HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 03-15 00 _L Report to 6 z s Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: FIN 03-15 Date: January 12, 2015 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: Tender/ Contract Approval - Approvals During Council Recess 2014 Recommendation: 1. That Report FIN 03-15 of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor regarding tender and contract approvals during Council Recess be received; and, 2. That Council pass a resolution ratifying the approval of the Tenders and Contracts by the Chief Administrative Officer during Councils' recess being, Tender No. T-16-2014, Brick Cladding & Masonry Repairs, Quotation No. Q-42-2014 One New Latest Model Year, Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum Multi Functional Street Sweeper, and Quotation No. Q-51-2014, Seniors and Person with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program. Executive Summary: Council is required to approve contracts awarded by the Chief Administrative Officer during recesses of Council. The tender and contract approvals contained in this report were approved by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's recess this year. They met the City's Purchasing Policy and were within the approved Budget. Financial Implications: The capital projects listed and described in this report are being funded from various sources as approved by Council in the Capital Budget. The service program for snow clearing will be funded from property tax, as approved in the 2014 current budget and the proposed 2015 current budget. No. T-16-2014 Net Project Costs under (over) Approved Funds $95,000.00 No. Q-42-2014 Net Project Costs under (over)Approved Funds $51,422.00 No. Q-51-2014 Net Project Costs under (over)Approved Funds $ 546.00 33 Report FIN 03-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Tender/Contract Approval Page 2 - Council's Recess 2014 Discussion: Purchasing Policy Item 07 authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to act on behalf of Council in approving an award of a project, and the Treasurer is authorized to approve financing for same, during any recess, break or absence of City Council, on the condition that: (a) The project is in a budget approved by Council; • (b) Such actions are in compliance with the Purchasing Policy and the Financial Control Policy; (c) The project is not debt financed; and (d) A report respecting those approvals is subsequently submitted to Council. The circumstances were such that two quotations and one tender required approval by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's 2014 recess. It is recommended that Council receive this Report for information and ratify the approval of Tender No. T-16-2014, Brick Cladding & Masonry Repairs, Quotation No. Q-42-2014, One New Latest Model Year, Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum Multi Functional Street Sweeper, and Quotation No. Q-51- 2014, Seniors and Person with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program. Therefore, pursuant to the Purchasing Policy, the following was approved by the Chief Administrative Officer during the "recess" of Council. Tender No. T-16-2014 Brick Cladding & Masonry Repairs The low bid submitted by Brook Restoration Ltd. for Tender No. T-16-2014 in the amount of$128,946.45 (HST included) be approved. Financial Implications: 1. Tendered Amount Tender No. T-16-2014 $114,111.90 HST 13% 14,834.55 Total $128.946.45 34 Report FIN 03-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Tender/Contract Approval Page 3 - Council's Recess 2014 2. Estimated Project Cost Summary Central Library Civic Complex Tender Amount T-16-2014 $79,559.00 $34,553.00 $114,112.00 Miscellaneous Costs 3,486.00 1,514.00 5,000.00 Consulting Fees 17,430.00 7,570.00 25,000.00 Project Contingency 13,944.00 6,056.00 20,000.00 Total Project Costs 114,419.00 49,693.00 164,112.00 HST (13%) 14,874.00 6,460.00 21,334.00 Total Gross Project Cost 129,293.00 56,153.00. 185,446.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (12,861.00) (5,585.00) (18,446.00) Total Net Project Cost $116,432.00 $50,568.00 $167,000.00 3. Approved Source of Funds Civic Complex and Library Capital Budget Location Project Code Source of Funds Budget Required Library 5800.1406.6181 Internal Loan 5 year $192,000.00 $116,000.00 5800.1406.6181 Property Taxes 0.00 432.00 Civic 5700.1401.6250 Prov. Grant— Invest 70,000.00 50,568.00 Complex in Ontario Total Funds $262,000.00 $167,000.00 Project Cost under (over) approved funds by $95,000.00 Quotation No. Q-42-2014 Supply and Delivery of One New Latest Model Year, Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum, Multi-Functional Street Sweeper The Quotation No. Q-42-2014 in the amount of$276,035.38 (HST included) submitted by Amaco Construction Equipment Inc. be accepted; Financial Implications: 1. Quotation Amount Quotation No. Q-42-2014 $244,279.10 HST 13% 31,756.28 Total $276,035.38 35 Report FIN 03-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Tender/Contract Approval Page 4 - Council's Recess 2014 2. Estimated Project Cost Summary Quotation No. Q-42-2014 Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum, Multi- $244,279.00 Functional Street Sweeper HST 13% 31,756.00 Gross Project Cost 276,035.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (27,457.00) Total Net Project Cost $248,578.00 Project Cost under (over) approved funds by $51,422.00 3. Approved Source of Funds . Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum, Multi-Functional Street Sweeper Description Account Code Source of Funds Budget Required Quotation No. 5320.1403.7610 RF-DC Roads $270,000.00 $223,720.00 Q-42-2014 & Related 5320.1403.7610 Rate , 30,000.00 24,858.00 Stabilization Reserve Total Funds $300,000.00 $248,578.00 Quotation No. Q-51-2014 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program The low quotation submitted by Gray's Landscaping & Snow Removal Inc. for Quotation No. Q-51-2014 for Year 1 of the 3-year Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program in the amount of$11,701.72 (HST included) be approved. Financial Implications: . Quotation Amount Quotation No. Q-51-2014, Year 1 $10,355.50 (per snow clearing and salting service) HST 13% 1.346.22 Total 0 $11,701.72 (12 callouts X $11,701.72 = $140,421.00) • 36 Report FIN 03-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Tender/Contract Approval Page 5 - Council's Recess 2014 1. Estimated Project Cost Summary Quotation No. Q-51-2014 Seniors and Person with Disabilities Snow $124,266.00 Clearing Program, Year 1 (based on 12 call outs) HST 13% 16,155.00 Gross Project Cost 140,421.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (13,967.00) Total Net Project Cost $126,454.00 Project Cost under (over) approved funds by $546.00 2. Approved Source of Funds Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program Description Account Code Source of Funds Budget Required No. Q-51-2014 Seniors and Persons with 2132.2482.0000 Property Taxes $127,000.00 $126,454.00 Disabilities Snow Clearing Program Total Funds $127,000.00 $126,454.00 Based on the results of the quotation, the anticipated number of clearings required in Year 1, and the expansion of the program to 440 participants, the 2015 Current Budget will reflect a cost of$127,000.00 for this program. Attachments: • 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated August 6, 2014 2. Culture & Recreation Memorandum dated August 15,2014 3. Supply & Services Memorandum dated October 2, 2014 4. Engineering & Public Works Memorandum dated October 8, 2014 5. Supply & Services Memorandum dated October 30, 2014 6. Supply& Services Memorandum dated October 31, 2014 7. Engineering & Public Works Memorandum dated November 4, 2014 37 • Report FIN 03-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Tender/Contract Approval Page 6 - Council's Recess 2014 Prep ed By: Approved/Endorsed By: Vera A. Felgemacher Stan Karwows C.P.P., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M.,CMM III Division Head, Finance & Treasurer Manager, Supply & Services Paul Bigio Director, ( s‘so -te Services &City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council / /i /471 ZD/¢ Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • • 38 • ;TTACE-HMENT#�_TO REPORT# L 3, r1; (' °ie CULTURE&RECREATION DIVISION RECEIVED switimaiiiii PICKERING ABEY TO Memo ❑FWD ❑COPY O Ci:�Cll T CAO COUNCIL 111 • CLERK To: Marisa Carpino ' � � August 6, 2014 Director, Culture & Recreation ■ HUMAN RESOURCES- N1PE OPS CENTRE . FAC OPERATIONS .OFFICE SUSTAIN 1111111 From: Vera A. Felgemacher C&R SUPERVISORS .PLAN&DEV Manager, Supply & Services Copy-. Manager, Facilities Operations • Subject: Tender No. T-16-2014 • Tender for Brick Cladding and Masonry Work - File: F-5400-001 Tenders have been received for the above project. An advertisement was placed In the.Daily . Commercial News and on the City's website inviting companies to download the tendering documents for the above mentioned tender.A mandatory site visit was held on Thursday, July 24, 2014. Six companies attended the site visit of which five bidders submitted a tender. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 90 days after the official closing date and time. Purchasing Policy No. PUR 010-001, Item 13.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions. Unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been done. All deposits other than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 13.03(w). Three (3) bids have been retained for review at this time. Copies of the tenders are attached for your review and you will see Unit Prices for Additional Work are shown in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4. . Summary Harmonized Sales Tax Included Bidder Total Tendered Amount Total Tendered Amount Base Bid$ Optional Price$ - After After Calculation Calculation Check Check Brook Restoration Ltd. 89,901.56 89,901.56 39,044.89 39,044.89 Clifford Restoration Limited 99,948.50 99,948.50 43,674.50 43,674.50 Colonial Building Restoration 124,808.50 124,808.50 51,132.50 51,132.50 Wall Savers Ltd. 133,624.76 133,624.76 - 90,927.71 90,711.88 - LOMAX Management Inc. Automatic rejection—substitution for Agreement to Bond in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft or money order or • irrevocable letter of credit were not provided. Reference: • • • Purchasing Policy No. PUR 010, Item 23.02- 10 (c). Information to Bidders Item 9, 12, 26, 27, 28, 55, Tendering _ Specifications Item 8 and 9. • 39 • Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 29, the following will be requested of the low bidder, Brook Restoration Ltd. for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call, subject to your request. Please advise if you would like us to proceed with this task. (a) a copy of the currently dated and signed Health & Safety Policy to be used on this project; (b) a copy of the current Workplace Injury Summary Report issued by Workplace Safety& Insurance Board (in lieu of the Workplace Injury Summary Report document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (c) a copy of the current Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace.Safety & Insurance Board; (d) Copies of Ontario Ministry of Labour, Health and Safety Awareness Training certificates for every worker and supervisor who will be working on this project; (e) the City's certificate of insurance completed by the.bidder's agent, broker or insurer; (f) list of Sub-Contractors in accordance with General Conditions Item 30; and (g) Waste Management Plan to be used on this project in accordance with Tendering Specifications Item 22. WSP Canada Inc. as the consultants on this project will be reviewing submissions and making recommendations to you. The consultant should also review carefully all submittal information based on tendering instructions. If the consultant notices any infractions or information missing during the evaluation, please contact a member of Supply & Services as soon as possible. