HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 10-14 Ca __ • Report to =- - Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: CR 10-14 Date: June 9, 2014 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation Subject: Request for Proposal for Advertising at City Facilities - Request for Proposal No. RFP-5-2014 -Agreement with Boardview Advertising Inc. - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CR 10-14 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Licence Agreement for Advertising at City Facilities be received; 2. That proposal No. RFP-5-2014 submitted by Boardview Advertising Inc. be accepted; 3. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Licence Agreement pursuant to which Boardview Advertising Inc. will be permitted to install and maintain advertising in various City Facilities, in the form included as Attachment 1, subject to such revisions as are acceptable to the Director, Culture & Recreation and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: . The Licence Agreement permitting FutureSign Multimedia Displays Inc. to install and maintain advertising in the Pickering Recreation Complex and Don Beer Arena expired on March 31, 2014. As a result, the City of Pickering prepared and posted Request for Proposal No. RFP-5-2014 on the City's website on March 18, 2014 inviting prospective proponents to submit proposals for advertising at City facilities. Two proposals were received by the deadline of April 7, 2014. The Advertising Licence Agreement is for a 3 year term beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2017 inclusive with an option in favour of the City to extend the agreement on the same terms and conditions for two, one year optional terms. Boardview Advertising Inc. is the highest scoring proponent of Proposal No. RFP-5- 2014 with guaranteed annual revenues of$33,000.00 (plus HST) paid to the City of Pickering. For advertising revenues that exceed the annual guaranteed rate of $33,000.00 per year, Boardview Advertising Inc. will provide a set portion of those 267 Report CR 10-14 June 9, 2014 Subject: Advertising at.City Facilities Page 2 revenues to the City of Pickering within 30 days of the anniversary date of the agreement. In conjunction with staffs review of the company's previous work experiences and references, the Culture & Recreation Department recommends the proposal No. RFP-5- 2014 submitted by Boardview Advertising Inc. be accepted and the Licence Agreement be initiated with Boardview Advertising Inc. for advertising at City facilities for the period of July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017. • Financial Implications:. The revenue to be generated from the Licence Agreement with Boardview Advertising Inc. is guaranteed to be a minimum of$33,000.00 per year (plus HST). For advertising revenues that exceed the minimum guarantee of $33,000.00 per year, Boardview Advertising Inc. will provide a set portion of those revenues to the City of Pickering within 30 days of the anniversary date of the agreement. Therefore, the total minimum revenue that will be provided to the City of Pickering will be $99,000.00 over the 3 year term. The total advertising revenue collected by the City of Pickering from the expired Facility Advertising Licence Agreement was $15,000 (plus HST) in Year 1, $17,000 (plus HST) in Year 2, $20,000 (plus HST) in Year 3 and $22,500 (plus HST) in years 4 and 5. Therefore, the total revenue collected by the City of Pickering was approximately $97,000 over the 5 year term (April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2014). Discussion: The Licence Agreement for Advertising at City Facilities expired on March 31, 2014. For this reason,the City of Pickering prepared and posted Request for Proposal No. RFP-5-2014 on the City's website on March 18, 2014 inviting prospective proponents to submit proposals by the deadline of April 7, 2014. A mandatory site meeting was held on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 and two companies attended of which two proposals were submitted by the closing date and time. The Licence Agreement for Advertising at City Facilities is for a three year term from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017 (inclusive) with an option in favour of the City to extend the Licence Agreement on the same terms and conditions for two, one year optional terms. Under the terms of the Licence Agreement, Boardview Advertising Inc. is to install and maintain advertising devices at various City's facilities for advertising purposes. Applicable City facilities within this agreement include the