HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 3, 2013 rz �Itr1 oq Committee of Adjustment : _ iii Meeting Minutes Wednesday, July 3, 2013 PICKERING 7:00 pm • Main Committee Room Present: Tom Copeland David Johnson — Chair Bill Utton Also Present: Melissa Markham, Principal Planner— Development Review Lesley Dunne, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Absent: Eric Newton Shirley Van Steen —Vice-Chair (I) Adoption of Agenda Moved by Bill Utton • Seconded by Tom Copeland That the agenda for the Wednesday, July 3, 2013 meeting be adopted. Carried Unanimously (II) Adoption of Minutes Moved by Tom Copeland Seconded by Bill Utton That the minutes of the 7th meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held Wednesday, June 12, 2013 be adopted. • Carried Unanimously • Page 1 of 6 Cat/ o� =; Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, July 3, 2013 pjcgEuh . 7:00 pm Main Committee Room (Ill) Reports 1. (Deferred from June 12, 2013) P/CA 36/13 Bancan Homes (S. Hossain) 606 Rosebank Road' • The application was deferred by the applicant at the June 12, 2013 Committee of Adjustment meeting in order to further discuss their proposal with City • Development staff. The applicant has submitted a revised plan to construct a two-storey detached dwelling,. To facilitate the proposed development the minor variance application has been revised to delete the required north side yard variance, increase the minimum rear yard depth from 3.0 metres to 4.0 metres and to reduce the maximum lot coverage from 44 percent to 40 percent. The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 2511, as amended: • to permit a minimum rear yard depth of 4.0 metres; whereas the by-law • requires a minimum rear yard depth of 7.5 metres • to permit a maximum projection of eaves and sills into a required yard of 1.0 metres; whereas the by-law permits a maximum projection of eaves and sills into a required yard of 0.45 metres; and • to permit a maximum lot coverage of 40 percent; whereas the by-law'permits a maximum lot coverage of 33 percent The applicant requests approval of these variances in order to obtain a building permit to construct a two.-storey detached dwelling. Principal Planner— Development Review outlined comments received from the City of Pickering City Development Department recommending refusal. Paul Weppler & Dana Saccoccio, agents, were present to represent the application. Diana-Lynn Robinson on behalf of Lisa-Lynn Robinson of • 476 Toynevale Road, and Marilyn Stitt of 475 Toynevale Road were present in objection to the application. • Page 2 of 6 City Committee of Adjustment • Meeting Minutes : ,_ Wednesday, July 3, 2013 PI KERI G 7:00 pm • Main Committee Room Paul Weppler & Dana Saccoccio explained that the application had been revised to increase the rear yard depth to 4.0 metres, to delete the request for a reduction in the north side yard width and decrease the requested lot coverage from 44 percent to 40 percent. The applicant explained there is a large outdoor amenity space provided at the north side of the subject property. He stated that there is adequate separation from abutting properties, the existing house to the south provides a 6.1 metre separation and the existing house to the west provides a 12.5 metre separation. He addressed the issue of shadowing in the staff report and provided a site plan to the Committee showing the extent of shadowing from the proposed 1.0 metre projection from the eaves and sills. Paul Weppler also stated that the reduced amenity area in the rear yard would not impact the streetscape of the surrounding neighbourhood. The applicant also indicated a 2-storey dwelling, that is 3.5 metres longer along the south property line, is more desirable for the neigbhourhood than designing a dwelling that meets the zoning requirements for lot coverage, size, and is 3-storeys in height. Diana-Lynn Robinson, spoke on behalf of Lisa-Lynn Robinson, expressed concerns with the increase in lot coverage, reduced rear yard depth and the proposed increase in eaves and sill projection. She stated that, if approved, the • variances would cause a decrease in her property value, and stated that the variances being applied for are major variances, not minor, and should go through a zoning amendment. Diana-Lynn Robinson indicated if the application was approved it will be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. Marilyn Stitt indicated she lives across the street from the subject property and feels the variances being applied for are major, not minor. Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Tom Copeland That application P/CA 36/13 by Bancan Homes (S. Hossain), be Refused on the grounds that the minimum rear yard depth of 4.0 metres; eaves and sills to project a maximum of 1 .0 metres into the required yards; and a maximum lot coverage of 40 percent for the proposed detached dwelling are major variances that are not desirable for the appropriate development of the lands, and not in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law. Carried Unanimously • Page 3 of 6 C� 00 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes _- � '` `', Wednesday, July 3, 2013 • PICKERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room 2. P/CA 37/13 J. & M. Bodrug 758 Hampton Drive The applicant requests relief from the following provisions of Zoning By-law 2511, as amended by By-law 1199/80: • to permit a minimum rear yard depth of 7.2 metres to a proposed sunroom addition; whereas the by-law requires a minimum rear yard depth of 7.5 metres • • to permit a maximum lot coverage of 43 percent; whereas the by-law requires a maximum lot coverage of 38 percent • to permit a proposed uncovered platform and steps to project a maximum of 1.2 metres into the required rear yard; whereas the by-law does not permit uncovered platforms and/or steps to project in the rear yard • The applicant requests approval of these variances in order to obtain a building permit to construct a one storey sunroom addition, and uncovered deck and associated steps in the rear yard. Principal Planner— Development Review outlined comments received from the City of Pickering City Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were also received from the City's Development Control Manager expressing no concerns. Pasha Afshar, agent, was present to represent the application. Danny Toughlajian of 763 Hampton Court was present in objection to the application. Pasha Afshar explained the proposed sunroom is replacing the existing deck in the rear yard. Danny Toughlajian expressed concerns with the solid wall on the west side of the proposed sunroom and proposed construction in the surrounding neighbourhood being done without building permits. • Page 4of6 Cali 4 zx Committee of Adjustment � Meeting Minutes inkrie4P Wednesday, July 3, 2013 PIC-KCMG 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Moved by Tom Copeland Seconded by Bill Utton That application P/CA 37/13 by J. & M. Bodrug, be Approved on the grounds that the minimum rear yard depth of 7.2 metres; a maximum lot coverage of 43 percent to a proposed sunroom addition and the proposed uncovered platform and steps to project a maximum of 1.2 metres into the rear yard are minor in nature that are desirable for the appropriate development of the lands, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: 1. That these variances apply only to the proposed one storey sunroom addition and proposed uncovered platform and steps, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans. 2. That the applicant obtain a building permit for the proposed construction by • July 3, 2015, or this decision shall become null and void. Carried Unanimously • 3. PICA 38/13 M. & V. Richard 1944 Valley Farm Road The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036, as amended, to permit a maximum height of 4.8 metres to a proposed accessory building (detached garage) containing a loft space for personal storage, whereas the by-law permits a maximum height of 3.5 metres for all accessory buildings not part of the dwelling. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit to construct the detached garage. Principal Planner— Development Review outlined comments received from the City of Pickering City Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were also received from the City's Development Control Manager expressing no concerns. Matthew Richard, owner, was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. In response to a question from a Committee Member, Matthew Richard confirmed • the proposed detached garage will only be used for personal uses, not commercial. Page 5 of 6 o Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes ss - Wednesday; July 3, 2013 1._I 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Tom Copeland That application P/CA 38/13 by M. &V. Richard, be Approved on the grounds that the maximum building height of 4.8 metres to a proposed accessory building (detached garage) is minor in nature that is desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: 1. That this variance apply only to the proposed accessory building (detached garage), as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans. 2. As part of the building permit submission, the applicant ensures that no habitable space is proposed within the proposed detached garage. 3. That the applicant obtain a building permit for the proposed construction by July 3, 2015, or this decision shall become null and void. Carried Unanimously • (IV) Adiournment Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Tom Copeland That the 8th meeting of the 2013 Committee of Adjustment be adjourned at 7:30 pm and the next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be held on Wednesday, July 24, 2013. Carried Unanimously 1% y 2 Date \■011A1.11111111.111.1.1. Chair -4411411k e.1/ • • Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Page 6 of 6 •