HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 01-15 Cliq Information Report to Planning & Development Committee ICKERING Report Number: 01-15 Date: March 2, 2015 From: . Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner • Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2014-03 Draft Plan of Condominium Application CP-2014-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/14 Grand Communities (Pickering) Corporation 356 & 364 Kingston Road 1. ' Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide preliminary information regarding applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, a Draft Plan of Condominium and a Zoning By-law Amendment, submitted by Grand Communities (Pickering) Corporation, to permit the development of a common element condominium consisting of 28 three-storey townhouse units, accessed by a private road. This report contains general information on the applicable Official Plan and other related policies, and identifies matters raised to-date. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the applications, ask questions of clarification and identify any planning issues. This report is for information and no decision on these applications are being made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning& Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. 2. Property Location and Description • the subject properties are located at the northwest corner of Kingston Road and Rougemount Drive, in the Rougemount Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment#1) • the subject lands comprise 2 properties which have a combined area of approximately 0.6 of a hectare with approximately 77 metres of frontage along Kingston Road and approximately 44 metres of frontage along Rougemount Drive • 356 Kingston Road.currently contains a vacant sales trailer; 364 Kingston Road is occupied by two vacant one-and-a-half storey buildings and a detached garage 1 • • Information Report No. 01-15 Page 2 • • surrounding uses include low density residential development consisting of two-storey detached dwellings fronting Dalewood Drive to the north; a commercial plaza to the east across Rougemount Drive; Blaisdale Montessori School and industrial-commercial uses to the south across Kingston Road; and a vehicle repair and service station establishment with associated outdoor storage immediately to the west 3. Applicant's Previous Proposal • in 2011, the applicant previously submitted a zoning by-law amendment application to facilitate the development of a three-storey mixed-use building containing approximately 1,350 square metres of commercial-retail floor space on the ground floor, and 34 apartment units on the second and third floors with 101 at-grade parking spaces (see Applicant's Previous Submitted Plan, Attachment#2) • the applicant has informed City Development staff that the previous proposal was unmarketable and therefore decided to revise their proposal • the City has received a letter from the applicant requesting to officially withdraw the previous rezoning application • 4. Applicant's Current Proposal • the applicant's proposal is to develop a common element condominium consisting of a total of 28 three-storey townhouse units accessed by a private road; the proposal also includes 11 visitor parking spaces and an outdoor amenity area (see Submitted Plan and Submitted Building Elevations— Attachments #3, #4, #5 and #6) • the proposal consists of three residential blocks: • Block 1 is traditional townhouses consisting of 10 units with parking at the front of the units • Blocks 2 and 3 are rear-lane townhouses containing a total of 18 units fronting Kingston Road and Rougemount Drive with parking at the rear of the dwelling units • vehicular access is provided through a private condominium road off of Rougemount Drive • the applicant has also submitted a draft-plan of subdivision application to create a single development block; this is a technical requirement to allow the applicant to create the privately-owned parcels and the parcels for the common elements of the development through a process called "lifting part lot control" (see Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision, Attachment#7) • the applicant has also submitted a draft plan of condominium application to create the tenure of the parcels in the development; common element features include, but are not limited to: the private road and visitor parking; community mailboxes; and water meter room (see Submitted Common Element Condominium Plan, Attachment#8) • 2 Information Report No. 01-15 Page 3 5. Policy Framework 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan • • . the Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Urban Systems - Living Areas"; lands in this designation shall be developed to incorporate the widest variety of housing types, sizes and tenure to provide living accommodations that address social-economic factors; these lands are encouraged to be developed in compact urban form through higher density uses, particularly along arterial roads supporting public transit, such as Kingston Road • the Regional Official Plan also designates a "Regional Corridor" along Kingston Road • Regional Corridors with an underlying Living Areas designation shall support an overall, long-term density target of at least 60 residential units per gross hectare and a floor space index of 2.5 • Regional Corridors shall provide efficient transportation links to the Urban Growth Centres, Regional Centres as well as other centres in adjacent municipalities • Kingston Road is designated as a "Type B Arterial Road" and a "Transit Spine" • "Type B Arterial Roads" are designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds, have some access restrictions, and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 30 to 36 metres; rights-of-way may be wider at certain locations to accommodate intersection improvements and other facilities such as transit, utilities, noise attenuation installation, bikeways and landscaping • "Transit Spines" are recognized corridors where higher levels of transit service is to be encouraged • these applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Region of Durham Official Plan during the further processing of the applications 5.2 Pickering Official Plan • • • the subject lands are within the Rougemount Neighbourhood of the Official Plan and are designated "Mixed-Use Areas— Mixed Corridors"; lands in this designation are intended primarily for residential, retail, community, cultural and recreational uses at a scale serving the community • for lands located on the north side of Kingston Road that are designated Mixed-Use Areas and abut low density development, the Rougemount Neighbourhood policies establish a maximum residential density of 55 units per net hectare; the proposal provides for a net residential density of approximately 46 units per net hectare • as part of the City's Official Plan Review, the City has initiated the South Pickering Intensification Study to identify appropriate locations and policies for intensification, including the Kingston Road Corridor 3 Information Report No. 01-15 Page 4 • this work may result in future changes to the designations, prescribed densities, and other policies pertaining to the subject lands • the applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the City's Official Plan during the further processing of this proposal 5.3 Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines • the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design and Development Guidelines, adopted by Council in 1997, established a general design framework for the Kingston Road Corridor, that supports the long-term vision for the • transformation of Kingston Road from a highway to a "mainstreet" • the subject properties are situated within the Rougemount Village precinct • the Guidelines envision an "urban village"for the precinct that provides a mix of compatible, people oriented, street-related uses (such as retail and resturants) • low rise buildings (minimum two storeys), promoting pedestrian friendly uses are encouraged within the precinct; taller buildings (of a low rise form) are permitted in strategic locations provided they do not have an adverse impact on abutting residences • shade, street furniture and transit shelters should be provided within the precinct • the Guidelines also encourage the redevelopment of under-utilized properties • the applicant's proposal will be reviewed in detail to ensure compliance with the urban design vision for the Kingston Road Corridor 5.4 Zoning By-law • the subject properties are zoned "CO/(H)RM1" — Commercial Office/Multi Residential Zone within Restricted Area Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2658/88 • this zone permits the following uses, subject to a Holding provision: • business office • professional office • multiple dwelling horizontal (townhouses) and multiple dwelling vertical (residential units attached by an above grade wall/floor or walls/floors) at a density of 22.5 to 55 units per net hectare • the Holding provision is intended to prevent residential development until appropriate agreements are entered into with the Regional Municipality of Durham and the City of Pickering for the provision of municipal services and site plan approval • the current zoning by-law requires a minimum of 48 resident and 9 visitor parking spaces; it also requires a front yard setback of 14.0 metres • the applicant's proposal provides for 56 parking spaces (2 spaces for each unit) and 11 visitor parking spaces; it also provides for a reduced front yard setback of 4.5 metres • the purpose of the zoning by-law amendment is to establish appropriate performance standards to facilitate the development a common element condominium development consisting of freehold townhouses 4 Information Report No. 01-15 Page 5 6. Comments Received 6.1 Open House Meeting .• an Open House meeting was held on January 15, 2015 to allow the area residents to learn more about the revised proposal, as well as review and comment on the plans that the applicant has submitted • a total of 6 area residents attended the meeting • area residents noted a number of key concerns with the development which included the following: • a preference for the previous mixed-use proposal over the current proposal(less of an impact on the abutting properties bathe north fronting Dalewood Drive) • the proposed location of Block 1 and the water meter building are located too close to the existing residential development to the north • concern regarding the compatibility of the proposed three-storey townhouse units adjacent to existing two-storey detached dwellings to the north • privacy concerns, as a result of rear yard lighting and second-storey balcony projections overlooking into the rear yards of the existing. residential properties to the north • removal of existing trees situated along the rear lot line that abut residential properties to the north • the revised proposal will result in increased traffic • requested further information regarding fencing details (i.e., height and type/proposed materials.), as well as whether additional landscaping will be provided to screen the proposed development 6.2 Other Resident Comments • none received in response to the circulation to-date 6.3 Agency