Pickering Recreation Complex (Arena, Weight Room, Aquatic Centre, Fitness Studios and Tennis Area), East Shore Community Centre, Dunbarton Indoor Pool, Don Beer Arena and Petticoat Creek Community Centre. Boardview Advertising Inc. is responsible to install and maintain media devices at no cost to the.City of Pickering. These devices may include framed advertising, split screen TV monitor advertising, rink board signs, illuminated displays and televisions with advertising panels. The City of Pickering reserves the 268 f Report CR 10-14 June 9, 2014 Subject: Advertising at City Facilities Page 3 right of refusal on all advertising and retains the right to fill empty spaces with city/sponsor advertising. The proposal from Boardview Advertising Inc. is the highest scoring proponent. p p 9 9 Boardview Advertising Inc. was reviewed by the Evaluation Committee and received a satisfactory evaluation. References provided by Boardview Advertising Inc. have been checked and are deemed acceptable. A copy of the current WSIB Workplace Injury Summary Report and Clearance Certificate issued by WSIB that are acceptable to the Coordinator, Health & Safety. Certificate of Insurance is deemed acceptable to Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit. In conjunction with staffs review of the company's previous work experiences and references, the Culture & Recreation Department recommends proposal No. RFP-5- 2014 submitted by Boardview Advertising Inc. be accepted and the Licence Agreement be initiated with Boardview Advertising Inc. for advertising at City Facilities for the period of July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017 inclusive. Attachments: 1. Draft Licence Agreement for Advertising at City Facilities (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017). 2. Supply & Services Memorandum dated April 10, 2014. 3. Supply & Services Memorandum dated April 30, 2014. n: Prep gyred By: Prepared/Approved/Endorsed By: r,. Vera A. Fe'lgemacher Marisa Carpin C.P.P., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., CMM III Director, Culture & Recreation Manager, Supply & Services :mc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci Council //ifitel Vet 26, Zoi4 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 269 A TTACHMENT#.=.TO REPORT# •� f r THIS LICENCE AGREEMENT made as of July 1, 2014. BETWEEN: BOARDVIEW ADVERTISING INC. (the "Company") -.and — THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING (the "City") • WHEREAS the City has agreed to allow the Compa,ry;_to licence certain areas of the City's Pickering Recreation Complex and Arena, Don Beerx=Arena, East Shore Community Centre, Dunbarton Indoor Pool and Petticoat Creek Community Centre for advertising purposes; NOW THEREFORE the City and the Company agre0;sMollows: Interpretation 1. In this Licence, 1 ; "Arenas" means those portions of the Pickering Recreation Complex at 1867 Valley Farm Road, Pickering (Delaney and O'Brien Arenas) and the Don Beer Arena at 940 Dillingham Road, Pickering (Pads 1 2 and 3) used for ice skating and ice hockey purposes, whethei or.not they are actually being used for those purposes at any time; .‹ NA > • � F "Arena Boards" means the playing surface side of the boards surrounding the Arenas, "Advertising Devices" means#lie wall advertising panels, display cases and panels in designated locations at the Don Beer Arena and the Pickering Recreation Complex Arena; and "Term" means the term of this Licence Agreement as set out in Section 4. 2. The headings of articles are for convenience of reference only and are not intended to limit, enlarge or otherwise affect their meanings. 3. Unless otherwise specified, references in this Agreement to Sections and Schedules are to Sections and Schedules in this Agreement. 270 Term 4. The term of this Licence shall be three (3) years commencing on July 1, 2014 and ending on June 30, 2017, provided that, at the expiry of the original term, the City shall have (i) the option to extend the term for an additional year (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018), and (ii) the further option, at the end of the first additional one year extension, to extend the term for a further one year (July 1," 2018 to June 30, 2019). The word "Term", when used in this Agreement, shall mean the original term plus any extension thereof. Licence Fees 5. The Company shall pay to the City the greater of the amounts, plus applicable HST, set out in (a) and (b) below: 4 a) Sign Type: Amount per Annu{mPer Sign: Digital TV $150 `., Lobby Sign $150 Ice Sign $450 `a " Rink Board $400 ,K...:.x ry Wall Signs $350 s ( Zamboni Sign $100, ? ,,, b) Minimum Yearly Sum: v:!.,11,„,i �t? Licence Year "� ' , Minimum Fee Year 1 (July.,1, 2014 -June 30; 201'5) $33,000.00 Year 2 •(July 1, 2015 -June 30;:;2016) $33,000.00 Year 3 (July 1, 2016.