HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 22-14 (';',1 Report to Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PLN 22-14 Date: December 8, 2014 • From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Bell Mobility 2315—2345 Liverpool Road • (Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Retreat Centre) • Installation #48 Recommendation: 1. That Bell Mobility be advised that City Council does not object to the revised proposal for a 35.0 metre high telecommunication tower installation to be located at 2315 —2345 Liverpool Road, based on the design and other details submitted with the revised application. Executive Summary: Bell Mobility has submitted a revised proposal to construct a 35.0 metre high telecommunication tower disguised as a tree on the Manresa Spiritual Jesuit Retreat Centre lands located at 2315 —2345 Liverpool Road. Bell Mobility has completed their public consultation process in accordance with the City's Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna System Protocol (Cell Tower Protocol). The notification radius was expanded beyond the required minimum radius to include additional properties along Abbey Road, Rigby Drive, Madonna Court and Halsey Lane. The applicant has advised that no formal public comments have been received and are requesting that City Council provide a statement of concurrence in support of the installation. City staff are supportive of the proposed installation. The proposed tower will have minimal visual impact on the community, minimizes disruption to natural features, is not located in proximity to incompatible or sensitive land uses, and is located with appropriate setbacks and screened from Liverpool Road. Staff recommends that Bell Mobility be advised that Council does not object to the proposed telecommunication tower to be located at 2315—2345 Liverpool Road, based on the design and other details submitted with the revised application. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 1 Report PLN 22-14 December 8, 2014 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation Page 2 Background 1.1 Property Description The subject property is located at the north limit of Liverpool Road within the Liverpool Neighbourhood. The lands are owned by the Jesuit Fathers of Upper Canada and is currently used as a spiritual retreat facility. The proposed telecommunication tower will be located at the northeast portion of the property (see Location Map, Attachment#1). The subject property is designated as "Urban Residential — Low Density Areas" in the City's Official Plan, and zoned '1(R)' — Religious Retreat Facility by Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 3456/90. The installation of a telecommunication tower is permitted under the public utilities exemption in Zoning By-law 3036. 1.2 Applicant's Original Proposal In July 2012, Bell Mobility submitted an application to the City Development Department to construct a 45.0 metre high monopole telecommunication tower on the Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Retreat property. Staff, in consultation with the Ward 2 Councillors, requested that Bell Mobility expand the proposed notification area to ensure adequate notice was provided to the community. This request was not supported by the applicant, and the applicant circulated the proposal in accordance with Industry Canada's protocol. As a result, only two neighbouring properties (Hydro One and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority) received mail notification. A newspaper ad was also placed in the Pickering News Advertiser. • In response to this public notification process, the applicant received two verbal comments and two written letters from area residents indicating their objection to the proposed telecommunication tower. The objections were based on concerns with potential health effects and the visual impact of the proposed tower. At the completion of the public consultation, City staff and the Ward Councillors maintained their concern with the limited notification given for the original proposal, and repeated the request to expand the notification area. 1.3 Applicant's Revised Proposal Following discussions with City staff and the Ward Councillors in July 2014, Bell Mobility revised their proposal to reduce the height of the tower to 35.0 metres and amend the design to disguise the tower as a tree. The location of the proposed tower was not changed. The tower and ground cabinet will be located in a fenced compound area measuring approximately 6.0 metres by 10.0 metres. Access to the compound is proposed by extending the existing internal gravel driveway at the north limit of the site (see Submitted Plan, Submitted Elevation and Compound Plan, and Photographic Simulation, Attachments #2, #3 and #4). 2 Report PLN 22-14 December 8, 2014 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation Page 3 2. Comments Received 2.1 Expanded Public Notification of the revised proposal has been completed In support of the revised proposal, Bell Mobility expanded the public notification at the City's request, beyond Industry Canada's minimum required radius, to include residents along Abbey Road, Rigby Drive, Madonna Court and Halsey Lane. A total of 117 property owners and agencies were notified by mail. The applicant has confirmed that no public comments were received as a result of the notification for the revised proposal (see Applicant's Public Consultation Summary Report, Attachment#5). The applicant has confirmed that the public consultation process has been completed in accordance with the City's Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems Protocol (Cell Tower Protocol). 