HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 05-14 c%t<<00 _ Report to Executive Committee I KERIN Report Number: ENG 05-14 Date: February 3, 2014 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent - Amendment to By-law 6604/05 - File: A 1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report ENG 05-14 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding the proposed installation of an all-way stop control at Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent be received; 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "7" to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of stop signs on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering, specifically to address the proposed installation of all-way stop control at the intersection of Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent. Executive Summary: In response to residents' concerns and Resolution #106/13 from Pickering City Council regarding traffic concerns on Maple Ridge Drive including opportunities for safe pedestrian crossings, staff have completed a review of traffic volumes, undertook observations of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, and engaged the community through a consultation process. The consultation process determined that the majority of residents supported an all-way stop at the intersection of Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent. Therefore, based on the results of the community consultation and to allow for a safe crossing location on Maple Ridge Drive for pedestrians given that there are a number of amenities in the surrounding area including Maple Ridge Public School, St. Issac Jogues Catholic School, St Issac Jogues Church, Maple Ridge Park and Maple Ridge Plaza and that there is only one existing crossing location at Maple Ridge Drive and Bushmill Street, Engineering & Public Works staff recommends the placement of an all-way stop at the intersection of Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent. In addition based on the review, staff recommends that the existing stop ahead sign for eastbound traffic approaching the existing all-way stop at the intersection of Maple Ridge Drive and Bushmill Road be moved further west to allow more distance in between the warning sign and the existing all-way stop. 28 Report ENG 05-14 February 3, 2014 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent Page 2 Financial Implications: The installation of stops signs, advance warning signs and stop bar pavement markings can be accommodated within the Roads current budget. Discussion: On April 16, 2013 a single motor vehicle accident occurred on Maple Ridge Drive that resulted in a vehicle driving over several properties on the north side of the road between Harvest Drive and Bushmill Street. The accident was an isolated incident, however, it prompted several residents to contact city staff and city officials to express safety concerns with traffic and safe opportunities for pedestrians to cross Maple Ridge Drive. Staff spoke with the residents at that time and initiated a traffic study to determine if an all-way stop would be warranted. The Durham Regional Police and ROAD WATCH performed speed enforcement on the roadway during this period and found that vehicles were driving, on average, approximately 50 km/h. On September 16, 2013 Pickering City Council passed Resolution #106/13 (Attachment 1) for staff to review Maple Ridge Drive between Dixie Road and Finch Avenue for safe opportunities to cross citing a number of amenities for pedestrians to access including two elementary schools; Maple Ridge Public School and St. Isaac Jogues Catholic School; St Isaac jogues Church, Maple Ridge Park, and Maple Ridge Plaza, that necessitate crossing Maple Ridge Drive. Currently there is only one crossing location on Maple Ridge Drive at Bushmill Street between Dixie Road and Finch Avenue. The residents of Maple Ridge Drive and surrounding areas then submitted a petition to the City on October 3, 2013 requesting an additional all-way stop on Maple Ridge Drive at either Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent or.Harvest Drive to address concerns. City staffs review of Maple Ridge Drive included the following: • Collection of pedestrian volumes, vehicle volumes and vehicular speeds • Completion of municipal all-way stop warrants on Maple Ridge Drive at the intersections of Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent, Harvest Drive and Fieldstone Circle • Observations of vehicle