HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 10-14 cia, no L Information Report to Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: 10-14 Date: September 2, 2014 From Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2014-01 Draft Plan of Condominium Application CP-2014-01 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/14 Lebovic Enterprises Ltd. and 1320991 Ontario Limited 2610, 2630, 2650 and 2663 Brock Road 1. Purpose of this Report Applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision, Draft Plan of Condominium and Zoning By-law Amendment have been submitted by Lebovic Enterprises Ltd. and 1320991 Ontario Limited to facilitate a residential common element condominium development consisting of 27 — 3 storey live-work townhouse units and 129 — 3 storey townhouse units. This report contains general information on the applicable Official Plan and other related policies, and identifies matters raised to date. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the applications, ask questions of clarification and identify any planning issues. This report is for information and no decisions on these applications are being made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. 2. Property Location and Description • the 3 separate properties are located along Brock Road between Zents Drive and Dersan Street within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment#1); Parcels A, B and C are labelled on Attachment#2 Parcel A • located on the east side of Brock Road, north of the 2663 Brock Road hydro corridor and west of William Jackson Drive • the property has an area of approximately 1.0 hectare with 126 metres of frontage along Brock Road and 20 metres of frontage along William Jackson Drive • to the north of the subject land is a future residential development proposed by Averton (Brock Three) Ltd. et al. consisting of 2 — 8 storey mixed use apartment buildings with grade related commercial and a mix of back-to-back townhouses and stacked townhouses 10 Information Report No. 10-14 Page 2 • to the south is a hydro corridor, and further south is a residential development consisting of a mix of traditional, stacked and back-to-back townhouse dwellings • to the east, across William Jackson Drive, is a neighbourhood park, a mix of townhouse dwellings and the Pickering Golf Club • to the west, across Brock Road, are additional lands subject to this application • the subject property currently supports a sales trailer Parcel B and • located on the west side of Brock Road between Parcel C Zents Drive and Dersan Street 2610, 2630 and • Parcel B has an area of approximately 2650 Brock Road 1.15 hectares with approximately 91 metres of frontage along Brock Road • Parcel C has an area of 0.93 of a hectare with approximately 19 metres of frontage along Brock Road • to the north of the subject lands are large, older residential lots containing detached dwellings on lands designated as "Mixed Corridor" within the City's Official Plan • to the south is a hydro corridor and the Devi Mandir Temple • to the east, across Brock Road, are additional lands subject to this application and stacked townhouses • to the west, is a woodlot, which is designated as "Natural Areas"within the City's Official Plan • between Parcels B and C is a residential lot containing a detached dwelling • the properties are currently vacant 3. Applicant's Proposal • the applicant is proposing to facilitate a common element condominium development • the draft plan of subdivision proposes the creation of 3 development blocks, a reserve block and a north-south local street (see Draft Plan of Subdivision, Attachment#2) • the applicant's proposal within the three development Blocks are summarized below (see Applicant's Submitted Concept Plan, Attachments #3 and #4) 11 Information Report No. 10-14 Page 3 Parcel A • to permit a residential development consisting of 15 — 3 storey live-work townhouse units fronting Brock Road and 30 — 3 storey townhouse units fronting onto internal private roads • two access roads are being proposed: one from Brock Road; and one from William Jackson Drive • 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit are proposed plus an additional 47 parking spaces for visitors Parcel B and • to permit a residential development for Parcel B Parcel C consisting of 12 — 3 storey live-work townhouse units fronting Brock Road and 50 — 3 storey townhouse units fronting onto internal private roads • to permit a residential development for Parcel C consisting of 49 — 3 storey townhouse units fronting onto internal private roads • three access roads are being proposed: one from Brock Road; and two from the proposed north-south local road • 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit are proposed plus an additional 66 parking spaces for visitors • a 20 metre wide local road is proposed along the west side of Blocks B and C, forming part of a new north-south road that will eventually connect from Dersan Street to Zents Drive • the development will be subject to site plan approval 4. Policy Framework 4.1 Durham Regional Official Plan • the Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Living Areas"; lands in this designation shall be used predominately for housing purposes and should be