HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 07-14 City o� Report to = Council TT'7 T�:'S T�rim�T71�.� 1 ICKERI V G Report Number: PLN 07-14 Date: March 24, 2014 • From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: Proposed NextGen Telecommunication Tower Region of Durham 2105 Rosebank Road Installation #60 Recommendation: 1. That the Region of Durham be advised that City Council has no objection to the proposed 60.0 metre high tri-pole lattice telecommunication tower to be located at 2105 Rosebank Road, based on the design and other details submitted with this request. • Executive Summary: The NextGen Radio Communications project is a partnership between the Durham Regional Police Service, the Region of Durham and the eight municipalities that make up Durham Region. The project is to provide the public safety agencies of Durham Region with a reliable, shared and secure two-way radio system. There are 27 sites being developed across Durham Region which include dispatch centres, radio transmission and reception towers. As part of that proposed network, the Region of Durham is proposing the installation of a 60 metre high tri-pole lattice telecommunication tower on the Region's Cherrywood Reservoir property at 2015 Rosebank Road. As this installation is for radiocommunication equipment, it is subject to the public consultation requirements established by Industry Canada. subject p q Y rY Since the submission of the initial proposal, the consultant representing the NextGen project has completed the public consultation process in accordance with Industry Canada's requirements. The consultant has advised that no public comments were received and are requesting that City Council provide a statement of concurrence for the proposed installation. This application has been forwarded directly to City Council for consideration as the • NextGen project is scheduled to be activated in June 2014, and the applicant requires Council's concurrence to meet this deadline. City staff are supportive of the proposed installation. There does not appear to be an acceptable opportunity to co-locate on existing towers. Furthermore, the proposed communication tower will assist the Region of Durham, Durham Regional Police Service and the eight municipalities within Durham region with an improved communications network. 50 • Report PLN 07-14 - March 24, 2014 Subject: Proposed NextGen Telecommunication Tower Page 2 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. • 1. Background 1.1 Property Location and Description This site is located on the east side of Rosebank Road, north of Finch Avenue. The subject property is'owned by the Region of Durham and is currently used for a water reservoir (see Location Map, Attachment#1). The surrounding land uses include agricultural/residential uses to the north, east and west, and the Canadian Pacific Railway line to the south. The closest residential property (2120 Rosebank Road) is approximately 80 metres west of the proposed tower. The subject property is designated as Open Space System — Natural Areas in the Pickering Official Plan and zoned `A' — Rural Agriculture in By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 6578/05. The installation of a telecommunication tower is permitted under the public utilities exemption in By-law 3036. 1.2 Applicant's Proposal In January 2014, the Region of Durham submitted an application to the City Development Department proposing the installation of a 60 metre tri-pole lattice communication tower and related ground cabinets on the Cherrywood Reservoir property. The radio equipment and tower are proposed to be sited at the northwest portion of the subject property. A radio equipment cabinet and standby generator will be placed at the base of the tower. Access to the tower and equipment will be provided with a new driveway access from Rosebank Road (see Applicant's Submitted Site Plan and Elevation Plan, Attachments #2 and #3). This site was subject of a previous application proposing the installation of an • 18.0 metre high telecommunication utility pole for communication equipment for the water reservoir. The Region of Durham has confirmed that this 18.0 metre pole will no longer be required as their water management equipment will be installed on the proposed 60.0 metre high telecommunication tower. 2. Comments Received 2.1 Required Public Notification has been completed On December 2, 2013, Planning & Development Committee authorized staff to initiate circulation of the Draft City of Pickering Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna System Protocol (Cell Tower Protocol) to the public, industry representatives and other stakeholders to seek their comments. 