HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 06-13From: Richard W. Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Report to Executive Committee Report Number: ENG 06 -13 Date: July 2, 2013 Subject: Safe Pedestrian Crossings at Acorn Lane and Old Brock Road - File: A -1440 Recommendation: That Report ENG 06 -13 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding Safe Pedestrian Crossings at Acorn Lane and Old Brock Road, in response to resident concerns and Resolution #156/12 be received; 2. That an all -way stop at Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane not be supported based on previous traffic studies, results of the review of traffic operations, input from Durham Regional Police, community consultation and staff recommendation; 3. That pedestrians ahead warning signage be installed for both the northbound and southbound direction on Old Brock Road in the vicinity of the Claremont Community Centre and Acorn Lane; and 4. That traffic calming measures on the entire limit of Old Brock Road be investigated further with the participation with the Community as a whole and the Durham Regional Police, and for staff to report back to Council by December 2013. Executive Summary: In response to concerns presented by some residents in Claremont and through Council Resolution #156/12 regarding traffic volume, speed and safe opportunities to cross Old Brock Road between Regional Road #1 (Brock Road) and Regional Road #5 (Central Street), Engineering. & Public Works staff completed a review of Old Brock Road between Regional Road #1 (Brock Road) and Regional Road #5 (Central Street). The review included collection of pedestrian and vehicle volumes, completion of a municipal all -way stop warrant and community consultation regarding the intersection of Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane. In addition, review of vehicular gaps in traffic and review of vehicular speeds on Old Brock Road in the vicinity of the Claremont Community Centre was completed. Based the vehicle and pedestrian counts, vehicle gap study, and community consultation an all -way stop is not recommended by staff at the intersection of Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane at this time. The pedestrian volume count resulted in only ten pedestrians crossing Old Brock Road at Acorn Lane over an eight -hour time frame. The traffic count at Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane showed minimal traffic during the peak times on Acorn Lane (less than 20 vehicles entering at Old Brock Road during the Report ENG 06 -13 July 2, 2013 Safe Pedestrian Crossings at Acorn Lane and Old Brock Road Page 2 peak times). The vehicle gap study indicated that there was significant gaps in traffic to cross safely throughout the day. The municipal all -way stop warrant was also not met and community consultation resulted in only 18% of canvassed homes responding and only 60% of those responding in support of an all -way stop. Instead it is recommended that traffic calming measures be explored on Old Brock Road, which would assist in reducing speed, discourage cut - through traffic along Old Brock Road and meet the needs of the community. The investigation of traffic calming measures on Old Brock Road would require more involvement from the community as a whole and participation from the Durham Regional Police and City of Pickering staff, which was out of the scope of this study. The Durham Regional Police has stated that they will set up a portable speed board on Old Brock Road and provide enforcement as required. According to the traffic study, the 85th percentile speed of traffic, which is the speed of which 85 percent of the traffic is travelling at or below, was measured at 62 km /h for northbound traffic and 69 km /h for southbound traffic. The posted speed limit on Old Brock Road is 40 km /h. In addition to this, City staff will install pedestrians ahead warning signage on Old Brock Road in advance of the Claremont Community Centre and Acorn Lane in both the northbound and southbound directions. These signs will make motorists more aware of pedestrians potentially crossing Old Brock Road. Financial Implications: The installation of pedestrians ahead warning signage and posts can be accommodated within the 2013 Roads current budget. Discussion: There have been concerns raised from a few residents in the Hamlet of Claremont with regards to traffic volume, speed and safe opportunities to cross Old Brock Road between Regional Road #1 (Brock Road) and Regional Road #5 (Central Street), specifically in the vicinity of Acorn Lane. Residents are concerned about motorists using Old Brock Road as a cut - through to Brock Road from Central Street and the effect it is having on pedestrians crossing Old Brock Road, as there is the Claremont Public School, the Claremont Park, the Claremont Community Centre and the Claremont Legion on Old Brock Road south of Central Street. On December 14, 2012 Pickering City Council passed Resolution #156/12 (Attachment #1) for staff to review Old Brock Road between Regional Road #1 (Brock Road) and Regional Road #5 (Central Street), consult with the Durham Regional Police and undertake community consultation to determine opportunities for safe crossing points