HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 4, 1992 MINUTES A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, February 4, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in the Committee Room at the Pickering Civic Complex. PRESENT Janet Mehak Frank Williamson Enrico Pistritto Anna Willson Kim Thompson Konrad Zeh STAFF Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk ABSENT Brian Hern Celia Bronkhorst 1 . Appointment of Chairperson The Town Clerk carried out nominations for appointment for Chairperson as follows: Moved by Konrad Zeh, seconded by Frank Williamson that the position of Vice Chair be established. Carried Moved by Konrad Zeh that Anna Willson be nominated as Chairperson. Moved by Janet Mehak that Kim Thompson be nominated as Chairperson. • Moved by Frank Williamson that nominations be closed Carried A vote on the two nominees resulted in a tie vote. On agreement from the two nominees, it was decided to selected a Chairperson be a toss of a coin. A coin was tossed by the Town Clerk and Anna Willson was the winner of the toss and was appointed as Chairperson. . . . .Continued Page 2 - - 2 - - Moved by Konrad Zeh that Kim Thompson be nominated as Vice Chair. Moved by Frank Williamson that Konrad Zeh be nominated as Vice Chair. Moved by Janet Mehak that nominations be closed. Carried On a vote called by the Chairperson, Kim Thompson was appointed as Vice Chair. 2. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Konrad Zeh, seconded by Janet Mehak that the Minutes of November 16, 1991 be adopted. Carried 3. Heritage Permit Application by C. Keffer Anna Willson distributed copies of the fourth drawing submitted by C. Keffer to members of the Committee. Copies of this drawing are attached to these Minutes. Moved by Konrad Zeh, seconded by Frank Williamson that the fourth conceptual plan as attached to these Minutes as submitted by C. Keffer affecting lands known as Lot 5 and Parts of Lots 44 and 45, Plan 21 , 390 Main Street, Whitevale, be accepted subject to the following conditions: 1 ) that the roof line is not higher than 25 feet; 2) that the front of the building facing the street be stuccoed and that horizontal siding be permitted on the two sides and back of building only; 3) that the colour of the siding and stucco match; 4) that there be s straight roof line; 5) that the keystones over the windows be removed. Carried . . . . Continued Page 3 - - 3 - - 4. Altona Mennonite Application for Grave Stone Restoration Moved by Janet Mehak, seconded by Kim Thompson that the application for the grave stone restoration at the Altona Mennonite Church be approved. Deferred to next meeting pending all Committee Members receiving a copy of what is planned. 5. 1992 Budget Anna Willson distributed copies of the 1992 LACAC budget as amended by Council . Moved by Kim Thompson, seconded by Konrad Zeh that the 1992 budget, as amended, be accepted. Carried 6. Heritage Week Kim Thompson reported that Heritage Week is to be held between February 17 and 21 , 1992. She gave an overview of activities planned for that week. 7. Heritage Signs Anna Willson stated that she made a presentation to the Whitevale Community Association about the heritage signs. The Association agreed to participate in the cost of these signs and agreed with the wording with the exception that they want the words "An historical , heritage conservation district" put on the signs. 8. Other Business a) Anna Willson reported that she spoke to Jeff Spring at the Ministry of Government Services with respect to the Williamson and Dons houses on the Fifth Concession. She stated that both houses have been vandalized and that it would cost $35,000 to restore the Williamson house and $30,000 to restore the Dons house. Jeff Spring informed her that the Ministry would ensure that the driveway was plowed and that lights would be put on a timer. The Town Clerk was requested to confirm this be letter to Jeff Spring and write a letter to the police to request that these houses be watched because they are vacant and may be designated. A sign will be put on the property to indicate that these are homes that may be designated. r ' - - 4 - - b) Anna Willson stated that she was asked by the Town of Pickering Planning staff to comment on the house at the northeast corner of Whites Road and Finch Avenue. She read from a letter she sent to Jeanette Shultz, Planner, dated January 16, 1992. The Committee requested that a member of the Planning staff and a representative of the developer attend the next meeting to discuss the disposition of this house. c) Enrico Pistritto asked if there was any desire to have a large committee. This matter will be considered at a later meeting. d) Enrico Pistritto reported that people have suggested that this Committee hold seminars with professional craftsmen on how to carry out restorations. e) Enrico Pistritto reported that Council has supported the designation of the Bentley house unanomously. f) Moved by Enrico Pistritto, seconded by Konrad Zeh that the Committee undertake a study of fieldstone houses in the Provincial and Federal lands with a goal of treating them the same as the Bentley house. Carried. 9. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting shall be held on Tuesday, February 25, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room 1 at the Pickering Civic Complex. 10. Adjournment Moved by Konrad Zeh, seconded by Frank Williamson that this meeting adjourn at the hour of 9:05 p.m. Carried