—June 30',,',2'0,17) $33,000.00 Option Year.1 (July 1 2017—June 30,`2'0'18) $33,000.00 Option Year 2 (July 1 2018—June 30, 2019) $33,000.00 c Should there be a difference between the amounts set out in 5(a) and 5(b) of this .Agreement, the agrees to pay the City the greater of the amounts set ' '7,.out in 5(a) or 5(b)`within thirty days of the anniversary date of this Agreement. 6. The Company shall payxthe City without any deduction, set-off or abatement except as t a expressly provided underYthis Licence, 100% of the Minimum Yearly Sum set out in Section 5(a) and 5(b) in equal monthly installments on the 1st day of each month of the Term commencingJuly 1, 2014. Year End Statements 7. The Company shall within thirty (30) days after the end of each year of the Term provide the City with a statement for the previous year's total gross billings as well as a statement by a firm of Chartered Accountants verifying the accuracy of the said statement of gross billings. Any adjustment in the amount of the licence fee payable by the Company under Section 5 shall be made on or before the 31st day of July of the next year of the Term, and in the case of the year 2017 on or before the 30th day of 2 271 June 2017. Such documentation shall be kept confidential by the City and will be returned to the Company upon request. Examination of Statements 8. The City shall, at its discretion, have the right at all reasonable times to examine the Company's statements of total gross billings.. Use, Repair, Maintenance and Alterations . Y4, 9. The Company shall pay for capital costs and all costs of installing and maintaining the proposed new advertising devices at the locations as described in Sections 1 through 8 of this Agreement. =;q ' ..^r�l Y �Ya 10. The Company shall use the Arena Boards and Advertising Devsesonly for the purpose of erecting and maintaining advertisements at the new media locatronsnas described in Sections 1 through 8 of this Agreement : `' " Section 1 - Framed Advertising The City of Pickering reserves right of refusal on all advertising. Vendor to provide monthly inventory of all booked spaces. City to retain`,rights to fill any empty spaces with City/Sponsor Advertising. Facility Qty SiZ \ Locatiot . , Pickering Recreation 6 4, x _ Throughout lobby and arena seating Complex Arena ;; T areas Pickering Recreation , ,=k Throughout lobby and arena seating Complex Arena 14 4 x 8 =a ,^areas Pickering Recreation - Throughout lobby and arena seating 6 4x4, Complex Arertia ti ,.,;," areas mom", .F; Pickerin Rcreation 14 4' x 8' Throughout lobby and arena seating A Y- � areas ComplecArena w _ Pickering Recreation 7. 4' x 4' On either side of time clock south wall Aquatic Centre�k N. 4 _ Pickering Recreatio: 4, x 8' Replacement of 3 large bulletin boards Complex Weight Room .� on north and west walls Pickering Recreation' r 4' Complex Fitness Studios.=` 2 4 x 4 2 each floor of studio hallway Pickering Recreation 2 4' x 8' 2 each floor of studio hallway Complex Fitness Studios Pickering Recreation 5 TBD Above tennis racquet between girders Complex Tennis Area on the east wall 3 272 Section 2 - Split Screen Monitor Advertising (City Schedules and Advertising) Size/Style*Vendor to provide recommendations. The City of Pickering reserves right of refusal on all advertising. Vendor to provide monthly inventory of all booked spaces. City to retain rights to fill any empty spaces with City/Sponsor Advertising Facility Qty Location • Pickering Recreation Complex Arena 2 Main Entrance on way into rinks Pickering Recreation Complex 5 One for each public and family change Aquatic Centre room Pickering Recreation Complex 1 Above or beside aquatic viewing Aquatic Viewing Pickering Recreation Complex 2 On on each floor above entrance to Fitness Studios studios East Shore Community Centre 1 Second floor lobby Petticoat Creek Community Centre ;Above reception counter;; 1 Don Beer Arena 3 ' . Outside4ach ice pad Pickering Recreation Complex Lobby 2 One at each of north and west doors Dunbarton Pool 1 g Waitin ,area Lobby Dunbarton Pool Changerooms 2 In changeroams Section 3 - Replacement/Addition o?Advertising Board with digital monitor in center Size/Style*Vendor to provide recommendations.. City of Pickering reserves ri ht of refusal on all advertising. Vendor to provide monthly inventory of all booked spaces, City to4retain rights to fill any empty spaces