HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 15, 1997 PICKERING MUSEUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE A General Meeting of the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee was held on May 15, 1997 on site at the Pickering Museum Village Present: Laura Drake, Chairperson Mayor Wayne Arthurs Dennis Mann Bill Weston Pat Dunnill Lynn Vickers Mary Cook Bill Utton Stephen Reynolds, Director of Culture& Recreation Sharon Milton, Program Superintendent Margaret Donaldson, Recording Secretary Regrets: Wally Biernacki Tom Mohr Guest Derek Maw WELCOME Due to inclement weather the site tour was cancelled. The Chairperson welcomed all in attendance. The Superintendent introduced Mr. Derek Maw who was responsible for assisting in moving the School House to the Museum and who will be involved with the School House restoration. Mr. Maw reviewed the various stages of restoration that would be required on the School House. The Chairperson asked if the exact spot to move the house had been decided. Mr. Reynolds advised that the Department was planning to move the house a bit north of the current location into the open space directly across from the Administration Building. Mr. Mann stated that he thought we should move it further back into the wooded area. The tree area would be part of aesthetics of the School House. Mayor Arthurs stated that we could use existing treed area and do some more planting. Mr. Reynolds stated that staff had a concern re moving it back into treed area. The Superintendent advised that there was the concern of security and they would like to be able to have a link with the Administration Building. The Chairperson suggested that the sub-committee that was to be established could review their findings and report back before the end of June. The following is a listing of Sub-Committee Members: Mayor Arthurs Bill Utton Dennis Mann Derek Maw Stephen Reynolds Sharon Milton The Chairperson asked this sub-committee to report back by June 15, 1997. 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS The Superintendent reviewed the Budget Capital Projects and asked Committee Members if they had any questions. Ms. Cook asked re the drainage. Mr. Reynolds advised that staff were working with the Department of Public Works on providing "drainage staff' to survey problem areas and identify recommendations. Mr. Mann and Mr. Utton will be involved with this review. Mr. Mann expressed his support of the roofing projects. • Mr. Mann asked about the Chapel wall convexing/conveying and what had been decided, he asked Mr. Maw if he had noted problem. Mr. Maw advised that until the siding was removed he was not sure what the problem was. Mr. Mann stated that we should identify sources of problem before residing. Mr. Reynolds stated we would not proceed with siding until our drainage people have a look at the building. The Chairperson thanked Mr. Maw for attending the meeting. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING-FEBRUARY 6, 1997 MOTION: Moved by: Mr. Dennis Mann Seconded by: Mr. Bill Utton That the minutes of the meeting of February 6, 1997 be accepted as presented. Carried COMMITTEE REPORTS Fundraising Report Mr. Dunnill distributed copies of his Fundraising Report and Report on Formation of a Foundation. The Committee reviewed the following items of the fundraising report 1. Status of Establishing a Foundation - Approved at Executive Committee Meeting of May 12, 1997. 2. Fundraising Proposals -New, Foundations, Service Clubs and Fall Fundraiser. 3. Fundraising Plans-ongoing, 50/50 raffle, Herongate 4. Products and Sponsor(MinComm Realty) 5. Corporate Breakfasts (2)June/July 6. Super Centre Day -June 14, 1997 A recommendation was forwarded to Town Council asking them to support the establishment of a "Charitable Foundation" to provide ongoing financial support to the Pickering Museum Village this was passed by Town Council at the Council Meeting of May 20, 1997. 3 Mr. Dunnill reviewed the options with Committee Members on establishing a Foundation. MOTION: Moved by Mr. D. Mann Seconded by Mr. B. Utton That the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee direct the Fundraising Committee to proceed with the setting up of a foundation under the umbrella of the Ontario Historical Society. and that the Fundraising Committee 1. Recommend an Executive Committee for the Foundation. 2. Develop a constitution for the Friends of the Pickering Museum Village Foundation. 3. Develop a form of agreement for the working relations and the designation of funding among the Friends of the Pickering Museum Foundation, the Museum Advisory Committee and the Town of Pickering. Carried Steam Barn Report Mr. Reynolds advised that the Vertical Boiler will not be in operation for Steam-Up. Mr. Biernacki contacted Mr. Reynolds and advised while undertaking a final pressure test on the boiler water started to leak. The boiler requires re-tubing. The estimate we received for repairing the boiler was $21,000 plus G.S.T. Mr. Reynolds is preparing a report. The Superintendent advised that Mr. Biernacki had commented that the Volunteers will still have the other areas in operation. The Chairperson suggested that maybe we should look for a replacement boiler rather than repairing. Mr. Dunnill commented that maybe we could contact Hydro to see if Babcock Wilcox would research and find another boiler for the Steam Barn. Mr. Reynolds advised that he was working with Mr. Biernacki on this project and that he will discuss possible options with Mr. Biernacki. Community Outreach Report Ms. Cook distributed copies of the Outreach Report. She advised that volunteers were still required for some parades. The Chairperson advised that the Community Outreach had a new display in the Library 4 SUMMER EVENT AND PROGRAM UPDATE The Superintendent gave a brief outline of the upcoming events and advised that an ad will be running in the Community Page of the News Advertiser with regards to Steam-Up and Opening. The Superintendent gave a comparison of the 1996 Education Statistics to what is currently booked in 1997. To Good For A Cowboy was filmed during the month of April at the Museum site and the Museum received approximately $1,800 revenue. ROBERT MILLER AND FOUNDERS DEDICATION Town Council passed a resolution at Council Meeting of May 20, 1997 that the Administration Building of the Pickering Museum Village be named the Robert A. Miller and Founders Building. The Superintendent advised that she was checking on costs of plaques (inside and outside). When a decision is made the dedication will probably take place at History-In - Action. • PURCHASING PROCEDURES Mr. Reynolds reminded the Committee that in that the Town has financial procedures that are required to be followed for purchasing items along with collecting revenue to ensure accountability by the Department and Committee. NEW BUSINESS The Superintendent advised that the Ministry has released guidelines with regard to signs on major highways. The sign on Highway 401 and Brock Road ramp will give directions to the Pickering Museum Village. The cost of this will be $869.00 per year. NEXT MEETING Tuesday, June 17, 1997 - 7:30 p.m. Tower Meeting Room MOTION: Moved by: Mr. Bill Utton Seconded by: Mr. Bill Weston That the meeting be adjourned. Carried