51 Report PLN 07-14 March 24, 2014 Subject: Proposed NextGen Telecommunication Tower Page 3 At the conclusion of the consultation process, a recommended Protocol will be prepared by staff and considered by City Council in May 2014. In the absence of an adopted City protocol, applicants must follow Industry Canada requirements as outlined in the Client Procedures Circular (CPC) 2-0-03 Issue 4, entitled "Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems". Industry Canada's requirements for public consultation require the applicant to consult with the Land Use Authority, and the public within a radius of three times the tower height, measured from the tower base or the outside perimeter of the supporting structure. The City's draft protocol requirements for public consultation require the applicant to consult with the Land Use Authority, and the public within a radius of, the greater of, 150 metres or three times the tower height within the urban area. Based on the proposed 60.0 metre tower height, the proposed installation required notification to adjoining property owners within a 180 metre radius of the base of the tower. The applicant has confirmed that they delivered written notification to the adjoining property owners and placed a public notice of the proposed installation in the February 6 and 12, 2014 editions of the Pickering News Advertiser. They also confirmed that no public comments were received as a result of the public notification process (see Applicant's Summary of Public Consultation Report, Attachment#4). 2.2 City Departments & Agency Comments Engineering & Public Works • the applicant will be required to obtain a driveway entrance permit for the proposed new entrance onto • osebank Road • the installation of the new culvert and driveway to property line will be completed by City staff 2.3 Co-location opportunities have been examined The applicant provided a justification report to the City Development Department in support of the proposed tower. The report indicated that their intention was to install the equipment on top of the water tower located near Finch Avenue and Altona Road. However, the structural design of the water tower precluded the installation of antenna equipment upon it. The applicant advised that they would prefer to use existing towers for the NextGen project as the construction of new towers is cost prohibitive and unnecessary given the number of existing towers available for co-location throughout the Region of Durham. 52 Report PLN 07-14 March 24, 2014 • Subject: Proposed Next Gen Telecommunication Tower Page 4 The applicant investigated the opportunity to co-locate on existing towers in the immediate area and have advised that there were three existing towers in the immediate vicinity that were considered for co-location. Two of the sites are located on Fairport Road (2305 Fairport Road and on the Cherrywood Transformer Station) and the third is located at 1956 Altona Road. The applicant has advised that these sites were not suitable candidates for co-location due to the heights of the existing towers and/or the presence of visual obstructions that limited the westerly coverage they require for the NextGen system. The proposed tower will be used by Durham Regional Police Service, the Region of Durham Emergency Management Office, Durham Health Department, Durham Social Services and the City of Pickering Fire Services and Works Department. The design of the proposed tower provides co-location opportunities, and the Region of Durham, as the landowner, has a policy in place to accommodate requests for co-location for third party carriers. 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 Proposed Telecommunication Tower is Acceptable Staff support the installation of this telecommunication tower as it is compatible with the public utility already in operation on the site. The proposed implementation of the NextGen Radio Communication project will assist all public safety agencies in Durham Region with a reliable, shared and secure two-way radio system. Attachments 1. Location Map —2105 Rosebank Road 2. Applicant's Submitted Site Plan 3. Applicant's Submitted Elevation Plan 4. Applicant's Summary of Public Consultation Process • 53 Report PLN 07-14 March 24, 2014 Subject: Proposed NextGen Telecommunication Tower Page 5 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: r . , , ,..m.,.... A . . 1 Tyler Bar C. herine Rose, MCIP, RPP Seni.r Planner— Site Planning Chief Planner ,4 .. . Or II l Nilesh - urti, MCIP, RPP Thomas Mely uk, HP, RPP Manager, Development Review Director, City Deve •pment & Urban Design TB:jf Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit Council �,-// liaL. 141 2014 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • 54 f ATI•A MEULL TO HEMP Fr>:,. 0 7-/ 0 Q 0 PROPOSED ' V Z 60m - m TELECOMMUNICATION N TOWER 0 c .• • / ' . ■ ♦ t ■ • ♦ . ✓ ■• .. .*♦ • r RADIUS FROM TOWER ,A DRI GOB ° DRIVE , z,O O i 0 .. 1 PIP' , 1 1.00 _ I. 0,, 1_,1/4__NM_ gill Ea, FINCH •, U FINCH AVENUE ■ ..