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.04, the authority for the dollar limit as explained below excludes HST. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.12 where the compliant quotation or tender meeting specifications and offering best value to the City is acceptable and the estimated total purchase price is over$75,000 and up to $125,000, the Manager may approve the award, subject to the approval of the Director, Treasurer and the•CAO. • As such, the low bid submitted by Brook Restoration Ltd.for the base bid of$79,558.90 and the optional price of$34,553.00 for a sub total of$114,111.90 plus HST may be approved by the Manager for this dollar limit, subject to the approval of the Director, Treasurer and the CAO. Please include the following items in your memorandum: 1. if Items (a) through (d) noted above are acceptable to the Co-ordinator, Health & Safety; 2. if the Certificate of Insurance is acceptable to the Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit; 3. if the list of subcontractors is acceptable; 4. if the Waste Management Plan is acceptable; 5. any past work experience with the low bidder Brook Restoration Ltd. including work location; • 6. without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; 7. the appropriate account number(s)to which this work is to be charged;" August 6, 2014 Tender No. T-16-2014 Page 2 Tender for Brick Cladding and Masonry Repairs 40 he budget amount(s) assigr,_J thereto; 9. reasurer's confirmation of funding; 10. related departmental approvals; and 11. related comments specific to the project. An approved requisition will also be required. Please do not disclose any information to enquiries except you can direct them to the City's website for the unofficial bid results as read out at the public tender opening. Bidders will be advised of the outcome in due course. , If you require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Se ices. VAF Attachments • • August 6, 2014 Tender No. T-16-2014 Page 3 Tender for Brick Cladding and Masonry Repairs 41 --:-' \l I I I I V c . 0 • ca L C U 15 C N a)m N i c c• o o a O r c L. 'L O Wz � °—" M ,rj 'V C C o -- o r * ' 2 M V' T- - • E .� I-- 69- 69- 69. 699 69- a� U o ,,. L < o V v°, a9 a) 0 ca -°act CN ' O ) C o. O - o • cQ . — °— O L ` 69- 69• 69• 69- 64-. • C o = a) a) ci 'a V L, "I- E • 2 C , • \_, 1- 2 1 14 Fillilb- > U L ca ca 4 ca o ts o C---- 0 1 rg \ cc c 54" mQ. 0J `J 2 -a c,i 0 �n� .� x U\ c +1 N OL N U co a . o. Q m I•-- - -Q s as C °3 c a3 >, >. >, >, >, E• - Q a y i Q t U c NA .co Q E -+ Ers c -0 C d C .L as f�6 p '. -r-+ N y .. Z o V) .5 c i L ` as O' d O o N c m •p > 4- > y.. cl Z a) m p O p , • C C .-' E O - O CO t6 O �+ Q) 42 1- t°— D1:: m v v � � 2 0 ) • • J • 1 C c...W.,. a) C O 0 (..., E iti O U O a+ O - . Clf J a) C O .0�. Q O O O o U 0 ti a) x Y a) b9. L Q O E . O 0 00000000 ._ - .L?...„ ate) 0 O. 0 0 0 0 O O O O _ C U N OOON 'ci- CD0 O E a) > r 000 , CO 't 't0 E () N • r 000rMNI• ' 0 at W 0 m 'V' N N CCDD N 0) m tO _C 17 E w E .. r r r "•r '''' a) 0 L EC • o c ..o U o F- V O O F- a) 4: U) 'L Cl) O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w ' _ Xm O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L.a_ ,J C C) . d• O CD•C'•) O M U) a0 • O- U) 0 O L2,to. r ti 1C) 0) CO IC) 0 CD. a) .�.-. N G N E LO 10_1.0 O CO 'V' r LO CC) w U CD• O r1�- co-0) co-tot) v0 O C a) C) 0 c o 0 .S O co 0 •. C c o U o •o w 11) -0 C m c v co IC) UC) >,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0) II) 0 0000 00 00 ' X U o r c1' CD i 0) COO 't 0) 'd' M r N al .... r co rt -a co co co -a- N CO CO C') 0 >+ T C6 '0 r CD CO LC) 1- O) ' CC) N CO '1' a) 'C 'U Q �� CO t3) C'r) � M d- d- CA of CO > a) c LL r r N ep r r r r N r r 4-- c J Cn N". r + r r �r CU (II 2 o y C CA Q R .) N C U Y m E. m - o 0 w E a) Cl) F- Cl) co H a) °" co N O c .o U o .0 a o ° E . m o $• E . c ii °0 0 o 0 0 o r 0 N CD N - E o Q. CD >, .. o M N rr-• V) CO (n C) 'a 7 U In C 2 tR y} u) Q . .a 4) I— C co U CV N o C _ ■w 0 00 m a) C6 W O O r w 0 O O L.{) U ' — o m to 0 a E 0 0:E — v U -a in E U e3 . m o -0 o CALL C U 0m �+ '>_ c . o - g I E CP c to E y o o 0 o m y m p rn m E w m -. _ N LLI • o. tc_, U oMp 0 c E �, ) .n z ca m � � � m U aria � uU) o " m a) a) Z = .Q c1- 0 Q c y c o F- o }- r. c ca w w o 1— I— E-- 0 E� F � U ti {o 2 C9 2 Z 2m' H to s 43 ATTACHMENT#. TO REPORT# - Cal a - • �:� Memo liCet_40E411111111 • To: Tony Prevedel August 15, 2014 Chief Administrative Officer From: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation cITY R OF PICKERIN'G ECEIVED Copy: Director, Corporate Services &City Solicitor AUG 1 6 2014 Division Head, Finance & Treasurer Chief Administrative Officer, Pickering Public Library SUPPLY AND SERVICES Manager, Facilities Operations Manager, Supply & Services • - (Acting) Supervisor, Facilities Operations • Subject: Tender No. T-16-2014 Brick Cladding & Masonry Repairs - File: A-1440-001-14 Overview: The Brick.Cladding & Masonry Repairs at the Central Library and at the Civic Centre were approved in the 2014 Capital Budget in the amount of$192,000.00 and $70,000.00 respectively. Bids have been received and acceptance of the low bid submitted by Brook Restoration Ltd. in the amount of$128,946.45 (HST included) is recommended. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.12, where the compliant quotation or tender meeting specifications and offering best value to the City is acceptable, and the estimated total purchase price is over$75,000.00 and up to $125,000.00, the Manager may approve the award . subject to the approval of the Division Head, Finance &Treasurer and the CAO. Recommendation: 1. That Tender No. T-16-2014 submitted by Brook Restoration Ltd. in-the amount of $128,946.45 (HST included) be accepted; 2. That the total gross project cost of$185,446.00 (HST included) and a net project cost of $167,000.00 (net of HST.rebate) be approved; 3. That the Division Head, Finance &Treasurer be authorized to finance the project in the amount of$167,000.00 as follows: • 44 • • • a. the sum of$116,000.00 by undertaking a five-year internal loan at a rate to be determined for the Central Library component; b. the balance of$432.00 to be funded from property taxes for the Central Library component; c. the sum of$50,568.00 to be funded from Provincial Grant-Investing in Ontario for the Civic Complex component. 4. Further that the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. • Executive Summary: The Central Library and Civic Complex, built in 1990, had remedial exterior envelope repairs • completed in 2013 as Phase One of the recommended work identified in the Genivar Inc. consultants report dated October 14, 2011. Phase Two of the work was approved in the 2014 Capital Budget and was scheduled to be completed in the late summer of 2014. This Tender No. T-16-2014 will complete the outstanding work and complete the remedial work identified in the original report. Bids have been received and acceptance of the low bid in the amount of$128,946.45 (HST included) submitted by Brook Restoration Ltd. is recommended. Financial`Implications: 1. Tender Amount T-16-2014 $114,111.90 HST 13% 14,834.55 Total 128,946.45 2. Estimated Project Cost Summary Central Library Civic Complex Tender Amount T-16-2014 $ 79,559.00 $ 34,553.00 $ 114,112.00 Miscellaneous Costs $ 3,486.00 $ 1,514.00 $ 5,000.00 Consulting Fees $ 17,430.00 • $ 7,570.00 $ 25,000.00 Project Contingency $ 13,944.00 $ 6,056.00 $ 20,000.00 • Total Project Costs $ 114,419.00 $ 49,693.00 $ 164,112.00 HST (13%) 14,874.00 6,460.00 21,334.00 Total Gross Project Cost $ 129,293.00 $ 56,153.00 $ 185,446.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (12,861.00) (5,585.00) (18,446.00) Total Net Project Cost $116,432.00 $50,568.00 $167,000.00 August 15, 2014 Page 2 Tender No. T-16-2014 Brick Cladding & Masonry Repairs at the Central Library & Civic Complex 45 t i • 3. Approved Source of Funds Civic Complex and Library Capital Budget Location Project Code Source of Funds Budget Required Library 5800.1406.6181 Internal Loan 5 year $192,000.00 $116,000.00 5800.1406.6181 Property Taxes $0.00 $432.00 Civic 5700.1401.6250 Prov. Grant— Invest $70,000.00 $50,568.00 Complex in Ontario Total Funds $262,000.00 $167,000.00 Project Cost under (over) approved funds by $95,000.00 Discussion: The Brick Cladding & Masonry Repairs at the Central Library& Civic Complex were approved in the 2014 Capital Budget in the amount of$192,000.00 and $70,000.00 respectively. This project is Phase Two of the project. Phase One was completed in 2013. The Central Library and Civic Complex, built in 1990,,have both experienced masonry problems in the form of delamination of the through wall flashing at lower roof/exterior wall interfaces and around windows. Localized mortar joint repairs, precast stone masonry unit repairs and sealant replacement are also needed to resolve these issues and prevent continuing deterioration. The City of Pickering retained the services of Genivar Inc. to complete an Exterior Wall Investigation and received their report dated October 14, 2011. After reviewing the report, staff accepted the recommendation of Genivar Inc. (now known as WSP Canada Inc.) to implement a phased repair of the areas identified in the report. Phase One was successfully completed in 2013. The remaining work, identified as Phase Two, formed the scope of work of Tender T-16- 2014. • Bids have been received to the tendering call, which closed on Wednesday, August 6, 2014 for the Brick Cladding & Masonry Repairs at the Central Library& Civic Complex. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News and on the City's website. A mandatory site visit was held on Thursday, July 24, 2014 and six bidders attended of which five bidders responded and submitted a tender for this project. The low bid was submitted by Brook Restoration Ltd. August 15, 2014. Page 3 Tender No. T-16-2014 • Brick Cladding & Masonry Repairs at the Central Library & Civic Complex 46 The Health and Safety Policy, Ministry of Labour Awareness Training, Clearance Certificate issued by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), and a current WSIB Workplace • • Injury Summary Report, as submitted by Brook Restoration Ltd. have been reviewed by the Coordinator, Health &Safety and are deemed acceptable. The Certificate of Insurance has been reviewed by the Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit and is deemed acceptable. In conjunction with staffs review of the contractor's previous work experience, check of references and bonding available on this project, the tender is deemed acceptable. • Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received, the Culture & Recreation Department recommends the acceptance of the low bid submitted by Brook Restoration Ltd. for Tender No. T-16-2014 in the amount of$128,946.45 (HST included) and that the total net project cost of$167,000.00 be approved. Attachments: • 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated August 6, 2014 • • • • • • August 15, 2014 