HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 4 & April 1, 1997 14 tiO4 OF p10 Lt r Lu Z HERIT GE PICKERING Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee MINUTES COMBINED MINUTES FOR MARCH 4 & APRIL 1, 1997 PRESENT: March 4: April 1st: Kimberly Thompson Kimberly Thompson Isa James Dennise Mann Andy Cobean Enrico Pistritto Enrico Pistritto Guest: Jack Shukla Guest: Jack Shukla 1. 1997 Budget: Kim Thompson advised that Enrico Pistritto has increased the 1997 consulting budget back to $3,500.00 (It was previously reduced to $1,500.00) 2. East Duffins Planning Study: Isa has reviewed the various plans and information packages distributed and questioned the Planning staff involved. The Planning Department has been asked to keep us informed throughout the process. 3. Heritage Day Festival: Kim Thompson advised that by the time a decision was made by LACAC to participate in the festival,no display board was available for use. A discussion took place regarding the merits of participating in this festival. 4. Taunton Road Environmental Assessment: Kim Thompson spoke to the Project Engineer from Totten Sims Hubicki, and advised that no heritage buildings were in the immediate area. However,there are several structures immediately north of the study area. It was requested that Heritage Pickering be kept informed of the study's findings. ..../2. -2- 5. Outstanding Projects with Catherine Tredway: Kim reviewed the various projects which Catherine Tredway is working on for Heritage Pickering. Unfortunately, Catherine has been seriously ill for the past several months and progress on these areas has been limited. A representative from Catherine's office advised that a package of information previously sent out, but returned damaged by Purolator, will be prepared again and delivered soon. 6. Pickering Historical Society: The Pickering Historical Society held an Information Meeting on March 25, 1997. Representatives from Heritage Pickering were invited to attend. Dennis Mann attended the meeting, as well as two of Heritage Pickering's past members, Frank Williamson and Henry Gawman. The Historical Society wishes to liaise with Heritage Pickering,the Ontario Historical Society,the Pickering Museum Board, and the Library History Room staff to promote education on Pickering's history and related topics. Kim Thompson discussed with Tom Mohr and John Sabean the possibility of a member from LACAC being appointed to attend the PHS meetings, and a PHS member be appointed to attend LACAC meetings. It was agreed that the Pickering Historical Society could greatly assist Heritage Pickering's endeavours to promote heritage awareness in the Town of Pickering. 7. Strategic Planning Summary: The Strategic Planning Summary prepared from the exercise undertaken with Catherine Tredway was distributed and reviewed. Areas which have already been undertaken were discussed. The need to set specific goals for the remainder of 1997 was stressed by Kim Thompson. This will be discussed at our May meeting. 8. Re-construction of Campbell McPherson House: Kim Thompson discussed the proposed reconstruction of the Campbell McPherson House. Plans have been submitted to Public Works for approval, which Kim was invited to review and provide comments. The reconstruction will attempt to maintain the proportions and facade, however full course masonry construction will not be undertaken. Suggestions were offered to return the chimneys to their original locations, maintain the window configuration, etc. Kim advised that Heritage Pickering is pleased to see the reconstruction of the house, however, it in no way preserves or restores any historical value to the Campbell McPherson House. .../3. } -3- 9. Walking Tours/Driving Tours & Other Projects: This area is the most feasible to accomplish some goals prior to the end of 1997. Enrico Pistritto expressed his appreciation of past walking tours and how well received they are by the general public. Public relation and information materials are one of the areas which hope to benefit from the completion of the heritage inventory. 10. Productivity and Participation: A discussion took place regarding the limited productivity perceived at the moment,particularly while we await numerous projects from Catherine. Specific tasks and responsibilities need to be reviewed and allocated to committee members to accomplish desired projects. The shift to downloading many of our projects to Catherine has resulted in some committee members feeling that their participation is not important. A clear focus and plan need to be implemented to get back on track. 11, Next Meeting: The next meeting of Heritage Pickering will be Tuesday May 6, at 7 pm. Since we will meet for May and June,then most likely break for July and August, it is important for all committee members to try and attend to set some specific projects in motion for completion this year. Our term ends in November,which leaves September, October and November after the summer to wrap up unfinished projects. If you will be unable to attend please advise Debbie Kearns at 420-4605