with City/Sponsor Advertising. Facility, Qty Pickering Recreation Complex Arena (replacement) Pickering Recreation Complex • 1 Change room Hallway (replacement) Pickering Recreation Complex 1 Weight Room (addition in place of existing bulletin board) Petticoat Creek Community Centre (addition in place of existing bulletin board) 1 East Shore Community Centre (in place of existing bulletin boards) 2 Don Beer Arena (replacement) 1 4 273 Section 4 - Dasher Boards City of Pickering reserves right of refusal on all advertising. Vendor to provide monthly inventory of all booked spaces. City to retain rights to fill any empty spaces with City/Sponsor Advertising. Facility Qty Reserved for City Sales Pickering Recreation Complex Delaney Rink 20 10 Pickering Recreation Complex O'Brien Rink 15 10' Don Beer Arena -Arena 1 15 10 Don Beer Arena -Arena 2 15 10 Don Beer Arena -Arena 3 15 10 Section 5 -Arenas - Illuminated Display Size/Style - Vendor to provide recommendations. . City of Pickering reserves right of refusal on fall":advertising Vendor to provide monthly inventory of all booked spaces. City to retain rights to fill any empty spaces with City/Sponsor Advertising. " . J 1,~ Facility Qty Pickering Recreation Complex 2 on east wall Delaney Rink .> 2 on west wall Pickering Recreation Complex O'Brien Rink :..1 east wall Don Beer Arena 1 each end of pad Arena 1 Don BeerArena b, 1 each end of pad Arena Don Beer Arena 1 each end of pad F Arena 3 Section 6 - Televisions with Advertising Panel Size/Style -Vendor to provide recommendations. City of Pickering reserves'right of refusal on all advertising. Vendor to provide monthly inventory of all booked spaces. City to retain rights to fill any empty spaces with City/Sponsor Advertising. Facility 0 Qty Pickering Recreation Complex Arena Waiting Area 3 Pickering Recreation Complex Weight Room 3 Pickering Recreation Complex Fitness Area 3 Pickering Recreation Complex Main Lobby 1 5 274 Section 7 - Restroom Partition Advertising City of Pickering reserves right of refusal on all advertising. Vendor to provide monthly inventory of all booked spaces. City to retain rights to fill any empty spaces with City/Sponsor Advertising. Facility Qty , Pickering*Recreation Complex Arena Pickering Recreation Complex Lobby�t Pickering Recreation Complex Second Floor Pickering Recreation Complex Banquet Halls 16 Pickering Recreation Complex Family Changerooms- 2 �;.. .y,. Pickering Recreation Complex Member Changerooms 7 Pickering Recreation Complex Public Changerooms ` ;:'.` 8 • East Shore Community Centre 22 West Shore Community Centre ` Q :}> Petticoat Creek Community Centre 10 Don Beer Arena f`„ ,45 Dunbarton Indoor Pool 3 Section 8 - Change,Room Whiteboards Facility k;=W"rah '` .; Qty Pickering;Recreation Complex Arena 12 Don Beer,Arena Arena 1-2 3S;Dressing Rooms 18 11. The Company shall, at no'cost to the City, supply all labour, materials, tools, equipment,appliances, travel and freight to perform the services required to implement its right to advertise ,,, _ fr, 12. Advertisements placed on the Arena Boards shall be made of a water-resistant substance capable of withstanding the normal wear and tear associated with such Arena Boards, without tearing or being damaged in such a manner as to adversely affect the surface of the Arena Boards. 13. The Company shall place all advertisements at its own cost and at time or times and in a manner or manners satisfactory to the City. 6 275 14. All advertisements on the Arena Boards and the Advertising Devices identified in Section 10 other than Item 2 shall be supplied and installed by the Company and shall remain the property of the Company despite the fact that they may be affixed to City property. The proposed new advertising devices as described in Sections 1 through 8 of the Agreement shall remain the property of the Company despite the fact that they may be affixed to City property. 15. The Company shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Advertising Devices including the replacement of electric bulbs and tubes and will attend to any damage done to such devices within 48 hours of the.City notifying the:Company of such damage. The City shall inform the Company of any damage to the Advertising Devices immediately following acknowledgement of such damage`. All of the foregoing to be done at no cost to the City. The City shall supply, install and maintain all required electrical service, including all conduit and cable to all the advertising devices at no cost to the Company. 