HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 8, 1999 _A.,‘OF p�c�� 9 i A z 111F Pea Audit Committee Meeting Minutes Subject to Adoption Present: Councillor Maurice Brenner- Chair Mayor Arthurs Councillor Mark Holland Councillor Dave Ryan Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Gil Paterson, Director of Finance Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk Neil Sinclair, Hurren, Flett, Sinclair, Chartered Accountants A meeting of the Audit Committee was held on April 8, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Committee Room of the Pickering Civic Complex. The following matters were discussed: 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Councillor Holland That the Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting of February 1, 1999 be adopted with the following amendments: a) That the phrase "Interim Audit" in Item #4 under Other Business be changed to "Internal Audit". b) That it be noted that there was a meetin g of the Audit Committee in April of 1998 regardless of the fact that Minutes of that meeting cannot be located. Carried 2. Delegations !; A) 2L2 a) Dave Steele, 966 Timmins Gardens, stated that he supports the Notice of Motion that was referred to this Audit Committee Meeting at the Council Meeting of March 22, 1999. He understands that there are processes in place for staff to provide a full accounting of capital projects but there does not appear to be a process for special projects that are introduced by Members of Council. With respect to the Millennium project, this item was premature when it was presented to Council on March 1, 1999, however, when the project is ready for Council approval, all financial matters must be included in the Report to Council so that the Members of Council will have all the information at their disposal. Mr. Steele further commented on the composition of the Millennium Committee, their voting rights and noted that the Committee could have solicited more input from local groups. ..../2 • 3 �tJ in6 b) Phil McMullen, 516 Kingston Road West, Ajax, representing PACT, stated that the Notice of Motion implies that only projects that are fully funded by the Town should set out full financial information. The Motion should be amended to state that projects that are fully or partially funded by the Town should have that information. L 1 V c c) Terry White, 1547 Marshcourt Drive, stated that in private practice, cost estimates must accompany all feasibility studies and this should also apply to projects introduced by Council. If a project is so technical in nature that staff are not able to provide cost estimates, then the advice of a consultant should be sought. He stated that he supports the March 22nd Notice of Motion that was referred to this Committee. L I k) Z L-Z- d) Dave Steele, 966 Timmins Gardens, stated that although the March 1, 1999 motion regarding the Millennium Committee only dealt with the approval to seek grants, funding information could have been provided by calling other municipalities to determine what grants they have received. He asked if the revenues and expenditures incurred by the Millennium Committee are subject to an audit in the same manner as other Town funds and if the Committee is expected to follow Town policies such as the Purchasing Policies. Liu ,P3 e) Joan Hudson, 338 Fiddlers Court, stated that she supports the March 22nd Notice of Motion and noted that it reflects financing principles that are used in.business and personal finances. f) David Hume, Pickering Village, representing PACT, stated that he is interested in the March 22nd Notice of Motion because it may impact on future projects. He suggested that the Motion be amended to state that financial information must be stated when a project is formally introduced to Council. LIU IA6 g) Phil McMullen, 516 Kingston Road West, Ajax, representing PACT, stated that with respect to the acquisition of property, a basic appraisal of the value of the property can be determined from the Assessment Roll. 3. Auditor's Opinion of March 22nd Notice of Motion Moved by Councillor Holland That the letter from Warren C. Hurren, C.A. of Hurren, Flett, Sinclair, dated March 31, 1999 commenting on the Notice of Motion of March 22, 1999 which was referred to this Committee be received. Carried Neil Sinclair stated that he is participating in this meeting to give an overview of the letter from Hurren, Flett, Sinclair and to improve the process of ensuring that Council has all the necessary financing information for all projects. 4. Notice of Motion dated March 22, 1999 Moved by Councillor Holland 1. That the Notice of Motion referred to the Audit Committee by Council at its meeting of March 22, 1999 be received. ..../3 - - 3 - - 2. That the existing processes and procedures of Council in dealing with Notices of Motion as specified in Section 33 of Council's Procedural By-law No. 3665/91 be reaffirmed. 