requested Funding Staffing Expenses p Eligible Expense 0.00 0.00 I + Total Staffing Expenses I$0.00 $0.00 Benefits Expenses X I A Eligible Expense 0.00 0.00 I + Total Benefits Expenses $0.00 $0.00 Program Expenses X Room Rentals-Steering Committee Meetings p Eligible Expense 2,300.00 2,300.00 + 2 meetings at$50.00-$100.00 4 workshops at$300.00-$1200.00 1 -Presentation Event-full day-$1000.00 Total Program Expenses I$2,300.00 $2,300.00 Administration/Other.Expenses X p Eligible Expense 0.00 0.00 + Total Administration/Other Expenses I$0.00 $0.00 In-Kind Expenses —71Supervisor, Recreation Services-10 hours week 17,000.00 17,000.00 I + hour/10 weeks-$5000 Recreation Programmer-20 weeks @10 hours/' - $6000 Coordinator,Community Recreation Programmer-15 weeks/10 hours/i -$6000 XI I + . Total In-Kind Expenses $17,000.00 $17,000.00 Total Eligible $2,300.00 !Total Ineligible $17,000.00 Total Expense $19,300.00 YEAR 2 Y; Revenue Sources Confirmed or Anticipated Amount Requested Amount X 1$32,760.00 p Anticipated 32,760.00 I + Total Requested Amount $32,760.00 Cash Revenues from Other Government Sources X I 12 Confirmed ❑Anticipated 0.00 Total Cash Revenues from Other Government Sources $0.00 Cash Revenues from the Applicant and Other Sources p Confirmed ❑Anticipated 0.00 + Total Cash Revenues from the Applicant and Other Sources $0.00 Reader:11.009 �-- - Page 15 (20 19 tfi-- Ontario Grants Ontario Application Form Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case#.2015-01-1-72824221 In-Kind Revenues X I p Confirmed ❑Anticipated 8,500.00 + Total In-Kind Revenues $8,500.00 Total Revenue $8,500.00 $32,760.00 $41,260.00 Expenses Eligible Expense? Item Expense Requested Funding Staffing Expenses X -Senior Community Planning-36 weeks @$25.00/hour Eligible Expense 31,500.00 31,500.00 I + iNew p 7 hours/day @ 5 days per week-$31,500.00 Total Staffing Expenses I$31,500.00 $31,500.00 • Benefits Expenses X 14%vacation pay-$1260.00 p Eligible Expense 1,260.00 1,260.00 + Total Benefits Expenses $1,260.00 $1,260.00 Program Expenses • X I IN Eligible Expense 0.00 0.00 Total Program Expenses $0.00 $0.00 Administration/Other Expenses X I p Eligible Expense 0.00 0.00 + Total Administration/Other Expenses $0.00 $0.00 In-Kind Expenses X (Supervisor, Recreation Services 8,500.00 8,500.00 + 5 hours per week@ r @10 weeks-$2500.00 Recreation Programs ,P ifolcoat Creek 20 weeks @5 hours @$ -$3000 . Coordinator,Community meueation Programs 15 weeks @5 hours @' ur-$3000 Total In-Kind Expenses • $8,500.00 $8,500.00 Total Eligible $32,760.00 Total Ineligible $8,500.00 Total Expense $41,260.00 YEAR 3 = Revenue Sources Confirmed or Anticipated Amount Requested Amount • X ( p Anticipated 0.00 • + Total Requested Amount $0.00 Cash Revenues from Other Government Sources X I 12 Confirmed ❑Anticipated 0.00 I + Total Cash Revenues from Other Government Sources $0.00 Cash Revenues from the Applicant and Other Sources XJ p Confirmed ❑Anticipated 0.00 + Total Cash Revenues from the Applicant and Other Sources $0.00 • Reader.11.009 Page 16 126 20 Grants Ontario pp Application Form OntarioAge-Friendly Community Planning Grant • Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 In-Kind Revenues • - X Supervisor, Recreation Services p Confirmed 0 Anticipated 8,500.00 + —5 hours per week@' r @10 weeks-$2500.00 Recreation Programmer,vetticoat Creek . 20 weeks @5 hours@ ' . • r-$3000 - Coordinator, Community Recreation Programs 15 weeks @5 hours C -$3000 Total In-Kind Revenues $8,500.00 Total Revenue $8,500.00 • $0.00 $8,500.00 • Expenses Eligible Expense? Item Expense Requested Funding Staffing Expenses X I . p Eligible Expense 0.00 0.00 I + Total Staffing Expenses • _$0.00 $0.00 . Benefits Expenses • X I p Eligible Expense 0.00 0.00 I + Total Benefits Expenses $0.00 $0.00 Program Expenses X I . p Eligible Expense 0.00 0.00 + Total Program Expenses $0.00 $0.00 Administration/Other Expenses X I p Eligible Expense 0.00 0.00 I + Total Administration/Other Expenses $0.00 $0.00 In-Kind Expenses X I 8,500.00 8,500.00 + Total In-Kind Expenses $8,500.00 $8,500.00 Total Eligible $0.00 !Total Ineligible $8,500.00 Total Expense $8,500.00 • • • YEAR 4 . Additional Comments Relevant to Project Financial Information (maximum 4,900 characters) As Age Friendly Community is a very important project within the City of Pickering,we are prepared to take on the lead of the project,and much of the cost to ensure this project is successfully completed.Our priority is to ensure our seniors are engaged .Total Project Financials-(All-Nears),-:--.- • Revenues ' Total V Requested Amount $35,060.00 Readerl1.009 Page 17 I 20 21 Grants Ontario Application Form • Ontario Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 Cash Revenues from Other Government Sources $0.00 Cash Revenues from the Applicant and Other Sources $0.00 In-Kind Revenues $34,000.00 Total Revenues $69,060.00 Expenses Total Staffing Expenses $31,500.00 Benefits Expenses $1,260.00 Program Expenses $2,300.00 Administration/Other Costs $0.00 In-Kind Expenses $34,000.00 Total Expenses $69,060.00 Total Eligible Expense: $35,000.00 Total Project Budget: $69,060.00 ISection J - Partnership/Stakeholders Information Record the partner organizations involved with the project plus what their role will be and describe their contribution:Stakeholders who were consulted about the project should also be noted and their role and contribution described. Be sure to address all the specific requirements in the Program Guidelines. 1:.Name 2.Type 3. Role/Address 4 Description 1 South Pickering Seniors Partner 910 Liverpool Road, Seniors Centre-977 members, X Centre Pickering with Board of Directors X 2 Rouge Hill Seniors Club Partner 470 Kingston Road, Seniors Centre- 150 members Pickering X 3 Central Library Pickering Partner One The Esplanade Library Services Pickering X 4 Italian Seniors Social Club Partner Brock Road, Pickering Social Club X 5 Italian Seniors Club Partner 470 Kingston Road, , Seniors Club Pickering 6 Ajax/Pickering Osteo Partner Ladies Osteo Group X 7 SCOPA Seniors Partner 470 Kingston Road Advisory Board Pickering X 8 Chartwell Parkway Stakeholder 1645 Pickering Parkway, Business Pickering X 9 VIVA Partner Business _X= 10 Easter Rebekah Lodge Partner 470 Kingston Road Seniors Club j� 11 St Marteen's Seniors Club Partner Seniors Club X 12 Claremont Seniors Partner Seniors Club Reader.».00s Page 18 120 22 )0. Grants Ontario Application Form • �' Ontario o Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 • X' 13 Greenwood Seniors Partner Seniors Club 14 Pickering Recreation Partner 1867 Valleyfarm Road Municipal-provision of Seniors X ' Complex Programming • Section Z - Declaration /Signing The names of signing authorities are pre-populated in the declaration/signing section IF they were noted as signing authorities in the Organization Contact sections. Additional signing authorities may be added. It is recognized that in many cases,the person completing the grant application is not a signing authority. It is the responsibility of the grant contact to ensure they have documented proof of approval from the signing authority(ies)to request grant funds. This documentation needs to be kept and produced if necessary. Applicants are expected to be compliant with the Ontario Human Rights Code and all other applicable laws. The Ontario Human Rights Code provides for equal treatment in the areas of services,goods,facilities,accommodation,contract and employment without discrimination on the grounds of race,ancestry,place of origin,colour,ethnic origin,citizenship,creed,sex,sexual orientation, disability,age,family status, marital status,the receipt of public assistance(in accommodation only),and record of offences(in employment only). Failure to comply with the letter and spirit of the Ontario Human Rights Code will render the applicant ineligible for a grant, and in the event a grant is made,liable to repay the grant in its entirety at the request of the Ministry. Applicants should be aware that the Province is bound by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy, R.S.O. 1990,c.F.31, (click here..http://www.ipc.on.ca/index.asp?navid=73)as amended from time to time and that any information provided to the Province in connection with their application may be subject to disclosure in accordance with the requirements of that Act. Applicants are advised that the names and address of organizations receiving grants plus the amount of the grant awards,and the purpose for which grants are awarded is information made available by the Ministry to the public. Declaration By clicking the"Sign Document"and"I Agree"buttons, I/we(as indicated below)agree with the following statement: On behalf of and with the authority of the Applicant, I certify that (a) the information provided in this application is true,correct and complete in every respect; (b) if the Applicant is awarded Funding,the Applicant agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions set out in Section Y if applicable,or in the transfer payment agreement,and contained in subsequent correspondence from the Ministry; (c) the Applicant has read and understands the information contained in the Application Form; (d) the Applicant is aware that the information contained here in can be used for the assessment of grant eligibility and for statistical reporting; (e) the Applicant understands that the information contained in this application or submitted to the Ministry in connection with the grant is subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; (f) the Applicant is not in default of the terms and conditions of any grant,loan or transfer payment agreement with any ministry or agency of the Government of Ontario; (g) I am an authorized signing officer for the Applicant. Mr. Stan Karwowski Mrs. Marisa Carpino Division Head, Finance and Treasurer Director, Culture&Recreation (w): (905)420-2222 (w): (905)420-2222 (C): (C): E-mail:skarwowski @pickering.ca E-mail:mcarpino @pickering.ca • ' Stan Karwowski Jan 30,2015 Marisa Carpino Jan 30,2015 Signature Date/Time Field Signature Date/Time Field Reader.11.009 Page 19 120 23 Grants Ontario Application Form Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 Additional Signing Authority: - - Salutation: First Name: Last Name: Title: Phone Number(Work): Phone Number(Mobile): Email Address: Signature Date/Time Field 2b2 66 Eioci Readerll 009 Page 20 1 20 24 • City o1 1,14; KINIUMMIN Culture & Recreation Department • January 29, 2015 • Irina Khvashchevskaya Regional Advisor=Central Region Regional Services Branch Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration, and International Trade Subject Age Friendly Community Planning Grant Application File: F-4800-029-15 Please find attached the application for the Age Friendly Community Planning Grant, submitted by the City of Pickering. Our Department aims to complete an age friendly action plan, and believes this grant will allow us • the opportunity to work towards this end goal. The City of Pickering has not started the work on this project, but feel ready to do so.as we have a number of very strong partners in the community prepared to take on the task with us.We also have a large group of enthusiastic seniors ready to work towards creating a vision for the City, which includes their efforts, and wealth of knowledge. The Culture & Recreation Department supports this comprehensive initiative, and believes the application addresses the goal of becoming an Age Friendly Community. With the two year project . attached, we are prepared to bring this opportunity to a successful beginning, one which the City of Pickering will continue to develop, administer, and implement over the next many years. Yours truly I Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation • MC:Ig Enclosure Pickering Civic Complex i One The Esplanade I Pickering,ON t1 V 6K7 l 905.420A620 F.905.420.2596 I TTY 905.420.1739 1 Toil Free 1.866.683.2760 i culture&recreation{epickering.ca I pickering.ca 25 Grants Ontario Application pp lication Form • Y Ontario Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Grant Case# 2015-01-1-72824221 employment only). Failure to comply with the.letter and spirit of the Ontario Human Rights Code will render the applicant.ineligible for a grant,and in the event a grant is made,liable to repay the grant in its entirety al the request of the Ministry. Applicants should be aware that the Province is bound by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy,R.S.O.1990,c.F.31, (dick here,.http://www.ipc.on.ca/index.asp?navid=73)as amended from time to time and that any information provided to the Province in connection with their application may be subject to disclosure in accordance with the requirements of that Act. Applicants are advised that the names and address of organizations receiving grants plus the amount of the grant awards,and the purpose for which grants