HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 16, 2014 For information related to accessibility requirements please contact Linda Roberts Phone: 905.420.4660 extension 2928 TTY: 905.420.1739 Email: lroberts@pickering.ca Council Meeting Agenda Monday, June 16, 2014 Council Chambers 7:00 pm Anything highlighted denotes an attachment or link. By clicking the links on the agenda page, you can jump directly to that section of the agenda. To manoeuver back to the agenda page use the Ctrl + Home keys simultaneously, or use the “bookmark” icon to the left of your screen to navigate from one report to the next. X) XI) By-laws Confidential Council -Public Report XII) Other Business XIII) Confirmation By-law XIV) Adjournment For Information Only 101-121 122 • Minutes of the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee, January 28 & April 30, 2014 • Minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, April 23, 2014 • Minutes of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, April 24, 2014 • Minutes of the Committee of Adjustment, April 30 and May 21, 2014 Presentations 1. Gabriella Kalapos Executive Director, Clean Air Partnership Re: Presentation of Certificate June 16, 2014 26 June 16, 2014 Delegations 1. Paul Przybylo Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Re: Annual Presentation to Council 2. Randy Gill & Sean Lockhart Their Opportunity Minor Sports Corp. 3. Peter Whiteley Re: Three way stop at Maple Ridge Drive and Harvest Drive 4. Rob and Lisa Maggs Re: Three way stop at Maple Ridge Drive and Harvest Drive 5. Raveena Ratnasingam Chair, Durham Diversity Society Re: Canada's Multicultural Day Celebration 6. Michael Angemeer, Veridian Corporation Re: Report LEG 05-14 27 29 2. That Council adopt Informational Revision 20 to the Pickering Official Plan as set out in Appendix II to Report PLN 11-14; 3. That Council authorize staff to revise the City's Site Plan Control By-law to incorporate the additional powers made available through the approval of Amendment 23, and that the revised By-law be brought back to Council for enactment; and 4. Further, that the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PLN 11-14 and Council's resolution on the matter to the Region of Durham and to each person or public body that provided written or verbal comments at the Open House, the Public Meeting, the Planning & Development Committee or the City Council meetings. 31 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials b~ authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. 4. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 03-14 2013 Accessibility Progress Report 235-266 5. 6. -5 Year Accessibility Plan 2012-2016 Recommendation That Report CR 03-14 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the 2013 Accessibility Progress Report be received. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 10-14 Request for Proposal for Advertising at City Facilities -Request for Proposal No. RFP-5.,.2014 -Agreement with Boardview Advertising Inc. Recommendation 267-287 1. That Report CR 10-14 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Licence Agreement for Advertising at City Facilities be received; 2. That proposal No. RFP-5-2014 submitted by Boardview Advertising Inc. be accepted; 3. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Licence Agreement pursuant to which Boardview Advertising Inc. will be permitted to install and maintain advertising in various City Facilities, in the form included as Attachment 1, subject to such revisions as are acceptable to the Director, Culture & Recreation and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 11-14 Tender for Back Up Chiller at the Pickering Recreation Complex -Tender No. T-2-2014 Recommendation 288-324 1. That Report CR 11-14 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Back Up Chiller for the Pickering Recreation Complex be received; 2. That Tender No. T-2-2014 submitted by Canadian Tech Air Systems Inc. in the amount of $217,864.00 (HST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $308,038.00 (HST included), including the amount of the tender and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $277,398.00 (net of HST rebate), be approved; 7. 8. 4. That Council authorize the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to finance the project as provided for in the 2013 Recreation Complex-Core Capital Budget in the amount of $277,398.00 from the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund; and , , 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 15-14 Pickering Recreation Complex Detailed Engineering Study -Funding Agreement and Consulting Services Recommendation 325-359 1. That Report CR 15-14 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Pickering Recreation Complex Detailed Engineering Study funding agreement and consulting services be received; 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the funding agreement with Veridian Connections Inc. pursuant to which I. B. Storey will be authorized to complete the Detailed Engineering Study of the Pickering Recreation Complex, in the form included as Attachment 1, subject to such revisions as are acceptable to the Director, Culture & Recreation and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; 3. That Council authorize staff to engage the services of I. B. Storey Inc. as the consultant responsible to complete the Detailed Engineering Study as described in their Project Briefing and Proposal set out in Attachment 2; and 4. Further that the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Director, City Development, Report BLD 02-14 360-392 Building By-law Amendment under the Building Code Act Recommendation That the City's Building By-law 7137/11, as amended, which provides for the administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act, 1992 within the City of Pickering, be repealed and replaced with the new City Building By-law, as set out in Attachment 1 to Report BLD 02-14. 9. Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor, Report FIN 13-14 393-399 Investment Portfolio Activity for the Year Ended December 31, 2013 Ontario Regulation 292/09 under the Municipal Act, 2001 Recommendation 32 33 It is recommended that Report FIN 13-14 of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor regarding Investment Portfolio Activity for the Year Ended December 31, 2013 be received for information. 10. Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor, Report FIN 14-14 400-427 Municipal Funding Agreement with AMO-Federal Gas Tax Revenues Recommendation 1. That Report FIN 14-14 of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor be received; 2. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the Municipal Funding Agreement (MFA) with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), for a period of ten years from 2014 to 2024; and 3. That the appropriate officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 36 Report LEG 05-13 June 16, 2014 Subject: Veridian Corporation Amended and Restated Shareholders Agreement Page 2 substantial dividend payment on account of its shareholding in Veridian. (Last year, for example, the dividend paid by Veridian to the City amounted to $1 ,927,000.) Any increase in the efficiency with which Veridian conducts its business operations, including the reduction in the size of its board of directors, will better enable Veridian's ongoing operations and will enhance its ability to continue making substantial dividend payments to the City and to its other shareholders. Discussion: The existing Shareholders' Agreement was originally entered into on September 28, 2001 and is subject to a first amending agreement and a second amending agreement. A December 12, 2013 resolution of the board of directors of Veridian Corporation (the "December Resolution"), sets out certain other amendments sought by the board of directors of Veri dian Corporation ("Veridian"). A redlined copy of the Amended and Restated Shareholders' Agreement (herein called the "Shareholders' Agreement") is Attachment 1 to this Report. The Shareholders' Agreement has been updated to incorporate the changes contained in the first and second amending agreements and to reflect changes to the names of various agencies and statutes relevant to Veridian's operations. Some historical references from the original shareholders' agreement have been removed as they are no longer required. The Shareholders' Agreement has also been amended to incorporate the changes set forth in the December Resolution. The proposed changes, adopted by the board of directors of Veridian on May 16, 2014, would reduce the size of the board of directors of Veridian from 14 to 11, and the size of the board of directors of VCI from 12 to 11. In addition, the total number of directors for the corporations has been reduced from a potential of 25 directors to 15 directors. Senior management of Veridian advises that the resulting combined cost savings would be approximately $103,000 per year. To effect the proposed amendments as set forth in the Shareholders' Agreement, the approval of both a majority of the Shareholders and approval by more than 50% of the voting shares is required. · Set out below is a summary of the changes contained within the Shareholders' Agreement. Directors of Veridian, Section 3.2 Following several discussions, it was decided that the board of directors of Veridian would consist of 11 directors. As a result, the board of directors of Veridian has been reduced by 3 directors. The directors which are to be elected by each Shareholder are as set out in the table below which is also included in the Shareholders' Agreement: CORP0227-07/01 revised Report LEG 05-13 June 16, 2014 Subject: Veridian Corporation Amended and Restated Shareholders Agreement Page 3 Shareholder Non-Elected Elected Members Total Number of Members (Municipal Director Appointees Councillors) Ajax 1 2 3 Belleville 1 1 2 Clarington 1 1 2 Pickering 1 3 4 There are a number of other points to be aware of regarding the composition of the board of directors of Veridian: "" an Elected Member is a municipal Councillor of a Shareholder and has been approved by that Shareholder's Council; Elected Members include the Mayor and the Mayor's Designate, provided that neither shall be required to be approved by Council; a Non-Elected Member is not an elected member of Council but is someone who has been approved by that Shareholder's Council the directors of Veridian, as selected by the Shareholders, elect the Chair and Vice Chair; the Chair or Vice Chair of the Veridian board can be either Non-Elected or Elected Members; and 0 the Chair and Vice Chair can not both be representatives of one Shareholder. Directors of Veridian Connections Inc. ("VCI"), Section 3.2 The following points summarize the proposed revisions as set forth in the Shareholders' Agreement: • the board of directors of VCI is to be comprised of 11 directors; • the board of directors of VCI is to be selected by the directors of Veridian; • subject only to the exception explained below, all of the Elected Members to the board of directors of Veridian shall also be appointed directors of the board of directors of VCI; and subject only to the exception explained below, a Non-Elected Member of the board of Veridian shall not be appointed a director of the board of directors of VCI. The December Resolution provided that the Elected Members for each of the Veridian board of directors and the VCI board of directors were to be the same individuals. In addition, the December Resolution provided that the Chair and Vice Chair of Veridian were also to hold the same positions for VCI. The Affiliate Relationships Code for Electricity Distributors and Transmitters (the "ARC") requires that one-third of directors be independent from any affiliate. If a Non-Elected Member was elected as Chair or Vice Chair, then if that same person was then appointed to the board of directors of VCI along with the other Elected Members, the composition of the VCI Board would not comply with the provisions of the ARC. To resolve this, it was determined that the CORP0227-07/01 revised 37 38 Report LEG 05-13 June 16, 2014 Subject: Veridian Corporation Amended and Restated Shareholders Agreement Page 4 Shareholders' Agreement would include an exception to account for the circumstance in which