HomeMy WebLinkAbout February 10, 1993 - Whitevale Heritage Citizen's Committee Meeting - 000,c_ ce • g en" * Atitui enne • zo 2Araci lConde. n.44, Comm February 23, 1993 TO: All LACAC MEMBERS FROM: Anna Willson Chairperson RE: Whitevale Heritage Citizen's Committee Recommendations _ . - _. Please find enclosed the Whitevale Heritage Citizen's Committee Recommendations dated February 10, 1993. Your comments concerning these recommendations would be appreciated at the March 3, 1993 meeting. Thank you, Anna Encl. /dk - • / • -7131 WHITEVALE HERITAGE CITIZEN'S COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 10, 1993 The focus of the Whitevale'Heritage Citizen's Committee's (WHCC) efforts over the past number of months has been to outline, in a clear and concise format, the guidelines and procedures which will govern the operation of the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District. In addition, we have reviewed the consultants' recommendations in Part II and III of the District Plan. Our comments with regard to those recommendations are enclosed. The WHCC will recommend to Pickering Council that the following document be adopted as the official guideline for the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District, and that the District Plan developed by the consultants be used for background and resource purposes. It will be our recommendation that phrases in the District Plan which now read "...should...must.." be amended to "...where possible...it is recommended". The enclosed document will be submitted to the Pickering Town Clerk for circulation to LACAC, Unterman McPhail Heritage Consultants and all landowners and residents within the proposed district for comment. The document and comments will then be submitted to Pickering Council for final decision. All property owners within the.originally proposed Heritage Conservation District should read the following document carefully. If a property owner wishes to have the current status of their property changed, with regard to inclusion in or exemption from the proposed heritage conservation district, they should notify the Pickering Town Clerk in writing. //tIAA:fig Pt4h 244 0 • • • Section I VILLAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Village Advisory Committee should consist of a minimum of two, maximum of four residents of Whitevale, a member of town staff and a member of LACAC. The residents will be chosen by an election, which will be held in conjunction with the selection of the Executive Committee of the Whitevale and District Resident's Association. The VAC's term will be one year. The VAC is intended to assist and advise residents with regard to the permit process and renovations. Consultation with the committee prior to submission of an application is optional. Section II BUILDING CLASSIFICATION The buildings within the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District(should be classified according to their heritage value and placement within the HCD. The classifications are as follows: Heritage Building: Pre-dates 1940 Complementary Building: Located in close proximity to a Heritage Building New Building: Post 1940 Not within close proximity to a Heritage Building ' I Section III HERITAGE PERMIT POLICIES Dependent upon classification of the building, alterations, additions and restoration should be carried out in accordance with the following classification criteria: ALL BUILDINGS: A maximum lot coverage of buildings within the HOD of 15% is recommended. A maximum building height within the HCD of 8.75 meters (28.7 feet) is recommended. HERITAGE BUILDINGS: i. Proportion Attempts should be made to conserve the original shape of the building. Any addition should add to and enhance the building rather than devaluing it. Exterior additions are encouraged to be located at the rear of the property or on an inconspicuous side of the building. ii. Roof The original fabric of dormers, detailing and materials should be maintained if possible. Where original roofs are not in place, they should be rebuilt to the original specifications where known. Non-functioning chimneys should be capped and repointed rather than demolished. iii. Fenestration (General) Original windows and doors shall be conserved wherever possible. Where these elements are missing, attempts should be made to duplicate the original style or the same style as those of similar buildings on the street or in the district. iv. Materials Original materials should be conserved. Where renewal is required, materials and methods should attempt to complement the original materials and approximate the same methods used traditionally. Emphasis should be on natural materials such as brick and wood instead