through the establishment of stop signs or other means, particularly at the intersection of Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane. Report ENG 06 -13 July 2, 2013 Safe Pedestrian Crossings at Acorn Lane and Old Brock Road Page 3 In response to Council Resolution #156/12 and the concerns presented by some of the residents in Claremont, Engineering & Public Works staff completed a review of Old Brock Road between Regional Road #1 (Brock Road) and Regional Road #5 (Central Street). The review included the following: • Collection of pedestrian volumes, vehicle volumes and vehicular speeds on in the vicinity of the Claremont Community Centre • Completion of a municipal all -way stop warrant at the intersection of Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane • Review of gaps in vehicular traffic on Old Brock Road • Observations of vehicle and pedestrian traffic in the vicinity of the Claremont Community Centre • Review of existing signs and pavement markings The results of the review and recommendations are presented in the following sections. Intersection Counts, Sightlines and Collision History indicate that an all -way stop is not required for the intersection of Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane Currently Old Brock Road has an all -way stop located at Old Brock Road and Central Street and a stop located on Old Brock Road at Regional Road #1. There are no other designated crossings on Old Brock Road between Regional Road #1 and Central Street, a distance of approximately 780 metres. To determine if an all -way stop is necessary on Old Brock Road at Acorn Lane staff completed a municipal all -way stop warrant, which is part of the City's Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy. The City's all -way stop warrant calculates whether an all -way stop is required by taking vehicle and pedestrian volumes, previous reported collision history and sightlines into consideration. An eight hour vehicle and pedestrian turning movement count was previously completed on Wednesday October 19, 2011 for the intersection of Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane. The specific time periods counted were lam to 9am, 11 am to 1 pm and 2pm to 6pm. Based on the turning movement count there were 10 pedestrians crossing Old Brock Road during the entire 8 -hour count at Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane. Ten pedestrians crossing over eight hours would not warrant a need for any additional traffic control measures. Regardless of the pedestrian volumes, traffic volumes on Acorn Lane are considered low with only 20 vehicles entering Old Brock Road from Acorn Lane during the morning peak hour (7:15 AM to 8:15 AM), 9 vehicles during the mid -day peak hour (11:45 AM to 12:45 PM) and 19 vehicles entering Old Brock Road from Acorn Lane during the afternoon peak period (4:45 PM to 5:45 PM). The reported collision history for Old Brock Road indicates that there were two reported collisions on Old Brock Road during the previous five year period. Both of these collisions were single motor vehicle accidents (only involving one vehicle) and would not be correctable through the installation of an all -way stop. Report ENG 06 -13 July 2, 2013 Safe Pedestrian Crossings at Acorn Lane and Old Brock Road Page 4 There are sufficient sightlines for a pedestrian to see oncoming vehicles on Old Brock Road both northbound and southbound (greater than 100 metres) when standing on the sidewalk on either side of Acorn Lane. Overall, the all -way stop warrant requirements were not fulfilled for the intersection. The municipal warrant for an all -way stop is shown in Attachment #2. Gap Study Analysis indicates that there are sufficient gaps on Old Brock Road to cross safely An eight hour gap study on Old Brock Road at Acorn Lane was completed on February 21, 2013. The time period of the study was 7am to 9am, 11am'to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm. The Canadian Capacity Guide for Signalized Intersections indicates a standard walking speed range from 1.0 to 1.2 metres per second for pedestrians crossing roadways and intersections. Old Brock Road has a pavement width of approximately 10 metres at Acorn Lane. Based on the walking speed and the pavement width, an acceptable gap on Old Brock Road could range from 8 seconds to 10 seconds to allow time for pedestrians to cross safely from one side to the other. It should be noted that pedestrians were observed crossing Old Brock Road in approximately 8 seconds. However, for the purpose of this analysis gaps only gaps 10 seconds or greater will be included. The following summarizes the gap study for the larger acceptable gap of 10 seconds (walking speed of 1.0 metres per second) Gaps refer to a gap in both the northbound and southbound traffic on Old Brock Road at the same time. It should be noted that not shown in the summary there were measured gaps in the morning period up to 139 seconds, in the mid -day period up to 203 seconds and in the afternoon period up to 160 seconds. The results of the gap study indicate that there is a sufficient number of significant gaps in traffic well beyond what is required to cross safely at this location. Number of Acceptable . Overall Average Average number