HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 23, 2000 l <4OFP/CkF _9 V 9Z •• G) Audit Committee Meeting Minutes Subject to Adoption Present: Councillor Maurice Brenner—Chair Mayor Wayne Arthurs Councillor Mark Holland Councillor Dave Ryan Tom Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Gil Paterson, Director of Finance& Treasurer Bruce Taylor, City Clerk Kristine Senior, Manager, Accounting Services Warren Hurren, Hurren, Flett, Sinclair, Chartered Accountants Neil Sinclair, Hurren, Flett, Sinclair, Chartered Accountants Dawn Flett, Hurren, Flett, Sinclair, Chartered Accountants A meeting of the Audit Committee was held on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 6:05 p.m. in g Y� Y � P the Main Committee Room of the Pickering Civic Complex. The following matters were discussed: 1. Adoption of Minutes of May 9, 2000 Moved by Councillor Holland that the Minutes of the May 9th, 2000 Audit Committee Meeting be approved subject to further detail being added to Item #2 regarding the Review of Requests for Proposal procedures. CARRIED The following paragraph will be added to Item #2 of the May 9th Audit Committee Minutes regarding the Review of Requests for Proposal: "Councillor Ryan stated his concern that policies pertaining to Requests for Proposal have not been drafted as yet and noted that he first inquired about this in 1999." ..../2 2 - - 2. Review of Revised Note 1(a)(ii) of the Consolidated Financial Statements Moved by Mayor Arthurs that the correspondence from Warren C. Hurren dated May 11, 2000 indicating that Note 1(a)(ii) to the 1999 Consolidated Financial Statements has been revised to better reflect Pickering's holdings in the Veridian group be received for information. CARRIED 3. Review of Requests for Proposal Moved by Mayor Arthurs that the memo dated May 18, 2000 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and the letter dated May 17, 2000 from Dawn Flett regarding the review of the procedures pertaining to Requests for Proposal be received. CARRIED Dawn Flett gave an overview of her letter dated May 17, 2000 regarding the review of the Request for Proposal procedures. She carried out a review of four recent Requests for Proposal and noted that there tends to be a lack of documentation. At present, there is no clear direction on where Council wants to be involved in the Request for Proposal process. Once this is clarified, it will help with the documentation issue. This issue will be put on the agenda of the Council workshop scheduled for June 27t. With respect to the draft Purchasing Procedures attached to the memo of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer dated May 18th, Mayor Arthurs noted that only he and the Chief Administrative Officer have corporate credit cards and asked if any change to that is envisaged. He further asked if the limit of$25,000 for staff to approve an RFP is for discussion purposes only. The Chief Administrative Officer responded that there will be no changes made to the persons who have corporate credit cards and the $25,000 limit for staff to approve an RFP is for discussion purposes only. Councillor Ryan stated that he is satisfied that work is proceeding on the preparation of written procedures for Requests for Proposal. This should be proceduralized due to public scrutiny of the City's purchasing activities. 4. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 6:27 p.m. ,. 4 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM April 4, 2001 To: Mayor Arthurs Members of Council From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Pickering 2000 - Millennium Account#4246 File: CR4100 As requested, please find attached summary from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer summarizing the Statement of Revenue & Expenditures for the above-noted account along with a Summary of Capital Items purchased. This account was established in 1998 as part of our Millennium Celebration initiatives. This particular program is now complete and it is time for us to finalize our documentation and determine disposition of various assets. The Statement of Revenue and Expenditure reflects a surplus of $23,037.75, which includes certain write offs for pledges that were previously recorded as revenue, which have since been deemed as uncollectable. The Summary of Capital Items Purchased identifies two outstanding assets that must be dealt with (beer wagon&various children's vehicles). The Treasurer has reported that the 2000 Audit is currently underway, and these items must be dealt with accordingly. Therefore, I am seeking Council's direction with respect to the disposition of these assets. This matter will be brought before Council for consideration at its meeting of April 9, 2001. In the interim, please contact me should you require any additional information. Respectfully submitted for your consideration. omas J. Qu' TJQ:jh Attachments Copy: Director, Corporate Services& Treasurer City Clerk j;cr4010\corres\m 1040401.doc A CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM March 28, 2001 To: Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer From: Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Millennium Account Attached are two preliminary unaudited schedules for the year ending December 31, 2000 as -• • ' 4 . ch 27, 2001, in regards to the Millennium Account. The first schedule is a tatement of Re enue and Expenditure for the year 2000 showing