of plastics, metals or stucco. • • COMPLEMENTARY BUILDINGS: i. Proportion Attempts should be made to conserve the original building shape. Any new building proportions should complement the proportions of surrounding buildings,particularly the heritage buildings. ii. Roof Conserve the original roof form, or establish, in the case of new roofs, a complementary shape appropriate for the area. iii. Fenestration (General) Conserve original doors and windows if possible. Where renewal is required, the placement and proportion (height to width) should be complementary to the surrounding or similar buildings. iv. Materials - Materials appropriate and typ ical to H CD s h ould be us ed, with an emphasis hasis on natural materials such as wood and brick. Man-made materials that resemble or complement the original may be used. NEW BUILDINGS: i. Proportion Newly constructed buildings are encouraged to complement the proportions of existing buildings on the street or in the district. ' ii. Roof The roof shape should complement the dominant roof forms of adjacent buildings. iii. Fenestration (General) Windows and doors which complement the proportions of heritage type buildings are encouraged. iv. Materials Exterior materials should attempt to complement the surrounding area. • Section IV HERITAGE PERMIT GUIDELINES & PROCEDURES The primary concern of the Heritage Permit should be alterations or additions which affect the front or street facing facade,or are visible from the street. There is no fee for a Heritage Permit. The following is an initial list for Heritage*Permits: Heritage Permits • PorchesNerandas • Chimney Replacement • Structural Repairs/Modifications (i.e. replace wall/column that affects the exterior) • Additions/New Construction • New and different cladding materials on wall or roof* • Changes to architectural decorations* • awnings* • Mechanical Equipment • Fences (street facing)* • signs * applies to Heritage Buildings only • Exemptions • Interior Work • Eavestrough Repair • Broken Window Repair • Roof Repair • Weatherstripping • Chimney Repair • Masonry Repairs • Fence Repair • Backyard Patios/Sheds/Doghouses . • Planting/Removal of Vegetation • Installation of Storm Windows on Private property and Doors • HERITAGE PERMIT PROCESS FOR HERITAGE BUILDINGS Week One Optional consultation with Village Advisory Committee or Pickering town staff to determine if a Heritage Permit is required. Complete application for Heritage Permit and submit to the Building Department of the Town of Pickering. Week Two Village Circulation of application to LACAC(and Planning Dept. if necessary) and the Village Advisory Committee. Week Three Report to Building Department by LACAC and Village Advisory Committee Week Six Report to Council by Building Department Week Seven Council approval or denial of Heritage Permit MAXIMUM 12 WEEKS • BUILDING/HERITAGE PERMIT PROCESS FOR ALL BUILDINGS Week One Application for Building Permit to the Building Department of the Town of Pickering. Application for Heritage Permit to be processed in conjunction with Building Permit application. Week Two Circulation to Planning Department, LACAC and Village Advisory Committee. Week Four Report to Building Department by Planning Department, LACAC and Village Advisory Committee. Week Six Report to Council by Building Department, with regard to Heritage Permit only. Week Seven Council approval or denial of Heritage Permit MAXIMUM 12 WEEKS With regard to the Heritage Permit Application, the Town Staff, LACAC and Village Advisory Committee Reports must be submitted within the specified time guidelines or they will be deemed to have no objection to the permit application. Section V DISTRICT PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS Part II Recommendation 3 In order to guide sound conservation and prudent management of the designated heritage conservation district of Whitevale it is recommended that Part II of this heritage conservation district plan be adopted by the Council of the Town of Pickering. WH.CC: recommends that the guidelines of the WHCC be adopted by Council and that Part II of the District Plan be used as background and reference. Further effort should be made to simplify and clarify the District Plan. Part III Recommendation 4 It is recommended that specific text additions be made to Section 11B of the Official Plan. WHCC: The Director of Planning be directed by Council to consider section of the District Plan as part of the review of the Pickering Official Plan. Recommendation 5 It is recommended that Section 6H of the Official Plan be amended to include additional policies respecting the status of heritage conservation district plans. WHCC: The Director of Planning be directed by