HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 17, 2013- _aa��rel.3�io- Minutes Waterfront Coordinating Committee January 17, 2013 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Dickerson Councillor O'Connell Jim Dike, Chair Kathleen Corcoran Keith Falconer Maureen Robbins Patricia Short-Galle Jean Veronneau Sean Wiley Arnold Mostert, Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Nancy Gaffney, TRCA L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Jim Berry, Vice -Chair Also Present: C. Beattie A. McKinnon B. Skitch M. Hedge L. DeBono Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome & Introductions J. Dike welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Staff Facilitator L. Roberts provided an overview of a new pilot program being implemented for advisory boards and committees. She provided an outline of the program, explaining that a staff facilitator would preside over the meetings rather than the current Chair or Vice -Chair beginning in February. The staff facilitator will be an impartial component to the Committee to maintain flow of agenda items and assist with questions and provide advice if needed. This would enable all committee members to concentrate on the Committee's mandate. The program will proceed on a trial basis, with Committee member feedback welcomed. Page 1 CORP0228 -2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as. appropriate) Page 2 CORP0228 -2/02 A discussion period ensued. M. Hedge noted this would provide for consistency and ease of work. J. Dike noted he had worked with facilitators in the past and felt it did not work well. Members felt the current system worked well and questioned what other Committees were involved in the program and what initiated this program. Staff provided clarification accordingly and noted the City Clerk would be attending the February meeting and could provide answers to any further questions regarding the program. 2.0 Agenda /Minutes Moved by K. Falconer Seconded by W. Wiley That the agenda for the January 17th meeting of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee be approved. Carried Discussion ensued with respect to the November 15th minutes. Councillor O'Connell questioned the policy on recording resident's comments at meetings. Moved by P. Short-Galle Seconded by Councillor O'Connell That the minutes of the November 15, 2012 meeting of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee remain in draft until further investigation into resident's comments being recorded. Carried 3.0 New Business 3.1) 2013 Meeting Schedule It was the consensus of the committee to hold the next meeting on February 21St and to keep with the same meeting schedule L. Roberts to book as previous years, being the third Thursday of each month and meeting room to book every other month as tentative. Page 2 CORP0228 -2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include dead line as appropriate) 3.2) Harbour Entrance Reconstruction Update A. Mostert provided an update with respect to the construction on the harbor entrance. He noted the site had been prepared with construction fencing in place. He noted that signage would be going up to inform park users and residents in the area of truck traffic. He also noted alternative arrangements were being made with the Canoe Club with respect to parking and the location of their storage trailers for public safety reasons. He also noted a newsletter would be going out by the end of next week. It will be emailed to all those who have provided their email addresses and will be posted on the City and TRCA websites. N. Gaffney, TRCA, informed the Committee they would be using a barge to haul materials to the East Spit rather than a bridge. The benefit with this is that the barge can be used all year. C. Beattie questioned what steps would be taken to keep residents informed. A. Mostert noted all information would be posted on the City's website and emailed to residents in the form of a newsletter. Contact information would also be available on site. Discussion ensued with respect to issues with truck traffic being unaware of the haul routes. A. McKinnon questioned signage for truck traffic. Staff responded that 4 X 8 signs are being erected on the haul route. N. Gaffney noted all drivers should be well informed of the route and fines will be given for non compliance. She noted they have all signed contracts for compliance and that TRCA will maintain the integrity of the area. Councillor O'Connell questioned who the contact at the Region of Durham was with regards to obtaining approval for the sign installations. She also questioned the location of the signs as well as traffic schedules. Discussion ensued with residents noting their concern with the number of trucks per day, and having a contact persons on site. N. Gaffney noted the site personnel were there to oversee the construction. The contact person for TRCA is Connie Pinto and for the City of Pickering is Arnold Mostert. Page 3 CORP0228 -2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Discussion ensued with respect to the number and speed of trucks as well as their routes. Staff responded to questions raised regarding the barge, times it would run, who will unload, the size of the barge. A. McKinnon questioned the cost of the barge versus a bridge. M. Hedge requested clarification with respect to the construction timelines. K. Falconer questioned how many times trucks had used the wrong routes and what if any disciplinary action was taken. N. Gaffney noted only the trucks which were awarded the contracts would be allowed to enter the site. They will be monitoring to ensure compliance. K. Falconer felt it was important to have a line of communication with the truck drivers so they do not deviate from their routes. L. DeBono suggested signage be placed on Oklahoma. A. Mostert advised that a By -law enforcement officer has been invited to attend the next construction meeting to discuss potential parking issues related to reduced available parking within the