HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 30, 1996 ,t‘of pcto A z doh *► Audit Committee Meeting Minutes Subject to Adoption Present: Councillor Maurice Brenner- Chair Mayor Arthurs Councillor Enrico Pistritto Councillor Sherry Senis Tom Quinn, Executive Director Operations Inga Berrey, Manager of Accounting/Payroll Warren Hurren, Hurren, Flett, Sinclair, Chartered Accountants Neil Sinclair, Hurren, Flett, Sinclair, Chartered Accountants A meeting of the Audit Committee was held on October 30th, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. in Meeting Room 1 of the Pickering Civic Complex. The following matters were discussed: 1. Audit Committee Report 96-1 -Recommendations -see attached Councillor Pistritto requested that a letter be forwarded by the Audit Committee to Ian McCully questioning his availability to assist the Town in the Treasury Department. The Audit Committee did not feel this was part of their mandate, but rather the responsibility of the Council of the Town of Pickering. 2. Internal Audit Policy A discussion took place with regards to the Internal Audit Policy and the reporting procedures of the Internal Auditor. It was concluded that the Internal Audit Policy could not be formally adopted throughout the organization at this time and that no reporting constraints should be placed on the Internal Auditor. The Mayor, Deputy Treasurer, Internal Auditor and External Auditors will meet to discuss the present needs of the Treasury Department. 3. Investment Portfolio Mayor Arthurs will approach the Deputy Treasury with the sample investment policy for his review and comments. This policy, along with the Town of Pickering Investment Portfolio, will also be forwarded to Mr. Jack Gartley, Commissioner of Finance for the Region of Durham, for his comments. 4. Investment Presentation Presentations have been made to the Council of the Town of Pickering,by Scotia McLeod and T. D. Evergreen regarding investments. The Committee raised a concern with respect to the Town's current investments and maturity dates being met. The Mayor assured the Committee that the Deputy Treasurer is aware of and taking care of these issues. 5. Internal Memoranda for Discussion The information distributed by the Manager of Accounting/Payroll was for information purposes only. 6. Other Business a. Councillor Senis requested that the budget format be revised to also include Actual 1995, Change in Dollars and Change by Percentage. The Manager of Information Systems will be asked to review this request and advise if the Town's computer system has a program that could filfill this request. b. Councillor Pistritto advised that he has requested, for a number of years, a five year forecast of Operating Budgets. He asked the feasibility of this request. Councillor Pistritto also requested an inclusion in each departmental budget that would outline what a department could do with an extra 10% budget and what would be lost with a reduction of 10%. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. o � W � E o o ) V) ccs cn � , • a) v) ccs Oo t v .5 i o o 0 O 0 dpd 0 d E-� o 0.4) o 0 gd a 0 c°n to 4) U y bA 0 E-4 cz A,a) c 0 cn A - �H 0 .H a) .•+ U O a' -t3 � ° ` '0 3 4,- o c) a o 1 0, d)¢' c g b ai a .o O v; a V A +, U a) to E-4 to -0 3 et o z Z o -o O.) a) o p o o .o > -0 a. .� a)v ca o o.0 a) • • a cd ' fl �d � a 5) o -°A a •� 4) o - = .c 3 C , ai y p O 4 p o co 0 cn .0 o a ril •� ° o •N w o c 6. o p, c W d a a, c � � rn 0 ato ) 0 0 g >P H H H C. cA d .� H '0 a. 0 — o d :° H .4 .c 4 o te 'U o '48 3 3 w 0 N° H O 3 o �� -o N `s 000.0 "10... -O d V O a) O a) .;� E w. Fi • a)O O O i , cis O 0 p 2 cl et o CI) 04 -. c a c a c,..4 ° o CIA° $.. O o 4•'. • cd 0 .4 o •• b ) • te1- w " � oo .0 .O a " O a) to = Z (I) 0 a) Q a ° 0 o CI 3 03. 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Vl a) E� 0 3 G vs al o 5 i > a `° = 0 °a. o O ) o ai o. o o a..c 0 5 ° .? ° a o a) E ai o A w a • a o ti c, a. s. s E " w o aC .. k. aC)U W o 'U E to.—. Q d' Q. 'b 02 a) a) ^ .'. .° °, a' a ° = i Qc F i. . o o t) E -0 °v . . b1) a) •z3 A w o CUB. vii V E~ N '� c��d 0 iUU+ c4 N �..' O �0+ �U, s } . O «i 4J a •t a. o o ° •� ,0 i = o•E o - E 0 o, Q. CA crj En 1-4 Cl 0� ' C) ) O o ff 1Q = ,Ill a o Q. 0 cu 0 a •E E ' O E fg ,� -E b aa = a = cd � �y o -o w., v, Q >, 31 0 L. Q o9 . — . " o2 a E-i Q. a) a ..o 44 4..) E-4 a a Q.= Q E-41 E-1 -v-s' E-+ �' U .5 E. 0o O - .N-1 ,-Mw - ,--, - .--i o—o , Attachment #1 �O�N OF p,C40 9 A 0 ii r.i cit AUDIT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The previous method used by Legal Services for petty cash in an account in the name of an employee be changed to a corporate branch account with three signing officers which allows any two of the three officers to sign. 2. A standard expense form be used by members of Council. The committee has reviewed samples and is recommending that the form used by the Region of Durham be implemented. 3. The existing practice of reviewing Reserve Accounts and Reserve Funds with Council only during the budget process has resulted in a lack of understanding and confusion on the part of Council. The committee recommends that Treasury review changes to these areas with Council on a bi-monthly basis. 4. Prior to any final submission by staff to Council, sessions be held in September with respect to the budget process and the expectations of Council. 5. Clear guidelines be established with respect to the presentation of the budget to Council with ongoing communication follow-up by the appropriate senior management team. 6. Information Services develop the appropriate software in consultation with the Financial areas of the Town, for a Financial Information System as well as the identification of the appropriate staff training needs that are required. 