and pedestrian traffic • Review of existing signs and pavement markings The results of the review and recommendations are presented in the following sections. Intersection Counts, Sightlines and Collision History indicate that additional all- way stops are not required along Maple Ridge Drive To determine if an additional all-way stop is necessary on Maple Ridge Drive staff completed municipal all-way stop warrants, in accordance with the City's Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy. The City's all-way stop warrant calculates whether an all- way stop is required. The all-way stop warrant takes traffic volumes, reported collision history and sightlines into consideration. 29 Report ENG 05-14 February 3, 2014 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent Page 3 Eight-hour vehicle and pedestrian turning movement counts were completed on Maple Ridge Drive at the intersections of Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent, Harvest Drive and Fieldstone Circle. The counts were completed between September 10, 2013 to September 12, 2013. The specific time periods counted were 7am to 9am, 11 am to 1 pm and 2pm to 6pm. The intersection of Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent also had an eight-hour turning movement count completed on June 12, 2013, however, the September count produced higher traffic volumes, therefore the September count was used in the analysis. Based on the turning movement counts, the busiest intersection for both traffic entering and pedestrians crossing Maple Ridge Drive is the intersection of Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent. There were 60 pedestrians crossing Maple Ridge Drive during the 8-hour count at Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent. The peak hour for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic for the morning and afternoon periods at the intersection of Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent are 7:45 am to 8:45 am and 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The reported collision history for Maple Ridge Drive indicates that there were four reported collisions on the roadway between Dixie Road and Bushmill Street during the previous five year period. None of these collisions would be correctable through the installation of an all-way stop. At all studied intersections, there are sufficient sightlines based on the posted speed limit to see oncoming vehicles along Maple Ridge Drive in both the eastbound and westbound directions. Overall, the all-way stop warrant requirements were not fulfilled for the intersections of Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent, Harvest Drive and Fieldstone Circle on Maple Ridge Drive. The all-way stop warrants can be found in Attachment 2, Attachment 3 and Attachment 4. Speed data indicates the existing operating speed of the roadway would not warrant traffic calming measures Speed data was collected between September 17, 2013 and September 19, 2013 for Maple Ridge Drive. Based on the speed study, the 85th percentile speed, which is the speed at which 85 percent of the traffic is travelling at or below, is 50 km/h for both eastbound and westbound traffic. The posted speed limit is 40 km/h. An operating speed of 10 km/h over the speed limit would not warrant a need for traffic calming measures according to the City's Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy. Community Consultation indicates the Majority of residents are in favour of an all-way stop at Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent • Community consultation commenced on October 11, 2013 and completed on November 8, 2013. A letter from City staff was sent to approximately 420 homes on Maple Ridge 30 • Report ENG 05-14 February 3, 2014 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent Page 4 Drive, Maple Gate Road, Cedarwood Court, Pebblestone Crescent, Cedarcroft Crescent, Harvest Drive, and Fieldstone Circle. The letter provided area residents with an opportunity to consider either an all-way stop at the intersection of Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent, an all-way stop at Maple Ridge Drive at Harvest Drive, or consider no all-way stops on Maple Ridge Drive, and invited them to submit comments and/or suggestions, as well as to indicate their support or opposition. The consultation generated 76 replies representing approximately 18% of the homes canvassed. The results of the community consultation can be summarized as follows: Location Number