developed in a compact form through higher densities, particularly along arterial roads such as Brock Road • the Regional Official Plan also designates the subject lands as "Regional Corridor"; lands in this designation are to develop as higher-density mixed use areas, supporting higher order transit services and pedestrian oriented development • Brock Road is designated as a "Type A Arterial Road" and a "Transit Spine" • "Type A Arterial Roads" are designed to carry large volumes of traffic at moderate to high speeds, have some access restrictions and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 36 to 50 metres • "Transit Spines" are recognized corridors where higher levels of transit service is to be encouraged • the applicant's proposal appears to comply with the policies and provisions of the Regional Official Plan 12 Information Report No. 10-14 Page 4 4.2 Pickering Official Plan • the subject lands are within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood of the Official Plan and are designated "Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridors" • the "Mixed Corridor" designation is intended primarily for residential, retail, community, cultural and recreational uses at a scale serving the community • the designation provides for a range of commercial uses and residential development at a density range of over 30 units up to and including 140 units per net hectare and to a maximum floor space index (FSI) of 2.5 • the overall combined density for the three parcels is 50.6 units per net hectare • the net residential density for each of the individual properties are as follows: • Parcel A—45 units per net hectare • Parcel B — 54 units per net hectare • Parcel C — 53 units per net hectare • local roads generally provide access to individual properties, to other local roads and to collector roads; carry local traffic; and generally have a right-of-way of up to 20 metres 4.2.1 Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Policies • the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies for lands designated Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridor: • require new development to provide a strong and identifiable urban image by establishing buildings closer to the street, providing safe and convenient pedestrian access, and require all buildings to be multi-storey • require higher intensity multi-unit housing forms on lands adjacent to Brock Road and restrict grade related residential development to lands adjacent to collector or local roads • require residential lots with frontages of 6.0 metres or less to be accessed from rear lanes • require a fine-grain mix of housing types, forms and tenures on a variety of lot frontages to prevent concentrations of lots with small frontages and private driveways in order to create opportunities for improved streetscapes, massing and on-street visitor parking • require proponents of new development abutting or containing existing naturalized open space features designated Natural Areas, to submit an Edge Management Plan to the satisfaction of the City, in consultation with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) • new development is required to demonstrate how the proposal is consistent with the Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan to the satisfaction of the Region, the City and the TRCA • as a condition of site plan approval, subdivision or any other development approval, the landowners are required to become a party to the cost sharing agreement for Duffin Heights or receive an acknowledgement from the Trustee of the Duffin Heights Landowners Group Inc. that the benefitting landowner has made satisfactory arrangements to pay its proportion of the shared development cost 13 Information Report No. 10-14 Page 5 • the applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Pickering Official Plan during the further processing of the applications 4.3 Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines • the intent of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines is to further the objectives of the Official Plan and to achieve the following design objectives for the neighbourhood: • an accessible pedestrian-oriented residential area, distinct in character and harmonious with the larger neighbourhood • • a streetscape which is attractive, safe and encourages social interaction within the neighbourhood • a central focus to the neighbourhood which is safe, lively and attractive • a diversity of uses to support neighbourhood and City functions; and • a mix of housing types, forms, affordability and tenure, on a variety of lot frontages • the subject lands are delineated as Brock Road Streetscape on the Tertiary Plan, which encourages higher density, mid-rise and mixed use buildings with a high level of architectural quality • all primary frontages of buildings shall front Brock Road and provide pedestrian access directly to the sidewalk and multi-use trail along Brock Road • multiple pedestrian linkages shall be provided to commercial development, including direct sidewalk connections at intersections and through mid-block developments • in addition to the pedestrian circulation that will take place on street sidewalks, provision shall be made to provide multiple private pedestrian