HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 12, 1997 • • �N OF p�0 ■ HEST 6E. PICKERINe Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee MINUTES August 12, 1997 PRESENT: John Sabean Isa James Karen Emmink Kim Thompson Cathy Tredway 1. Request for Interim Members: Kim Thompson advised that Council has appointed John Sabean,Isa James and Karen Emmink as interim Heritage Pickering members until the end of the current term. 2. Heritage Inventory: Cathy Tredway advised the hand-mounted copy of the inventory should be ready by the end of next week. The southern areas of Pickering still need to be added. A meeting has been set up for next week to discuss with Planning, Public Works and the Town's Information Systems area. 3. Plan of Action: The priorities established and submitted to Council were reviewed. Work is continuing on finalizing the inventory. Kim Thompson will contact Bob Martindale of Ajax LACAC regarding exchanging minutes, and joint projects. Kim will also prepare proposed policies and procedures for the appointment of new committee members next term. Cathy Tredway included a proposal for the preparation of a brochure for Heritage Homeowners in the 1997 proposed budget submitted. 4. Map of Heritage Properties: Isa advised she will have a draft of the map ready for the September 8th meeting. ..../2. -2- 5. 1997 CHO Conference Delegate: Moved by Karen Emmink, seconded by Isa James to have John Sabean attend the CHO Conference September 26 -28, as Heritage Pickering's delegate. All in attendance were in favour. A phone poll to be conducted to obtain remaining vote required to pass motion. Dave Pickles was also in favour. 6. Greenwood Library Bell: Council denied the application to sell the Greenwood Library Bell. 7. Disposal of Land Registry Documents: Reviewed the status of the disposal of Land Registry office documents pre-1955. Several letters have been sent to the organizations involved. 8. Rouge Seniors Centre: The proposed Western Library Branch on the site of the Rouge Seniors Centre was discussed. Some preliminary information on the building was reviewed. A report will be prepared with a title search,photographs, information on the significance of Ontario Cottages, etc. Cathy Tredway and Kim Thompson will prepare. 9. Westwind Application: An application concerning the Westwind property in Claremont was discussed. Heritage Pickering does not oppose the development of the site into a golf course, banquet facility, bed and breakfast,resort, etc. However,requests that we be kept informed of any proposed changes to the original structures on the property. 10) Artwork for Plaques/Types of Plaques: The plaques which we have paid for were discussed. Also the possibility of different types of plaques for properties with historical significance, etc. was discussed. The Westwind property is the birth place of Tom Thompson from the Group of 7. (Documentation exists with the Evans' family to prove this) Sherry Senis contacted Kim Thompson regarding the possibility of plaguing the sight without designating it. This is a practice Heritage Pickering has agreed to in the past with the Monica Cook House. It was agreed that a standard format must be agreed upon to ensure consistency with all types of plaques. Cathy Tredway will contact the company we dealt with for designation signs to investigate options and costs. .../3. -3- 9. Other Business: Cathy Tredway presented a 1997 Budget proposal with breakdowns reviewing each area. Members were asked to review and be prepared to vote on the disposition of the 1997 budget at the next meeting. The sharing of minutes with the Pickering Historical Society and Ajax LACAC was suggested. Catherine also suggested the Town of Pickering investigate access to the Canadian Heritage Information Network. It was also suggested that Heritage Pickering and possibly the inventory be included in the Town's web site. John Sabean questioned who is responsible for the Town's cemeteries which are no longer being maintained. John will do some investigating. It was suggested that Mary Lou Evans or the Ministry for Consumer and Commercial Affairs be contacted. 10. Next Meeting: Wednesday September 10, 1997