a Non-Elected Member was elected as Chair or Vice Chair. If a Non-Elected Member is elected as the Chair or Vice Chair of the board of directors of Veridian, and given the requirement that the same person be elected as Chair or Vice Chair of the board of directors of VCI, in order to ensure that the board of directors of VCI complies with the requirements of the ARC, the shareholder that nominated such Non-Elected Member, would then nominate a substitute Elected Member that was not on the Veridian Board, to be Elected Member for the VCI Board. Term of Directors, Chair and Vice Chair, Section 3.2(1) The proposed amendments clarify that the term of Directors, Chair and Vice Chair cannot be greater than 4 years or as is permitted pursuant to the Business Corporation Act R.S.O. 1990, c. B.16, which currently provides that such term may not exceed 3 years. Compensation, Section 3.2(s) As set forth in the December Resolution, the board of directors of VC shall determine director compensation. The proposed revisions provide that the Chair and Vice Chair shall not comprise a majority of the directors elected to make recommendations regarding compensation. Accounting Principles, Section 1.6 Section 1.6 of the Shareholders' Agreement has been amended to refer to GAAP, which definition takes into consideration that if the corporation has adopted the International Financial Reporting Standards, the definition of GAAP will thereafter include such standards. Business of Corporation, Section 2.1 The provisions of section 2.1 have been updated to reflect amendments to section 71 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998. In particular, section 2.1 (i) has been amended to reflect the provisions of section 71 (1 ), paragraph 9 of the said Act to include energy conservation, load management or the use of cleaner energy sources, including alternative and renewable energy sources. Term of Directors, Section 3.2(f) Section 119(4) of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) provides that directors are to hold office for a term expiring not later than the close of the third annual meeting of the Shareholders following the election. Further, if a director is not elected for an expressly stated term, then that director shall cease to hold office at the close of the first annual meeting of shareholders following his or her election. As a result, notwithstanding that section 3.2("~ does not specify a maximum term, any appointment to the board should CORP0227-07/01. revised : CCJ.Hiun .Cop.,.y 3.12 AuDITORs ................................................................................................................ ~n 3.13 BANI(JNG ................................................................................................................. Mll 3.14 FrNANCIA.LSTATEtvtENTS ......................................................................................... ~27 ARTICLE IV REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS ................. ..1 ~].1 4.1 REPRESENTATIONS AND W ARRANTlES ........................................................................ ~~ 4.2 COVENANTS ................................................................................................................ ~2 ARTICLE V TAANSFER OF SIIARES .............................................................................. 21llli 5.1 GENERAL RESTRICTION ON TRANSFER ........................................................................ ~2.8 5.2 LEGEND ON SHARES .................................................................................................... ;y;~ 5.3 RIGHTS OF FlRST REFUSAL .......................................................................................... ~22 (a) Notice ofOffcr .................................................................................................. 26~ (b) Offer Open During Notice Period ..................................................................... ~"!'2.9 (c) Acceptance of Offer .......................................................................................... --62 (d) Excess Shares .................................... , ............................................................... ~ (e) No Fractions ...................................................................................................... .JYJl.) (f) Sale.................................................................................................................... ~3.0 (g) Dcen1ed Refusal ................................................................................................ J.83U (h) Prospective Purchaser Bound ........................................................................... J8 (i) Veridian Corporation as Purchaser ................................................................... J.9 5.4 PIGGYBACK RIGHT ...................................................................................................... .;!9 5.5 AMALGAMATED SHAREHOLDER .................................................................................. ~ll ARTICLE VI CLOSING OF PURCHASE TRANSACTION ........................................... .?{)Jl. 6.1 TIME AND PLACE OF CLOSING ..................................................................................... ;.{)~ 6.2 DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED BY TH E VENDOR ......................................................... ~~ 6.3 DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED BY THE PURCHASER ................................................... M "'' 6.4 FAILURE TO COMPLETE SALE ......................................................................................... ~~ 43 ARTICLE VII NON-COMPETlTlON AND CONFIDENTIALITY ................................ ~.ti 7.1 NON-COMPETITION ..................................................................................................... ~.1.4 7. 2 CONFIDENTIALITY ..................................................................... ' .. ' .............................. B~ 7.3 INJUNCTIVE RELIEF ..................................................................................................... ~J.g 7.4 ACCOUNTING FOR PROFITS .......................................................................................... J-1.36 7.5 REASONABLENESS OF RESTRICTrONS .......................................................................... .;43_6 ARTICLE VIII SALE OF SURPLUS ASSETS ................................................................... ~31 8.1 RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL ............................................................................................ :l-Sl.z ARTICLE IX BOOKS, RECORDS AND RIGHT TO INFORMATION ......................... .1531 9.1 BOOKS AND RECORDS ................................................................................................. :~l] 9.2 R.IGHTTO INFORMATiON .............................................................................................. ~5Jl ARTICLE X TERM ................................................................................................................ :3S.3..1 1 0.1 TERM ~C RE~a:v:.'cl .......................................................................... 35Jl ARTICLE XI PROMISSORY NOTES ................................................................................ ;:.aJB ll.l PROMISSORY NOTES ................................................................................................ ~~ ARTICLE XII GENERAL ..................................................................................................... ?:132 12.1 NOTICES .................................................................................................................. ;::7J2 12.2 ASSIGNMENT AND BINDING EFFECT ........................................................................ J-8~ 12.3 AMALGAMATION OF MUNICIPAL SHAREHOLDERS ................................................... ;84 1 12 .4 ARBITRATION .......................................................................................................... W41 (a) Selection of Single Arbitrator ........................................................................... J-94 1 (b) Referring Dispute .............................................................................................. :f9:±6 (c) Attempted Settlement.. ...................................................................................... J.9~ (d) Decision Final and Binding .............................................................................. 5942 (e) Powers of Arbitrator ......................................................................................... 3942 (f) Costs .................................................................................................................. 41Jj1, 44 (g) Written Notices ................................................................................................. J.O:ll, 12.5 FURTHER ASSURANCES ........................................................................................... 4G43 12.6 St:.VERABJLITY ......................................................................................................... 4\}43 12.7 AMENDMENT, MODIFICATION AND WANER ........................................................... 4{)43 12.8 TIME OF ESSENCE.................................................................................................... ;+4_4 12.9 COUNTERPARTS ....................................................................................................... 4+~ 12. 1 0 N 0 P ARTNERSJ-1 LP .................................................................................................... 4~44 12.1 1 PROCEEDJNGS .......................................................................................................... +!44 SCHEDULE ''A'' ........................................................................................................................... 1 45 46 THIS AMENDED At$0 RESTATED SH.AREUOLDiill.S_ AGREEMENT made as of the __ day of __ , _.lQI.::L BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AJAX, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of Ontario -and - THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE, a municipal COllJOration exis1ing under the laws of Ontario · and · THE CORPORATION OF THE MUN1CIPALITV OF CLARINGTON, a municipal corporation existing under the Jaws of Ontario ("Ajax") (''Belleville") ("Clarington") -and - THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of Ontario -and - VERJDIAN CORPORATION, a corporation amalgamated under the laws of Ontario (''Pickering") ("VC") -2 - -and - VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS INC., a corporation arnalgamated under the laws of Ontario -and - VERIDIAN ENERGY INC., a coq:loration amalgamated under the laws of Ontario ("VCI") ("VEl") (Ajax, Belleville, Clarington, Pickering, VC, VCI and VEl are collcctivelyrefen·ed to herein as the "Parties",_nnd csch a.~£>3r!:Y:.:) Recitals: 1. .\ju?tt ClariRgton ami Pickering transferrecl certain of their assets, emp loyees--and liabiJities ~1-te-tfle-e-i-s-H:iht!t-ioo-a+H.!-Rt-&iting of electricity to ~~ai·n-saeeessor eerpofat.i•~Hs-ftfl.e ~SSOI: CorpoFatien~he electricity Aet: 2. Belleville tnm terred eertain of its assets-end--l-iabi-lities Felated to the dt5~on and retalling--tt~4fi.c-it-y-hl-i..->eFtaiA-S~~tions lthe "Belleville 8u~ ~el·ations'") pursuant to tlle-E-1-eetTH.:-ity Aet; 3.. Ajax, Belleville. ClaringttHHrn~g agreed to merge tJ:le businesses-of-t.fle....'kt=ii~i-att S-oo€essEw Co~iomr-arukhe Bell eville Sueeesser-GeFJ*wlliiMS-()ufS\.Itlnt te the-tt!tms-e.f the Merger AgreenteflF, -k-The authorized capital ofVC consists of an unlimi ted number of Shares of which 10,000 arc issued and outstanding as fully paid and non-assessable;. 2. ~-Ajax, Bell eville, Clarington and Pickering arc the sole registered and benefi cial shareholders ofVC holding the following numbers of Shares, respectively: I ~ .. SHAREHOLDER Ajax Bellevil1e NUMBER OF SHARES 3,210 1,330 PERCENTAGE TOTAL 32.1% 13.3% 47 48 Clarington Pickering -3 - 1,360 4,100 13.6% 41.0% e.. The f*Hiies v<ish te enter--HttQ this AgreementPa[ti~s ntcrcd into a shareholder..s... aorccn~.nt dated e tcmber 28 200 I,~ amcno~i by a fir.s.Lanwnd in l a r_~Cffi£11t ~ ·harehQ!.dcu~· agreement date~ptcmber 30 2003 andas_amcnded Qx.Jl §C£qr d_amending ngrccmeo! to 1hl,( sh teholdc_r ·' a !T"e_mcnt dated Mf!rciL)O,_JO tO (t:Qilec.:tiwlY..