A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, February 17, 2000 at 7:00
p.m. in the Council Chambers.
L. Taylor -Manager, Current Operations Division
V. Rodrigues - Senior Planner
T. Barnett -Planner I
D. Kearns - Committee Coordinator
The Manager, Current Operations Division, provided an overview of the requirements of
the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters
under consideration thereat.
BLOCK 11,PLAN 40M-1231
1. Valerie Rodrigues, Senior Planner,provided an explanation of the application, as
outlined in Information Report#04-00.
2. The applicant was present to answer any questions.
LOTS 111 TO 115,PLAN 1051
1. Tyler Barnett, Planner 1,provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in
Information Report#05-00.
2. Dan Kaiuk, Director of Development, Central Versa, provided background
information on his company and explained the need for long-term beds as
outlined by the Ministry of Health. He stated that this facility would provide 24
hour nursing care for the elderly, aged 85 and up and the average stay would be 2
V2 years.
3. Lindsay Dale-Harris, representing the applicant, advised that this is a 124 bed
facility with 62 beds in each wing, 31 beds per floor. Therapeutic and outside
gardens have been designed for the property which will be fenced. Traffic
should not be a concern as laundry is done on the premises, food deliveries occur
once or twice per week and visitor traffic is minimal. Landscaping, building
height and roofing are all considered in an attempt to ensure that the facility fits in
a residential area.
4. Sue Pelletier, 1441 Anton Sq., advised of her recent purchase of 1801 Fairport
Road, the property immediately adjacent the subject lands. She stated her
objection to any plan that will change the zoning in the area. She advised of her
concern with respect to pollution from garbage and cooking, and increased traffic
caused by delivery trucks, ambulance and visitors. She stated her surprise that
Council would consider this application when only four years ago they passed the
Dunbarton Neighbourhood Guidelines.
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5. Alex Thomson, 1801 Fairport Road, stated his objection to this application and
his surprise that Council is considering it. Traffic has already increased due to the
housing construction. He questioned the proposed road planned for the land
across from 1801 Fairport Road.
6. Brian Clow, 1811 Fairport Road, handed in a petition with 40 signatures in
opposition to this application. A number of the concerns of the residents are:
traffic, noise, environmental, deliveries, possible rental of facility and staffing.
This is a business and, therefore, a large sign could be erected. The value of the
homes on Appleview Road,backing onto the subject lands, could be affected.
7. Mr. Dawson, 1796 Appleview Road, advised that his property backs onto the
subject lands. He does not believe that this institutional type facility is suitable
for a residential area and is astounded that Council are considering it. He outlined
his concerns to include: garbage, receiving areas, parking, traffic and landscaping.
This is diametrically against Dunbarton Neighbourhood Guidelines.
8. Maria Javor, 872 Strouds Lane, advised of her absolute objection to this
9. Cynthia Sparks, 1835 Fairport Road, handed in a petition with a further 40
signatures in opposition to this application. She stated her surprise that
Councillor Dickerson and Councillor Brenner were not in attendance to hear the
concerns of their residents. She outlined that this proposed facility would be the
same size as the Super Centre. She stated her concerns to include: decrease in
home values and inadequacy of parking. She questioned if other locations were
considered for this facility.
10. Michael Wallace, 1772 Spruce Hill Road, stated that his home is situated at the
top of Welrus Street and looking out his front window he will see the roof of this
facility and that is unacceptable. He was involved in developing the Dunbarton
Neighbourhood Guidelines and is appalled that this application is being
considered. Tree and parkland preservation is not taking place,parking spaces are
not adequate and traffic will be increased with ambulance and fire service.
11. Janet Bennettcox, Real Estate Agent, sold 1801 Fairport Road to Mr. & Mrs.
Pelletier. She stated her upset with the application and her support of the
12. James McLaughlin, 1841 Fairport Road, stated his opposition to this application
which is in total contradiction to the 20 Year Plan.
13. Doug Taylor, 1784 Appleview Road, advised that his property is located behind
this facility. This type of structure does not belong in a residential area and he is
in total opposition. Traffic, parking and possible development of a road between
Appleview and Fairport Roads are all concerns.
14. Alan Thornton, 1750 Fairport Road, advised that traffic is already a concern and
speed bumps should be considered for Fairport Road. Adequate parking is not
planned and, therefore, there will be an overflow onto the street.
15. Wayne Gibson, 1748 Dunbarton Road, stated his opposition to the application and
advised that it is not in character with the neighbourhood. He outlined his
concerns with noise from the cooking units and air conditioning.
16. Rita Brett, 1875 Appleview Road, advised of her total support of this application.
The residents are getting older and this is a wonderful community for a nursing
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17. John Ravey, 1774 Appleview Road, stated his total support of the application and
his feeling that seniors should be allowed to remain in their community.
18. Sam Johnston, Falconwood Way, stated that this is a Chronic Care Facility which
will create a lot of emergency service traffic. He is in total opposition to this
application which does not fit in this community.
19. David Bruce, 1869 Falconwood Way, advised that he moved to the area due to the
rural and community setting. This facility is an institution and a business and is
not appropriate in a residential area. He further advised that his brother, who also
purchased on Falconwood Way, is in opposition to this application.
20. Lindsay Dale-Harris, representing the applicant, advised that an Official Plan
amendment is not required as this is considered a community use. An appropriate
parking study will be undertaken and the results will be submitted. They will
definitely review the placement of garbage containers and delivery doors. Peaked
roofing has been planned to fit in with the existing homes. The road extension
between Appleview Road and Fairport Road is under review. The activity level
would be the same as a school.
21. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Current Operations Division, advised that the Liverpool
West Community Association have requested a smaller working group and a
number of the residents could join in with this group to review development of
this property.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Dated Clerk