HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 22 Jan - PMV Advisory - Mintues - FINAL Page 1 CORP0228—2/02 Minutes/Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee January 22, 2013 7:00 pm Civic Complex – Main Committee Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rhonda Lawson, Vice-Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Emmink, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation Jody Morris, Supervisor, Facility Programs Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations Brian James, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Dragos Nita, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Stuart Suckling, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Barbara Prevedel, Clerk Typist (Recording Secretary) Karen Chalmers, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Absent: Bill McLean, Regional Councillor, Ward 2 Donald Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Marisa Carpino, Manager, Culture & Recreation Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Call to Order Laura Drake welcomed everyone. 2. Approval of Agenda Motion: That the agenda for January 22, 2013 be approved. Moved by Paul Savel Second by Rhonda Lawson CARRIED 3. Approval of October Minutes Motion: That the minutes for October 3, 2012 be approved. Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Rhonda Lawson CARRIED Motion: Amendment to the September Advisory Committee minutes to be made as follows: “That the operating budget be approved as prepared by staff. Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Don Hudson.” Moved by Paul Savel Page 2 CORP0228—2/02 Seconded by Rhonda Lawson CARRIED 4. CMOG Report and Review Katrina Pyke reported that PMV received its annual funding of $39,000 as part of CMOG. Staff completed 18 months of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport’s Community Museums Standards Review for this grant program, ending June 30, 2012. Areas of museum operation under review were: Round 1: Governance, Finance, Community [Involvement]; Round 2: Human Resources, Exhibit, Research, Education and Interpretation; Round 3: Collections, Conservation, and Physical Plant. Ministry Feedback Reports were circulated electronically to committee members when received in October and December. In summary, only two items were commented upon: the City has no policy regarding the “Recognition of ethical fundraising identifying which ethical guidelines are followed”; and, the Ministry recommends that the museum begin work on developing actual policies under which the submitted procedures would fall. There was no remedial submission work required by the Ministry on these two elements. Discussion followed regarding how the museum could move forward with policy development in order to become compliant with the Ministry’s recommendation, and with guidance from the Clerk’s Office, in time for the next Standards Reviews, likely in about five years. Laura Drake asked that all committee members educate themselves on what other municipally run museums are doing in terms of policy (rule) and procedure (how to guidelines) documents. Information can be found on the Ontario Museum Association website. The Chair complimented staff on the strong review feedback. Committee Members to research municipal museum policies on the OMA website for next meeting. K. Pyke to provide copies of the PMV Procedure for members at next meeting. 5. Budget Update The Committee reviewed the budget document circulated to members prior to the meeting. K. Pyke provided clarification regarding the Fire Safety Plan that has been added into the budget. Currently, the PMV has no formal Fire Safety Plan, and with the support of the City’s Health & Safety Coordinator, a plan will be developed in 2013, and will include such things detail floor plans, emergency box at gates with access keys, fire escape plans and training. The Committee asked for an update on the craftsman cottage. K. Pyke advised that the building move would be delayed due to a backlog with the building moving company, but that the current target date was Feb 3. The building will move on a Sunday. Preliminary research has confirmed that the structure does fall within the craftsman architectural period of 1905-1930, Page 3 CORP0228—2/02 but was built in 1927. The house appears to be a mail-order house, and the plans were available through the Aladdin House Plan Company Ltd. catalogue of 1918. Therefore, staff feel comfortable moving forward with the interpretive goal of focusing on the era. PMV will also be honest that the house was built after and give tribute to the person who lived in the house, providing a dual interpretive benefit to the public. Tanya Ryce has enlisted a professional photographer who has taken before stills and virtual tour video of interior and exterior, and will do so again part way through restoration and at the end to capture the full project and build public interest. Discussion arose regarding the budget changes as follows: a. Cut of hours to the requested increase of both the Event & Volunteer Coordinator’s and future Conservator’s position As the increase was to support heritage housekeeping of the buildings, this cannot be expected to be achieved in 2013. There will be impact to the strategic plan as it relates to the volunteer program and that will be discussed later in the agenda. b. Building Maintenance and Housekeeping Katrina updated that a comprehensive Heritage Housekeeping and that it details day to day maintenance (architecture and conservation), janitorial responsibilities and a routine of rotating checks of the heritage buildings. The latter Building Maintenance and Hazard Surveys were initiated in 2012 are will be a firm basis for the Conservator, Maintenance Person, Coordinator, Museum Operations and Supervisor, Facilities Operations to develop concise building maintenance and capital building improvement priorities going forward to 2014’s budget. c. HVAC System Installation Update and Plans for Heating More Heritage Buildings The system has installed and is functioning in the Administration Building. Plans are moving forward to consider heating solutions for the craftsman cottage; however plans have not moved forward for “test” heating the Bible Christian Chapel this winter. More input is required from the City’s Supervisor, Energy Management to ensure sustainable options. Certainly going forward with new building acquisitions, the museum will make every effort to ensure proper environmental conservation standards are met, including heating during the coldest months and is committed to considering remedies for current buildings. Page 4 CORP0228—2/02 6. Committee Reports a. Pickering Museum Village Foundation Report R. Cowan reported that the PMVF AGM will be at the Pickering Recreation Complex in Meeting Room 2 on Thursday, March 21, 2013. Registration is at 6:30 pm. The PMVF is seeking