2.2 City Departments &Agency Comments Engineering & Public Works • no objections to the proposed tower Toronto and Region • no objections to the proposal Conservation Authority V 3. Planning Analysis 3.1. The proposed telecommunication tower may accommodate co-location of an additional carrier The applicant has confirmed that there are no existing cell towers in the immediate area that would be potential candidates for co-location.with Bell Mobility. Hydro One no longer permits the location of cell tower equipment on their towers due to liability concerns about site installation and maintenance. The proposed tower is designed as a co-location site that may accommodate an additional carrier, subject to structural review as the tree design is subject to wind shear and ice loading from the branches. However, the applicant has advised that co-location on this tower may detract from the disguise of this tower. 3.2 The proposed tower location and design is acceptable The proposed 35.0 metre high tower has been designed to look like a tree. The antennas are hidden behind the branches to blend in with the existing natural vegetation as much as possible, to minimize the visual appearance of the tower. 3 Report PLN 22-14 December 8, 2014 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation Page 4 • The site where the tower and compound area is to be located is within an open area surrounded by existing trees and does not require the removal of any mature trees. The proposed equipment shelter is a metal clad building surrounded by a security fence and screened by existing trees surrounding the compound. The proposed tower will not affect the current use of the property and will have minimal impact on the surrounding community. The proposal has been circulated and reviewed in accordance with the City's Cell Tower Protocol, and is now before Council for consideration. Staff recommend that City Council approve the recommendation in this report as the proposed installation has minimal visual impacts, minimizes disruption to natural features, is not located in proximity to incompatible or sensitive land uses, and is located with appropriate setbacks and screening from the surrounding neighbourhood. . Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Submitted Plan 3. Submitted Elevation and Compound Plan 4. Photographic Simulation 5. Applicant's Public Consultation Summary Report Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: -0110.1, Tyler Bar.= - Catherine Rose, MCIP, "PP Sent.r Plan -r — Site Planning Chief Planner • Nilesh Surd, MCIP, RPP Thomas Melym k, M RPP Manager, Development Review Director, City Develoriment & Urban Design TB:Id Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Council / Wdtt. 241 ZO 4 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 4 ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT h PLti 22-iq II I w o at,. 1111 - III%1 I 1 1 a I PROPOSED III 35m O TELECOMMUNICAT/ N lioreiii pm == � TOWER r ROAD 611.1 'I 1411111 0 IRIGBY DRIVE �� OEM MI1111111 k s 9�!1!RNA Olt �, larija .' CRT ♦ r 0 11111 r` ' HALSEY LANE WOOD CI!, : i1 o � PINE RIDGE OOURT - ,,t•iuilk �a SECONDARY SCHOOL *111 EftRO coRRIDoR iIVttIup HY DR BEVERLEY MORGAN —� FIELDSTON ►►► J PA RK EN== E BRAMBC�,D 11111 ut' n ►ilr _ S J FOREST GLEN Iligan,„ N/\ ( Location Map C o1 - FILE No:Installation #48 ' ' APPLICANT: Bell Mobility PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:Con 2, N Pt Lot 22, 23 &Pt Road Allowance City Development Between Lot 22, 23, Part 1, 40R-12973 DATE: July 25,2014 Department D,�a �� _ B Terpne! nerprisee Inc. and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a plan of survey. SCALE 1:5,000 PN-7 ®2013 MPAC and its suppliers. All nghte Reserved. Not a plan of Survey. 5 ATTACHMENT# 2 TO REPORT # 244 22-/6/ -- i ---- ..„......- 1 -- ----- ----- -- - ,...*** .. .0 ......., 11 % PROPOSED 35m TELECOMMUNICATION ; ■ TOWER ■ I I ■ r,'-' : ■ sai .u. 1 a ..„., --) / ■ ■ t lieZtr lllllllllllllll 1 ,- It . o'...llllllllll 1. 011 , ,, ----------'7 ,':- ,• , ------- ----- ., t : i I ..,....., \._ .. 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Al Submitted Elevation and Compound Plan Citi 00 FILE No: Installation #48 _ � APPLICANT: Bell Mobility WCIIMUNIZIC PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Con 2, N Pt Lot 22, 23 & Pt Road Allowance City Development Between Lot 22, 23, Part 1, 40R-12973 Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: Nov. 12, 2014 7 ATTACHMENT#7'_ ____1TO REPORT # P2.. -I + � _ L .'-'. •V , ..t: III c t-4,..., . Q 4_. Y • r *s �. • C r5 +1 O rs - a : . • , a Ill ,5j L I L c a v p Q e cu CC -T _4 o �z �-'q M ry N Z ° O t L C Q�/) �L , O V , • .. N CC a DA' O O 0 _ a CC � F £. O y„ L n3 > k' T . 8- a, ._ .:..., . 2— Iti 11'1 0.x . N NI M — e N 01 s tD 'e. 01 • CLIf M 1•; . 0 a F- .4 C See O L 41 O Z 0 a . O•� m m 7 g 0 Q N D` G C OJ cc II: 3 U' U.. CL 0 c a z LLI 2 , O O 1C cir., . p O 4 = w 8 =rk;cHmENT To R=FC�;t HyA,ZZ:„ / • Public Consultation Summary Report Prepared for the City of Pickering Bell Mobility's Proposed Monopine Tower and Wireless Telecommunications Facility 2325 Liverpool Road, Pickering, Ontario . W3961 August 21, 2014 9 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT AN 22—/4t 30 East Beaver Creek,Suite 104 Bdi CCe' Richmond Hill,ON,L4B 1 J2 FONTUR Phone: (647)701-4576 Email: shehryar.khan @fonturintemational.com August 21,2014 Tyler Barnett,Senior Planner City Development Department City of Pickering Re:Public Consultation Summary for proposed telecommunication tower W3961-2325 Liverpool Road,Pickering,Ontario Mr. Barnett, Please be advised that the public commenting period for the proposed Bell telecommunication tower at 2325. Liverpool Road has concluded. Throughout the commenting period starting July 29, 2014 and ending August 18,2014,zero