Comments Region of Durham • the proposal comprising low/medium density residential is not entirely consistent with the vision set out for arterial roads in the Regional Official Plan • a 4.5 metre road widening is required across the Kingston Road frontage to accommodate the Region's Long-Term Transit Strategy and future transit platform fronting the site • ,connections to existing municipal water and sanitary sewers are available to the subject properties • Durham Region Transit (DRT) acknowledges that the proposed development will be serviced by its Bus Rapid Transit (Pulse) service • DRT suggests a minimum target density of 60 residential units per hectare along the Kingston Road corridor be achieved 5 Information Report No. 01-15 Page 6 Region of Durham • DRT requests that a sidewalk be provided across the (continued) frontages of the subject properties, connecting into the existing sidewalk located on the west side of Rougemount Drive, south of Dalewood Drive • the submitted Noise Study appears to meet the requirements of the Region of Durham and the Guidelines of the Ministry of Environmental and Climate Change (MOECC) • the Region requires the applicant to submit a Record of Site Condition (RSC) to MOECC and that it receive an "Acknowledgement Letter" from the Ministry • the applicant must provide the Region with a clearance letter from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport in support of their Stage 1-2 Archaeological • Assessment Durham Catholic • no objections to the proposal District School • primary and secondary students generated from this Board development will attend St. Monica Catholic Elementary School and/or St Mary Catholic ry ry Secondary School, respectively Durham District • no objections to the proposal - School Board • approximately 14 elementary pupils could be generated by this development and will be accommodated within existing school facilities Ontario Ministry of • no objections to the proposal Transportation • the Ministry requires a Storm Water Management (MTO) Report/Plan for their review and approval • the Report/Plan should be made as a condition of draft plan of subdivision 6.4 City Departments Comments Engineering & • the proposed vehicle access from Rougemount Drive Public Works is required to be reconfigured to the City's standard • the applicant is required to submit a tree preservation plan; financial compensation for canopy loss will be required • vegetative screening should be maintained/enhanced between this development and existing homes on Dalewood Drive • internal works will be reviewed through the Site Plan Approval process 6 Information Report No. 01-15 Page 7 Engineering & • the applicant is required to enter into a subdivision Public Works agreement with the City of Pickering concerning the (continued) provision of works external to the site such as . securities, insurance, installation of a storm sewer on Rougemount Drive, sidewalk extensions and-the urbanization of the Kingston Road frontage • the City will cost share a portion of works (such as the proposed sidewalk) on Kingston Road • fencing will be required along the west side of the property as per the requirements of the Noise Study • on-site works prior to Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval will not be permitted, unless the City has issued a permit under the Fill and Topsoil Disturbance By-law • the applicant will be required to enter into an agreement with Canada Post Corporation for the provision of a Community Mailbox and its location • prior to the commencement of any works, the owner will be, required to erect temporary fencing around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction • 7. Planning & Design Section Comments The.following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: , • ensuring conformity with the intent of the Regional Official Plan and that the proposal does not contribute an underutilization of a key redevelopment property along Kingston Road • exploring opportunities to increase the density within the allowable range • ensuring conformity with the intent of the City's Official Plan and the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design and Development Guidelines • considering whether the lands should be developed on their own in the absence of the inclusion of the parcel to the west • ensuring the proposal does not preclude or prejudice future redevelopment opportunities for the abutting property immediately to the west (340 Kingston Road) • considering whether the proposed development is compatible with the vehicle repair and service station use to the west • • ensuring the Regional Municipality of Durham's requirements for a road widening is met; identifying an appropriate revised site design on the reduced lot area • ensuring appropriate building setbacks, building heights and massing, and landscaped areas are provided along Kingston Road and Rougemount Road, and within the proposed development • considering whether the traditional townhouses in Block 1 should be wider in light of the garages in the front . 