__th~ .:.:.Qriginal Sharehoht~ to provide for the conduct of certain affairs of VC, to provide for ceriain restrictions on the transfer and ownership of Shares and to govern the mutual rights and obligations of the Shareholders with respect to VC and each other Shareholder. 1 he P.,a.rtic;:s 1vish tQ furth_er am~nd ami ~s.k'l1c-.!.b.£..Qriginal har..e.bolde ' A.,greemc.:nt injts £I.tlir~~ ~rth in this A_grccrncnt '~ith the intent thaLthis_.&grecmenjJha~ cffcctiv~ i1S of.Laouary ~O l i NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises, the mutual promises herein contained and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged) each of the paniesl!_<lrtics agrees with each other r-fl;'f.artJ' as follows: 1.1 Definitions ARTICLE I INTERPRETATION In tllis Agreement the following tenns shall have the following meanings unless the subject matter or context o1he1wise requires: "Act" means the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), R.,S.Q. lj22Q c.J!J 6; "Agreement" means this Amended and E.e~tate_d SharebLJLdt·J:;' Agreement, all schedules attached hereto and any agreement or schedule supplementing or amending this Amcndl.!d and l~cstat~d SharehQidcr~' Agreement. All uses of the words "hereto", "herein", ''hereof, "hereby" and "hereunder" and similar expressions refer to tllis Arneilltcd J111d Rc~ra eel 'hareholclers' Agreement -4 - and not to any particular section or p01tion of it. References to an Article, Section, Subsection or Schedule refer to the applicable a11icle, section, subsection or schedule of this Atnc Jd_e_.d ao• {e:;J,atcd SJwrchol lers Agreement; 11Amalgamated Shareholder" has lhe meaning set out in Section 12.3; .. Arbitration Act" means theArbitrationAct, /CJYl S.O., t..&:J).l.J..2.9.Lc.J7; "Arbitrator" has the meaning set out in Subsection 12.4(a); "Arm's Length" has the meaning altdbuted lre~3tn Jl in the Income Tax Act (Canada) provided ti1at, for the purposes of Secti on 5.3, each Shareholder shall be deemed to be acting at Ann's Lcnglh with each otber Shareholder and YC; '•Auditors" means the firm of chartered accountants appointed as auditor ofthe Corporations fi:om time to time; "Board" means the Board of Directors ofVC; "Board Committees" means committees created by the Board from time to time for the purpose of overseeing specific tasks and rep01ting to the Board and includes the committees referred lo in Section 3.3; "Business" means the business of the Corporations as descl.ibed in Section 2.! or as may otherwise be conducted by the Corporations fi:orn time to time; "Business Day" means any day otbcr than a Saturday, Sunday, or statutory holiday in Ontatio; "Chair" means the director elected by the Board to serve as its chairperson from time to time; "Closing Date" means the date on which the purchase and sale of Shares is to be completed; "Confidential Information" means any and all infonnation and data relating it1 any manner Lo the Business and any activities, plans, ideas, products, services, policies or in tenti ons (including without limitation, informati on of an operational, busin ess, marketing, financial or economic nature), whether or not prop1ietary in nature, Lb at is of value to th e Corporations and is held by the 49 50 ~ 5 • Corporations as a trade secret anu is not generally known to competitors of the Corporations or to the public; "Corporations" means collectively VC and lhe Subsidialies; "Debt" means, with respect to VC and the Subsidiaries, without regan! to any uncapitalized interest component thereof (whether actual or imputed) that is not due and payable, the aggregate of the following amounts, each calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) indebtedness for money bon·owed (including, without limitation, by way of overdraft) or indebtedness represented by notes payable and drafts accepted representing extensions of credit; (b) the face amount of all bankers' acceptances and other similar instruments; (c) all obligations (whether or not with respect to the boiTowing of money) that are evidenced by bonds, debentures, notes or otJ1er simi lar insh·uments; (d) all liabilities upon which interest charges are customati.ly paid; (e) any capital stock of VC (or of any Subsidiary lh at is not held by VC or by a Subsidiary that is wholly owned, directly or indirectly), which capital stock, by its terms (or by the tenns of any security into which it is convertible or for which it is exchangeable at the option of the holder), or upon the happenjng of any event, matures or is mandatorily redeemable, pursuaot to a sinking fund obligation or otherwise, or is redeemable at the option of the holder thereof, in whole or in part, on or prior to the maturity date for cash or securities constituting debt; (f) aU capital Lease obl igations, synthetic lease obligations, obligations under sale and leaseback transactions and purchase money obligations; (g) lhe fu ll amount of any COiltingent liability under any guarantee (other than by endorsement of negotiable instruments for collection or deposit in the ordinary course of business) -l 0- (c) carry a right to receive, on a winding up or dissolution, more than 50% of the remaining propeLiy of such body corporate after payment of all debts and liabilities of the body COllJOrate. 1.3 Headings The division oflhjs Agreement into Articles, Sections and Subsections and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the consh·uction or interpretation of this Agreement. The Article, Section and Subsection headings in this Agreement are not intcnd.ed to be full or precise descriptions of the text to whi ch they refer and shall not be · considered part of this Agreement. 1.4 Entire Agreeme1tt Thi · \ •ret:n~lLcQn ·ti 1tcs the c:ntire n,giT,!dlWOt amQ.ng....,tlw Partte~ o.~t1ainin 1 o th~ ui~Ject matter of lhis Alireetne.l1..L..i!.!}d super.se . .des. nll..JlfiOJ cQtrcsnondcncc. u~t~e1nents, ncvotiatinns. di-scu · ·ons i!nd IJl1der..sl.<mdlrH'S if an writtc11 0 1 n1l. The execution of this Agreement has not been induced by, nor do any of the lflt~PartL~ rely upon or regard as material, any representations, warranties, conditions, other agreements or acknowledgements not expressly made in this Agrccment~~m~ttthtth..;.Hie-tttment·· *q be tleli, .. , .... 1 pur·:uam ~Ill t)( in rhe Nt.;r o"' ."'tgreement. The ~Partie~ agree that the ~i. ,_Qrhdnal Shareholders' Agreement 111 its.. entirety is hereby tcml-itulted futtl superseded by this Agreement. 1.5 Number and Gender In this Agreement, words in the singular include the plural and vice-versa and words in one gender include all genders. 1.6 Accounting Principles \Vhere....the-C:;'anatlJan lnst·hu-te-ef:.(:'hHft.eR..~-eef)Hftffinf.s-i.lldutles tt recoftHnettd-et4on m its ·l·ku-Hlooek-eenceming lhe-treatment of any ae~.;OO+lttng rnntte~tteh recommendation shall be regtlfdeti-as-t-fie--en+y-generally at:eef*e&a :rount-Htg"tmn€-ipJ.e..am-~bl e to the eircumstnn\;es thakt ~J'fr-atffi-n .. ~.fef€ftee!i herein to "gEflerally aeeep1etl neeflurlttn~ JJF~H'-!.f.ple~;" ~.hull be int-e-Fpl~tea eeeeffliflg~)'; 55 .. 12 .. W+1r-flt,1-h.-fight'f-{• 1 liA l!YOHm;'-P"' •n<4!f\'f': (c}-any shares, secudties, wan·ants, rights or options of any nature of VC or any successor, continuing company or corporation of VC that may be received by a Shareholder on a reorganization, amalgamation, anangcment, consolidation or merger, statutory or otherwise; and {t'ththp~li H~'•, 5Cb t1t1t 11..-m-Wtl ffi:ltlt5:-flglw.rtii~J1hurt+l11.•:FeHtt"'rT= I O:.~H'I~ ltH-i€H-ey MG:-t~l~t=tlder.atl~¥-J.lielrsh~t.i~''UH~~+gltttreF-er~~io~W·s-ltn! I 0041eemed to be-Shares-t~~tU-JUtFf*tSt.tS-Gfthis Agreeme~ 1.10 Interpretation · If any conflict shall appear between the by-laws and the articles of VC or any Subsidiary and the provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall govem. 1.11 Governing Law This Agreement shall be govemed by and consuued, interpreted and perfotmed in accordance with the laws ofOnta1io and the laws of Canada applicable therein and shall be treated in all respects as an Ontario contract. 1.12 Currency All dollar amounts refetTed to in this Agreement and all payments to be made hereunder are in Canadian funds. ARTICLE II BUSINESS OF THE CORPORATIONS 2.1 Business of the Corporations The Corporations may engage in the following business activities and such other business activities as may be permitted by Law and authorized by the Board from time to time: (a) transmitting or distributing elect1icity; 57 -18- office of Ma~ OtHhe appotnt-itl~-&1-h t ;lw.l h:r 51 AH 4&Fthwi-Ht j)liH: fl Ylatr;r-er-rhHI yor's Oesigaate, as RPJ~Ii€ahle;-C~eh-Initt&l-Shflr€lwl.aer shall R*Hffia~-e-the-Board m em her:; of il!r€OOHeH-{-tJ1t:h!tli-Rg-t~layer-&Hl=t~I-ayor!s Designater{.!!t.~uHCil Appointees") pmv-ieetHhat ut least one nemi-eee-&:f-eaek lnit-ifll..Shai'eltekler shull not ue u Cot-m~peiptJ"~t> qfHtat-lfti.t.i~reh~In addition to the requirements of the Act, the qualifi cations of candidates for the Board and th~ b~)ard cl..Q.trc,;ct >(."of a_ny Subs;di ~ny. shall, where possible, include the following: (i) business expCiience; (ii) time availability; (iii) fmancial skill s; (iv) marketi'ng skills; (v) industry knowledge; (vi) independence of judgment; (vii) integrity; (viii) knowledge of public policy issues relating to the C01voralions; and (ix) knowledge and experience conccming envirom11ental matters, labour relations and occupational health and safety issues. ill f t Nominees of Transferee Shal'eholdcrs. Following the transfer of Shares to a Transferee Shareholder, that Transferee Shareholder shall be entitled to nominate one member of the Board for each whol e block of Shares owned by the Transferee Shareholder representing 9% of the total issued and outstanding Shares. /\ Transferee Shareholder owning less lhan 9% of the total issued and outstanding Shares shall not be entitled to nominate any member ofthe Board and a Transferee Shareholder owning less than 18% of tile total issued and outstanding Shares shall only be entitled to nominate one member of the Board. An Amalgamated 63 68 -23- 3.6 Decisions of the Shareholders All decisions or reso lulions of the Shareholders shaiJ require, and shal1 be deemed to be effective upon, the approval of at least two thirds oflhe voles cast at a meeting of Shareholders. A Shareholders' resolution in wtiting signed by all of Lhe Shareholders entiHed to vote on that resolution at a meeting of the Shareholders is as valid as if it had been passed at a meeti11g ofthe Shareholders. 3.7 Sharelwlder Repre.fientative Each IJ ~~Shareholder shall designate tl1e Mayor as the lega l representative of that I H.-tal Shareholder (the "Shareholder Representative") for purposes of providing any consent or approval req uired by this Agreement or by the Act. ln U1e event that the Mayor is unable or unwillmg to act as the Sharebolder Representative, the Chief Admi nistrative Officer (or the individual who performs the equivalent duties) shall be the Shareholder Representative for purposes of this Agreement ond ofthe Act unless the-1 ~._ ~1 Shareholder determines otherwise . .A,~ hmi 1 ,\ Shareholder shall designate its Shareholder Representative (by proxy duly completed in accordance with the Act) as its representative to attend and vote at any meeting of Shareholders. 3.8 (JJ.7icers (a) The officers of VC shall include a President and such other officers as U1e Board may determine from time to time. TI1e Board shall appoint the officers ofVC fro m time to time. (b) For greater certainty the ~~=l ~ !\n_t_t~ recognize that in carryi ng on the ordinary course of Business, it is not practicable for the Board to be involved in lhe day to day affairs ofVC. The Board will delegate responsibilities to tJ1e officers, who wi ll repo rt to the Board and the Board Committees from time to time as required. 