a cumulative end balance of $23,037.75 a .t March 27, 2001 for the three years of operation of this account, being 1998, 99 an• 000. This revised balance reflects the write-off of pledges in 2001 previously reco • d as revenue and subsequently deemed uncollectible. It also reflects the final payment from the Historical Society for the loan. The second schedule is a Summary of Capital Items Purchased. This list excludes assets purchased that we assumed were consumed during the course of this promotional event such as jackets, banners, clocks etc. I should point out that at no time did I or any of my staff take delivery, come in contact with or have care, custody or control of any of the assets acquired or have anything to do with their disposition. Of the four items included on the list, the $10,232 advanced to the Historical Society to purchase the computer has been repaid and the equipment is now deemed to be the property of the Historical Society. The bracket sets costing $26,421 may not be reusable and I am uncertain as to their location. Therefore I draw your attention to the two remaining assets, the beer wagon and childrens vehicles, that belong to the City and must be dealt with. I have heard that of the vehicles purchased, some were raffled off at a fundraiser on New Year's 2000 however, I do not have any details. Your comments at your earliest opportunity will be appreciated, as the disposition of the assets must be addressed and the 2000 Audit is currently underway and will be drawing to a close soon. Gillis A. Paterson GAP:vw Attachments • • 4 op MILLENNIUM ACCOUNT#4246 for the period January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000 (Preliminary-Unaudited) BALANCE AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1999 $46,932.36 REVENUE: Donations (see attached listing) $22,500.00 Sale of Promotional Items/Raffle Tickets 1,863.98 Pickering Historical Society Loan Repayment 1,000.00 TOTAL 25,363.98 EXPENDITURE: Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 2,406.55 Boc Canada Ltd. 51.60 Brass Tacks 524.45 Doug Dickerson 1,765.09 Grant-Time Present 5,000.00 IPM Hose& Fittings 391.28 MDK Electric 6,180.01 NDK Luminescent(return) -876.00 North Star Jacket 872.01 Pickering Prof. Firefighters 240.00 Promotional Premium 52.02 Signature Rentals 1,781.55 Spotlight Surveillance 3,983.51 Stan Muir 1,124.33 Stephenson's Rental 13.32 Steve Kerr 5930.87 Susan Muir 1,000.00 Twist Television 450.00 TOTAL 30,890.59 BALANCE AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2000 $41,405.75 Uncollected Pledge Invoices Written Off (23,500.00) Reimbursement from Irene Dewar(re: Quilt) 400.00 Pickering Historical Society Loan Repaid 4,732.00 REVISED AS AT MARCH 27, 2001 $23,037.75 . . A a co , 7 • • ■ » a e N 64 64 co 0 0 � . . w 2 D 0 ■ « E:-. / C k \ ; 2 / o 3 $ o k / § a 0) k 0 to CD 2 2 co e : N k k a - LLI Z 0 ° 0 2 0 > 2 o — . G % k Tr > c k k 2 CO 2 o C _ 2 o0 2 $ % \ k / k / - Eco J / 0 [ � C _ 0 0 B O / _ / ƒ $ . c k / CY a / \ § r aCO Cl) C 0 clIC p CU m § ( C § / ) • 2 0 3 \ - U 0 E @ / Q. Ce —) _ ' ° # 7 w O. L o / w $ 2 co k / k2 co 3 .E f -..I• LU k 7 ƒ / / k ■ 0) \ / 0) / J W ' CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM May 29, 2001 To: Councillor D. Ryan From: Gillis A. Paterson,Director, Corporate Services &Treasurer Subject: Outside Agency Services As requested, attached is a schedule listing account activity for Outside Agency Services for Members of Council 1998—2001 inclusive. Councillors have the option, when arranging for such services,to pay directly and seek reimbursement, with appropriate supporting documentation,from the City or have the service provider invoice the City directly. 'illis A: Paterson • GAP:vw Attachment , • Copy: T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer . OUTSIDE AGENCY SERVICES .• 2113.2399 FOR YEAR 2001 @$4,800 per annum COUNCILLOR TOTAL COST FOR YEAR 'SERVICE PROVIDER .M. BRENNER 0.00 • 0.00 . • M. HOLLAND 900.00 • 900.00 David Johnson R. JOHNSON 1,200.00 . 1,200.00 Dawn Ingram B. MCLEAN 500.00 150.00 Diana Derriiralp ." 350.00 Words & More Writing Services D. PICKLES 0.00 0.00 D. RYAN 0:00 0.00 TOTAL PAID 2,600.00 • 2113.2399 FOR YEAR 2000 @$3,600 per annum • . COUNCILLOR - TOTAL COST FOR YEAR • SERVICE PROVIDER M. BRENNER 3,600.00 3,600.00 reimburse Councillor D. DICKERSON - 3,300.00 • 3,300.00 Joanne Kerr M. HOLLAND 3,600.00 3,600.00 David Johnson R.JOHNSON 3,600.00 3;600.00 Dawn Ingram B. MCLEAN ; 103.00 103.00 Mary Cook D. PICKLES: 2,700.00 . 900.00 Irmgard Vernal) 1,800.00 Brenda Pickles D. RYAN - • 0.00 0.00 TOTAL PAID 16,903.00 , • 2113.2399 FOR YEAR 1999 @$3,600 per annum COUNCILLOR TOTAL COST FOR YEAR SERVICE PROVIDER M.BRENNER 3,600.00 1,800.00 Anne Bridge 1,800.00 reimburse Councillor D. DICKERSON 3,600.00 3,600.00 . Joanne Kerr M. HOLLAND 3,600.00 •900.00 S. Muir • 2,700.00 David Johnson . • FINSON--- - 3,60(700 �...._.ngr ' 2,400.00 Dawn Ingram 1,200.00 V. Khairailah D. PICKLES 2,100.00 1,200.00 Brenda Pickles 900.00 Janet MacPherson - D. RYAN . 0.00 0.00 " TOTAL PAID . 16,500.00 2113.2399 FOR YEAR 1998 @$3,600 per annum. COUNCILLOR TOTAL COST FOR YEAR SERVICE PROVIDER M. BRENNER 3,600.00 3,600.00 Anne Bridge D. DICKERSON 3,600.00 . 3,600.00 Joanne Kerr M. HOLLAND 3,600.00 3,600.00 S. Muir . R. JOHNSON .3,600.00 3,600.00 V. Khairailah D. PICKLES , 2,900.00 2,400.00 Brenda Pickles 500.00 Diana Dimopoulos D. RYAN 0.00 • 0.00 TOTAL PAID - 17,300.00 .