Page 4 Tender No. T-16-2014 Brick Cladding & Masonry Repairs at the Central Library & Civic Complex • 47 C 1 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: . Brian J. D ie d. Marisa Carpino, MA Manager,facilities Operations Director, Culture & Rec dr ion Vera A. Felgemacher Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA • C.P.P., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., CMM Ill Division Head, Finance &Treasurer Manager, Supply & Services • Caryn Kong, CPA, CGA Cathy Grant Senior Financial Analyst— Capital Chief Executive Officer, Pickering Public Library & Debt Management 4,„",/gii J Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor :mc • Approval / I °v, Zo r Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer August 15, 2014 Page 5 Tender No. T-16-2014 Brick Cladding & Masonry Repairs at the Central Library & Civic Complex 48 ATTACHMENT#,`TO REPORT# • QV, "CM�. Memo iirAffe_3 1 it1i ' To: Richard Holborn October 2, 2014 Director, Engineering & Public Works From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Bob Kuzma Supervisor, Public Works Administration Subject: Quotation No. Q-42-2014 Quotation for Supply and Delivery of One New Latest Model Year, Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum, Multi Functional Street Sweeper Closing Date: August 26, 2014 - File: F-5300-001 Further to the memo dated September 2, 2014, four quotations proceeded to Stage II of the evaluation process. Stage II consists of a scoring on the basis of the Rated Criteria. Subject to the Terms of Reference and Governing Law, the top-ranked respondent as established under the evaluation will be selected to enter into a contract for the provision of the Deliverables. An Evaluation Committee meeting was held by Public Works staff on Monday, September 29, 2014 and each member of the Evaluation Committee has completed evaluating the two quotations. A combined average score for each quotation was determined, completing Stage II of the evaluation process. Amaco Construction Equipment Inc. is the highest ranking respondent. The total purchase price is $244,279.10, HST extra. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.12 where the compliant quotation or tender meeting specifications and offering best value to the City is acceptable and the total purchase price is over $125,000, the Manager may approve the award, subject to the approval of the Director, Treasurer CAO and Council. An approved "on-line" requisition will be required to proceed after receiving requisite approvals noted above. Please do not disclose pricing to enquiries. Calls can be redirected to Supply & Services. Respondents will be advised of the outcome in due course. If you require further information or assistance, please contact me or a member of Supply & Services. VAFIjg Attachments 49 A f t CI-iIIENT.#-.: TO REPORT#. -1 D -i S` caq = Office of the CACMemo att._ atileC Received O CT 2 1 2014 File Fol■ow l}i., To: Tony Prevedel Mayor Corn Sery Y October 8, 2014 • Chief Administrative Officer Council I C&R _ Directors Eng Services From: Richard Holborn ._ SMT j _-, Oper & Fac Director, Engineering & Public Works _ Clerk ;Corp Services _ Fire Ot`ice Sustain Copy: Division Head, Finance &Treasurer Human Res Plan & Dev Manager, Supply& Services Legal & LS I • (Acting) Manager, Operations & Fleet Services Supervisor, Public Works Administration Subject: Quotation No. Q-42-2014 Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of One New Latest Model Year, Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum, Multi-Functional Street Sweeper File: A-1440 • Overview: The supply and delivery of a new Street Sweeper was approved by Council in.the 2014 Roads Capital Budget. Two quotations were.received and the highest ranking respondent Amaco Construction Inc. in the amount of$244,279.10 (HST extra) is recommended; in accordance with Purchasing Policy, Item 06.12, where the compliant quotation or tender meeting specifications and offering best value to the City is acceptable and the estimated purchase price is over$125,000 the Manager, may approve the award, subject to the approval of the Director, Treasurer, CAO and Council. Recommendation: 1. That Quotation No. Q-42-2014, in the amount of$276,035.38 (HST included) submitted by Amaco Construction.Equipment Inc. be accepted; 2. That the total gross project cost of$276,035.00 (HST included) and the total net project cost of$248,578.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 3. That the Division Head, Finance &Treasurer be authorized to fund the project as follows; a) That the sum of$248,578.00 (including net HST) be funded from the Rate Stabilization reserve (10%) and the DC Roads & Related reserve (90%) as identified in the 2014 Roads Capital budget; and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. • 50 Financial Implications.:- 1. Request foratiotatkons Amount Quotation No :Q-42-2014 Four Wheel;-Pure Vacuum;Multi-Functional Street Sweeper:. _ _ __.. _...._ -...... $244,279.10 HST 13%-""..--: . _ - 31,756.28 Gross Quotation Amount $276,035.38 2. Approved Source of Funds _ • Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum, Multi-Functional Street Sweeper Description . _ Account Code Source of Funds Budget Required Four Wheel, Pure . Vacuum, Multi-Functional 5320.1403.7610 RF DC-Roads & $270,000.00 $223,720.00 Street Sweeper Related 5320.1403.7610 Rate Stabilization 30,000.00 24,858.00 Reserve Total Funds $300,000.00 $248,578.00 3. Estimated Project Cost Summary • Quotation No. Q-42-2014 Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum, Multi-Functional $244,279.00 Street Sweeper HST 13% 31,756.00 Gross Project Cost 276,035.