HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 7, 1996 PICKERING MUSEUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE A General Meeting of the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee was held on May 7, 1996 on site at the Pickering Museum Village. PRESENT: L. Drake Mayor W. Arthurs M. Cook P. Dunnill D. Mann L. Vickers W. Biernacki B. Weston T. Mohr B. Utton S. Reynolds, Director of Culture& Recreation S. Milton, Program Superintendent M. Donaldson, Recording Secretary Garry Durnan, Gardener/Arborist, Department of Parks & Facilities WELCOME The Chairperson welcomed all committee members and introduced Garry Durnan, Gardener/Arborist from the Department of Parks &Facilities who will be advising members of the locations for the planting of the new trees. ON SITE TOUR OF THE VILLAGE A tour of the Village commenced and the following items were noted: • a meeting will be scheduled with MTRCA to discuss repairs that are to be completed on the east side of the bridge • staff of the Parks Department constructed doors for the shed, so that program equipment can be stored • the roof of the Log Cabin is a capital project, work will commence soon • the flooring in the washroom of the Hotel has now been replaced • the General Store was painted and a new roof was completed in 1995 • Oddfellows Hall repairs are required to ceiling water damage, requires repairs to roof • Bible Christian Chapel - few cracks in plaster, Superintendent asked to check into what lights should be in the Chapel Mr. Durnan continued the tour explaining to committee members the rational of locations for planting of the new trees and shrubs. Mr. Durnan questioned the impact that the new trees will have on filming at the Museum. Mr. Reynolds will investigate and advise him if locations are not satisfactory. It was suggested that schools could possibly assist in the planting of the new shrubs as part of a program during September. APPROVE MINUTES OF LAST MEETING MOTION: Moved by: Mr. Bill Weston Seconded by: Mr. Bill Utton That the Minutes of February 7, 1996, meeting be accepted as presented. Carried BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES Mr. Reynolds advised that the Museum Capital and Operating Budgets were approved by Council. A few reductions were made in the Operating Budget but nothing radical. COMMITTEE REPORTS Special Events Sub-Committee Model Railway Displays by the Pickering Model Railway Club and Durham British Railway will be set-up in the Oddfellow's Hall • The Royal Yorkers Military Re-enactment - Royal Musket Fifes and Drums we will be having mules on site • The Car Rally-waiting for Mr. Cobie-with regards to route • Founders Day - no new names, we have mailed out more information, hopefully we will receive more responses • Camera Day -we have received a few prizes • History in Action-the Oxen have been confirmed for that day Tom Mohr advised that he spoke to Al Graham with regards to Grassroots Event for 1997 and he stated that Mr. Graham was interested in this event but would like to see a different approach to handling this possibly a public/private partnership. Mr. Mohr asked for direction to proceed with discussions with Mr. Graham with regard to Grassroots. Various discussions continued with regard to this partnership. MOTION: Moved by: Mr. Dennis Mann Seconded by: Mr. Bill Utton That permission be granted to Mr. Tom Mohr to continue discussions only with respect to the Proposal from Mr. Al Graham with regard to Grassroots and report back to Committee Members. Carried mow Mary Cook advised on the following Community Events that Volunteers from the Museum will be participating in to promote the Museum. • Whitevale Festival/Parade • Brooklyn Parade -June 1st • Pickering Village Festival • Frenchman's Bay Festival • County Town Parade -June 29th • Wooden Boat Weekend Fundraising Sub-Committee Pat Dunnill distributed copies of the Fundraising Report and various items were discussed. The Program Superintendent and Mr. Dunnill met with Bob Pizer from Dakota Bobs to discuss his proposal with regards to operating the Beer Tents at the Museum during Special Events. After various discussions of Committee Members the consensus was that we should operate beer tents at the following events: Steam Up& Opening Antique and Classic Car Show Royal Yorkers Military Re-enactment History In Action MOTION Moved by: Mr. Pat Dunnill Seconded by: Mr. Dennis Mann That Mr. Bob Pizer of Dakota Bobs operate the Beer Tents at the Museum during Special Event Days. Carried Attached to the report is a letter to be forwarded to Corporations and Businesses within the community inviting them to a "Free Breakfast" and auction of Special Event Days at the Museum as a Fundraiser. MOTION: Moved by: Mr. Pat Dunnill Seconded by: Mr. Dennis