HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 10, 1995 PICKERING MUSEUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE A General Meeting of the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee was held on May 10, 1995 on site at the Pickering Museum Village PRESENT: Laura Drake Mayor Wayne Arthurs Mary Cook Pat Dunnill Dennis Mann Bill Utton Lynn Vickers Bill Weston Scott Magder Tom Mohr Stephen Reynolds, Director of Culture& Recreation Lynn Winterstein, Superintendent of Museum Operations Margaret Donaldson, Recording Secretary REGRETS: Wally Biernacki 1. WELCOME Mr. Reynolds welcomed Committee Members. It was decided to cancel the tour of the Museum due to inclement weather. The Superintendent updated Committee Members on various Capital projects that commenced and some completed on site. Roofs for the Log Barn and General Store have been replaced the wheelchair ramp for the Church has been completed by the Parks Department staff Museum staff have painted the interior of the 2nd floor of the Miller/Cole House due to the excellent weather we have been experiencing, work commenced on the Oddfellows Hall The Superintendent advised that a new problem had arisen in the Oddfellows Hall. The ceiling is leaking and has to be repaired. A discussion with regards to the different kinds of shingles and cost continued. The Chairperson stated that a Long Range Plan for the Museum for construction and restoration has to be completed. Mr. Magder asked if a Reserve Fund for repairs was available. Mr. Reynolds advised that a new roof for the Oddfellows Hall will be a Capital Forecast priority. Various discussions continued with regards to Reserve Funds and Restoration Funds. -2- The Mayor advised that there is an account in the Budget for Other Revenue and if we reach the amount stated in this account any extra revenue could be set-up in a different account for Restoration. The Chairperson suggested that for the Museum's 15th Anniversary we could set- up"buy a shingle campaign"which could assist with the cost of roof. Mr. Reynolds advised that Mr. Van Dinther had resigned from the Committee as he received a promotion in his company and has now moved to the U.S. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING-February 16/95 MOTION: Moved by: Mr. P. Dunnill Seconded by: Mr.W. Utton That the minutes of the meeting of February 16, 1995 be accepted as presented. Carried 3. ITEMS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES The Chairperson explained that attached was a draft Collections Policy and asked Committee Members if they could review this policy during the summer. A general discussion took place with regards to establishing an Acting Collections Sub-committee and the implementation of the proposed policy. Tabled to Fall meeting. 4. SUB COMMITTEE UPDATES Special Event Committee The following is a listing of Festivals and Parades that this committee will be participating in. Whitevale Festival Saturday May 27/95 Brooklyn Parade Saturday June 3/95 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon We require one more person to assist with this event. Frenchman's Bay Festival We require more assistance with this event. Canada Day Kinsmen Park July 1, 1995 from 2:00 -4:00 p.m. Wooden Boat Show(Port of Newcastle) Clarington- July 29, 1995 -3- If you are available to assist at any of the above events please call Mary Cook. Lynn Vickers is the contact person for the Museum Special Events. Bill Weston, Tom Mohr, Scott Magder and Bill Utton advised that they would assist during Steam-up and Opening. The Superintendent advised committee members that if they wished to do an interpretive role to please contact her. The Brooklyn Master Gardeners did the planting of the Collins House garden at the Museum. Various churches have been invited to the Hymn Sing. Fund-Raising Committee A 4 page Newsletter with membership applications has been mailed, the printing of this Newsletter was courtesy of Judy Scott; Mary Cook produced the Newsletter. The Committee stated that they would like to have a Beer Tent during the Car Club Show. Mr. Mohr asked if we could get a community group to organize and run the Beer Tent, the Superintendent will advise of contacts. For fund-raising the Mayor advised that a separate account should be established through the Treasury Department for all fund-raising instead of placing in Other Revenue account. The Mayor advised that fund-raising ventures for an identified special capital project should be earmarked at Budget presentation to Council. Recommend that Council approve matching funds (or more) go towards the cost of the project (i.e. Town matches finds raised by Fund-raising Committee for this special project). With regards to the proposed Slo-Pitch Tournament diamond space was a problem at this time of year. This fund-raiser could be considered for next year. The Mayor suggested that the Committee should contact the Pickering Slo-Pitch Club to see if they could organize as a 1996 project. The Chairperson advised that Herongate Theatre date is October 1, 1995 and hopefully we can sell 150 tickets for this event. We have now purchased a painting from Diane Henderson for the raffle at a cost of$219.00. -4- 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE The Superintendent advised that reservations for school programs are on track for Spring. There has been a higher percent of cancellations due to financial restraints of the parents and schools. We had forty four new and former volunteers who participated on Volunteer Training Day. - 8 weddings have been booked at the Museum. -Hospital House Tour will take place on June 4, 1995 part of the Tour will be a stop at the Museum The Superintendent advised that the Museum Operating Grant Application is due by the end of June. 6. OTHER BUSINESS Tom Mohr gave an overview of his trip to the O.H.S. in Chatham. The theme was Present History. Mr. Mohr advised that a lot of material was presented. Discussions took place on funding, and a large focus was on the Common Curriculum. Mr. Mohr stated that we were very fortunate to have Council's support of the Museum. The Chairperson advised that we get publications from other Museums in Ontario. If you want to read them or would like to research they are filed at the Museum. The Chairperson asked the Director to follow-up with the Town Clerk with regards to the vacant position on the Committee. MOTION: Moved by: Mr. W. Utton Seconded by: Mr. W.Weston That the vacant position on the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee be filled. Carried NEXT MEETING: July 26, 1995 - 6:00 p.m. Mrs. L. Drake's house MOTION: Moved by: Mr. S. Magder Seconded by: Mr. W.Weston That the meeting be adjourned. Carried