are awarded is information made available by the Ministry to the public. Declaration By clicking the"Sign Document"and"I Agree"buttons,I/we(as indicated below)agree with the following statement On behalf of and with the authority of the Applicant, I certify that (a) the information provided in this application is true,correct and complete in every respect; (b) if the Applicant is awarded Funding,the Applicant agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions set out in Section Y if applicable,or in the transfer payment agreement,and contained in subsequent correspondence from the Ministry; • (c) the Applicant has read and understands the information contained in the Application Form; (d) the Applicant is aware that the information contained here in can be used for the assessment of grant eligibility and for statistical reporting; (e) the Applicant understands that the information contained in this application or submitted to the Ministry in connection with the grant is subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; (f) the Applicant is not in default of the terms and conditions of any grant,loan or transfer payment agreement with any ministry or agency of the Government of Ontario; (g) I am an authorized signing officer for.the Applicant. Mr. Stan Karwowski Mrs.Marisa Carpino Division Head,Finance and Treasurer Director,Culture&Recreation (w):(905)420-2222 (w):(905)4202222 (c): (c): E-mail;sarwowski@pickering.ca E-mail:mcarpino @pickering.ca Signature Date>Tirne Field nature Date/Time Field Additional Signing Authority: Salutation: First Name: Last Name: Title: • Phone Number(Work): Phone Number(Mobile): Email Address: Signature DateTme Field • • Reeder.11.008 Page 19119 26 • Cif e Culture & Recreation Department -� Dave Ryan, Mayor Jennifer O'Connell, Regional Councillor,Ward 1 Bill McLean, Regional Councillor,Ward 2 David Pickles, Regional Councillor,Ward 3 Kevin Ashe, City Councillor,Ward 1 Ian Cumming, City Councilor, Ward 2 Rick Johnson, City Councillor, Ward 3 Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade j Pickering,ON 1_11/6K7 j 905.420,4620 F. 905.420.2596 i TTY.905.420.1739 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I culture&recreation @pickering.ca pickering.ca 27 • • Certificate of Insurance No. 022 LT Suite 800,55 University Avenue,Toronto,ON Canada M5J 21-17 Telephone:(416)941-9551 Facsimile:(416)941-9323 Name of Insured: Corporation of the City of Pickering and the City of Pickering Public Library Board Certificate Holder: Ontario Senior's Secretariat Certificate Issued in Respect of: Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Application Grant Number 2015-01-1-72824221 • This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder other than those provided in the.policy.This certificate does not amend,extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed herein. This is to certify that the policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured,named above for the policy period indicated.Notwithstanding any requirement,term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain,the insurance afforded by the policies listed herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies. Omits shown may have been reduced by paid claims/expenses. Insuring Company and Policy Dates Limit of Liability/Amount of Coverage Type of Insurance Policy Number MM/DD/YYYY g Municipal General Certain Lloyds From: 01/01/2015 $2,000,000 Inclusive Bodily Injury and Liability incl.Non- Underwriters . To: 01101/2016 Property Damage Per Owned Automobile JLTPS-405 Occurrence Liability,Tenants UMR $2,000,000 Aggregate with respect to Legal Liability, B0753PK1403529000 . Products/Completed Operations 'Cross Liability,and Contractual Liability NOTICE OF CANCELLATION: THIRTY(30)DAYS These statements have been made in good faith and are a summary of the insurance cover in force(which is subject to the full terms and conditions of. the policy). We accept no responsibility whatsoever for any inadvertent or negligent act,error or omission on our part in preparing these statements or for any loss,damage or expense thereby occasioned to any recipient of this certificate. Signed on behalf of Public Sector Division of Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. by: Judy e:January 29,2015 Daniels),,�' • 28 • Public Services Health Q &Safety Association- A Health&Safety Ontario Partner - i . i Wiwfie(re Wontgarei September 22,2010 Coordinator, Health&Safety, City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex PM 1 2 One The Esplanade s Pickering,Ontario A Canada.UV 6k7 • o RECEIVED (905)420-4645 a) SEP .L a 2.01fl co mmontgomerya lcityotpickering.com> J IiUNL+lihcoUioLcA • ',ihcfPicf�rin^ ati�•Hi Michelle: £a c wn v� • Thank you for having me attend your workplace and conduct a violence assessment It was a pleasure meeting many friendly staff members that assisted in the process. • A"tool"provided by OHSCO,Workplace Violence Prevention Series,was used to evaluate the workplaces. • We scheduled visits to the workplace as per the schedule attached hereto. I provided you with seven detailed reports,in Words Documents format. . There were situations identified in the reports and proposed corrective actions to address these situations were made.There are a few corporate issues that need to be addressed. These include establishing safe rooms in a number of work locations.Additional training is - required for three existing or proposed policies and procedures (Respect in the Workplace, Working in Isolation or After Hours and the Lockdown Procedures)for all employees of the City. • We need to schedule a presentation for your managers and staff to explain the process and inform them of the new Violence and Harassment legislation. As I indicated,in our conversations during the various stages of this assessment,the City has some opportunities for prevention of violence improvement,but overall it appears to be a safe place to work If I can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, r Andre M.Levesque Contract Service.Providor • . for Dave Carter Senior Area Manager - Municipal Team - 4950 Yonge Street,Suite 902,Toronto,ON M2N 6K1 I T 416-250-2131 I 1-877-250-7444 F 416-250-7484 I pshsa.ca • 29 PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARY January 29, 2015 Sharon Milton Supervisor, Recreation Services Culture and Recreation City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 2R6 To Whom It May Concern, The Pickering Public Library supports the Age Friendly Community Planning Grant application from The City of Pickering. We are dedicated to serving the entire population of our community and want to ensure that our older residents can take advantage of Library services, as well as other community activities. Within the last two weeks, Library staff facilitated several focus groups for the City's Planning Department. Many of the participants were seniors, Our older residents expressed concerns around transportation, social isolation, health limitations and aging in place. They wanted to continue to use our parks and libraries, engage in civic life and other social activities. To meet their needs, a cross section of agencies would need to work together to ensure that our residents live the life that they want. This grant provides the City of Pickering with the opportunity to bring these organizations together, with seniors, and to create an action plan for the future. This grant is a great opportunity for the City of Pickering to plan for an age friendly community and it has the full support of the Pickering Public Library. Sincerely, Kathy Williams Director of Public Services Pickering Public Library kathvvvepicnet.ora 905-831-6265 ext. 6251 30 • Est 1962 ROUGE HILL SENIORS CLUB January 28, 2015 To Whom It May Concern: The Rouge Hill Seniors have been involved with The City of Pickering for many years working in conjunction with Recreation Programmer, Heather Butler by supporting and participating in a number of events including supporting The Pickering Stars and participating in Canada Day events. We will also be participating in the upcoming Grand—Friend Day and the Active Living Fair. The Rouge Hill Seniors support partnering to create a vision for seniors within the community. Sincerely, Margaret Topping President Rouge Hill Seniors Petticoat Creek Community Centre 905.420.4660 ext 6103 470 Kingston Road, Pickering, ON, L1V 1A4 31 • South Pickering Seniors'CEub 19756-p,s.citpl 910 LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH, h Pickering Seniors TELEPHONE:(905)420 5049 PICKERING,ONTARIO L1W 1S6 • January 27th, 2015 The City of Pickering, One The Esplanade, PICKERING, On. Dear Sirs, Re: AGE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Unfortunately the President of the Club is on a trip and can't be reached for approval of this letter and due to the short notice I am making the decision to support this application from the City of Pickering. • The City supplies the premises for our club and is very helpful in a vast amount of other ways. We could not run the club without their sponsorship therefore we are delighted to support Pickering's Age Friendly Community Planning Grant application. We are unable at present to appoint a representative to the steering committee. Yours very truly, DINAH BIGGIIONI, Vice President • SENIOR CITIZENS ACTIVITY CENTRE 3 2 910 LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH, PICKERING, ONTARIO L1W 156 ■ TELEPHONE: (905) 420-6588 CHARTWeII PAR KWAY retirement residence Sharon Milton, Chartwell Parkway Retirement Residence has been working closely with the City of Pickering for many years in partnerships that benefit and support the Seniors living in Pickering. This partnership allows for the seniors living within our retirement residence as well as those living within the community to benefit and improve the quality of their lives. Being a part of a retirement residence,I am very aware of the needs and challenges that face the seniors in our building and living on their own. Chartwell Parkway is in full support of partnering with the City of Pickering to create a vision for seniors within our community. • Cathy Mackrell Sales Consultant Parkway Retirement Residence 905.426.66 03 • 33 • I Retirement 9 Communities' ....... .... is January 28,2015 Re: Letter of Support-Age Friendly Community Planning Grant To'Whom It May Concern, VIVA Pickering has been actively involved in our community since our planning stages and ground-breaking in 2010.As a leader in seniors housing,VIVA provides an all-inclusive environment to support active aging. We are in full support of this application for an Age Friendly Community Planning Grant,and would be thrilled to be a member of the steering committee. We feel that the City of Pickering would greatly benefit from funding to provide the seniors in our community an opportunity to live in a secure environment,enjoy good health,and continue to participate fully in our community. We look forward to working together with the City of Pickering to plan and implement programming that will enhance the social and physical well-being of our seniors.; not only living at VIVA but within our community. Sincerely, Jennifer Churchill Community Relations Manager VIVA Pickering 1880 Glengrove Rd Pickering ON L1C 006 905-831-2088 VIVA Pickering Presentation Centre 1450 Kingston Road,Pickering,Ontario,Li V 1 W9 T.905231.2088 www.vivalife.ca 34 ATTACHMENT# 2 TO REPORT# O - ( 5 r� • V Ontario ONTARIO SENIORS' SECRETARIAT • AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT 2014-15 PROGRAM GUIDELINES 35 ONTARIO SENIORS' SECRETARIAT. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT 2014-15 PROGRAM GUIDELINES • TABLE OF CONTENTS BACKGROUND 1 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS 2 APPLICATION DEADLINE 3 PURPOSE 4 APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY 4 FUNDING 6 PROJECT REQUIREMENTS 6 PROJECT PRIORITIES S 9 ELIGIBLE PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND COSTS 9 APPLICATION PROCESS 10 ASSESSMENT PROCESS AND CRITERIA 11 FUNDING TERMS 12 • AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS 13 GLOSSARY 15 APPENDIX 1: TIPS AND TOOLS: KEY ACTION STEPS TO BECOME AGE-FRIENDLY 17 APPENDIX 2: DIMENSIONS OF AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES 20 APPENDIX 3: EXAMPLES OF AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY SUCCESS STORIES..23 APPENDIX 4: RESOURCES 25 APPENDIX 5: SAMPLE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS 26 2014-15 APPLICATION GUIDE 28 36 AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT BACKGROUND An age-friendly community is a one where policies, services and structures related to the physical and social environments are designed to support and enable older.people to live in a secure environment, enjoy good health and continue to participate fully in their communities. The number of seniors in Ontario is increasing, and is expected to double over the next two decades. Building on the government's work to support seniors through Ontario's • Action Plan for Seniors which was launched in January 2013, Ontario is undertaking a three-tiered Age Friendly Communities approach to promote and support the development of local social and physical environments that enable older people to live active, safe and meaningful lives. • In August 2013, Ontario launched Finding the Right Fit:Age-Friendly Community Planning, which is a guide that provides step-by-step processes and tools to help municipalities and communities develop, implement and evaluate their local aging plans. • At this time, Ontario is launching the Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Program, which will support innovative local planning initiatives across the province. • Also, Ontario is planning to launch the Age-Friendly Communities Recognition Program, which will promote, celebrate and applaud the efforts of Ontario cities, towns and organizations that have developed initiatives aimed at making their communities more accessible to and inclusive of older people. Through the Action Plan for Seniors, together with our community partners, seniors and their families, we will make Ontario the best place to age. • AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT PROGRAM Page 1 37 • PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS The new Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Program will offer a total of up to $1.5 million over two years for short and longer-term projects that take place between June 15, 2015 and March 31, 2017. Funding will support local governments and community organizations to undertake strategic planning with a focus on seniors as outlined in the Age-Friendly Community Planning Guide and lead to the development of local aging plans that will eventually be implemented, evaluated and improved upon. The purpose of this funding is to help communities become age-friendly by ensuring that the needs of seniors are considered at every stage of community planning and development. APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY Local governments, as well as community organizations that demonstrate that they have the endorsement of the local government, may apply for funding. FUNDING Grants will be available for amounts up to$25,000 for small municipalities (populations of under 20,000 residents), up to $35,000 for medium-sized municipalities (20,000 to 99,999), and up to$50,000 for larger municipalities (more than 100,000 residents). PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Projects will result in planning, implementation and evaluation of activities that contribute to the creation and ongoing development of age-friendly communities. 1. Projects must involve seniors or organizations that represent seniors. . 2. Planning projects must result in activities that support at least one of the steps outlined in the Age-Friendly Community Planning Guide, including defining local principles; developing a custom needs assessment; developing an action plan; and implementing the action plan and evaluating the action plan results. 3. The local government must endorse the age-friendly community plan. 4. Projects must identify which of the World Health Organization's eight age-friendly community dimensions (Outdoor Spaces and Public Buildings; Transportation; Housing; Social Participation; Respect and Social Inclusion; Civic Participation and Employment; Communication and Information; Community Support and Health Services) the local action plan supports. 5. The project plan must identify the next step in the development, implementation or evaluation of the age-friendly community plan, which will help to maintain momentum and ensure that planning continues. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 2 . 38 • • PRIORITIES Priority will be given to projects that target small municipalities and communities with diverse populations, and those in rural and remote areas of Ontario. Priority will also be given to communities that have not yet begun age-friendly community planning work or do not have a local.age-friendly action plan. APPLICATION DEADLINE Applications will be accepted between Monday November 24, 2014 and Friday January 30, 2015 5:00pm (EST). All applicants will receive a decision regarding their application by Spring 2015. Projects may begin after June 15, 2015 and only once a contract is in place, and must be completed by March 31, 2017. Please read these Program Guidelines completely. If you have any questions about the AFC Planning Grant program or potential planning projects that you are considering, please do not hesitate to contact the Regional Advisor for your area. The list of your Regional Advisors is located here: The list of your Regional Advisors is located here: http://ontario.ca/bvv6 • AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 3 39 AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT PROGRAM PURPOSE The Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Program will support local governments and their community partners to undertake planning activities that will result in local age- friendly action plans, implementation and evaluation activities. The program supports the broader provincial goal to have age-friendly communities throughout the province. Communities that embrace the goal of becoming "age—friendly" can review plans and development efforts in the community to ensure that they reflect the community's age- friendly goals. Planning, implementation and evaluation activities should be guided by using the tools and resources documented in Finding the Right Fit:Age-Friendly Community Planning. This guide can be found at: www.seniors.00v.on.ca/en/afc/quide.php Resolution to undertake Age-Friendly Community Planning All applications must reflect the support of the local government, which, in turn, must support age-friendly community planning. Support for age-friendly community planning will be demonstrated by the approval of a local government council resolution. Resolutions must express commitment to local age-friendly planning and the intention to develop a local action plan. All'applicants must submit a copy of the approved council resolution by March 31, 2015. Applications that do not include evidence of an approved council resolution by this date will be deemed ineligible. APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY The following groups are eligible to apply for funding: • Local government: o Municipalities (Single-tier, Upper-tier or Lower-tier municipalities) o District Social Services Administration Boards o First Nations, Inuit, Metis and organizations with the support of local band councils. • Community organizations must: o Be not-for-profit; o Be incorporated; " o Have been in operation for at least one year prior to application. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 4 40 o Applicants must include at the minimum.a letter of endorsement from the local government by the application deadline of January 30, 2015. o Local government must approve a council resolution demonstrating support of age-friendly community planning. Applicants will have up to March 31, 2015 to submit this resolution in support of their application. Municipalities should consider working together with their accessibility advisory committee (AAC) if one has been established. Municipalities with more than 10,000 residents should have an AAC in place. The work these committees do can make a real difference for people with disabilities in their communities. For more information on AACs, please visit: http://ontario.ca/bxwp - Partnerships and collaboration at the local level are encouraged. One municipality or community organization may apply on behalf of a group of communities where local age- friendly action plans will benefit a broader community or multiple neighbouring municipalities. Alternatively, neighbouring municipalities who collaborate on local planning initiatives may each apply for funding for the development of age-friendly community planning activities that would be shared and would benefit all partnering communities. Who cannot apply for this grant? x Individuals x Agencies, Boards or Commissions of the Federal or Provincial governments x Private foundations x Private schools x Publicly funded provincial schools, college and universities • x Unincorporated bodies x Religious organizations x Organizations whose purpose is related to political activity (lobbying), as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency ( http://tinyurl.com/PoliticalActivity) x Organizations that are currently in default of any other provincial government grant x Organizations whose primary source of annual base funding (more than 50%) is from the province of Ontario. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 5 41 FUNDING Funding will be made available based on the size of the municipality that benefits from planning initiatives. • Up to $25,000 for applicants that represent municipalities that have populations under 20,000 people; • Up to $35,000 for applicants that represent municipalities with populations between 20,000 and 99,999 people; • Up to $50,000 for applicants that represent municipalities with populations of 100,000 people or more. Where projects are proposed for multiple municipalities, the total population of all municipalities involved will be taken into consideration. Population figures reported by the applicant should be based on official statistics reported by Statistics Canada in the 2011 Census of Population. A small community that is part of a larger municipality may apply for funding and may act as the lead in the work that is required to develop age friendly planning. Population statistics that accompany the application should be based on the size of the municipality because it is the municipality that will pass the resolution and make the commitment to implement age-friendly planning strategies across all of its communities. Funding from other provincial, federal or municipal programs is permitted, but not required. Other funding must covers a separate portion of the project costs and separate sources of funding must be clearly identified in the application budget and financial reports. In order to ensure that as many municipalities as possible benefit from this funding, only one project per municipality or organization will be funded at this time. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS V Communities in Ontario are at different stages in the age-friendly community planning process. This grant program aims to encourage widespread adoption of the age-friendly community principles, and support the development and implementation of local action plans to realize truly age-friendly communities throughout the province. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 6 42 1. Projects must include the involvement of seniors or organizations that represent seniors to ensure that planning activities include the views of seniors in the community. One way of building age-friendly communities is to develop an action plan that considers the physical and social environments of seniors. Action plans that take the needs of seniors into consideration translate into the development of policies, programs and services that benefit everyone in a community. 2. Projects must result in initiatives that support at least one of the steps outlined in the Age-Friendly Community Planning Guide. Developing age-friendly communities begins with planning. Communities that do not have an action plan in place, or are in the process of developing one, are strongly encouraged to use the Age-Friendly Community Planning Guide for reference. The guide outlines four significant steps-in the development of an action plan, which include: a) Defining local principles; b) Developing a custom needs assessment; c) Developing an action plan; d) Implementing the action plan and evaluating the action plan results. 3. The local government must support both the grant application and more broadly, endorse the activities that lead.to the development, implementation and evaluation of their local age-friendly community action plan. Developing local age-friendly community action plans should be a part of the broader local planning process: As a result, it is important to involve the local government at an early stage, and ensure that the local government is supportive of the work that is required to develop and implement an action"plan. The grant application must include written endorsement by the local government, which can take the form of a letter signed by an appropriate authority. Project activities must also be endorsed by local government, ideally resulting in a council resolution committing to the development and implementation of a local age- friendly community action plan. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 7 • 43 4. Projects must identify which of the World Health Organization's age-friendly community dimensions are targeted through the activities. Eight age-friendly community dimensions were developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), are considered a key checklist to ensure that plans g � ), Y p consider both the physical and social dimensions that contribute to independent and active aging. At early stages of planning, a specific focus may not be identified, so all eight dimensions could be considered as planning is explored. For more detailed information on each of the eight key dimensions, please refer to Appendix 1 and Section 3 of the Age-Friendly Community Planning Guide. Age-Friendly Community Dimensions • a) Outdoor Spaces and Public Buildings b) Transportation c) Housing d) Social Participation "e) Respect and Social Inclusion f) Civic Participation and Employment g) Communication and Information .h) Community Support and Health Services 5. The project plan must identify the next step in the development, implementation or evaluation of the age-friendly community action plan. It is important to plan ahead, and ensure that planning for the next stage of development is reflected in the current activities. By including a vision or description of next steps in your current process, your planning efforts will have a greater chance of maintaining momentum and continuing forward in the planning process. Planning work and implementation may extend over a period of many years. Eligible projects may be, for example, for short-term consultation activities or for longer term planning. The work funded under this grant must be clearly defined and must take place between June 15, 2015 and March 31, 2017. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 8 44 PROJECT PRIORITIES Priority will be given to projects that target small municipalities (municipalities that have populations under 20,000 people), communities with diverse populations, and those in rural and remote areas. Priority will also be given to communities that have not yet begun age-friendly community planning work, or have started planning but have not completed a local age-friendly action plan. Projects leading to the development of new action plans are encouraged. For examples and information on potential projects, refer to Appendix 1, Tips and Tools:Key Action Steps to Become Age-Friendly. ELIGIBLE PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND COSTS The grants will support activities and expenses that are directly associated with the development, implementation and the evaluation of local action plans. Eligible activities and project costs can include, but are not limited to: • Creating a seniors' advisory committee; • Conducting community needs assessments to identify opportunities for improving a community's age-friendliness; • Developing an action plan; • Implementation and evaluation of the local action plan. • Staff salaries specifically required to undertake the project. • Consulting fees and expenses which justifies the time spent by a consultant on the project. • Costs associated with producing or sharing the results of the project (e.g. gap analysis research, translation costs). • Costs directly associated with community consultations, workshops or meetings related to the project. • Ontario-only travel and accommodation expenses that are directly related to the project. Expenses must align with the provincial government's Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive. Details can be found at: http://www.mgs.gov.on.ca/en/Spotlight2/STDPROD 080798.html • All project costs must be reasonable and market-competitive. The Ontario Seniors' Secretariat has the discretion to deny any unreasonable project expenditures and any expenditure that was not pre-approved. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 9 45 All applications must include a detailed budget outlining all anticipated project costs. Funding recipients will be required to submit a final report within 30 days of the project end date, which must include an updated balance sheet that identifies actual expenditures related to the project. The following are not eligible activities or project costs: • Capital projects, including renovations or upgrades to buildings. • On-going operating or regular planning activities. This includes regular maintenance and operating expenses, core administrative and overhead costs such as rent, office supplies, telephone, and communications services.such as internet. • Acquisition of long-term assets such as computers, laptops, printers or other technology. • Website development or upgrades. • Development of architectural, engineering or other design drawings for the construction or renovation of facilities providing services to seniors, including housing. • Fundraising, lobbying or sponsorship campaigns. • Legal, audit or interest fees. • Purchase of vehicles, fuel that is not related to supporting the project, and vehicle insurance • Grants or funding to other organizations • Credit and non-credit courses at a college or university • Deficit reduction plans • Project components already completed or funded by another organization • Projects with ineligible activities or costs may be deemed ineligible for evaluation. APPLICATION PROCESS • Applications will be accepted between Monday November 24, 2014 and Friday January 30, 2015 by 5:00pm (EST). • Applicants are encouraged to use the Age-Friendly Community Planning Guide and the resources referred to in the guide, in the development of any project plan. • All applicants will receive a decision regarding their application by Spring 2015. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 10 46 • Grants Ontario • Applications must be submitted electronically through Grants Ontario at: www.grants.gov.on.ca. • All applicants must be enrolled with ONe-key through the Grants Ontario system before completing an application. • Applicants should enrol as soon as possible at www.qrants.gov.on.ca as it may take up to two weeks to complete the enrolment process. ▪ If you require technical support related to Grants Ontario, contact Grants Ontario Customer Service which is open from Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (EST) at 416-325-6691 or 1-855-216-3090 or via email at GrantsOntarioCS @ontario.ca. ASSESSMENT PROCESS AND CRITERIA Using the eligibility criteria outlined below, all applications will be assessed based on how well the projects meet the goal and priorities of the program. Grants awarded may be limited if the number of requests for funding exceeds the funding available. The Ontario Seniors' Secretariat will notify all applicants of the results of their applications and may publish information about the projects and the successful grant recipients. In order to ensure regional representation across the province, we encourage applications from rural and remote communities. Project Eligibility Criteria All applications will be assessed based on the degree to which they meet the following criteria. a) Relevance of the Project(30%) • Description of the work that will be undertaken and when. • The quality of the proposed initiative and degree to which it is timely and likely to succeed. • The extent to which the initiative addresses the priorities of the program. • The extent to which the initiative supports new collaborations and/or opportunities. • The degree of innovation represented by the project. • Identification of who will benefit from the work, which community, municipality, and description of demographics. • b) Organizational Capacity(20%) • Identification of who will undertake the work, their roles and responsibilities, and demonstration that there are sufficient resources to support the project (i.e. project leads, partners, what administrative resources will support the project). AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 11 47 • Track record of the applicant to undertake the initiative. • Any noted funding issues with the organization as it relates to government funding. • Demonstration of support from the community or partners (through letters of support) indicating of the support that they will be providing: time, resources or financial. c) Financial Feasibility of the Project(20%) • The budget is realistic in terms of proposed activities and planned results, and demonstrates efficient use of resources. • Identification of financial or in-kind support provided by other partners. • The project's value for investment is clearly demonstrated. d) Anticipated Results of Project(30%) • Identification of project activity and results. • An effective and realistic work plan with clear timelines, including project components and related dates, key milestones, project deliverables and overall project timelines. • Evidence of realistic goals, decision points, involvement of city council or partners, identification of performance measures, or ways that project outcomes can be clearly measured. • Identification of immediate and longer term impacts of the project. • Identification of project outcomes and the degree to which anticipated benefits will have a sustainable impact in the community sector. FUNDING TERMS Once the application has been approved for funding, successful grant recipients will be required to enter into an agreement with the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat. The following terms and conditions are applicable to all projects funded • All funded activities must take place after contracting, and before March 31, 2017. • Projects must be completed, and funding must be spent by March 31, 2017. • Unspent portions of the grant must be returned to the province. • Grants will be paid in instalments based on the project deliverables. • Proposals must include a project plan that identifies key target.dates for deliverables. • It is anticipated that projects less than 10 months will have a payment schedule with two payments: 70% upon signing and 30% upon completion of the project and approval of the final report. Projects more than 10 months will have a payment schedule with three payments: 70% upon signing, 15% upon approval of the interim report, and 15% upon completion of the project and approval of the final AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 12 48 ' report. Funding requested through the Age Friendly Community Planning Grant must not duplicate funding requested or received from other sources and cannot exceed the total budget for the project. • Funding from other provincial, federal or municipal programs is permitted, as long as each funder covers a separate portion of the project costs and separate funding is clearly identified in the application and reports. • The applicant will make information about the age-friendly community initiative (e.g. action plans, project plans, and outcomes) available to the public in an accessible format. For more information and tools on how to make information and documents accessible, visit the website of the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario at: www.mcss.gov.on.ca/en/mcss/programs/accessibility/ AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS The following is an outline of the terms and conditions that will be set out in the agreement that the successful recipient is required to sign. Applicants who are approved to receive project funding will receive a letter to confirm approval and grant amount. Applicants approved for project funding will enter into an agreement with the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat. The agreement will set out project grant amount, the project deliverables, responsibilities and reporting requirements. In order to receive the grant, the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat will make payment by electronic funds transfer(EFT) to the bank account that the grant recipient identifies. Acknowledgement of Funding In an effort to demonstrate transparency and accountability related to how public funds are spent, recipients must credit the financial support of the Government of Ontario in any publicity, communications or marketing materials developed that promote activities funded by the grant, as well as all other project materials developed, including reports and oral presentations. Announcements and Events The Ontario Seniors' Secretariat would like to build awareness of the program. Successful grant recipients should contact the secretariat when an event or public announcement is planned. The Ontario Seniors' Secretariat is supportive of funded project, and would like to help municipalities and organizations celebrate their events and successes. Certificate of Insurance (COI) AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 13 49 A valid COI with an inclusive limit of not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) on a per occurrence basis and which references the grant by project name and file number must be provided to the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat before any funds are released. The COI must be valid and in effect for the duration of the project and any policy renewals and/or replacements that occur during the term must be provided to the secretariat promptly. Details will be provided to successful grant recipients. Project Activity Recipients are required to inform the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat, as well as any project partners of any proposed changes that could impact a project. Changes to the project involving scope, budget or timelines require written consent from the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat prior to making any changes. Requests must be made in writing (email is acceptable) and must be approved before any change to the project scope or funding are made. When significant changes are required and have been approved, an amending agreement may be required. Reporting Recipients will be required to submit a final report within thirty days of the completion of the project, outlining actual activities and expenditures. Recipients are required to include proof of expenditures such as copies of receipts and financial statements signed by the responsible party. All grant recipients are required to keep all original financial and non-financial records relating to the grantor to the project for a period of 7 years. This includes records of all expenditures related to the grant, and records substantiating project-staffing costs. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 14 • 50 GLOSSARY - AUDIT: Examination of a recipient's accounts, records or other evidence deemed necessary in the circumstances. An audit may be done to review the expenditures related to a specific project, or the audit may concern the expenditures of an organization for the fiscal year. • DISTRICT SOCIAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION BOARDS: For administrative purposes, northern Ontario is divided into territorial districts, which are not municipalities. All municipalities in northern Ontario are single tier. There are currently ten District Social Services Administration Boards (DSSABs) that provide consolidated municipal services. These DSSABs serve both municipalities and unorganized territory. ENDORSEMENT—See local government endorsement EVALUATION: The systematic collection and analysis of information on the performance of a policy, program, project or initiative to make judgements about relevance, progress or success and cost-effectiveness and/or to inform future programming decisions about design and implementation. FINAL REPORT: The Final Report is submitted by the grant recipient within 30 days after a project is completed. The Final Report will provide information on both the project administration as well as the financial activity. It will provide details related to whether the project's objectives were met, how the success of the project was measured, the level of community participation and response, and any other details required, as outlined in the agreement. The Final Report will include the Financial Report, which will be signed by the chief financial authority of the organization. GRANT: Transfer payment for a specified purpose for which obligations are outlined in program guidelines, the agreement and program correspondence. LEAD ORGANIZATION: The lead organization is one of several organizations that partner together to undertake a project. A representative from the lead organization is responsible for the agreement, and may also have a representative from the partner organization co-sign the agreement. See also, PARTNER ORGANIZATION. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENDORSEMENT: Local government must demonstrate its support to adopt an age-friendly planning approach and its intention to develop a local action plan. In order to demonstrate the endorsement of the local government, a council resolution must be submitted with the application. In the interim, if a council resolution has not yet been passed, a letter of support signed by the CAO, the City Manager, or City Clerk, or another person deemed responsible by the municipality may be submitted by the application deadline. A copy of the resolution passed by council must be submitted by March 31, 2015. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 15 51 LOWER-TIER MUNICIPALITY: A municipality that forms part of an upper-tier municipality for municipal purposes; ("municipalite de palier inferieur"). MANDATE: The mandate, or organizational mandate, defines the purpose or intention that the organization serves. NORTHERN ONTARIO: is comprised of 10 territorial districts (145 municipalities) including Kenora, Rainy River, Thunder Bay, Cochrane, Algoma, Sudbury, Timiskaming, Nipissing, Manitoulin, and Parry Sound. NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION: A not-for-profit organization is a club, society, or association that's organized and operated solely for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure or recreation or any other purpose except profit. ONTARIO'S ACTION PLAN FOR SENIORS: This document lays out a plan to help seniors stay safe, healthy, vibrant and active. The plan highlights new and existing programs, services and benefits for seniors, their families and caregivers. For complete information, go to http://www.ontario.ca/health-and-wellness/ontarios-action-plan-seniors or call Toll Free: 1-888-910-1999, TTY (for the hearing impaired).1-800-387-5559, email infoseniors(a�ontario.ca or write to: Ontario Seniors' Secretariat, 777 Bay Street, Suite 601 C, Toronto ON M7A 2J4. PARTNER ORGANIZATION: An organization that undertakes the project with the Grant Recipient. A partner organization will support the agreement and may even co-sign the agreement, and must provide written confirmation in the form of a letter about their participation in the proposed project, their role and their support of the project. PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Indicators that provide qualitative and/or quantitative information needed to measure the extent to which a project is achieving its intended outcomes. Qualitative data can be expressed in terms of change or comparison between two states, while quantitative indicators can be in the form of a ratio, percentage, comparison or figure. RURAL COMMUNITY: a community with less than 30,000 that is greater than 30 minutes away in travel time from a community with a population of more than 30,000. SINGLE-TIER MUNICIPALITY: A municipality other than an upper-tier municipality that does not form part of an upper-tier municipality for municipal purposes; ("municipalite a palier unique"). UPPER-TIER MUNICIPALITY: A municipality of which two or more lower-tier municipalities form part for municipal purposes; ("municipalite de palier superieur"). AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 16 52 APPENDIX 1: TIPS AND TOOLS: KEY ACTION STEPS TO BECOME AGE-FRIENDLY Communities are encouraged to use Finding the Right Fit:Aqe-Friendly Community Planning Guide to help get started on becoming age-friendly. Key Action Step Tips 1. Build partnerships and define • Create a committee or collaborative that local principles includes a broad range of community partners (for example, local government, Age-friendly community initiatives businesses, community service • benefit from the participation and organizations, seniors organizations, contributions of everyone in the academic institutions, and professionals community. Involve a diversity of from different sectors). people and organizations interested in the wellness and vibrancy of the • Include local seniors in your collaborative community. and/or engage local seniors throughout the various stages of your initiative. Seniors Key Tasks: bring a wealth of experience and insight into ✓ Form a steering committee. current issues and how they could be ✓ Establish guiding principles. addressed. They can also encourage other • Build partnerships. seniors to be involved. s( Create an age-friendly community profile. • Consult widely in developing the vision, ✓ Discuss priorities. guiding principles and key goals for your initiative. • Visit the MAREP Age-Friendly Community website for templates and tools for: o Creating a steering committee (See Stage 1: Set the Stage for Change). o Identifying key objectives for your community initiative (See Stage 2: Clarify Values and Objectives). 2. Assess local needs • Invite community members to participate in Collect detailed information about focus groups and surveys. your community's needs to guide the • Host a 'World Café" event that invites creation of your action plan. Identify community members from different sectors gaps as well as opportunities to build to mingle and brainstorm ideas for age on existing policies, programs and friendliness. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 17 • 53 services. • Visit the MAREP Age-Friendly Community Key Tasks: website for templates and tools for ✓ Examine your tool set. assessing your community's needs (See ✓ Create a draft list of questions. Stage 3:Assess Your Community). ✓ Finalize the needs assessment. • Use the Age-Friendly Communities database of assessment questions, available through the University of Waterloo's website. 3. Develop an action plan • Align activities with existing municipal priorities and/or municipal strategic plans. Using the findings from your needs, assessment, develop an action plan • Consult a diversity of community members to guide your community's work from different sectors in interpreting the towards age-friendliness. Include information collected through your needs specific goals and objectives, assessment. activities, and ways to measure success. • Provide an opportunity for seniors to provide feedback on drafts of your action plan. Key Tasks: ✓ Analyze the information • • Utilize your partnerships with community collected through your needs members from different sectors and groups - assessment. to communicate the action plan to the public. ✓ Develop strategies to address the gaps identified. • Visit the MAREP Age-Friendly Community ✓ Turn these strategies into an website for templates and tools for action plan with specific goals developing your action plan (See Stage 4: and objectives. Determine Goals and Develop a Strategic Plan). 4. Take action and monitor • Use newsletters, website and posters to progress raise awareness of your action plan activities and successes to date. Put your plan into action, and look for opportunities to get more • Approach partners in different sectors to community members involved. help implement the various activities in your Evaluate the success of your action plan. activities both during and after implementation. This will help you • Look for existing tools and resources to help improve your action plan along the you track progress and measure success. way. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 18 54 • Visit the MAREP Age-Friendly Community Key Tasks: website for tips and tools for implementing ✓ Implement the action plan. and evaluating your action plan (See Stage . ✓ Track progress and evaluate 4: Determine Goals and Develop a Strategic the success of your action plan. Plan). • Celebrate your community's accomplishments to recognize the efforts and contributions of individuals and organizations, and to inspire others to get involved. Additional tips: • Share what your community is doing with local media and on the MAREP website. • Consider applying to become a member of the WHO Global Network of Age- friendly Cities and Communities. • • AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 19 • 55 • APPENDIX 2: DIMENSIONS OF AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES The World Health Organization framework for Age-Friendly Communities can be used to assess and enhance the age-friendliness of communities. The framework identifies eight aspects of community life that overlap and interact to directly affect older adults. The table below provides examples of initiatives in each dimension. Age-Friendly Dimension Examples of Initiatives 1. Outdoor Spaces and • Design pavements and sidewalks with low curbs that Public Buildings taper off to the road and are wide enough to Outdoor spaces and accommodate wheelchairs and other mobility devices. public buildings that are pleasant, clean, secure • Add accessible public washrooms with clear signage and physically accessible. in,convenient locations. • Increase outdoor seating at transit stops, in parks and public spaces that are well spaced and well maintained. 