- X1111111 inn■■■ ∎21, aim Location Map V City 4 FILE No: Installation #60 .-' = -1 '®yam �:�—- APPLICANT: Region of Durham.(NextGen) 0M3"1121 ' PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 2105 Rosebank Rd. (Part Lot 30, Con 2, City Development Part 1 &2, 40R-10039) DATE: Feb 3,2014 Department Ito Sources: c Teronet Enterprises Inc nd.Its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not c plop of s rvey. 2013 /A ry PAC and Its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not c plan of Survey. SCALE 1.5,000 PN-11 55 F_POR # pD.... D 7 •HYDRO POLE PROPOSED TOWER LOCATION WTH SHELTER AND GENERATOR PAD HYDRO POLE —\ • NEW ACCESS TOP OF BANK EXISTING TREES I TO BE REMOVED OVERHEAD --N HYDRO LINES • • • 0 O Water Reservoir . W • • dr FIRE EXIST. FENCED HYDRANT PROPERTY LINE EXIST. PUMPING STATION TRANSFORMER • • Submitted Plan City" FILE No: Installation #60 APPLICANT: Region of Durham(NextGen) liMICONIOt PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:2105 Rosebank Rd. (Part Lot 30, Con 2, City Development Part 1 & 2, 40R-10039) Department DATE:Feb.3,2014 56 TlACHMENT# PD a7- / EL= 200.1'[61.011]AOL • ;R`�-] EL =196.9'[60.011]AOL EL= 190.0'[57.9111] 8.0'HEEL TO HEEL :mom='' EL= 180.5'[55.011]AOL Ilia li'i EL=173.9'[53,011]AGL • EL = 157.5'[48.011]AOL 101WI.0110 • 4.I !MI Ie►! EL=98.4'[30.01{]AOL !�. EL= 91.9'[28.011]AOL l 113 ICI I,�1 1%01 • I ' I�I RADIO I I BUILDING I%I GENERATOR EL = 0.EL TO HEEL � � • 24.0'HEEL TO HEEL • 196.9' [60.0M] KOSS ANGLE LEG TOWER - CHERRYW000 Submitted Elevation Plan City FILE No: Installation #60 • • =-. APPLICANT: Region of Durham(NextGen) PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:2105 Rosebank Rd. (Part Lot 30, Con 2, City Development Part 1 & 2, 40.R-10039) Department DATE:Feb.3,2014 57 ATTACHMENT# 7 TO REPORT # PD D 7— /`f X . . N ((( ))) DURHAM REGIONAL INTERORERAE?ILITY Next Generation Common Communication Platform SITE SELECTION and PUBLIC CONSULTATION REPORT • for • a NEW TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER (Regional Owned Land at 2015 Rosebank Rd, Parts 1&2,-Lot 30,Concession 2) • Prepared for: The City of Pickering Prepared by: The Regional Municipality of Durham—NextGen Radio Communications Interoperability Project Wednesday, March 12,2014 Introduction • The NextGen Radio Communications Interoperability Project is a partnership between; • The Corporation of the City of Pickering, • The Regional Municipality of Durham, • • The Durham Regional Police Service(DRPS), • The Corporation of the Town of Ajax , • The Township of Brock • The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington • The Corporation of the City of Oshawa • The Township of Scugog . • V The Township of Uxbridge . • The Corporation of the Town of Whitby ...that has been in place since 2010 to provide the public safety agencies of Durham Region,including those that protect the residents of the City of Pickering,such as the City of Pickering Fire Service,The City of Pickering Department and the Durham Regional Police Service,with a highly reliable,shared and secure two way radio system. This shared radio network will replace many older,less capable, legacy systems and save the Regional taxpayers over$10M as compared to replacing these systems separately. As part of the NextGen system implementation,twenty seven(27)sites are being developed. These include dispatch centres,radio transmission and reception towers. The Cherrywood Regional Water Reservoir Site has been identified as one of the radio tower sites that is ideally located to provide the necessary links to connecting tower sites and the required dstatransmission for both the public safety radio system and the Regions'water network. The additional sharing of tower resources with the Regional Water Network is an additional cost saving efficiency that due to its reliability,also increases . water quality safety. Therefore,an application Is being made to the Council for the City of Pickering requesting approval to erect a 60 metre,self-supporting,tri-pole communications tower at the northwest corner of the Regional Municipality of Durham's property located at 2015 Rosebank Rd,Pickering.The rationale for this location and height of the tower is included elsewhere in the reports to council. 