comments from the public were received. We believe that Bell Mobility has demonstrated that the proposed wireless telecommunication facility meets the language and intent of Industry Canada's guideline document CPC 2-0-03. In terms of our circulation to the City,we feel that all technical concerns and requirements received through and after the circulation have been addressed and no outstanding issues remain. We feel that our proposal does not impede on the use and enjoyment of surrounding land uses. Bell Mobility believes it has completed the consultation process in accordance with Industry Canada's and the City of Pickering standards, and respectfully asks that the City of Pickering issue a statement of concurrence. If you have any questions or you require any further information,please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, • /r r Shehryar Khan FONTUR International Inc. On Contract to Bell Mobility Inc. Introduction • 10 • ATTACHMENT# 5 TO REPORT#' P2/4122- The following report is a summary of the most recent public circulation undertaken by Bell Mobility Inc. regarding a proposed 35.0-metre Monopine(tree-style)telecommunication tower at 2325 Liverpool Road. Since this time,a public circulation and consultation has been undertaken in accordance with the City of Pickering's established telecommunication tower facility policy document. Public Notification The public was notified of the proposed tower in accordance with the City's Consultation Process and Industry Canada's CPC 2-0-03.Accordingly,residents and property owners within an expanded radius were sent an information brochure via regular mail(Appendix A)that arrived on or before July 29,2014. A total of 117 property owners/agencies were contacted(Appendix B). Conclusion As the public comment period has expired and that the public has not voiced objection to this installation,Bell Mobility is formally requesting that the City of Pickering formally acknowledge this report as the conclusion of consultation procedures for this telecommunication tower and issue a letter of concurrence. Should you have any further questions or concerns pertaining to the consultation process associated with this proposal please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Shehryar Khan FONTUR International Inc. On Contract to Bell Mobility Inc. • 11 ' ATTACHMENT#_ 5 TO • REPORT# all L2-/`L .._,_. • Appendix A-Public Notification Brochure (Side 1) N.:, •. l� ti • 3 ' -c ! ,, '` -I- p ao 0 4'• a a © 4 0 �' '4'ti M O N 0. o z O GUI N 1 t t_ ';.A m e`er r • ,l •.w ° C m O U UFO 7p m� ,o • 0 • u $ EN v — - F aE ? �� _a m U`° 0 m m °1 • ° O N - 7 ° w O v v > un m ill `m ' ti 2v 'Oa O U c 6,E 02 ° ; H mQ F I; U 7 ° . mo m a 0 . a .,2_,,,; 0 ° 8�� c L o °.6 iPri o L l O iiid ` ° i V a {0wi °.'. „^ oE ca+ o] oo,nom /O mo o 0Edm mu -°y 0._ F- . - c H Rb 1mLL in • t_ olm u� • o m m rno d'c o@ 2 n.m=a c of° :cm � m °LE 0 c� u0 ] 0- 0 3= Q 0 °mE �2o . om ° hm?.a>.uc mm ' 8,00213E 3E c • m u= oa=° ` 8 m o c ° u0 220 ?— � a N c U �m 4 O m -B24 < 15 T* `p 2] 0 ° y o r c ` i v 5.22 — v°•o o 0z0 Qi qo oo m ° 0= o m us m o v °U 0 U R c G c : U Ea,° F z o a's c ^aa" 0 .P? mm tomo m a a F so-o - o U C ° >°Q W 0o ° m - � F o, m E i REPOT. 11 Pu4 22-14 Appendix A-Public Notification Brochure ig11221 c 7 O 0 u o E U 3 = o 2L3-6 - O O v m o O r m e V -. i. r.;- . • m $ Ow 2 c m y H m m a- F 0 r. • y ° b � �E. 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Appendix B-Public Mailing List • IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NE*I.B0URHOOD YOUR NEIIIEOUR.1i•DOD - 020017104020000 020017104010000 JOHN CAMPBELL MCCOLLUM KENNETH BOUCHARD NANCY JEAN MCCOLLUM 1240 ABBEY RD 1242 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1V5 PICKERING ON L1X 1W2 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN 020017104030000 YOUR NE.SOURHOOD STUART CAMERON LAWRENCE 020017104040000 1289 ABBEY RD BRENDA LOUISE MCDONALD 1287 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1W5 PICKERING ON L1X 1W5 IMPORTANT NOT=REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TIMER IN 'YOUR NEiStMOURH000 YOUR NEIGM1600Ps400D 020017104060000 020017104050000 FAITH ELLEN WILLIAMS ROY EMIL KORPI PAUL VICTOR WILUAMS 1285 ABBEY RD 1283 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1W5 PICKERING ON L1X 1W5 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDS*PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGNEOUPi000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN 020017104070000 YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD VICTORIA KAVARATZIS 020017104080000 GEORGE KAVARATZIS KEITH HERBERT WARD ABBEY 1279 ABBY RD 281 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON LIX 1W5 PICKERING ON L1X 1W5 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD YOUR NEIGI50URHOO.O 020017104090000 020017104100000 CHRISTOPHER BOERS BOGOS ZOMBOGIAN MELISSA PILON BOERS DONNA LIZA HIDALGO 1277 ABBEY RD 1275 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON LIX 1W5 PICKERING ON L1X 1W5 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD YOUR NEIGh3OURHI OD 020017104110000 020017104120000 MIHAI CATALIN HRISTEA GORAN VRAGOVIC LAVINIA LARISA HRISTEA JANET BRUCH 1273 ABBEY RD 1271 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1W5 PICKERING ON L1X 1W4 IMPORTANT NOTICE RECAP-ING PROPOSED RADIO COMMIX/CATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIG.BOUIIN00D YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD 020017104130000 02001710414000D DONALD WILSON ANN MARIE SONI 1269 ABBEY RD ' 1267 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1W4 PICKERING ON L1X 1W4 • 14 ATT,AcHmENT T `�L..✓ ."