HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 13, 1999 osPN of P,�� PICKERING MUSEUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE A general meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee was held on Thursday,May 13, 1999 at the Pickering Museum Village Present: Ms. Laura Drake (Chairperson) Mr. Pat Dunnill Mr. Dennis Mann Ms. Gayle Quintilian Mr. Tom Mohr Mr. Bill McLean Ms. Mary Cook Mr. Wally Biernacki Ms. Lynn Vickers Ms. Bill Utton Sharon Milton, Program Superintendent Stephen Reynolds, Director of Culture and Recreation Debbie Kearns, Committee Co-ordinator Regrets: Councillor David Pickles 1. SITE TOUR OF PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE A site tour of the village was taken by the Committee and the following concerns were raised: • the new washrooms constructed at the hotel require a partition erected on the outside of the building between the men's and women's washroom doors. Sharon will review with Parks&Facilities Department. • work is required on the window sills of the Miller Cole House. • the gazebo is shifting. Wally suggested involving the Parks & Facilities Department with leveling this structure. • the bonnet on the McLaughlin Runabout have been replaced and the shafts need replacement. • the chimney on the hotel requires repair. • maintenance is reqiured on one wall of the parlour in the Collins House. • the roof of the shed requires new ties, funded from the Capital Budget. • tent caterpillars need to be treated. • grading is required by the saw mill. Sharon advised that Bloomers & Britches, a volunteer gardening club are maintaining the gardens through out the grounds. Sharon also advised that the filming of Little Men began on Friday, May 7th and finished today. Large trucks were not allowed inside the village and all transportation was done outside. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Bill Utton Seconded'by Dennis Mann That the minutes of the December 2, 1998 meeting be approved with the following amendment: - 2 - Item 3(b) be amended with the addition of`a set of drawings for the new washrooms in the hotel be given to the Committee for future use'. CARRIED 3. COMMITTEE REPORTS Fundraising Pat Dunnill distributed copies of the Fundraising and Foundation Report dated May 13, 1999, 1999 Annual Budget, and Bingo Results for February to April 1999. He advised of the following: • the General Account has approximately$10,000. • an amount of approximately$5,000 is in a Museum Reserve fund. • an additional $6,000 has been received from bingo fundraising on top of the $6,500 shown on the report. • volunteers are desperately needed to assist with bingo on Tuesday mornings. • Pickering 2000 has volunteered their people to assist with bingo. • Advance Funding of $9,132.90 has been recommended for approval. Steve Reynolds advised that this money should be received before the summer. • volunteers required for the Super Centre barbeque, June 26th and a megaphone is needed. Bill Utton advised that he would get one for Pat. • an amount of$25,000 is being applied for from the Trillium Foundation for the schoolhouse. • the Foundation will be held on June 23rd, at the Library. the Annual Meeting of t g , ary• Kids' Day, June 13th, is being sponsored by Ontario Power Generation who are donating $2,000. Councillor Pickles was instrumental in getting this sponsor. Laura congratulated Pat for all his work on fundraising. Community Outreach The following comments were made: • great publicity on Bloomers&Britches. • 700 copies of the Pickering Museum Village Foundation Newsletter are required. Steve Reynolds P olds will have these printed. • Mary was congratulated on the great work she is doing with advertising. • a suggestion was made that Marianne and A.J. be invited to lunch at the Miller Cole House. • the Durham Region Historical Festival will be held in October and hosted by the Pickering Public Library. • submissions are requested early August for the next newsletter which will be distributed later that month. Special Events Sharon provided the following information: • Muskets, Fifes and Drums has recently been cancelled. Staff will attempt this week to replace this event. - 3 - • Laura suggested a Celtic event and suggested that Rick Kerr be contacted to organize. • all other events are ready to go. • an additional weekend has been arranged for Spirit Walk Laura advised that Katrina needs to hear from all Committee Members with respect to their schedules and events at which they can volunteer. Schoolhouse Restoration Sharon distributed correspondence from Mr. Tom Murison concerning the schoolhouse restoration. She advised that Mr. Murison came highly recommended, he spent three hours at the site and prepared the schedule outlining the hours and cost for Phase 1 Work. He has offered to carry out the work in period costume and work in the onsite workshop. Phase 1 would be undertaken with consultation and recommendations from Committee. Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Pat Dunhill That the proposal as set out in Mr. Murison's correspondence dated January 28, 1999 be approved. CARRIED Dennis suggested that a resume and references be provided by Mr. Murison. Once the first stage has been completed, the sub-committee are to be advised and will then consult with the Committee. It was also recommended that appropriate Town staff be involved in this process and that Mr. Murison be given a completion date. Collections Management A copy of the Pickering Museum Village Collections Policy was distributed and discussed. Moved by Dennis Mann Seconded by Pat Dunhill That the Proposed Pickering Museum Village Collections Policy be approved in principle, subject to further review and that the individual hired for this position be devoted to this task only. CARRIED The $10,000 approved in the museum budget for collection management must only be spent on the individual hired for this purpose and not for equipment. Pat advised that he is prepared to go to the Foundation requesting finances to purchase computer equipment. 4. BUDGET UPDATE Steve Reynolds advised of the following: • the Operating and Capital Budget was passed by Council on May 10th. - 4 - • a provision in the Operating Budget of$10,000 for collection staff was approved. Dennis recommended that the Collection Committee participate in the selection of the individual to be hired. • the Capital Budget had excellent support, funds for restoration of the schoolhouse, entrance doors on chapel, gazebo and drive shed were all approved. • cost sharing of schoolhouse project was approved for a total sum of $90,000, maximum amount paid by the Town$45,000. 5. SCHOOLHOUSE NAMING Information was distributed concerning the naming of the schoolhouse. A suggestion was put forth by certain Education Staff to name the schoolhouse Mary Ruttan Matthews Schoolhouse. A discussion took place and the Committee referred back to the original policy of naming buildings after the family who made the donation. 6. SUMMER EVENT/PROGRAM UPDATE Sharon advised the Committee of the following programs taking place at the Museum this summer: • Kids In The Village Summers Program • O'Leary's Summer Drama Camp • Historical Camp - Tanya Price running after July 1st. 7. VOLUNTEER UPDATE Volunteer Handbooks were distributed to those who had not previously received one. Volunteers will learn Interpretive Techniques on Saturday, May 15th from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Approximately 100 individuals are involved in the volunteer program and training is continuing. An extensive youth program is taking place. Volunteers must participate in an actual application process and interview. 8. NEW BUSINESS a) Tom advised that the Pickering Township Historical Society is preparing a pictorial book as a Millennium Project and he requested that anyone having pictures of historical value to please advise. These pictures would not be removed from their home but scanned into a computer. b) Pat advised that volunteers are needed for the barbeque on June 26th at the Super Centre. c) Laura emphasized the need for committee members to call Katrina with their schedules for special events for summer volunteering. Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Tom Mohr That the meeting of the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee be adjourned. CARRIED The Meeting Adjourned at 10:30 p.m.