Council to consider section of the District Plan as part df the review of the Pickering Official Plan. Recommendation 6 It is recommended that Section 9 of the Official Plan be amended to include additional policies on the conservation of the hamlet character in the settlement of Whitevale. WHCC: The Director of Planning be directed by Council to consider section of the District Plan as part of the review of the Pickering Official Plan. Recommendation 7 It is recommended that amendments be made to the Town's zoning by-law respecting height and lot coverage within the hamlet of Whitevale. WHCC: The Director of Planning be requested by Council to initiate a zoning by-law amendment of height allowances in the HCD. Recommendation 8 It is recommended that the District Committee, if established, in conjunction with the LACAC and the Town's planning staff review on an annual basis the number and type of domestic business uses established within the Hamlet and advise on any initiatives to address any effects of changes resulting from these uses. WHCC: recommends review of businesses on an as needed basis. Recommendation 9 In order to accomplish those goals and objectives of preservation of heritage features, compatibility of development, and preservation of land adjacent to Whitevale in agricultural use or open space it is recommended that Whitevale should be separated from urbanizing Seaton by a rural green belt of agricultural open space and woodland screen. WHCC: agree Recommendation 10 It is recommended that the by-law designating the Whitevale heritage conservation district and provisions of Part II of the heritage conservation district plan be recognized by the Property Standards Committee and Property Standards Officer as a higher standard than the provisions of the Property Standards By-law. WHCC: agree Recommendation 11 It is recommended that in order to complement building conservation initiatives Section 7 of By- law 3111/89 (tree planting and preservation by-law) be amended to provide for the protection of treelines and groups of trees. WHCC: delete, this is covered under the TREE ACT. Recommendation 12 It is recommended that the Provincial Government, through the appropriate ministry, be encouraged to submit applications for building alterations and have regard for the policies and guidelines of the conservation district plan. WHCC: recommend the change from "encouraged" to "formally requested" �l Recommendation 13 Recommendations are made respecting the differentiation of site plan approvals and conservation district permit applications. WHCC: delete, not necessary for residential properties • Recommendation 14 It is recommended that a sub-committee of LACAC be established for the management of this conservation district, to be known as the Whitevale Conservation District Committee. WHCC: agree, see Section I of this document Recommendation 15 It is suggested that the town of Pickering establish a heritage conservation district fund for the Whitevale district with a municipal contribution to be decided upon by council in the light of prevailing budget commitments. WHCC: agree Recommendation 16 It is recommended that the municipality establish a procedure for processing district permit applications and revise the procedure for building permit application processing to incorporate approvals under the Ontario Heritage Act. WHCC: agree Recommendation 17 It is recommended that all local boards, commissions, authorities or agencies having jurisdiction in the Whitevale heritage conservation district shall be circulated copies of Part II of the Whitevale Heritage conservation District Plan and shall be encouraged to ensure that their activities are in keeping with the intent of the heritage conservation district plan by soliciting comments from the district committee or LACAC. WHCC: recommends that a copy of the WHCC Guidelines be circulated as well. Recommendation 18 It is recommended that where any application or proposal for a variety of undertakings is located within or partially within the designated heritage conservation district the district committee, if established, or LACAC be circulated for comments. WHCC: recommend addition of " and consideration with regard to the guidelines of the WHCC." J •/0� • • • 110.Om. 660.0 _ . / +•• Ne 41 • ..40 • ROAD • .:., la..4_.. • ►��J; ` t%•' •`• ...,.' if ., •A• Q ` •1 ' I s•�e; _ ct • . . 1111)1119r1 ';-;;.;.;.... N 0 ode; '4 rik• Imo+It 07 • . e f��j."01 ��• i...471: '..:i IC - ** . 2 .. ____. . . . x 1 . • 1. . I . : •!, ; . ' •ePe., , -1 e j •O I. • Z :.5; 14;rvc•� :;a NORTH 140.0m C L U 5 R 0 A C;t• 51. :§. . ' . . 1 fil„..mma___. }— • -,390 Orr -• o '51 ,+�� ' 0 �. 3a § . m S1�� . 360.0^' �o oOC� ? .. L . 130.0m r.. •