HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 7, 1997 MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held in the Pickering Civic Complex on Wednesday,May 7 1997. Present: Councillor Dave Ryan(Co-Chair) Mayor Wayne Arthurs Jane Kiyonaga, Durham Separate School Board Olivia Rose, St. Mary High School Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Roger Beckett, Community Appointee Victoria George, Pickering High School Ian Weber, Community Appointee Abou Nabe, Community Appointee Angie Littlefield, Pine Ridge Secondary School Norm Powers, Durham Board of Education Donna Bovolaneas, Community Appointee Stephen Reynolds, Town of Pickering Margaret Donaldson, Recording Secretary Regrets: Roland Rutland, Co-Chair Dr. Phebe-Jane Poole,Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Mobeen Khaja, Community Appointee 1. Welcome Mr. Reynolds welcomed all Committee Members and Mayor Wayne Arthurs. Mayor Arthurs extended his thanks to Committee Members for the outstanding Race Relations Forum which was held in March. He stated that he was pleased with the Committee's success and is very proud of our young people in the community. Mr. Powers stated that he also was proud of how the youth made it happen. Mr. Reynolds circulated the article from the News Advertiser "Murals with a Message". 2 2. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting MOTION: Moved by: Mr. F. Gibson Seconded by: Mr. I. Weber That the minutes of the April 15, 1997 meeting be approved with the following amendments: Item 3. Mr. Weber asked if a video tape was available from Shaw Cable to view. Ms. Bovolaneas advised unless special arrangements were made videotapes were not available following events. Item 10. Should have read to support Nelson Mandella Children's Fund. Carried 3. Business Arising from Minutes Video Project Update Mr. Reynolds advised that he had not contacted Mr. Powers with regards to asking Pine Ridge Students to assist with Video Project. Ms. Littlefield stated that the contact would be Mr. Bezubiak, but a project may be hard to incorporate into the school program. Mr. Reynolds stated that Mr. Rutland had forwarded comments to be relayed to the Committee in his absence. Both Shaw Cable and Vision TV are interested in the project and there will be no cost involved to the Town. Mr. Rutland would like to know if the Committee wants him to undertake this project under the umbrella of the Committee? If not he is willing to take on as an independent project. Ms. Bovolaneas asked if this was going to be a profile on the life of Bromley Armstrong. 3 Ms. Littlefield advised that students from Pine Ridge Secondary School had contacted Mr. Armstrong directly and asked him to attend an assembly during "Black History"month. Youth relate well to Mr. Bromley. During his speech he advised that both his brothers were in the World War. Ms. Bovolaneas questioned how can we make the connection between Mr. Armstrong and the Youth and involve youth beyond the production. Ms. Kiyonaga stated that we could use dialogues from a number of students. Ms. George said that the idea sounded good, dialogue on Bromley Armstrong would be very effective. Ms. Rose suggested dialogue issues in the community, his opinions and his experiences. Mayor Arthurs stated it would be interesting what challenges Mr. Armstrong faced in his youth. Mr. Reynolds stated that what he was hearing was that Committee Members were supporting this project. Mr. Weber stated that we could expand further by asking the Cadets to participate. Ms. Littlefield identified most of the high schools operate a Cadet program. Mr. Reynolds asked for names of Committee Members who would be interested in working on this project. Mr. Gibson and Mr. Nabe volunteered to assist Mr. Rutland. Mr. Nabe stated that we should establish dialogue with youth. Where do we make our impact, confront certain issues, get youth tuned in and it will spread, but how can we move this into the community. Ms. Bovolaneas asked if these issues could be hooked into Culture & Recreation youth groups. Mr. Reynolds stated that the network is growing. This is Youth Week and today the Towns of Ajax and Pickering, the YMCA and the Pickering/Ajax Youth Centre have joined together to offer a Youth Fest from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. today which includes youth activities and workshops. 4 Ms. Kiyonaga stated that she thinks we are mainstreaming and a lot of youth are interested in participating. This video is an opportunity tool. Mr. Reynolds advised that the Town has an established Youth Council and we do offer various activities to all youth. Ms. Bovolaneas stated that the "World Racism" is an excellent learning tool and could be a major eye opener. Ms. Kiyonaga agreed it is very interactive and we could possibly market it the youth. Mr. Reynolds advised that Mr. Rutland had joined one of the summer youth programs and youth participated in the World Racism. It was well received. Civic Awards Nominations Mr. Reynolds advised that today was the deadline to submit an application to nominate someone for a Civic Award. 4. Update on Data Base Ms. Bovolaneas advised that due to work restraints that she would like to ask for assistance with this project and asked if the Committee knew of anyone who would be willing to assist on research. Hopefully during the summer someone would like to work with her on this project. Mr. Beckett offered to assist. She is trying to determine in which direction we should be going 1) who we are and where are we going, 2) input - trends, police service and education. What is happening and what are the pressure points. Ms. Bovolaneas stated that a progress report should be available after the summer recess. 