of Gaps (greater than 10 Length of Gap acceptable gaps per seconds ) 5 minute interval Morning Period 7 AM to 9 AM 187 28 seconds 7.8 2 hours Mid -day Period 11 AM tot PM 127 50 seconds 5.3 2 hours Afternoon Period 2 PM to 6 PM 345 31 seconds 7.2 4 hours It should be noted that not shown in the summary there were measured gaps in the morning period up to 139 seconds, in the mid -day period up to 203 seconds and in the afternoon period up to 160 seconds. The results of the gap study indicate that there is a sufficient number of significant gaps in traffic well beyond what is required to cross safely at this location. Report ENG 06 -13 July 2, 2013 Safe Pedestrian Crossings at Acorn Lane and Old Brock Road Page 5 Community Consultation indicates a mixed result among area residents for an all - way stop at the intersection of Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane Community consultation commenced on March 28, 2013 and was completed on April 18, 2013. A letter from City staff was sent to every home in Claremont south of Central Street for a total of 168 homes. The letter provided area residents with an opportunity to review an all -way stop at the intersection of Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane and invited them to submit comments and /or suggestions, as well as to indicate their support or opposition. The consultation generated 30 replies representing approximately 18% of the homes canvassed. The results of the community consultation can be summarized as follows: Total Letters Sent Out Total Res onses In Support Opposed 168 30 18 60% 12 40% It can be concluded that the proposal of an all -way stop at Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane received mixed results from area residents. The majority of residents are enthusiastically in favour of an all -way stop at Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane; however, there are a number of residents extremely opposed to it as well. With the intersection not meeting municipal warrants, there being a significant number of acceptable gaps and a significant number of responding residents not in favour, staff does not recommend an all -way stop at the intersection of Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane at this time. Speed and Vehicular Volume Data indicate that vehicles are travelling over the posted speed limit on Old Brock Road Speed and vehicular volume data was previously collected between October 18, 2011 and October 20, 2011 for Old Brock Road. Based on the traffic study, the 24 hour daily traffic volume on Old Brock Road is 1,051 for northbound traffic, 972 for southbound traffic, and 2023 for total traffic. The 85th percentile speed of traffic, which is the speed at which 85 percent of the traffic is travelling at or below, was measured at 62 km /h for northbound traffic and 69 km /h for southbound traffic. The posted speed limit on Old Brock Road is 40 km /h. Although the use of technically unwarranted all -way controls may address localized speeding, they present additional challenges and operational difficulties such as: • increased rear end conflicts /collisions due to driver uncertainty or inattention • stop control non - compliance due to a lack of opposing traffic to justify a stop • potential increased pedestrian /vehicular hazards due to failure to stop • increased noise and air pollutants caused by the unnecessary stopping • potentially increased speeds just beyond the stop as drivers make up for lost time Report ENG 06 -13 July 2, 2013 Safe Pedestrian Crossings at Acorn Lane and Old Brock Road Page 6 The Durham Regional Police have stated that they will set up a portable speed board on Old Brock Road and provide enforcement as required. The community volunteer group ROAD WATCH could also occasionally provide a portable speed board on Old Brock Road. Staff recommends that traffic calming measures be explored on the entire limit of Old Brock Road, from Regional Road #1 to Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road, which would assist in reducing speed, discourage cut - through traffic and meet the needs of the community. The investigation of traffic calming measures on the entire limit of Old Brock Road would require more involvement from the community as a whole and participation from the Durham Regional Police and City of Pickering staff, which was out of the scope of this study. Signage on Old Brock Road is adequate according to standards but can have an immediate improvement with the addition of pedestrians ahead warning signage The staff review concluded that the appropriate signs (in conformity with the requirements of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act) are in place. There are sufficient 40 km /h speed signs on the roadway and advisory warning signage related to the curve at the south end of Old Brock Road for southbound motorists. In 2011 ROAD WATCH pavement marking decals and signage were added to Old Brock Road at the north end by Uxbridge- Pickering Townline Road and the south end by Regional Road #1 when entering the Hamlet of Claremont. Signage in the area, however, can be improved on Old Brock Road with the addition of, pedestrians ahead warning signs in advance of the Claremont Community Centre and Acorn Lane