HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 5, 1999 it �N°F p% PICKERING MUSEUM ADVISORY ° COMMITTEE A general meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee was held on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 7:35 p.m. at the Pickering Museum Village Present: Ms. Laura Drake(Chairperson) Councillor David Pickles Mr. Pat Dunnill Mr. Dennis Mann Mr. Tom Mohr Mr. Bill McLean Ms. Mary Cook Mr. Wally Biernacki Ms. Lynn Vickers Ms. Bill Utton Mr. Bill Weston Sharon Milton, Program Superintendent Stephen Reynolds, Director of Culture and Recreation Dave Marlowe, Education and Collectors Officer Tim Moore, Chief Building Official Also Present: Tom Munson, Restoration Consultant/Contractor Joern Wingender- Log Restoration Contractor Foundation Member-Lynn O'Brien 1. Schoolhouse Restoration Tom Munson reported on the 3 phases of the project and its timeline.* Phase 1 - log repair and replacement Aug. - Sept. 1999 - closing in of building Phase 2 - foundation Sept. - Oct. 1999 - fireplace Phase 3 - heating system 2000 ? *see consultant's report, July 26, 1999, for details. Dave Marlowe gave a report on proposed usage of the completed building with comments from Tom Munson-attached memo, August, 1999 with rough sketch of possible building configuration. Motion by Pat Dunhill Seconded by Tom Mohr That the configuration to accommodate the various possible uses, as shown in the rough sketch, be accepted. APPROVED Further discussion took place concerning the ramifications of this motion locking the Museum into completion of the fireplace during Phase 2. Dennis Mann stated his concerns with respect to possible funding shortfalls. -configuration accepted. -construction of fireplace accepted, but may have to be postponed if funds are not available when the rest of Phase 2 is completed. The opening in the wall would have to be framed in to close in the building. A - 2 - Discussion occurred regarding setting a meeting date to consider and approve implementation of Phase 2. It was suggested that the Schoolhouse Sub-Committee meet at a date prior to the first of September to discuss and approve. Requests were made from several members to have copies of the consultant's report made available. Action: Sharon Milton will have copies made and distributed to those members who have not received one. 2. Special Events Sharon Milton reported on the progress of"A Grand Day", August 8, organized by Joanne Dickerson from Councillor Dickerson's office, Sharon Milton and Katrina Pyke. The Millennium Committee will be participating with a nostalgia display of the history of recording and broadcasting music. Tom Mohr will be recording oral history/stories from people attending the event. A discussion took place concerning the advisability of having signed permission forms for recording. 3. Review of Collection Policy Implementation - Sharon Milton&Dave Marlowe Relief staff is in place for Dave. Lynn McGowan is present for two days per week to work under Dave's supervision on cataloging/filing or relieve Dave to work on Collection issues. Summer staff are being trained in handling and care of artifacts, as well as updating location files to do visual checks on the collection. Dave has been in contact with the Ontario Museum Association's computer resource staff to discuss the availability of collection software and what other sites are using various systems. He is making arrangements to view various systems/programs in use at other sites similar to ours. The most popular, user-friendly system in use appears to be Microsoft Access which is a databse program presently in use within the Town of Pickering. Cataloging templates for it have been developed by the OMA and are available free of charge to members. 4. Fall Newsletter-Mary Cook The deadline for submission in the Fall Newsletter is August 9-10, 1999. Copies of"Responsibilities of Foundation vs. Advisory Committee"were distributed by Pat Dunhill. 5. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.