park during construction. Parking on West Shore Boulevard and Sunrise Avenue will need to be encouraged during peak hours in the summer. L. DeBono questioned whether the tenders were complete and if construction was on schedule. N. Gaffney noted the newsletter would indicate milestones and will be updated each month with pictures, what is happening, any upcoming issues and how they are being addressed in an effort to keep communication open. 3.3) Eurasian Water - Milfoil Weed Update J. Dike passed the Chair to M. Robbins in order to provide an update with respect to the Milfoil Weeds, as he is Chair of the Steering Committee. J. Dike noted a steering committee has been formed with representatives from the boating community as well as two community associations with plans to include additional community groups. He indicated they had prepared a management plan and noted he would provide this electronically to anyone who wished to provide their email addresses. He noted this was still a work in progress with their goal of a start date in Spring. Page 4 CORP0228 -2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) He stated they planned on a budget of $83,000 (for the first year), being 60% funded by the community and were planning on asking the City of Pickering to fund $30,000. Discussion ensued and it was suggested a presentation be made to the Budget Committee meeting to be held on February 14th He stated a letter had been forwarded to the Mayor with copies to all members of the Committee which provided information on the milfoil weed. He provided an overview of the weed, stating it takes oxygen out of the water, damages fish and is a public safety concern to boaters as well as swimmers. He noted a lot of time and effort has gone into researching the best ways to alleviate the milfoil weed problem. He stated the first choice was the weevil, noting this would be a long term process, results would not be noticed right away. Discussion continued with respect to fundraising initiatives and questions were raised as follows: • What effect is there with respect to other vegetation? • What are TRCA and the Ministry's positions regarding the use of weevils? • What levels of government are responsible? • Is there any consideration to use pesticides? • Is one season enough time to try this? N. Gaffney noted it could take up to two years to become self sustaining It was suggested that a fact sheet be placed on the City's website and to try weevils in the first year, then look into government approved herbicides later. J. Dike noted Lake Scugog has experienced success with the use of weevils A. Mostert noted staff have been requested to prepare a report to go to Council in March. Councillor Dickerson noted he would bring this up during budget discussions. Councillor O'Connell stated there needs to be a public process. J. Dike noted they would discuss plans for a public meeting at the next steering committee meeting. Moved by P. Short-Galle Page 5 CORP0228 -2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Page 6 CORP0228 -2/02 Seconded by S. Wiley The Committee recommend a representative from the Steering Committee attend the City of Pickering budget meeting to gain support in the efforts to eliminate the milfoil weed. Carried Unanimously K. Faloncer noted that PESCA also supports this proposal. Councillor O'Connell stated support for the program, but noted the need to follow process by providing proper public notification. 3.4) Peak Trail — enhancement update A. Mostert provided an update with respect to the Peak Trail, noting he had been in contact with the consultants at York Region. They are finalizing the RFPs for the Linton House washrooms. He also noted the Town of Ajax still has not responded back regarding their support for the closure of Frisco Road and its conversion to a trail. Councillor O'Connell noted she had spoken with the Mayor of Ajax regarding this and provided A. Mostert with a contact. 3.5) Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan Update A. Mostert noted he has been in contact with TRCA and the consultant to revise the plan to reflect the changes directed by Council. This includes the removal of the play area and provision for additional parking if required in the future. 4.0 Other Business 4.1) Councillor O'Connell noted she would be speaking next week at the Waterfront Regeneration Trust Partners meeting with respect to future plans and what is new with fundraising opportunities. She stated she would report back to the Committee. 4.2) Councillor Dickerson questioned the location and ownership of the piers. He also questioned the progress on the addition of a lighthouse. He noted that the Power Workers Union had offered free labour if materials were provided. He Page 6 CORP0228 -2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Meeting Adjourned: 8:35 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 7 CORP0228 -2/02 also noted an 8 sided lighthouse would be a good opportunity for advertising and could generate income to offset the costs of milfoil weeds. M. Hedge noted she was in support of looking at options for advertising on the lighthouse, and suggested considering one per year. C. Beattie stated she was in agreement with lighthouse advertising if it was done tastefully. A. McKinnon noted his concerns with the advertising getting out of hand and also noted concerns with aesthetics. L. Debono expressed his concerns with keeping the heritage of the lighthouse stating it could be a symbol of Pickering as a harbor community. P. Short-Galle questioned whether the lighthouse could be added into the plans at a later date, noting fundraising for weevils should come first. In response to comments regarding who would be enjoying the heritage lighthouse, J. Dike noted both piers would be accessible, stating a number of residents would be taking advantage of the Bay. 5.0 Adjournment/Next Meeting Next Meeting: February 21, 2013 Meeting Adjourned: 8:35 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 7 CORP0228 -2/02