3.9 Matters Requiring Shareholder Approval The Shareholders agree that, without Shareholder approvoJ given m accordance with Section 3.6, VC sball not: -24- (a) amend its articles (within the meaning of the Act) or enact, revoke, or amend any by-law of VC; (b) issue, or enter into any agreement to issue, any shares of VC of any class, or any securities conveli ible into any shares of any class, or grant any option or other Light lo pttrchase a11y such shares or securities conve1iib le into such shares; (c) redeem, purchase for cancellation or otherwise reli re any of its outstanding Shares; (d) sell or otherwise dispose of, by conveyance, transfer, lease, sale and leaseback, merger or other reorganization or b·ansaction, m01igage, pledge, charge or otherwise grant a security interest in, all or substantially all of the assets or undertaking ofVC; (e) enter into any contracts, commitments or transactions that would increase the Debt/Equjty Ratio to greater than 70% Debt1 \Q,~J~quit ; (f) grant security [or or guarantee, or otherwise become liable for any debt, liability or obligation of any Person other than a Subsidiary; (g) take or institute the proceedings for any winding up, reorganization or dissolution; (h) enter into any amalgamation, anangement oi consoli dation; and (i) apply to continue as a corporation under the laws of another jurisdiction. 3.10 Unanimous Shareholder Agreement Each of the Shareholders acknowledges that this Agreement is intended to operate as a unanimous shareholder agreement with respect to VC within the meaning of the Act. Pursuant to Section I 08(2) of the Act, the discretion and powers of t·he Board to manage or supervise the management oftbc business and affa irs ofVC are hereby restricted to U1e extent of the provisions of Secti on 3.9 ofthis Agreement. 69 70 -25- 3.11 Agreement Binds Veridian Corporation and Subsidiaries VC and the Subsidiaries, by their execution of or aclmowledgcment to be bound by tllis Agreement, acknowledges that they have actual notice of the tem1s of this Agreement, consent to this Agreement a11d by this Agreement covenant with each of the Shareholders that they wi 11 at all times during the tem1 of th is Agreement: (a) give or cause to be given such notices, execute or cause to be executed such deeds, transfers and documents as may from time to time be necessary or conducive to the can·ying out of the tem1s and intent of this Agreement; (b) do or cause to be done all such acts, matters and things as may from time to Lime be necessary or conducive to the carrying out of the terms and intent of this Agreement; and (c) take no action that would constitute a contravention of any of the terms and provisions ofthis Agreement. 3.12 Auditors The Auditors shall be appointed by the Shareholders from time to time. 3.13 Banking \'~'1 ht.: Cumor<J.Jiun~ ' ... bankers shall be such financial institution(~ as the Board shall from time to time determine. All resolutions respecting banking autbmity, the opening of bank accounts and U1e draw ing on such accounts shall require the consent of the Board before becoming effective. 3.14 Fimmcial Statements VC shall cause to be prepared and delivered as soon as reasonably practicable and in no event later U1an 180 days after the end of each li.scal year of VC tlll.i V(.l annual audited consolidated financial statements fo r such fiscal year prepared in accordance with ;ener-:.lly ~~..efktet:eum-m~~le-sGA~l~ and accompani ed by a repott oft.be Auclitors. -26 - ARTICLE IV REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS 4.1 Representations aud Warranties Each of the Shareholders represents and watTants as follows and acknowledges that each of the other PJHI-C':ii>i.lrlll!~ hereto are relying on such representations and wan·anti es in connection with the entering into of this Agreement: (a) it is the registered and beneficia l owner of U1e Shares stated to be owned by such Shareholder in the recitals hereto, free and clear of all Encumbrances and there are no outstanding agreements, options, wan·anls or other rights capable of becoming an agreement, option or wan ant to purchase such Shares; (b) it has the power and capacity to own its assets and to enter into and perform its obligal1ons hereunder and has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution and deli very of this Agrcemen t; (c) this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein have been duly auU1orized by it and constitutes a valid and binding ob ligation of it enforceable against it in accordance with its tenns subject to the laws of bankruptcy and the availability of equitable remedies; and (d) the execution, delivery and perfm1na nce of this Agreement does not and will not contravene the provisions of its articles, by-laws, constating documents or the provisions of any agreement or other instrument to whi ch it is a ,~ l'tj ,uny or may be bound. 4.2 Covenants Each of the Shareholders covenants and agrees with each other 1 ~~art~ hereto that all of the foregoing representations and warranti es pertaining to it set forth in Article 4.1 will continue to be true and con-ect during lhe continuance of this Agreemenl. 71 72 -27- ARTICLE V TRANSFER OF SHARES 5.1 General Restriction on Transfer Save and except for transfers made pursuant to and in accordance with Sections 5.3 and 5.4 of this Agreement, no Shares, nor the whole or any item or part of any right, title, benefit or interest therein or li1ereto, may be sold, transferred, assigned, made subject to any Encumbrance or otherwise disposed. No Shareholder shaH be entitled to create or grant an Encumbrance on its Shares. 5.2 Legend 011 Shares All share certificates representing Shares of VC shalL bear on their face the following notation: "The shares represented by this certificate arc subject to the provisions of the Q..tigjnal Shareholders' Agreement made as of September 28, 2001 among al l of the sharehold ers of the Corporation as at that date, which agreement contains restrictions on the right to sell, transfer, pledge, m01igage, assign, vote or otherwise deal with or encwnber such shares. Notice of such restrictions and the other provisions of such agreement is hereby given. A copy of such agreement is available for inspectio.n from the Secretary of the Corporation on request." 5.3 Rights of First Reji1sal If any Shareholder (in this Article V called the "Selling Shareholder") wishes to sell all, but not less than all, of its Shares (subject to Section 5.5) to a Person with whom it deals at Ann's Length, the other Shareholders and VC (in this Alticle V called the "Other Holders") shall have the prior right to purchase such Shares in accordance with the following provisions: (a) Notice of Offer. A Selling Shareholder shall give to the Secretary of VC and to eacb Other Holder notice in writing of its desired intention to sell aU, but not less than all, of its Shares (in Lhis Article V called the ''Offered Shares"). TI1e notice (in this Article called the "Selling Notice") shall have annexed thereto a true copy oflbe offer, agreement or similar document (lhe "Offer") containi.ng the tenns and conditions pursuant to wh ich the Selling Shareholder wishes to sell the Offered Shares to the prospective purchaser (in this Arucle V called the "Prospective -28- Purchaser"), who shall be identified, and the price and tenus of payment which the Selling Shareholder is willing to accept for the Offered Shares which shall be the same as set forth in the Offer; (b) Offer Open During Notice Period. The Secretary of VC shall thereupon be deemed to be the agent of the Selling Shareholder for the purposes of offering the Offered Shares to the Other Holders on the terms of payment and for the price contained in the Selling Notice and the offer by the Secretary shall be irrevocable and remain open for acceptance, as hereinafter provided, for a period of 60 days (in this Article V called the "Notice Period") after receipt of the Selling Notice by the Secretary; (c) Acceptance of Offer. Within 15 Business Days after receipt of the Selling Notice by the Secretary, the Secretary shall offer the Offered Shares for sale to the Other Holders as nearly may be in proportion to the number of Shares held by each such Other Holder respectively as at the date of such offer. The offer by the Secretary shall state that any Other Holder desiring to purchase a number of Offered Shares less than or in excess of its proportion shall indicate in its notice to the Secretary (in this Article V called the "Purchase Notice") stating the number of Offered Shares it desires to purchase. If, within the Notice Period, a Purchase Notice has not been received by the Secretary ofVC from an Other Holder, such Other Holder shall be deemed to have declined to purchase the Offered Shares being offered; (d) Excess Shares. If the Other Holders do not claim their respective proportions, any unclaimed Offered Shares shall be used to satisfy the claims of such Other Holders for Offered Shares in excess of their prop01iions. If the claims in excess are more than sufficient to exhaust such unclaimed Offered Shares, the unclaimed Offered Shares shall be divided pro rata among such Other Holders desiring Offered Shares in excess of their proportion, in proportion to the number of Shares held by them respectively as at the date of such offer, provided that any unclaimed Offered Shares after such pro rata division shall be divided pro rata among Other Holders in proportion to their claims in excess of their respective proportions determined as aforesaid. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, no Other Holder shall be 73 74 -29- bound to purchase any Offered Shares in excess of the amount indicated in its Purchase Notice; (e) No Fractions. If the Offered Shares are not capable, without division into fractions of Shares, ofbcing offered to or being divided among the Other Holders in the proportions above mentioned, the same shall be offered to or divided among the Other Holders as nearly as may be in the proportions hereinbefore mentioned and any baJance shall be offered to or divided among the Other Holders or some ofthem in s·uch equitable manner as may be determined by the Board; (f) SaJe. If all, but not less than all, of the Offered Shares are accepted by the Other Holders pursuant to the provisions of U1is Section 5.3, the Offered Shares shall be sold to the Other Holders for the pri ce and tor the tenns contnined in the Selling Notice; (g) Deemed Refusal. If Purchase Notices have not been received by the Secretary in respect of all of the Offered Shares within the Notice Period, the Other Holders, and each oflhem, shall be deemed to have declined lo purchase the Offered Shares and, subject lo the provisions of paragraph 01), U1e Selling Sharel1older may within 60 days after the expiration of the Notice Period sell all, but not less tlJan all, of the Offered Shares to the Prospective Purchaser at thep1ice.and upon terms of payment which are not more favourable than those specified in the Selling Notice; and 01) Prospective Purchaser Bound. The Selling Shareholder shall sell the Offered Shares to a Person who is not a ~Pjllj y hereto only if such other Person simultaneously with any s11ch sale executes .and delivers to each of the other paFHesParJ~t::· hereto a counterpart of this Agreement in which case such Person shall have the rights of a Transferee Shareholder and shall be subject to the same obligations as a ~p~ Lo this Agreement as if it were an original signatory in place of the Selling Shareholder or its predecessor in title originally f*Ylj'Par:ty to this Agreement, as applicable. Without limiting Lbe generality of the foregoing, a Transferee Shareholder shall agree to be bound by tbc provisions of Section 7. l. -30- (i) Veridian Corporation as Purchaser. The Other Holders, except VC, may cause VC to act as an Other Holder. 5.4 Piggyback lUgltt In the event one onnore Selling Shareholders receives an Offer and, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 5.3, the Other Ilolders decline to purcbase the Offered Shares from the Selling Shareholder(s), and the Shares whlcb the Selling Sharcholder(s) wish to sell under U1e Offer(s) would result in a Person owning more than 49% of all of tbe issued and outstanding Shares, then each Other Holder except VC shall have the right to require that all, but not less than all, of its Shares be sold to the Prospective Purchaser, on the same tenns and conditions as those set out in the Offer; provided that, if the Prospective Purchaser will not purchase the aggregate amount of Shares which the Selling Shareholder(s) and the Other Holders except VC requested to be sold pursuant to U1e immediateJy preceding sentence, the number of Shares which tJ1e Selling Shareholder(s) and the Other Holders except VC shall be pcm1itted to sell to the Prospective Purchaser shall be proportionately reduced so that each may sell tl1e same percentage of its Shares. The Other Holders except VC may only exercise their right under this Section 5.4 by written notice given Lo tbe Secretary ofYC within the Notice Period. 