�O P=Dvll`�A' �' Pmt 7 Z . .. IMPORTANT NOTICE R=GAR D:NG PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNCATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIONEOWE l0OD YOUR NE}Gt2OURH0O0 020017104150000 02001710416000D NELSON RALPH CHRISTO JOHN BORGES GOMES 1265 ABBEY RD 1263 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON LIX 1W4 PICKERING ON LIX 1W3 IMPORTANT NOTICE F€GAROWE PROPOSED RAMO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD IMPORTANT NOTICE REEARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN 0200171041700W YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD STANLEY JOHN ANDREWS 020017104180000 STANLEY ANDREWS DEBORAH CRAIG 1259 ABBEY RD 1261 ABBEY RD PIGICERI PICKERING ON L1X 1W3 t+IG ON L1X 1W3 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RAE}7O COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IIiPORTANY NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO C MMUNIC,ATION TOWER Lit YOURN 1710 UP:'100D YOUR NEIGOOURHOOD D200177{1419000D 020017104200600 R JAYAKULASINGHAM MICHAEL JOHN MUGAN KARTHIKA VISAKAARUNANTHA 1255 ABBEY RD 1257 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1W3 PICKERING ON L1X 1W3 IMPORTANT NOTICE FAG-AI: 'IG PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGNSOUF110011 YOUR NE}II CURHOC-D 020017104210000 020017104220000 BARBARA BROWNLEE PATTI-JEAN MATHEIS 1253 ABBEY RD 1251 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1W3 PICKERING ON L1X 1W3 • IMPORTANT NOTICE ICE FEG4F&IFIG PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTY'=REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER LY YOUR NEEIGYBOURIIOOD YOUR NE:GFEOURH00D 020017104220000 0220017104230000 HARALD WILHELM MATHEIS HEATHER ANN PHILLIPS 1251 ABBEY RD 1249 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1W3 PICKERING ON L1X IW3 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RACED COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIL OURH00D YOURNEIC-N5OURi000 020017104256000 020017104240000 RONALD JACOB VAN DER WEES MARGARET ELIZABETH LOVE JANET MARGARET VAN DER WEES 1247 ABBEY RD 1245 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1VN3 PICKERING ON L1X 1W2 • • IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NMO.N OURN000 YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD 020017104260000 020017104270000 P1 ERR ROBERT CHARLEBOIS ROY STANLEY LODER 1243 ABBEY RD 1241 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON LIX 1W2 PICKERING ON L1X 1V6 • 15 l" !!L HI.,MNT pliv REpopl • • IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWUI IN _ YOUR NNSISCURY.00D YOUR NEIGIIEOURNOOD i}20017104290 020017104280000 WALTER MUFTI FR STEVE BRYAN IRENE MARGARETE MUELLER 1280 ABBEY RD 1278 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON LIX 1W4 PICKERING ON L1X 1W4 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TD1YcR IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR RE}3Ii OURH00D YOUR NEIGHBDUIDI00D 020017104310000 020017104300000 GEORGE FOTOPOULOS RONDA MARIE COOKE JANICE MACDONALD-FOTOPOULOS 1276 ABBEY RD 1270 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1W4 PICKERING ON L1X 1W4 IMPORTANT NOTICE R=G.4/RIDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TO ER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TDl"!ERIN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD YOUR NE HSOURHDOD 0200171043200013 020017104330000 THOMAS NORMAN SKINNER LYNDAANN BELL GAYNOR SKINNER 1262 ABBEY RD 1264 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON LIX 1W2 PICI:ERING ON L1X 1W2 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TONER IN YOUR TNEIS}INOURHDOD YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD• 020017104350000 020017104340000 WARREN ELDER • CAROL AMC) PARTHENA ELDER 1250 ABBEY RD 1248 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON LIX 1W2 PICKERING ON L1X 1W2 • IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RAD70 COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEFSISOURHDOD YOUR NEIGIIEDURH000 020017106020000 020017104360000 ROBERT CRAIG OLDMAN PETER MICHAEL REGAN MONICA CHRISTINE OLDMAN 1246 ABBEY RD 1238 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON L1X 1W2 PICKERING ON L1X 1V3 IMPORTANT NOTICE IEGARING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOUR-100D YOUR NEIWFEOURH000 020017106040000 020017106060000 LAURIE JEAN TAYLOR COLIN NEIL BATES 1234 RIGBY DR 1232 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON L1X 1V3 PICKERING ON L1X 1V3 IMaPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGAR NG PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEI3IIIOURIi000 YOURPGIWIBOLIRII0DD 020017106100000 • 020017106080000 HENRY EUGENE SLACZKA CHRISTOPHER VAN STEEN ALICIA E SLACZKA 1230 RIGBY DR 1228 RIGBY DR PUCKERING ON L1X 1V3 PICKERING ON L1X 1V3 • • 16 REPO R1 ;fir /N22-/S! IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDE4G PROPOSED RAM)COMMUNICATION TOWER IN DWORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIL 1EDURi1ODO YOUR NE}GIW OURH0OD 020017105120000 02001710614000D • MURRAY WAYNE HAUCH BRADLEY JAMES GATES 1226 RIGBY DR 1224 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON L1X 1V6 PICKERING ON L1X 1V6 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNIZATION TOWER IN fIFPORTAN?WOT�c REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO C6hiMUNiOATION TOWER IN YOUR 0200 NEIGHBOURHOOD 706160 - YOUR NEGFWOURHOOD 02aat710616000D 020)17106180000 • GREGORY SZABO SUE DIAMOND-GARDNER GILLIAN SZABO 1220 RIGBY DR 1222 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON L1X 1VB • PICKERING ON LUX 1V6 IMPORTS NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADA)COMMUNICATION TO ER IN YOUR NE GFOOURNOOD YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD 020017106260300 020017106240000 CATHERINE CORMAN AILEEN KERR MURPHY PAUL NA71E1T • 1214 