connections from Brock Road through the mixed use blocks and their locations should have regard to transit stops • non-residential floors façades are encouraged to be at least 33 percent transparent on all the floors and must be at least 60 percent transparent on the ground floor to encourage pedestrian interaction with retail and commercial activities • retail and commercial uses are encouraged to be provided on the ground floors of building to bring animation to the streets and encourage pedestrian activity • medium density residential development may be located behind buildings that front Brock Road; however, individual unit vehicle access from collector or local roads for grade related townhouse development will not be permitted • local roads are will have a 17.0 metre right-of-way, including a potential parking lane on one side of the road and 1.5 metre sidewalks on both sides of the road • the applications will be assessed against the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines during the further processing of the applications • 14 Information Report No. 10-14 Page 6 4.4 Zoning By-law 3037 • the subject lands are currently zoned "A"— Rural Agricultural Zone under Restricted Area Zoning By-law 3037, as amended, which currently permits a detached dwelling, home occupation, and various agricultural and related uses • an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to facilitate the development of the subject lands for residential and commercial purposes 5. Comments Received 5.1 Resident Comments Cathy Gerbis • concerned about the impact on wildlife in the 2620 Brock Road North immediate area (located between Parcels B • seeking clarification regarding the future local and C) road traversing her property • questions related to traffic flow • concerned about the potential impact the proposed development could have on her lands related to servicing, such as the existing water flow and septic bed • questions related to future designation of her property 5.2 Agency Comments Region of Durham • the Region of Durham Planning Department has advised that the proposal meets the density targets and may be permitted by the policies of the Regional Official Plan Toronto and Region • an Environmental Impact Statement needs to Conservation Authority be prepared as outlined in the Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan Durham District School • no objection to the applications Board, Durham Catholic School Board, Canada Post, Rogers, Veridian, GO Transit, Enbridge Pipelines Inc., Hydro One, Bell I I 15 I_ Information Report No. 10-14 Page 7 5.3 City Departments Comments Engineering & Public Works • a detailed stormwater management report will be required at the site plan approval stage • fencing will be required as per the noise attenuation report • Parcel B cannot proceed until such time as the future north-south local road is completed to the north limit of the development; a single right in-right out entrance from Brock Road is not supported • a secondary access (temporary or permanent) is required for Parcel C • the location of the entrance to Parcel C is to be relocated towards the centre of the development due to the proximity to the Devi Mandir Temple as there are grading concerns • the applicant is required to contribute to the costs of the monitoring program for the existing stormwater management pond and any other additional facilities to be assumed by the City which require an Environmental Compliance Approval • a tree inventory and preservation plan will be required Heritage Pickering • no comments 6. Planning & Design Section Comments The following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • ensuring an appropriate mix of housing types on a variety of lot frontages are provided within the proposed development • ensuring an appropriate interface along Brock Road related to the design of buildings and pedestrian connectivity from the future local road, including access to the commercial units, transit and the multi-use trail along Brock Road • assessing the functionality and viability of the live-work townhouse units and ensuring they are appropriately sized and configured to meet the policies within the Official Plan • ensuring the inclusion of appropriate provisions in the implementing zoning by-law to address the location and extent of build-to-zones and mix of permitted uses • ensuring appropriate setbacks, building heights and massing, and landscaped areas are provided along Brock Road, the future north-south local road to the west, internal private roads and the hydro corridor to ensure a pedestrian friendly streetscape is created 16 Information Report No. 10-14 Page 8 • ensuring the appropriate timing for the construction of the future north-south local road • reviewing the layout and design of internal private roads to ensure sufficient widths are provided to accommodate pedestrian pathways, utilities, and street trees • ensuring an open space area is provided within the development on the west side of Brock Road for passive and active recreational activities • ensuring appropriate private outdoor amenity space is provided for each townhouse unit • ensuring that sufficient parking is provided to accommodate residents, visitors and support the commercial units • ensuring the proposal is consistent with the City's urban design goals and objectives in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines • ensuring the owner enter into an Architectural Design Control process to promote a high degree of streetscape design in order to create distinct and appealing streetscapes through attention to building design and detailing • ensuring the appropriate integration of Parcel A with the proposed residential development to the north • ensuring an appropriate interface between Parcels B and C, and the intervening property • ensuring the appropriate interface between Parcel C and the Devi Mandir 'Temple lands to the south related to concerns regarding access from the future north-south local road and grading • ensuring that the submitted Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report is consistent with the Council endorsed Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan to the satisfaction of the Region, City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority • ensuring that the proposed development contains appropriate sustainable development components • ensuring that required technical submissions and reports meet City standards • the City Development Department will conclude its position on the applications after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated department, agencies and public 7. Information Received Full scale copies of the plans and studies listed below are available for viewing at the offices of the.City of Pickering, City Development Department: • Archaeological Assessment • Environmental Noise Assessment • Environmental Site Assessment • Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report • Planning Rationale Report • Sustainable Development Report • Traffic Impact Study 17 Information Report No. 10-14 Page 9 8. Procedural Information 8.1 General • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report prepared by the City Development Department for subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal or makes a decision on the revised draft plan of subdivision • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk 9. Owner/Applicant Information • the principal of Lebovic Enterprises Limited is Lloyd Cherniak and is represented by GHD Inc. Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision 3. Submitted Concept Plan Parcel A 4. Submitted Concept Plan Parcels B & C Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: //ki/ OP1}1,0',Y Melissa Markham, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, ICI•, RPP Principal ' anner Development Review Chief Planner Nilesh Surd,-MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design MM:Id Attachments Date of Report: August 14, 2014 Copy: Director, City Development 18 Attachment#_.L_to information Report#20-/ m P sit 111111 GRWSEL DRNE = C III' DRIVE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII =_ vs . l `� 111111111111 In i'����li n EARL GREY ZENTS DRIVE ZIIC' IIIII�Io E3 u, Q t In U0 'W CL z -o SUBJECT . E ix LANDS ��"�������.. � CREEKS/DE D������������� ����.��� PARK •-��-..��..��j ��������� LIATRIS DRIVE • li i .L.,• , DRIVE K( .��������•�������������� oi����0����� , ►�OO� `� KALTM P AR SUBJECT ,•••••❖•❖•❖- ` o j LANDS �� �� � -.4.---- 4 A j � � t • • .Cz, ! • ■1 ■m •� m■11■ 1 . 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Not a plan of Survey. 19 Attachmont# t0 Information Reoort# /0_/ I I I , , i , I , I II I I I II 1 I I I II I I I L --—IJ-- H I I I I X 1 LOT 1 I /I I I ——H i-- z/r 1 / 1 1 PARCEL A ' -- 1 TOWNHOUSES BLOCK 1 PARCEL B , 1 1 I 1 -1--1- _�WNNOUSES_ J \. =un'�. 1.7,�,1 1 I I I ———�- —— BLOCK 2 � .s n,sr l.J (1 Is b-ze e) - �O I i I 11 u 1 / \\\ J �-1—I—I I- �i /, L r > TOWNHOUSES O I / ( I I I , I O [——.. 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DATE:JULY 23,2014 20 Attachment# to informatin'Report# /c--/1, I I 1 I 1/ / / / _ - I I I i ' � � AI i AS I R97 ?68 — __ — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,. . 2 ,--- '36-3713u13-14�4714I431,4 aI�S } -� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ✓I I l i .,�. -- aI '' I I 1 I ^f 1 I I' I I I Y I I I I I jli ---- \ I 11 I I i 1 1 II I I I I I n P i 5 -T- . y \ o\ --- J / v-.,\,' /- \ . \ti ♦ I • \l,t‘ ,. Q y \ 9,t, 1 / ryh 1 1 Q s ,o --- I y� t \ __1 I K \ \dry i , �"r 0 IC (\\#\,.19\ // I a 1 -- 1 i2 \`a SUBJECT EASEMENT I --�' 6\` AS,)'PI 1521 1 Z I 3 U 14 r \• // \ I O I 01\ -. \ - ; V � CC \I 4 �€ is , p. U CO - ,,,-/ / \ \ _..---j /1 1 i i A A CC \ / G // I =II \\ / I I _J \\/\/)" —__ I I 0,..p.--— Ar Submitted Concept Plan Parcel A C;q 00 -} FILE No:SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01 &A 01/14 -X: -- APPLICANT: Lebovic Enterprises and 1320991 Ontario Limited �� "1"-- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:2610, 2630, 2650 and 2663 Brock Road City Development Pt Lt 4, 5, 7 &8 Plan 585, Pt Lt 18 & 19 Con 3 Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:,}L11y 23,2014 21 • Attachment# 4 to information Report# / )-7 1 ' 1 1 1I / e j e ss2ys. s7 'o _ \I ?a - O 'z /131M _401111111111111111111111kin _ ___; w U -- —t al Z SIM 1!PL .— _ 2]22 21 20 19 1E 17 16 15 — I- \ �L 1 ;: ( 1 H//' I lit I I I I J JJ_L 1-0. -- I 2' I // . ! 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