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (27,457.00) Net Project Cost $248,578.00 Project Cost under(over) approved funds by $51,422.00 Discussion: A new, Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum, Multi-Functional Street Sweeper was identified and approved in the 2014 Roads Capital Budget. Specifications for this purchase were based on efficient and effective street sweeper technologies. An advertisement was placed on the,City's website inviting companies to download the quotation document. Two companies responded by the closing date and time. . October 8, 2014 Page 2 of 4 Quotation No. Q-42-2014 - - Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum, Multi-Functional Street 0 Sweeper 51 An Evaluation Committee consisting of Engineering & Public Works staff met on-September 29, 2014 where each committee member evaluated the two quotations. A combined average score for each quotation was determined as part of Stage II of the evaluation process, After careful review of all submissions received, the Evaluation Committee and the Engineering & Public Works Department recommends acceptance of the quotation submitted by Arnaco Construction Equipment in the amount of$276,035.38 (HST included), and that the total net cost for this quotation in the amount of$248,578.00 (including net HST) be approved. • In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 07.01, the Chief Administrative Officer is authorized to act on behalf of Council in approving an award of a project, and the Treasurer is authorized to approve financing for same, during any recess, break or absence of Council on conditions that have been met for this project. Attachments: 1. Supply& Services Memorandum dated October 2, 2014 . Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: / �► •Bob }ku ma, CSCMP,A.M.C.T. Richard HollocIrn, P. Eng. uervisor, Public Works Administration Director, Engineering & Public Works Stan Karwowski, MBA Division Head Head Finance &Treasurer • •'L'Vera A. Felgemathr • C.SCMP, CPPO, CPPB, G.P.M., CMM III Manager, Supply&Services October 8, 2014 Page 3 of 4 Quotation No. Q-42-2014 Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum, Multi-Functional Street Sweeper • 52 Approval I ,;7 ,- 7 z-D 4 c.. Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • • October 8, 2014 Page 4 of 4 Quotation No. Q-42-2014 Four Wheel, Pure Vacuum, Multi-Functional Street • Sweeper 53 aO ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# - , Memo To: Richard Holborn October 30, 2014 Division Head, Engineering & Public Works From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Copy: (Acting) Manager, Municipal Operations & Fleet Services Subject: Quotation No. Q-51-2014 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program Closing Date: October 21, 2014 - File: F-5300-001 Quotations have been received for the above project. An advertisement was posted on the City's website inviting companies to download the quotation document. One post closing addendum was issued. Two companies submitted a quotation for this work. There are 2 stages in the evaluation process which are outlined in Part 2 — Evaluation of Quotations of the quotation document. Stage I, determines which submissions satisfy all the mandatory requirements and provides the companies the opportunity to rectify any deficiencies. None were required. Two quotations will proceed to Stage_II which consists of scoring each qualified quotation on the basis of the rated criteria outlined in Part 2 of the quotation document. Health & Safety documentation has been reviewed by the Coordinator, Health & Safety and a score out of 8 points has been applied to the evaluation form. Insurance documentation has been reviewed by the Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit and a score out of 2 points has been applied to the evaluation form. Pricing has been evaluated and a score out of 30 points has been applied to the evaluation form. Please refer to Part 2, Item 2.2.4, Page 6 for instructions on how each of the quotations are to be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee members. The following list of attachments has been provided to assist the committee members in completing the evaluations: 1. Stage II — Evaluation of Rated Criteria; 2. Evaluation Form (to be used by Evaluation Committee Members); 3. Copies of the quotations received; and 4. Copy of Request for Quotation Document. Please co-ordinate an appropriate date and time to arrange a meeting for the evaluation committee. Each member should review the submissions carefully according to the criteria before the meeting time. 54 • Request for Quotation for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program Q-51-2014 Stage II - Evaluation of Rated Criteria Stage II will consist of a scoring on the basis of the Rated Criteria. Subject to the Terms of Reference and Governing Law, the top-ranked respondent as established under the evaluation will be selected to enter into a contract for the provision of the Deliverables. The selected respondent will be expected to enter into a contract within the timeframe specified in the selection notice. Failure to do so may, among other things; result in the disqualification of the respondent and the selection of another respondent, or the cancellation of the RFQ. The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the RFQ. • 2.2 Mandatory Requirements 2.2.1 Submission and Rectification Date Other than inserting the information requested on the mandatory submission forms set out in the quotation, a respondent may not make any changes to any of the forms. Respondents submitting quotations that do not meet the mandatory requirements will be provided an opportunity prior to the Rectification Date to rectify any deficiencies. 