16. The Advertising Devices identified as Item a2 and Item 4 in Section 10 shall be supplied by the City at no cost to the Company. Such AdvertisingsDevices shall remain the property of the City and be maintained by the City, including the replacement of tubes and bulbs, despite any right or obligation respecting granted to or imposed upon the Company under this Agreement 17. All advertisements placed on Advertising Devices oWhe'et by the City shall be made of "Lexan" or a material of similar weight and properties. TheeCity reserves the right to reject any material it deems to be unsatisfactory and the Company shall replace with an approved alternativetY 18. Notwithstanding}Section 17, the";Company-shall not install Advertising Devices in places where, intthe City's opinion, they cannot be conveniently or safely installed. 19. The Company shall keep!dgood repair and,;maintain at all times the advertising and Advertising Devices so tkat same shall note constitute a hazard. The Company shall enstare that all such repairs�meet all applicable requirements of municipal and government authorities. zy 20. The Company shall not construct, build, erect or install any improvements or fixtures on any City property withoutthe prior written approval of the City. 21. The Company will make one space available to the City in each advertising device bi- annually for such publicity'as the City from time to time desires, relative to its undertaking or other matters of public interest and place such advertisements at the Company's own cost. 22. No advertisement on either the Arena Boards or Advertising Devices shall advertise, promote or mention in any way, (a) cigarettes, cigars or any tobacco product; . (b) liquor, wine, beer or any other alcoholic beverage; 7 276 (c) soft drinks, fruit drinks, potable waters, flavoured milks or any other non- alcoholic beverage, including any syrup and preparation from which they may be made, except those which from time to time are manufactured and sold or distributed and sold by Coca-Cola Ltd.; (d) fitness clubs, health and wellness facilities and/or competitive services with prior consent from the City; (e) refer to matters of questionable taste in reference to its content or presentation; (f) offensive and/or racial matters; 44,4f6' (g) the endorsing or advocacy of, or opposition4o, a political,point of view, policy or actions, and/or any advertising which3tends to disparagefacandidate, party or cause; or ko4 v (h) religious advertising which promotes a specific:ideology, ethnic5,point of view, policy or action, which, in the opinion`of the City might be deemed prejudicial to other religious groups or offensive to uses of City property; 23. An advertisement can advertise, p�romote or mention, (a) a name of any political party>and/or•advocating the candidacy of an individual provided the content is in keeping with'all guidelines and that the message centers on the candidate's name and part-NJ-affiliation, the office being sought, election date or other such information pertinent to the election, whether municipal, federal or provincial; (b) information to the public informing tlem of the specifics relating to a meeting, gathering or event if the information is confined to subject, name of speaker, location;date and time of event; and • (c) informatiott,related to religious matters designed to promote a specific �<< meeting, gathering or event, if the information is confined to subject, name of `` speaker, location, date and time of event. 24. The Company acknowledges that the City is guided by the Canadian Code of Advertising Standads, however, the City is the sole and final arbiter in all matters relating to the advertising in or on City property. The City may refuse or order removal of any message at any time, at its discretion. 25. Any advertisement placed in and/or on the Arena Boards or Advertising Devices shall be of moral and reputable character and the Company shall forthwith remove any advertisement that the City, in the reasonable exercise of its discretion, desires removed. 