RIGBY DR 1212 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON L1X 1V6 PICKERING ON L1X 1V6 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RAM COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOME REGARDING PROPOSE)RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGNEDURN000 YOUR NEI IOURHOOD 02001710628000D 020017106300000 BRIAN GORDON DONAHUE GREGORY VAN SICKLE AUDREY DONAHUE SHELLEY VAN SICKI F 1210 RIGBY DR 1208 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON L1X 1V6 PICKERING ON L1X 1V6 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGAWENNG PROPOSED RAM COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE=REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOURNEIGNEOURN000 YOUR NE}Gh3OURHDOD 020017106320000 020017106340000 KUEI-MEI L[U KIRK MARK CHIEN SHENG HSU MARSHA MARK 1205 RIGBY DR - 1204 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON LUX 1V6 PICKERING ON L1X IVs IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURNNODD IMPORTANT Nonce REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN 020017106360000 YOUR NE}GFSOURROOD GERARD JOHN DINNEEN 020017106380000 NICOLE SEGGS ROBERT PAUL OLDMAN 1200 RIGBY DR 1202 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON L1X 1V6 PICKERING ON L1X 1V6 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARD=PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN • YO•JRNEIGII&OUF3i000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN 020017106420000 YOUR NEIGHBOURH000 DENISE GILBRIDE 020017106440000 KEVIN GILBRIDE JOHN TODD FINLAYSON 1236 ABBEY RD 1234 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON LAX 1V5 PICKERING ON L1X 1 V5 • 17 i l IFl.il{:4',1i_�1 i 71..v_v`r, "•� (-EN IM_ORTANT NOTYDE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATON TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARIING PROPOSED RADIO COMM/MCA-DON TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD 020017106480000 020017106460000 GORDON THOMAS HAVERLUCK . 1232 WILUAM PHILIP COX WENDY ELIZABETH HAVERLUCK 1232 ABBEY RD 1230 ABBEY RD • PICKERING ON L1X 1V5 PICKERING ON L1X 1V5 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TON?IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PR'OPOSr-1c RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD YOUR NEIO DURNOOD 020017106500000 020017106520000 ALLAN S 6 ht'HEN HOPKIRK RONALD N KINGSMAN 1228 ABBEY RD 1226 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1W PICKERING ON L1X 1V7 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARaDBIG PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TONER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION TOWER IN 0200171 06540000 YOUR NEIL=IIDURH000 EVDOKIA EFFIE V1DINOVSw 020017106560000 ROBERT VE VIDIN Ki SUSAN MARGARET MATHIESON 1224 VIDINRD 1222 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1V7 PICKERING ON L1X 1V7 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEISl--CURHOOD YOUR NEIGHBDUFDIDOD 020017105600000 020017106580000 BARRY THOMAS ROBINSON JOHN FRANCIS DE GRUCHY JANET CATH{ARINE ROBINSON 1220 ABBEY RD 1218 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1V7 PICKERING ON L1X 1V9 IMPORTANT NOTICE R`=GARO'.1IG PROPOSED ROM COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOME REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBDURII00D YOUR NEI I-SOURN000 020017106620000 020017106620000 - RAYMOND JOHN MACINNIS DIANE JEWEL MACINNIS 1216 ABBEY RD 1216 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1V9 PICKERING ON L1X 1V9 -IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARD NG PROPOSED RAOI3.COMMUNICATION Tax-R IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGII500R IDOD YOUR NEISEROURHOOD 020017106660000 020017106680000 MARK STEPHEN CLARKSON MARK WILLIAM VAN ROOY 1214 ABBEY RD 1212 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1V9 PICKERING ON L1X 1V9 • • IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEERIDURNOOD YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD 020017106720000 020017106700000 VANESSA PASSARELLO PAUL PAPAKONSTAN11NOU • ALEXANDER CALKO 1210 ABBEY RD 1208 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1V9 PICKERING ON L1X 1V9 18 • • • TO =pci2 . Dui a :% • • RPORTANT NOTCE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE GAROWE PROPOSED RADIO COMMI.}YICATION TOWER IN YOUR NE/G EiOURHOOc1 YOUR N G:-IEDURHOOO 020017106760000 020017106740000 NADIM MUGI-LAL • JOHN RICHARD OSTLER • DAKS}L4 MUGHAL 1206 ABBEY RD 1704 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1VB PICKERING ON L1X 1V9 • • IMPORTANT NOTICE EEGAROEIG PROPOSED RAMO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IIPORLWT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOUR11000 YOUR NEI^SIEIO'.1RH000 • • 020017105780000 020017106800000 MAUREEN SUSAN MCCRORY ELIZABETH LOGARIDIS 1202 ABBEY RD 1200 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON LIX 1W1 •• PICKERING ON L1X 1W1 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RAMS COMMUSEDATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER DI YOUR NEIGN60UPH100D YOUR NE}SI8OURHOOD 620017106820000 020017106840000 DEWAN MASUD KARIM PETER LLOYD WHITFIELD MUSHTARI AFROM SUSAN GAIL WHITFIELD 1201 ABBEY RD 1203 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1W1 PICKERING ON LIX 1W1 • • IMPORTANT NOTICE IEGAR}GLG PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOJR N IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN • EIGHEOUIG•10DD 020017105860000 YOUR NEiGIEaOURHOOD ANDREA LEE JACKETT GRANT 020017106880000 JOHN WILLIAM GRANT MD TAREKH RANA 1206 ABBEY RD 1201 HALSEY LANE PICKERING ON LIX 1W1 PICKERING ON LIX 1Wi IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RAMO COMMUNICATION TOWER 1N YOUR NEi3h3OURY.00D