2. Transportation • Design public transportation routes with good • Public transportation that connections to all municipal areas. is accessible and • Start a community transportation service that is affordable. affordable and accessible. • Launch an outreach campaign to provide information about transportation options, routes, costs and timetables. 3. Housing • Include affordable housing options for older adults in Housing that is municipal plans. affordable, appropriately • Develop affordable services and/or programs that located, well built, well support the option for seniors to remain in their designed and secure. homes. • Design accessible indoor spaces to allow freedom of movement in all rooms and passageways. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 20 56 4. Social Participation • Organize free or affordable events, activities or courses held at venues that are accessible, well lit Opportunities for seniors and conveniently located. to participate in leisure, social, cultural and • Start an outreach program for older adults who do spiritual activities with not or cannot leave their homes. people of all ages and cultures. • Offer a range of events or activities, including both age-specific and intergenerational activities. Age-Friendly Dimension Examples of Initiatives 5. Respect and Social • Invite older adults to participate in and contribute Inclusion their input on public issues or services. Older adults are treated • Create local awards and events to honour the with respect and are contributions of seniors in the community. included in civic life. • - Create community activities that bring together different generations, such as arts and crafts, youth-taught computer courses, and "honorary grandparent" programs. 6. Civic Participation and • Create training opportunities for older adults to learn Employment or improve their skills in paid, civic or volunteer work. Opportunities for • Introduce programs or services that support older employment and adults in finding paid employment. volunteerism that cater to older adults' interests and •• Encourage the representation of older adults on abilities. councils, boards and committees. 7. Communication and • Organize regular and widespread distribution of Information information in a variety of formats (for example, Age-friendly audio, print and electronic). communication and • Provide access to computers and the Internet in information is available. public places at minimal or no cost. • Set up a program that invites seniors to sign up for monthly telephone calls that provide information about upcoming local activities and events. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 21 57 8. Community Support • Coordinate the availability of specialized health care and Health Services services in the community. Community support and • Provide affordable health and home care services. health services tailored to older adults' needs. • Offer education programs on elder care for caregivers and health care professionals. • For more information about the eight features of age-friendly communities and more examples of initiatives, see: • World Health Organization Checklist of Essential Features of Age-friendly Cities • World Health Organization Global Age-friendly Cities: A Guide • Age-Friendly Rural and Remote Communities: A Guide AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 22 58 APPENDIX 3: EXAMPLES OF AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY SUCCESS STORIES Brantford Through the support of volunteers, grants and in-kind donations, Brantford has developed a Master Aging Plan. Brantford's AFC planning experience has led to one key conclusion: the need to look beyond 'age' as a determinant of appropriate action. If the focus is placed more on an individual's functional capacity and social capital, it becomes possible to not only generate more effective solutions, but to generate solutions that benefit people in all stages of life. • Cambridge Cambridge has worked together with older adults and service providers to assess the needs of the community and put forth 5 key areas for community improvement: housing, transportation, community health services and support, respect and social inclusion as well as communication and information. Dryden Dryden's Age-Friendly Network formed partnerships to address service gaps, improved access to services and improved the quality of life for seniors. Many improvements have already been made, including the creation of a community service guide, hosting education sessions targeting caregivers and seniors, the creation of an Anishenaabe Community Liaison, expanding the use of Telehealth Ontario and the establishment of a regional caregiver support network. Haliburton The Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit and the Haliburton Highlands Family Health Team partnered to provide education, awareness and activity sessions to seniors on falls prevention. Through a county-wide survey, focus groups, and in-depth interviews, the Committee created.a list of priorities for action in four areas: accessibility, housing, transportation and communications. Hamilton The Hamilton Council on Aging has worked to implement recommendations including increasing the walkability and accessibility of retail centres as well as raising awareness of seniors focused services such as workshops to assist older adults in navigating the Hamilton Street Railway. Next steps include increasing the age friendliness of Hamilton's AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 23 • 59 • public transportation system and connecting older adults from diverse ethno-cultural communities to community services. London As a member of the World Health Organization's Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities, the City of London has approved a Three Year Action Plan for an Age- Friendly London. Improvements already made include the installation of countdown timers on crosswalks, improved readability of street signs, and the advertisement of the London Transit Commission's "Get On Board" program. Future improvements include the creation of a "check-in" service for isolated seniors and a recognition program for older adult volunteers. Ottawa The Age-Friendly Ottawa Project has established their community as a member of the World Health Organization's Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities. Age-Friendly Ottawa has also recently launched a Business Recognition Project that will engage seniors in recognizing, acknowledging and highlighting exemplary age-friendly business practices in Ottawa. Thunder Bay The Age-Friendly Thunder Bay Committee has established their community as a member of the World Health Organization's Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities. Key goals include a respectful attitude toward seniors, access to places for walking, volunteer opportunities for seniors and cultural events and activities. The Committee has received funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation for a project that focuses on promoting and marketing their age-friendly concept. Toronto The Toronto Seniors Strategy builds on existing city work, available research, community consultations and proven best practices. The strategy recommends 91 actions, which have received council approval, that are practical, achievable, measurable and linked to specific outcomes. Waterloo Waterloo's age-friendly initiative led to the creation of a comprehensive and representative needs assessment. As a result of the assessment the City plans to address concerns about housing affordability, high curbs, and a lack of outreach to socially isolated seniors. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 24 60 APPENDIX 4: RESOURCES Age-Friendly Community Planning Guide: Finding the Right Fit http://www.seniors.gov.on.ca/en/afc/guide.php. University of Waterloo—Questions Database www.uwaterloo.ca/env/finding-the-right-fit MAREP AFC Website: http://afc.uwaterloo.ca World Health Organization (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities: A Guide http://www.who.int/ageinq/publications/Global aqe friendly cities Guide English.pdf Age-Friendly Rural and Remote Communities: A Guide http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/seniors-aines/publications/public/afc-caa/rural-rurales/index- eng.php WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities: www.who.int/ageinq/aqe friendly cities network/en/index.html Ontario Initiatives for Seniors Ontario Seniors' Secretariat http://www.seniors.gov.on.ca/en/index.php Independence, Activity and Good Health: Ontario's Action Plan for Seniors http://www.seniors.gov.on.ca/en/afc/guide.php AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 25 61 • APPENDIX 5: SAMPLE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS FOR AGE-FRIENDLY INITIATIVES Though local governments should develop a resolution that is appropriate for their own age-friendly initiative, the following examples could be adapted. Example 1 Whereas older persons are an important part of our community, and Whereas it is our community's interest that these citizens continue to live active lives and participate fully in the activities of the community; Whereas the City/TownNillage/Rural Municipality of accepted the invitation from the Province of Ontario to participate in the Age-Friendly Community Planning strategy. Therefore be it resolved that the Age-Friendly Community Planning strategy be endorsed by the City/Town Nillage/Rural Municipality of to support participation and healthy active lifestyles for older,adults and all citizens. Be it further resolved that an elected Council Member be an active participant on the Committee/Working Group that represents all sectors of the community, and report regularly to Council on the activity of the Committee. Be it further resolved that the plans of the Age-Friendly Community Planning strategy be publically posted to develop public support. . Be it further resolved that the staff involved with Age-Friendly Community Planning work co-operatively with existing community organizations to ensure that their programs and services are more age-friendly. Example 2 Note that commitment to WHO is suggested, not required. This second paragraph may be omitted. With respect to the report of the Age Friendly Community Planning Committee, we recommend that City Council endorse the Committee's efforts to have the City of declared Age Friendly; • AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 26 62 AND THAT the City of _ join the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global , network of Age-Friendly Cities and support community efforts to develop a three-year action plan that will set out goals and strategies for achieving international Age-Friendly status. Example 3 If a community wishes, the Age-Friendly Community Planning strategy may be led by a Committee of Council formed by a clause of a resolution such as the following: The Council of the City/TownNillage/Rural Municipality of will establish an Age-Friendly Community Planning Committee that will include community representation, including older adults; and the Committee will report to Council regularly. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 27 63 AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT 2014-15 APPLICATION GUIDE How to Apply This guide provides the information needed to apply for an Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant, including links to the program guidelines, the Grants Ontario website, the Grants Ontario System Registration Guide for Applicants, as well as contact information for technical support and questions about the program. Plan Ahead! Your applications must be submitted online, through the internet-based Grants Ontario website. In order to access Grants Ontario, you must be registered with ONe-key. ONe-key is a unique electronic credential that allows you to communicate securely with online government services. New Applicants • If you are not registered with ONe-key, you must complete a one-time, two-step enrolment process to apply through Grants Ontario. New applicants will need at least one week to register with ONe-key and have • the registration processed before an application can be completed on Grants Ontario. 