HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 22, 1996 MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held in the Pickering Civic Complex on Tuesday, October 22, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Councillor Dave Ryan(Co-Chair) Roland Rutland, Social Development(Co-Chair) Staff Sergeant Gord McKechnie, Durham Regional Police Angie Littlefield, Member at Large Jane Kiyonaga, Durham Separate School Board Victoria George, Pickering High School Ian Weber, Community Appointee Donna Bovolaneas, Community Appointee Roger Beckett, Community Appointee Lesley Whyte,Ajax/Pickering Board of Trade Stephen Reynolds, Town of Pickering Margaret Donaldson, Recording Secretary Regrets: Abou Nabe, Community Appointee Olivia Rose, St. Mary High School Jack Gardner, Durham Board of Education 1. Welcome Roland Rutland welcomed all in attendance and introduced Lesley Whyte from the Board of Trade. 2. Approve Minutes of The Last Meeting The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented. 3. Business Arising From Minutes Web Page Update The Recording Secretary advised that the Terms of Reference etc. had been faxed to Roger Beckett. Roger stated that the Terms of Reference and Mandate are now on the Web Page. 2 School Brochure Distribution Pine Ridge Secondary and Pickering High School did not receive brochures. Ms. Littlefield was advised that they were sent to High Bush Public School and were being distributed to all Principals in attendance at the Principal's Meeting. October 26/96 - Multicultural Council Event Plans for the showcase on October 26, 1996 are well underway for the Committee's display. The event commences at 9:30 a.m. Councillor Ryan is part of the opening ceremonies. Donna Bovolaneas asked for an overview of what will be on the committee's table. Roland Rutland advised that copies of the Harassment Brochure and the Race Relations Policy will be handed out. We will have an easel with a enlarged copy of the Race Relations Policy on display and two photographs that were taken during the Forum one of committee members and the other one of Olivia with Bromley Armstrong. Members gave suggestions to Councillor Ryan for his opening ceremonies speech. 4. Research of Data Update Ms. Bovolaneas advised that she had reviewed the community needs profile information that she had received, but feels we should wait until the updated information can be obtained. Creating a database will give us valuable information on where we are. This will be a 2 - 5 year ongoing project. Karla Rhodie from Social Services is available as a resource person to assist the committee. 5. Review Committee's Key Strategic Areas Mr. Rutland stated that a year ago committee members decided that they felt that the committee should have some goals and ideas. A Strategic Plan Proposal was prepared for Key Strategic Areas. Committee members reviewed this plan. Ms. Bovolaneas was interested in finding out if the committee had any fresh ideas to add to this plan. 3 Councillor Ryan stated that the committee is very dynamic and are very willing to get the ball moving. We have a direction that is attainable and we are going in the right direction. 6. March 21, 1997-International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination Mr. Rutland gave a brief overview of the 1996 Forum. Ms. Littlefield advised that Pine Ridge Secondary School is not experiencing racial problems. It is more a gang type mentality that is moving in. Suicides of young girls is great concern. She feels that this issue is related to the strictness of immigrant parents. Ms. Whyte feels that we should educate businesses on race relations issues (e.g. when Government states that they have to hire minorities, businesses should be made aware why). Ms. George feels that adults always make the decisions and youth are not asked. Ms. Littlefield advised that Pine Ridge uses students in lots of areas. Identified a potential May event. After further discussions it was decided that the Youth from both Boards should be asked to come up with ideas for this event. Mr. Rutland asked what the committee thought about developing a week long program for this event. It is done in other communities. We could try and get the whole community involved. Mr. Reynolds advised that the Town tried to expand Canada Day from a day event to a 3 day event. It was not successful. Recommend we focus all energies and resources to enhance existing one day event at this time. Councillor Ryan felt that a good theme would be "Best of Both Worlds" and getting the youth involved in both events would be an excellent idea. Mr. McKechnie suggested that committee members should think more about the March event and bring their ideas to the next meeting. 4 7. GTA RACE RELATIONS COMMITTEE UPDATE Ms. Bovolaneas commented on the Attitudes & Experiences on Youth Violence in the City of North York study which was attached to the Agenda from GTA Race Relations. She asked if we thought it would functional to sit on this committee. Mr. Rutland still feels that we should wait and watch the progress. The Committee agreed. 8 NEW BUSINESS Discussions took place with regards to the 1997 Budget. Mr. Reynolds advised that he would be proposing that $500 be budgeted for the Race Relations Committee Budget. Ms. Littlefield stated that sometimes guest speakers require expenses (e.g. travel or an honorarium). Mr. McKechnie suggested that we should ask for $1,000 to cover event expenses. Mr. Rutland suggested the committee may want to apply for grants. Ms. Littlefield asked if Ms. Whyte could explain exactly what the Board wants to know about the Committee. Ms. Whyte explained that the Board of Trade wanted to know what the Race Relations and Equity Committee role is and what the Board of Trade can do to assist the committee. Mr. Rutland distributed information on an upcoming Issues and Overcoming Socio-Economic Barriers Event and asked if the committee would like to be a co- sponsor. Mr. Reynolds explained that the committee could not authorize a grant to co-sponsor events. The proper procedure was to forward a letter to the Mayor's office requesting a grant from the Town of Pickering Mr. Reynolds advised that Mayor Arthurs had forwarded a letter (nomination application) from the Ontario Human Rights Society requesting nomination for Municipal Race Relations Committees that promote harmonious race relations. He asked if the committee was interested in submitting a nomination for the Pickering Race Relations and Equity Committee. The members agreed that we should enter. 9. Next Meeting November 19, 1996 - 7:00 p.m.