YOUR NEIGHBOUR-100D • 020017106920000 020017106900000 PETER NICHOLAS FORINT • GEORGE HENRY MCCULLY KAREN MARY JACQUELINE FORINT • 1203 HALSEY LANE 1205 HALSEY LANE PICKERING ON L1X 1W1 PICKERING ON L1X1W1 • • IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMML ;CATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGH&OUR;I00D YOUR NE Gh30URH00D MARK MULHOLLAND 020017106960000 • SONYA ANNE BARRIE GARY SAMUEL JOHNSON 1207 HALSEY LANE 1206 HALSEY LANE PICKERING ON LIX 1W1 PICKERING ON L1X 1W1 • IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARtDLNG PROPOSED RADIO COMMU,N}CATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGNEDUR:-1000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSE)RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN 020017106980000 YOURNEIatIOURHOOD • NAZIR HAJI 020017107000000 • ROZMIN HAJI STEVEN LLOYD GIBSON 1204 HALSEY LANE CATHERINE ANNE GIBSON • PICKERING ON L1X 1W1 1202 HALSEY LANE PICKERING ON LIX 1W1. • 19 • ATTACHMENT 5- -TO REPORT ? PLN22-/y_ • IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDEIG PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOUR-100D YOUR NEIGIWOURH000 020017107020000 020017107040000 DONNA ETHEL CARL CHERYL DIANE NEWBY • 1200 HALSEY LANE 1201 MADONNA CRT PICKERING ON L1X IW1 PICKERING ON L1X 1V8 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGAR ING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIG.9EOURNOOD YOUR NEWIIOURII000 02001710706000D 020017107080000 BARBARA ANNE MERCER KEVIN BISHOP STANLEY MICHAEL ROBERT MERCER JULIE ANNE STANLEY 1203 MADONNA CRT 1205 MADONNA CRT PICKERING ON LIX 1V8 PICKERING ON L1X 1V8 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RAO'I7 COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGISOURHOOD YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD 020017107100000 020017107080000 CANOE LIMITED EDWARD JOSEPH O'HEARN C10 HSBC BANK BERMUDA LIMITED(ATTENTION: 1205 MADONNA CRT KIWANA PITCHER) PICKERING ON LIX 1VB 6 FRONT ST HAMILTON HM 11 IMPORTANT NOME REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER LN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TowER IN YOUR NEI3INOURNOOD YOUR NEIGN8OURHROD 020017107140000 02001710712000D VICKY MITCHELL WILLIAM ROBERT MILLER JOHN SCOTT MITCHELL 1209 MADONNA CRT 1212 MADONNA CRT PICKERING ON L1X 1V8 PICKERING ON L1X 1V7 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RAO?O COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOJRNEIGME.OLIRROOD IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN 020017107160000 YOUR NErIIDIJRHOOD JOSEPH BLAKE 020017107180000 ELEANOR BLAKE RICHARD WESLEY WEBSTER 1210 MADONNA CRT 1208 MADONNA CRT•PICKERING ON LIX 1V7 PICKERING ON L1X 1W IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RAM COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD YOUR NEIGIEBOUM:00D 020017107200000 020017107220000 KENNETH JOHN PARTRIDGE VITO MICHAEL CIRONE GAIL DIANNE PARTRIDGE DIANA CIRONE 1206 MADONNA CRT 1204 MADONNA CRT PICKERING ON LIX 1V8 PICKERING ON L1X 1V8 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TONER IN YOUR NEIGIWOURNOO-D YOURNEIGNBOURHOOD 020017107260000 • 020017107240000 KIMBERLY BLAKE DODDS ARDAVIRAF SADRY • KAREN ANN DODDS 1202 MADONNA CRT 1200 MADONNA CRT PICKERING ON LIX 1V8 PICKERING ON L1X 9V8 20 TTACHMENT; TO (z:EPORT # IMPORTANT NOTICE R=OP:RDWG PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSE)RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD YOUR NE Wt3CURHOOD 020017107280000 020017107300000 ANDREW LOUIS SECORD GREGORY CA HOLMES ANNE LOUISE SECORD KARA MICHFI F F HUTCHINSON 1229 ABBEY RD 1231 ABBEY RD PICKERING ON L1X 1V5 PICKERING ON L1X 1V5 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNE ATION TOMIM IN YOUR NEIGHBOLI u1OUD IMPORTANT NOME REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN 020017107320000 YOUR NE':GeoufflDa3 DANIEL VINCENT CASSIDY 0201317107340000 RU LAMA CASSIDY DEBORAH LYNN MAGDER TH 1233 ABBEY RD 1223 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON L1X 1V5 PICKERING ON L1X 1V6 IMPORTANT NOTICE PLCAR:LNG PROPOSED RAWO COLA IUNICATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR N?ICxi6OUIO1OOD YOUR NEIO WOURH0OD 020017107360000 020017107380000 ALKA NEDUNGADI - STEVEN RUDOLPH FUNDAREK MURLI NEDUNGADI MARGARET FUNDAREK 1735 RIGBY DR 1227 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON L1X 1V6 PICKERING ON L1X 1V3 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN I ORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED.RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOUR:-(00D YOUR NEGSOURH000 020017107400000 020017107420000 BRENT ROBERT FRASER DAVID THOMAS PATTERSON SHERRY LYNN FRASER HELENE ANNE PATTERSON 1229 RIGBY DR 1231 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON L1X 1V3 PICKERING ON L1X 1V3 IMPORTANT NOME REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNI0.ATION TOWER IN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNY'ATION TOWER IN YOUR NEINREOURII000 YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD 020017107460000 020017107440000 JASON BRODIE LISA DIANNE SEREDA TRACEY BURKE 1233 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON L1X 1V4 1235 RIGBY DR PICKERING ON L1X 1V4 21 EACH `i PJT#. TO 1.1E.P081 zz- IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD • 010018023200000 Mayor Dave Ryan HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC City of Pickering ASSESSMENT&TAX REAL ESTATE SERVICES& One The Esplanade SECURITY Pickering,Ontario P.O.BOX 4300 L1V 6K7 MARKHAM ON 13R 5Th IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD cOMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD CounciilorJennifer O'Connell Councillor Bill McLean City of Pickering City of Pickering One The Esplanade One