5.5 Amalgamated Shareholder An AmaJgamated Shareholder is entitled to sell its Shares in accordance with lhis Agreement in the same manner as if the Amalgamated Shareholuer had not been amalgamated and , may for the purposes of Section 5.3 offer to sell less than all of its Shares (only if such Amalgamated Shareholder sells its Shares in the original blocks held by it prior to amalgamation) provided that each offer is otherwise made in compliance with Section 5.3. ARTICLE V1 CLOSING OF PURCHASE TRANSACTION 6.1 Thne and Place o.fClosiug The closing of any purchase and sale of Shares contemplated by Sections 5.3 or 5.4 of this Agreement shall unless otherwise agreed upon by the r I~J.,...Pnd t~~ to such transaction, take place at tbe registered office of VC on the date specified in the Selling Notice. 75 76 -31 - 6.2 Document~· to be delivel'ed by the Vendor On or before the closing of a purchase and sale of SlJ ares contemplated hereunder, the vendor shall deliver to the purchaser the following (each in toml and substance satisfactory to the purchaser): (a) a share cettificate or certificates representing the Shares being sold, duly endorsed in blank for transfer or newly issued in the name of the purchaser; (b) a certificate of a senior ofttcer certifying that any representations and wan·anties made by such vendor in this Agreement are true and correct as oftl10 Closing Date; (c) the written resignation of such vendor's nominee(s) to the Board and a release by such nominec(s) of all claims against VC with respect to any matter or thing arising as a rcsul t of being a director; (d) U1e Wii1ten release of the vendor of all claims against VC and the Subsidiaries, any of the other Shareholders wit h respect to any matter or thing arising up to and including the Closing Date as a result of being a Shareholder; and 6.3 Documents to be delivered by the Purclta$er On or before tl1e closing of a purchase and sale of Sbares contemplated hereunder, the purchaser shall deliver to Hie vendor tbe following: (a) a certified cheque or bank draft in an amount equal lo the purchase price for tho Shares being purchased; (b) in the event Shares are sold to a Person who is not a Shareholder pursuant to Sections 5.3 or 5.4 hereof, a duly executed counterpart of this Agreement or other agreement pursuant to whicb such Person agrees to be bouod by the provisions hereof; and (c) such other documents as may be reasonably required by any 1.~~Par1,Y to such purchase and sale to properly complete the purchase and sale of the Shares. -32- 6.4 FaiiUJ't to Complete Sale In the evenl the vendor fails to complete the subject, purchase and sale transaction, the purchaser shall have the right to deposit the purchase price for the subject Shares for the account of the vendor in an interest-bearing account at a branch ofVC's bankers. Thereafter, notwithstanding that Lbe documents required pursuant to Section 6.2 have not been delivered by the vendor, the purchase and sale of the subject Shares shall be deemed to be fully completed and all rigl1t, ti tle, benefit and interest, both allaw and in equity, in and to the subject Shares shall be deemed to have been transferred and assigned to and become vested in the purchaser and all right, title, benefit and interest, both at law and in equily, ofthe vendor or any other Person having an i11terest in and to the subject Shares shall cease and the records o fVC shall be amended accordingly. ARTICLEVTI NON-COMPETITION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 7.1 Non-Competition (a) Each Shareholder covenants and agrees that it shall not, except tlu·ough VC or otherwise with the consent of all Shareholders, or as provided in Section 7. I (b), directly or indirectly, fi·om the elate hereof until 2 years after U1e t' ..t Pan.Y ceases to he a Shareholder, compete within (a) Ontario; or (b) South Central Ontario; with the Business, whether by carrying on or engaging in or being concemed with or interested in or advising, lending money to, guaranteeing the debts or obligations of or permitting tl1e t rft7~rjy's name or any part thereof to be used or employed by any Person engaged in or conccmed with or interested in any business within (c) Ontario; or (d) South Ccutra1 Ontario that is competitive with tl1e Business, or otherwise. (b) The 1 ,1i#~Pa1t1~_:. acknowledge that (i) a municipality other tban the Shareholder wbich is a shareholder of one or more corporations inCOf110rated under the Act for the purposes of generating, transmitting, distributing or retailing electricity, and (ii) a person which holds a portfolio investment of less than 5% of the shares of a corporation whose shares are publicly traded which competes wilh the Business is 77 78 -33- petmitted to become a Shareholder in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 7.2 Co1tjidentiality Each Shareholder shall not use or disclose to any Person otber Ulan in the ordinary course of the Business of the Corporations, directly or indirectly, any Confidential lnfom1ation l:lt any time other than to employees, officers or directors of such Shareholder provided that all such Persons shall treat such infonnation as confidential and not disclose same to any Third Pa1ty nor use the same for any purpose oth er lhan for the plliJ)OSes of tJ1e Corporations or in respect of a Shareholder's investment in tho Corporations, provided, however, th at nothing in this Article VII shall preclude a Shareholder from disclosing or using Confidential Inforn1ation if: (a) the Confidential Infonnation is availab~e to the public or in the public domain at th~ time of such disclosure or use, without breach of this Agreement; (b) disclosure of Confidential fnfonnation is required to be made by any law, regulation, govemmcntal body or authotity or by court order; (c) disclosure of ConfidentiaL fnfonnation is mad e in coru1ection with any arbitration pursuant to Section .J..-I.-:.4 l2A; (d) disclosure of Confidential Infonnation is made to a court which is dctennining the rights of the 1 'ft ~ artLe..~ under this Agreement; (e) the Confidential Information is properly within the legitimate possession of a Shareholder prior to its disclosure hereunder and without any obligation of confidentiality; (f) oftcr disclosure, Lbe Confidenti al Infonnalion is lawfully received by a Shareholder fi-om another Person who is law(blly in possession of such infonnation and such other Person is not restricted from disclosing U1e in formation to the Shareholder, (g) the disclosure of Confidential Infomtation is necessary to complete a transfer of Sho res in accordance with this Agreement; -34 - (h) the Confidential Information is independently developed by a Shareholder through Persons who have not had access to, or knowledge ot: the Confidenlial lnformation, other than as pennitted in (a) through (g) above or (i) below; or (i) the Confidentiallnfonnat1on is approved by the Corporations for disclosure prior to its actual disclosure. Each Shareholder acknowledges and agrees that the obligations under this Section 7.2 shall remain in effect for the period of two (2) years after it ceases to be a Shareholder. Notwithstanding the foregoing rcshictions, the nominees of the Shareholders on the Board shall be entitled to discuss the affairs of the Corporalions witl1 the officers, directors, employees and representatives of such Shareholder. 7.3 Injunctive Relief Each Shareholder understands and agrees that VC, and consequently the other pRrr~rJ~IJi~;_s, will suffer irreparable hann in the event that the Shareholder breaches any of the obligations set out in tbis Arti cle VII and that monetary damages shall be inadequate to compensate for the breach. Accordingly, each Shareholder agrees that, in the event of a breach or threatened breach by it of any of tb e provisions of this Article VU, VC and the other ~?~~Part h.: hereto, in addition to and not in limitation of any other rights, remedies or damages available to them at law or in equity, shall be entitled to an interim injtmction, interlocutory injunction and permanent injunction in order to prevent or to restrain any such breach by the Shareholder. 7.4 Accounting for Profits Each Shareholder agrees that in the evenl of a violation of any of its covenants or agreements under lhi s Article VIT, VC shall be en1itled lo an accoLinting and repayment of all profits, compensation, royalties, conunissions, remunerations or benefits which the Shareholder directly or indirectly shaJI have realized or may realize relating to, growing out of, or in connection with any such violation(s); this remedy shall be in addition to and not in limitation of any injunctive relief or other rights or remedies to which VC and the other ., tme ·PaltJts are or may be entitled allaw or in equity or otherwise under thi s Article VH. 79 80 -35- 7.5 ReasOttableness of Restrictions Each Shareholder ack11owledges that it has given careful consideration to the provisions of Sections 7.1 to 7.4 above and, having do11e so, agrees that the restrictions set forth in those sections are fair and reasonable and are reasonab ly required for the protccLion of the other Shareholders' investments in VC and for the protection ofthe interests ofVC and its Business, and that it is bemg reasonably compensated for the imposition of such restrictions. ARTICLE VITI SALE OF SURPLUS ASSETS 8.1 Rigltt of First Refusal In U1e event that VC or any Subsidiary intends to sell any Surplus Assets, the municipal Shareholder in whose legal boundaries the Surplus Assets are located shaH have a first right of refusal to purchase the Surplus Assets at their Fair Market Value. Such municipal Shareholder shall be entitled to receive Wlitten notice of any proposed disposition 90 days from tbc date of such notice to exercise its right to purchase, failing which the Surplus Assets may be sold by VC or any Subsidiary as the case may be. ARTICLE IX BOOKS, RECORDS AND RIGHT TO INFORMATION 9.1 Books ami Records VC shall at all times maintain at its registered office proper books of account, which shall contain accurate and complete records of all transactions, receipts, expenses, assets and liabilities ofVC. 9.2 Right to Information The fl~+-sPurt~ covenant and agree that each Shareholder of VC shall have rights of inspection as set out in Sections 140, 14 1, 144 and 145 of the Act. -40- binding on and enure to the benefit of the re-Ftie:tParttes hereto and their respective successors and pcnnitted assigns. Reference in tlli s Agreement to any r~. !!!lrtv shall be deemed to include reference to such ~·Fl)'P<i .¥and its respective successors and assigns as pem1ittcd l1ereundcr. 12.3 Amalgamation of Jl,funicipal Shareholders Two or more l.ti#l-I Shareholders that amalgamate ("Amalgamated Shareholder") shall retain the same tights granted under lhis Agreement as if the respective 1Hil l'l Shareholders had not amalgamated except as otherwise provided herein. 12.4 Arbitration (a) Selection of Single Arbitrator. The Shareholders agree that any controversy, disj)Ute ot claim between thew or any of them atising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance, enforcement, breach, te1mination or validity of it, including the dctennination of the scope of the Agreement to arb itrate, shall be detem1ined by arbitration before a single arbitrator (the "Arbitrator") agreed to by all of the Shareholders. lf the Shareholders are unable to agree on the Arbitrator, then, an application may be made under th e Arbitration Act to a judge for the appointment. (b) Referring Dispute. Any Shareholder may refer a dispute to the Arbitrator by providing notice in wliting to the Arbitrator and to al l of the shareholders hereto expressing its intention to refer th e dispute to arbitration and bricily describing the nature of the dispute. (c) Attempted Settlement. Upon service of the notice refen·ed to above, the Shareholders who are party to the dispute (the "Disputing Shareholders") will attempt to negotiate a settlement of th e dispute amongst themselves. 