58 ATTACHMENT V /T# /T^'-�- TO PEPtOR k 1 PG / NEXTGEN ( V) DURHAM REGION/s1- IYTEROPERAEILTY f Next Generation Common Communication Platform • • Consultation Requirements . In recognition of the Federal Government's exclusive jurisdiction and.in an attempt to promote balance, Industry Canada requires that proponents of telecommunication facilities consult with land use authorities and local land owners as part of their licensing process. The NextGen Radio Communications Interoperability Project has complied with the consultation requirements as described by the City of Pickering and Industry Canada by performing the following; • On.06 February 2014,and again On 12 February 2014,a Public Notice was placed in the Pickering News Advertiser(Appendix 1). • Information packages and letters were sent to all landowners/resic4ents whose property falls within a radius of three times the height of the tower,which in this case was 180 meters.The information packages Included; • A letter addressed to the landowner from the Chief of the Durham Regional Police Service,Mike Ewles(Appendix 2). , • A Site map showing the proposed location of the tower(Appendix 3). a, A Tower Profile Diagram showing the proposed structure of the tower,height and initial equipment loading(Appendix 4). Both the advertisements and information packages contained basic technical details of the tower site,a description of purpose of the tower and an invitation to contact one or both of the following two persons for information and concerns; inspector Bruce Kovack Senior Planner Tyler Barnett Durham Regional Police Service, City Of Pickering, I 605 Rossland Rd. E., One the Esplanade, Whitby,Ontario Pickering Ontario 905-579-1520 x4441 905-420-4660 x 2042 bkovack @drps.ca tbarnettppickering.ca Consultation Process Results . • As of 12 March•2014,there have been no inquires,requests for information,concerns raised or contact from the community or land owners regarding this application and tower site. Therefore,as the NextGen Radio Communications Interoperability Project Lead,I respectfully request to the Council of , the City of Pickering to accept this report as evidence of the consultation requirements for this application being fulfilled. . . r . Respectfully, or . -r f Inspector Bruce 4 ack 59 . • ATTACHMENT# ' TO (((%))) REPORT # PD, U 7-/� W IURHAM REGIONAL INTEROPERABILITY • Next Generation Common Communication Platform Dear Resident of Pickering, . The NextGen Radio Communications Project is a partnership between: • The Durham Regional Police Service(DRPS); • The Regional Municipality of Durham; • The Corporation of the Town of Ajax; • The Township of Brock; • The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington; • The Corporation of the City of Oshawa; • The Corporation of the City of Pickering; • The Township of Scugog; • • The Township of Uxbridge;and • The Corporation of the Town of Whitby. This project has been in place since 2010 to provide the public safety agencies of Durham Region, including those that protect the residents of Pickering,such as the Pickering Fire Services and the Durham Regional Police Service,with a highly reliable,shared and secure two-way radio system. This shared radio network will replace several older,less capable, legacy systems and save the Regional taxpayer's over$10M as compared • to replacing these systems separately. As part of the NextGen radio system implementation,twenty-seven(27)sites are being developed. These include dispatch centres,radio transmission and reception towers. The Cherrywood Reservoir property has been identified as a radio tower site that is ideally located to provide the necessary links to connecting tower• sites and the required data transmission for both the public safety radio system and the Regions'water management network. The additional sharing of tower resources with the Regional water management network is an additional cost saving efficiency that due to its reliability,also increases Pickering's water • quality safety. The initial intent was to add the necessary equipment to the top of the existing Finch Water Tower; however, it was recently discovered that the structure was not designed to hold the necessary radio antennas and could not be modified economically to meet the requirements without jeopardizing drinking water quality. Additionally,that property was considered too small to install the necessary tbirver and impractical due to the existing large water tower;therefore,another location needed to be found. Several existing communications towers in the necessary Pickering locale were investigated; however, none of them were suitable for - connectivity into the NextGen system. The Region's Cherrywood Reservoir location was,therefore,deemed to be an optimal location for the construction of the necessary 60-metre tower. Therefore,an application has been made to Industry Canada requesting approval to erect a.60-metre,free standing,communications tower on the Regional Municipality of Durham's Cherrywood Reservoir property • located at 2105 Rosebank Road,Pickering. As part of the consultation and approval process,you are being notified of the application being made by the NextGenRadio Communications Project team. The proposed tower will be: • Located on Regional property(cost effective—no leasing costs), NextGen Letter to Residents of Pickering—31 January 2014 Page 1 oft 60 TAC8 ENT#.7- f, TO ,: REPORT# PL D Inr4 " .1) DIIRI-FAM REGIONAL INTEROPERASILUTY Next Generation Common Communication Platform • Free standing(no cables), e 60 metres tall to make network connections, • Compliant with all industry standards for tower and radio transmission safety, • Located on site to accommodate the required system needs,site location(avoiding existing reservoir, water pipes and structures)as well as making every effort to minimize visual impact on community (see attached diagram), • Operational in spring of 2014. On behalf of the NextGen Project Team, I look forward to your support in developing this site as part of your police and fire public safety radio network,and as a drinking water control data transmission site. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this application,please contact one of the following project team members: Bruce Kovack Inspector-Durham Region Police Service—Project Lead 605 Rossland Rd East,Whitby Ontario UN OB8 905-579-1520 ext.4441 bkovack@ d rps.ca Stephen Orr Radio System Technician 605 Rossland Rd East,Whitby Ontario L1N 0B8 905-579-1520 ext.4331 sorr@ drps.ca You may also contact the following City of Pickering staff: Tyler Bennett Senior Planner City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering,ON L1V 6K7 905-420-4660 ext.2042 m a i lto:t:ba rn e-tt@ cityofp ickeri ng,com Respectfully, - Mike Ewles Chief Constable Durham Regional Police Service NextGen Letter to Residents of Pickering—31 January 2014 Page 2 of 2 61 PUBLIC .NOTICE . PROPOSED DURHAM REGION PUBLIC SAFETY. • 60-METRE STEEL TRI-POLE COMMUNICATIONS TOWER ATTACHMENT#1 rc REPORT # PE! 0 7 —/ SUBJECT: The Regional Municipality of Durham in partnership with the City of Pickering, Pickering Fire Service and the Durham Regional Police Service are implementing a new Public Safety radio system to service the citizens of Pickering. To meet the need, a new 60-metre self-supporting tri=pole tower will, be constructed at the northwest corner of the Region's Cherrywood Reservoir property at 2015 Rosebank Road, Parts 1 & 2, Lot 30, Concession 2. This is approx. 2.4 km south of Taunton Road and 0.6 km north of Finch Ave, along Rosebank Road. The facility will be enclosed within the existing security fence of the property and occupy 0.03 hectares consisting of one lattice tri-pole self-supporting tower, one 10'x10' equipment shelter and one standby generator. The tower will provide radio and data services for the 8 Fire Services within Durham, the Durham • Regional Police Service, the Public Works for the Region (including water safety management), and the various departments of the 8, municipal partners within Durham, including Pickering. ANY PERSON may make a written submission to the individuals listed below by Friday, March 7, 2014 with respect to this matter. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the approval of this site and its design is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government of Canada through Industry Canada, and the City of Pickering has no jurisdiction in this matter other than as a commenting body to Industry Canada and the applicant. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed tower and site is available for review between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday at the. City of Pickering municipal offices. Further information may also be obtained through the following contacts: Durham Regional Police Service �, ��, Insp. Bruce Kovack IS o '. 605 Rossland Road East, N era• 3 4. Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 s.�,� (905) 579-1520 ext. 4441 0 �9- q.. . bkovack @ drps.ca ,� 1A`\.. /¢ vl City of Pickering ,,X site ��5,� Tyler Barnett 1 ��` Senior Planner A ,,�'� ,City of Pickering , ;;`" � One the Esplanade, �o ,, !'� m , (\Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 ""r `,,-- = 7, o ` (905) 420-4660 ext. 2042 - ________---\,,, 00- �� ', t' ==1t o-G�«"` tbarnett @pickering.ca � %000feet 250m nm�A�'Rd- 62 ATTACHMENT#-_______TO REPORT# Pp_l)-7_/y Plan View of Proposed 60-m Durham Public Safety Communication Tower 2105 Rosebank Road, Pickering HYDRO POLE PROPOSED TOWER LOCATION #P24203 WITH SHELTER AND GENERATOR PAD • LAT: 43' 50' 34.2" N HYDRO POLE LONG: 79' 08' 12.0" W #P24190 ®, • • _ I ' NEW ACCESS I I TOP OF BANK • EXISTING TREES I • TO BE REMOVED • OVERHEAD HYDRO LINES • Concession 2, Lot.30 • Ref. Plan 40R10039 • Parts 1 &2 0 tx • • Water Reservoir . Q m • u, . • 1r . . • FIRE EXIST. FENCED HYDRANT • PROPERTY LINE r . EXIST. . PUMPING STATION •TRANSFORMER . • SCALE: • 1111 1. 111 Om 50m lOOm • 63 'FI t P,C rl` ENT#_.,.41 _TO EL = 200.1' [61.0M] AGL O© • la 7 EL = 196.9' [60.0M] AGL O EL = 190.39' [58.03M] 12.0' HEEL TO HEEL DIM W2011 A _'' I EL = 180.5' [55.0M] AGL OO . EL = 173.9' [53.0M] AGL 00 rlopi ;10 EL = 157.5' [48.OM] AGL 10 rApp b. ,I `_A EL = 98.4' [30.0M] AGL EL = 91.9' [28.0M] AGL O A. • IL A I ; 041 — RADIO �' BUILDING • GENERATOR EL = 0.0' [O.00M] I 12.0' HEEL TO HEEL 196.x' [60.0M] KDSS ANGLE LEG TOWER - CHERRYWOOD 64