8 277 Indemnity 26. The Company shall indemnify and save harmless from any and all manner of actions, causes of actions, suits, damages, losses, costs, claims and demands of any nature whatsoever arising during the term of this Agreement out of: (a) any actual or alleged libelous or obscene advertisement or notice or any actual or alleged copyrighted matter in any advertisement notice; (b) any injury or death to any person resulting from thework herein described; (c) any liability which might arise from any breachea the municipal, provincial or federal regulations, ordinances, by-laws and law0;.. (d) any debts or obligations contracted by the Company oKiis>employees in conjunction with the performance of this Agreement; , (e) the placing and/or removal of any advertisements on the City property; or (f) any claim being made by any person against the City in connection with the advertising. • "^ _�� SAT',e • 27. The obligations of the Company toindemniify the City under the provisions of Section 26 with respect to liability by reason of.any matter arising during the Term shall survive any termination of this Licence. Nothing in this Section shall create or extend any right for the benefit of any third party. Insurance • t 28. The Company shall,.throughout the-Term at, its sole cost and expense, take out and keep in force and effect thefollowing insurance: ! t Comprehensive liability insurance of not less than five million ($5,000,000) per occurrence which shall include contractual liability coverage for liability fg including claims that might be brought against the City by any employee of the Company or any sub-contractor; (b) `Automobile liability insurance of not less than two million ($2,000,000) per occurrencefin respect of each owned or leased license vehicle for liability including`cla`ms that might be brought against the City by any employee of the Company or any sub-contractor; and (c) Advertiser's liability insurance which shall include contractual liability coverage for liability including claims arising out of libel, slander, unauthorized use of ideas or other materials and invasion of privacy. 29. The policy shall include The Corporation of the City of Pickering as an additional insured in respect of all operations performed by or on behalf of the Company. 9 278 30. The policy shall not be altered, cancelled or allowed to expire or lapse, without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. 31. The Company shall provide a Certificate of Insurance to the City upon request and if the City is not provided with a copy of the policy or a renewal thereof during the Term, at least thirty(30) days prior to its expiration date, then the City may arrange for the required coverage at the expense of the Company, which may be recovered from amounts owed to the Company. Assignment • 32. The Company shall not assign or sub-licence all or any portion of this Licence Agreement without the City's consent. Default s • 33. If the Company is in default of any payment,t©tte City and such default has continued for a period of thirty (30) days following written`notice to the Company, the City may elect to terminate this Licence Agreement anti remove all advertising from the Arena Boards and/or the Advertising Devices withotArftihtiet notice to the Company. Notice sue.. 34. All notices, demands, requests, objections and payments which may be or are required to be made or given pursuant to this Licence Agreement shall be sufficiently given if served personally uponthe party dr:'any executive officer of the party for whom it is intended, orImailed, prepaid and registered, and in the case of the City, addressed - r to it at: The Corporation oft eCity of Pickering: Attention:"°City Clerk; Pickering Civic.Complex , One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7s w and in the case of the Company: Boardview Advertising Inc. or at such other address as the parties may from time to time advise by notice in writing. The date of receipt of any such notice, demand or request shall be deemed to be the date of delivery if such notice, demand or request is served personally or, on the second business day next following the date of such mailing if mailed as aforesaid. • 10 279 Miscellaneous 35. Upon the expiry of the Term, the Company agrees to remove all advertisements placed by it within thirty (30) days. If such advertisements are not so removed, the City may do so charging the Company with all reasonable expenses for so doing. 36. No term, covenant or condition of this Licence Agreement shall be deemed to have •been waived unless such waiver is in writing. w . M �ar4 37. The Licence Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be .binding upon the City and the Company and their respective successors and perraittedassigns. Conflict of Interest 38. The Company acknowledges that neither it, nor its principle officers, staff or its • contractors have actual or potential conflicts of interest that would precludeythe Company from entering into this Licence. The;Company shall notify the City in writing in the event that a specific task creates an actual or potential conflict of interest that may preclude involvement on a particular component of this Licence. IN-WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed this Licence Agreement. ‘,04 OARDVIEW ADVERTISING INC. Name"; 'Title: 'NA, Name: Title: THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING David Ryan, Mayor •YSF, Debbie Shields, Clerk 11 280 • r ATTACH MENT# 2 TO REPORT o H- ' Cliff e4 u Memo PICKERING • To: Marisa Carpino April 10, 2014 Director, Culture & Recreation CULTURE&RrReEATION DIU SIGN From: Vera A. Fefgemacher RECr w�D ant ((� ��-�- Manager, Supply &Services F`'` NO. ABEY TO_J_ Co Supervisor, Cultural Services L FWD `.COP'' D CIRCULATE Copy: p M��•UI' COUNCIL Senior Purchasing Analyst co A C FK CU_ &PEC 1 CO';P SE0VICES HUMAN RESOURCES Subject: Request for Proposal No..RFP-5-2014 . MPE OPS CENTRE . LEGAL Advertising at City Facilities FA'-OPERATIONS ' OFFICE SUSTAIN C?P SUPERVISC• 'S PLAN&DEV File: F-5300-001 Request for Proposals were invited from two (2) companies and was posted on the City website. One (1) addendum was issued. A mandatory site meeting was held on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 and two (2) companies attended of which two (2) have submitted 'a proposal by the closing date and time. Reference: Part 3, Evaluation.of Proposals The City will conduct the evaluation of proposals in the following three (3) stages: 3.2.1 Stage I Stage I will consist of a review to determine which proposals comply with-all of the mandatory requirements. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatoryy requirements as of the Submission Date will be provided an opportunity to rectify any deficiencies. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Rectification Date will be excluded from further consideration. 3.2.2 Stage II Stage II will consist of a scoring by the City of each qualified proposal on the basis of the rated criteria. 3.2.3 Stage III . Stage Ill will consist of a scoring of the pricing submitted. The evaluation of price will be undertaken after the evaluation of mandatory requirements and any rated requirements has been completed. 281 • RFP-5-2014 Request for Proposal . Advertising at City Facilities Stage 1 _ Evaluation Form Stage I will consist of a review to determine which proposals comply with all of the mandatory requirements. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Submission Date will-be,provided an opportunity to rectify any deficiencies. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Rectification Date will . be excluded from further consideration. - Proposals are to include the following mandatory requirements: • A. Proponents should submit one (1) original copy and four (4) hard copies using Arial. 12 font, printed double sided, fastened at one corner (no cerlox or other binding) in a sealed package. One page is one side of a two sided page. A • double sided page counts as two (2) pages. (Part 3 -Item 3.1.2) • B. Acknowledge Addendum (Appendix B - Item 5) C. Submission Form (Appendix B) D. Rate Bid Form (Appendix C) E. Reference Form (Appendix D) F. A Table of Contents with page numbers and identification of all materials included-in the Proposal should be provided. Sections shall have titled index tabs. - The Proposal shall contain the following information and must be arranged in the following order listed below: G. Section A - Company History- Maximum 1 page • H. Section B - Profile information and identification of the proposed team members including their qualifications and experience- No page limit. I. Section C - Overall Business Plan Summary- Maximum 5 pages J. Section D -Added Benefits Incentives - Maximum 3 pages K. Section E- Example of three (3) similar projects is,the last consecutive five (5) years - Maximum 2 pages L. Section F - Revenue -the proponent's submission must include a detailed revenue proposal including a plan for monthly payment. Maximum 1 page • Item Company A B C D E F G H I J K L Futuresign Multimedia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ • ✓ ✓ Display • Boardview Advertising ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ `� • 282 Request Tor Proposal NO. RI-I'-5-1U14 Advertising at City Facilities Evaluation Form--Stage II The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the RFP. D. Rated Criteria The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the RFP. Proponents who do not meet a minimum threshold score for a category will not proceed to Stage III of the evaluation process. Weightin "g 'Rated Cr�ter�a"Category r i h *, 3e { a b ;"{,'?fir*"^.f r t•_' 1 i _ Rciia Y 1:; •«,•.f, Po�,nts) e�i Company History and Profile Information 5 Overall Business Plan Summary 30 • Added Benefits Incentives 10 Similar Projects & References • 5 Quality