111 the event tl1at the ~.Pat1ic~ are unable to reach settlement by themselves w1thi n 10 days oftl1e service ofthe notice referred to above, the Shareholders will proceed with the arbitration and any Disputing Shareholders shall be free to apply to the Arbitrator for directions as to the scheduling of the arbitration itself and tJ1e pre-hearing procedures. 85 86 -41 - (d) Decision Final and Binding. The Shareholders agree that the award of the Arbitrator shaU be final and binding without any right of appeal and shall be the sole and exclusive remedy between them regarding any claims, counterclaims, issues or disputes rcfctred to the Arbitrator. (e) Powers of Arbitrator. The Shareholders agree that the Arbit1·ator shall have U1e powers and jurisdiction of an arbitrator pursuant to the Arbitration Act and such power shall include the power to award interim and interlocutory injunctions and other equitable relief. (f) Costs. The Arbitrator shall have the power to award the costs of the Arbitrator's services and related costs against either ~Eartv; however, each , ft;'P~rty will bear th e costs of their own counsel and witness fees. (g) Written Notices. All notices by one Shareholder to the other in connection with the arbitration shall be in writing and shaJl be deemed to have been duly given or made if delivered or sent by facsi mile transmission to the addresses provided in this Agreement. 12.5 Further Assura1tces Each .~~d~ hereto shall do such acts and shaJJ execute such further documents, conveyances, deeds, assigmnents, transfers and the like, and will cause the doing of such acts and wm cause the execution of such further documents as are within its power as any other , • yP1\Jt\' may in writing at any time and from time to time reasonably request be done and or executed, in order to give full effect to the provisions of this Agreement. 12.6 Severability If any provision of tl~s Agreement is detennincd to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jutisdiction .fi·om which no fiuiher appcaJ lies or is taken, that provision shaJI be deemed to be severed herefrom, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected tl1ereby and shall remain valid and enforceable. -42- 12.7 Amendment, Modification and Waiver This Agreement may oot be modified, amended, terminated or suppl emented ex.ccpt as agreed, in writing, by Shareholders both compri sing a majority in nwnber of the Shareholders and holding not less than 51% of the Shares then issued aud outstanding. Tn the event that the -1-nttHl-1 Sharehold ers amalgamate sucl1 that only two Shareholders remain, this AgTecmenl may not be modified, amended, lenninated or supplemented except as agreed, in writing~ by aU the Shareholders. Any waiver of, or consent to depart from, the requirements of any provision of this Agreement shaJI be eft<~ctive only if it is in writing and signed by the l 'flt~P~ giving it, and only in the specific instance and for lhe specific purpose for which it has been given. No failme on the part of any ~l tRYP~ to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any rigbt under this Agreement shal l operate as a waiver of such right. No single or partial exercise of any such right shall preclude any other or further exercise of such right or the exercise of any other right. 12.8 Time of Essence Time is of the essence of this Agreem ent. 12.9 CouJtterparts Thjs Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken togctber shall constitute one agreemen t. 12.10 No Partllership Nothing in U1is Agreement shall be deemed in ru1y way or for any purpose to constitute any t\8fW~ a partner of or a. joint venture with ru1y other t"'m-ryfJnty. 12.11 Proceedings The covc11ants, agreements and obligations herein expressed to be observed and performed by the 1 fit "Partte_s hereto may be enforced by any ofthe ~farl te' hereto pursuant to Section -l-..4lb~ without joining the remaining f ~R-h..-s.Partacs as parties in any proceedings. 87 -44- IN WITNESS WHEREOF the 1 .ffies.Pa ic~ hereto have duly executed this Agreement as of the date firs t above written. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AJAX Ste.,·e Parish, Mayor Br. Marty deRond, ClerlE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE ----------------------------~ George A. :6ego\:lras, Mayor By7 Jary Plamondon, Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AJAX ----------------------------~s c/.s ----------------------------- 89 -45 - THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE -------------cis -------------fb. THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ch ------------------ By: c/s Jelm MutteR, Mayor Mary Knight St&J'iley, Deputy Cler* 90 lQR0 1:544 96: vl3 -46- THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING --------------------------- By: '.1/ayae Arthurs, Mayor VERIDIAN CORPORATION By: Brece Tltylor, Clerk VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS INC. By: VERIDIAN ENERGY INC. By: -------------------------- ~ c/s c/s c/s ~ 91 -47- VERIDit ... ~ CORPORATION John Wiersma, President James I. Mason, Director VERmU .... ~ CONNECTIONS INC. J 00 miersma President Er~ YF > Jim MeMaster, Direetor 92 -48 - VERII>VL"'l ENERGY INC. John Wiersma, PresideAt JifR Witty, Direetor 93 96 Document companson by Workshare Compare on May-21-14 1 39 37 PM Input: Document 1 ID Description Document 2 ID Description Rendering set Legend: I ns~ert .ll2!l 9eleti-i:m Mo vet:l-fi elfl M_o_vcd io Style change Format change I · I ' Inserted cell Deleted cell Moved cell Split/Merged cell Padding cell Statistics: Insertions Deletions Moved from Moved to Style change Format changed Total changes PowerDocs://TOR01/5445496/4 TOR01 -#5445496-v4-Veridian_/_Amended_and_Restated Shareholders' Agreement PowerDocs://TOR01 /5445496/13 TOR01 -#5445496-v13-Veridian_/_Amended_and_Restate d Shareholders' Agreement Standard Count 415 336 10 10 0 0 771 98 Whereas Pickering City Council is advised and informed by an established and experienced full-time Planning Department staffed with accredited professionals, who are capable of making decisions in the public interest; Whereas Pickering Council is eager to adopt the responsibilities their constituents expect of them. Councillors have the benefit of ongoing engagement with the communities they represent, and have extensive knowledge of local issues, opinions and needs, both large and small, on which they base their decisions; Whereas Council and the Planning staffs ability to plan is undermined if applicants calculate that it is in their interests to treat City processes as a mere formality en route to an OMB hearing. Although many applicants are fair and reasonable in their dealings with the City, the OMB appeal process is not conducive to fostering good-faith negotiations and efforts; Whereas the current OMB hearing process is too cumbersome, too expensive, too time-consuming and too legalistic to facilitate wide-ranging citizen participation and is therefore unfair to the local residents, as well as the community at large; Whereas the current OMB process is also a drain on City Planning and Legal resources. Great urban planning is about looking forward, using planning documents/guidelines/frameworks with the benefit of past professional experience, and this should be what planners should spend their time doing. Whereas the OMB tends to act as an arbitrator between the public and private interests, a function more suited to the Courts, which are a more appropriate venue for legal disputes; Whereas The Planning Act treats appeals of municipal planning decisions to the OMB as de novo hearings and allows the OMB to substitute its decisions for those taken by democratically elected Councils, generally having little regard for the public interest as expressed through these Councils; Whereas the Ontario Divisional Court held in the decision Minto Communities Inc. v. the City of Ottawa that the OMB's powers on appeal of municipal planning decisions have not been altered by the requirement that it consider municipal decisions; Whereas the Ontario Divisional Court has stated that a "more clear· and specific expression of legislative intent" would be required to change the traditional role and practices of the OMB; Whereas certain planning matters respecting land severance applications and minor variances heard by the Committee of Adjustment, as well as heritage designations established by Council, are also subject to appeal to the OMB; Whereas it is manifestly undemocratic for an appointed board such as the OMB to substitute its opinions for the considered judgment of elected Councillors and professional City staff on matters affecting municipalities in which the Councillors and City staff will continue to live and in which the OMB has no ongoing presence; Whereas furthermore, on June 22, 2011, the Council of the City of Mississauga voted unanimously to abolish the OMB. Now therefore be it resolved that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) be requested to amend the Planning Act, the Heritage Acts, and all other legislation under which the OMB operates and has jurisdiction, to abolish the OMB and to provide that decisions of Municipal Councils are only appealable to the courts on questions of law; .That copy of this resolution is sent to the MMAH, all local members of Provincial Parliament and GTA municipalities; That Council support the request of the City of Mississauga to the MMAH for public consultations on these requests, and advise the Minister of its support in writing and offer of assistance to liaison with local stakeholders including business owners, property owners, residents, and individuals and corporations working in land use development and planning. c) Electronic Voting for Council Moved by Councillor Rodrigues Seconded by Councillor O'Connell Whereas it is important for residents and other people to know how Pickering Council (City Councillors, Regional Councillors and Mayor) have individually voted on all matters in Pickering Committee and Council Meetings; Whereas accountability and transparency can be significantly improved by having a method to make and keep a record of individual votes by Councillors and Mayor, for each matter on the meeting agendas, such as reports and motions that are voted upon; Whereas community engagement and public awareness and confidence can be addressed by having the individual Members of Council voting record for each matter readily available; Whereas such a system of recording (electronically) the votes of each Member of Council, would demonstrate the commitment to accountability by the City of Pickering's Municipal Government; Now therefore be it resolved that Council requests Pickering City staff investigate the various options for the equipment needed in order to allow for electronic voting by Members of Council at Committee and Council Meetings; 99 100 And therefore the equipment should incorporate the ability for the recorded vote to be viewed by the public on a screen in the Council Chambers; And therefore to ensure that each individual's vote on each matter is recorded, and readily retrievable for greater transparency and accountability, staff are to report back to Council regarding the implementation of an electronic voting system, a budget for the system and a timeline for the installation of the system In the Council Chambers. By-laws 7362/14 7363/14 7364/14 7365/14 June 16, 2014 Being a by-law to provide for the administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act, 1992 within the City of Pickering. [Refer to Executive Committee pages 362 to 392] Being a by-law to adopt Amendment 23 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 13-002/P) (By-law attached) Being a by-law to amend Restricted Zoning By-law 3037, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, for the Seaton Urban Area in the City of Pickering. This by-law was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board Decisions dated December 17, 2013 and January 24, 2014, and confirmed by an Order in Council by the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Ontario, dated March 26, 2014. (OMB Decision- ,no action required, by-law being assigned a number for record keeping purposes. The by-law can be obtained by contacting the City Development Department) Being a by-law to declare certain lands surplus to the needs of The Corporation of the City of Pickering for the purpose of sale. (By-law attached) 1 01 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. 