in both the northbound and southbound directions. These signs will make motorists more aware of pedestrians potentially crossing Old Brock Road. The existing and proposed signage can be seen graphically in Attachment #3. Attachments: 1. Notice of Motion dated December 10, 2012 2. Municipal Warrant for All -way Stop 3. Existing and Proposed Signage, Old Brock Road Report ENG 06 -13 July 2, 2013 Safe Pedestrian Crossings at Acorn Lane and Old Brock Road Page 7 Prepared By: - M'-4�z Nathan Emery Coordinator, Traffic Operations '�-alato� Darrel elsky C T, CMM III, Manager, Capital Projects & Infrastructure NE Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Popncil 1 Tony Prevedel, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Approved /Endorsed By: Richard olborn, P. Eng. Direct , Engineering & Public Works 17 201,3 Legal and Legislative Services Clerk's Office Directive Memorandum December 14, 2012 To: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services From: Debbie Shields City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Special Meeting of City Council held on December 10, 2012 Notice of Motion Safe Pedestrian Crossings at Acorn Lane and Old Brock Road Council Decision Resolution #156/12 Whereas some residents of Claremont have expressed safety concerns with traffic and safe opportunities for pedestrians to cross Old Brock Road between Regional Road #1 (Brock Road) and Central Street, specifically in the vicinity of the Claremont Community Centre and Acorn Lane; and Whereas there are a number of amenities for pedestrians to access including, the Claremont Public School, the Claremont Park, the Claremont Community Centre and the Claremont Legion; and Whereas there is presently no stop sign located between Brock Road and Central Street, a distance of approximately 780 metres to allow for safe pedestrian crossings of Old Brock Road; and Now therefore be it resolved: That staff be directed to review the matter regarding safe pedestrian crossings on Old Brock Road between Regional Road #1 (Brock Road) and Central Street and undertake community consultation to determine opportunities for safe crossing points through the establishment of stop signs or other means particularly at the intersection of Old Brock Road and Acorn Lane. 2. That staff work with the Durham Regional Police and report back to Council in early 2013 with a summary of their investigation, findings and recommendations including, if appropriate, a proposed by -law for the placement of an all way stop located at Acorn Lane and Old Brock Road. ATTACHMENT# TOREPORT #643 of Directive Memorandum Dec. 14, 2012 NOM — Safe Pedestrian Crossings . Page 2 Please take any action deemed necessary. Debbie Shields /Ir Copy: Chief Administrative Officer AT TACHMENT #? T O REPORT# LNG 0(x'1) of All -Way Stop Warrant ;. (Local and Minor Collector Streets) Warrant 3 Collision History Occurance of 3 or more reportable right -angle collisions of a type correctible through the No installation of an all -way stop in a 12 month period averaged over 3 years. 1 of 2 Based on separate 8 -Hour Intersection Count Intersection Type: 3 -way INTERSECTION COUNT DATA Road Legal Road Direction Speed Class Major Road: Old Brock Road n/s 40 Local Minor Road: Acorn Lane e/w 40 Local Hour Major Minor Total Exceeds Major Minor Exceeds Exceeds Ending Volume Volume Volume 245 % % 75/25 split 65/35 split 8:00 158 15 173 No 91.3% 8.7% Yes 9:00 140 16 156 No 89.7% 10.3% Yes 12:00 81 12 93 No 87.1% 12.9% Yes 13:00 88 6 94 No 93.6% 6.4% Yes 15:00 90 6 96 No 93.8% 6.3% Yes 16:00 148 26 174 No 85.1% 14.9% Yes 17:00 151 16 167 No 90.4% 9.6% Yes 18:00 172 17 189 No 91.0% 9.0% Yes Warrant Evaluation Warrant 1 Traffic Control Traffic control signals are warranted but cannot be implemented immediately No Warrant 2 Minimum Vehicle Volume Total vehilce volume on all approaches exceeding 70% of 350 (245) for highest hour No recorded; and 3 -way intersection volume split.not exceeding 75/25 for highest hour recorded. No OR 4 -way intersection volume split ratio not exceeding 65/35 for highest hour recorded. N/A Warrant 3 Collision History Occurance of 3 or more reportable right -angle collisions of a type correctible through the No installation of an all -way stop in a 12 month period averaged over 3 years. 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT# , TO REPORT #� 64-1�j of Z All -Way Stop Warrant � (Local and Minor Collector Streets) Warrant 4 Sightline Requirments The minimum stopping sight distance at this intersection is less than the applicable criteria for No wet pavement as specified in the Stopping Sight Distance table below Design Speed (km /h) Stopping Sight Distance Required (m) 40 50 50 60 Sightlines are greater than 100m 60 85 70 110 Note: For the multi -way stop to be technically justified, any individual warrant must be satisfied. All -Way Stop Warrants Met: No 2of2 ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# �of�_ 8" Y tr e t 9 :w J�IIGIIJ nIIIiGU � 4 _ ^� 77A Ji ng Sign a `� - �_ Ly Claremontr~ 4 ., Commun #y Centre c jj /j[ +i F w: tL.. .+x,.,...� ` L Proposed t MA%IMU 30 ` V .mW "k" M"IMu _ 40 '. , E ' C Engineering and City 00 Public Works Department Existing and Proposed Signage _ SCALE DRAWNGAre: N.T.S. May 2013 Old Brock Road