5. 1998 Race Relations Forum Potential Keynote Speakers Councillor Ryan asked if members had any ideas. Mr. Nabe suggested Lincoln Alexander. Ms. Bovolaneas stated that it should not be someone in a political position with the government changing again. She suggested Michelle Ramsey. 5 Ms. Littlefield stated that during the student recognition night they had excellent youthful speakers and maybe we could ask them. Councillor Ryan suggested that we should build a list of names. Ms. Bovolaneas stated that we need a balance Keynote and Youth speakers. Ms. Littlefield suggest Keith Moldazier from Durham Region Police Services. He is an excellent speaker. Ms. Bovolaneas asked if we want they keynote speaker to have a profile and to be a draw. Ms. Kiyonaga asked if we should keep our thoughts in race relations or can we look further. Mr. Powers stated that during the Forum there were a lot of youth in the audience and he feels that youth speakers and presenters will draw more youth. Councillor Ryan stated that he thought we should try to get a broader range, more people to come to the event. If we get the right Keynote speaker this along with the youth participation will be a successful formula and right mix. Ms. Littlefield advised that Dunbarton hosted an event and they invited delegates from other schools. Suggest we invite schools to send delegates and they can take information back to their schools. Mr. Powers advised that Roberta Bondar came to talk to students at the Roberta Bondar School in Ajax. The children really liked her. Ms. George suggested Mike Pinball Clemens (Toronto Argos) and the lady from Much Music. Mr. Gibson stated that there was a young, dynamic South African CBC Newscaster. Councillor Ryan stated that everyone seems to want a female Keynote Speaker. Committee Members were requested to search out other potential Keynote speakers or Forum speakers so Committee could review and finalize for the June meeting. 6 Theme Ms. Littlefield said that she believes repetition works. Through Our Eyes was a good theme and could be adapted. Ms. Kiyonaga stated that we are reaching out to the community. Ms. Bovolaneas stated that all objectives can be accommodated but we cannot preclude awareness. Ms. Littlefield said send delegates. Let them reflect back to us what they see through their eyes. Mr. Reynolds advised that the Mural can be moved to other locations (Library, School Boards, etc.) If you have a location the Department could make arrangements to have it moved. Mr. Gibson asked if something could be put on the bottom of the Murals (to identify artists) and maybe have them on display in the Pickering Town Centre. Mr. Reynolds will follow-up. Councillor Ryan thinks it would be better to move to a public venue for the summer as Council will be recess. He suggested the Pickering Recreation Complex. 6. Mr. Steve Houston,-News Advertiser Mr. Reynolds advised that Mr. Houston had sent his regrets for tonight but he was interested in meeting with the Committee or even a sub-committee. Ms. Kiyonaga advised that Mr. Houston had called to ask for assistance, Lynda White a reporter from the News Advertiser is doing an article on community race relations work. Steve Houston requested we identify some people to contact. Various Committee Members were willing to talk to Ms. White. Ms. Kiyonaga suggested that we meet with Steve Houston and some employees of the News Advertiser re educating each other. Mr. Beckett suggested that it would be good to invite other media so that nobody feels that we targeting only one newspaper. Councillor Ryan thought this was a very good idea and suggested that possibly we could have a media night theme so that we can get a broader perspective. He suggested we target for the first meeting after summer break. 7 Ms. Kiyonaga suggested that we have a hospitable meeting possibly some food and drinks and also she thought that we should have sub-committees re format of meeting. Councillor Ryan stated that we should keep it local media. (Sub- Committee Ms. Kiyonaga, Ms Bovolaneas and Mr. Reynolds). 7. New Business Mr. Nabe advised that he had contacted Mr. Syed, President of the Human Rights and Race Relations Centre with regards to Race Relations Award. He advised that we should submit a Portfolio on the Town of Pickering Race Relations and Equity advising on what the Town has accomplished in the past 10 years to apply for an award. Mr. Reynolds to follow-up with Mr. Rutland in preparing a profile. Ms. Kiyonaga recommended that we nominate Bromley Armstrong for a Civic Award. Committee supported. Mr. Reynolds advised that Mr. Rutland had requested he make the committee aware of the "Strengthening our Community" report and a Metro report on Hate Crime. Mr. Rutland suggested that committee members or a sub-committee study them and a report be given at next meeting. The Strengthening our Community Report will be reviewed by the Data Base Sub-Committee. Councillor Ryan stated that he was please to attend the Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Seniors Tea. Also the event at Pine Ridge Secondary School "Myths of Islam". It was an excellent day. 8. Next Meeting Wednesday, June 11, 1997 - 7:00 p.m. (one hour meeting to complete list of 1998 Forum Keynote Speakers) Council Committee Room Invitations will be mailed out with regards to the June Wine and Cheese Reception.