HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 03-14 City 00 Report to �4- Executive Committee Report Number: ENG 03-14 Date: February 3, 2014 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Multi-use Trail and Restoration along West Duffins Creek - Sole Sourcing of Construction and Restoration Works - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report ENG 03-14 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding the construction of a section of the Multi-use trail and restoration along the West Duffins Creek be received; 2. That Council approve the hiring of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) in accordance with the City's Purchasing Policy 09.09 3. That the quotation as submitted by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) for the construction of a section of the Multi-use trail in the total amount of $188,076.64 (HST included) be accepted; 4. That the quotation as submitted by the TRCA for restoration work along the West Duffins Creek in the total amount of$95,880.47 (HST included) be accepted; 5. That the total gross project cost of$227,865.00 (HST included) including the quoted amount and other associated costs and the total net project cost of$205,200.00 (net of HST rebate) for the construction of a section of the Multi-use trail be accepted; 6. That the total gross project cost of$105,469.00 (HST included) including the quoted amount and other associated costs and the total net project cost of$94,978.00 (net of HST rebate) for restoration works along the West Duffins Creek be accepted; 7. That Council authorizes the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to finance the two projects as follows: a. The sum of$205,200.00 to be funded by a contribution from the Region of York for the construction of a section of the Multi-use trail; The sum of$94,978.00 to be funded by a contribution from the Region of York for restoration works along the West Duffins Creek; and 8. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. 11 Report ENG 03-14 February 3, 2014 Subject: Multi-use Trail and Restoration along West Duffins Creek Sole Sourcing of Construction and Restoration Works Page 2 Executive Summary: As part of the Southeast Collector Trunk Sewer enhancement agreement with the Region of York, the construction of a Multi-use trail from Valley Farm Road to Liverpool Road and restoration works along the West Duffins Creek were approved projects. These are treated as two separate projects in the approved 2013 Parks Capital Budget. The City's Purchasing Policy under Section 06.11 requires projects over$100,000 to be advertised and tendered, however, the City's Purchasing Policy item 09.09 allows the project to be single sourced subject to Council approval. As the projects are predominantly on TRCA lands and in an environmentally sensitive area, staff believe that TRCA would be best suited to perform the construction. TRCA has provided a quote for the earthworks and installation of the Multi-use trail base from Valley Farm Road, west into Beverely Morgan Park. The balance of the trail construction and asphalt surfacing will be tendered under separate contracts at a later date. A quote was also provided for the restoration works required along the West Duffins Creek, including bank stabilization to protect the relocated trail from future washout, decommissioning of the former trail and associated plantings. The Manager Supply & Services is authorized to make single or sole source purchases without competitive bids, and enter into a contract if any of the conditions or examples in Purchasing Policy Item 09.03 or Item 09.04 apply. The sole source example Item 09.04(g) —work to be performed on or about a leased building or portions thereof that may be performed only by the lessor— most closely represents the request, as work is to be performed on portions of land predominantly owned by TRCA in an environmentally sensititve area. The two quotations total $283,957.11 (HST included). As these projects are proposed to be sole sourced, in accordance with the City of Pickering Purchasing Policy, Item 09.09, a single or sole source purchase exceeding $125,000 is subject to Council approval. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 09.10, the Manager, Supply & Services and appropriate Director or designate is authorized to enter into negotiation without competitive bids and enter into a contract if deemed advantageous. 