HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 11, 2000 • liCOMONIK Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity October 11, 2000 Meeting Minutes **PLEASE NOTE: The next Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 7,2000** Present: Jane Kiyonaga(Chair), Durham Catholic District School Board Valerie Jones, City of Pickering Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Manraj S. Pannu, Dunbarton High School Student Narjot K. Hara, York University Student Rumnik K. Pannu, Dunbarton High School Student Luigia Ayotte, Durham District School Board Lewis Williams, Durham District School Board Kim Kranc, City of Pickering Regrets: Councillor Dave Ryan, City of Pickering Stephen Reynolds, City of Pickering Phil Matsushita, Pine Ridge Secondary School Gary Ranalli, Pine Ridge Secondary School Sandy Russill, Community Appointee Monika Jensen, Community Appointee, Aviary Group Jacqui Steer, Bayview Heights Public School Mobeen Khaja, M.C.O.D. 1. Welcome and Introductions Amendment to September 18 Meeting Minutes; Item 3 —Notice of Motion, point regarding electing representatives to appoint senior rep, disabled rep and student rep's from Pickering High School, should be from High Schools in Pickering. Item 4, Year 2000/2001'Projects/Events, first point should read"Through Other Eyes" instead of"Our Eyes". Marisa Carpino accepts Rumnik Pannu Seconds 2. Year 2000/2001 Committee Projects/Events • March 20 event and February—Heritage Week, were events discussed, which have been done every year. • There was a suggestion to incorporate Monika's simulation program. There is a great deal of interest from the Committee regarding this program. • The Committee was asked whether they feel this particular program would be worthwhile to incorporate—all were in agreement, could put the program into affect in January perhaps. • If the stimulation program is something that we would be recommending to Council and staff then perhaps the Committee should take part in the program ourselves, we might want to go through it first, we would benefit from it and be able to promote the program much better. We could speak from our personal experience. • Professional Development—a good idea to have Monika put us through the program before we promote it and present to Council • the Program is in partnership with Ontario Ministry of Health, it is a Government sponsored program • Durham Catholic District School Board(DCDSB)—Healthy interest in Pickering Schools. There would be questions... o - cost factor? o - need more info. o - a lot of interest in the program o - How many children will it impact? o - Is it very costly? o -the more people it will impact for it's money, the better—"biggest bang for you buck" o - cost vs student impact and involvement o -the more students who can be involved for a lesser price, the better • The Committee looked at the minutes from last June regarding Event List • December 10—difficult time of year to organize an event, especially if we decide to do a new event i.e. Monika's Program o difficult to create a focus o can create a dramatization,to be filmed o -who would do it? -what was the structure? • Lewis suggested an open ended idea—try to capitalize on Television display • could also be SHAW TV with student panel, asking questions relating to Race Relations discussions • Manraj mentioned that this is something that would take little time to do and prepare • There is a newly group that has been formed within the High Schools that could work to form the panel. • • Star Students Anti—Racist Commission(SSARC) is having a meeting the week of October 16 and Manraj will bring the idea to them and see what they think • contacts with television stations—Marisa will contact SHAW TV and run the idea by them. Manraj knows someone at CTV that he could speak to • Lewis suggested that the Committee could form a good bond with SSARC— Students across Durham Region have formed this group • Marisa will need more info about SSARC in order to contact SHAW with the idea, who is a part of the group, what does the group represent?Etc. • Jane suggested that the panel discussion can be conducted in front of the committee, they could present something to the Committee, and address the Committee while being filmed for TV • Committee members will report back at November meeting regarding SSARC group interests as well as TV contacts and whether they are interested Is a Strategic Plan a worthwhile initiative? Comments: • 3 year vs 5 year plan—short term vs long term—we need to focus on specifics i.e. community, youth, equity • seems to be very worthwhile, we should continue to work on it • it is agreed that the Committee needs a foundation, we can draw on that for each of our events, it helps to keep the Committee on track • need to have a focus, goals • great idea, need to have a foundation • need to make sure our actions coincide with the strategic plan, sometimes our actions come first, we cannot stop our events to make the plan. We have to do both at the same time • we have been action orientated and accomplished a great deal but we have to revive the strategic plan • need to have a plan because we don't want to be doing the same things in 5 years • Gary Ranalli's guidance is needed but we.still need to be able to move forward if he is not present- put on next meeting agenda • could make the Strategic Plan a permanent part of our agenda Suggested Event Ideas: November 9—Human Rights—annual performance at Durham District School Board • Lewis invited Human Rights Activist Speaker to open for the Durham District School Board event—hoping to get Arscott who is a Kosovo peace keeper • advantage for the Committee to attend, although timing is a downside • look at specific topics, as guest speakers become available, Lewis can let us know . about it • equity issues, seniors, and human rights issues • History of Human Rights—how?why?when?they were started • International Human Rights • Black History Presentation—February -Gary Ranalli did it last year, it is on CD and he could present it to the Committee • access more representation from our seniors • look at commitments in November because December is too busy and January is too late • November meeting—Monika to come and can present more information about her program to the Committee—budget, then the Committee can decide if we want to take the program on • February Event-perfect opportunity to show ourselves to the community in the mall • in the residents space, where everyone can see us. People go there to shop and happen to see what we have to offer, they can participate • more people were able to see us,the mall gives us more exposure, we have more impact on a wider range of individuals, people who don't usually come out and see us • the Committee has to work to concentrate on the February event, showcasing Pickering's Heritage • already have the energy, should keep the ball rolling and do that event again this year • already have contacts in the mall, contacts with Cultural Groups, with the booths —the groups appreciated the opportunity to show the public what they were all about, what they have to offer the community • good entry point when you can see and celebrate the differences • Committee agrees we would like to move forward with the February event, with a similar format as last time • need to keep showing that just because people are different does not mean that one is better than the other • February Event is a go -working Committee—full support • Next meeting—Marisa will have a planning sheet as to how the Committee can offer support in preparation for the event March 21st Event • suggestion made to the Committee to consider a way to do an outreach into the community, work towards something new • good message that the City is serious about Race Relations—location • people leave early, forum's are too long • need to have a balanced presentation, some parts serious, some entertaining so that people will want to stay • seniors centres- go and present material to them—taking the message to seniors is a good idea • Canadian Half Pints—basketball team which addresses children about discrimination issues i.e. height, name calling etc. • find a location to have children from all of Durham, turn into an outreach program, teach about bullying • Committee could sponsor this • give something back to the schools, we present to them after 5 years of them presenting to us • together, with Monika's event, that would mean departing from the forum • might be nice for a change • Strategic Plan—forum one year, outreach the next • more interactive—Committee is in agreement that we should go ahead and try it • Forum- mostly High School Students • Outreach—gets to Elementary School Students which would be beneficial— impressionable • Open audience, broad spectrum Summary: December 10—SSARC televised discussion with or without media Committee agreed to have professional development; Through Other Eyes Human Rights Seniors (South Pickering Seniors Centre) Black History February 24—we will profile Heritage in Pickering Looking for a sub-committee for February Come to next meeting prepared to discuss Marisa to contact the mall and will give us a date for our event March 21St -Outreach Initiative with a different approach Monika's program vs Half Pints 4. Adjournment This meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm Meeting dates for the remainder of the year: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 at 7:00 pm