7363/14 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 23 to· the Official Plan -for the City of Pickering (OPA 13-002/P) . Whereas pursuantto the Planning Act, R.S.Q. 1990, c.p.13, subsections 17(22) and 21(1 ), the Councilof theCorporatiori of the Cityof Pickering may by by~law adopt amendmerlts to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering; · . . .. . ~ . And whereas pursuant to Section 17(10)' ~f thePlaniJfng Act, the Minister of Municipal -- Affairs and Housing has by order aUthorized Regional Council to pass a by-law to ··.exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; . ' ' . . . . . . . . 103 .·And whereason February 23, 2000 Regiona'l CounCil passed By-law 11/2000 Which ._ allows the Region to e?<"empt proposed area municipal official plan amendments frorn its approval; And wh~reas the Region has advise-d that Amendment 23 tothe City of Pickering ·_ Official Plan is ext:;mpt frorl-r Regional approval; · . . . . Now ther~fore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as -. follows: · ·. · -· . . -. . . · 1. · That Amendment 23 to. the OffiCiai'Pian forthe City of Pickering, attached hereto as Exhibi(''A'', is hereby adopted; · · · · 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authori;z:ed and directed to forwardto the Regional Municipality of Durham the doc;umentation required by Procedure: Area· - .Municipal Official Plans and Amendments; ' . ; -. " ·. . . 3. _ This BY-law shaii come jnto forceand take effect on fhe day of the final.passing hereof. · · By-law passed this 1.6th day of June,2014. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk Exhibit "A"to By-law 7363/14 Recommended Amendment23 to the City of Pickering OfficiaJ Plan . 104 Purpose: · Loc'a ti ori: Basis: 105 Recommended Amendment 23 :to the Pickering Off!cial Plan The City is proposing to change its Official Plan by . introducing new policjes and changing existing policies that will strengthen the Plan''s policy foundation for-sustainable· . placemakihg on aspE:;QtS sUch· (3S Sife Pl~m Control; . . . _sustainable development; ·energy coriser\rationand .·· ... ·.·efficiency; the Urban For'est; climate change; .Commwnity __ ·.·_ Improvement Plans; heightand densityzoning; and other > hous~k:eeping item~s: . · · · · ·· · · · · -' ' .. The arnendmentalso._includesthe i~tmd~ctio~ of definitions for the terms "Adaptation", "Climate Change'', ''Green· · Development", ''GreenTechnologies", ''Heat Island", . ~'Piace_making", "RE;newable Energy Systems'', ;'Sustainable . · Design'.'-and "Urban Forest". · · · This amenqme~t is to apply to ali l_ands within the· ... · rnunicipality_ofthe c'lty of Pickering.. ·. . · · On January 1, 2007 thePlanning andConservationLand Statute Law Amendment Act,2006(8iH 51} carneintoeffect, · . amending the Planning Act. Tbe· amendments to the Planning Act provide area municipalities inOntariqwith·. additional planning ariddevE?Iopment control tc;YOis tO use in the land use planning process, apd to help create more ; . enVironmentally sustainable, yibranl; and healthy . . communities. . . . . . . . . The current Provincial PolicyStat'ement (PPS) that came .into · effect on April 3D, 2014, strengthened policies onenergy . conservation, airquai'ity, a'nci the-wise useahd management · ofresources, The PPS provides a foundation for the implementation ofBill 51. ·· · · .. ,_ . . . ' 111 RecommendedAmendment23 to The Pickering OfficiaL Plan Page 7 .. 1.13 "(b) where groupings . of buildings are proposed; require encourage ' built forms, ' massing . and architectural· details treatments that create' ·.·.cohesive .. and unified . developments, and . are . archite~turally compatible. with each other and . surrounding ~reas; _· · ·. ·· · · · . . . · _(c) wher~new development is proposed witl:lin an . .. existing' neighbourhood .• 6r'-. established. ar~a, .· encolirage building, designs that reinfor~e and . . cotriplemertt existing. built_ patterns such . as. form, massing, height, proportion, : position ·... relative to street, ancl. building area •to site area . ratios; . . . . . -' . . . : I· ' ;, ·, ·'.\. .. _ (~) require encourage ... designs. · .. that.·. present . . contiimou,s building facade{along majot stre·ets · ..•. and expre·ss ciesign elemep.ts such· as flodr and . ceiling level~, windo-w-heights, ·columns .'and internal divisions, to as~ist in defining human. scale and providitlg visual interest; . ... . .. . . . . (f). . require enco'urage the. orientation of the _niain' fropt entrances to · comm:erci'al, industrial; . apartment · arid. public buildings -to-wards the . ·· street whenever possible, and to be vjsible from · main pedestrian: · . routes·. ·.and .. '· v~~ic'ular approaches; (h) require .encouri'lge ·.the height; ·fotni, rliassing and articulation of the facade of new. buildings' .. to reflect its "position" or s1gl1ificatice on the street'. (fot example, designing . a' commer~ial ·building.· that • .capitalizes ·on sp~cial opportunities provided. at street ~Qrners · or at the~nd 'of a view corridor); . . . ' ··. . · (j) · .require.'encounlge the· incorporatio'n.of bicycle storage areas ; in . high .. de:nsity . ,· residentiat commercial· and 1Ilajot. inqustrial. buildings and sites;" Revising policy 13:10, Design -of Buildings, in -Chapter Thirteen -Detailed Design Considerations,. by adqing new sub'-sections ( o) and· (p) to read as · follows: . '·· Recommended Amendment 23 to The Pickering Official Plan ·Page 10 Placemaking is ar( urban design process aimed ·at .. creating communities that offer a distinct character, a strong. sense of .. community, a context for. healthy . lifestyles and. a high quality of life. ·. . . .. . . Renewable Energy Systems means the production of electrical power frorri an energy source .that is . renew~d • by~ natural processes· including, .·but ·not limited to, .wind, ·. water, . a · biomass re'souri:e or·· product, orsolar.aml.geothermal energy, · ·. Sustainable Design involves the· practices, ·processes· and .. principles ·. of designing,. . constructin,g . and operating buildings, • objects, <sites . and areas · incorporating· the values of ecological, social, cultural and. economic sustainability. . . . . Urban Forest :refers to the tot~l collection ~f trees and.· · assodate'd vegetation within the .urban boundaiy of the City of Pickering.'' · . . . . : . . . . . . . ~ .. . 1:17. Revising polic/15.5A, Required Studi~s.for.an .. • t~ 18 · Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By:.law. , AJ1lendment; Draft Plan ofSubdivision, and_ Draft.· ·Plan of Condominium Approval, in Chapter Fifteen - Developmet)fReview,' by revising sub.,seCtion (xxix) . . sothat it reads asfoH9ws: . . . · "(x:xix) a sustainable -development report, describing · the sustainable measures being implemented ·in . the development, including but not limited, to·. · · initiatives retated to· energy efficiency, 'water . ' efficiency, building .• materials, in'doox air . ·quality, landscaping~ st6rmwater· management and construction Wf:lSte;" . . · Revising policy 15.5BJ Required~Studies forSite Plan Approval, in Chapter Fifteen ~•Development Review, by revising sub,-section(xxii) so that it reads as follows: '114 11 5 Recommended Amendment 23 toThe Pickering Official .Plan ' . . . . . . ;. ·. P9ge 11 1.19 ~~(xxii) a. sustainable development report, ·describing the sustainable measures being imptemeritedin .. ·the development, including but notlimited to; · ' initi~tives. related to energy efficiency, .·water ·. 'effic;iency, · ... building materials,.. indoor-. air: .. quality, •landscaping, storm water management. and co:risttuctionwlste;" . . . . · ··Revis,ing poli~y-15·.17, Bonus Zoning,)nChapter ... Fifteetl" ~Development Review, so that it reads as · .. follows: ·· · · · ''15,17: . As prdvided·f()r in.the Planning act, City .· Council may pass . by.laws that . grant a.n increase in density of development : not exceeding 25% of the density· that would · 'othe~~ise be permitted by' this Plan, or ·art · . iricreasein theh~ight of a buildingp.roviding; .. (a)the density or height: bonus is'givenonly in ·return for the. provision of . specific services, facilities or matters as specified in . · the by·law, such .as but not limited to, . additimial open · .. space '· or communitY factlities, assisted or spedal needs housing, . the. preservation o( heritage building~ or • . structutes, or the preservation of ~atural heritage features and functil;ms; . . . (b) when considering an increase in density .or . height, and allowing~ the 'provision of benefits·. off~site, the· positive iinpacts ·of the . · exchange .· should ·. benefit the social/cultural;. erivironment.al .··and .••. economic .. health ·.of 'surrcnmding areas experiencing the increased height . and/ or densitY; · · · · .·.· :· .· · · ·.·· .. ·. .. ·. . •· . (c) the effects of the density or height bonus have been reviewed and determined by Council to be in conformity with the .generalintenfof this .Plan; by considering matters such as: · 1 21 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. XX Being a by-law to declare certain lands surplus to the needs of The Corporation of the City of Pickering for the purpose of sale. Whereas, pursuant to the Municipal Act, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering may authorize the acquisition or disposition of land or interests in land; and Whereas, the City owns certain lands within the Duffin Heights Development Area and City staff have been directed to pursue the sale thereof, Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the lands comprising approximately 12.68 hectares and legally described as part of Lot 19, Concession 3, designated as Part 10, Plan 40R-25821, Pickering, being PIN 26383-0800 LT and part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession 3, Pickering, being part of PIN 26383-0018 L Tare declared surplus to the needs of The Corporation of the City of Pickering and shall be offered for sale. 2. That the disposition of the above-described lands be exempted from the requirements of the City's Acquisition and Disposal of Land Policy so as to permit the more effective marketing thereof. By-law passed this 161h day of June, 2014. David Ryan; Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk treatment of the museum's 1930-31 Model A Ford closed car, which was donated by the Fuller family. The Conservation Treatment Plan was provided to all members prior to this meeting for review. Paul noted that it was requested by the family thatthe interior of the car be restored, and that the car be made road worthy. The conservation treatment process will be lead by and documented by E. Tayles, Conservator. The Gas & Steam Club volunteers will be undertaking much of the work and logging it. E. Tayles will be working with them and monitoring progress one day a week. T. Ryce suggested that the committee make a motion to accept the conservation plan document. , Motion: To accept the Conversation Treatment Plan of the 1930-31 Model A Ford closed car as presented, with the understanding that it is a living document, and subject to change at the Conservator's discretion during the project. Moved by P. Savel Seconded by K. Chalmers Karen Carried K. Pyke distributed and reviewed the draft copy of the Museum Advisory Committee Duties & Responsibilities document. T. Ryce drew members' attention to the expectation that committee members are expected to participate in five event days during the year, and that those can include History in Action Saturdays. K. Pyke noted that there is an expectation that committee members play an active role on the days that they come out to an event. At the request of the committee, K. Pyke has removed the Special EvenWolunteer Activities sub committee and has added the Volunteer Recognition sub committee as a new committee. Committee edits were noted and will be made to the document by K. Pyke for distribution. G. Lowman noted that he was part of the initial process on the Ministry of Citizenship volunteer awards. He needs a copy of the short list from M. Smiles. G. Lowman indicated that since the committee is less than formal he can only report that the process has been fair and equitable. Motion: Page 5 CORP0228-2/02 That the City Clerk receives the Duties and Responsibilities as amended by the committee. Moved by D. Hudson Seconded by P. Savel Carried M. Carpino requested that the sub committee designations be identified. Sub committee designations: D. Hudson-Capital Projects Chair D. Nita-Capital Projects Committee G. Lowman -Volunteer Recognition Committee Chair A Doucette-Volunteer Recognition Committee L. Drake-Volunteer Recognition Committee K. Chalmers-Volunteer Recognition Committee and Capital Projects Committee P. Savel-Collections Committee Chair K. Em mink-Collections Committee T. Ryce noted that the City needs members on the Volunteer Recognition Committee given the fact that it's extremely important to recognize the contributions of the volunteers, which currently sits at 290 individuals. I '2_ ;8. · ......