12 Report ENG 03-14 February 3, 2014 Subject: Multi-use Trail and Restoration along West Duffins Creek Sole Sourcing of Construction and Restoration Works Page 3 Financial Implications: 1. Quoted Amounts Trail Construction Restoration Works Quotation $166,439.50 $84,849.97 HST (13%) 21.637.14 11,030.50 Total Gross Quoted Cost $188,076.64 $95,880.47 2. Project Costing Summary—Trail Construction Quotation for Trail Construction $166,439.00 Associated Costs Topographic Survey 5,276.00 Archaeological Assessment 3,500.00 Clearing & Grubbing 9,042.00 Engineering Review—Hydro One Networks Inc. 750.00 Contingency 16,643.00 Total 201,650.00 HST (13%) 26,215.00 • Total Gross Project Cost 227,865.00 HST Rebate(11.24%) (22,665.00) Total Net Project Cost $205,200.00 3. Project Costing Summary— Restoration Works Quotation for Restoration Works $84,850.00 Associated Costs Contingency 8,485.00 Total 93,335.00 HST (13%) 12,134.00 Total Gross Project Cost 105,469.00 HST Rebate(11.24%) (10,491.00) Total Net Project Cost $94,978.00 13 Report ENG 03-14 February 3, 2014 Subject: Multi-use Trail and Restoration along West Duffins Creek Sole Sourcing of Construction and Restoration Works Page 4 4. Approved Source of Funds —Trail Construction 2013 Capital Budget Account Source of Funds Available Budget Required 5780.1325 York Region (SEC) $425,000.00 $205,200.00 Total Funds $425,000.00 $205,200.00 • Net Project Cost under(over)Approved Funds $219,800.00 5. Approved Source of Funds — Restoration Works 2013 Capital Budget Account Source of Funds Available Budget Required 5780.1328 York Region (SEC) $85,000.00 $94,978.00 Total Funds $85,000.00 $94,978.00 Net Project Cost under(over)Approved Funds ($9,978.00) The balance of the trail construction funds will be required to complete construction of the asphalt surface. A 10% contingency has been included in the net project cost for the restoration works, which brings this project over the budgeted amount. Should the contingency funds be required, the SEC agreement with the Region of York permits the City to increase the project cost up to 20% more than the originally estimated amount. The additional funds can be drawn from other SEC projects that are completed under their budgeted amounts. Also, the budget amounts agreed to with the Region of York do not include HST, which is paid separately. TRCA have also advised that they will be completing additional restoration works on this site in association with these projects, to be funded by TRCA to up to $20,000 from their 2014 Durham Terrestrial Natural Heritage account. Discussion: As part of the Southeast Collector Trunk Sewer enhancement agreement with the Region of York, the construction of a Multi-use trail from Valley Farm Road to Liverpool Road and associated restoration work along the West Duffins Creek were approved projects. 14 Report ENG 03-14 February 3, 2014 Subject: Multi-use Trail and Restoration along West Duffins Creek Sole Sourcing of Construction and Restoration Works Page 5 The existing trail, which is heavily used by students that walk to Pine Ridge Secondary School, is made up of recycled asphalt and limestone screenings. The trail has become overgrown with vegetation in some areas and has had sections washed out by the West Duffins Creek a number of times. The existing alignment has several sections that are quite steep and it also invites trail users to cross one of the City's programmed soccer fields, creating conflicts between the field and trail users. In 2013, staff prepared concept drawings of the new trail realignment and obtained • approval from the TRCA and Hydro One. The City commissioned the TRCA to prepare a topographic suvey, perform an archaeological assessment and to clear and grub the trees along the new trail alignment within the TRCA lands and regulated area along the West Duffins Creek. TRCA coordinated approvals from MNR with regards to species at risk as the site had been identified as habitat for Eastern Meadowlark, Snapping Turtle and Butternut trees. The new trail, which will be approximately 1,060 meters in length, is to have a 3.0m wide asphalt surface. A switchback is proposed down from Valley Farm Road and the new alignment brings the trail diagonally up the slope in Beverley Morgan Park, to provide a gradient that is accessible and in keeping with the AODA standards. The alignment also moves the trail away from the West Duffins Creek, eliminating the potential for future washouts, and brings the trail along the south side of the soccer field. Staff propose to have TRCA undertake the earthworks, install the granular trail base from Valley Farm Road to the top of the slope in Beverley Morgan Park (approximately 690 meters in length) and restore the site areas disturbed with topsoil and grass seed. A wooden rail fence will also be installed along the trail through the switchback adjacent to Valley Farm Road as a safety measure. Site preparation and installation of the