of Replies In support of an all-way stop on Maple Ridge Drive @ 41 (54%) Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent In support of an all-way stop on Maple Ridge Drive @ 23 (30%) Harvest Drive Opposed to any new stop signs on Maple Ridge Drive 12 (16%) Total 76 (100%) The residents that were opposed to any new stop signs on Maple Ridge Drive noted that the existing all-way stop at Maple Ridge Drive and Bushmill Street requires enforcement, and that any additional stops on Maple Ridge Drive would disrupt traffic flow. Fieldstone Circle was mentioned as an alternative set of stop signs in place of Harvest Drive by a few residents, however, this intersection is too close to the existing all-way stop at Bushmill Street and would be near the apex of a curve, which is not ideal for motorists and pedestrians alike. It was brought to City staffs attention that the all-way stop at the intersection of Bowler Drive and Kitley Avenue is also is a curve. The intersection of Bowler Drive and Kitley Avenue however presents greater sightlines than that of Maple Ridge Drive and Fieldstone Circle as the curve has a higher radius, which makes the horizontal alignment straighter in comparison. There were also six residents that requested the conversion of the pedestrian signal at Finch Avenue at Maple Ridge Drive/Bowler Drive to a full traffic control signal. This request was sent to the Region of Durham. The request was denied as it was found that the intersection was not warranted for full traffic control signals based on recent traffic volumes. Based on the community consultation, it can be concluded that the majority of responding residents are in favour of an all-way stop at Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent. 31 Report ENG 05-14 February 3, 2014 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent Page 5 • Signage on Maple Ridge Drive is adequate but can be improved with additional warning pedestrian signage The staff review concluded that the appropriate signs (in conformity with the requirements of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act) are in place. There are sufficient 40 km/h speed signs on the roadway. Signage in the area can be improved on Maple Ridge Drive by moving the stop ahead sign for the intersection of Maple Ridge Drive at Bushmill Street in the eastbound direction so that it is placed further west allowing more distance in between the warning sign and the existing all-way stop. One resident reply for the community consultation requested school area and crossing signage on Maple Ridge Drive, however, since there is no school actually on Maple Ridge Drive, school area and school crossing signage is not recommended on this stretch of roadway. Overall based on the results of the community consultation and to allow for a safe crossing on Maple Ridge Drive for pedestrians given that there are a number of amenities in the surrounding area including Maple Ridge Public School, St. Issac Jogues Catholic School, St Issac Jogues Church, Maple Ridge Park and Maple Ridge Plaza, Engineering & Public Works staff recommends the placement of an all-way stop at the intersection of Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent. Engineering & Public Works staff also recommends that the existing stop ahead sign for eastbound traffic approaching the existing all-way stop at the intersection of Maple Ridge Drive and Bushmill Road be moved further west to allow more distance in between the warning sign and the existing all-way stop. The proposed all-way stop can be seen in Attachement 5. The proposed by-law amendment to Schedule 7 of By-law 6604/05 is presented in Attachment 6. Attachments: 1. Notice of Motion, Resolution #106/13, Frequent Pedestrian Crossings and Safety Initiatives on Maple Ridge Drive 2. All-way Stop Warrant, Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent 3. All-way Stop Warrant, Maple Ridge Drive and Harvest Drive 4. All-way Stop Warrant Maple Ridge Drive and Fieldstone 5. Proposed All-way Stop, Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent 6. Proposed By-law 6604/05 Amendment— Schedule 7, Stop Signs 32 Report ENG 05-14 February 3, 2014 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Maple Ridge Drive and Maple Gate Road/Pebblestone Crescent Page 6 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: V 77 ;IL_ j4a/g/t&- Nathan Emery Richard Holborn, P. Eng. C ordinator, Traffic Operations Director, Engineering & Public Works eb,/,,ZA / arrell Selsky, CET, MM III / • Manager, Capital Projects & nfrastructure NE:ds Recommended for the consideration of Pickeringty Council %/ . 