new directors for its Board. A review of the use of lottery monies will be taking place with the City’s Clerk in the near future, and may impact the Feasibility Study funding. Committee members were reminded that Bingo is every Friday from 12:45 - 2:45 pm and the PMVF is looking for volunteers/ambassadors for the museum; orientation is required. b. Capital Projects Sub-Committee Report Laura Drake reported that the next Feasibility Study Steering Committee meeting is Feb 5 . The steering committee is now investigating organizations to send the completed RFP to - if you know anyone looking at bidding please let us know. Katrina reported that the picnic shelter construction will move forward in the spring; the location may change back to original placement backing onto the creek. A meeting will be set with the contractor to discuss costs as the deeper footings may cause increases. Katrina reported that work on the Miller-Cole House chimney and wood stove is moving forward this month and will be completed in time for school programs to start in April. The Log House log replacement is also expected to be completed before school tours begin. c. Collections Paul Savel reported that a list of acquisitions to be accessioned had been circulated electronically for all committee members to review prior to this meeting. The list is attached to these minutes. Motion: That all the items of the list presented be accessioned. Moved by Laura Drake Seconded by Karen Emmink CARRIED Katrina reported that she and Ellen Tayles had developed a training PowerPoint presentation on how an object becomes an artifact. This training presentation was launched in December with the Gas & Steam Club and the Woodrights’ Guild volunteers. The purpose of the training presentation is to educate PMV staff and volunteers on the legalities and ethics involved in making an object an artifact, and why there are rules surrounding an artifact’s use, exhibition, and conservation Committee Members to circulate information that the PMVF is seeking members and Directors. Information available at pmvf.ca Committee Members to pass company contact information to Laura Drake for addition to RFP distribution list. J. Morris to book the Bentley House board room for Feb. 5 and send meeting invitation to steering committee members. Page 5 CORP0228—2/02 methods. Because everything links back to accurate record- keeping and an effective electronic database management system, inventorying and inputting of records data will continue to be the highest priority for the conservator. Paul Savel reported that the Collections Sub-Committee will meet on weekends with the conservator and the Coordinator, Museum Operations as required, to assist with specific inventory goals to aid record-keeping improvements. d. Special Events Sub-Committee Report Jody Morris requested that her report on this and on the status of the City’s Cultural Plan be moved under New Business on the agenda. 7. Work Plan for Committee for 2013 a. Report on 2012 Programs: K. Pyke circulated a chart on 2012 statistics for Education Tours, Outreach Programs, Public Workshops and General Admission. This chart is attached to the minutes. Education programs exceeded 2012 projections; however, the teacher strike action banning field trips impacted the Holiday Celebrations on-site tour program. Nevertheless, overall revenue was better than anticipated. Outreach programs continue to be under utilized by teachers, even during the field- trip ban. b. Strategic Plan Review: K. Pyke circulated a copy of the current Strategic Plan with task/goal status updates and reviewed all accomplishments to date, including 2013. Of particular note and discussion are the items that have not been completed and those that must be deferred due to a lack of resources. R. Lawson requested that the Portable Toilet Policy be removed as it is not a strategic task, but instead part of standard event planning under Durham Region Health. Committee members will be asked to support the “Life is a Museum’ virtual exhibit initiative (details to follow in March). R. Lawson reminded the committee that the Strategic Plan is a tool used to guide year-end discussion, and to plan future direction; and the Strategic Plan can be changed based on whether or not the tasks can be achieved (e.g. does the City have the resources to accomplish this year?). Discussion followed regarding the Strategic Plan goals and tasks regarding changes and improvements to the PMV Volunteer Program since additional hours for the Event & Volunteer Programmer have not stayed in the 2013 budget. With the anticipated additional day cut, these cannot be K. Pyke to follow up with DRT (David Cummings) – in regard to DRT route expansion plans. L. Drake to follow up with Councillor McLean regarding green bin waste management at PMV Page 6 CORP0228—2/02 accomplished in 2013. Motion: That a sub-committee comprising R. Lawson, L. Drake, and K. Pyke meet to discuss the feasibility of the Advisory Committee to advocate for and recommend to Council that the increased hours of the conservator’s position and/or the Event & Volunteer Programmer’s position be reinstated in the 2013 budget, and report back to the full committee as soon as possible . Moved by Rhonda Lawson Seconded by Paul Savel CARRIED 8. Status of Cultural Plan See new business. 9. New Business a. Marketing and Cultural Plan Updates J. Morris reported that the City of Pickering has recently undergone a restructuring that has affected Culture & Recreation. She will be assuming responsibility for the Recreation Complex, and Tanya Ryce will become Supervisor, Cultural Services. Tanya’s role will include the area of marketing and communication for which she had already been responsible, as well as incorporating arts, culture and heritage. She will be able to provide a full update on the marketing plan and goals for the PMV at the next Advisory Committee meeting. J. Morris concluded by expressing her gratitude and appreciation everyone present and all the staff and volunteers who do so much for the museum. b. 2013 Meeting Schedule The Chair circulated a calendar of meeting dates with suggested agendas. The next Advisory Committee meeting will be March 26, 2013. Calendar of 2013 meetings is as follows: January 22, 2013 March 26, 2013 April 23, 2013 May 28, 2013 September 24, 2013 October 22, 2013 c. Civic Awards The Advisory Committee will be nominating the PMV Woodwrights’ Guild for an award under the category of Accessibility for their work improving wheelchair ramps at the PMV. K. Pyke to confirm the date for VIV night. Committee Members to review proposed meeting agendas, and provide comments and changes directly to L. Drake. Page 7 CORP0228—2/02 10. Adjournment Motion: This meeting is adjourned at 9:15 pm. Moved by Rhonda Lawson Seconded by Brian James CARRIED Meeting Adjourned: 9:15 pm Copy: City Clerk Division Head, Culture & Recreation