and Completeness of Proposal 5 Pricing - Total Guaranteed Revenue • 45 Total Points 100 Company History—5 Points • •Demonstrated qualifications and experience of the Proponent and its proposed sub Proponents and partners, in delivering the media deployments; and, •Organization, references and quality management practices, • policies, and commitment of Proponent's senior resources and key personnel to its fulfilment of its responsibilities. • Minimum 5 consecutive years experience within the advertising field • Overall Business Plan - 30 Points • The overall business plan must include but not be limited to the following sub- sections: S • an implementation program and schedule; • marketing plan; and, • sales projections. • If a sub-Proponent is to be used, the arrangement of the group and the distribution - of the work must be described. The business plan must also contain sufficient - information to indicate a sound understanding of the services that the Proponent is intending to provide. Visuals (e.g., photographs, display boards etc.) may be used. • • • 283 Kequest Tor Proposal No. KI-1-1-0-ZU14 • Advertising at City Facilities Evaluation Form — Stage II Each Proponent will receive a percentage of the total possible points allocated to price for the particular category it has bid on by dividing that Proponent's price for that category into the lowest bid price in that category. For example, if a Proponent bids $120.00 for a particular_category and that is the lowest bid price in that category, that Proponent receives 1'00% of the possible points for that category (120/120 = 100%). A Proponent who bids $150.00 receives 80% of the possible points for that category (120/150 = 80%), and a Proponent who bids $240.00 receives 50% of the possible points for that category (120/240 =50%). Lowest lump sum price . x Total available points = Score with second-lowest lump sum price Second-lowest lump sum price Lowest lump sum price x Total available points = Score with third-lowest lump sum price . . Third-lowest lump sum price 0 0 And so on, for each proposal. • • • 284 • 0 • ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT#M� t� t�°I NINA,_ Memo rir To: Marisa Carpino April 30, 2014 Director, Culture & Recreation - • From: Bob Kuzma CULTURE&RECREATION DIV SION RECEIVED �. r 1 c� Senior Purchasing Analyst FILE NO I - Copy: Manager, Supply & Services • ABEY TO Manager, Facilities Operations D FWD 0 C01-'', n:CIRCULATE MAYOR C,.". ',CIL Subject: RFP-5-2014, Advertising at City Facilities. CUL&REC I _`'__ .ERVICES - File: F-5300-001 MPE HUM-J RESOURCES MPE OPS CENTRE I FAC OPERATIONS OFFICE SUSTAIN CAR SUPERVISORS I- PLAN&DEV Further to memo dated April 10, 2014, two proposals proceeded to Stage II of the evaluation process. Each member of the Evaluation Committee has completed evaluating the two proposals, completing Stage II of the evaluation process. Ah Evaluation Committee meeting was held Thursday, April 17, 2014 and a combined average score for the proposals received was determined. The combined average score of the proposal . then proceeded to Stage III of the evaluation process. Stage III consists of a scoring of the price submitted. At the conclusion of Stage III, all scores from Stage II and Stage III of proposals have been added together. Boardview Advertising is the highest scoring proponent. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.13, Revenue generating proposals for services are subject to the approval of Council prior to the Manager awarding the contract. Required documents have been requested. The Coordinator, Health & Safety will review the health & safety related documentation and the Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit will review the insurance documentation to confirm acceptability which will be considered during this review, and we will advise you of this information. An approved requisition is required to proceed. Please do not disclose any information to proponents. Enquiries may be redirected to Supply & Se ices. • SE) Attachment: Evaluation Form Stage III (blank form) . Evaluation Committee— Summary of Average Total Scores (blank form) Evaluation Committee— Summary of Average Total Scores 285 0 E < v 'gip 0 0 -01 (D Q a . • O• N I. .a 5' m b.-0 CD CD • • E. = n . ° a o s • Fes. °;,Z -a U � a� � �' O 3 << m 4-'1_ Wo rn < • � � m n) = cDai Al N — • , CD a . c 'a co • <' � . ma y � vi • gi O N • e C n= •• r': .. 3 O) 0 rr . (Q ��]R CD..,.mo. 'Z • ''AV' W n z g n N • '. fin) Qo '(1 Z N n • sir,.:Y O O = CD . -I,- f11 -Al N A O M K O •• 4.;ta,3 C31 N - . 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