HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 25, 1995 .t.t. • , • etal iedira7 it e• Vernrieo c/4dv4107Comrrc te, • MINUTES A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, January 25, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Pickering Civic Complex, Tower Room. PRESENT: • Henry Gawman Dennis Mann Dave Pickles Kimberly Thompson Louise Wiersma Andrew Cobean ABSENT: Enrico Pistritto Frank Williamson STAFF: Debbie Kearns, Secretary LACAC 1. CHO and ACO Memberships Moved by Kim Thompson Seconded by Louise Wiersma That our memberships with `Community Heritage Ontario' and `The Architectural • ' Conservancy of Ontario Inc.' be renewed. . . CARRIED 2. Various Correspondence The Secretary was requested to forward various documentation to the LACAC members for their information and.to request that they read over, prepare comments for and be prepared to vote on the Constitution, the Committee Structure and the Brochure. Members are also requested to consider how formal they wish the meetings to be and the rules to be followed. • -2 - 3. Public Awareness Kim Thompson suggested that the public be made more aware of Pickering Heritage. She suggested a walking or biking tour of heritage properties as well as contacting Cable TV concerning promotion and communication. Andrew Cobean suggested contacting the newspapers about a spot in their paper for heritage property information. 4. OMB Hearing-Whitevale Henry Gawman advised that the Whitevale Ontario Municipal Board Hearing is scheduled for March 7, 1995. '";/:.,%5 0.9e9m e(901012_ Mr-M86-A5 5. Post Manor Henry Gawman advised that Post Manor has a new roof and lights but that the real estate sign is still in place. The Secretary was requested to send a letter to the Real Estate Office stating the committee's pleasure with respect to the new roof and lights but stating that the concern of Heritage Pickering continues regarding the signage. 6. Post Manor Cemetary Henry Gawman requested that the Parks and Facilities Department find a means in which to ensure that the gate at Post Manor Cemetary is closed or closes automatically when a member of the public enters or leaves the cemetary. 7. Liverpool House Henry Gawman questioned why the Liverpool House has not been designated.. It was explained that the Committee had not yet been formed when the Liverpool House was moved and renovated. 8. Heritage Signs Henry Gawman requested that a decision be made concerning the Heritage Signs. It was suggested that Frank Williamson contact the Phillips, Brenda Pemberton-Pigott (House on the property of the Cherrywood Blacksmith Shop) and the Thompsons to ask if they wish a heritage sign for their home and if so where would the sign be placed. Moved by Henry Gawman Seconded by Andrew Cobean That three heritage signs be purchased for The Phillips house, House at the Cherrywood Blacksmith Shop and The Thompson house. CARRIED 9. Designated Properties Kim Thompson suggested that Woodruff's Tavern and the home located next to Moody's Motel and Restaurant be considered for designation. -3 - Dennis.Mann will contact the owners of the Liverpool House concerning designation. • • 10.NEW BUSINESS • a. Dennis Mann suggested that the Committee take a Saturday tour of Pickering to educate the members regarding the geography of both the north and south areas. • - • Kim Thompson suggested that the tour could end at her home. b. Dave Pickles requested a map be obtained from Tom Melymuk outlining the Federal Lands and Seaton Properties. c. Dave Pickles advised that at the next Heritage Pickering meeting the committee would be voting on a Chairperson, Vice-Chair and Treasurer. — (12 � uu e d. The schedule for the upcoming Heritage Pickering meetings was discussed. • Moved by Dennis Mann - Seconded by Kim Thompson The the meetings of Heritage Pickering will be held the first Tuesday of every month • beginning March 7, 1995. CARRIED Next Meeting Wednesday, February 15, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Complex. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. •