1. The first step is to create your ONe-key account and ID. ONe-key is used for secure access to the Government of Ontario system. We strongly recommend that you create Account Recovery Info during this process in case you forget your log-in information. Administrators are unable to retrieve ONe-key IDs. 2. Next you request an Enrolment ID and PIN that will give you access to the Grants Ontario System. • 3. The last step is to log into the Grants Ontario System using your new ID and PIN. From here you can continue to apply fora grant. - AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 28 64 We've provided you with two tools to help you through the process: The Grants Ontario System - Registration Guide for Applicants and Grants Ontario System — Reference Guide for Applicants can be printed or read on-line for your convenience. Open the Registration Guide and have it handy as you create your ONe-key account, and apply for access to the Grants Ontario System. Please register immediately and allow at least 5 business days for processing. Need help? Call 1-855-216-3090 or 416-325-6691 Email: grantsontariocsaontario.ca • Already Registered? If you are currently registered with ONe-key, you do not have to register again. Complete your Application To access Grants Ontario, go to: www.grants.gov.on.ca Once you have registered with ONe-key, you can log into Grants Ontario using your ONe- key username and password to apply for the grant. • You can complete your application online directly in Grants Ontario, or you can download the application, complete it offline, and upload it later into Grants Ontario. Regardless of your method of submission, remember to click the "Validate" button at the top right of the page prior to attempting to submit. If you've missed any mandatory questions in the form, the Validate process will notify you of the sections yet to be completed. Complete all fields identified by the Validation process. When finished, press the Validate button again. You'll know if you've completed the form properly when you receive a message stating that the application has been successfully validated. Save the application and then attempt to submit.-NOTE: You cannot submit an incomplete form. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 29 65 If you want to download and complete an application offline, here are the steps: 1. If you don't already have it on your computer, you will need software called Adobe Acrobat Reader(Version 9 or 10). This can be downloaded for free from Adobe Acrobat at http://get.adobe.com/reader/ 2. Log into Grants Ontario. 3. Create a new application. 4. Click DOWNLOAD APPLICATION FORM. The application is now saved on your computer. 5. Open the application form on your computer. 6. Fill in the application form as instructed. 7. Click SAVE as you work on your application. The application will be saved on your computer. 8. Click the VALIDATE button on the form to see if you have missed any mandatory fields 9. Read over all of your information and make sure it's complete and signed electronically. 10.Log in to Grants Ontario. Go to the new application you started in step 3 above. 11.Click UPLOAD APPLICATION FORM. Your application is submitted to Grants Ontario. Need technical assistance? Call 1-855-216-3090 or 416-325-6691 Email: qrantsontariocsontario.ca AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 30 66 Submit Your Application As soon as a completed application is uploaded and submitted electronically through Grants Ontario, an email is sent to the main applicant confirming receipt of the application. If you have not received confirmation, you can follow up with Grants Ontario Customer Support at 1-855-216-3090. Application Deadline Applications and all supporting materials must be submitted through the Grants Ontario System by Friday January 30, 2015 by 5:00pm (EST). Before You Apply Please read these Program Guidelines and this Application Guide completely before completing the grant application. If you have any questions about the AFC Planning Grant program or potential planning projects that you are considering, please do not hesitate to contact the Regional Advisor for your area. The list of your Regional Advisors is located here: http://ontario.ca/bvv6 It is essential to establish relevant project objectives, a specific project plan, and an effective evaluation strategy or performance measures to be able,to measure the success of the project. Consider: • Who will the project will benefit? How many people are there in the community? • What the project will achieve and how does this project fit into the development of a local action plan? • What priorities will the project meet? • • Who will be involved; what their role will be? • Project timeline? . • Project budget? • What are the next steps (i.e. consultation, approval of recommendations, implementation, evaluation)? AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 31 67 Supporting Documentation Applications must include a number of supporting documents, as outlined below. A document file must be attached for each of the applicable sections in Grants Ontario. If you have one file that contains multiple documents, you should consider saving each of the components as a separate file that can be attached to the relevant section. Applications will be screened for completeness and may be considered ineligible if required documentation is not included with the application. Resolution to undertake Age-Friendly Community Planning The local government must support age-friendly planning. This support will be demonstrated by the approval of a council resolution. Resolutions must express commitment to local age-friendly planning and the intention to develop a local action plan. All applicants must submit a copy of the approved council resolution by March 31, 2015. While the application deadline closes January 30, 2015, applicants are still able to access their application file and attach this document. Applications that do not include evidence of an approved council resolution by March 31, 2015 will be deemed ineligible. Municipalities (including district social services administration boards-DSSAB) must provide: • List of current council members and position title; • Letter of support or partnership letter, if applicable, that validates any partnership outlined in the proposal. • Copies of all available quotes for items over$5,000 to justify any procurement costs; • The person deemed responsible by the local government must sign the application. (Note that Ontario municipalities and DSSABs are not required to provide incorporation statements and financial statements.) AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 32 .68 Community Organizations must provide: • Copy of documents that confirm the eligibility of the organization, such as a Certificate of Status, articles of incorporation, letters patent, or special acts of incorporation of the applicant. Incorporated branches, chapters or member agencies of provincial or national organizations must submit proof of eligibility of the provincial or national organization. If you have already sent your proof of status as part of registering with ONe=key, you do not have to attach it again when you apply for a grant. • Financial Statements: o for organizations with operating budgets at or over$100,000-audited financial statement for most recently completed fiscal year; o for organizations with an operating budget under$100,000—audited financial statement or review engagement for the most recently completed fiscal year. • List of current elected Board of Directors and position title. • Letter of support or partnership letter, if applicable, that validates any partnership outlined in the proposal.- • • Copies of all quotes for items over$5,000 to justify any procurement costs. Eligibility Applications will be reviewed for eligibility of the organization, project activities and projects costs. Projects that are deemed as ineligible will not be assessed. Projects with ineligible activities or costs may be deemed ineligible for evaluation. Remember that if you have any questions about this program or your potential project, . you can contact the Regional Advisor for your area. The list of your Regional Advisors is located here: http://ontario.ca/byy6 After you Apply Applicants will receive written notification on whether their application was approved or declined as soon as possible after the review and approval process is complete. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 33 69 Completing the Grant Application Grants Ontario Tips • Additional information is available for each section of the application. Hover the mouse arrow over the heading in the application form and additional information will be revealed. • Some fields indicate a maximum number of characters. The curser will stop moving after the maximum number has been reached and no further information may be entered. The grant application is divided into the following sections: A. Organization Information B. Organization Address Information C. Organization Contact Information D. Organization Capacity E. Grant Payment Information F. Application Contact Information G1. Project Information G2. Additional Questions G3. Project Work Plan • H. Project Financial Information I. Performance Metrics J. Partnership/Stakeholder Information P. Declaration/Signing AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 34 70 - Sections A, B and C — Organization Information, Address Information and Contact Information These sections are'explained directly in the Application. Sections A and B should be pre- populated (i.e., automatically filled in)with information provided by applicants during the Grants Ontario System registration process. If there is incorrect information, you can log in to your account on Grants Ontario and make the changes to some fields by clicking the "My Account" link and then clicking the "Organization Profile" link. Other information contained in these sections cannot be edited by you and you will need to send an email to GrantsOntarioCS(c�ontario.ca or create an Assistance Request in the Grants Ontario System explaining what needs to be changed or added. REMEMBER: Section A and B are READ-ONLY and cannot be edited in the form. • Section C may contain contact information about your organization that was entered during a previous application submission. You may edit this information if you wish or leave it as it appears. Section D—Organization Capacity This section requests information about your organization, including staffing, volunteers, governance, past performance and skills that will make.the proposed project successful. Questions 1-5: Please complete. ,6. Describe your organization's core business or field of activity. (Note: this section has a 2,000 character limit) • What does your organization do?What is your organization's primary purpose (mandate) and the primary audience or clients served? Briefly describe your organization's current programming and services that are relevant to your project application. 7. How does the organization's strategic plan guide your organization's activities? (2,000 character limit) • Your response to this question will help evaluators understand how your project will help your organization(s) further overall goals. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT , Page 35 • 71 8. Outline your organization's risk management plan for the prevention of abuse to clients, members and staff. (2,000 character limit) • Not applicable; please enter N/A in the field. 9. How is your board elected? • Not applicable - please enter N/A in the field. 10.How does the composition of your board represent the community it serves? • Not applicable; please enter N/A in the field. 11.What practices/procedures exist to ensure the board conducts its activities with accountability and transparency? (2,000 character limit) • Please provide a brief description. 12.Describe your organization's history of managing similar projects and include past achievements. (2,000 character limit) • Describe successful strategies your organization has used to ensure that program outcomes are achieved. • Describe your organization's experience developing, tracking and reporting on outcomes and performance measures successfully. • Provide additional details on whether your organization is current in meeting all requirements related to funding received from the Government of Ontario, any agency of the Government of Ontario. For example, do you have any outstanding reports or funds owing to the government? 13.Describe your organization's ability and capacity to successfully undertake this project. (2,000 character limit) • Briefly outline the governance and management of your organization, its mission AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 36 72 • and mandate, and key activities and/or services. Please attach your financial statements for the last completed fiscal year, and outline any significant changes since then. 14.Provide details on your staff and relevant staff experience for those involved in the project. (2,000 character limit) • Briefly outline training or experience which your staff(paid and volunteer)_bring to this project specifically. 