3. That support for the internal controls, and financial processes and procedures which the Town has in place, including those in respect to the annual Current and Capital Budgets be reaffirmed. 4. That the Movers and/or Seconders of Notices of Motion use the two week period as specified in Section 33 of By-law 3665/91 to meet with the Director of Finance and Treasurer and any other appropriate Department Heads in order to ensure that information pertaining to the matter is available to assist in Council's discussion of the Notice of Motion. Carried *** A copy of Section 33 of By-law No. 3665/91 is attached to these Minutes for information. Moved by Mayor Arthurs That the Notice of Motion referred to the Audit Committee by Council at its meeting of March 22, 1999 be returned to Council with the following amendments: 1. In the second paragraph, the words "in each of the first five years of its operation" be deleted. 2. In the second paragraph, the words "in whole or in part" be added after the phrase "will be funded". 3. In the second paragraph, the word"actual" be deleted. 4. In the third paragraph, the word"actual" be replaced with the word "projected. Carried *** A copy of the Motion with the above amendments is attached to these Minutes. Moved by Councillor Holland That the March 22, 1999 Notice of Motion, as amended by the Audit Committee, be referred to staff to prepare a full report on the recommendations set out in the Motion; and That staff make this report to the Audit Committee before May 17, 1999. 6. Date of Next Meeting The Director of Finance was directed to arrange a meeting of the Audit Committee during the first week of May at 7:00 p.m. to consider the report on the March 22nd Notice of Motion and to consider the Auditor's Report on the 1998 fiscal year. 7. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m. EXCERPT OF SECTION 33 OF BY-LAW NO. 3665/91 PROCEDURAL BY-LAW NOTICES OF MOTION 33 a) Notices of all new motions shall be read by the mover of the motion at the regular Council Meeting immediately preceding the Council Meeting at which the motion is to be considered. The motion, showing the mover and seconder of the motion, shall also be given in writing and delivered to the Clerk before 4:30 p.m. of the Tuesday preceding the meeting of Council at which it is to be considered and shall be printed in full in the agenda and delivered to all Members for that meeting of Council and each succeeding meeting until it is considered or otherwise disposed of. b) Where the time between Council Meetings is greater than two weeks, a notice of motion, showing the mover and seconder of the motion, may be given in writing and delivered to the Clerk at least two weeks preceding the meeting of Council at which it is to be considered and shall be printed in full in the agenda and delivered to all Members for that meeting of Council and each succeeding meeting until it is considered or otherwise disposed of. c) Where, due to the emergency nature of the motion, a Member is unable to give notice of a new motion at a regular Council Meeting preceding the Council Meeting at which it is to be considered, the motion, showing the mover and seconder of the motion, shall be given in writing and delivered to the Clerk before noon of the Friday preceding the meeting of Council and shall be delivered to all Members for that meeting of Council and each succeeding meeting until it is considered or otherwise disposed of. d) Any Member of Council may agree to second a notice of motion if the seconder is absent from a meeting when the notice of motion is called from the Chair. e) If the mover of the notice of motion is absent from the meeting at which it is to be considered, the notice of motion shall be referred Ito the next regular meeting of Council. NOTICE OF MOTION DATED MARCH 22, 1999 AS AMENDED BY AUDIT COMMITTEE WHEREAS both Council and the public require complete and accurate information on the estimated cost of a project or program in order to have an informed opinion of it; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby directs that when a new project or other program that will be funded in whole or in part from public money is introduced, an estimate of the cost including financing, if applicable, and/or the annual operating costs of the program, will be included in the proposal; and THAT both the internal and external funding sources of these estimated costs be identified and expressed in projected dollar amounts; and THAT all monies to be provided from the municipal tax base be either confirmed within existing budgets and/or reserves; and THAT any proposed tax increases, special levies, or financing costs be identified and expressed as an annual cost to the completion of the financial obligation; and THAT said estimates be supported by a staff report including comments from all applicable Department Heads and verified by the signatures of the Treasurer and Chief Administrative Officer.