•.. ,. Review•'ot2014StrategicPianPr6Jeets•c ·. ·· ' '';) / ·,, ,>···· ··,·····. >,:• r··••'··••::L/,·.·•·••:: ·:•.·•····• ... · •. K. Pyke noted that of the 49 tasks that were identified to be completed in 2013, 18 were deferred due budget restrictions, 28 were completed, and 3 tasks remain incomplete. This represents a 90% implementation rate for 2013. K. Pyke reviewed Strategic Plan Objectives and Tasks for 2014: She advised that the development of a travelling exhibit may not be feasible due to a lack of development and storage space. T. Ryce noted that there are currently 1 0 language options on the City's website and therefore the objective to make languages available on the museum's website can be considered completed. K. Pyke noted that staff will continue with pod casts and blogs on social media and that virtual. online training has been considered for uploading onto the website. T. Ryce noted that there are certain areas where she would like to see sponsorships for various events. Some businesses have been very interested and she's currently in negotiations with Page 6 CORP0228-2/02 • Piece of stove 1901 • . Metal case with hinged lid • Framed photograph Motion from Collections Sub-Commitee: That the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee request that the Pickering Museum Village Foundation provide funding to purchase the rebellion boxes at a cost of $1,700. Moved by P. Savel Seconded by G. Lowman Discussion of motion Carried P. Savel noted that the rebellion boxes are not from Pickering however they show the broader scope of the rebellion. The boxes are relatively rare and unique because they are not found anywhere else. G. Lowman asked how the collection sub-committee determined that the boxes are worth $1,700. K. Pyke noted that these boxes are currently going for $4,000 at auction. They have looked at them and they are in remarkable condition. D. Hudson asked if they were carved by people who participated in the rebellion. P. Savel indicated that they were, and that the boxes were only carved in the Toronto jail; and only by those imprisoned for their participation in the rebellion of 1837. Councillor Mclean asked if there was an inscription on either of the boxes. K. Pyke noted that one of them mentions Peter Matthews. Councillor Mclean asked if staff keep track of upcoming auctions. K. Pyke noted that staff are not in a financial position to go to the auctions however John· Sa bean from the Pickering Township Historical Society keeps track of items on eBay. Additionally one of the Wood rights Volunteers, Darryl Withrow, is an expert on the boxes, having written a book on them as well as making replicas of many know examples. Motion: That the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee accepts the items into the co-llection that were discussed at the sub- collections committee meetings of March 10, 2014 and April 14, 2014. Moved by P. Savel Seconded by K. Chalmers Carried P. Savel spoke the difference between restoration and conservations and gave a brief overview of Museum collection including provenance and use; as well as the differences between core-collection and useable collection items known as the education collection. CORP0228--2/02 Page 4 P _ Savel noted that the collections sub-committee plans to present the Model A conservation as an example of how well PMV cares .for items; this will assist with raising the museum's profile in professional circles and assist with gathering future donations and grants. P _ Savel noted that PMV does not restore but conserves artifacts; with the goal of preserving it's story for future generations. Bumps and scratches assist with telling the life story of its owners and the artifact He further indicated that there are some exceptions such as the Waterloo Steam Engine "Princess";.where the artifact has no provenance or relation to Pickering, and another item with proven connections and documentation exists within the collection; only then would a restoration be considered. K. Pyke noted that during conservation of artifacts pictures and logs are kept, this is conservation practice that allows the museum to track the care, history and status of an item. Pictures are a great way to review as we proceed with the ongoing work. T.Ryce advised that the logs and photos are used in blogs, social media posts and towards the production of YouTube content M. Carpino stated that the volunteers present a video montage of their activities at the annual Volunteer Appreciation event, which is later posted to the website_ Examples were given as to how the pictures are helpful through the restoration process. Action: Mandy Smiles Volunteer Appreciation Committee to review current G_ Lowman noted that the Volunteer Appreciation night went catering, and collect a off well. There was a good turnout and M. Smiles did a quote to provide larger remarkable job with assistance of K. Pyke. D. Hudson noted. food quantities for 150 that it was really nice that the committee members had an guests at the VIV. opportunity to meet the volunteers at the reception. D. Hudson requested a review of the budget monies and catering quantities for the event T, Ryce will look at the budgeting for next year to increase the budget for food. D. Hudson thinks that the City should do more to recognize all their hard work and efforts. L Drake advised the committee that the museum volunteers received two civic awards, which will be presented in the Council Chambers on May 26, 2014. The Bloomers and Britches Heritage Gardeners and Collections Volunteers are the recipients. Page 5 CORP0228-2/02 ;: ~ 6 ' ;,~ ~:' I·: <:< •• ~.;:;; , Marketing and Season Preview ·• ' ' i: i< }.·,·· ~~.•~.~ .• < >;: << T. Ryce distributed the marketing plans for 2014 and advised the committee that there were some changes from the previous version, which was a direct result from the environics data. T. Ryce reviewed the event listing for the year as well as the environics data and tracking information. T. Ryce noted that the marketing budget is focusing on internet presence, social media, and flyer distribution. There will be a bus shelter campaign in the summer. T. Ryce noted that prior to environics the majority of the ads were on the radio and in print media. Staff will be increasing their tracking from postal codes and source information from events and program registrants. K. Pyke advised that the educations programs are booming. K. Pyke confirmed that they are currently at 9,000 school children a year. T. Ryce noted that museum exceeded revenue projections for education programs last year; despite labour strikes in the schools. This is due to the resourcefulness of staff, and the popularity of the program. D. Nita asked what the marketing dollars are compared to the revenue that is generated from these programs. K. Pyke stated that marketing costs were negligible. Promotions are mainly handled by mail and email; as education programs are marketed directly to teachers. The current return rate for teachers is 85-90%, teachers are also sent updates about new programs. The distribution list includes all Durham schools as well as past teachers and their associated school. Several copies are sent to each school including the department head, librarian, main office and grade 3 teachers. D. Nita questioned why the education program booklets are not sent to principals .. K. Pyke responded by saying that the teachers make the decisions, which is why they send the information to them. D. Nita requested that staff prepare a report about the marketing cost compared to the revenue that is generated Action: K. Pyke to from the education programs. include marketing Page 6 CORP0228---2/02 costs in Fall report on Education Programs Seedy Saturday T. Ryce noted that Seedy Saturday was well received and garnered coverage through a national publication. Event numbers are low: date changes are being considered for next year. My Life is a Museum -virtual exhibit Run during May builds a virtual presence during Museum Month. This was planned as a precursor to the site opening, to build awareness, and excitement. Mother's Day Tea T. Ryce advised that Pickering Recreation Complex partners with promotions of this event, by hosting a floral display with event details. Gears & Gourmet T. Ryce reported that this event was designed to build museum visitors with an event that new audiences would be attracted to, as well as being low on demand for volunteers. This will allow volunteers to attend with their families. The aim is to show off the site with the buildings closed, so that guests will return to take part in the summer tours and events. D. Coffin asked if it's possible to have public transit transport people to the museum. T. Ryce reported that this has been attempted without success in the past. L. Drake questioned where the admission funds would be going. T. Ryce replied that the funds will be going to the museum. Councillor Mclean inquired about Progress Club involvement. T. Ryce reported that the club are running the craft beer operation, and will be contribut.ing $3,000 towards the operational costs of the event. D. Hudson asked T. Ryce how many people she expected to come through the gate. T. Ryce replied that if they get 1 000 people, they'll generate $7,000 dollars in revenue. D. Coffin asked why the event is only being held on one date. T. Ryce responded by saying that we would prefer to build the event in a sustainable manner. The event has high costs and a second day may not prove possible with existing resources. Page 7 CORP0228--2/02 K. Pyke responded that other two day events run on site had split profits rather than gathering larger attendance. Councillor Mclean asked if it would-be beneficial if he could get on Terry Johnson's show (CKDO-Oshawa). T. Ryce replied "absolutely". Councillor Mclean suggested that staff should be sending photo's into SNAP on a regular basis so they can post them. History in Action Saturdays T. Ryce noted that History in Action Saturdays will be running _ from May 31 51 through September 61h. T. Ryce, M. Smiles and K. Pyke had a visioning session with the education instructors and some of the volunteers. G. Oakes advised that they're going to run the Sawmill every Saturday throughout the summer. General review of the History in Action Line-up Star Studded Night-Season Pass Holder and Test Event T. Ryce noted that the event is used as a reward for pass holders and an opportunity to test events for future inclusion on the program line-up. The event was well received, and has potential for fall or spring programming in future years. Exhibits & Meet the Specialist These exhibits are ways to engage visitors on more than one occasion throughout the season, additionally Season Pass holders, Advisory Com.mittee Members and Council are given an inside look at the exhibit, at the launch ofeach display. K. Pyke informed everyone environics ·has been used to design exhibit promotions. T. Ryce noted that they're going to be facilitating a webinar in May for other municipalities because their response with environics has been so good. A Spirit Walk T. Ryce discussed the pre-promotions of this event at history in action Saturdays with the living rendition of the Jefferies print, social media and online ticketing being added to the eStore earlier than in the past. Halloween Harvest T. Ryce discussed that this second new event in the line-up, was based upon the season pass holder event held last fall, and would combine the fall family festival elements of the steam barn and rubber ducky race. This event was designed with the idea of replicating other successful models including food and seasonal themes. This will replace Fall Family CORP0228-2/02 Page 8