7 Information Report No. 01-15 Page 8 • reviewing the configuration of the proposed outdoor open space to ensure passive and active recreational activities can be accommodated within this space • ensuring appropriate private outdoor amenity area is provided for the units within Blocks 2 and 3 • • reviewing the location of functional site design matters such as visitor parking, community mailboxes, water meters, amenity space, landscaping, sidewalks and private road access into the development • identifying site design elements to be included as part of the common elements of the condominium • ensuring the applicant submits a tree inventory and preservation plan to the satisfaction of the City and that a tree compensation plan and/or a financial contribution is provided to compensate for the loss of existing significant vegetation • ensuring the proposed development contains appropriate sustainable development components • ensuring all required technical submissions and reports meet City standards • the City Development Department will conclude its position on these applications after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public 8. Information Received Full scale copies of the plans and studies listed below are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering, City Development Department: • Planning Rationale Report (which includes Sustainable Development, Urban Design Brief and Draft Zoning) • Archaeological Assessment • Transportation Impact Study- • Environmental Noise Assessment • Elevation Plans and Architectural Renderings • Floor Plans • Functional Servicing Report (which includes Drainage and Stormwater Management Study and Construction Management details) • Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment • Site Plan 9. Procedural Information 9.1 General • • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council 8 Information Report No. 01-15 Page 9 • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City, either orally or in writing, before Council adopts any by-law or makes a decision for this proposal • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk 10. Owner/Applicant Information • the Owner of Grand Communities (Pickering) Corporation is Peter Plastina, and his agent is Macroplan Limited Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Original Submitted Plan 3. Submitted Plan 4. Submitted Building Elevations— Block 1 5. Submitted Building Elevations — Block 2 6. Submitted Building Elevations — Block 3 7. Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision 8. Submitted Common Element Condominium Plan Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed B : • Ashle a ood, MC , RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Piaui II Chief Planner Niles Surti, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design AY:Id Date of Report: February 12, 2015 Copy: Director, City Development 9 Attachment# L to :3311111111111111 —a--•—. w ,,,.O= TOMLINSON CRT. > 11 W ¢ �= imet, CI YNr F Lam. w�— c — II a STREET � 111- z z° DRIVE < , MIMI luiiiiuii al. '� 0 F- , PETTICI = �i�4�` o =RN r;31O - = 1111% , ROUGE HILL OAS � VALLEY GATE BROOKRIDGE G PEE ._ ri 11111111 la MiN 16)611 11111k IIIIII p .... . CHURCH Ell OF THE '1 �'�limo NAZARENE 0 g /11111 Pi se a �`� us �IIIIII SUBJECT -11. •ROPE FIT I 411P Mrillia ::::.:,:.:, .... 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O Ul 7.1 �// nN'n3n Ili_ = .4�;�:; , .° i. - VOND , -� LNG • 1 N . - Original Submitted Plan ' City 4 FILE No: A 6/11 APPLICANT: Grand Communities (Pickering) Corporation W CO R II N I OE PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 356 & 364 Kingston Road (Pt. Lt. 3 &4, City Development Plan 228, Part of Part 1, 40R-8966 Department ) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING DATE:Feb.9,2015 CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. II • Attachment# to r:-;er"rt if _0/1.5 . . . , , . • 1 . , r . . i i .55 n.P. i a. j I . . BT. oi Fa'"•9.1, I I i i I I /-71 ItrAndi / i • TFADItIONAL STIFIE 1 TO*NS . / 1 / 1.3 i i itiiii----Ti•-• - ,,, . . i BLOOK 0 I i ' 1 / . , • ,,, . i ! 1 • ....1...=Jim mom in mum.... _ mi •1 1 . 67. Z J1 k I . . ==-----=-- Izil -----=:=7 I-.1 --=--=-- :if--=----== • J. 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Lt. 3 & 4, City Development Plan 228, Part of Part 1, 40R-8966) • Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT :DATE:Feb.9,2015 16 • , . . , . • • • S -- _ 1-A..: PenOriO/-15- •/ RESID iV11AL RESIDEAMAL / . / .1E= 1 larer.m..n." -I- / 1 ! 1 I 1 I i I ! ! I 1 LI 1 1 I I i A A A I-I !!! , 1.€ j 2 0 P I I 1 1 I i i r 1 1 1 ,. POTL 1 P011 2 1 P011 3 I P011 4 1 P011 5 1 POTL 3 I P011 7 1 POOL 8 I P011 8 1 POTL 10 / • I - 1 i I i i i i I j, = V .1.1 t: ci V. C g .4 • "fn.‘2 13.1 • 1 ! i i I I ! I I > s i C3 P01113 I E I— V77501,1 ale Z D P01114 . M 13.1 N. 0 . PROPOSED ••V N --Nr -4 - • n COMMON ELEMENT . 9 4,„,,. . N. e, . N .. . , . 2ESIDEN7IAL p4. N--, e: ..N. .,.,. „., •,. /I • . ., N.., .N ..N. N. .‘ \ N \ • \ \ fl. .1\ \ wk. \ i \ \‘ I 1 \\ \\ ' 1 \ 1 \ \ \ w_,,, ..0°_ P°-13 \ \ L --: KO.' \ \ \ \ 1. \ ..----/--------■ // \ pc, k \ 1 k i '•\ \ V _------- \ cm-26 • \ • \ 4, • w. \ , ‘ I k po-t-11 \ \ .1 •'\ - \ \ -• -------- ' \ \ \ I\ 1\ 1 1.-•" :::,..*>''----- 'a a I I \ 1 \ 1 \ I I i \ \ \ 3 3 1 il \\ \ ......../....................----- el* I I ;I \ ,'... ..... t \ ------- ..---- . . ---1-- t r \ ---------- .---—_-- • 0 ___-- ---""'"----- _ I I I ..----- -- \ ____-'a"'''''- '',00'74'''''- 0,0" ''.---------- . _..-- /Peg-- I 3 ■ . g .•-;...•.:_,,,P0----------- __- 4, --- SI(DI-----•--- -- _......--- / /0.7.** "_____.--------- \04G__----- . ---- I ............-- ----- /1-- ------.--. ------ ___---' - -------.-. ------- - . ---- ------- „----- -"--.'-- . ------ ---- --.--- ------- ............---- --- ..----- -.---.. --- ....,--- ------- -------- -- ---1---- ----- , . cO'''' • --- ---- ------- /V Submitted Common Element Condominium Plan FILE No: SP-2014-03, CP-2014-13 &A 10/14 APPLICANT: Grand Communities (Pickering) Corporation 41 Ii - 1 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 356 &364 Kingston Road (Pt. Lt. 3 &4, . City Development Plan 228, Part of Part 1, 40R-8966) Department . FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:Feb.9,2015 . • . . 17