granular base for the balance of the trail (approximately 370 meters) through Beverley Morgan Park to Liverpool Road will be installed in association with the construction of the football/soccer field upgrades scheduled for the summer of 2014, subject to budget approval. It will be constructed initially as the access road into the site but will ultimately become the trail base. The paving of the trail will also be tendered as a separate project. The proposed restoration works include approximately 100 metres of bank stabilization along the West Duffins Creek, decommissioning of the former trail with topsoil enhancement, drainage diversion of a swale from Beverley Morgan Park with the creation of ephemeral pockets for snapping turtle nesting habitat, installation of bird nesting boxes, and plantings adjacent to the ephemeral pockets, decommissioned trail and areas along the West Duffins Creek for streambank stabilization. The trail construction and restoration work within the West Duffins Creek will be scheduled predominantly during the summer months to avoid conflict with the Pine Ridge Secondary School student trail users. Site restoration of the decommissioned trail will follow. 15 • Report ENG 03-14 February 3, 2014 • Subject: Multi-use Trail and Restoration along West Duffins Creek Sole Sourcing of Construction and Restoration Works Page 6 As the proposed works are predominantly on TRCA lands and in an environmentally sensitive area, staff recommend that TRCA be awarded the contract to construct the trail base and associated restoration works along the West Duffins Creek. Attachments: 1. Location Plan 2. Quotations from TRCA Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: '7,754640,43/.. Arnold Mostert, O.A.L.A. Richard Holborn, P. Eng. Senior Coordinator, Director, Engineering & Public Works Landscape & Parks Development ( a//4, 6 // arrell Se sky, CE , �M j Stan Karwowski, MBA CMA. Manager, Capital Projects' Infrastructure Division Head, Finance & Treasurer AM:am Recommended for the consideration of Pickerin. City Cou cil 1 jam Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Cm, oil =�-�. Engineering & Public Works VION01 IOC p De artment Attachment for Tender ENG 03-14 Multi-use Trail and Restoration along West Duffins Creek TES' OR • W �O O , Ay o . 0 s `L 9..s,--c,<,., C)..' -0GE DRIVE P 2 0 OAKS K 0 E D N0 (1. p �)� Amp • R 7Z SANE 0 rZ �P DRN o� o o 0O c,pF o u oN+ ROSY K dD pFSC Sc �j n�ST SEPppp E PDONNP T2 etil �1/ C sc�oL 9 OJRT s D N- e ks)- P\-5E riP �piNE DARy SUBJECT m E 'gcNOO yE E -A �N AREA o CORR\DDR �� 0 0 va ! /� ,,S, -'11111 HYDRO �� °cy GOURT 1`7 6E✓�L P RK II. .7-1.41-414 OJ \mmmm1 CORRIDOR 0 PATH 44, CORRIDOR 0 c j UMW E % ERNOG O �<� STE RE ki._... E �RT D G N • ' S TONE R O ./a p, guOO DO F\ HARUESTFIELD m O O p 0 1 HGG�G NE' u • t C\O O 2 0\' R U1 A Ve C SVNc� `NOO r0 a, 4, N N o 04.d. �d Q p/0 (<\ 5T \- .� a STRE V 0 c O F PLE . 'USN RKD 0 0 P N \14°' o% DNE O0 -'IN O R ° KN . 0 O NS � U O Y OU� ON TN O PN MR 4 ORE'S. P�E _ _ , Location Map Proposed Construction Includes: • Construction of Multi-use Trail from Valley Farm Road to Beverley Morgan Park • Restoration along West Duffins Creek and Multi-use Trail 17 • ir>0.41 ikuit Toronto and Region Conservation for The Living City. January 9,2014 Mr. Mostert • 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Dear-Mr. Mostert: The Toronto&Region Conservation Authority's(TRCA)Restoration Services Division is pleased to provide the following cost estimates for proposed work on TRCA owned lands, adjacent to the Duffins Creek Trail(west of Valley Farm Rd.)in Pickering.Attached are estimates for: a) restoration work on TRCA owned land, including all plantings, bank stabilization along approximately 100m of Duffins Creek,decommissioning of the former Duffins Creek Trail (where required), habitat structure installation and wet feature enhancement; b) trail construction along the alignment provided by the City of Pickering,from Valley Farm Rd.to its western extent(excluding asphalt surfacing), re-grading and culvert installation (as required), and post and paddle fencing as specified. Please note that TRCA will provide an additional$20,000 in project funding to support the restoration works only. Subject to approval from the City of Pickering,the proposed work will be presented for approval at the TRCA Authority Board meeting in spring 2014. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service to the City of Pickering and look forward to hearing back from you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Regards, Nick Saccone, P.Eng. Director, Restoration Services (416)661-6600, Ext.5301 (416)388-6334, Cell (416)667-6277, Fax E-Mail: nsaccone @trca.on.ca cc: Gord MacPherson, TRCA Ryan Rivet,TRCA Mark Lowe, TRCA Attach. Tel.416.661.6600, 1.888.872.2344 { Fax 416.661.6898 info trca.on.ca I 5 Shoreham Drive,Downsview,ON M3N 154 Marnii_.r of Conservation Ontario www.tr48n.ca - 0 1‘4\ - . Toronto and Region Conservation for The Living City- Valley Farm Rd_(Duffins Creek Trail)Restoration Cost.Estimate,2014 Fen. CdyofPickering(Arnold Mostert) Original Thursday,October 3rd,2013 ;Revised:;Tuesday,December 17th,2013 Item ' Description Total 1.0 PROJECT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 1_1 Supply al design services to develop and prepare a restoration package for review and approval by TRCA,City of Pickering and any other external agency as required_ 1.2 Supply cost eslinatiig and project management for construction phase of restoration project_ 1.0 SUB-TOTALiu SITE PREPARATION AND REMOVALS i 21 -_Mobiization and demobilization of job site,temporary fencing and signage,other items not required 1 to form part of the permanent works_ 2.2 Supply,install,maintain and remove upon completion all sediment control fencing as required_ 2.0 SUB TOTAL _12,06L1Oy , lig RESTORATION WORK{CONSTRUCTION) 3.1 Drainage diversion and ephemeral pocket enhancement(with snapping turtle nesting habitat enhancement). 3.2 Former trail decommissioning with top sot enhancement 3.3 Bank stabilization along approx.10Dm of heavily eroded Duffins Creek,including engineer consultation_ 3.4 Instalation of bird nesting boxes and other essential habitat structures_ 3.5 Archaeological assessment and topographic surveys as required_ 3.0 SUB-TOTALL$=-5 4.0 RESTORATION PLANTTNG1 4.1 Wetland buffer plantings adjacent to ephemeral pockets_ I 4.2 Plantings along decommissioned trail- 4.3 MBow stake bio engineering installation to stabilize streambank(puffins C-reek)_ 4.0 SUB-TOTAL'-,;` 830.16% 5.0 TOTALS.TAKES AND Al I OWANCF*h 5.1 Sub-total S E4,$49.97= Contingency L$('i19,1 �'ti�� 5.3 ESTIMATETOTA t Neal!'7➢ (excluding HST)1'' 5.4 Additional TRCA 0 i 000 04-- "contrition•" 5.5 Total restoration cast s,1..,4;84,..997 NOTES: _.. •10%prailedonhdingenty{on stet-tai)it be cited by the City of P±enng and used only with approval bun the City ''wilbonatproject twang derived tan7RCRs2014DurhamTerm Natural H geawcted 19 Toronto and Region C NW onservation for The Living City- Valley Farm Rd.{puffins C reek Trail)Trail Construction Cast Estimate;2014 For City of Pickering(Arnold Mostert) Original:Wednesday,November 13th,2013 Revisect:Tuesday,December 176x,2013 I ' i ttetn, Description Total 1.0 PROJECT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 1_i Supply cost eslmaiig,project management and site supervision for construction phase of tad pn ect iA SUB-TOTAL O 62500,: SITE PREPARATION AND REMOVALS 21 Mobiizatiori and demobilization of the job ale,temporary facilities,conveniences,pedestrian signage,and other kerns not required to forth part of thepermanent works_ 22 'Supply,install,maintain,and remove upon completion all Sediment Control Fencing,including any fencing as may be required to allow project accessleyress_ 23 ?,Supply,install,maintain,and remove upon completion all Sediment Control Fencing related to the trail,as required. 24 Rough grading works,including any required import or export of soils necessary to achieve the specified design sub grades_Includes survey works,and the provision of soil testing of imported soil,as required. 2.0 SUB-TOTALS 43,5TOA0:j 3:0 TRAIL CONSTRUCTION 3.1 Supply and install granular A"base from Valley Farm Rd to western lint of contract 3.2 Supply and install corrugated steel pipe culvert systems,as required.The C.S.P.culverts shat iic Jude side aprons,rodent grates,c ouplmgs,and all required hardware_All culverts are to be sized and specified according to expected flow rater 3.3 Supply and install one(1)450mnrn pre-stressed concrete pipe culvert system,as required_The culvert shall include side aprons,,rodent grates,couplings,and at required hardware_ a4 Supply and install Post and Paddle 2 rail wood fencing down Valley Farm slope as shown on drawing_ 3.5 Supply and install accepted seed mix to all disturbed areas along had and holding areas.Seeding works shall include fine gradig of existing topsoil,hand broadcasting or mechanical application of TRCA Restoration seed mix_Use seed application rate as per an approved supplier's sperilcafan_ 3.0 SUB-TOTAL]5,144„244.SO 40 TOTALS,TAXES and ALLOWANCES • 4.1 Sub-total t$A 66,439 50;, 4 Contingency*4$ - I 4 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION '166 33 F° COSTS(excluding HST) k • NOTES: 10%puled mrtmgenty(ors sub-total)to he raced by the City atP'stering and used ordywth approval flan be Qty • 20