23, 20/4 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Legislative Services Division Clerk's Office Directive Memorandum September 19, 2013 To: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works From: Debbie Shields City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on September 16, 2013 Notice of Motion Frequent Pedestrian Crossings and Safety Initiatives on Maple Ridge Drive Council Decision Resolution #106/13 Whereas: the residents of the Maple Ridge Neighbourhood have expressed safety concerns with traffic and safe opportunities for pedestrians to cross Maple Ridge Drive between Dixie Road and Finch Avenue. Whereas: there are a number of amenities for pedestrians to access including: two elementary schools; Maple Ridge Public School and St. Isaac Jogues Catholic School; Maple Ridge Park, and Maple Ridge Plaza, that necessitate crossing Maple Ridge Drive. Whereas: there is presently only one stop sign location at the intersection of Maple Ridge Drive and Bushmill Street that provides for a safe crossing location, and that this intersection is too far out of the way and impractical for most pedestrians crossing to the amenities. • Now therefore be it resolved; 1. That staff be directed to review the matter regarding frequent pedestrian crossings of Maple Ridge Drive and other traffic calming measures to determine opportunities of safe crossing points through the establishment of stop signs or other means. 34 Subject: Directive Memorandum Sept. 19/13 Notice of Motion — Maple Ridge Drive Page 2 2. Maple Ridge Drive at a) Harvest Street or Fieldstone Drive b) Maple Ridge Drive and Pebblestone Crescent 3. That staff report back to Council as soon as practical with a summary of their investigation, including a proposed by-law for the placement of new stop sign locations, if any. Please take any action deemed necessary. Debbie Shields /I r Copy: Chief Administrative Officer 35 c`"°! All-Way Stop Warrant (Local and Minor Collector Streets) Based on separate 8-Hour Intersection Count Intersection Type: 4-way Intersection Count Data Sept. 11, 2013 Road Legal Road Direction Speed Class Major Road: Maple Ridge Dr e/w 40 Collector Minor Road: Maple Gate/PebblE n/s 40 Collector/Local Hour Major Minor Total Exceeds Major Minor Exceeds Exceeds Ending Volume Volume .Volume 245 % % 75/25 split 65/35 split 8:00 133 58 191 No 69.6% 30.4% Yes 9:00 199 69 268 Yes 74.3% 25.7% Yes 12:00 109 38 147 No 74.1% 25.9% Yes 13:00 110 22 132 No 83.3% 16.7% Yes 15:00 99 27 126 No 78.6% 21.4% Yes 16:00 173 43 216 No 80.1% 19.9% Yes 17:00 156 24 180 No 86.7% 13.3% Yes 18:00 ' 188 33 221 No 85.1% 14.9% Yes Warrant Evaluation Warrant 1 Traffic Control Traffic control signals are warranted but cannot be implemented immediately No Warrant 2 Minimum Vehicle Volume Total vehilce volume on all approaches exceeding 70%of 350 (245)for highest hour Yes recorded;and 3-way intersection volume split not exceeding 75/25 for highest hour recorded. N/A OR 4-way intersection volume split ratio not exceeding 65/35 for highest hour recorded. No Warrant 3 Collision History Occurance of 3 or more reportable right-angle collisions of a type correctible through the No installation of-an all-way stop in a 12 month period averaged over 3 years. • 1 of 2 36 Cit,f 00 All-Way Stop Warrant -- -1- (Local and Minor Collector Streets) MI ti Warrant 4 Sightline Requirments The minimum stopping sight distance at this intersection is less than the applicable criteria for No wet pavement as specified in the Stopping Sight Distance table below Design Speed (km/h) Stopping Sight Distance Required (m) 40 50 50 60 Sightlines are greater than 60m 60 85 70 110 Note: For the multi-way stop to be technically justified,any individual warrant must be satisfied. All-Way Stop Warrants Met: No • • 2of2 • 37 "`� All-Way Stop Warrant (Local and Minor Collector Streets) Based on separate 8-Hour Intersection Count Intersection Type: 3-way Intersection Count Data Sept. 11, 2013 Road Legal Road Direction Speed Class Major Road: Maple Ridge Dr. e/w 40 Collector Minor Road: Harvest Dr. n/s 40 Local Hour Major Minor Total Exceeds Major Minor Exceeds Exceeds Ending Volume Volume Volume 245 % % 75/25 split 65/35 split 8:00 164 9 173 No 94.8% 5.2% Yes 9:00 226 11 237 No 95.4% 4.6% Yes . 