2.2.2 Quotation Form Each quotation must include a Quotation Form (Appendix B) completed and signed by the respondent. • 2.2.3 Other Mandatory Criteria The Company shall submit a list of tentative sub-contractors (Appendix G) that may be used to supplement their own forces in performance of the work. The City reserves the right to review and approve each sub-contractor. Sub-contractors not approved by the City will not be permitted to perform work on City property in fulfillment of this Contract. The Company shall submit the following documents with their quotation submission: (a) a copy of the City's Health & Safety Policy Regulations form currently signed and dated (form attached); (b) a copy of the current Workplace Injury Summary Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Workplace Injury Summary Report, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (c) a copy of the current Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (d) Provide a signed and dated Ministry of Labour-Worker/Supervisor Safety Awareness training certificate (information regarding this request is available at http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/hs/training/index.php); and (e) a certificate of insurance completed by the Company's agent, broker or insurer (City form is attached). 2.2.4 Rated Criteria Price and Non-Price Factors 55 Stage II will consist of an evaluation of the quotation to determine the high score based on the following criteria: Rated Criteria Category W(Peighting -. oints) Price 30 • Vehicles and Equipment 10 Reference Checks 10 Health & Safety Documentation 10 Total Points 60 • Price Evaluation = 30 Points Each respondent will receive a percentage of 30 of the total possible points allocated to the price by dividing that respondent's average total—Appendix B, Schedule A (Year 1 +Year 2 + Year 3) plus Average Total—Appendix B, Schedule B (Year 1 + Year 2 +Year 3) from the lowest Average Total —Appendix B, Schedule A (Year 1 + Year 2 +Year 3) plus Average Total Appendix B, Schedule B (Year 1 +Year 2 +Year 3) submitted by any respondent and multiplying by the total available points allocated to Price. In the event of a tie score, the selected respondent will be determined in accordance with the City's Purchasing Procedures. Vehicles and Equipment= 10 Points All proposed vehicles and equipment to be used on this project as stated in Appendix D —Vehicle and Equipment List are considered acceptable to the City. Lower scores will be assigned to Companies relying on aged equipment, or lacking the diversity of equipment required to best perform the full scope of work identified herein. Reference Checks = 10 Points The City will verify some or all of the listed references, at its discretion, in order to assess satisfaction with services provided. Similarity in scope and value of listed references will be considered. Past performance on work performed for the City of Pickering will be given consideration for scoring in this category. Health & Safety Documentation = 10 Points All health & safety documentation and Insurance certificate stated in Item D, Other Mandatory Requirements, provided, current and valid. 2.2.5 Reference Form (Appendix C) Each respondent must complete the Reference Form (Appendix C) and include it with the quotation submission. 2.2.6 Appendix D — Equipment List(Appendix D) Each respondent must complete the Equipment List (Appendix D) and include it with the quotation submission. 56 2.2.7 Appendix E — Certificate of Insurance Each respondent must provide a certificate of insurance completed by the Company's agent, broker or insurer and include it with the quotation submission. 2.2.8 Appendix F — Health and Safety Regulations Each respondent must provide a copy of the City's Health & Safety Policy Regulations form currently signed and dated and include it with the quotation submission. • • • • • 57 M. To c- o a CD. E ca L O C) L a co CO N C W a) I0 cn = E =`oo m ca ea = = a) CD a) v1 C) ;;? a +, I 0 :-: a - a - .0 Cu = CO_ a) a a) co 0 4 t - C Y .0 :I"' U) i O N a) -n. L c ° E tV c ra N C O O _s) i U. V) O a Cr - - C C co 0 . ca 7 N -- c E u) Ti d Q �O: O W v .3 a• :c" a o 'c a) W r v) - C d a a 7 M . L a) E co a) Z d 'a I CL o C U (B C - -o > co U a) N a): C O J _ a> J `C E W _$ co CO O -2 - - CO O > D) a) L C C 0 co w . E E O• U 58 ATTACHMENT# 6r TO REPORT# PIA! 03-i5 • _ Memo itortnimEl • To: Richard Holborn October 31, 2014 • Director, Engineering & Public Works • • From: Vera A. Felgemacher - Manager, Supply & Services • Copy: (Acting) Manager, Municipal Operations & Fleet Services • Subject: Quotation No. Q-51-2014 Quotation for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program - File: F-5300-001 Further to the memo dated October 30, 2014, two quotations proceeded to Stage II of the evaluation process. Stage II consists of a scoring on the basis of the Rated Criteria. Subject to the Terms of Reference and Governing Law, the top scoring respondent as established under the evaluation will be selected to enter into a contract for the provision of the Deliverables. An Evaluation Committee meeting was held by City staff on Friday, October 31, 2014 and each member of the Evaluation Committee has completed evaluating the two quotations. A combined average score for each quotation was determined, completing Stage II of the evaluation process. Gray's Landscaping & Snow Removal Inc. is the highest ranking respondent. The estimated Year 1 cost for the Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program is expected to exceed $125,000.00, HST extra. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.12 where the compliant quotation or tender meeting specifications and offering best value to the City is acceptable and the total purchase price is over $125,000, the Manager may approve the award, subject to the approval of the Director, Treasurer CAO, and Council. Refer to Item 07.01 of the Purchasing Policy for approvals during Council recess. An approved "on-line" requisition will be required to proceed after receiving requisite approvals noted above. Extending the blanket order for Year 2 and Year 3 is not automatic and is subject to satisfactory service and performance evaluations. Please do not disclose pricing to enquiries. Calls can be redirected to Supply & Services. Resp dents will be advised of the outcome in due course. If you require further information or assist nce, please contact me or a member of Supply &Services. 4 VAFTjg • Attachments - 59 . in • o v v = . m v �,. o 5' n o C) - m CA 0 C 3 (Q' < o n) o c . cn. IQ CD � 4 3 v 4P 0' = Ep n o 0 CD c0 5 Q- c a) . 5 = N (D CQ -I- rt CD Q° o • 0 c o m m CD o �' o 3 3 c CT 3 °)*. o 4j C 3 Cl) -10 0 0 0 • 3 rn o 0 3 C 3 3 rt c ca . % CD 1 0•CD cD c Ao . 3 � c N.0 3 IV N N O rr % (D ''' 0 CA) CD A) < CD K ca C) . cu o CD 0 . 3 3 CD N m 3 0 Cn rt. o CD . . m ca • C) CD • ID -, —I 3� a 0 cQ O a, - . 0 . c0 a) • 3 71 . a) r. a) LI • CD 2, , ..i 60 • ;TTACHMENT#--Z._TC REPORT#Ii& 3-l� s (';tq ° . - :-Eti=vgititri.7! ,�JIt41 [ Memo To: Tony Prevedel November 4, 2014 Chief Administrative Officer From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering& Public Works Copy: Division Head, Finance &Treasurer Manager, Supply &Services Supervisor, Parks Operations Supervisor, Public Works Administration • Subject: Quotation No. Q-51-2014 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program File: A-1440 Overview Council approved by Resolution 283/14, Report PW-03-14 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works requesting an expansion of the 2014-2015 Seniors & Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program, from 350 to 375 participants to accommodate program growth and residents in the Hamlets of Brougham, Claremont, Greenwood, and Whitevale. At the time of the report, staff were unable to confirm the number of participants. Registration took place from September 10, 2014 to October 24, 2014, resulting in 440 approved applications. A lottery system was to take place in order to bring the applications down to 375, but staff are recommending that all 440 applications be approved, which is an increase of 65 applications. Quotation Q-51-2014 closed on October 21, 2014 and two companies submitted a quotation by the closing date and time. An evaluation committee consisting of the Director, Engineering & Public Works, Supervisor, Public Works Administration, Foreperson, Parks Operations'and Buyer, Supply & Services met on Friday, October 31, 2014 to review and evaluate the submissions. A combined average score for each quotation was determined as part of Stage II of the evaluation process. The highest ranking respondent was Gray's Landscaping & Snow Removal Inc. Year 1 of a 3- year quotation for the winter season (November 2014—April 2015) is expected to exceed $125,000.00, HST extra, based on increasing the number of applications to 440. In accordance with Purchasing Policy, Item 06.12, where the compliant quotation or tender meeting. specifications and offering best value to the City is acceptable or where the highest scoring proposal is recommended and the estimated total purchase price is over$125,000.00, the Manager, may approve the award, subject to the approval of the Director, Treasurer, CAO and 61 • Council. During Council recess, the Chief Administrative Officer is authorized to act on behalf of Council in approving an award of a project, and the Treasurer is authorized to approve financing for same, during any recess, break or absence of Council. Financial Implications The cost to expand the snow clearing program to the Hamlets and increase the number of approved applications to 440 is expected to exceed $125,000.00, HST extra, in year 1 of a 3-year contract. Funding for this program is provided for in the Property Maintenance,account 2132.2482.0000 of the current,budget. The Engineering and Public Works Department is recommending that an increase in funding be included in the 2015 budget to accommodate all 440 applicants. Staff have also increased the estimated number of snow fall events requiring services to reflect the average number of snowfalls over the past two years. It is estimated that the program funding requirements will increase by approximately 12% to meet the additional needs, as well as the projected increase in winter snow events. As previously indicated, staff are exploring the possibility of including a pay for service program for the 2015/2016 season program, and will be providing a report for Council's consideration prior to the 2015 budget process and be proposed in the 2015 Summary of Fees & Charges to be in effect for the 2015/2016 program. Recommendations After careful review of all submissions received, the Evaluation Committee and the Engineering & Public Works Department recommends acceptance of the quotation submitted by Gray's Landscaping &Snow Removal Inc. for Quotation No. Q-51-2014 for year 1 of the 3-year Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated October 31, 2014 November 4, 2014 Page 2 of 3 Quotation No. Q-51-2014 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program . • 62 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: • •1;.?/ , �, i _ _ Richrd Holbo'r'n, P. Eng. Stan Karwowski, MBA CPA, CMA Director, Engineering & Public Works Division Head, Finance &Treasurer -3l Vera Felgemacher CSCMP, CPPO, CPPB, CPM, CMM HI • Manager, Supply & Services • RH:ds Approval Tony PrevgeI�P' �Chief Administrative Officer • • • November 4, 2014 Page 3 of 3 Quotation No. Q-51-2014 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program 63