The Esplanade Pickering,Ontario Pickering,Ontario • L1V 6K7 L1V 6K7 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Councillor Peter Rodrigues Councillor Kevin Ashe City of Pickering City of Pickering One The Esplanade One The Esplanade Pickering,Ontario Pickering,Ontario LTV 6K7 L1V 6K7 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Councillor Doug Dickerson Councillor David Pickles City of Pickering City of Pickering One The Esplanade One The Esplanade Pickering,Ontario Pickering,Ontario LiV 6K7 LTV 6K7 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Toronto District Office Room 909,9th Floor 55 St.Clair Avenue East Toronto,Ont.M4T t M2 22 4:,'r*unwdV/ R�P0RT# ' TO Appendix C-NAV Canada Submission LAND USE PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM Date Received by NAV CANADA NC file m°./Ref m romeN^/Ref m Company/Owner Name:Bell Mobility Contact Person: Address:5099 Creekbank Road City:Mississauga Prov: Postal Code L4W 5N2 Tel: Fax Email: 24 Hour Emergency Number Applicant: FONTUR International Contact Person: Shehryar Khan Address:30 Eas Beaver Creek Road Suite 104 City: Richmond Hill Prov: Posta|[ode: L48 l]2 Tel:(647)701-4576 Fax:866-234-7873 Email:shehryar.khan 24 Hour Emergency Number: Airport Authority: Airport Manager Address: City: Prov •• Postal Code TeL Fax Email: �`/� Project#, Street Address,etc.: (W3961)2325 Liverpool Road Nearest Town,Province: Pickering,Ontario Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Geographic Coordinates of Site in NAD 83:: Lat. N 43 / 51 / 24.5 Long.W 79 / 05 / 56.8 Linear Structures: Indicate Starting Point on 1 line and End Point 2 line: Lat. N / / Long.VV / / ' Type of Structure: Tower New Structure? ZYes Height Added(If Existing) N/A Oft Om m- Cranes tobeused? Eve~ No If Yes,see Note 4 on Structure Height(Above Ground Level) 35.0 O* Zm Dimensions: N/A Ground Elevation (Above Sea Level) 120.8 O* Zm Materials&Roof Shape(If Building): N/A Total Height(Above Sea Level) 155.8 Oft Zm Proposed Construction Start Date: November 2014 Approximate Duration of Construction: 4 WEEKS If TemporaryStructure,indicate Removal Date: From: hrs To: hrs 23 i ACHmE l#_5 TO REPORT # Pi" 22 Comments: Proposed 35.0 m telecommunication tower(monopine). Maximum crane height 40.0 m. ELECTRONIC/TELECOMMUNICATION INTERFERENCE (Check off the items which may cause iinterference and provide details)' -. High Voltage Equipment ❑Details Arc Welding ❑Details Radar Emission ❑Details High Powered Transmissions ❑ Details VHF Radio ❑Details Other ❑ Details OBSTRUCTION TO VISION ON AIRPORT WITH NAV CANADA SERVICES/CONTROL TOWER,FSS,CARS: Check the items which may cause obstructions to vision to the installation: Line of Sight ❑ Details Generation of ❑ Details Reflectivity ❑Details Aircraft Parking ❑ Details Exterior Lighting ❑ Details MAPS/DRAWINGS (Required for Supporting Documentation) Proposals for structures not adjacent to an airport OR on airport without NAV CANADA Services • 1:50,000 topographical map section with the location of the proposed structure clearly marked. The map must contain a legend indicating the map datum (NAD27 or 83)and the contour interval. • Legal survey(if available) . Proposals adjacent within 2 km from an airport with FSS,Control Tower,Localizer or ILS navigational aids • 1:50,000 topographical map section with the location of the proposed structure clearly marked.The map must contain a legend indicating the map datum(NAD27 or 83)and the contour interval. • For localizer/ILS runways,site plan at 1:2000 scale,with distance bar,showing 90°distances to nearest runway centre line/centre line extension,and distance to nearest runway threshold. Note:reference TP1247 to determine requirement when along an extended centerline of a localizer/ILS runway up to 6km. • For buildings,architectural drawings in both plan view(with north arrow indicator)detailing orientation of building and • • 24 !'.T A'CH -.NT# S TO REPOR1 #� P SL Proposals on an airport with FSS or Control Tower Services,Weather Services,Localizer or ILS navigational aids • 1:50,000 topographical map section with the location of the proposed structure clearly marked.The map must contain a legend indicating the map datum(NAD27 or 83)and the contour interval. • Airport plan at 1:500 scale,with distance bar,showing orientation of structures including vehicle and aircraft entry/exit points. • For sites with localizer/ILS runways site plan at 1:2000 scale,with distance bar, showing 90°distances to nearest runway centre line/centre line extension,taxiway,and distance to nearest runway threshold. Note:will require drawings for structures up to 6km along the extended centreline of the localizer/ILS runway. • Site plan depicting entire airport and location of proposed structures and excavations/trenching include depth. • Site plans at 1:2000 scale,with distance bar,showing line of sight to the mandatory viewing areas(runways and taxiways)identifying existing structures along the sightline in both cross section(profile)view and plan view format. Refer to NAV CANADA sightline requirements for criteria of mandatory viewing areas. • For buildings,architectural drawings in both plan view(with north arrow indicator)detailing orientation of building and dimensions;and profile view detailing maximum height of building(including rooftop structures)and elevation at grade level. . Applicant/Representative Signature Print Name Date Shehryar Khan August 07,2014 For a detailed description on NAV CANADA's requirements and additional information, refer to the NAV CANADA website at www.navcanada.ca>Land Use Proposal NAV CANADA's evaluation of land use proposals and construction proposals neither constitutes nor replaces any approvals or permits required by Transport Canada, other Federal Government Departments, Provincial or Municipal land use authorities,or any agency from which any approval is required. Please Submit by email to Ianduse @navcanada.ca • • • 25 AFT u ;il,FN7 /���, �."rte cit.