12:00 130 8 138 No 94.2% 5.8% Yes 13:00 100 7 107 No 93.5% 6.5% Yes 15:00 111 2 113 No 98.2% 1.8% Yes 16:00 176 2 178 No 98.9% 1.1% Yes 17:00 153 7 160 No 95.6% 4.4% Yes 18:00 192 7 199 No 96.5% 3.5% Yes Warrant Evaluation Warrant 1 Traffic Control Traffic control signals are warranted but cannot be implemented immediately No Warrant 2 Minimum Vehicle Volume Total vehilce volume on all approaches exceeding 70%of 350 (245)for highest hour No recorded;and 3-way intersection volume split not exceeding 75/25 for highest hour recorded. No OR • • 4-way intersection volume split ratio not exceeding 65/35 for highest hour recorded. N/A Warrant 3 Collision History • Occurance of 3 or more reportable right-angle collisions of a type correctible through the No installation of an all-way stop in a 12 month period averaged over 3 years. 1 of 2 38 Calf°L A All-Way Stop Warrant (Local and Minor Collector Streets) Warrant 4 Sightline Requirments The minimum stopping sight distance at this intersection is less than the applicable criteria for No wet pavement as specified in the Stopping Sight Distance table below Design Speed (km/h) Stopping Sight Distance Required (m) 40 50 50 60 Sightiines are greater than 60m 60 85 70 110 Note: For the multi-way stop to be technically justified,any individual warrant must be satisfied. All-Way Stop Warrants Met: No 2 of 2 39 c;,y° k:.„ All-Way Stop Warrant (Local and Minor Collector Streets) Based on separate 8-Hour Intersection Count Intersection Type: 3-way Intersection Count Data Sept. 12,2013 Road Legal Road Direction Speed Class Major Road: Maple Ridge Dr. e/w 40 Collector Minor Road: Fieldstone Circle n/s 40 Local Hour Major Minor Total Exceeds Major Minor Exceeds Exceeds Ending Volume Volume Volume 245 % % 75/25 split 65/35 split 8:00 196 6 202 No 97.0% 3.0% Yes 9:00 217 18 235 No 92.3% 7.7% Yes 12:00 114 11 125 No 91.2% 8.8% Yes 13:00 135 7 142 No 95.1% 4.9% Yes 15:00 115 5 120 No 95.8% 4.2% Yes 16:00 189 18 207 No 91.3% 8.7% Yes 17:00 152 8 160 No 95.0% 5.0% Yes 18:00 210 4 214 No 98.1% 1.9% Yes Warrant Evaluation Warrant 1 Traffic Control Traffic control signals are warranted but cannot be implemented immediately No Warrant 2 Minimum Vehicle Volume Total vehilce volume on all approaches exceeding 70%of 350 (245)for highest hour No recorded;and 3-way intersection volume split not exceeding 75/25 for highest hour recorded. No OR 4-way intersection volume split ratio not exceeding 65/35 for highest hour recorded. N/A Warrant 3 Collision History Occurance of 3 or more reportable right-angle collisions of a type correctible through the No installation of an all-way stop in a 12 month period averaged over 3 years. 1 of 2 40 CFty e A All-Way Stop Warrant (Local and Minor Collector Streets) allrantilet Warrant 4 Sightline Requirments The minimum stopping sight distance at this intersection is less than the applicable criteria for No wet pavement as specified in the Stopping Sight Distance table below Design Speed (km/h) Stopping Sight Distance Required (m) 40 50 50 60 Sightlines are greater than 60m 60 85 70 110 Note: For the multi-way stop to be technically justified, any individual warrant must be satisfied. All-Way Stop Warrants Met: No 2 of 2 41 #4 1,_ m lifL.)r■ ',. 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X — • - ; t , , • ; 1. ; .„ v: i i I i. ' ,, • . ' - . v * U--I < '044'...' . . OZ5 CITi • ? • : AC ,- - ...-:. •.,. •i 0) 0- N . . . ... - .----. ' - . - ai.r•lf: . 1.'1 ' -....' ".. ..,---, ' '" - C a) .P2:1 G!x!C] JVf IllaiMailkilk- 4 - , - , , ' ....- T .• : ' . ,, ' ,----: , -.icr.''''''-‘- .,. 0) C W Cn C.-.) I-- '— Z .0 = O L, • The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. Being a by-law to amend By-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of traffic and parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Whereas , By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and Whereas, it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule 7 to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of stop signs on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 7 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Schedule 7 Stop Signs Column 1 Column 2 Highway Compulsory Stop Facing Traffic Add Maple Ridge Drive @ Maple Ridge Drive, eastbound and westbound Maple Gate Road/ Pebblestone Crescent 43 By-law No. Page 2 2. This By-law shall come into force on the day that it is approved by the Council of the City of Pickering and when signs to the effect have been installed. By-law read a first, second and third time and passed this 24th day of February, 2014. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk • • • 44