7. Preparation of the budget should not be the exclusive role of the Treasurer or any of the existing Managers. The Treasurer and the Senior Managers should be resources. An additional position should be dedicated to support the budget preparation and monitoring to ensure the budget process is ongoing throughout the year. 8. An "approved tender amount" column be added to the summary sheet of the contract payment certificate. 9. Payment certificates for approval should include copies of all summary sheets. 10. The capital project costing system must be reviewed. Reports should be prepared monthly and reviewed analytically to compare costs to date to estimated costs to complete to the total cost of the project. 11. Public Works costing records should be compared to records maintained by Treasury on a regular basis. 12. Procedures in Treasury must be improved to eliminate overpayment by comparing current payment certificates to prior payment certificates. 13. Treasury should review the capital project costing reports prepared by Public Works regularly to evaluate required funding and project status. 14. Policies be established requiring that when errors are discovered that all parties are informed promptly. Such policies must include notification to the Solicitor, Senior Management, External Auditor, Internal Auditor, Audit Committee, and Council. tiLr - 2 - 15. The function of Treasury be restructured to a full "Finance Department'. The role of the Finance Department would be to oversee and co-ordinate all financial management for the Town. 16. The Town's investment policies be reviewed in the context of a full `Finance Department',with a view to a shared/joint approval process. 17. Council be provided three times per year with an update on the Town's investment status. 18. Treasury staff reintroduce the"Accounts Payable Sub Ledger". • � ,• Attachment #2 INTERNAL AUDIT POLICY • I. Policy • The Corporation of the Town of Pickering will maintain an internal audit function to provide audit services to Council and to management. li. Purpose of the Policy The main purpose of the internal audit policy is to provide reasonable assurance to Council and to management that; • 1. financial management controls are satisfactory or improvements are implemented where necessary; • 2. financial resources are managed effectively and efficiently; 3. financial activities re carried out in compliance with the applicable legislation, policies and procedures; and 4. financial management reporting systems and processes needed to provide accountability are satisfactory. III. Organizational Independence of the Internal Auditor The internal auditor has complete independence in order to permit the rendering of impartial and unbiased judgments essential to proper audit conduct. This is achieved through; 1. independent reporting -- the internal auditor reports as necessary to the senior Financial Officer, Audit Committee, Council, the external auditor or any one or more of them; and 2. unrestricted access -- the internal auditor has generally unrestricted access to records, documents, personnel and facilities in carrying out his or her responsibilities. W.Responsibilities under the Policy 1. The internal auditor is responsible for; a) developing an internal audit plan to provide adequate internal audit coverage for the Town; b) conducting internal audit work in accordance with acceptable standards c) conducting planned internal audit projects, reporting to the Audit Committee of Council and to management the conclusion, findings and recommendations on a timely basis after each audit; d) making effective and efficient use of resources to provide quality internal audit services; i • 2 e) reporting to Council through the Audit Committee on a regular basis the activities of the internal audit function and audit observations; f) advising management on issues respecting audit, risks, control and compliance, especially at the design stage of systems and program development; g) acting as a liaison between the Corporation and its external auditors, and providing assistance to its external auditors; • h) monitoring implementation of approved corrective action in response to internal or external audit reports; and i) carrying out special assignments as directed by the Audit Committee of Council or the senior Financial Officer. 2. The senior Financial Officer is responsible for: a). ensuring that the Corporation has an internal audit program that follows this Policy;and b) providing the necessary support and independence for the internal audit function. • 3. Each member of senior management (i.e. department head) is responsible for: a) providing full co-operation to the internal auditor to enable the auditor's responsibilities to be carried out; b) keeping the internal auditor apprised of major system changes risks and fraud cases, actual or potential, in his or her area of responsibility; • c) considering audit reports and providing written responses to them within 30 days, including corrective action taken or planned, regarding the audit issues with an implementation timetable; and d) implementing approved corrective action within the committed timetable, and reporting through the internal auditor to the Audit • Committee of Council or to the senior Financial Officer, as necessary on the status of implementation. • • J:1COI5091POLICY