HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 20, 1993 r ` 1,. ..,,t,s .,,i,„: „.„, „, s ,,, /4. . .„, di el - -: ;-- , ) erine . Zocal.4-fzi r xal Eonaerl ortAdeii loreCommitt?ei MINUTES A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, January 20, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in Meeting Room #1, Pickering Civic Complex. PRESENT: Henry Gawman Kim Thompson Janet Mehak Dave Pickles Anna Willson Frank Williamson Janice Waithe-Huberty • STAFF: - Debbie Kearns, Councillors' Secretary • ABSENT: Brian Here . Konrad Zeh • Enrico Pistritto Celia Bronkhorst VISITORS FROM WHITEVALE: Julia Hayes Sarah Roberts , . • 1. Adoption ofiMinutes . Moved by Frank Williamson, seconded by Kim Thompson that the Minutes of the Meeting of November 5, 1992 be adopted as amended. Carried . a� _ f r I i J ` ;C t at, 15,( y+ / b p i , (% i ) G1 ... .. . L , - 2 - 2. 1992 Overview Anna Willson reviewed the activities of 1992 emphasizing the Heritage District Application and the Peterborough Conference. Anna requested the Committee identify areas of concern for this years activities. Frank Williamson suggested that a sub-committee be formed to prepare an inventory of heritage properties. Names suggested for this sub-committee are: Janet Mehak, Frank Williamson, Konrad Zeh, Celia Bronkhorst and Janice Waithe-Huberty. 3. Meetings The Committee decided to hold its monthly meeting alternately on the first Tuesday or Wednesday of each month. 4. Heritage Conservation District Signs Anna Willson reported that she had spoken with Tim Sheffield, Town Solicitor concerning erecting signs in Whitevale stating that Whitevale is a Heritage Conservation District. Tim confirmed that Whitevale is a Designated District and, therefore, signs stating this could be erected. 5. Heritage Week Kim Thompson reported that the theme for Heritage Week in February is 'Indigenous People' . She requested assistance from any committee member that would be interested in helping and stated that a meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 25 at 9:30 a.m. at the Civic Complex with Lynn Winterstein and Dave Marlowe to discuss ideas. Names suggested for assisting with Heritage Week are: Kim Thompson, Frank Williamson and Henry Gawman. 6. Meeting With Council Anna Willson suggested that a meeting be organized with Council members to inform them of the goals, priorities and past accomplishments of LACAC. A coffee time to be held within Heritage Week will be organized by Anna Willson with the LACAC Committee and Council members. J • - 3 - t 7. Summer Youth Program The Secretary was directed to contact the Ministry concerning their summer youth program in hopes that the Committee would be able to acquire a student on loan from the Ministry to assist in inventory completion this summer. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Anna Willson stated that she had received a letter from a Mr. Rob Hughes requesting information pertaining to railroads. 2. Anna Willson suggested that the information received from Canadian Friends Historical Association be forwarded to the Altona Mennonite Church for their information. 3. Frank Williamson requested an update on the progress of the Heritage Pickering Pamphlet. Anna Willson reported that it was near completion and that a copy would be forwarded to him. Next Meeting The next meeting shall be held on Tuesday, February 2, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in Meeting Room #1. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. S