Mann That permission be given to the Fundraising Committee to continue with the concept of the Breakfast Meeting. Carried Mr. Dunnill advised that he had spoken to the Ministry of Consumer Affairs with regard to information of becoming a Charitable Foundation. After some discussion it was decided that this item be tabled until the October meeting. MOTION: Moved by: Mr. Dennis Mann Seconded by: Mr. Bill Utton That the item on Charitable Foundations be tabled until the October 1996 Meeting. Carried The Herongate Barn Dinner Theatre for October 20, 1996 to have our fundraiser Steam Barn Sub-Committee Mr. Biernacki advised that the Boiler Inspector will not come to inspect the boilers until the weather is warmer. School House Update There are 2 or 3 potential buildings in the community (e.g. Cherrywood School House)but we would have to get more information on the cost factors for moving and restoration. We do have two locations within the Museum which would be appropriate, including beside the main administrative building, or as you enter the Village by the Drive Shed. Collections Policy If a person wishes to donate an item then the Committee will meet and the rationale will be written up. The Chairperson stated that Mrs. Gwen Mowbray former Committee Member had advised that items in the Log Barn are required to be deaccessioned. Anniversary Project Mary Cook advised that Dan McTeague and Janet Ecker will be attending and we would like to invite Sheila Copps and Julia Munro from Durham/York. Hotel Project Mr. Mann advised that the foundation requires shoring up but at the present time the ground is too wet. The following are the names of individuals submitted for the 1996 Volunteer Awards. Name of Volunteer Category of Award Dean Biernacki 15 years Jonathon Biernacki Youth Walter Biernacki 25 years Patrick Cowan Youth Emory Martin Youth John England 5 years Deiter Schuenemann 15 years STAFF REPORT Events Update The Program Superintendent advised that the posters for Steam-Up have been distributed and asked if committee members would take some and distribute. We already have quite a few volunteers signed up for Steam-up. School Programs Update Bookings to date (admissions) (May 3, 1996) - 4900 Increase from 1995 - 1471 Bookings to date (programmes) - 18 Decrease from 1995 - 6 (**these numbers do not reflect any cancellations to date) New Programs for Summer `96 • Larry O'Leary's Drama Group will be having a Theatre Camp on site • Girl Guides of Canada Brownies/Guides have booked for day time camps (two weeks -one in July, one in August) Girl Guides of Canada would like to book the site for camp sleepovers I am reviewing and will advise of outcome. NEW BUSINESS Lynn Vickers stated that she had received a letter from Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria will attend your event and walk around the site talking to people her cost is $60.00. Mayor Arthurs advised that the issue of the McPherson house was coming before Council in 2 weeks. It appears that the consensus of the neighbourhood is that they want it moved. The financial cost to move and restore this building is very expensive. Lynn Vickers received various books on the Museum from Aileen Howes, she will forward them to the Program Superintendent. Mr. Reynolds is very much aware of the work being done by Committee Members, but stated that the Town has a corporate policy wherein all correspondence should be approved by the Director before mailing out, if you would like to fax the material to my attention for approval my fax# is (905) 420-2596. Also there is protocol when inviting guests under the Mayor's signature and we ask that committee members forward invitation to this office and we will follow our procedure. All promotional materials should be forwarded to Tina Scholl as she is responsible for Promotions of the Museum. The Chairperson stated that the Program Superintendent is not always at the Museum and if you wish to see her or make any arrangements with staff, please call ahead of coming to the Museum. Mr. Biernacki advised that the logs on the Log Barn should be looked at or we may have to replace them. Mr. Dunnill stated he would like to see more benches in the Museum. Mr. Biernacki advised that if we could get some logs he could cut them and make them look like benches of the Museum time period. Mr. Dunnill asked if we were going to hold a raffle again this year and asked for suggestions of what we should raffle. Various items were discussed, the Superintendent will check into acquiring a quilt, The Chairperson has reproduction Steam Posters and suggested if we framed them we could raffle this and a quilt. NEXT MEETING October 1, 1996, 7:00 p.m. Civic Complex MOTION: Moved by: Mr. B. Utton Seconded by: Mr. P. Dunnill That the meeting be adjourned. Carried