-PORT P!6 22-/l NOTES 1. Processing Times. NAV CANADA will endeavour to provide a response within 30 working days (6 weeks) of receipt of the proposal. The accuracy and completeness of the initial documentation provided to NAV CANADA, and consequently the cooperation of the proponent to quickly rectify any deficiencies/inaccuracies will go far to expedite the process and ensure a timely response. Electronic submissions will also decrease the time required to properly assess a submission. 2. Obstruction Marking and Lighting.Transport Canada is required to perform an assessment on the requirement for obstruction marking and lighting of man-made structures per CAR 621.19(Canadian Aviation Regulations). Obstructions are assessed by Transport Canada through the Aeronautical Obstruction Clearance Form Process. Note: outages in obstruction lighting deemed a requirement by Transport Canada are to be reported to Transport Canada as per CAR 621.19. 3. Geodetic Datum. The Land Use Proposal Submission Form must contain geographic coordinates in NAD83. NAD 27 or UTM coordinates must be converted into the required format; the following are Natural Resources Canada online transformation links (Note, may be changed without notice: NAD 27/83 conversions: http://www.geod.nrcan.gc.ca/apps/ntv2/ntv2 qeo e.php Geographic/UTM conversions: http://www.geod.nrcan.gc.ca/apps/gsruq/index e.php 4. Cranes. A separate land use submission for any crane(s) (temporary and mobile) used in the construction/assembly of a new building, placement of roof top structures, flare stack, etc., where the maximum operating height will be higher than the overall height of the proposed structure must be assessed for potential impacts at least 30 working days in advance. We ask that crane application(s) be cross reference to the associated construction project and to provide detailed crane specifications such as maximum height, boom length and swing radius.A drawing detailing the crane specifications and type would be beneficial, please reference the NAV CANADA Land Use Proposal web page for more details). 5. Contact us: NAV CANADA Aeronautical Information Services Data Collection Unit/Land Use Office 1601 Tom Roberts P.O. Box 9824, Station T Ottawa, ON K1 G 6R2 Website: www.navcanada.ca>Land Use Proposal Toll Free: (866) 577-0247 Fax: (613)248-4094 E-mail : landuse(a�navcanada.ca *'`Preferred method for submission 26 1:7 TA CH Nai riapoR i # rL✓V �2/� Appendix D-Transport Canada Submission 27 • ATTACHP,ENT 0 REPORT PLA • • 144 TOr=d TCrrnATt3 • ---Te Via NoTocd No AERONAUTICAL ASSESSMENT FORM FOR . 1 OBSTRUCTION MARKING AND LIGHTING Applicard Rio Nolan!No w3961 General int isnalkft Chines Nome • Costal keno bielsility • Mohacs 5099 Cremakhank Road Gay Procinco Posiat Colo Rig iI3saraoa Ontario • Tdop Norm FYI- Fax No. Ernt Aram= 2. Appl.tanTo Warm Ccri=1 Parson FONTOR International inn, Shah:war Than Adchoss 30 East Beaver Creek Road, limit 104 C.4 Prost= Post&Cads Richmond Rill Ontario 1,424, 132 TotopErna 143. Fox No. (647) 701-4576 (866) 234-71373 &nark Adios= shehxyaz.khangfontnrinternational.00E1 3. Otoriciption Pcoposof(or as ollach•od) a5 metre monopine telecommunication tower with esnipment shelter. 4. Goccrago Cocniassios 51 N41333 NAM? %WM NU-Norio clog 43 min 52. vac 24,5 W r' 'cis ewg 79 'Tin 05 um 56..9 O. Nomad Ccnoornly -Pnmrsa . Pickering Ontario • O. Norma Maul:icon Oshawa .A.rport. 7. Nan you=doled sin aercorarna2 0.Vox 0 No 8. Nolion of 0 Now Cortirtiolo 0 Mango to wising siodcra 9. Ouraito Porno nerd 0 Tcomporsy 10. Proposed Ccosicacr Baia Bo f4-riav byryrnmi.15 2014-11-15 It Tampcmy Seacra Fran(yrntorodd) To(wporockl) • Z.04:27E(1405,34} Canada • 28 • Q TO Fie N°MAT Ha. 12. Alaisn3 a•d tig 5tig Ftnrasrd(555s to 3arriard 621) ❑Rod Etiffs anti ptd ❑RadaadAlAxrEik14-11. 0Wti55 litsfri ❑Rid and H1 vitae lg+s MEaHSC ©No Finig Q Ha 5g tam ❑Pant rmfkirg arty 0 Oiler Vr55155 drrrig. nny 13 Ataz'airg tao^'anird G21,adirt'a 4.7 Ymizd fraai ptr 24 Execs ©&fomic omega moriss"sfg • 1=. Cakirmy1ShiaCrassng .❑PaiG ..por rg saict.res Cafa mastrz sCrras ❑aunt maws ❑3Ipps1s uc}ra 44ir3 Carta maks-lgr:s 15. Fen! Ma_ai TO!Wg01nttNfidS glilNr5 Of 41hiti SlUCWK : Of:;: _ 9E 3 120.8 r bit mss LgtireL 11iCIMie r aanaais:rgstaram Il' it Ta*a€s ud.ahei,�`d'ndodng515(AL y 114.B 35 to OmaaFrigti x14 pF,s.lu)(n } X11.1 155,8 A A 15. Ducts the prapa lmnFiymaiAirPxiaritrdRag.taim.52 0 Vas 0145 06YA I hxs3ij may 7a1 zit Eta thaw s anm mach 6j ma am N.fa,emi*fia arlmxri•iaL-io ball aiay&narhdga Na k.l aama fa mail maksIg:fla;fd rmn nis�`-+ .^^wt5 aidtig:Srg salads as n55555ary. Dam rripmazddf Hamad ps-555:..erg mica SfapaAra 2014--1)0207 Shehryar Khan `i utspcit Canada 64waq lg it ahnQ mid lgTifrg lours d las Fir&candid t21} ❑1.4Gru Rspial- ❑Pahl F grind ❑TernFa-my 11gr-fog Racrimal ❑Na Usti Eng a-Pan6g ror iii Canmmft(Traapoa scads ran 0.itf) - - • • Cn•7 AiiaSm hap, - - - - Svc!MG OEM(p}y-arndrl W' 1:TEica snadfs mYr•said aa ram yam gamin data M apprzabla tin ika amps !mg6ni Nak 213 Elam"a a Margo to ba hirmlad astala.:m,a acne rs ind_ • 29 fay AcHmENT ....,_ Appendix E- Photo Rendering r \ t o ‘,1,,,..,.t ,-_,•„- :::„---)...,-,--7,,e.„ g. ,.., ....i.„.....,...,„.....„. c._ „..... ,...... ... . . 3.„..,g s 'Y' 1 ' its, .,1, i :° ,a.:' g , m = . :, li... g. s2 ; 4. 'kr-. 1 g e . ..,_ . .. _ . gil • W • I.. •. ' '.. . O < ,- II 15 E CC .... , . '1‹ • .' ..... - -. ul r. 73 Z g _ ..., . g c •_ .§... - ,. : -4 w .... 02 .L./a ..,.. — I' rt; • Cl. , 4 :). . to g mi. 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