15.Describe successful strategies your organization has used to ensure achievement of . program outcomes. (2,000 character limit) 16.Describe your organization's experience developing, tracking and reporting on outcomes and performance measures successfully. (2,000 character limit) Section E—Grant Payment Information This section is explained directly in the online Application Form. Complete all fields in this section before moving to the next. Section F—Application Contact Information Section F is explained directly in the online Application Form. Complete all fields in this section before moving to the next. Section GI — Project Information 1) Project Name (250 character limit) 1. A short descriptive title that will easily identify your project. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 37 73 2) Project Start Date 2. Projects may begin after June 15, 2015. Please indicate your anticipated start date of the project. Successful applicants can choose to start their project after this date, but not before receiving notification from the Minister. 3) Project End Date • This is the anticipated end date of the project. Projects must be completed by March 31, 2017. 4) Event Start Date and 5) Event End Date • Please indicate any events related to project activity OR leave blank 6) Target Sector • What best describes your organization and who you serve. Select all applicable descriptions from the drop-down menu: 7) Project Scope • Choose "Local". 8) Host Community _ • Choose your municipality. 9) Project Priority • Select as many of the project priorities from the list. All projects must address at least one of the priorities identified in these Program Guidelines. • AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 38 74 • 10) Project Summary (2,000 character limit) • • Provide a brief description of your project. If your application is successful, this wording may be published in both official languages on the ministry website. 11) Project Description (4,900 character limit) • Describe your project in detail, making sure to address all of the specific requirements in these application guidelines, including what priorities will be addressed; who will be involved; what their role is; what activities will be ' undertaken; who will the project impact; how many people will the project impact; what are the anticipated results; and how will the results be implemented and shared. 12) Project Objectives (2,000 character limit) • Provide the project objectives that will be accomplished along the way to achieving the overall project outcomes, making sure to address all the specific requirements in these application guidelines. For each objective, be sure to indicate what successful achievement of the objective would "look like". For example: • • Local age-friendly principles are defined, and include the following steps: • Formation of a steering committee • • Development of guiding principles • Creation of an age-friendly community profile • Identification of age-friendly community goals • Gaps and opportunities for age-friendliness are identified through implementation of a custom needs assessment. • A local action plan is developed • The local action plan is Implemented and evaluated. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 39 75 • 13) Rationale / Need (1,000 character limit) • Describe why your organization needs to undertake this project. • Describe why it is a priority for your organization. • Describe how the project supports the goal of Age-Friendly Community Planning and how it is aligned with at least one of its strategic priorities. 14) Project Beneficiaries (2,000 character limit) • Describe how your organization(s) will benefit from the project and include • identification of any benefit to audiences, members, stakeholders and/or the broader sector as a result. 15) Risk Assessment and Management (2,000 character limit) • Provide a description of your strategy. 16) Project Outcomes (1,000 character limit) • Identify the relevant outcomes for your project. 17) Evaluation Plan/Criteria (2,000 character limit) • Describe your project's evaluation plan. How will you determine whether your objectives have been met? • Section G2-Additional project required information: 1. Does the application and related local age-friendly community planning have the support of the local government? (maximum 4,900 characters) Please enter Yes or No. Explanation can be provided if necessary. It is anticipated that a copy of the local government resolution will be attached with other supporting documentation. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 40 76 • Section G3 — Project Work Plan The work plan is designed to provide the secretariat with a clear idea of how the organization or project collaborators are going to carry out the project. The Work Plan should demonstrate a systematic approach as to how you will accomplish all phases of the project. A comprehensive work plan with specific achievable milestones demonstrates strong organizational capacity and is an indicator of likely project success. . - Each row of the Work Plan contains six fields that must be completed: Key Milestones, Activities, Start Date /End Date, Responsibility, and Performance Indicator. You may add as many rows as you like by clicking on the "+" symbol to the far right of the table. If you have added a row in error, press the "X" symbol to the far left of the table to delete the selected row. Applicants are required to include the following work plan components in their proposals: • Key Milestones—mark the completion of a work phase; • Activities—tasks that will be undertaken to complete the project; • Start Date—anticipated start date of each activity; • End Date—anticipated end date of each activity; • Responsibility—indicates who is responsible for completing the activities; and, • Performance Indicator—signal that demonstrates task achieved successfully. When drafting the Work Plan remember to complete all fields in the row as each cell is mandatory and must contain a response. You will not be able to submit your application if a cell is blank in your Work Plan. Section H—Project Financial Information Applicants are required to complete the budget template as part of their online application. Below are instructions for completing the template. Please review these carefully before proceeding. When completing the project budget, please provide complete and detailed information for each section. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 41 77 In preparing the project budget, please note that: • Total project revenues must equal total project expenditures; • All contributions from the applicant, partners, or other public and private sources must be clearly identified as revenues; • Revenues from all government sources must not exceed the total budget for the project. Before completing Section H, please read the information on eligible and ineligible costs in the Program Guidelines. Project financial information (revenues and expenditures) must be entered in Project Cost(Year 1) and Project Cost(Year 2) if you are applying for a two year project. All expenses must be reasonable, well supported and justified. For all project expenditures, applicants must provide a detailed Item Description that provides the following information and is set out in this order: 1. List the budget item (e.g. workshop venue rental ) 2. Provide a breakdown of costs for the budget item (e.g. 3 workshops x$300 daily rental fee). 3. State the source(s) of funding for the budget item by name (e.g. name of applicant, name of collaborator, name of federal government department, provincial ministry or municipal government) 4. State whether the funding being contributed by the funding source is confirmed or pending. Example - Item Description with one funding source: Workshop venue rental /3 workshops x$300 daily rental fee /XYZ organization / confirmed. Example—Item Description with more than one funding source: Project Manager(new hire) annual salary and benefits/$70,000 x 100% for a 12 month period x 100 % of time dedicated to project/MTCS pending/XYZ organization confirmed AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 42 78 • List all project expense items in the first column (on the left side of the budget template under each relevant heading). Please note that there is a limit of 255 characters (including spaces) in each cell. • Itemize ALL expenditures and show contributions from your organization, from other organizations, including partners or sponsors, and from all levels of government, and provide the following explanation: • provide details for each item beginning with Source of Item; • provide an estimated total dollar value and breakdown. For purchased items, include the cost per unit and number of items needed (e.g. Venue Rental /10 workshops x$150 daily rental fee = $1,500). For staffing positions, include a description of responsibility, number of hours per week and wage and benefits as they relate to the project; • tell us how your project costs will be.covered (e.g. by"Requested" funding and/or through the "Cash" and "In-kind" contributions of your organization, , its partners or sponsors and/or other funders (put this information in columns 2, 3, and 4); • All cash and in-kind contributions from other organizations must be confirmed in writing and included as an attachment. • Rows can be added by clicking the `+' symbol on the template. • The financial table appears five times allowing for a 5-year projection. Since the Age- Friendly Community Planning Grant allows for a 2-year funding period only, please collapse the rest of the tables for easier reading and a shorter table. This can be done by clicking on the "" sign. • All totals and sub-totals will be automatically calculated in the "Project Cost (Year 1 and/or Year 2)" table. • The Total Project Financials (All Years) for both Revenues and Expenses will auto- calculate. • The "Requested Funding" column on the extreme right does not need to be added up and therefore will not auto-total. Requested Funding figures need to be reported even though they are not factored into any portion of the project's budget. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 43 • 79 • • AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 44 80 • Section I— Performance Metrics: Not applicable; please enter N/A in the field. Section J — Partner/Stakeholder Information Please complete if the applicant is working with a partner organization. This section is not applicable if the project does not involve a formal partnership. 1. Name • Provide the name of each partner organization that has committed to assisting your organization with delivering your project(each of which must also provide a letter • of support for your project). 2. Type • Identify the sector that each partner organization represents using the drop-down menu. Please select only the "partner" value. All other terms apply to different grant programs offered by other ministries and are not applicable. 3. Role • Specify whether each partner is an existing or new partner and describe what their role and contribution to the project will be. 4. Description • Describe how your partners are involved in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of the project. Note: Applicants must include signed letters from each partner listed indicating their involvement in the project and verifying their financial and/or in kind contributions to the project. Please attach these letters to the online application. Remember to note the cash and/or in-kind contribution by each partner in your attached project budget. Partners . identified in the work plan (Section G3) must also be listed as partners in this section. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 45 81 Section Z— Declaration /Signing This section is explained directly in the online Application Form. By signing the Application Form and submitting it(through Grants Ontario) to the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat, the organization applying is formally verifying that it agrees to the following: a. the information given in support of this application for a grant is true, correct and complete in every respect; b. the applicant has read, understood and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions governing the grant outlined above and in subsequent correspondence from the secretariat; c. applicant is aware that the information contained herein can be used for the assessment of grant eligibility and for statistical reporting; d. the applicant is not in default of the terms and conditions of any grant, loan or transfer payment agreement with any ministry or agency of the Government of Ontario; e. the applicant understands that the information contained in this application or submitted to the secretariat in connection with the grant is subject to disclosure under the provincial Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; f. the applicant understands that if it is selected for funding, the applicant will be required to sign a funding agreement; g. the applicant has read and understands the information contained in the Application Form. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT Page 46 82